#d20 trw
beckyblah · 1 year
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My rot is as hungry as me. & when God asks me about love, I always respond with cruelty.
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
nothing has changed my worldview so thoroughly as Ally calling Zac a word-sniper because I think about it every single time Zac makes a joke because its so true. people were talking about how they wanted to see Matt meet chaos force Emily while dming but there is no one better he could've faced than Sniper Zac. like Brennan said in the AP Zac is the only one who, by barely speaking a sentence, can break the most talented and accomplished improvisers in the world. They can meet a force of chaos and battle it - they are POWERLESS against a sniper
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meetthefatess · 1 year
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first karna design ideas!!
Coming out of hiatus to draw aabria iyengar pcs >>>
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1wn8ure · 1 year
Karna is such an interesting character to me, most notably because of her AGE
She was SO young when the war started. Younger still when she was thrown into a life of subterfuge and secrecy and disguise. Who knows how young she was when she devoted herself to a deity(?) that represented absolute destruction?
that has GOT to have an effect on one's psyche. in your most developmental years, knowing intimately that your narrative has been doomed from the beginning. how do you find the will to build yourself up from nothing when you know all you will ever survive to see will be foundations at most?
part of me wonders what parts of Karna never got the chance to grow as a result. she never had the time most children get to dream, to explore their identities knowing that the entire world was their oyster. she grew up with the fundamental knowledge that eventually, everything in her past, present, and future would end up as detritus. how does someone put down roots in a soil they know will be washed away? and if they cannot put down roots, how in Calorum do they find the nutrients they need to develop?
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proudheron · 1 year
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i put this on the dropout discord but also putting it here cause i'm proud: my edible map of calorum. vegan except for the fish and the cheese islands. and it was super fun to plan and make! my favorite parts are the kohakutou crystals and the borderland foods like the quince tarts and mini donair. also you can't see them very well in this picture but i did hide tiny mushrooms in some key locations :)
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cast photo. homemade except for the cheese because my vegan cheese attempts were disastrous. delissandro pastrami, c'mon provolone, solaran hot honey, pickled amangeaux, and raphaniel slaw 😈
i really enjoyed The Ravening War and have been thinking about it nonstop since the finale. everyone knocked it outta the park!
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swagyatta · 1 year
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this has got to be one of the most scenes ever
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 1 year
so i only watched the ravening war trailer without sound and let me tell you i did NOT expect colin’s voice to be ricky matsui (pathetic edition)
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Raphaniel's secret is that he knew that Arthur Cardoon never having an heir would result in a war
Raphaniel the eschatologist poisoned Arthur Cardoon to keep him from having an heir
Raphaniel started the Ravening War
Brennan Lee Mulligan wrote the ravening war into existence as both player and dungeon master
How the FUCK am I supposed to live normally after this????????????
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No but y’all don’t get it
Brennan’s Calorum PC, Raphaniel Charlock intentionally poisoned the king with full knowledge that it would launch Calorum into all out war
Raphaniel in his mad zealotry was the one to pull the Ramsian Doctrine from obscurity, bringing it into the theological discussion within the church with his writings
after his death, the newly ascendant Archbishop Brassica, a subscriber to the Ramsian Doctrine due to Raphaniel’s writings would eventually mobilise the forces of the Bulbian Church and Vegetania to march on Candia for an attempted genocide
Brennan created Calorum and his silly radish man PC single-handedly lay as the root initiator behind not one, but two horrifically brutal wars which he had already written into existence as the dungeon master.
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slayerchick303 · 1 year
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The people in the Dimension 20 cast are the funniest people on the planet.
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margonaughts · 1 year
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Been thinking about “Ambition is the willingness to kill the things you love and eat them to stay alive” and how Crudite had been dead for years when Karna was only 14 and how early she had to sacrifice her childhood to survive and how she’s literally killing a bit of that little girl every time she takes a life
ANYway, @quiddie come get your girl, if she wants to stay in my mind she’s gonna have to pay some RENT
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mimicmerchant · 1 year
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Karna, I get you’re doomed by the narrative and trying your best, but I think you need a little more than a skincare routine
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
lou wilson putting his whole acting pussy into the 'you lied' speech and it fascinates me how you can do so intense emotional acting, one of his best performances, while we can also actively see him holding in laughter. multifaceted KING
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Brennan naming his secret society The Bloomin’-ati only for Matt to immediately follow up with “Nah, I’m going to call it the F.D.A.” is peak ‘how dare you be funnier than me on my own post’ energy.
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setsailforthestars · 1 year
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For just a moment, the spirit of Gorgug was felt in those tunnels that day
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littlebitofdnd · 1 year
I actually love the weird little queerplatonic-flavoured polycule dynamic of Deli and his skalds so much, and the LEAST interesting part of it to me is Deli.
Colin and Karna are, fundamentally, the same. Lost, abandoned smallfolk who have all the trappings of power but almost none of the control, both attaching themselves to Deli. The way they are put in direct competition with each other through Deli but would work the best together out of anyone in the group on a combat level.
Like, I am specifically thinking so hard about the way Karna casts silvery barbs to help Colin, but gives the advantage to Deli. She knows that Colin is her equal, and that they can help each other, but she just preens under Deli's minimal affection.
Also, especially pre-Five Years, Karna is particularly sensitive to everything Colin does. They both are slightly terrifying to the other. Karna also keeps him in mind, maybe subconsciously, by not using telepathy on him after he said he didn't like magic. She respects his mental privacy in a way that seems almost foreign for her character.
Karna envies and admires Colin, even subconsciously. She wants to be like him. She wants to be better than him. She wants to hold Deli's attention like he does.
And!! It should be noted, Colin does not reciprocate that envy. He doesn't mention his knighthood to Deli to say that he's better than Karna, he does it because he wants Deli to know that Colin made the right choice by leaving. Colin respects Karna. He fears her a little bit, but he respects her and the power she commands. He just doesn't like the way that she operates with Deli. He's upset that she can't see what he did.
AND DELI at the apex of this is giving them both what the other person wants!! Colin wants Deli to listen to him the way that he listens to Karna. Karna wants to consume Deli's mind the way that Colin does. They're stuck in this really toxic, tension driven circle where no one's needs are getting met, but the passion doesn't let them stop chasing each other.
Also, on a less serious note. Imagine with me a Pastrami sandwich that has peppers and cheese on it. Fucking delicious.
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