#dogs training
mypetslove1 · 7 months
I know I'm blind but nobody says hello to me 😢💔😭
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artorojo · 8 months
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Dog owners will understand... 😂😊🤩
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rose-blog24 · 8 months
Dog training guidelines. Get click here
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amoreshepherds · 8 months
German Shepherds are among the most popular breeds in US. The shepherd poses GREAT personality's, loyalty and ease of training. Does this mean you can pick up a puppy and have an obedient well-trained dog? The future of your pup starts from its time with mom and breeder. What to look for you ask?
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When looking for a canine companion ASK THE BREEDER :
Have the pups been socialized HOW AND WHERE?
Has the pup been cage trained?
Subjected to loud noises?
Has the dog been introduced to water? To what degree?
Has any training been started and what can I do to encourage the behaviors in my home?
Buying a German Shepherd is a lifetime commitment! I am proud to say I have never had a dog rehomed. Stay tuned for more details and tips!!!
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funnybabygifs · 2 years
dog trainer GIF by DCTK9
dog trainer GIF by DCTK9
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refugeed-kim · 3 months
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This is my daily struggle, I had so many arguments with people with off-leash dogs (in a mandatory leash area!!!). Thanks to this behavior I'm struggling with Kim being anxious/aggressive with other females as she often gets involved in unpleased interactions with free females while on leash. And every single time that I ask for the dog to be at least recalled, I'm being called names and insulted of course.
Also 9 out of 10 their dog isn't really that friendly at all.
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honeyhealthproducts · 27 days
Transforming My Home with "Training Your Dogs And Cats Digital-Ebooks
I recently acquired the "Training Your Dogs And Cats Digital-Ebooks," and it's safe to say it's revolutionised my household. Before this, my life revolved around managing my dog's boundless energy and my cat's independent streak. Walks were a chaotic tug-of-war, and playtime often devolved into furniture-shredding escapades.
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Understanding the Importance of Training
The ebooks brilliantly emphasise the importance of training that goes beyond just obedience tricks. They focus on building a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. This resonated deeply with me. I wanted a harmonious environment where my pets thrived, not just obeyed commands.
Tailored Techniques for Different Personalities
The ebooks acknowledge the inherent differences between canine and feline psychology. My dog, Charlie, is a golden retriever with boundless enthusiasm. He lives to please. The ebooks provided clear, positive reinforcement techniques that perfectly suited his eagerness. Within a week, leash walks became enjoyable strolls, and basic commands like "sit" and "stay" became second nature.
Reaching My Independent Cat, Luna
Luna, my cat, presented a different challenge. The ebooks highlighted that cats require a gentler, more patience-based approach. The focus on positive reinforcement and clicker training proved invaluable. Luna, while still retaining her independent spirit, is now more receptive to playtime and even tolerates the occasional belly rub!
Beyond the Basics
The ebooks go beyond basic obedience. They delve into common behavioural issues like barking, scratching, and litter box problems. The clear explanations and step-by-step guides helped me address these issues effectively. For example, Luna's litter box aversion was quickly resolved with the placement recommendations in the ebooks.
A User-Friendly Resource
The ebooks themselves are a joy to use. The digital format allows for easy access across multiple devices. The content is well-organised, with clear headings and concise explanations. The ebooks are packed with visual aids like diagrams and photographs, making the training process even more engaging.
Building a Stronger Bond
The most significant outcome of using "Training Your Dogs And Cats Digital-Ebooks" has been the positive impact on my relationship with my pets. The training exercises have fostered a deeper understanding and a stronger bond. Charlie and Luna are now calmer, more confident companions, and our home feels like a true haven.
If you're looking to transform your relationship with your furry friends, "Training Your Dogs And Cats Digital-Ebooks" is an excellent resource. It provides clear, effective training methods that cater to the unique personalities of both dogs and cats. Highly recommended!
