#cql ficlet
drwcn · 1 year
apparently I'm not done with my newly resurrected chengqing bullshit -
semi crack semi angst idea that wen ning did to his sister what wen qing did to wwx, aka: wen ning had listened to wen qing all his life, but by god he was not gonna like her die for his mistake.
wen ning went to lanling by himself maybe with the rest of the wens.
in any case when the cultivators stormed the burial mount after wwx's demise, lwj found a-yuan, jiang cheng found wen qing.
just imagine the awkward lock-eye between these two dumb bitches
I won't snitch if you don't snitch.
obviously wq and jc has to work through some stuff but like...
very quickly jc realizes ppl straight up don't recognize wq. Think about it. She showed up for 35 seconds at Cloud Recesses and never attended class. And then... the war happened and she was never really a player. Probably some ppl met her, but how many of them are still alive?
Sure jc had to hide wq the first couple of years, but after jgs mysteriously bit the dust... things relaxed by a lot.
Jc being that bitch that stares everyone in the eye whilst lying to their faces: how dare you accuse my wife of being a dead war criminal.
Jgy: she is clearly wen qing.
Jc: Prove it.
Lqr *furious* : wangji, is this not wen qing?
Lwj: .....it is not.
Lxc & lqr: ????????
Wwx's resurrection would be wild.
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imperfectpompom · 1 year
Wei Wuxian wakes up to tiny hands grabbing at his shirt and small whimpering noises whistling over to his ears from beside the bed.
It's that part of the night where you can't decide if it's too late, or too early in the day to be awake. Whatever time it is - Wei Wuxian doesn't want to be awake right now. He scrunches his face up and blinks open a bleary eye, trying to find the precious face of his little Baobei in the dark.
"A-Yuan... What's wrong, Baobei?" Wei Wuxian wiggles himself more upright, gently manoeuvring himself out of his sleeping husband's arms. "Did you have a bad dream?"
He reaches out and scoops A-Yuan into his arms and up off the floor as he hears the rustling noises of Lan Zhan waking himself up. A-Yuan buries into his chest as soon as Wei Wuxian has settled him onto his lap, his pudgy hands gripping at the worn fabric of Wei Wuxian's shirt. The faint outline of A-Yuan's ponytail bobs in the moonlight as he nods.
Silently, Lan Zhan shuffles closer to them until he’s sat just behind Wei Wuxian, an arm around each of them. Wei Wuxian leans into his husband’s chest and listens to the rustle of fabric as Lan Zhan rubs his hand up and down A-Yuan’s back. He can feel the worry radiating off of Lan Zhan, pouring into him from where the top of his head fits in the crook of Lan Zhan's neck.
"I... I was a radish..." A-Yuan hiccups as Wei Wuxian shifts to hold him tighter, "And-And you tried to ate me!"
A huff of amusement from Lan Zhan, some of the tension that he had been holding tight slipping. Wei Wuxian can feel himself slide down Lan Zhan’s body as he starts to relax again. 
"Oh no, Baobei." he presses a kiss into A-Yuan's bedhead, "Dream-Baba sounds really mean."
"He was." A-Yuan's breaths are slowing down as he relaxes into the embrace.
"But, you know, I bet Dream-Baba only wanted to keep you safe."
A Yuan's little head turns up to look him in the eyes, "He did?" He frowns. "then why did he tried to ate me?"
Wei Wuxian sighs, "Well, before I gave birth to you, I kept baby A-Yuan safe by keeping you in my tummy. Do you know the best thing about A-Yuan being in my belly?" A-Yuan shakes his head.
Wei Wuxian smiles, brings his cheek to A-Yuan's, and smushes them together. "You were all mine, Baobei. And no one could hurt you! Not even scary Dream-Babas." Wei Wuxian turns their faces to look up to his husband above them. "Isn't that right, Lan Zhan?"
A-Yuan lets out a soft sound of understanding. Wei Wuxian lets go of his son’s adorable chubby cheek and turns to look him in the eye. A-Yuan is finally smiling again, his puffy eyes staring adoringly up at them. Wei Wuxian wants to coo over him like he’s a baby all over again. 
"Let's get to bed now. Okay?"
"Mkay Baba."
Wei Wuxian lifts A-Yuan up again and drops him into the newly made space between him and Lan Zhan as they all lie down, both of them turning to face A-Yuan and cuddle their Baobei to sleep. Wei Wuxian pulls the covers back up over all of them, and he and Lan Zhan reach their arms over A-Yuan to reach each other, arms resting softly in a lattice-like blanket over their son.
Wei Wuxian cuddles closer and presses a kiss to A-Yuan's cheek. 
He pauses.
"Lan Zhan!!! Did we just kiss A-Yuan at the same time?!" 
"Mn." Wei Wuxian can hear the smile in his husbands voice.
"We're so cool, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian smiles at his husband's lazy eyes across from him, peaking up from behind the top of A-Yuan's head.
Wei Wuxian quickly decides that just looking is not enough.
Wei Wuxian pushes himself up onto his elbows and leans over to kiss his husband, and is surprised when he meets his lips halfway there. Wei Wuxian grins into the kiss - his Lan Zhan is so eager!! 
"Baba!! A-Die!!!! ... Eugh."
Wei Wuxian laughs as Lan Zhan kisses the mole beneath his lips. "This is perfectly normal A-Yuan! Chances are that you might want to do it with someone someday!!"
Wei Wuxian settles back down and nuzzles his nose into A-Yuan's forehead. "Well, that would be fine too, Baobei. Sleep well, my loves!"
Lan Zhan's hand tightens around his waist, "Goodnight, Wei Ying."
A-Yuan sighs happily into the darkness. 
"Don't eat me whilst I'm asleep, Baba."
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pocketsizedowls · 1 year
Lan Xichen, libra extraordinaire, has never made a decision in his life.
He's been trained to, of course, but only in an official capacity. His uncle once told him to only make decisions after gathering sufficient information, and that has since become the most important rule in his life. This means he's great at mediating conflict, hosting banquets, and making executive decisions like which village gets more rice and what policies he should enact, but he never knows what to eat for dinner and what to do during his free time.
Lan Wangji, neurodivergent/autistic icon, is the complete opposite. He's a picky perfectionist with a strict daily routine, which no one ever interrupts because why should they? It's just Wangji being Wangji. And, in fact, everyone should strive to be like him. Perhaps if he grew up somewhere rowdier like Lotus Pier or the Unclean Realm then someone would finagle him into being spontaneous, but this is the Cloud Recesses. Of course nobody bothered him until Wei Wuxian came along and turned his world upside down.
Before Wei Wuxian, though, there was Lan Xichen. He stops by the Jingshi often, not because he is concerned for his antisocial little brother (well, maybe just a little), but because he gets so bored sometimes and he never knows what to do. Whenever Uncle is busy, little Xichen likes to find little Wangji and follow his routine with him. Can I join you as you meditate, he asks, and can I eat dinner with you? What do you suggest I do after lectures tomorrow? The other day I took your advice and made a painting, do you wanna see it? Can you pick a book out of this pile for me to read first? I can't seem to decide.
This is why Lan Xichen gets along so well with people. He goes along with things, lets people make decisions for him, and genuinely enjoys it. He earns the trust of the skeptical people without even trying to, just because he lets them pick which wine to order at the inn and what day they should go on a night hunt. You might think it's quite counterintuitive for an all-important sect leader to be this indecisive, but it worked out for the majority of his life. Just like how he chooses to believe in the good in people, people also believe in the good in him.
These days, though, Lan Xichen is reconsidering his behavior. As weeks turn into months turn into years, he stares out the windows of the Hanshi and wonders: Would everything turn out differently if he made more decisions based on instinct? Who can he even trust anymore? Would Nie Mingjue still be alive today, if he didn't force him and A-Yao to become sworn brothers? Would A-Yao still be alive today, if he listened to Wangji and Wei-gongzi's warning sooner? All the people who tell him he did nothing wrong must be lying. How can nothing be his fault?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Cloud Recesses, Lan Wangji adds more items to his routine. With Lan Xichen in seclusion, he's busy now. He teaches and he nighthunts and he sits through meetings and he spends time with Wei Ying. He also visits his brother. He drops by the Hanshi every three days and says, can I join you as you meditate, and can I eat dinner with you? What do you suggest I do after lectures tomorrow? The other day I took your advice and wrote a new song, do you wanna hear it? Can you pick a book out of this pile for me to read first? I can't seem to decide.
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
Tumblr media
Follower Recs
I wanted to rec this tumblr ficlet. Loved the line where jc said he could suddenly understand his father.
《the midnight sun》
Specifically, snippet seven.
by @drwcn
Summary: A female Wei Wuxian AU, in which Wei Ying had a child before her death.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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ripeteeth · 1 year
fragments: 01 (wangxian)
[I'm clearing out my incomplete wips and posting fragments that might stand alone as a bit of an amnesty of old projects. This is the first of that series.]
