#cult survivor
thecorvidforest · 1 year
sometimes DID is screaming crying hellish agony and sometimes it’s trying to figure out WHO THE FUCK DOWNLOADED 117 PICTURES OF SHARKS ON OUR PHONE
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creature-wizard · 9 months
PSA: If you're searching out resources to help cult survivors, check their citations and look out for these names - and if you see them, leave immediately - because these people are all far right conspiracy theorists:
Cisco Wheeler
Fritz Springmeier
Cathy O'Brien
Mark Philips
Lawrence Pazder
Michelle Smith/Pazder
Lauren Stratford
Texe Marrs
Bill Schnoebelen
Rebecca Brown
Mike Warnke
Literally all of these people were (or in some cases, still are) pushing far right conspiracy theories derived from early modern witch panic, blood libel, and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Literally do not trust anyone or anything that cites them.
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cultsurvivorsafe · 3 months
Cult survivors, you don't lack intelligence. You don't lack morality. Your abuse was and never will be your fault.
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imsoglitter · 1 year
I don't know what atheist needs to hear this but when someone tells you they're a cult survivor, telling them that all religions are cults is both untrue and unhelpful 😌💕
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
I was raised in the People of Destiny cult (later renamed, and more well-known as, Sovereign Grace Ministries, now Sovereign Grace Churches).
The valorization of martyrdom and The End Times was so ubiquitous it was ambient noise. We stood in the church lobby theorizing about who the antichrist would be, we argued about whether Jesus would rapture us all before, after, or during the Tribulation Period where Satan would be given free reign over the earth. There was a strong Christian Zionist fixation on Israel as the final battleground and capital of the coming Messianic Age. But the one thing we were all certain of was is that we were in the End Times, that we were not of this world and couldn’t get too attached to our lives here.
We were raised to believe our sin nature made us undeserving of life, that we deserved death and eternal conscious torture.
My parents read us the Jesus Freaks books (a series by Christian Rap group DC Talk about martyrs). I spent “devotional time” reading Fox’s Book of Martyrs. We had guest speakers from Voice of the Martyrs, their pamphlets were often stocked in our church’s information center. We grew up with our dad listening to right wing talk radio and making us listen to songs about how the Godless atheists were outlawing Christianity in America, that we could all become martyrs soon.
The group’s theology was damaging & traumatic in a lot of other ways that contributed to the suicidality I have continued to struggle with for the rest of my life. For a long time I did not believe I would live past 20. There are times when the idea of giving my death meaning by using public suicide to make a political statement has appealed to me.
So now, seeing so many social media posts glorifying the suicide of a US Airman this week, I have been furious. Reading his social media posts, I recognize so much about the way I was raised in his all-or-nothing, black-or-white mindset, the valorization of death-seeking & martyrdom, and the apocalyptic fire-and-brimstone imagery of self-immolation. The moment I saw people I followed celebrating his self-immolation, I said to myself “this feels like a cult”
So when I learned he was raised in a cult too, nothing could have made more sense to me. His political orientation may have changed, but his mindset did not—it was no less extreme or cult-like.
I’ve talked about so many of the reasons this response from the broader left scares me, including how it’s laundering that airman’s antisemitic beliefs, but I cannot think of anything that would hit me in a more personal place than this specific response to this specific situation has.
When I see the images, I think: that could have been me. That scares me, and what scares me more is that so many prominent people are overwhelmingly sending the message to people like me that there is nothing else we can do that would have a more meaningful impact than killing ourselves for the cause.
I do not believe that. I will not even entertain it. And having to see his death over and over and over again, to argue against people who are treating this like an intellectual/moral exercise or a valid debate we all have to consider has been immensely triggering and fills me with a rage I rarely feel. It’s unconscionable that we are even putting self-harm on the table, and that pushing back against that is somehow controversial.
There is hope. Our lives do have meaning. There are far more effective means of fighting injustice. And the world is a better place for having you in it. Don’t fall into believing this is a way to give life purpose.
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wizardsaur · 6 months
Hey kids,
Let's talk about "woo-woo" people red flags, shall we?
If you've been in the occult, mystical, witchcraft game for long enough, you've probably seen your fair share of weirdos.
You know.
The ones who think the antisemitic conspiracies are real. The essential oils can cure cancer types. The guy who seems cool at first then seems convinced that the hand of God is in the Sahara desert.
There's more to being grounded in this community than avoided the racist norsepagans.
You are intelligent. You are wise. You have a world of resources and knowledge at your fingertips. And yet!
