#dimension 20 spoilers
katriaarts · 2 days
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cause honey— you got a big storm coming ‼️
I meant to do a color page for when this happened in the show because the visual made me CRAZYYYY and then time got away from me and now the season is over >.> so I put a gradient map on it instead!
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copper-ice-cube · 2 days
of fucking course the sugar plum fairy's lair is the FREEZER
the rest of calorum is the fridge and when people die its food getting eaten by the hungry one
but the sugar plum fairy steals spirits away to her mountain lair so they don't get eaten!
aka putting them in the freezer so they're dead but not eaten yet!!
and when she dies lapin says all the spirits have to go to the hungry one!!!
and there is imagery of the heat of the old dragon's lair melting lapin and all the sugar plum fairy's treasures away!!!!
aka frozen food being defrosted/reheated to be eaten!!!!!
fuck fuck fuck of fucking COURSE!!!!!!
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my-craft · 3 days
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All I’m saying is that Riz should have flipped off Kipperlily while jumping into the lava
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 day
Another fantasy high thought about Inkblade being parents, this kid whose parents are 2 of the strongest wizards bloodlines full of magic their mom is the eleven oracle and just kids decides no interest in magic. Kid wants to become a monk or fighter or barbarian or rouge maybe.
Just Adaine being the most supportive and loving Mum always encouraging kid to be themselves. Never once making them feel bad.
And also Oisin also the most encouraging and always like 'You take after your mother so much'
'...but Mums a wizard'
'And she can kick my ass'
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cat-chthesehands · 2 days
BLOOD AND BREAD WHO FOR CANDIA PT 2 IS WHERE IT'S AT. TRULY no DND game has ever been so fucking crit heavy.
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killerunicorn3 · 10 days
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polarsirens · 13 days
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the emo kids
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jq37 · 1 month
You gotta hand it to Fig. All of the Bad Kids were given foils this season and they got to decide how much they wanted to engage with that part of the plot. Gorgug only interacted with Mary Ann in passing despite them both being on the Owlbears. Fabian noped out of chatting up Ivy once she crossed a line with Mazey. Riz was so busy that he truly had no time to engage with Kipperlilly even though she's obsessed with him. Kristen interacted a bit with Buddy but spent way more time verbally sparring with Kipperlilly. And Adaine was somewhat interested in Oisin but never overtly acted on it.
But Fig?
She's in Ruben's WALLS. She's in his DREAMS. She's faking her alter emo's death. She's got the Fantasy FBI after her. She's SO SO tiny. No one is doing it like Fig's doing it.
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15lehna · 24 days
Divine intervention so insane you get a new dm
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 2 months
making six comedians answer exam questions instead of letting their characters do it is the funniest thing brennan has ever done the panic in their eyes is so real
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fauxpossum · 17 days
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recycledraccoon · 10 days
Twitch Streamer Mary Ann Skuttle AU
She almost exclusively plays video games, tho sometimes she reviews the quality and cuteness of plushies. Sometimes she updates people on her quokki pet's level or how her personal AC Island looks, or her longest running Stardew Farm. (Maru IS her favorite Stardew marriageable NPC because it reminds her of her "loser boyfriend".)
Sometimes she gets her friends to play games with her on stream, or they're just in the background hanging out. Once when a game comes out that Mary Ann is legit excited for (in her own way) everyone gathers in a little watch party in the background with snacks as they settle in for the Marathon stream about to happen.
If she misses some streams she probably tosses out a simple update about her and her friends being on a quest or something similar that she implies is kinda lame. Her watchers KNOW she's an adventurer but there is never any elaboration.
They also know she has a boyfriend but known VERY little about him.
Loser Boyfriend™️ Confirmed Facts
1. Loser
2. His quokki pets gameplay is trash
3. Also an adventurer ig
4. Plays drums sometimes
5. They officially met when she curb-stomped his ass at a sports tryouts and he got mad. (No elaboration)
6. He made her a switch capable of running ROMhacks and mods.
7. Half-orc. The only times they have ever seen him is once or twice when he wordlessly hands her a mango soda from off screen. They have an entire emote of his hand with the soda bottle they spam sometimes. (#bottleboi)
Which is to say when Gorgug shows up in the background of the stream one day, cause Mary Ann rearranged or was streaming from somewhere else temporarily, people start freaking out.
Mary Ann notices but only comments "yeah, that's my loser boyfriend. Don't worry about it."
"His quokki pets gameplay is trash."
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goddamneddemons · 19 days
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The bit went a little too far
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goblin-king-jay · 1 month
"My darling paramour, my infernal flame, my Figueroth. I sent these meteors to you from the dawn of time when a rogue asteroid almost hit my dad's jet ski. Sundering the space rock with but a gesture of my most potent art, the debris surrounded me and with it came the sorrow of your absence. I sent these rocky chunks across the galaxy, and they have traveled since the beginning of time to tell you that I love you. In each moment of our mutual ignorance, where we had yet to meet, this message was already spinning its way to you through time and space to illuminate the night sky and tell you that I love you.
Us -- our love, like time, has been inevitable and strange. I have walked in its shadow joyfully. It gives me peace to know that in my darkest moments, my love for you was already on its way, flying through the stars. We have been on our way to save us since before the lights of our world were first lit. Pretty cool, my darling paramour.
P.S. I know you have another year of school after this. But I hope one day soon, you and I might travel amongst these stars together.
XOXO Ayda Aguefort
P.S. You are not gonna believe how much my dad spent on this jet ski."
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fangirlingpuggle · 14 hours
Some silly Inkblade thoughts with Oisin dragon instincts. Like most Dragons would want to shower their partner in jewels and gold... only Oisin knows Adaine wouldn't want that... instead she is showered in frog plushes, giant terrarium and stuff for Boggy and firearms... many firearms.
Ivy:...you really giving the girl who still probably wants to kill you weapons to make it easier to kill you.
Oisin:Yeah but if she killed me she'd want to do it with her bare hands
Also other dragons keeping partners safe in towers or caves while Adaine is always adventure she and the bad kids even as adults going out and saving the world while Oisin is stay at home dad.
Other dragons: How pathetic you cannot even protect your horde your treasure should be kept in a cave protected
Oisin: Sir. My treasure is about to cave your skull.
Adaine being one to save Oisin and then princess carrying him out.
Just Adaine being the more feral of them and Oisin is 10000% there for it and smitten.
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k2-truther · 12 days
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icy distain vs blazing wrath, FIGHT
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