“He was important to you,” his brother says, and Lan Wangji considers the trouble of language. Is, he thinks, not was. There is no end limit to love. Wei Wuxian may not exist in the world, but Lan Wangji still loves him, and someday, when he himself is gone, his love will still be true. It is a fundamental rule of the world, just as gravity keeps his feet on the ground.
There are moments when he forgets: when a dark figure passes through a crowd, at the first notes of a flute, at the flash of laughter bright as a forest fire. Each time, his breath stops, and his knuckles whiten as he forms a fist, digging the half-moons of his nails into his palms, reminding himself of this break between desire and truth: Wei Wuxian had died in the Burial Mounds and is no longer here. 
Some griefs are deeper than others. This one cuts like a fresh lash each time. 
He wakes each morning at five, his breath shallow. Sometimes he dreams of Wei Wuxian, sometimes he does not. When he sleeps deeply, he wakes briefly uncertain which reality is the truth. Did he wake from a dream of this loss? Each morning, he presses his palm against his own chest, feeling the ridges of the Wen brand, and knows that no, the proof is borne on his skin. In no world with Wei Wuxian did they share this. He likes the feeling of it now, the way the scar tissue on his chest and back bears proof of his devotion.
(He remembers a boy, age seventeen, caught in a cave and laughing at his own fresh branding. A man should get scars for love, Wei Wuxian had said, dark eyes glinting. Now she’ll never forget me. He wonders if, wherever Wei Wuxian is now, if he has forgotten him.) 
Habits prop up the days. When he passes a shop selling jars of Emperor’s Smile, he cannot resist buying one. Each time, for a few moments, he might pretend that he is buying it for Wei Wuxian. When he pries up the floorboard, concealing the jars within, he might imagine that someday the other man might be here, filling the room with hot laughter. You thought of me? Wei Wuxian would say, and Lan Wangji would feel warm. 
No one comes. Sometimes he pries up the floorboard and stares at the jars, little pieces of Wei Wuxian that he might have. Like a magpie, he steals pieces. The brand, the wine, robes he orders in black and red. As if Wei Wuxian were a lover away for a week, a month, a year, and just waiting to return home. 
[rated e (explicit) below the cut]
He has never known Wei Wuxian’s touch as a lover. (Once, he had fumbled and pressed his mouth to the other man’s, but that was taken. Wei Wuxian had not reached back, had not kissed back.)
His nightly habits have not changed since he was seventeen. Retiring to his rooms, he slips the robes from his body like a peel from a fruit. Inside, he’s ripe already. He bathes, efficiently and with purpose. It’s only once he is alone, settled into bed, concealed beneath blankets, that he allows one hand to wander south between his thighs. He is thirty now and has long since ceased trying to fight his own mind. What he wants is impossible, except in the corners of his imagination, so he fucks his own fist, teeth clenched, imagining that this skin is Wei Wuxian’s golden own, and that this slick is his beloved’s. Some information is known. Again, nightly, he remembers how Wei Wuxian had looked, blindfolded and leaning against a tree, how the sinew and muscle of his chest had pressed into Lan Wangji’s own. His lips had been wet and soft and when Lan Wangji had bitten in, he had moaned and his hips had stuttered, as if he might have wanted it. 
So he imagines this again. Wei Wuxian, disheveled, pressed sharply into a tree or a wall, rutting against Lan Wangji’s thigh, his hair wild and dark, like treebranches in winter. He would take that cock in hand, redder and fat with blood, (like his own, now. In his mind, his cock is both his own and not his own. In his mind, his hands are both his own and Wei Wuxian’s.) and stroke them together until Wei Wuxian would shudder and break apart, all for him, here in the palm of his hand. 
He comes, spilling across his own sword-rough palm. His eyes squeezed shut, his breathing is his own and not his own. Again, as he has done each and every night, he drags his come-covered hand out from beneath the sheets. Self-abuse is forbidden in Cloud Recesses, and there is nowhere to wipe this, nowhere to wash it off, without potentially being discovered, so he drags his palm across his tongue, swallowing the spill of himself down.
The taste is his own, and not his own.
He sleeps alone. This is not new. It never has been.
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peebls · 1 year
What if Sora, Donald and Goofy went to MDZS?
A threadfic based on a Tumblr post suggesting I crossover the first and last fandoms I wrote for.
sora, donald, and goofy disembark in a forest. sora recognizes the local flora and says, "hey, do you think this is mulans world?" 
donald: could be. 
goofy: where should we start?
sora: like we always do. walk until we find people or we find heartless.
heartless spawn everywhere.
sora: i guess we found the heartless.
in this au the heartless are used in the place of fierce corpses. they look like cartoon zombies. heartless local to this world also include wen spy birds and sword spirits.
so they defeat the heartless and this npc is there, looking dazzled.
"i was hiding over here and watching! i've never seen someone who could defeat them before! what sect are you from?"
and they look to one another and eventually fumble out that they're just traveling.
"oh cool so you're rogue cultivators? if you need a place to stay, i've got an inn."
on the way they ask about mulan. he doesn't know her, because the events of mdzs predate the legend of mulan. don't ask me questions about the way time functions in this level relative to the kh universe.
the inn the npc leads them to is the same inn the jiangs are trying to stay in, and the inn that the jins have booked.
so luo qingyan is there and she's like oh are you here for the lectures? cool that the lans let us study in their sect like that. can't wait to learn! what kind of cultivation do you guys do?
sora: uh i can do this? 
~keyblade reveal~
eventually somebody will ask if it has a name and he doesn't get it. he says it's a keyblade, so the characters refer to it as 'keyblade' as if it were a name. never "the keyblade" or "your keyblade" but simply as keyblade.
luo qingyan: 😍 which clan do you study under?
sora: we're ... *glances as donald and goofy* rogue cultivators?
she's basically like alright keep your secrets, i'll see you in class.
sora: i don't know what these lectures are about, but i'm curious to learn more about cultivation! maybe we can learn new magic.
mianmian: don't forget your passes!
trinity: shit we don't have those.
they acquire the jiang clan's passes somehow. 
on their way up the mountain, they meet wei wuxian, who is backtracking to retrieve the lost passes. only, they don't speak to one another, because pluto is with them, in that way that pluto only is when it's handy for the plot.
so wei wuxian sees pluto and obviously screams shijie save me at the top of his lungs and runs for his life.
"ok pluto i guess maybe you should wait in the car for this one?"
trinity meets the jiang clan at the gates, where the disciples are camping out and waiting for wei wuxian to come back. the situation becomes apparent very quickly, and trinity decides easily to return the passes they picked up.
so jiang cheng is all "ok esteemed second jade, here are the passes." 
and the guards are side-eyeing trinity. "and them?" 
let me make something absolutely clear. trinity does not get any disguise outfits for this level. they look like they always do. 
some kid with blue eyes and two anthropomorphic animals wearing colorful underwear with no sense of etiquette whatsoever are standing with this group of disciples making puppy eyes while jiang cheng is replying, without so much as a threat of an expression, "they're with us."
the lectures are mini games or something. unimportant. include cutscene of clans introducing themselves and giving gifts to establish character names and that wens are bad. moving on
trinity goes to biling lake, because the waterborne abyss is a swarm monster and it would make a good boss
wei wuxian introduces himself cheerfully to the gang, saying something like, "hey we met before sorry you had to see that side of me. i'm just very afraid of dogs but don't let that get out, ok?"
and he walks away and goofy, perplexed, says: "oughh, should we tell 'im?"
donald: no.
they must also speak to wen ning, because it will be relevant later. archery mini game.
this is largely cql verse but i’m ignoring the yin iron plot because i don’t like it, which means the next plot point is the wen's ambush on cloud recesses
i think this would be kind of cool. so far we've had the spawn room, in the woods, which with the exception of the first wave of heartless, is a safe room with a save point.
we have the path to town, hostile screen. town and inn, safe rooms. mountain path to cloud recess, two hostile screens. within cloud recesses are safe rooms but the back hills are hostile. 
the exception is when the wens attack. the cloud recesses becomes a hostile zone, and the rooms are the same but they are on fire, like olympus. 
but this au is running on kh2's engine so it's nothing big and cinematic. it's just. on fire now. 
wei wuxian is already gone bc he punched jin zixuan (off screen, because this game already has 25 hours of cutscenes) so trinity kind of ends up reporting to xichen and xichen is like you shall help my brother.
and wangji is like i hate you. 
and he's a party member but his tacturnity is awkward and even somewhat imposing. his kh2 flatface is abysmal. they don't work very well together (because they are missing wei ying) but they push back the wens.
the boss is a large heartless, controlled by wen ruohan, who is there personally because we like fun in this au.
