thoughtportal · 5 months
5 simple exercises to awaken dormant muscles
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roseamoungstthethorns · 7 months
Yearly reminder to leave wheelchair users alone. This is important all year, but especially in winter!
Almost everywhere is designed for abled people, leaving wheelchair users at a disadvantage. Roads are uneven, there is unpaved walking paths, and in winter we get extra obstacles.
Wheelchair users are forced to take whatever path we can and sometimes that happens to be right smack in the middle of the road.
If a wheelchair user seems stuck (especially in winter) you can ask us if we would like some help. Otherwise please be patient with us and only drive or walk around us if it is safe to do so! Wheelchair users' lives are more important than wherever you are driving. You can wait.
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alex2xander · 3 months
Shout out to all the tumblr users dealing with daily fatigue and severe depression.
Respect to those who have medium and high support needs who need assistance with bodily functions.
Love to those who cannot safely leave their bedrooms or home due to the pandemic and lack of societal support.
Care to those who spend the majority of their life online because this is the only way they can socialize with the outside world
There are so many of us trying to make it day to day. I love you and you're not alone in this.
I love you people who have to be carried, lifted, or escorted in mobility aids to do daily living tasks
I love you people who depend entirely on your cariers and personal aids for every function
I love you people who haven't been able to shower in over a week and therefore have tangled or matted hair and body odour
I love you people who have been wearing the same clothes for over a week
I love you people who dont have the energy to get out of bed to use the bathroom and need to use diapers or a bed pan
I love you people who havent been able to cook their own meal in months
I love you people who have piles of dirty clothes and trash scattered around their room
I love you people who uncontrollably drool on yourself and your property
I love you people who have slowly lost mobility and function over time and are adjusting to their new life
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lolliepopcrusader · 2 years
Calling all chronic creatives - here's how to up your crochet game!
I'm an avid crocheter, but holding the hook for long periods of time became exhausting and painful. Being chronically ill, losing the ability to enjoy my hobbies was tough for me accept.
My husband took me to the craft store and we purchased a ergonomic crochet handle. This handle needed to fit my criteria;
able to hold a variety of hook sizes
hold up to high tension crochet projects (I do a lot of amigurumi crochet, which you need to complete with tight tension)
reduce my wrist/hand pain
reduce the amount of grip strength needed to hold the hook to avoid fatigue
This ergonomic crochet handle *seemed* to tick all these boxes. It was quite an expensive purchase and to be honest, I was disappointed in it in all aspects.
The purchased handle uses small rubber stoppers to hold the crochet hook in place, but as you are crocheting the hook works loose and spins around inside it. The handle itself was too small, making it painful to hold. I had to use a lot of grip strength to keep it in my hand, which is what I was trying to avoid by purchasing the darn thing. The little knobbly bit at the end really dug into my hand and hurt. It was so annoying to use and I gave up on it altogether after three days of using it (not to mention one of the rubber pieces broke apart within hours).
I expressed my disappointment to my husband, and he decided to come to my rescue! Over the course of a week, he designed me his own ergonomic crochet handle in a computer program called CAD. He then printed it out using his 3D printer. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this new handle - its a game changer!
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During the design process, he took into consideration all of my complaints about the disappointing handle and my criteria that I had listed. The handle he designed is bigger, so it uses less grip strength to hold it in place which also reduces my pain.
Instead of using rubber stoppers like the other handle, he designed a 'lock and key' system for keeping the crochet hooks in place and it works fabulously! The hook never moves and I'm really rough with my crochet hooks. It holds up to my high tension crochet projects and I have completed many amigurumi with it, even small, intricate items. Since it is designed with the lock and key system, my husband was easily able to print different keys to be able to hold multiple sizes. I've got keys ranging from 1.25mm all the way up to 6mm!
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I can now crochet for hours on end and I swear my crochet skills have gotten so much better.
After expressing my delight at the crochet handle my husband designed for me, both him and I want others to be able to experience the freedom that I now have when crocheting. With chronic illnesses, its important for you to be able to continue with your passions as much as possible, so we have decided to make this crochet handle a sellable physical item for others to enjoy.
Here's the link to purchase one if you would like to give it a go!
Each crochet handle will come with the hook sizes;
If you want other hook sizes, send us a message and we can design one.
The cost of the handle and keys covers the cost of the 3D printing material, we are not making a profit off of this because we want as many people suffering from chronic illness to be able to enjoy crocheting again. We are happy to post internationally as we are based in New Zealand, send us a message before purchasing so that I can get you the cost of shipping.
