#dolan twins blurb
elitegrayson · 2 years
request: y/n and grayson are enemies who happen to share the same friend group. while everyone is having a night out at the club, y/n is being harassed and groped by a guy. she finds grayson and taps the side of his hand to hold hands. graysons about to cuss her out but he immediately goes into protective mode
a/n: i appreciate all of your requests, keep em coming! i hope you enjoy this <3
it was a saturday night and your friends decided they wanted to go out clubbing. your best friend thought it would a good idea for everyone to get ready at her house. she said it'll be easier for everyone could leave from there. it was only four of you guys; rose, you, kent, and grayson. 
now grayson wasn’t particularly your friend. he was more like a coworker, but even then he was barely that. rose and kent know you guys bump heads often, but it’s never gotten too crazy. you only put up with it because wherever kent goes, grayson just has to follow. there’s no escaping him even if you wanted to. it’s the same thing with you and Rose, now that you think about it, but that’s different.
when you walked into the club, the hot air swept across your face. it smelled of hot bodies and alcohol. you like to party, but you’re more of a kickback girl, not a club girl. nonetheless, you wanted to let loose and have some fun.  
“let’s get some drinks! boys, can you go to the bar and get something good?” rose asked, looking over at kent and grayson. 
“we’ll get something for you, but not for y/n.” grayson smirked as you just rolled your eyes.
“oh please, i don’t need you to do anything for me. hell, i’ll get it myself. rose, come with me.” you responded, purposely pushing gray out of the way.
“don’t worry y/n, you’re gonna need me one day!” he yelled out, but you just ignored him, flipping him off as you walked towards the bar. you saw that the bartender was a woman and you instantly felt safe.most of the creeps here always have to comment on your drinks saying that you “couldn’t handle your drinks”.
“hey ladies, what can i get for you?” the bartender smiled, showing off her cheeky dimples.
“hi! um, i’ll take a long island iced tea, please? and what do you want rose?”
“i’ll just have a bloody mary.”
“bloody mary and a long island coming up!” 
one drink turned into at least five more. you kind of stopped counting but all you know is you felt amazing. at this point, you were on the dance floor with rose having the time of your life. music was blasting, you had a couple of drinks in your system, and everything felt great.
“hey, why do you hate grayson so much? he’s nice you know plus he’s our friend.” rose asked, yelling a bit as she leaned into your ear.
you were confused about why she was asking you about him, considering they haven’t been with us since you got your drinks.
“i don’t hate him, i just strongly dislike him. he just annoys me i don’t know. why are you even asking about him, it’s gonna ruin the nighttt.” you replied, slurring your words at the end.
“i think you guys would look cute together, to be honest,” she giggled, slapping your shoulder, but you swiped her hand away.
“gross! there’s no way in fucking hell i’d end up with him. anywho i think i want another drink, wanna come with?” you asked as she shook her head no. you knew in your head you didn’t need another drink, but you wanted one.
you sat down and before you could tell her what you wanted, she already put the drink in front of you. “this last one is on me, girl.” she smiled as you thanked her. a few seconds later, you felt someone’s hot breath on your neck.
“hey there beautiful, are you all alone tonight?” the man said then he touched your lower back slightly.
“hey, do you know what personal space is? and don’t fucking touch me, you don’t know me!” you hissed, standing up and slapping his hands off of you.
“c’mon sweetness, i’ve been watching you all night, and right now i’m tired of watching. i want you, now,” he growled, pushing you closer to him and then he roughly grabbed your ass. immediately you cursed and then slapped him and ran in the other direction.
tears started to brim in your eyes, but you started to look for Grayson. you don’t know why he was the first person to pop into your head, but he was. soon enough you saw him in the corner with a drink in his hand. luckily he was alone so you started to stumble towards him, making your way through the crowd.
you tapped the side of his hand and then you intertwined his with yours. “yo y/n what the fuck are you-“ he stopped when he saw what you looked like. makeup stained by your tears and you could barely stand on your two feet. “gray please i n-need you. i was at the b-bar and a man t-touched me.” you began to cry again, yet you were holding hands with grayson. he smiled at the shorter version of his name. you always called him by his full name so the fact that you called him “gray” made his heart flutter slightly.