and that's the end of sora's first trip to the land of cultivation. again, this is running on kh2's engine, so there will be another return.
in the meantime, though, in accordance with a Major Series Plot Point that i haven't made up yet, riku finds his way to the land of cultivation shortly after sora's triumphant exit, and he walks right into the wen clan's indoctrination.
literally he just shows up. this sounds like lazy writing, but lan wangji shows up wherever the chaos is and by god so do kh characters. so riku disembarks, and is immediately ushered with other disciples.
he becomes acquaintanced with wei wuxian between arriving to the indoctrination and the tortoise of slaughter. 
also the wens have a battle mini game, because this level requires gameplay, under the premise of the wens evaluating his cultivation level. even in this world's endgame after the wen sect is eliminated, you can come back to this place and fight battles
he's very helpful in fighting off the wens as he can summon his keyblade and use magic but ultimately he chooses to help jiang cheng and the rest of the disciples escape.
then, riku fights the boss with them. he weaves the darkness around him with comfort, blends it with light seamlessly. wei wuxian watches him with burning eyes.
but before that he's just chilling with these guys, these bros, in a dark cave, 0 feet apart because they're all gay. 
i think riku gets along very well with lan wangji. strength to protect what matters. they get each other. 
riku sees it all. wei wuxian sleeping in his lap, lan wangji singing to him. he knows that they are in love and wei wuxian is clearly a mirror of sora. 
so they don't spend a week underground. they kill the monster immediately, carry out wei wuxian  shortly after he loses consciousness. 
riku doesn't see lotus pier fall. he gets a g rated escort mission instead. something about taking some disciples home.
and then, we speedrun the sunshit campaign. time is meaningless. 
riku finds his way to the cloud recesses and jiang cheng is already there with wangji, agreeing to search for wei wuxian. riku helps.
he sees wei wuxian's turn to darkness. he feels it and he knows it. wei wuxian is standoffish with him, feels that riku's experience with darkness does not set the precedent for his own. 
they fight the sunshot campaign. think battle of 1000 heartless, except there are also heartless on your side. it's ridiculous, worse than fighting with dream eaters. 
riku receives an invitation to the first cultivation conference following the war as an honored guest. this is the conference that wei wuxian will barge into demanding wen ning's location. 
seeing that wei wuxian's darkness is taking a turn for the worse, riku follows him to the jin encampment to find that the unspeakable has come to pass: wei wuxian has turned wen ning into a heartless.
riku is like okay i need reinforcements Now, and because i like the gummi phone from kh3 i am importing it. he calls sora
((or, perhaps, since this is still ostensibly a kh2 au, he seeks sora out and intentionally leads him back to the land of cultivation. point is, he needs sora. he knows the power of sora's light.))
except, when sora arrives. he is too late. far, far too late. they ask around about wei wuxian, and the vendor they speak to shows them the ugly drawings. 
they find out that wei wuxian is known by another name now: the yiling patriarch, and that he has been dead for 16 years.
disbelieving that it could be the same wei wuxian , sora heads for the cloud recesses. they meet the juniors along the way. 
they're doing that statue thingy. statue fun mini boss. wei wuxian calls wen ning. sora hasn't seen wen ning like this. it's horrifying. 
wei wuxian, lan wangji, and jiang cheng alll do their thing. for all these mdzs characters they have either never seen wei wuxian or it's been 16 years since they had done so. 
sora saw him a few days ago. he confirms with trinity that the masked man is wei wuxian.
sora chases wangxian away from the scene and just bluntly says hey we heard you were dead. 
lan wangji dismisses them and asks them to please escort the juniors.
going forward sora mostly hangs with the juniors. he goes to coffin town. gets kidnapped with them and shows up for battle of a thousand fierce corpses part 2 but this one is significantly more fun because your allies have pretty hair and flashy robes and you won't stand there swinging fruitlessly at a non enemy for 5 minutes. i hate dream drop distance. 
((this is getting rough. why is mdzs so long. i forget every order of this plot. aiyo))
trinity gotta be there for the golden core reveal. cause they gotta it's important. they're on the boat too. they share in wen nings awkwardness when wei wuxian is flustered to notice them there. sora doesn't get it. 
they accompany wangxian into the guanyin temple, knowing at minimum that they're tracking xue yang's benefactor and the one who framed wei wuxian.
wei wuxian: lan zhan! lan wangji! hanguang jun! i... i really love you!
trinity, in equal tandem,
goofy: huh?
donald: wah!?
sora: whaaaaaaaaat???
then they're hugging or whatever and jiang cheng shows up and all that bit goes on while sora is sitting quietly, reeling over his newfound awareness that it is possible for men to like each other. 
jiang cheng is yelling but sora is watching the couple. his eyes follow lan wangji's hands where they grasp at wei ying soothingly. 
nie mingjue is kind of a gimmick battle. something about needing wei wuxian's whistling to make him vulnerable or some dumb reaction command that you can only activate within a certain pixel next to wen ning. maybe even both. for flavor. 
we have to make this pg rated somehow, so we'll skip the whole brotherly stabbing and go straight for seal breaking and whatever it was that got jin guangyao tossed into the casket. 
so that's that. following the end of the guanyin temple, we get a cutscene of trinity walking through the woods. they see wangxian in the far distance, standing close to one another and speaking, and then a nice chaste little disney kiss. 
"good for them," sora says, lacing his fingers behind his head. his smile drops. he looks into the middle distance. he thinks of riku. 
“oh! i almost forgot!” he exclaims.
he shatters the moment. he approaches the couple and asks them if they've seen riku. lan wangji recognizes his description and confirms that they have seen him, although it had been 16 years ago. 
sora is full up of hope.
they say goodbyes. lan wangji presents them with a jade token and tells them they are always welcome in the cloud recesses. they bow like cultivators and it's silly and adorable. 
the token also acts as a keychain, giving sora a nifty new keyblade.
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lesbianlan · 2 years
carry me
unrated | 532 words
there’s hope, when he sees the man. hope, more than anything else, threatens you.
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gavilansblog · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lan Huan | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen & Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji Characters: Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming Summary:
Podfic of Untamed Ficlets by xpityx.
Currently finished one ficlet, with plans to record the rest.
My third podfic, and my first with music!
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spriteofmushrooms · 8 months
Hi! I've read your jc's post and I find interesting how you framed jc and jyl's relationship. we don't have one single scene only about them (novel canon), because it's from wwx's pov mostly. So there's a lot of room for interpretations. For example, imo their relationship is almost quite balanced; jyl is much more a mother figure for wwx than she is for jc, because jc has a living mother, a mother he fiercely loves. jyl doesn't need to stress much about jc, because he doesn't give problems. At his worst, jc is a bitch. wwx, at his worst, is a BIG problem. Also the moment when jc says that jyl is the one who has to forgive jzx, not them, it's an important moment Imo, because it gives me the impression that he perceives her as a person and he respects her wishes. I would love to hear your interpretation about them and their relationship!
I agree with you, anon. Also, I've been thinking of this every day since you sent it. Thanks for the obsession.
Jiang Yanli is the only authority figure in Jiang Cheng's life who gently corrects him and encourages him to be better without damning him for having flaws. When Jiang Cheng kicks out Wei Ying, she is the one he knows will help him. She does so, and she encourages him to apologize and put Wei Ying's bed back in his room--which Jiang Cheng, it turns out, has already done. Whenever Jiang Yanli corrects him, he accepts her better judgement and never argues or feels unloved or compared to anyone. Jiang Yanli is, I think, a truly kind person, without whom the household would not survive.
Wei Wuxian tells Jiang Cheng to comfort Mianmian in the cave; and he says that Jin Ling looks like his mother only when he's crying, at which point Jiang Cheng defends and comforts him. I think Jiang Cheng was the one who comforted Yanli, while Wei Wuxian likely tried to distract her. Jiang Cheng can accept his people's negative emotions; Wei Wuxian almost seems to blame himself for them.
Jiang Yanli is the only person that we know Jiang Cheng is comfortable showing his softest side to. Therefore, she must be completely safe. If she teases him, it's gently and without malice; but I don't think she teases him. He privately suggests that Wei Wuxian give Jin Ling his courtesy name; Jiang Yanli shares this because she knows Wei Wuxian would feel loved by this gesture.
When YunmengJiang is in desperate need of allies, respectability, and funds, Jiang Cheng gently rebuffs Jin Guangshan's offer of a rekindled betrothal. He respects Jiang Yanli enough to make her own decision, and he values her more than political gain. She, in turn, trusts him to mean what he says; and I think she knows that Jiang Cheng would have supported her all her life in Lotus Pier if she could not find a love match.
In short, I think they were tied together very closely.
