#cow print stim
ghibli-stims · 4 months
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🐄 -> Strawberry Milk Stimboard !
📦 -> with cow print & pink stims !
📬 -> rqd by @potato-head-kids !
📕 -> 🍓 - 🥛 - 🍓 / 🥛 - 🍓 - 🥛 / 🍓 - 🥛 - 🍓
🔓 -> Requests Are Closed ! Request Rules !
DNI -> NSFW/Kink/Etc. A Minor Runs This Blog !
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heartnosekid · 3 months
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joyceskeebs on ig
the audio in that video is sooooooo good, have a listen if you want.
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conf3tt1corn3r · 1 year
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Mooo~ :3
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citricsemotes132 · 1 year
happy , mad , upset stims w cow tail + lil horns + ears ? either black or brown spots :3 also if you could maybe a highland cow stimmy ? i love how u colour yr emojis theyre so pretty
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sensorystimz · 1 year
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Cow stimboard
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cryptid-stimming · 3 months
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Oh (Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh) Stimboard (with purple & alien stims) for Anon
x x x / x x / x x x
[Image description: a 9 gif stimboard; from left to right.
First line: A gif of someone's hand holding a toy ufo with flashing lights and miming it 'flying' over a trio of toy cows miniature, they lower it down and a magnet picks one of the cows up and they move the ufo off screen. A close-up gif of someone squishing a large purple alien squishy with both hands. And a gif of fabric with printed repeating alien heads being tugged upwards.
Second line: A gif panning over a circle of holographic alien head stickers. A still image of the character Oh from the Netflix series 'Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh. And a gif of someone rotating a standing alien lamp with both hands, the alien has their hand up in a 'peace' sign.
Third line: A gif of an inflatable toy with alien designs on it being lifted upwards. A gif of an alien lava lamp oozing and bubbling. And a gif of a children's ufo ride lifting up and spinning, lights flashing on an off.
End of image description.]
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sacred-algae · 26 days
what's your favourite thing about writing dirk?? any extra hcs or personal things you like to add when writing him?? (coming from someone who adores how you write him being autistic)
I am so sorry I haven't gotten to this until now! I was busy when you sent this in... I still am busy (I'm procrastinating, send help) but we're doing it now! And AHHH TY! I'm glad it hits for you! I said in another ask, my favorite thing about writing him is hands down the voice. I love how absolutely absurd the things he says are, and he says them with complete mundanity. For Dirk, the absurd is mundane and I think there is something so fun in that. It's also very autistic. I think autistic people see the world with a greater sense of absurdism than allistics, whether that be positive or negative (because honestly it does depend! autism is beautiful but it still is a disability and Dirk is an excellent example of this.)
I think my favorite absurdist Dirk quote I've ever written is from chapter five of the Muse fic, Hate This And I'll Love You (I added the bits before it for context. Really it's the bovine burglar bit that's my favorite):
        The apartment was dark, save the TV that shuffled through Netflix’s screen saver slideshow. Odd, Todd never leaves the telly on.          So what’s a detective to do? He investigated.          He called out once more, “Todd?”          He tip-toed his way into the living room, he wasn’t quite sure if it was Todd or a mysteriously bovine burglar watching their television so he aired on the side of caution. One never knows when there might be a cow stealing back your, or rather it’s milk.
HTAILY was really an autistic indulgence in every possible way, and not only with writing a favorite character as autistic and highlighting it. When you take into consideration I wrote this before I read Dorian Gray, this was the original Jack Harkness/Dorian Gray fic for me. Crossing over my niche special interest (Muse) with a hyperfixation (DGHDA), which is why I consider it my favorite/best finished fic I've ever written. And I'm so glad it's gotten the love I think it deserves!
The famous "Angst Song" scene was actually a personal detail to answer that part of your question! Muse's "The Small Print" is a song I have a lot of childhood memories attached to! Back before Muse's Origin of Symmetry was my favorite album, Muse's Absolution was my favorite and "The Small Print" was hands down my favorite track on it. I have vivid memories of dancing like a madman to it in my kitchen while unloading the dishwasher, which was my main chore as a child. I played what I called "the silverware game" where I had to only unload one type of silverware, starting with the butterknives and ending with the small spoons, and not mix up the sizes of the forks or spoons when picking them up, otherwise I lost... and I think that really speaks for itself with how autistic it is.