he tried to push that in the back of his head so he can focus and try to comfort you. “y/n come here,” he cooed, letting go of your hand and replacing it with your hair. you were leaving a mess on his shirt, but you didn’t care. you just needed his comfort. your mind started to wonder about the words you spoke earlier to him. it was ironic that you were crying in your enemy's arms, but you decided not to say anything. you knew he never predicted this to happen, but that didn’t matter right now. you just needed grayson.
grayson continued to rub your back and whisper comforting things in your ear, but in reality, he was ready to raise hell thinking about the man who touched you. you two have never really been friends and hell he never really gave you the light of day. yet he never wanted anything bad to happen to you, especially something like this. he’s never seen you this drunk before and he definitely won’t admit it, but it’s nice that you found him and not rose or kent.
“y/n, let’s go home yeah? i don’t want you to be here any longer. we need to get you home and in bed.” grayson explained, you looked up at him with glossy, stained mascara eyes and gave him a nod.
“but what about the man? what if we see him on our way out?” you asked, holding on to him even tighter than before.
“i hope we don’t, but if we do that asshole will know to never touch another woman again, especially you y/n. i am so sorry that this happened to you.” by surprise, he pressed a small kiss to your forehead. you were shocked of course, but you didn’t say anything. you just smiled to yourself and followed grayson to the entrance.
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impaladolan · 1 year
small request! grayson and y/n were supposed to be going out for a date night but he goes to buy y/n another dress because he insists hers is too short to wear in public (plus he’s overprotective)
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
a/n: i changed it a little, and i kinda made grayson a meanie in this one
"I'll be out in the car." Grayson runs his hand through his hair before leaving you to finish dressing. He looked irritated, wouldn’t talk much and had a semi-sour expression.
You had your hair and some makeup all done up, and a nice emerald green dress and some heels on for your attendance of your friend’s wedding reception.
Grayson wasn’t upset this morning when the two of you had attended the ceremony. He was all flushed, doe-eyed and lovey, his touch never leaving your body.
But now, after dressing for the party, his mood had a total switch. You couldn’t understand why. You don’t recall anything of importance angering him, and your Grayson was a patience man, not one to be upset over small things.
You dismissed worrying about it— he wouldn’t tell you why he was mad or what you could do to help, but instead stayed in silence as he too readied himself for the evening ahead.
Maybe a little dancing will loosen him up.
After spraying a sweet perfume and grabbing your purse, you ducked into his low car and strapped your seat belt, pulling your dress down so it wouldn’t be bunched up against your lower abdomen.
Grayson scoffed and started the car, evading your glare as he backed, rather aggressively, out of the driveway.
“What’s your problem, baby?” You smoothed your hand over the console and onto his own, massaging the backside of his palm sincerely. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked over, not at your eyes, but to where your dress ends and your legs begin.
“Do you think that dress is appropriate to wear tonight, Y/N?” He finally looked at you, his gaze still hard and unmoving.
“Excuse me?” You almost gasped at his words, your face flushing and a fiery anger shooting throughout your body.
The nerve.
“Answer the question.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his foot seemed to grow heavy against the gas.
“I don’t see a fucking problem.” You looked down your torso and along the sleeves, in search of whatever the hell could be wrong.
“So you don’t think it’s pretty revealing?”
You pulled your hand away from him and shook your head, appalled by his thoughts. You were struggling to speak, surprised by his sudden dismay of your attire.
“Oh, you don’t? Your fucking ass is hanging out and your tits are on full fucking display. I hope to god you’re wearing some kind of panty under that, fuck.” He had you stunned with his words and you could hardly see straight with all the anger bubbling inside of you.
“You bought me this dress, Grayson!” You huff, flailing your hands in the air. Your chest began to turn red, that’s what usually happens when you’re flushed or irate, and your teeth grind against each other in continued irritation.
“I didn’t realize it’d be that short when you put on heels, Y/N.” He was annoyed, pressing the gas further down and moving around other vehicles like he thinks he’s a nascar driver or something.
“It’s not your decision of how clothed or not I want to be.”
“Well, then we’re making a stop before the reception.” He pulled off the highway and sped down the exit, taking a right at the stop light and flying down the road. He only slowed to turn into a luxury dress store and parked, turning the car off.
“I’m fucking walking, asshole.” You reach for the door handle, but he holds his finger over the lock button and moves across the console to shut the door back.