My personal headcanons include that she teaches him how to do non-cultivation things when he's overwhelmed, like cooking and needlework. Before he was old enough to understand why Yanli doesn't cultivate (which I accept CQL's suggestion that she's chronically ill), he tried to help her improve by giving her baby lessons on meditation. I think that Jiang Cheng is a deep well into which secrets can be shared without fear, and I think he was safe for her to express her more filial negative opinions. I think she was the safest person to tell any positive, delicate feelings to.
Baby Jiang Cheng followed her around like a duckling. After she married, he must have visited dozens of times. Through her, Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan were able to understand each other better; as you may have seen in my recent chengning ficlet, I think that happy year ended with Jiang Cheng privately calling him Zixuan-ge.
All she wanted to be truly content was for her a-Xian to come home. Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng tried to make it happen for her. Because who wouldn't want to make her happy?
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. ITMF A) cheerleader Wei Ying!! And any game player lan zhan!!
B) Wei Ying appreciation!!Long fics appreciated. @whateverweilanlovechild​
drop the game by martyrsdaughter (E, 28k, wangxian, modern, romantic comedy, fake/pretend relationship, sports, cheerleaders, flirting, sexual tension, dom/sub undertones, compulsory heterosexuality, crossdressing, dub con, under-negotiated kink, consensual non-con)
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) Wei ying is not a cheerleader anymore during the time of fic, but he used to be a cheerleader. Further, over the course of the fic he does some cheering and some gymnastics and lan zhan comes very close to having an aneurysm about it. (link in #3)
There’s a whole Sports AU compilation
some things go forward by everythingispoetry (T, 73k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hospitals, Teenage Drama, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Happy Ending)
Waiting for Spring by thievinghippo (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, slight angst, Happy Ending, for a baseball fic, there’s not a lot of baseball, Sports, Baseball)
🧡 I Don’t Want to Debut! by countingcr0ws (G, 56k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality show, Idols, Actor LWJ, Forced Contestant WWX, Tencent’s 2021 Idol Producer)
2. I'm in the mood for... A wangxian / yuri on ice crossover fic. Like, wei ying getting over his fear of dogs with the help of makkachin? A wangxian victuuri double date??
prompt meme time, anon, you're effectively out of luck with already posted stuff. there's Son of a - ! by katnor (M, 604, Victuuri, Flirting, Jealous VN, jealous LWJ, Oblivious KY, Crack Crossover, KY's Stamina)
and ch 8 of Rivals AU Bonuses by lily_winterwood (Not Rated, 20k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Social Media, Multimedia, Worldbuilding Bonuses)
and if you read Spanish then
Love is in the Ice by Nimirie (Not rated, 2k, WangXian, Victuuri, Yuribek) and Bajo el árbol de cerezo by Zahiel (E, 83k, WIP, Victuuri, Yuribek, WangXian, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Rape/Non-con Elements, Russian Mafia, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Forbidden Love, Mpreg, Miscarriage) look promising
Заходит солнце скоро by fandom Kumys 2020 (fandom_Kumys_2018), Neitent (T, 21k, Yuribek, Canonical Character Death, Background Character Death, Drama & Romance, Dead People, Jealousy, Hotels, Dracula Influence/References, Mysticism, Suspense) same if you read Russian, by which I mean these three don't look like multifandom ficlet collections. that's it, that's the sum total of works on AO3 that are both Yuri On Ice and MDZS/CQL.
3. Hi! Not looking for a specific fic but instead I was wondering if you have any fics in mind that are about LWJ dealing with anxiety disorder/social anxiety or generally being iffy about social situations. :') It could be in modern setting or canon compliant, both are fine. I just would love to find a fic where dealing with anxiety is one of the important parts of the story (doesn’t have to be the main focus). Thank you in advance!
in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 48k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, cloud recesses, NHS & LWJ friendship, developing relationship, LWJ pov, minor injuries, autistic LWJ, implied/referenced child abuse, aka YZY warning, genius WWX, light angst, hurt/comfort, WWX protection squad, WIP) I think this one should fit? it's been a while since I've read it and I tried skimming it to see but it's a bit long so I'm not sure😭 regardless it's still a great read!
Falling Headlong by floraidh (T, 35k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, skater au, first meetings, first kiss, getting together, autistic LWJ, drunkji)
untitled by brokke_inactive (T, 5k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, autistic LWJ, sensory overload, angst, snapshots, non-graphic animal death)
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) I found it in a FF or itmf and i love it.
My Boy Builds Coffins by enbysaurus_rex (Not rated, 48k, wangxian, canon divergence, coffin maker au, YLLZ WWX, autistic LWJ, falling in love, hurt WWX, pining, deathscapes, farmer LWJ, burial mounds settlement days, tenderness)
💖 Minding series by WithBroomBefore (G, 85k, wangxian, canon divergence, what if WWX got therapy and recovery post-sunshot, trans LWJ) part three of the minding series by withbroombefore. Lan zhan is uncomfortable with social situations with the wider cultivation world and the jin in particular because he is frequently misgendered. Happy ending.
For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm, 1st in series (E, 170k, wangxian, modern, getting together, pining, porn, onlyfans au, sexworker WWX, minor angst, mental health, therapy is good)
Many happy returns. by orange_crushed (E, 25k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings, Grief/Mourning, Loss of Parent(s), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Past Suicide of a Parent, References to Depression, Anxiety, Therapy, References to Anti-Depressant Medications, Escort Service, Loneliness, Everybody’s Abandonment Issues, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Moving In Together, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex, Hopeful Ending, Recovery, References to Escorting/Sex Work but No Actual Escorting/Sex Work)
sunflowersfield, this fic writer has lots of fics where Lan zhan deals with social anxiety
4. Hello!! Do you know any fics where WWX discovers that it was LWJ who kissed him in Phoenix mountain? Thank you!! 💜
There’s A Molester On The Loose At Phoenix Mountain!! by sweetlolixo (G, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Humor, Crack, Romance)
5. Hi mods! For the next ITMF I'm looking for fics where it's shown that WWX was raised by Madame Yu! I feel like that fact doesn't appear enough on fics... So some stories where he has habits or things he learned from her, things he says, something he inherited from her or she gave to him, something like that :) Thank you!! @jiangclaritybell
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt economics, Post-Canon, [Podfic] the field meets the wood by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), [podfic] the field meets the wood by jellyfishfire) includes a list of the now-dead women WWX has learned from, including YZY
there are *two* stories about WWX, wielding Zidian, as the Violet Spider, a feminine-presenting superhero-of-sorts:
Anywhere you want, just not home by androktasia (T, 28k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Superheroes/Superpowers, Spiderman AU, Secret Identity, Grief/Mourning, Loneliness, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance)
let your colours bleed and blend with mine by ravenditefairylights (T, 13k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Superheroes/Superpowers, Spiderman AU, Secret Identity, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Crossdressing, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, There Was Only One Bed, Fluff)
❤️ I Started From the Bottom/And Now I’m Rich by x_los (E, 57k, WangXian, WWX/Others, Mutual Pining, Marriage of Convenience, Arranged Marriage, No Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, WQ Lives, Transmigration, Time Travel, Weddings, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Daddy, Black   Widow, Protective Siblings, Dysfunctional Family, Family Bonding, Sugar Baby, consort, Politics, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Crack Treated  Seriously) in chapter 3 pre war looks at yiling laozu wwx and realizes that he stole like half of his character from mme yu. It is. A more serious fic than it appears to be XD
6. Hi! Do you know any fics where wei wuxian's parents are alive but it still is based off the actual canon plot?
From the Warm Sun by sunshine_sparrow (T, 58k, WangXian, CSSR & WWX, CSSR & LQR, Discussion of Rape, Period-Typical Sexism, Mostly CQL but probably some MDZS too, Cángsè Sǎnrén Lives, Madam Lán Lives, Qingheng-jun lives, But WCZ Still Dies, Fix-It, Happy Ending, All Soft and Very Little Angst, the wens live, Yīn Iron, Good Person MY, Good Person LQR) only has Cangse Sanren alive if that counts?