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"🐾 Unlock the Paw-some Benefits of Dog Training! 🐾 From better behavior to a stronger bond, our training sessions guarantee tail-wagging results! 🎉 Ready to unleash your pup's potential? Let's start training today! 🐶 #DogTraining #GoodBehavior #FurEverFriends"
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canisalbus · 3 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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mypetslove1 · 7 months
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mikebay02 · 4 months
How to Recognize and Manage Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Dogs that break out of crates, harm themselves in the process, and can’t be left alone for even ten minutes are not only a risk to themselves but the people who live with them, too.
"A well-trained dog and a well-behaved dog are two entirely different things. A trained dog will do what you ask, but a behaved dog? They will make good choices on their own."
This behavior is called separation anxiety, and. Single. Day. We are getting DMs, emails, and comments about how much this behavior is destroying peoples’ (and dogs’) lives. 
“I haven’t been able to go on a date night with my s/o since we got this dog.”
“I had to pull my kids from extra-curricular activities because we can’t leave the dog home alone.”
“My dog destroys the crate when left alone, and hurts himself in the process. If he’s not created, he WILL eat the window frames.”
“Our dog will howl and bark so loud, my landlord is threatening to evict me.”
These are REAL stories.
This is how separation anxiety is affecting families around the world. 
It’s heartbreaking, and we understand how much pain and stress this ONE issue can cause. We put it at the top of the “most painful to live with” list— above aggression, believe it or not.
There is no escaping separation anxiety when you’re in the thralls of it. It’s a problem that spills over to every part of your life.
That’s why when people describe It…it’s often accompanied by the words: “suffering” “struggle” “desperation” and “trapped” It’s a crappy way to live with your dog…
And we don’t want that for anyone.
But life doesn’t need to be that way. Despite what the internet tells you, this behavior can be modified, and you can get your life (and your peace of mind) back. 
Inside Separation Anxiety Solutions, you’ll join Jeff, Joelle, and Courtney of Solid K9 Training, to learn the exact dog anxiety training protocols and methods that are saving dogs from the prison of separation anxiety. Dogs just like yours.
As a dog owner, you deserve to have a dog that can live happily and peacefully in your home!
Your dog should be confident enough to calmly relax and self-soothe on its own—whether you’re gone for 5 minutes or a couple of hours.  
No dog should require 24/7 supervision. It’s not realistic, and most of us have jobs, kids, and other life events to put our time into. 
But if you you’re knee deep with a dog who is running your household and your life, you might feel like that’s impossible at the moment.
And you might be struggling trying a hundred different methods, a hundred ways, only to keep getting the same result: a dog that’s a danger to itself and your house. 
So how do you help your dog get past this behavior?
If you’re searching endlessly for solutions, or don’t even know WHERE to begin…
Be encouraged.
You just need proven methods to push you in the right direction and get you RESULTS, that’s exactly what you’ll find inside of Separation Anxiety Solutions. 
Meet Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Jeff Gellman, the guy with the hair that works with those insane dogs. I got my start in dog training 20ish years ago when I owned a wildly out of control dog myself. His name was Max, and he was large, powerful and had a lot of bad behaviors. He was making my life a living hell, and it felt like nobody could help me at all. That was until I finally met THE ONE trainer who looked me dead in the eye and said “you can tell your dog “no”, Jeff.”
And that was the day everything changed. I was able to stop all of my dog’s horrific behaviors rather quickly, and actually train him up to be one of the coolest dogs I’ve ever owned. He became my sidekick in mountain climbing, biking, and even my demo dog when I created a dog training business of my own (hello Solid K9 Training.) Max was the first “why” behind everything I do today.
I currently own and operate an exclusive, boutique style dog training center in Bradenton, Florida. I rehab and train dogs from all around the country and even traveled for 5 years holding dog training seminars around the world. When I say I have worked with the worst of the worst behavioral cases, I truly mean it. I own a highly successful virtual dog training company where I can put my passion into video format to help even MORE people who can’t reach me geographically. 