“The hell you are.”
You continue to try and open the door, using all your might, but even with hardly a grip Grayson’s stronger than you.
“You’ve never acted this way before.” You subside from trying to leave and cross your arms, covering the exposed cleavage he’s so upset about.
“I’m not trying to control you, Y/N,” he sighs and let’s go of the door. “I just don’t want anybody getting ideas. You’re mine.” He runs his hand through his hair, it’s disheveled and a couple strands had fallen upon his forehead.
“I didn’t think this would be an issue for you. I figured you’d like to see me wear this.”
“You’re more than welcome to wear it at home.” He flicked his eyebrows up and down and you let out a small laugh.
“Fine. Better hurry up in here or we’ll be late.” You both empty the vehicle and he joins you on the sidewalk, landing a harsh slap to your ass before grabbing your waist with a chuckle.
“I’m still upset with you, Grayson.”
“We’ll see who’s upset when we get home tonight..”
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whorefordean · 8 months
misc masterlist (discontinued)
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a/n: i no longer write for these people. there is no chance i will ever write for these people again, though i still have all the love for them!
dolan twins
grayson dolan
choose me | one | two
adopt me
just tell them
when we were eighteen
plate swap
stolen glances
love lullabies
ethan dolan
stay the night
road trip gone wrong
5 seconds of summer
calum hood
don't go
secret love song
luke hemmings
you know me too well
tom holland
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mxlti-lover · 11 months
Hello, my names Paige and welcome to my account!
I’ve been writing for years now and stopped when I started college. I’ve really missed writing tho and that was my get away from any stress and to let myself slip into a little fantasy world of making up my own characters/story.
I’m making this post though to say I’m a multi-fan account.
I’ve written for Harry Styles in the past, along with the Dolan Twins, Cole Sprouse, Sam and Colby and Luke Patterson/Charles Gillespie. Right now I’m obsessed with Twilight again (i swear, every year I get on a twilight high for about a month before I forget about it again😅) and would love to write about the pack. I’m willing to write about edward too, but if I’m being honest, I love the pack way more😅
If you’re wanting me to write anything/have any requests, don’t be afraid to leave a little something in my inbox.
I hope you enjoy this page or any of my writings in the future.
Love you all!
~ Paige🫶
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strangerquinns · 2 years
The Library
Ever's Masterlist: Links to all stories categorized by actor or show.
*some links may be broken due to URL change, fixing in progress*
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STRANGER THINGS (Steve,Eddie, Robin + more)
concepts/blurbs \\ page two
imagines + miniseries
FEZCO (Euphoria)
ethan dolan concepts/blurbs
grayson dolan concepts/blurbs 
dolan twins imagines/oneshots
grayson dolan chaptered stories
bucky barnes/sebastian stan masterlist
tom hiddleston + characters masterlist
andrew garfield + tasm peter parker masterlist
matt murdock + daredevil masterlist
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poguesholland · 3 years
Marco Polo | Grayson Dolan
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A game of Marco Polo in the pool with your best friend, Grayson, ends up revealing some hidden feelings.
Warnings: two curse words?
A/N: This is from my Wattpad, enjoy!
"Okay, one more round" Grayson, your bestfriend, pleads as Ethan closes the glass door. You nod and giggle, closing your eyes and beginning to count to twenty. You randomly swim around in the pool wherever you heard water splash until you got to twenty.
"Marco!" You call out, excitement bubbling in you as you always win at this game. Grayson wasn’t the most discrete swimmer, always splashing around and bursting into laughter.
Silence fills the air and suspense fills your body, feeling confused about why Grayson hasn't said 'Polo' by now. It was one of the games’ rules. You feel someone's hot breath against your lips and a deep voice speaks up making chills run through your body, "Polo”.
Your eyes flutter open to see that Grayson’s face is inches away from yours. A shocked look covers your face as Grayson locks eyes with you, not expecting him to be standing so close.
His eyes flicker from mine to your lips and he leans in slowly. Your eyes move to his lips then to his eyes hesitantly, heart beating out of your chest. What the hell was Grayson about to do? There was no way he felt that way about you. No way.
Grayson keeps his eyes on yours, reaching a hand up to caress your face. You find yourself leaning into his touch, closing your eyes for a second to register all of this. You open them and Grayson had his bottom lip held between his teeth, looking at you so intently.
