I don't think I'll ever be over Defunctland's last name being Perjurer. Mind-bogglingly intense and thorough research, and this fucker's name is Person Who Makes Shit Up.
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emmybreese · 2 years
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just watched the new defunctland video and i’m feeling many things
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Been watching some youtube
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ifwebefriends · 6 months
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cablll · 2 years
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demonofbabylon · 8 months
I've been watching a lot of Defunctland recently and I gotta say I absolutely love the way he'll say the funniest or most truth to power shit in a completely metered, professional academic tone. It's like when I'm reading an article about some historical figure and they read a super fucken vulgar quote but in the same detached tone, except moreso somehow?? idk. powerful aura
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mj1343 · 2 years
Watched Hbomberguy's Oof video and Defunctlands Disney Channel theme video back to back. Been a fan of Defunctland for a while but never really consumed Hbomberguy. I just
The duality of H's video ending with a talk about the small artist not being appreciated for their work, and often only being appreciated for their one big popular thing, for history passing by if not recorded, for the quote "And it honestly on a spiritual level fills me with immense grief thinking about the things i care about dying unrecognized for what they did and being forgotten" in a quest originally to uncover the truth of one sound and turning into an exposition on one mans insane antics and stealing credit from the little man
And Defunctland's video ending with a breakdown, one artist alone talking about being underappreciated and not seen as a true artist because they put their work in a video game instead of a movie or a youtube video instead of a netfix documentary, one artist feeling immense regret that he was just moments too late to interview a man dying unrecognized for what he did and was widely forgotten until the video came to light and unburied it from under hundreds of pounds of corporate nonsense, that he couldnt know what the little man put in but he could help his legacy survive as more than the one big popular thing he did
Life is finite and without having hour and a half long+ videos, and more commonly deep dives and studies uncovering the truth, history can be skewed to remain anonymous or warped by pathological greedy liars because it is "just one jingle" and "just one sound" again and again until its all of a companies jingles having to have been written by SOMEONE, but no one knows who, or all of these sound effects had to been have made by SOMEONE, but someone else has a bigger mouth and wallet
Two incredible videos coming out at the same time having similar themes. They only compliment eachother more, but they could both easily stand on their own. Defunctland's storytelling and editing is incredible as always, and although i have much less knowledge about him, Hbomberguy's video is hilarious and incredibly interesting, and both are so well researched. Good content is good
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yeehawpoorcryptid · 2 years
Me, wondering if I’ve become immune to media, that, even if I find something I enjoy a lot, there’s been nothing in a few years that has rocked me to my core & become a fundamental part of who I am, so maybe I’ve just read/watched/listened to too much and can no longer be affected as deeply as I used to be: 😐
Kevin Perjurer: …so what a monumental achievement it is to be remembered for four.
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aro-throughyourchest · 11 months
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He hasn’t even watch the 6 part special about Jim Henson and the Muppets
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fishiest-fish · 8 months
no matter times I watch defunctlands Disney Channel theme video the end hits me so hard every time. Something about the music gets me, a dead man's music being played in his honor all because we were a little too late to finding out who wrote it
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cryptvokeeper · 2 years
By the way here and here are some YouTube playlists of Alex Lasarenko’s music and here is the Spotify one From the description you of the defunctland video if you’d like to listen to more of his work
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primasveraas · 2 years
tumblr dash: ive been crying from the latest defunctland video on the disney channel theme
me: what the hell
me, later, crying from the latest defunctland video on the disney channel theme: what the hell
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thehypegoblin · 11 months
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Well??? What is it??
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thestaplerqueen · 1 year
Anyways with all the hype about defunctland and tommy tallarico, why not also watch this rad one about the convoluted origin of caramelldansen
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twodoorsnotone · 1 year
I transcribed the entire music reveal monologue to the Disney Channel Theme defunctland documentary for a friend so now I offer it to you, Tumblr, you're welcome. 👍 😭
I love what I do. I get to make videos, for a living, on subjects that I'm passionate about, that people watch. I am so lucky and I am eternally grateful for every second that I am able to do this, but I'd be lying if there wasn't a small part of me that hates that this is called a video and not a documentary or a film. That I am referred to as a YouTuber or a contact creator, not a filmmaker or documentarian, or an artist.
Because the truth is that I could do this, make videos on this platform every day until I died, and I would be happy everyday. But that small part of me: that selfish, arrogant, pretentious, miserable part of me, would not be happy if that were my legacy when I'm gone. Because living my dream looks a lot different than I imagined as a kid or even 10 years ago.
I didn't know Alex Lasarenko, and unfortunately, I never will. I made this video 2 years too late and I missed my chance to interview him. I can't ask him what it was like composing for commercials and networks. I can't ask him how he came up with the Disney channel theme.
But I think the first question that I would ask would be, are you ok with this? Do you even want to be credited with writing the theme?
Because this was his most popular work. He composed for other networks and shows and commercials and films, some of which some people may recognise. But nothing comes close to these four notes. How could you compete with something that has been playing non-stop for millions of people for 20 years? And according to everyone I've spoken with, he probably wrote it in a day. And he might not have thought about it again after that. It was just another job.
Alex is well remembered by his friends and family and coworkers, but on a broader public and cultural scale, he does not have a well-defined legacy. There's the tribute that Fritz Doddy wrote, the IMDb page, the archived website, and one single photo, but when I release this video and credit him for composing this theme, it will likely become the thing that he is known for - and I'm hesitant to do that. I'm hesitant to condemn someone else to the fate that I fear for myself.
And worse, in this case, it's just four notes.
There is an obvious solution to this, and that is to expose you to some of Alex's other work while I have your attention, to give you a broader sense of his talents and artistry outside of this four note mnemonic. I could play a few clips from other compositions. I could link to some of his work and encourage you to go listen to it on your own.
But I don't have to, because you've already listened to his music. In fact, you're listening to it right now, and you have been, the whole time, since the beginning.
You've been listening to the music of the late Alex Lasarenko.
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Defunctland: those of us that create things have no control over which ones of our creations will be remembered by society after we're gone. something small that we deemed insignificant in the moment could be enjoyed by generations to come. also, it is an intrinsic part of the human experience to do the things we love with the people we love
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