I also held dog anxiety training seminars around the world. Throughout my career, I have worked with tens of thousands of dogs and humans, and I know firsthand how lack of training can affect the quality of life for both ends of the leash. Between my free social media content, virtual one-on-one work, seminars, and in-person training, I have kept countless dogs in their homes who were on their last chance. 
I have always wanted to find a way to help EVEN more families and their dogs. There is such a need for dog training that works, and so I created this course. My Green to Graduate series addresses one of the most common pain points I see people struggling with- lack of training overall! So many folks are struggling to get their dogs to do the basics, so I wanted to create courses that truly covers it all. 
This simple and easy-to-follow video series will get you on the path to better walks, better obedience, and a better lifestyle with your pet for the long run. You'll finally be able to live life with your dog exactly as you imagined, and the best part is, you'll be there in 4 weeks or less.
We know the struggle is real out there with SA. So we will be putting everything we’ve got into this course with 20+ years of experience under our belts. 
We’ve worked with dogs who destroy kennels, break teeth, rip out toenails, and wreak havoc on their owners’ lives with separation issues—and we’ve got the tools, methods, and information (and creativity) to turn it around. 
We’ve never shown our protocols for separation anxiety on video before. This is a first for us. And the dog who we will be training in the course displays ALL of the behavior above ^.
We know what an impact this course is going to have not only on the dogs, but on the PEOPLE who are suffering in silence, too. 
For the first time ever, Jeff, Joelle and Courtney will all be working together in a course to show the exact process behind how we resolve separation anxiety with a dog who mutilates, breaks out of crates, destroys the house, and has put a halt to his owners’ social life.
Inside Separation Anxiety Solutions, you’ll get in depth dog anxiety training that you can apply to your own dog, in real life.
When you join Separation Anxiety Solutions you’ll…
Learn how to eliminate arousal, incessant whining, and non stop barking inside the crate
Learn our processes for stopping all crate breaking and self destructive behaviors
Receive step by step coaching on how to set up training protocols that address your dog’s state of mind (even when you’re not home.)
Learn our tried and true methods for creating calmness within the home, within the kennel, and within your dog’s MIND
Understand how you LIVE with your dog effects everything as far as your dog’s behavior is concerned
Learn how to muzzle condition your dog with our Muzzle Conditioning course ($99 value)
Recordings of Our 2023 Live Two-Day Leash Reactivity Seminar
Unlock the Masterclass Vault, where you’ll have access to FIVE of our best-selling live classes from 2023 ($997 value):
Walk Mastery LIVE where you’ll learn to teach a perfect on and off leash heel
Leadership LIVE where we break down our most impactful leadership exercises
Day 1 behind the scenes with a Client Dog LIVE
How to Walk a Pack of Dogs LIVE
Our exclusive “How To Work With A Biting Dog” masterclass where we teach our exact protocols on how to stop resource guarding within the home with a dangerous dog
-A 90 minute FREE group q+a session with Jeff and Joelle to support you on your journey
Our weekend problem solving seminar course ($197 value)
One month FREE of our Private Community Membership (2 coaching calls included! $997 value)
Here’s what you’ll learn inside of Separation Anxiety Solutions:
Part 1: Eliminating arousal to get your dog ready to learn
Part 2: Generalizing this training to every part of your dog’s life, including inside your home and out. We will teach you how to have a dog that is calm when told to do so. 
Part 3: Setting up real life protocols like leaving the house, and preparing your dog for success (and what to do if things go sideways)
Part 4: Troubleshooting. We know dog training is a roller coaster, and it’s not uncommon to have days that feel like a “set back.” You’ll learn exactly how we work through these scenarios and see the “messy middle” of training that isn’t being shown out there on social media. 
Every module is in order, so that you can follow the process in the most effective way. 
This is your one stop shop for stopping separation anxiety in its tracks, and helping your dog get out of this unhealthy headspace permanently. 
