#dog story
mosslingg · 3 months
you guys wanna hear a funny story i just remembered
stupid question of course you do
My family has a 10 year old shih tzu. despite being an old man that dog has LOTS of energy. most of it is horny energy.
every dog we had since we got him has fallen victim to his Advances™. at this point we're convinced he's bisexual incarnate. he tried to fuck a rabbit once. never touches humans, only other animals. it's been like this for years.
fast forward to a few months ago. we got a new dog that did NOT appreciate the advances that were made on him. he made it knows well. he set boundaries. my shih tzu didn't like that.
me and my mother were in the kitchen, while my father was in the living room which is connected directly to said kitchen. our dogs were in the room with us both. my beloved old man dog suddenly started whining and staring with the saddest eyes at our other dog.
my mom chose it was a great moment to say "aww, you want to fuck??"
my father, without missing a beat, answered in a quiet, hopeless tone, "yeah"
i need you to understand. that was my DAD, a man who raised me since i was 3, admitting to being horny for my mother.
15 years they've been together. i think they'll be fine.
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 months
Everytime I eat chicken wings I’m reminded of the time when Zelder was a baby and somehow stole one, swallowed it whole, made me panic and call the weekend vet, and while I was on the phone with them she simply walked up to me, opened her mouth, coughed once and just the bones fell out
The weekend vet I had on the phone were like «ha, she ate it like a pterodactyl!» while snot and tears were running down my face as I stared in shock and horror at the creature I had let into my home
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doggozila · 5 months
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thekingsphinx · 23 days
My dog Argus has the inability to walk past a sprinkler without trying to drink/fight the water, and he will occasionally just lie in it. The issue is that he is a very over excited 150 pound Great Dane of whom controls my life and walk pattern so every now and then I just have to stand there while this goof of a creature rolls in water. I love this dog so much and I too wish I could roll on the wet grass but alas, I am human and must look Vaguely Irritated while secretly being giddy at such joy
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Behold the lovely goof in question
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rachel-sylvan-author · 2 months
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"Parasite" by Mira Grant
Thank you @mpaxauthor for the cool read! ❤️
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brazilspill · 1 year
That time I was given a stern talking-to by a Schnauzer
Did I ever tell you guys about the time my cousin's Schnauzer gave me a stern talking-to?
I'm fairly certain y'all will think I'm making this up, but I swear I'm not.
You see, I was at a hotel fazenda (the Brazilian equivalent of camping) with my aunt, my cousin, my uncle, and my cousin's dog. The dog, of course, wasn't allowed in the restaurant, so we left her behind in our room and went to go eat. When we got back we were getting ready to go swimming.
As we were finishing getting our stuff to head out the door my cousin's dog stomped over to me, very deliberately sat down in front of me, and started making doggy conversation noises in a very stern disapproving tone at me.
We all stopped what we were doing and gaped as she very clearly told me off about something (my aunt thinks it was about how I was the newest member of the pack and should respect her seniority; if anyone was supposed to get left behind it was me).
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Her name is Dada.
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bird-brained-biz · 1 year
the joys of having 6 dogs is that one of them will eventually find out we have a pool. Or rather, one will find the “joys of water.”
Today, that pool guest was Sally, the coonhound with the rather odd bone lump on her head that makes her look like a cast member for The Coneheads.
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Note. This nose water, spray included was at least two feet away. Her curiosity melted clearly into muddled confusion for a brief section (as much as a hound dog can look more confused then it does naturally.)
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Now, as hound dogs do, she decided her best course of action to stopping the terrible wetness of the entire pool and hose was to scream like a dying child in one pitch over and over until me and my partner had to get out.
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So, she did indeed stop the rain…
they should hire more hound dogs for weather stations
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mypositiveoutlooks · 11 months
Dad melts hearts as he builds a special elevator for elderly pet dog who struggles to navigate the stairs
A woman shared a heartwarming video on TikTok where her dad builds a special elevator for dog who had trouble going up and down the stairs. Their beloved Labrador is now 17 years old and is starting to have mobility issues. Large dog breeds like Labradors are susceptible to joint issues. Like humans, their bodies become weaker the older they get. They can also suffer from arthritis, which causes…
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wreckham · 2 years
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Circa 2019 comic page from a larger personal project I've put on hold for a few years now. Combination of 3D sculpting/previs, custom shapes, and hand drawing. I don't plan on releasing more of these anytime soon, but maybe someone will get a kick outta seeing what I was doing in my downtime a while back lel
Regular Doggust posts begin again tomorrow!