It never starts out feeling crazy. It never feels crazy in the moment. Believing aliens built massive structures to channel energy around the world DOESN'T SEEM WEIRD. And it sure doesn't change when the entire group's thoughts collectively devolve into situations like Heaven's Gate.
No one who cut their hair and had their last meal at Marie Calendar's thought they were wrong.
Be so careful peeps. It's human nature to want to belong, to want to learn more. Speaking as a 3 time cult joined, it is so fucking easy to lose yourself in online forums, threads, group chats...
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RAMCOA/programmed/HC-DID systems feel free to add onto this, but as a non-RAMCOA system I really think we need to stop trying to police RAMCOA survivor’s language.
They have experienced horrors that we can barely comprehend when they were CHILDREN, sometimes INFANTS. They are trying to find community by labeling their unique experiences that are objectively more complex than many others. So many non-RAMCOA systems are butthurt over HC-DID systems calling themselves “highly complex”, seemingly just because it “invalidates other’s trauma”.
Trauma experiences that are more severe than yours will always exist, and the survivors of those experiences will always speak out about them. By claiming that these people are “playing trauma olympics” by simply speaking out about and labeling their stories, we are actively silencing survivors of severe abuse. Acknowledging that some experiences are more complex than others is not inherently downplaying the validity of the less complex experiences.
Because the nature of RAMCOA survivor’s experiences is near impossible to grasp for us non-survivors, we need to understand that we are stepping out of our lane by trying to involve ourselves in the conversations about RAMCOA exclusive labels. It’s perfectly acceptable for systems to ask non-systems to not get involved in system discourse, and the response should be the same for programmed systems asking non-programmed systems to not get involved in RAMCOA discourse.
Again, I’d love if any RAMCOA systems would like to add onto this! This is just our perspective as a system who is not a survivor, and we’re open to any additions or criticisms.
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 8 months
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How delusional do you have to be to think that the religion that has forcibly invaded and converted multiple countries throughout the centuries has preserved languages and cultures.
Old norse was only converted to the Latin alphabet because of Christianity, almost destroying the runic alphabet.
Christians forced indigenous children in North America and Canada to attend schools that stripped them of their culture and abuse them into Christianity. There are still Christian organisations who are dedicated to preaching to the native tribes on the North American continent.
How many mythological/folklore/fairytale figures have been diluted down to make it more christian friendly? How many have been demonised because they went against christian values?
How many historical artifacts or culturally significant items have been stolen or destroyed because of Christianity?
It genuinely breaks my heart to think of all the pain and suffering and death Christianity has caused to numerous countries, and the historical knowledge we might have lost in the process.
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ram-like · 4 months
caution post on ethan/dreamkingdomaine
please read the edit 2 at the bottom
a few weeks ago, in the beginning of february, ethan messaged one of my friends on tumblr to ask if he wanted to make a private discord server to talk. at this time, ethan's tumblr said he was 41 years old, which he then confirmed in a message with my friend. his (my friend's) tumblr bio says that she is an adult, but doesn't dictate his full age.
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ethan messaged him on discord, again confirming that he is fourty-one, but stopped messaging & unfriended him when my friend said she was 18 & therefore they shouldn't be talking.
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however, ethan then changed the age on his account to 24.
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he then messaged me, asking a very similar thing, however whilst he claimed he didn't realise my friend was 18 (and in a later message, that much of the tumblr did community is <25) my age is very obviously stated in my bio (and I am 17 years old, making me a legal minor.)
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ethan has not messaged any of my other friends on tumblr, who state that they are adults in their bio, & i don't know the extent to which he has interacted with members on here.
his behaviour therefore is incredibly predatory seeming, particularly the changing of his reported age, & i presume he was operating under the assumption that me and my friend didn't know each other and therefore wouldn't discuss this.
ethan's discord user ID is 339913311573245954. i advise everyone who owns or moderates a server focused on did/trauma that's available to find on tumblr to preban him, especially if there are minors in your community, and block him on tumblr. this is not the behaviour of a responsible & trustworthy adult.
* edit/note: based on the blog history, this person has likely been doing this for YEARS. there are no other accounts with that name easily identifiable online, so this tumblr is likely a burner account. they have a year long post history of disappearing for a matter of months, and then coming back to ask people to DM them or message them on discord, presumably also messaging people in a similar manner to how they are now, originally in the roleplay community but more recently in trauma communities. and a reminder that again they are lying about their age after being told it was an uncomfortable difference by a young person they were attempting to privately speak too. please watch your interactions with this person.