This was wrong.
Both of his hands slowly trail down to your waist, gripping tightly and pulling you closer to him. His thumb rubs your waist, making goosebumps spread across your body.
He’s been your best friend since you were in diapers; yeah you’ve had a crush on him but you tried your best to push past it so you didn’t ruin your friendship.
Your faces were inches a part, noses bumping against each other softly and chests pressed against each other. Where did all of this come from?
But You couldn’t to stop him,
Your hands go up to his built chest, lips parted in anticipation as you breathe heavily because of how nervous you were. Was Grayson actually going to do this?
Or yourself.
He parts his lips lightly as he tilts his head, the eye contact just making you even more flustered.
You wanted this so badly.
Grayson slowly leans down to your head level and licks his lips, giving your eyes one last glance before his soft lips pressed against yours.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you kissed him back immediately, melting into the kiss you’d been daydreaming about for so long. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, if that was even possible. The heat of the kiss rushes through your veins, giving you chills.
You would have never imagined his lips would feel this perfect against your lips. This was so wrong, but they felt so good.
The kiss was so passionate, his soft lips moving against yours in sync. Graysons hands slide further back your waist, to meet at the small of your back which pushes you impossibly close to him.
The kiss was more perfect that you had imagined.
His tongue slightly pokes out of his mouth, as if he were asking for permission. You grant it, letting him enter and explore your mouth with his muscle. The kiss becomes sloppier as your teeth clash against each other, but that only makes it more heated.
You didn’t know that kissing your best friend would feel so good.
His hands grip the back of your thighs and lift you up quickly, making you squeal. You wrap them around his waist, since he could reach the bottom better than you could. Grayson smiles against your lips, "You’re so cute”. A blush settles on your cheeks and you look away in embarrassment.
Taking you by surprise, he tilts his head to where you were looking and forcefully pushes his lips against yours. He tilts both of your heads back to face his original position, and kisses you deeply once again. Your hands slide from the back of his neck to his face, cupping it as your lips locked together.
You smile into the kiss, causing Grayson to smile as you both pulled away. “I really like you, Y/N." Grayson mumbled against your lips, his happy expression fading as he awaited your response. Your chest aches at the sight of his upset face, knowing that you do have feelings for him. You always have, and have always tried to convince yourself otherwise.
“I’ve had feelings for you since forever ago, but I was too scared to-" He continues but to shut him up, resting your forehead against his. Your y/e/c eyes meet his hazel eyes and they bite into each other, the silence of the moment relaxing us.
“I really like you too, Gray." You whisper against his lips, cheeks unintentionally turning a bright shade of red. A cheeky grin spreads on his face before you lean in and connect your lips into a soft kiss, making Graysons heart race.
“Aww, finally! You guys are so cute! Kristina, aren’t they so cute?” Ethan exclaims and Kristina agrees excitedly, making both of you jump. “What the fuck, Ethan!” Grayson yells at him, making you stifle your laughter as you hide your head in his neck.
“Sorry, sorry! We’ll let you guys get back to what you were doing, C’mon Ethan” Kristina pulled him into the house. Grayson leans down to leave a kiss on your shoulder as you laughed into his neck. “Just don’t fuck in my swimming pool, I swim in there y’know-” Ethan says and your face turns more flushed than ever.
“Get the fuck out!” Grayson yells at his brother, making Ethan stumble inside. He shakes his head as you giggle at how angry he was, making him pull away from you so you took you head off his shoulder and faced him. “You find that funny, huh?” Grayson teased, raising his eyebrows as you shook your head, but your laughter said otherwise.
“You’re hot when you’re angry” You state honestly, leaving a kiss on Grayson’s cheek. He immediately becomes flustered, now becoming his turn to hide his face in your neck as you laugh once more.