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criminalizegolf · 1 year
My dog and I have been engaged in a constant battle since I got him where he tries to get me to give him a scrambled egg, I do not want to give him egg because they make him fart and he sleeps in my bed, but he loves egg so fucking much that he will periodically refuse to eat other food until I give him egg recently his hunger strikes have expanded to include refusing water as well
Placing egg in a bowl on top of kibble results in him eating the kibble that egg has touched, and spitting eggless kibble out onto the floor (which is really funny to watch because he is very small and can only fit one kibble into his mouth at a time)
This same dog loves beer foam so much that if he hears a bottle opener he starts screaming
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emmabelle147 · 1 year
I can cry all I want about my dad’s silly cancer. But NOTHING will compare to the heartbreak I feel when I see my dog. Staring through the fence. At the neighbor dog. Who got a new dog friend. And now never plays with him. EVEN THOUGH MY DOG HAS KNOWN OLLIE SINCE OLLY WAS A PUPPY. HIM AND OLLY SNIFFED AND PLAYED TOGETHER SO MUCH.
Then Ollie got an aunt of the same breed. But it was fine because they’d both play with Bingo (my dog) and the aunt only ever came to visit Ollie a few times a month. Until things got doggy in there and now Ollie has a daughter that lives with him. Now him and his daughter play together and she’s met bingo several times but now they just don’t even say hello. Ollie has moved on with his life and Bingo is alone. Can’t say I blame Ollie for putting his kid first but it’s still heartbreaking watching Bingo stare longingly through the fence at what used to be his friend.
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emzalot · 1 year
My dog Hamish has discovered that he can jump. This is not a good thing. He’s a Great Dane and has figured out that he can clear the fence in a single bound. He is a year old and still very much a puppy who does not understand the dangers of escaping the yard. This is not a good thing. So, we screwed a steak down into the ground in the backyard and attached a long, very well made lead to it. I can finally have peace of mind leaving him in the yard unattended now, yes? No. Hamish is a clever boy and is now problem solving. This is not a good thing. The core of the tightly woven lead is rubber. And with the freezing temperatures we’ve had lately, Hamish learned that if he runs fast enough, the lead will snap in two! This is not a good thing. Today I go out to the garage and root around for something to keep him in the yard until we can do something about the fence. I find a thick, leash-like sort of lead that looks perfectly sturdy enough to hold the blundering idiot. So I put Hamish in his harness and attach him to the stake. Not fifteen minutes later, I go to take the trash out and he’s sitting in the front yard with a slobbery scrap of the lead dangling from his harness. He chewed through the lead. And then he wiggles on up to me, tail wagging in circles and all as if nothing was wrong. This is not a good thing.
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cassidymayshijinks · 2 years
I overtook Warrick and they were pissed. They spent the first half of their shift complaining and the second half live streaming to try and get their numbers up. 
Sammy was also complaining and tried to accuse me of cheating but realized that no one was willing to back her up and let it go.
I also went on a very pleasant call. There was a large dog wandering the neighborhood, and while I was cautious approaching a stray animal she turned out to be very friendly. I suspect she was a pet who got out without her collar and wandered too far, hopefully her owners will be able to find her at the shelter we dropped her at. She was such a sweetheart. 
All in all it was a good day today.
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ecargmura · 2 years
Because of Winn-Dixie Book Review
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This is the first book review I have posted on Tumblr. I have a blog where I mainly write reviews for books, games, anime and manga.
Here is the link to my blog post if you want to read it.
Let me know what you think and I'll post more of my past writings on Tumblr.
If not, keep reading this post for the review on Tumblr.
I’m a huge dog lover, so any story that involves a dog is instantly good to me. I remembered reading Because of Winn-Dixie as a child, but I didn’t remember the contents. As an adult, I decided to traverse back into this story and see what it was that I had forgotten. What I got was a story about a lonely girl meeting a dog who changes her life for the better. It’s a boy-meets-girl story, but the boy is a dog.
The story is about India Opal Buloni who moves to Naomi, Florida with her preacher father. One day, while she was grocery shopping at a supermarket, she meets a stray dog wreaking havoc in the building. Intrigued by the dog, she claims him and names him Winn-Dixie. Before meeting Winn-Dixie, she had a lot of emotional baggage due to her mother leaving her family behind. The loneliness she felt soon goes away as she meets Winn-Dixie who becomes the light of her life.
The story is very wholesome. It’s a story that overcomes loneliness and sadness. Dicamillo did a wonderful job showing Opal’s rougher side before she mellows out towards the end where she’s having fun with her friends and neighbors. India did not want to do anything with another person before, but knowing that she warms up to them if they liked Winn-Dixie was nice to see.
I do think this story does give an insight on what having a pet, or a companion, does for someone. I can relate. While I had several pets in the past, they do ease the loneliness. I have two dogs right now and they keep me happy every day. I understand what Opal feels when Winn-Dixie heals her troubled young soul. He makes her understand that everything will be okay and that it’s okay to miss her mother even if she’s not coming back.
Opal’s main issues are her inability to make human friends and her missing her mother. Her inability to make friends causes her to act cold and blunt towards other kids. She’s nice to some kids like Sweetie Pie, but she’s a lot meaner to Amanda, Steven and Dunlap. She later sympathizes with them later on. She also gets along well with adults like Frannie Block, Gloria Dump and Otis. She even rekindles her distant relationship with her father. The fact that everyone comes together for a party at the end shows Opal has changed positively. Everything about this is because of Winn-Dixie.