Home is where your heart is Series by R95irth (T, 1.3M, CSSR/WCZ, JFM/YZY, WangXian, ChengQing, XuanLi, 3Zun, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Horror, Nightmares, Family Fluff, Found Family, Good Parents YZY and JFM, Consensual Underage Sex, Slow Burn, Slice of Life) Also, I hven't read this one but it looks promising
The Return of Cangse Sanren by milesofheart (T, 52k, WIP, WangXian, CSR/WCZ, Canon Divergence, CSR & WCZ Live, Angst with a happy ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Burial Mounds days, BAMF CSR)
7. itmf wangxian with no miscommunication happening in canon timeline if possible, but fine with aus too
hey I just met you, and this is crazy by KeriArentikai (E, 9k, WangXian, POV Outsider, Woke Up Married, married in vegas but with a twist, (the twist is that they totally meant to), Getting Together, Love at First Sight, LWJ Has a Canonically Big Dick, Size Kink, Dirty Talk, Coming Untouched, Unrealistic Sex, Wangxian Speedrun)
8. I've read stories many about EmperorLWJ/EmpressWWX but can you find stories where it is EmperorWWX/EmpressLWJ? Thanks
The Last Concubine by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 13k, WangXian, Royalty AU, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, LWJ Whump, Forced Marriage, Starvation, Non-physical spousal abuse, Fluff and Angst, Doing the Wrong Thing for the Right Reasons, Happy Ending, WWX Takes Care of LWJ)
travelers through the empty gate by stiltonbasket (M, 44k, WIP, WangXian, Royalty, Emperor WWX, Mistaken Identity, Poor LWJ, Bookshop owner LWJ, Intrigue, Court Drama, Forced Marriage, Confused WWX, POV Alternating, Parenthood, Misunderstandings, Empress LWJ, Requited Unrequited Love, Fluff, Humor, Married Life, Angst with a Happy Ending)
A Flourishing Kind of Love by masked (E, 12k, wangxian, concubine LWJ, gardener WWX, court intrigue adjacent, historical inaccuracy, identity porn, romance)
Like wet earth after rain by jalpari (E, 20k, wangxian, bottom LWJ, getting together, prince WWX, emperor WWX, courtesan LWJ, identity porn, angst, pining, genre-typical worldbuilding)
Every River to Its Sea by knightcaptain (E, 17k, wangxian, emperor!WWX, courtesan!LWJ)
catch this manic rhapsody by anatheme (E, 23k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Emperor WWX, Power Dynamics, AU where the Yiling Patriarch became the First Emperor of the Cultivation World, he calls LWJ his Concubine Lan and baobei, Switch WangXian, Mutual Pining, Immortal WWX)
Conquering the Emperor by catbrainedschemes (E, 21k, WangXian, Historical, Imperial China, Emperor!WWX, General!LWJ, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Historically Inaccurate, Misunderstandings, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, Slow Burn, Happy Ending)
Silver & Silk Series by farawayanddreaming (M/E, 55k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, Implied/Referenced Sex, Light Bondage, Devotion, No Plot/Plotless, vibes only, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX)
9. Hello, can you recommend plot heavy stories in AU setting? Like the plot is about politics, crimes, coup de etat, spy, assassinasion? It doesn't matter who's top/bottom.
mountains, we met by fruitys (E, 79k, WangXian, Historical, The Handmaiden (2016) Fusion, Enemies to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Secret Identity, Touch-Starved, Sharing a Bed, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, falling for the person you’re supposed to be swindling: the love story, getting revenge on the people who manipulated you: the saga, and some cws……., Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Mental Health Issues, Emotional Manipulation, Blow Jobs, Rimming)
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged   marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut) Canon-divergent au, super plot-heavy, incredible story.
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld  AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX,   Explicit Sex) 
Wei Wuxian’s Guide to Hacking for Fun and Profit by ArgentInferno (T, 150k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, modern cultivation au, Hacker WWX, neurodivergent wangxian, Therapy for the win, Fluff, Shenanigans, LWJ isn’t good with feelings, Fighting against corruption, Talisman-based tech, Getting Together, Slow Burn, shameless flirting) 
🧡 some life yet unspent by Fahye (E, 28k, WangXian, Background XiYao, Spy AU, Modern AU, 007 LWJ, Q WWX, Fluff and angst, Mutual pining, Injuries, Canon typical violence) 
Duel of the Twins by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 29k, WIP, WangXian, Star Wars Setting, Science Fiction, each chapter is intended to be a whole movie within a trilogy, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, mild body horror, Mentions of Suicide, But only in passing, please take that major character death warning seriously, Angst with a Happy Ending, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Angst)
Hiraeth by cherrywhiskey (E, 155k, wangxian, modern, fluff & angst, friends w benefits, pining while fucking, falling in love, separation, getting back together, angst w happy ending, second chances, food as a metaphor for love, canon-typical Jiang family dynamics, fighting)
Pearls For a Funeral by ElDiablito_SF (E, 30k, wangxian, noir au, 1940s san francisco, rich widower LWJ, gumshow WWX, case fic, all the noir tropes)
10. Hiii do I have any fic recs in which wy hides his identity as ylp or just hides his use of demonic cultivation in general?
the identity shenanigans comp might have a few
This Tornado Loves You by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 8k, WangXian, Horror, modern cultivation au, Pizza Hut, Humor, Mistaken Identity, Modern with Magic)
Hear a song this deeply by so_shhy (T, 87k, wangxian, modern cultivation, music, kid fic, action/adventure, canon typical JGY behavior, slow burn, fluff & angst, happy ending)
Crazy, Rich Cultivators by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern Cultivators AU, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, POV LWJ, his started as a crazy rich asians au but quickly got away from me, light moments of angst but mostly shenanigans)
11. Hi! I think this may be a In the mood for a fic so I wanted to know if there’s any fic where both Wwx and lwj die and are brought back ((no time travel and no modern setting tho)) also angsty
12. For "in the mood for" could you please recommend fics where lwj and wwx have a lot of...romantic tension? Basically a fic about how they are slowly starting to get more and more affectionate before they have established their feelings for one another. Like they get SO CLOSE to just kissing but they hold back a little? Thank you for your work!
speeding up my heartbeat by plonk (Not Rated, 24k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Gyms)
(I feel like this is hard because we all calibrate tension differently! I hope these recs can help!)
and there was only one tent by detectorist (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canada, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Sexual Tension, Camping, Outdoor Sex, Blowjobs, Frottage, Car Sex)
The answer has always been yes by Magnolia822 (E, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Sharing a Bed, Bisexual Male Character, Frottage, Sexual Tension, Unsafe Sex, Getting Together, There Was Only One Bed)
Your Blood on My Lips (tastes like a kiss) by scarletwanlian (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Vampires, Blood Drinking, Roommates, Monsterfucking, except it's monsterxmonster, Multiple Orgasms, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub Undertones, Coming Untouched, Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Humor, (or at least attempts lol), PWP, Vampire Sex, Vampire Bites, Banter)
Our Eyes on the Road by etymologyplayground (E, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, PWP, Getting Together, Road Trips, Intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Humor, Banter, Oral Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Hand Jobs, Car Sex, Hotel Sex, Dirty Talk, Rimming, Coming Untouched, Sexual Tension, Come Eating)
Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground (E, 39k, WangXian, Case Fic, Intimacy, Curses, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Cuddling & Snuggling, Getting Together, Romance, Sexual Tension, Scent Kink, m.. maybe??, its not as intense as a kink, wwx Loves To Teach, Fluff, Scars, Sharing a Bed, Nonverbal Communication)
Our Song by gusucloudbunny (T, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, straight boy wwx, bisexual wwx, Heteronormativity, Sexuality Crisis, coming out to yourself, comphet, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Alcohol, Music Majors)
New Habit by Medegela (E, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pining, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, and they were ROOMMATES, straight boy wwx, Touch-Starved LWJ, Light Angst, Mutual Masturbation, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Flirting, and lots of hugging, Texting, mentions of lwj/others)
13. Hi!!! For the mext itmf can you recommend me a fic where wq and wwx is a friend (or bestie)? I like it when those two work together like a mad scientist or care with each other. It can be a story about that or their friendship only in the background. Thank you!!!
Always Be Closing by betts (E, 32k, WangXian, divorcing QingXian, Modern AU, America, Office, Kid Fic, Drunken Kissing, Semi-Public Sex, Sexting, Divorce, Falling In Love, Bank Robbery, Secret Relationship, Co-workers) it's a divorce fic between them with end game wangxian but I love how despite they're past they're still such good friends.
The Ballad of Hanguang-Jun and The Yiling Patriarch by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 40k, WangXian, ChengQing, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Burial Mounds Arc, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Humor, kinda just crack, Misunderstandings, POV Outsider, Crack Treated Seriously) 
Magical Mishaps by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 96k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, hogwarts au, misunderstandings, happy ending)
this Tumblr fic by hunxi-guilai WQ pounces upon WWX to deliver a medical hand massage (in part with the intent of teaching him to return the favor.)