I hope you will love this crochet handle and hook set as much as I have!
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tanuki-kimono · 25 days
I just found your blog and I am absolutely enamored by all these designs! I did have a quick question though
I'd love to one day visit Japan, and I love the idea of attending a festival in a rented yukata. However, I'm concerned about if I could wear one or not due to the sleeves. I'm disabled and get around using forearm crutches, and have difficulty fitting larger sleeves in them.
I guess I was just curious about if either the sleeves could easily be pulled back to my elbows, or if maybe there are yukata with shorter sleeves (I've never seen them myself at least.)
Hi! I am so happy you fell in love with kimono fashion <3
As for your question, there is a fantastic way to accomodate your crutches: tasuki 襷 sleeves holders. Those are cord used for holding up sleeves out of the way (when doing chores, physical/messy activity, etc).
You can see below how tasuki are tied: basically think of an ∞ with the crossing on your back and the loop up front gathering up sleeves on your sides:
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Depending on your mobility, you can pre-knot the cord beforehand then slip it around your body.
The "right" way of doing it is this one:
Though to be honest, most people do like this and call it a day xD:
I am not sure how your mobility is so I'll also add other options to mix and match in order to nicely enjoy summer festivals in kimono attire:
Happi 法被 (festival coat): if you don't feel confortable strolling all day/night in yukata (the tighness of around your legs might be cumbersome), wearing a coat like those over your "normal" clothes is a good option to still be in festival mood :) Some are sleeveless, some have tube sleeves, and if not pair them with tasuki sleeves holder and you'll be good to go!
(pic below from)
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Nibushiki kimono 二部式着物 / nibushiki yukata 二部式浴衣 (two parts kimono/yukata): exactly what it says on the lid, those are kimono/yukata tailored in two parts, a skirt and a top one. Those might be harder to find in rentals, but have the convenience of being super easy to put on while being less prone to unraveling :) The two parts are also gentler on the figure as you can more easily adapt tighness etc. If you're are able to shop for a yukata beforehand, altering is pretty easy: chop in two, add ties and you're ready to get dressed ;)
Tsuke obi 作り帯 (two parts belt): in the same spirit as above, those are pre-tied obi belt, with a wrap-around part and a knot part. They are super common for children, but also exist for adult. Altering a pre owned obi is also super easy, see for example this past note (for nagoya obi styled taiko knot).
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Yukata can be worn with hanhaba obi (half width belt), heko obi (soft belt), or kaku obi ("men" belt). Heko obi would be my recommendation as those are unisex, comfortable, and suuuuper easy to tie.
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If you want to try hanhaba or kaku, I'd advise for karuta musubi, a flat, sturdy, and unisex knot pretty easy to tie.
Hope your travel project will come true and that you'll have fun :D
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
no but really, so what if someone needs a mobility aid because they're fat? when it comes to mobility aids, it doesn't matter why you need them outside of understanding what your needs are. what really matters is how it would improve your life - make you happier and healthier, like you deserve to be.
this goes for any treatment and support you need because you're fat. fat people have the same right to healthcare that thin people do, and being fat never means you don't deserve wellbeing and safety. fatness is not a wrongdoing. it impacting your health doesn't mean being fat is bad - or that you're bad.
the moralization of disability and fatness is not your fault. please do what you need to be as healthy and safe as you can be. this is your life, no one else's. live it as best you can.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
Cars vs Accessible Worlds
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Alright, let me talk about one thing in terms of accessibility in science fiction settings - and Solarpunk specifically - that also has more than one side to it: Cars and accessibility. Because it is more complicated than you'd thing.
See: The fact that our world is so car centric really, really hinders accessibility. Wide streets are a hindrance for even normal pedastrians, cyclists and so on. If I want to get from A to B, and the route crosses a street, and there is only a traffic light every like 500 meters, it means tat I usually need either to risk my life or take the long way around to get there. And that is a fucking bother even when you are healthy and can easily take that long way around. And the more car centric a society is, the worse the issue becomes. Here in Germany it is a lot easier still to cross a street than in many places in the US.
And of course this gets a lot worse if you are disabled. Be it that you just cannot walk that far. Or if you are blind and cannot even see in what direction you could go for the next traffic light. Or if you are hard of hearing or deaf, you might be more in danger of being surprised by a car. (And that is without going into how electric cars being so fucking quiet makes stuff even more dangerous.) And, you know, neurodivergent people might also just struggle with the fucking noise that is created by roads and is often inescapable in big cities.