And you’ll get it all for just $197 presale pricing!
For a program worth more than $2500
Testimonials and Feedback
Don't take our word for it. Take a look here or look at our testimonials at the link on the top of this page.
-Kristen O
"It's SO helpful! Nice to be able to rewind and replay certain tips. It's like having Jeff in my house!"
-Michelle L
"Started the videos and will recommend to my clients. So easy for them to understand! Thanks Jeff!" -
-Sunshine T
"Love how the dog makes mistakes and you guide him through the process. Nobody else shows that." -
-Kelly A
"Best purchase. A no-nonsense approach to training. Teaching me how to be a better teacher for the path I want my dog to follow."
-Murph M
"Fantastic. I'm having fun learning and you make it very clear/straight forward."
-Tricia K
"These courses are amazing! Now I have more things to really get my skills where they need to be to do better for my dogs. Thank you Jeff for taking the time to expand on content and help the masses!"
When you join Separation Anxiety Solutions, you’ll get: 
    -The Muzzle Conditioning course
    -Walk Mastery LIVE where you’ll learn to teach a perfect on and off leash heel
    -Leadership LIVE where we break down our most impactful leadership exercises
    -Day 1 behind the scenes with a Client Dog LIVE
    -How to Walk a Pack of Dogs LIVE
    -our exclusive “How To Work With A Biting Dog” masterclass where we teach our exact protocols on how to stop resource guarding within the home with a dangerous dog
($997 value)
 PLUS the -90 minute Q+A with Jeff and Joelle ($600 value)
-Weekend Problem Solving Seminar Course ($197 value)
-One FREE month to our Private Community membership ($47 value for the month PLUS a discounted rate if you choose to join for the year)
These bonuses are only valid when you join within 48 hours! 
And in case you were wondering…
Q: Is this course right for me? 
A: this course is for EVERY dog who struggles with whining, self destructive behavior, inability to be alone, and even destroying the house. There is so much to learn, and likely some very simple changes you can make that will change everything for you!
Q: It’s on pre-sale, so the course isn’t done yet?
A: we’re offering this course at special pre-sale price since we are still currently filming. Videos will drip out as they’re completed! We should have the course wrapped up and completed by January 31, 2024
Q: How do you know this dog anxiety training works and that is will work for me? That it’s not just you, because you have years of experience?
A: I wouldn’t call something proven if it’s only worked for me, one time. The training I teach inside this course has worked on tens of thousands of my client dogs—around the world. If you commit to applying what you learn, and trying things that might not be familiar to you, but could get you the results you want, this program will work for you. 
Q: I’m exhausted. I’ve tried everything…what makes this any different?
A: I’m so sorry. I get it. Almost every single one of my clients comes to me after spending thousands and wasting time on training that doesn’t yield results. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone. However, what if everything you’ve been trying just isn’t the “right” method? This is a self paced program, so no rush to consume it all in one day. Try it one module at a time. I promise you’ll make improvements. If not, shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to offer another solution. [email protected]
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funnybabygifs · 2 years
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My wife's service dog in training, Matilda, is trained to be super annoying at specific times of day. This is because my wife's executive dysfunction does not allow her to 'unfreeze' and therefore she gets 'stuck' in places/doing things long after she needs to move on to another task, room, etc. This isn't some arbitrary 'you should only play video games so long' type of thing. It's 'If unattended, my wife will not eat or sleep because moving from one thing to another is very hard'. Eating and sleeping are necessary things for survival, so moving to these tasks is necessary for survival. Matilda has therefore been taught things like 'ten pm is bedtime'. In order to help Matilda with this, her feeding schedule is on a pretty tight timeline as well--this way her internal body cues are lined up with the schedule of the day. For example, Matilda is fed between 8 and 830 pm (usually at about 810 pm, as it works out). She poops at 830 pm after dinner and she will throw a WHOLE FIT if she is not let out at this time. Daylight Savings has Happened to Matilda. She's only just a year old, so she does not remember Daylight Savings last year (she was two weeks old, roughly) and she does not remember the spring time change, either, as she was a fairly young puppy at that time and therefore not trained to a schedule like this. She is BEREFT. We're making her wait an hour for dinner. We're making her wait an hour for bedtime. She knows she needs to go out at 830, but it is not time for her to poop yet, which is BAFFLING. This poor dog. I'm sure she'll adjust in a week or two, but poor Matilda. We need to outlaw Daylight Savings. For Matilda.