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, WangXian, WQ & WWX & WN, Body Horror, Fullmetal Alchemist Vibes, Nuclear Horror Vibes, Found Family, Neon Genesis Evangelion Vibes) showcasing WWX and WQ (and WN!) as Science Siblings; canon diverges in the middle of the core transfer, with the result that core research takes an even darker turn that nonetheless winds up saving more lives; an examination of the terrible decisions scientists face in wartime and living with the repercussions thereafter
💙 Wish I could forget the taste of your skin and the feel of your hands pinning me down by KizuKatana (E, 63k, wangxian, WQ & WWX & WN, modern w/ cultivation, getting back together, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, case fic, pining)
sort the whole thing out by el_em_en_oh_pee (T, 5k, WangXian, Epistolary, Relationship Advice, Advice Columns, Everyone Is Gay, (or bi. or trans.), Background Relationships)
sacrifice by quillifer (E, 9k, wangxian, ABO, heat/rut, bottom LWJ, omega LWJ, top WWX, beta WWX)
A Match In Hell by MxModern (E, 7k, wangxian, rape/non-con, modern, ABO, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, crime boss LWJ & WWX, enemies to lovers, rape, extremely dubious consent, dark wangxian, dead dove do not eat, suicidal thoughts, breeding kink, violence, semi-public sex, under-negotiated kink, light bondage)
We're Sex Positive In This House by MxModern (E, 9k, wangxian, modern, ABO, omega WWX, alpha LWJ, virgin LWJ, anal sex, mating cycles/in heat, light dom/sub)
Myopia by rustycol (M, 67k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, WQ Lives) Water Margin crossover; WWX, WQ, and WN are living incognito among a band of nomadic smugglers; they share quite a bit of medical, cultivational, and forensic shoptalk, including the Western theory of the Four Humors and how it compares to the Yin/Yang model. Unfortunately hasn’t been updated since June 2019
14. Hey! Can you rec some more stories of WangXian where WWX is living in CR with LWJ after being engaged/married. I'm kinda looking for angsty stories, so I guess I'd like to see WWX trying to adapt but gets punished for breaking the rules and becomes depressed. Thanks!
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Mourning Robes by Starlight1395 (T, 17k, wangxian, No Sunshot Campaign, Arranged Marriage AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Depression, dissociating, Mild Blood, Fluff, juniors idolizing WWX like he deserves, slowburn between WWX and Cloud Recesses, Hinted smut, Jingyi has a CRUSH, Supportive JC, Mojo’s Post)
Finding a Home by Duochanfan (T, 8k, wangxian, arranged marriage, light angst)
What Comes After Love by Rainbow_Horizon (T, 17k, WangXian, POV LWJ, Protective LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, POV WWX, Sad WWX, Jealous WWX, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, Post-Canon, Insecurity, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Break Up, Separations, Healing, Husbands, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, marriage issues, Marriage Proposal)
call my name (but only if you mean it) by sortablue (E, 27k, WangXian, Different First Meeting, Canon Divergence, Sexual Harassment, not between wangxian, Arranged Marriage, Strangers to Lovers, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, WWX POV, Protective LWJ, Protective WWX, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Slight Role Reversal, Hopeful Ending) similar to Concord but goes in a slightly different direction
15. i have read "𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘴 " by naqaashi and it's simply my favorite mdsz fic. the new chapter five has just made me more insane for this fic. i'm searching for more fics with a similar plot i.e. time travel au where both wwx and lwj have returned to the past, BAMF wangxian, and not cultivation world friendly, very character critical
16. Hello again! It’s been a while but I hope everyone is doing well. For the next ITMF, could i get more stories where someone finds wwx wandering around either poor or sick after canon and takes him in? Like something similar to Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller or Story-Shaped by lingering_song. I’d really appreciate it, thank you 💜 @jikcf
hunters seeking solid ground by Attila (E, 23k, WangXian, Canon Compliant, discussion of canon character death, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, bed sharing, Getting Together, Yearning, Literal Sleeping Together, Really Excessive Amounts of Hurt/Comfort)
Achievement Unlocked 🔓 by UseMyMuse (E, 49k, wangxian, ABO, transmigration, crack, sassy system, canonical character death, kidnapping, accidental child acquisition) Not exactly what was asked for, but the same vibe! Wwx dies in canon and transmigrates to another world with ABO genders. He wanders around as a lone cultivator until lwj picks him up. :)
a grain of millet drifting by RoseThorne (T, 7k, NHS & WWX, Assassination Attempt(s), Introspection, Regret, Travel, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Ghosts, Reconciliation, Exhaustion, Pining, Pre-WangXian) I have one that might count. Nie Huaisang sends someone to shadow wwx, and protect him from assassins.
17. Hello, do have have some recommendations on fics where a) wwx is adopted by hualian from tgcf? Or b) fics where everyone around wwx is very protective of him yet he doesn't realize that or he doesn't feel like he deserves it? Thankss @scorpionical
Narrative of Strength by MeltedIceAngel (T, 34k, WIP, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Adopt WWX, Found Family, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective XL, Protective HC, Adoption, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, TGCF)
the hearth series by eccentrick (G/T, 65k, WangXian, HuaLian, Found Family, fluff with plot, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Disabled Character, Ableism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, slow burn found family, Adopt WWX, Married HuaLian, Post-Canon TGCF, Kid Fic, TGCF Spoilers)
🧡 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Ghost City, a bit of beefleaf, Immortality, Cultivation Partners, Juniors, XL and HC find a child who happens to be WWX, Fluffy wangxian, WWX is a Supreme Ghost King, First Time, TGCF)
Crown Prince Hua Wuxian by Bluemoonstarlight (G, 19k, WIP, WangXian, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, JFM and YZY Bashing, Bad Parents JFM and YZY, JYL Lives, Cultivator JYL, Supportive JYL, Protective JYL, Good Sibling JC, Protective JC, HuaLian Adopt WWX, Canon Divergence, Fantasy, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Sunshot Campaign, Grandpa JW, Grandma MNQ, Abusive JFM, Abusive YZY, Grandma BSSR, BSSR is WWX's Grandparent, WWX is BSSR's Disciple) a revised version of Crown Prince of Heaven and Ghost City, for anyone who’s missing that one
could you find a way to let me down slowly, if you're leaving baby let me down slowly by ravenditefairylights (M, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Implied/Referenced Sex, Miscommunication, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Hurt WWX, Mutual Pining, Unreliable Narrator, Self-Esteem Issues, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Protective Siblings, Trauma, Slightly dubious consent, courtesy of drunk sex, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Phoenix Mountain, Chronic Pain, Getting Together, Fix-It of Sorts, One Braincell Trio, PTSD)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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takonxmz · 26 days
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[PODFIC] Fresh (Chapter 5 of MDZS/Untamed Spring Fest 2020 Ficlets)
written by ghosthouses
💦MDZS/CQL 💦XiYao 💦Post-Sunshot Campaign 💦Extreme Thirst
🎧 Listen on ao3 here 🔊
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drwcn · 1 year
In Untamed only, the Wen Qing rescue by Jiang Cheng could parallel the Lan Furen situation. She could be saved by being taken in by the sect leader, but she would be isolated, her family lost to her. Like, its more meta then textual but Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji have no mention of their mothers family. Lan furen presumably agreed while Wen Qing walked away. Lan furen lived a long time with her children taken away to be raised without her, Wen Qing dies right away with Wen Yuan taken to be raised by those same strangers.
Huh.... I never looked at it that way, but yeah you're right! On some level it is similar!
And then my mind promptly poofed up an alternative scenario if JIang Cheng also did what Qingheng-jun had done.
(tw for noncon? but really there's no noncon, people just think there is)
Jiang Cheng was audacious only once in his entire life.
When Wen Qing turned to leave that day in Qishan's dungeon, the comb she gave back to him abandoned on the stone bench between them, Jiang Cheng crossed his heart and decided that attempt the impossible meant sometimes one had to act now and beg for forgiveness later.
Whether the forgiveness he sought had to come from his deceased parents, the entire Jiang Clan past and present, or Wen Qing herself...well...he had the rest of his life to figure it out.
His hand came down on her without hesitation, blunt force striking her squarely where her neck met her shoulder, and she dropped bonelessly into his arms, her future forever changed.
When Jiang Cheng was a boy, before Wei Wuxian arrived, he had heard of a story.
He was very young then, and Madam Lan had been a nebulous figure, a subject of whispers and gossip, about which very few knew anything concrete. When she died, the older servants at Lotus Pier, unaware that listening ears were just around the corner, had tsked and sighed at her short wasted life. Locked away in a house. Separated from her children.
Well at least her husband loved her.
He did, though? How would anyone know.
Or wanted her, at least.
Whatever is wrong with the young masters of this generation and their poorly chosen women! Either loved but locked up or free but miserable nonetheless. What is the state of this world?!
Jiang Cheng didn't understand then.
In time, he would.
After she was discovered in the dungeon, Wen Qing woke up in Jiang Wanyin's bed, wearing not a stitch but a bandage around her nape, and discovered herself in the middle of Sunshot Campaign's battle camp. From the two female disciples that had brought her new periwinkle uniforms to change into with barely concealed sneers, Wen Qing learned the reason behind her wretched state. About two dozen disciples of various sects had seen Jiang Wanyin carry her in the previous night and emerge the next morning adjusting his robes in a way that required very little explanation.
It was not that she didn't try to escape. She did.