So yeah, when crafting a Muse-inspired fic, having Dirk dancing and stimming to "The Small Print" at some point was an absolute no-brainer. It was always going to be there one way or another. And it honestly makes me a little emotional to know that when people think of my writing autistic Dirk, that scene is the one they remember. (iirc you mentioned loving that scene before, and I know other people have said that too)
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thatoneweebsworld · 3 years
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I saw cows yesterday… and OH MY GOD BELPHIE MY CHILD
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belphieslilcow · 3 years
🐄 belphie headcanons cause,,,, sleepy malewife 🐄
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he has freckles!! they're not as noticeable as beel's and mostly on his body
sometimes when he's bored, he'll grab a pen and draw lil constellations on himself, he's become an expert of getting pen ink out of fabric because of falling asleep when it hasn't fully dried yet
he never misses one of beel's fangol games, he'd have to be on deaths door or locked up somewhere before he'd not go
with that, he often thinks about joining rad's cheer team before remembering how much excersize it'd be
if he goes shopping and finds something with a cow print? he almost can't stop himself from buying it, please restrain him, he has enough cow print sweaters
his bed is always so cluttered, it's it's plushies, blankets of all types, and only god and lucifer for getting the receipts knows how many pillows, it's a miracle he doesn't suffocate
he's autistic!! he has a special interest in the stars (of course)
most of his stims are pretty subtle, with texture and visual stims being his go-to ones, he also likes rocking (though it's so relaxing it puts him to sleep really quick, but what doesn't tbh)
I've mentioned this in another post, but he often sits in a corner with levi when they're all in a group somewhere since they both find crowds overwhelming
he does the cow huff when he's annoyed, lucifer is very familiar with it at this point
his hair, including his tail fluff, ends up getting tangled and greasy easily, but when its washed is like the softest thing ever
everyone has tripped over his tail at least once by how much he let's it drag around
in his demon form he has a cluster of his cow spots on his butt and the largest one looks like a heart <3
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otherkinstim · 7 years
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cow print baby bottle squishy 🐄🍼
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ghibli-stims · 4 months
Hi! Our request this time around is like,,cow print and pink stims-
Idk how to explain it beyond “strawberry milk vibes” lol
Here ya go ! I hope you like it :)
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Last time you had a s'more? >> It’s been some years. Do you like peppermint candy? >> Sometimes. Do you like spearmint or peppermint gum better? >> Both are good. Do you prefer fruity flavors over minty ones? >> I prefer minty flavours in general, but I usually chew bubble gum because of the bubble factor. What is the nearest thing to you that contains paper? >> A book from the library.
What color is your favorite pen? >> The ink is black but the pen itself is pastel blue.
What is your favorite cookie? >> --- What is your favorite lip gloss/lip balm/chap stick? >> Badger unscented. Do you have a little Pink brand dog from Victoria’s Secret? >> No. Do you have any blank cds right now? >> No. What is your favorite color to paint your nails? >> Black. What is the last thing you broke? >> --- What is the last thing you blew? >> I have no idea. Do you tend to wear the color blue the most? >> No, black. Did you kiss anyone on New Years? >> She probably kissed me. I don’t remember. Were you dating anyone on New Years? >> --- Do you have any cotton balls? >> No. When’s the last time you got flowers? >> We bought sunflowers at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago. Do you have any irrational fears? >> No. What’s the last gift you received? >> I haven’t gotten any gifts lately, but we’ve been getting a lot of registry gifts from various family members of hers. Most of the stuff in our kitchen is new now. What’s the last movie you rented or watched? >> The Talented Mr Ripley. What’s the last cold thing you ate? >> I haven’t eaten anything cold today. What did your parents do today? >> --- Do you like when guys spike their hair, or do you like it long? >> In general, I like long hair. Are you more of an arm or stomach person? >> --- Who did you spend your last velentine’s day with? >> I mean, I didn’t do anything on Valentine’s Day. Do you watch Desperate House Wives? >> No. Have you seen Sex and the City? >> No. What is the symbol for your type of computer? >> I’m not sure what you’re asking me. Do the clothes you’re wearing have any type of symbol on them now? >> My pants have little aliens printed all over them, and my hoodie has little Dancin’ Dominick heads on the sleeves (he was an old patron and “mascot” of sorts for the bar that this hoodie is advertising) and an Omen-style “666″ on the hood. Does the picture closest to you have a frame around it? >> Yeah. Do you like peas? >> Yeah. Has anyone ever kissed your nose? >> Probably. Do you like toes? >> I have no feelings towards them. Are you hungry at all? >> No, I just ate. Have you ever done anything involving rope, duct tape, and small children? >> That’s one hell of a question. Do you like folk music? >> Not as a rule. Do you ever wear hats? What’s the last kind of hat you wore? >> I do if I can ever find one I actually like on me. It’s hard. I don’t remember the last one I wore. Are you on a laptop? >> Yeah. If so, is there anything plugged into it? >> No. Anyone ever got you something while you were with them without you knowing? >> Yeah. Last December Sparrow and I went shopping for stocking stuffers and we had to split up in the shopping center and avoid each other so we wouldn’t see what we were buying each other lmao. Are you more of the indie or mainstream type? >> --- Where is your favorite place to be massaged? >> --- Are there any candles in the room you’re in? What scent are they? >> No. Do you like composition books, or spiral notebooks? >> Composition books because spiral notebooks tend to get snagged on shit and just get annoying. Where are your uncles right now? >> --- Do you have sinus problems? >> No. When did you last speak with your grandparents? >> --- The person you like, What color eyes do they have? >> --- So what is your favorite physical feature about that person? >> --- If you text whats the last digit of the persons number you text the most? >> 0. Don’t you hate it when something limits the amount you can type/write? >> What, like twitter’s character limit? I guess it would be annoying. Do you have large handwriting or small? >> Smallish. Are you right handed or left? >> Right. Can you drive a stick shift? >> No. What kind of fourwheeler do you have? >> --- Do you live where there are a lot of cows? >> It’s a pretty short drive to see some cows. What is your favorite animal with spots? >> Cheetah. Give me your opinion on sports. >> I have no opinion, I’m not interested in sports. Except figure skating. Why do you play the sports you do? >> --- Have you ever went an entire day without looking at yourself in the mirror? >> Yeah. Not on purpose, I just don’t usually have a reason to look in the mirror. What do you think would be a cool way for the world to come to an end? >> --- Do you have a reason for reading the news paper? >> If there’s one near me and I’m interested, I’ll flip through it. But usually I don’t bother with the news. Do you actually care about your school work and what grades you make? >> --- Do you have a typical family, or a weird one? >> --- What’s the best thing you’ve eaten today? >> I’ve only eaten a veggie burger and chips, my usual breakfast. Do you like the colors purple and orange together? >> Sometimes. What is the greatest fruit to eat? >> I don’t know. Do you, too, have problems spelling words that end in o, such as potato? >> No. What was the last thing you clicked? >> I clicked here... Are you one of those annoying foot tappers, or pen clickers? >> I don’t usually stim that way, no. I prefer quiet stims. Can you type in pig latin? >> No. Are you taking a foreign language in school? >> --- If you’re on myspace, who did you get this survey from? >> I’m not on MySpace, and I got this survey from @lovemesomesurveys. Why are so many people getting facebooks and myspaces? >> Well, it was fun at the time. So is facebook becoming more popular than myspace? >> That is what happened, yeah. Do you google a lot? >> I do. Who is your favorite teacher? >> --- Honestly, do you smell nice at the moment? >> I don’t smell horrible, but I could use a shower (which I’m taking later). Do you have a favorite letter? >> V. Who was the last person you saw, that wasn’t family? >> Sparrow. What was the last animal you saw, that wasn’t part of the family? >> A photo of Loki the cat that Sparrow texted me. From the room youre in can you hear a door shut when someone arrives there? >> Yeah. Why did you take this survey, when you had 48650205 others to choose from? >> Because I saw it in the #surveys tag and it was one I hadn’t already taken.
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sleepyrequests · 5 years
Mikaela again shdjfjfh,,,,,,,,,,, could I get a self-care kit? I like pressure stim stuff and sleeping things, like blankets and stuff,,,,,,, thank you!!
I don’t think we’ve had a Mikaela before? Unless you just never used your name before!! which is valid. Anyway, here’s your kit!!
26 sensory pack - $12.00
Cow Print Blanket - $5.00
Eyemasks - $12.89
Fidget Cube - $4.99
Fleece Socks - $8.99
Piggy Pillow/Stuffed Doll - $14.23
Rabbit Nightgown - $9.99
Sleepy Emoji Slippers - $11.99
In any case, I hope you like this, Mikaela!
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-Mod Ender
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