And of course even outside of the environmental issues, the constant presence of cars is also a health risk. Not just because of the risk of accidents, but also due to the pollution and how it interacts. Even if we all were driving electric cars, there would still be all those microplastics created by tires and streets and stuff.
So, really. We do need to move away from car centric infrastructure to make our lives healthier and to make the world more accessible for disabled people too.
But there is the issue that some disabled people still might be in need to use some sort of personal transportation device that can cover both short and large distances, because for one reason or another public transport just does not work and cannot work for them.
For example someone with severe anxiety issues, or someone who will be easily suffering from sensory overwhelm. There might be other issues, too. Just some folks will always need something like cars.
And of course there is also the fact that stuff like emergency services will still need streets accessible to cars. Because the emergency services will just not get around using something like cars to get to all the places they might be needed.
And this... makes things complicated. Because infrastructure should not be car centric, no. But it needs to be accessible by cars - and be it just for emergency services.
This is just something that I would love to see more talked about especially within the Solarpunk sphere.
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theunusualchameleon · 2 years
Help Engineering students understand wheelchair use!
We’re working on a redesign of the standard manual wheelchair, but need more information on the everyday use of mobility aids in general, and wheelchairs specifically. There are disabled people on the team, but we’re looking for as much data as possible in regard to what does and doesn’t work currently.
If you use some sort of mobility aid (any type), please, please, PLEASE fill out this form. If you don’t, please reblog to signal boost. This is vital data and may determine whether my teammates and I pass this course. 
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Dear (physically) abled people: the accessible bathroom stall is NOT for you.
And no, I don’t care if you’re neurodivergent.
Acceptable reasons to use the accessible bathroom stall:
You have mobility issues (visible or invisible) and need the support of handles/grab bars
You have disability aids, such as a cane or a service dog, that require extra space
You need space to catheterize, change a stoma bag, or perform another disability-related procedure
Your disability involves incontinence or inability to hold waste and therefore you need fast access
Unacceptable reasons to use the accessible bathroom stall:
You want privacy during a panic attack and therefore think that it’s ok to use up resources that aren’t for you (idc if you’re neurodivergent)
You want privacy during a meltdown and therefore think that it’s ok to use up resources that aren’t for you (idc if you’re neurodivergent)
You want to eat your lunch in the bathroom (idc if you’re self conscious about eating)
You don’t have actual digestive/gastrointestinal disabilities, but you just want to take a nice long shit
You want to take a break from socializing (idc if you’re autistic)
You want to have sex/make a phone call/get drunk/etc
Let me emphasize: your panic attack, eating habits, social anxiety, or whatever, is not a justification for using up a limited resource that isn’t for you.
I do not care if you’re neurodivergent or mentally ill or whatever. You’re occupying a space that isn’t meant for you. You’re appropriating a finite resource that some people have no choice to need.
Physically disabled people, such as myself, are not just annoyed, but materially harmed by neurodivergent people who think they have the right to occupy the accessible stall for their panic attacks or what have you. We can get UTIs, other infections, rashes, and pain from not having access to a useable bathroom… waiting 20 minutes for you to eat your fucking salad in the accessible stall while we are in wet underwear/diapers is not ok.
Don’t use the accessible toilet if it’s not for you. End of story.
Edit because y’all are putting words into my mouth: this isn’t about invisibly disabled people. This isn’t about me standing outside every accessible toilet trying to judge whether or not each individual is disabled enough. This is about a broader trend of abled neurodivergent people speaking over physically disabled people.
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solar-sunnyside-up · 7 months
Some cross walk ideas in case anyone's in a painting mood--
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Also some more complex but super cool crosswalk ideas!
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shyfoxten · 8 months
Stretching is good for the body 🤗
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thoughtportal · 10 months
hip stretches
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ethaninthewilde · 8 months
[to myself] you are allowed to use mobility aids. you are allowed to use sensory aids. you are allowed to use mobility aids. you are allowed to use aids to make your life easier. there is not a "level" of disabled you have to be be to use aids. you are allowed, you are allowed, you are allowed.
[to myself] you are not weak for using aids. it does not mean you are not trying. there is no pride in suffering. there is no shame in using help. you are allowed to make your life easier. you are allowed, you are allowed, you are allowed.
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Can I just say that wheelchairs are not there for you to play with.
You do not get to take turns pushing me.
It's not up to you where we go.
It isn't funny when you push me really fast.
You wouldn't do that whilst holding someone's legs.
So stop.
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gypsy-that-i-was · 1 year
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I WILL have this….
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suirensushi300 · 1 year
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A mermaid with mobility issues and her service dolphins!
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