What I really liked above all else is that Opal’s mother did not make an appearance in the story. Yes, Mrs. Buloni is mentioned throughout the story, but she never actually makes a physical appearance. I find that good. The story is about Opal overcoming the loneliness over her mother leaving her behind and it also helps her become closer to her father. If her mother had shown up, it would’ve ruined the flow of the entire story.
There’s nothing much I disliked about this story, honestly. It’s a wholesome story that is perfect for children. While I am an adult, the struggles that Opal deals with and how she overcomes them with Winn-Dixie warms my heart.
I want to try watching the movie. I heard it’s good. Also, it stars AnnaSophia Robb, who is an actress that I am familiar with. I’ve watched Bridge to Terabithia and the 2005 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Would I read this story again? Maybe. I totally recommend this for any children wanting to read something eventful. What are your thoughts about this book? Please let me know.
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39, 43, and 50!
39. What would be your character’s niche on Tumblr?
Apricity would get deep into the nonsense meme shitpost side until she’s fluent in Tumblr culture. He would start saying “blorbo” during conversations (despite not engaging in any fandoms), and start cracking up over “none pizza with left beef” in the middle of the day. Unfortunately the story takes place in a different world where they don’t have any technology, let alone social media, so Apricity can’t canonically have Color of the Sky flashbacks.
43. What is your character insecure about?
Zona, despite acting like it doesn’t care about anything, has so many insecurities. Most of them boil down to the fact that it never had anything to live for throughout his childhood other than the distant goal of joining the heroes. Its parents were part of the (pretend there’s a name for the organization), a group of people who believed in the prophecy, a foretelling of a savior coming to rescue their world from the Voids. This group trained as “heroes,” (people who just kinda sat around in The Caverns waiting for the savior to show up.) Zona spent his whole life training and trying to mold itself into their idea of a hero, prove himself worthy. He never really told them about this plan, silently hoping his parents would notice his progress and invite it. They never did. It acts like it’s not hurt, that this was all according to plan, and he doesn’t even care. But he really really cares. Anyway, the idea that “A Hero Never Shows Weakness or Emotion” sent him into just basically toxic masculinity. It is extremely insecure of showing any kind of feeling or pain or weakness and instead just suffers in silence.
50. What is your favorite thing about your character?
My favorite thing about Erix is her past, and all the ways it leaks into her present-day life. Her backstory gets angstier by the day, and it makes me genuinely sad for her as I dump on the trauma sauce. If I ever make the story into a comic (which I won’t because I’m a trash disaster artist with 0 motivation), the full truth of what exactly happened to her sibling and how she found her way into her current role will be revealed in one long flashback arc. And honestly, that’s the segment that I have most planned-out and the most details picked out for. Ooh hoo hoo it’s gonna reframe everything, but I don’t want to spoil this story that I’ll never put down on paper, so instead I’m keeping this answer uselessly vague.
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defilerwyrm · 1 month
There’s this guy in town who owns this little house, and a while back he rescued a street dog that was going to get put down. Turned out she was pregnant.
Problem is, he has mental health & drug issues and couldn’t afford to get them all spayed & neutered, so now there are 6 grown bitches with 15 puppies total, and they’ve dug under his fence in multiple places but he can’t afford to fix it so they go roaming all around town. (When I say can’t afford it, I mean his house is currently running on a generator because he can’t afford his electric bill.) He’s also a day laborer so he cannot take multiple full days off work to take them to the vet an hour away. He’s in a really rough spot.
He’s not a bad person. He’s just overwhelmed.
And this little conservative town with 6 churches for 300 people, have they tried to help their neighbor? Have they adopted the puppies he’s been trying to give away? Have they offered resources?
NOPE! All they wanna do is talk shit about him and complain about the dogs but never lift a finger of their own. And they come to his house to yell at him and cuss him out about the dogs, which does not exactly engender in him a cooperative attitude, as you might imagine.
So after a while of this going on, my mom gets fed up with all the NIMBY bullshit and starts talking to the guy, because she’s done animal rescue for 20-odd years and has Connections. He’s resistant at first, but when he realizes she’s not being an asshole to him on account of his addiction or the dogs, he decides to let her help.
She gets to work organizing and networking. Finds a non-profit that will cover vaccinations, spay/neuter, and flea treatments for all the dogs. Talks the next-door neighbor into paying for materials to fix the fence, since this guy can do the work of it himself. Gets him in touch with another non-profit that will adopt out the adult dogs.
Less than 2 weeks after she decided to do something, all puppies have been to the vet, 10 puppies and 4 adult dogs have been adopted out, and the second non-profit is coming by next week to pick up the remaining 7 dogs to ship them out for adoption.
I’ve learned a lot of things from my mom—some good, some bad—but I think the most important positive message she lives as an example of is this: sometimes, when something needs done and no one else is willing, you gotta stand up and say “I’ll do it.”
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