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treat-for-dog · 9 months
Healthy Treats for Dogs: Nourishing Your Furry Friend Inside Out
Healthy Treats for Dogs - As a dedicated dog owner, ensuring your furry friend's well-being is your top priority. One crucial aspect of their overall health is their diet, which includes treats. In this article, we'll dive into the world of healthy treats for dogs, exploring delicious options that not only satisfy their taste buds but also contribute to their vitality.
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The Importance of Healthy Treats
Supporting Canine Wellness
A well-balanced diet isn't just limited to main meals; treats play a significant role too. Opting for healthy treats ensures your dog receives essential nutrients alongside their regular food. These treats can aid in digestion, promote a shiny coat, and support joint health.
Avoiding Health Pitfalls
Not all treats are created equal. Many commercial treats are laden with additives, preservatives, and empty calories. By choosing healthy options, you can help prevent issues like obesity, allergies, and dental problems.
DIY Delights: Homemade Dog Treats
Peanut Butter Power Bites
Whipping up homemade treats allows you to control the ingredients. Peanut butter power bites, made with whole wheat flour, natural peanut butter, and a touch of honey, are not only delectable but also rich in protein and healthy fats.
Carrot and Apple Chewies
For pups that love a good crunch, carrot and apple chewies are a hit. These treats offer vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The satisfying chew can also contribute to dental hygiene.
Wholesome Commercial Options
Freeze-Dried Delicacies
Freeze-dried treats retain maximum nutrients and flavors. From single-ingredient delights like beef liver to mixed bites with fruits and vegetables, these treats offer a convenient way to provide wholesome goodness.
Dental Health Chews
Promoting dental health while treating your dog? Dental chews designed to reduce plaque and tartar buildup serve a dual purpose. Look for options with natural ingredients like mint and parsley for fresh breath.
Portion Control and Allergies
Mindful Treat Dispensing
While treats are a gesture of love, overindulgence can lead to weight gain. Follow portion guidelines and consider the treat's size relative to your dog's breed.
Addressing Allergies
Some dogs have allergies, so it's vital to read labels carefully. Opt for treats with limited ingredients to minimize the risk of triggering allergies.
The Tail-Wagging Verdict
In conclusion, treat for dog can be both tasty and nourishing. By incorporating homemade bites and quality commercial options into their diet, you can ensure a happier, healthier life for your four-legged companion.
FAQs About Healthy Treats for Dogs
Can I give my dog human food as treats? While some human foods are safe, it's best to stick to treats specially formulated for dogs. Foods like grapes, chocolate, and onions are toxic to them.
How often should I treat my dog? Treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog's daily calorie intake. Depending on their activity level, aim for a few treats per day.
Are rawhide chews a good option? Rawhide chews can pose choking hazards and digestion issues. Consider safer alternatives like rubber chews or dental treats.
Can puppies have treats? Yes, but opt for treats designed for puppies, as their nutritional needs differ. Also, ensure the treats are small and easy for them to chew.
Are vegetarian treats a healthy choice? Yes, vegetarian treats can be healthy, especially if they're rich in plant-based nutrients. Look for treats with ingredients like sweet potatoes and peas.
Your dog's joy is contagious, and by choosing the right treats, you can contribute to their happiness while maintaining their health.
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babyanimalgifs · 1 month
Dog getting cuddles by strangers on the train
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