* edit 2: as it turns out, this person has actually been a notorious predator in roleplay communities for years, with a long history of commission fraud & repeatedly requesting nsfw or rape-based plots. here's a post about his actions: https://www.tumblr.com/traumadreaming/743234181974425600/strngher-archived-despite-having-not-posted?source=share
please bear in mind the google docs in this post are EXTENSIVE and contain triggering materials at basically all points.
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just-a-dead-kid · 2 months
A note to anyone else who was forced to harm other victims of your abusers:
You aren't evil because of what they made you do. You aren't bad because you were made to do harm. You aren't irredeemable because of the things forced on you, even if that means someone else got hurt in the process. That harm is on the shoulders of the people that forced you to do those things, not you.
Forced perpetration doesn't make you a monster. It doesn't change anything about your worth. It doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. It's just another way to hurt you and convince you it was your own fault. It means absolutely nothing about who you are as a person.
You aren't bad even if part of you decided you enjoyed hurting people, you cope any way you can in a situation like that, there's nothing wrong with how you made it out alive.
Take care out there 💜 you deserve to heal from this, no matter what the bad thoughts tell you.
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thecorvidforest · 11 months
i can’t believe this apparently needs to be said but y’all. cult jokes are not funny. things like calling yourself a cult leader, calling a friend group or a fandom a cult, joking about starting a cult, ARE NEVER FUNNY. jokes like these diminish the seriousness of cults and spit in the faces of actual survivors. the only time making cult-related jokes is okay is if you are a cult survivor joking about your own trauma.
sincerely, an exhausted cult survivor
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isolated-bats · 7 months
having religious trauma from the most boring of churches is such a unique experience. stained glass and high ceilings dont mean anything. but dingy basements and hotel bibles mean everything. my religious trauma (and i would assume a lot of others) isnt as pure as what is shown. its gross basements, hand-me-down bibles, wooden chairs that look like theyre at least 50 years old, vhs tapes and big box tvs, ugly carpet, and "god bless you" instead of i love you.
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cultsurvivorsafe · 1 month
Cult survivors deserve peace. Cult survivors deserve safety. Cult survivors deserve happiness.
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wisteria-grows-here · 3 months
In light of the new announcements made by the Governing Body, I wanted to share a few reminders. If these changes bring anyone hope for a better future within the religion, I am not trying to take that from you. I believe we are all allowed to be happy.
Women are now allowed to wear pants to meetings - But we are still not allowed to divorce abusive spouses. We are forbidden from having any position of authority within the congregation. We are still considered the "weaker sex" who must submit to their husband's. There is still the pressure to have sex with one's husband because it is a "marital duty."
Witnesses are now allowed to speak to disfellowshipped individuals - But only to try and convert them back. Not to reconnect with old friends or to even ask them how they are doing after losing everything. Witnesses still cannot talk to us as people, but only through the means of conversion.
Men can grow beards - but still lack basic autonomy over their bodies. Still no tattoos or piercings. Still no "flamboyant" attire that might label them as homosexual.
All in all, I see these changes as new manipulation tactics. As a way for the organization to say, look how progressive we are being! Look how welcoming and supportive we are! They are trying to deflect from the long list of constraints against the members. Trying to hide the irreversible pain and trauma that is still inflicted upon disfellowshipped individuals. These changes are breadcrumbs. They do nothing to reverse the institutionalized horrors of Jehovah's Witnesses
For anyone reading this: may you go in peace and happiness 🩷🩷
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I might not be a girl or a woman anymore, but I will never forget the way that 8 year old me had to wear a t-shirt under her summer sundress. She was told that it would be her fault if a man saw her shoulders and was tempted to sin.
I have seen little kids out in “immodest” clothing: tank tops with dinos, polkadotted short shorts, unicorn crop tops. You know how many of those children I’ve had sinful thoughts about?
Imagine being such a spineless fucking pedophile that you blame the child for daring to have a body.
Remember when the men said to Christ, “the scantily-clad woman is causing us to have impure thoughts!”
They waited to hear “she must cover her body.”
Instead, Christ replied “if your hand betrays you, cut it off; and if your eyes cause you to sin, gouge them out.”
It’s high time to bring that back.
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anqaspond · 3 months
its so strange how despite the influx of dystopia/cult themed media within the last decade, most people wouldnt recognize a cult, even one theyre not a part of, if it slapped them in the face. like relax girl you are not a dystopia novel main character. you thought midsommar was a story about female liberation.
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