Where do you think you're going, pretty thing? A Jin disciple interscepted her. They all said that Wei Wuxian was shameless, but seems like shamelessness runs in the family. Still, gotta hand it to him, Jiang Wanyin has good taste.
The disciple grabbed her around the middle while a couple of his sect brothers laughed at her struggle. Does he share? Do you know? He should, it's a virture after all.
Their malicious laughter had turned to yelps of pain when Zidian whipped them three feet into the air and back by a yard.
"Don't touch what it isn't yours."
Sandu's gleaming tip tapped the Jin disciple lightly on the shoulder thrice, mockingly polite in its gentleness. The man released her, all too aware of the distance between his jugular and the sword's edge.
More people gathered at the sound of commotion, coming together with shared morbid curiosity and judging eyes.
Nie Mingjue was there. Lan Wangji right behind him, looking ready to draw his sword and uphold justice.
"Your little tart was running away." Scoffed the Jin disciple. "I was just teasing her. No foul, no harm."
"Is that so?"
And then in front everyone, Jiang Wanyin grabbed her by the hair and reeled her in to press his lips against hers, his other hand unfriendly and uninhitibted. Just as quickly, he detached his mouth from her, sneering at the onlookers before chasing the exposed skin of her neck yanked to one side, and bit down hard enough to draw blood.
Of course she screamed.
"A-Cheng, that's enough."
The others parted for his sister to come through. Jiang Yanli gazed blandly at her little brother and the girl thrashing in his arms, offered no words of admonishment, but merely said, "Go inside if that's what you want to do."
Jiang Cheng threw Wen Qing over his shoulder like a sack of grains without further prompts.
It's what she deserves, that wretched little bitch, Wen Ruohan's witch doctor, the whispers followed them like shadows, but no one raised a hand to Wen Qing again.
As the old saying goes: one would have to check with the master, even if it were only to beat a dog.
(Except: "You know what the world will think of you. What she will think of you." "I know, but...thank you for helping me, A-jie." "Don't thank me, didi, not when you're asking me to help you hurt yourself.")
It's not that Wen Qing didn't try to kill him either. She couldn't.
Her cultivation was sealed. Semi-permanently. That was what was under the bandage. At the base of her nape, he had carved a sealing rune into her skin, and the only way to reverse it is to carve the counter sigil on her sternum.
Later, she would learn that this was a secret Lan technique, given to Jiang Wanyin by Old Man Lan himself. She could only guess what he must've said to convince the pedantic old man to hand over his family's protected secret.
(He had said this: "I love her, Grandmaster Lan, please!" "You are a preposterous boy, Jiang-gongzi." "I love her, as your brother loved your sister-in-law!" "You-" "I've heard of the stories, I don't know how much is true. Only...Wen Qing is innocent! Prideful yes, but innocent! Help me. Please. I will do anything in return.")
After her failed escape and that awful display in front of the whole camp, Jiang Wangyin never showed his face to her again. The Jiangs installed her in her own tent with confinement talismens to prevent her from further attempts. Every night, two disciples came to give her (or force feed her if she refused) a concoction of some sort, which rendered her unconscious within minutes and unrousable until dawn.
She could lie to herself and say she hadn't a clue what happened within those hours, but the fact she always awakened in some state of undress and dishevel the next morning, and the fact that it was undisbutedly known amongst the disciples - Jiang or otherwise - that Jiang Wanyin visited her nightly whenever he wasn't out fighting, narrowed the possibilities down to a singular conclusion.
In the maelstrom of her nightmare, it didn't occur her to wonder why he never came to her during the day.
(The truth was this: Lan Xichen was sympathetic, "Your cultivation is derived from water, hers from fire. A seal fused with your cultivation without some kind of...buffer will inevitably harm her in the long run, erode through her golden core until she is permanently damaged. Give this tonic to her everynight. Without fail.")
(But also this: "Why must we continue this farce, A-Cheng, just tell her the truth! Why must you make her believe that you -" "I own her, but do not love her. I am her master, not her lover. She is damaged goods, worthless even as a leverage. That's the only way the others will leave her alone." "A-Cheng, you don't have to do this -" "I do. I do have to....is there any word on Wen Ning? Have we found him?" )
Then one morning, about a month in, Wen Qing woke to the sound of thunder and rain and realized she wasn't alone. Even with her cultivation sealed she could feel another presence in the tent. Seconds later, Jiang Wanyin emerged from behind the trifold, hair unbound, barefoot and only in his underclothing.
He froze when he realized she was awake, and stared at her agape as if she'd caught him doing something he shouldn't. As if somehow she didn't know he'd been violating her for weeks.
(Unfortunately: the storm had collapsed many tents in the camp in the early morning, including his and his sister's. Jiang Yanli had been invited to stay with Mianmian, and Jiang Cheng, knowing Wen Qing would be dead to the world, had ducked into her tent to quickly change into dry clothes.)
And if there had been some part of her that wanted to deny it all, that wanted to hang on to the delusion - to hope - that maybe nothing happened while she lost consciousness nightly, in that moment, was dashed and divided until all that was left of her was rage and a desire to inflict revenge.
She sat up, not even bothering to cover her half nude body, and said,
"The golden core in your body is Wei Wuxian's."
Wen Qing had hoped that she could goat Jiang Wanyin into killing her, to end her misery.
He didn't.
Three days later, Wei Wuxian re-appeared.
(In his letter to Jiang Wanyin a day before the Siege of Nevernight, Nie Huaisang wrote:
Hope you're keeping well in the front. I must confess you are a man of gossip and waggling-tongue these days, but I trust in your character to pay them no mind. I write to you without my brother's knowledge to confirm the favour you asked of me is done. Wen Ning has been located and transported to Unclean Realm with the atmost discretion. He recovers daily.
Your friend,
Nie Huaisang
PS: You seriously need to tell me everything after we kick Wen Ruohan's ass. You owe me! )
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wwxfans prompt fest
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Hey, all! We're halfway through the prompting period for wwxfans prompt fest and I just wanted to bring a reminder that we are still taking prompts and creations will be taken until October 31. We've had a lot of great fills already and so, so many great prompts. If you'd like to join us, please do! All canons, all ships, all platonic relationships, queerplatonic relationships, as long as Wei Wuxian is at the center of it and follows the rules for the comm, it can be prompted or filled.
link to prompt post
I'd also like to bring some attention to the great works that have been posted so far!
G - Orphan Crowxian Angst Ficlet
T - Five Times Crowxian got away with mischief
E - endgame wangxian, wwx/lqy, wwx/wq shibari
M - wwx in shibari fanart
G - wwx and wen qing in halloween costumes
G - mothxian courting rituals fanart
E - post-canon cql wwx sees lwj dressing, things escalate from there
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or @cynical-harlequin. I hope to see more folks over there! We've been having a great time so far!
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pocketsizedowls · 1 year
The following is a possible timeline of Jiang Cheng's romantic (?) endeavors:
He meets Wei Wuxian when he was a toddler. Since Wei Wuxian is a little older and a little taller, Jiang Cheng thinks he's kind of cool, even if he's also a toddler. A few years later Wei Wuxian comes to live at Lotus Pier full-time. They start sharing a room and it takes only about a month for Jiang Cheng to realize that Wei Wuxian, who he now sees as a brother, is a fucking idiot.
Wei Wuxian follows Jiang Cheng to the Cloud Recesses when they are 15 and they meet Nie Huaisang, who is timid but mischievous. Nie Huaisang runs an illegal pornography distribution business without ever getting caught, not even after Wei Wuxian gets booted from Gusu and Lan Qiren grows eyes on the back of his head. It piques Jiang Cheng's interest. Nie Huaisang kisses Jiang Cheng on the last day of school before skipping away to Qinghe.
In The Untamed, Jiang Cheng meets Wen Qing around this time as well. He grew up watching Jiang Yanli pine after the peacock and, after making a list of qualities that he would like for the future Madam Jiang to have, he thinks Wen Qing is a good choice for courtship. She's smart and pretty, just like his jiejie. His mom will probably like her, which is... preferable. Either way, Jiang Cheng courts Wen Qing by bringing her a comb he bought at Caiyi Town, just like Yanli says he should. He leaves the encounter feeling proud of himself.
The romantic (?) side plots of Jiang Cheng's life take a pause for the next 5ish years because he's busy trying not to die. Lotus Pier burns, the Sunshot Campaign goes by, and good news! He succeeds in not dying. Bad news! Every other Jiang didn't. So, he spends the next 10 years after that recovering from not-dying. Understandably, it put a slight damper on his mood and now, he's been blacklisted from every matchmaker in the country! Oh well. He's got his hands full anyways, with a nephew to raise and a sect to rebuild, yada yada yada.
Soon enough, Jiang Cheng forgets all about his youthful naivete and teenage follies. Growing up has a way of hardening your soul and rewiring your memories, so he spends most of his days as Sect Leader Jiang overworking until he feels absolutely nothing. Raising Jin Ling brings some light into his life, of course, but he's a Jin, not a Jiang. He doesn't get to spend all his time at Lotus Pier, no matter how much Jiang Cheng would secretly love that. In a matter of years, chasing down demonic cultivators became his only source of dopamine. It's an incredibly self-indulgent thing. He investigates every smoke trail, every rumor, and every crudely-drawn Yiling Patriarch poster with the intention of destroying Wei Wuxian the moment he comes back. He tells himself he doesn't miss him but finds himself pausing the witch hunt every year on October 31st, Wei Wuxian's birthday.
At the Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng, Lan Wangji, and the new-returned Wei Wuxian take down Jin Guangyao with help of a dubiously-intact Nie Mingjue and dubiously-intentioned Nie Huaisang. Jiang Cheng returns to Lotus Pier with his (?) golden core feeling lopsided in his dantian, only to receive a wedding invitation barely a few months later from Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. He wonders for a second if they intend to make amends...? Then he banishes the thought as soon as it comes.
He attends the wedding only to save face for the Jiang Sect because people would surely talk if he doesn't show. He escapes the festivities by the time the banquet starts and walks right into Lan Xichen on his way out of the Cloud Recesses.
"Zewu-jun," he says, "aren't you supposed to be in seclusion?"
Lan Xichen smiles. "Yes."
"Then why are you out here?"
"My brother is getting married," Lan Xichen says, "why shouldn't I be here?"
"If you're truly here for the wedding," sighs Jiang Cheng, "then go inside? Pat your brother on the back? Eat a piece of cake?"
Lan Xichen's smile wobbles, but Jiang Cheng doesn't let up. He's not stupid. Sure, Lan Xichen is in seclusion, which means his time is his own and he can do anything he wants, but Lan Sect would definitely be alarmed to find their sect leader grimly wandering the grounds of the Cloud Recesses on a celebratory night. So.
"Well?" Jiang Cheng asks, pointed.
Lan Xichen's expression darkens. Jiang Cheng thinks anger is a good look on.
"Sect Leader Jiang," Lan Xichen starts, eerily peacefully, "you tell me to go inside, to congratulate my brother, and to eat. But did you do any of those things? It's barely nightfall and you look about ready to leave Gusu. With no Lan disciple walking you to the gates, however, you resemble a student sneaking out of class. Here at the Cloud Recesses, that crime is worthy of 20 lashes. Would you like to explain your behavior?"
Under any other circumstance, Jiang Cheng would lash out against this kind of condescension, but Lan Xichen is swaying under the moonlight like a reed. The sight of the strong, courteous Lan Xichen at his lowest unlocks something inside Jiang Cheng, a rough-around-the-edges feeling associated with flashes of memories that he can no longer fully remember. A shared bedroom. A kiss at school. A comb wrapped in cloth. A bowl of pork rib and lotus soup delivered to the front lines of war. A bloodied hairpin tucked in a purple waist stash. A declaration of love under the watchful gaze of dangerous enemies.
The feeling threatens to knock him over, but this is Jiang Cheng we're talking about. Naturally, he tucks the strange feeling back inside the box where it came from and locks it once again with the key. Meanwhile, he offers to walk Lan Xichen to the banquet. He says to him: I'll stay with you if you want. I'll even eat a piece of cake with you. Lan Xichen declines--thank goodness--so they make their way toward the Hanshi instead.
"What do you want to do now," Jiang Cheng asks when they make it to Lan Xichen's residence. He hovers at the dorm frame like a teenage boy trying his best not to intrude, leaning on one foot and then the other.
Lan Xichen considers Jiang Cheng's words for a moment and says, "I don't know. It's been a while since I had company, so please," He leaves the door wide open, gesturing inside the Hanshi, "come on in. Make yourself at home."
Jiang Cheng takes a ginger step across the threshold.
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tavina-writes · 2 months
🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
🤔 The first fic you think of when I say "I hate you so much author!!! Now give me more..."
🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Can I list anything except @robininthelabyrinth's Spilled Pearls here? Can I really? :D This fic made me OBSESSED with RuoRen. I think I can ascribe many of my other more esoteric MDZS/CQL ships to their writing as well :D
🤔 The first fic you think of when I say "I hate you so much author!!! Now give me more..."
hmmm I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about fic in this way, but hm. I think about Tozette's Naruto Prompts and Ficlets a lot, especially the one where Ino is Deidara's recently orphaned half sibling bc HOT DAMN. BRAINROT BRAINROT.
:D thanks for the ask!
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iskendaris · 2 years
fic masterpost
Updated 13/11/2022~ Those with a [☆] are my personal favourites! 
Genshin Impact
Mostly focused on ZhongChiLi with a touch of AllChilde/PanTaru. I write ZhongChiLi primarily as switch in mind although all the smut scenes are tagged with t/b for readers’ comfort.
Fool's Gold 
Pantalone x Childe, Pantalone x Childe x Dottore (threesome), Zhongli x Childe heavy nsfw + dark themes multichapter, 7/7 complete
Magpie Eyes'  Pantalone x Childe, past Zhongli x Childe heavy nsfw + dark themes one-shot, complete
Phantom Lines [☆]  ZhongChiLi canon-compliant, soft nsfw, the last chapter 7 (zhongchi) smut is skippable multichapter, complete ____________________________________________________________________
Tian Guan Ci Fu (天官赐福)
My main ships are ShuangXuan/beefleaf aka He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan; and JunMei aka. Jun Wu and Mei Nianqing.
Seachange ShuangXuan/beefleaf Teen, modern AU roommates fluff incomplete 2/4 Gift for meru90! 
Returning Earth [☆] ShuangXuan/beefleaf heavy nsfw + dark themes, canon-compliant multichapter, incomplete 10/? Sunflowers  [☆] JunMei nsfw, post canon fix-it, one-shot, complete
Gift for @hisashi772 !! Accompanying art is here
Mo Dao Zhu Shi (魔道祖师)
The fics follow mostly the novel version of the story, as I have never watched the live-action/CQL. 
Vermillion Seeds 《 此物最相思 》  [☆]
WangXian, post canon wedding fic, soft nsfw, one-shot, complete
Fragrance《 沈香 》[☆]
WangXian, post canon soft nsfw, one-shot, complete
Gift for River/@venti_later
Eclipse《影起日蚀》 WangXian, Timeloop AU, angst, incomplete 4/? (hiatus)
Spring Dawn 《 花落知多少 》 XiYao, Teen-rated, reincarnation fluff AU, one-shot, complete
Lo & Behold Gen, crack-comedy, AU Marvel Avengers crossover, incomplete 2/? (hiatus) 《皮蛋》 sometimes a once-in-a-century egg drops by WangXian, comedy, incomplete 1/2 (hiatus)
Andromedea series explores relationships between Jin Guangyao, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue (3zun) and Jiang Cheng during the years when Wei Wuxian was gone. 
Burning Sugar XiYao, nsfw, one-shot, complete Gift for Nomette/@nommette
Saturn's Rings (don't be a heartbreaker)
XiCheng, nsfw, one-shot, complete On Neptune it Rains Diamonds [☆]
Jiang Cheng x Jin Guangyao x Lan Xichen (threesome) heavy nsfw + dark themes one-shot, complete gift fic for seredemia/fran
Fireflies on Jupiter's Moon
3zun ficlet series M-rated, multichap ficlets (1000w and below)
Standing on Europa's Ocean [☆]
Gen-rating. TGCF crossover, Crimson Rain pays Jiang Cheng a visit during Mid-Autumn festival.  one-shot, complete gift fic for Jem
Bungo Stray Dogs’
My primary ship is Soukoku aka. Dazai and Chuuya.
Linger [☆] 
Soukoku, gen/teen-rated Chuuya disappears mystery fic one-shot, complete
Rush a Smile into a Headlight 
Soukoku, gen/teen-rated SKK 2018 halloween event one-shot, complete
Exchange fic with hellosweetie
Solstice (words are futile devices) [☆]
Soukoku, kitsune dazai x tengu chuuya yokai AU collab fic with Senren’s comics and Shao’s illustration
nsfw, multichapter, complete
O Children (give my gun away when it's loaded)  [☆]  Soukoku, M-rated, canon-compliant SKK week 2018 prompt: fifteen Gift fic for setsofdarkness  I Sin When You were the Last (high)  Soukoku, nsfw motorbike smut one-shot, complete (i believe) I Think I Said Goodbye to My Soul Tonight  Soukoku, nsfw chuuya demands some answers one-shot, complete You Only Get What You Give (hold tight)  Soukoku, nsfw dazai and chuuya remember one-shot, complete Regarding Black Honey (hanahaki AU), it has been taken off ao3 and I hope readers’ will respect my request not to share or redistribute the fic. Thank you.
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