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bubsdolan · 3 years
jealous protective grayson
we all know grayson dolan to be an excellent builder. good with his hands and passionate about tools, wood and the happiness he spreads in his creations. grayson was eager to build anything and everything, from skate ramps and bookshelves, to a record playing table and a display for his beloved diamond play button.
ethan was always happy for grayson to build his heart away, delighted to have new and free decorations in their home. but ethan, being the smart and sensible man he is, drew the line at grayson single handedly building a basket ball court over their pool. somehow he managed to convince a stubborn grayson to bring in professionals, at a much greater costs to get the job done probably and safely.
ethan watched on anxiously as grayson stood in the kitchen dressed in nothing but workout shorts, staring out the window with an angry growl and steam coming out of his ears. he was starting to doubt his older brother mentality, questioning his decision on not letting grayson do the job himself in order to prevent a blow up from happening.
grayson never moved a muscle as he watched brody, the builder who he didn't care to learn or remember the name of, flirt with his girl. his girl, who was minding her own business working out in the twins homemade gym like you did every morning. the one time grayson failed to join you, you get cat called and hollered at in your own home.
you never questioned the acceptability of wearing just a sports bra and booty shorts to work out in was to revealing in a house where there was a contact flow of people coming and going, as they were your friends, your family. you felt comfortable but as you tried to block out the very obvious, poor flirting from a strange man in your home, you were suddenly regretting your attire.
grayson could see how visible uncomfortable you were starting to get. the way you tried to avoid eye contact and distance yourself greatly while rounding up your workout for the day. grayson knew not to distract you when you were in your zone, he adrmied your determination and he himself enjoyed the view of you working out. but this, having eyes that weren’t his doing the same and gawking at you, was taking it to a whole new level. 
your now very angry and extremely over protective boyfriend, let his rage take over the second he watched the unknown man try and touch your bicep, claiming he was and i quote “impressive a woman like yourself had such a sexy body”. what seemed to be a simple, let me feel those muscles and get you into bed with me’, had grayson springing into action and coming to his girls aid. ready to both mark his territory and teach the man a lesson on how to respect woman.
his girl was not to be messed with.
ethan wasnt far behind, scare of how his brother wasn't going to react but also feeling a sense of protection over his brothers girl when he saw how visibly uncomfortable you looked. everything was off limits when it came to grayson’s soulmate, for both boys.
you turned your head hurriedly at the loud yet comforting voice of a livid grayson. his broad shoulders puffed out to make himself look even more intimidating than he already was. his face sporting an angry frown and his fists clenched tightly to his sides. you had to bite down on your lip to control your thoughts on how turned on he made you.
his arm veins prominent as he flexed. an angry grayson was always promising in the bedroom. 
“wanna explain what the fuck is going on here,” grayson jumps in front of you almost immediately, his body acting as a shield against the unwanted attention you had been receiving when all you wanted to do was do was perfect your pull ups grayson had spent countless hours teaching you. he was always your personal cheerleader. hyping you up and showering you in praise and support in all aspects of life.
brodys eyes widened and shifted warily behind grayson’s shoulder to get a look at you. hoping you would step in and save him from the man who looked about ready to pummel his face to the ground. 
“dont look at her. you look at me,” grayson took a small step forward, causing both brody to step back holding his hands up in surrender and ethan to jump between the pair, hand on grayson’s chest to hold him back as he knew this wasn’t going to end you. 
“what gives you the right to touch her, huh? MY girl, in MY house, s‘not gonna fly with me.”
“gray, baby, im ok-” you reach your much smaller hand down to capture his tense one. your touch going right through him as you witness him relax, take a big deep breath and collect himself for your sake.
he’s sending a nervous brody one last death glare, before spinning around and lifting you over his shoulder in a fireman carry. relishing in the way he has you giggling, screaming for him to put you down but contradictory holding onto him tighter as you loved being in his arms. he had you, always, never wanting to let you go.
running back into the house with you in his arms where you belonged, grayson stops short before entering and whisking you away to your shared bedroom to show you he wasn’t one to mess with. turning back to face brody as he attempted to forget the awkward encounter and near death experience, whilst getting back to his paid work, grayson’s booming voice cuts him off abruptly. 
“oh bro, for the record, you’re fired.”
“now get off my property.” 
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blazedgraysons · 3 years
My So-Called Wife
Naomi and Grayson are settled into a seemingly boring marriage with one jarring secret that can threaten their lives.
A/N: lmao okay if anyone see this, i’m going to die. i started working on this au probably like 1.5 year ago and i found this draft. i know i said i was done with this blog but honestly i really loved this concept and tbh worked really fucking hard on it so i want to put it out there. this was inspired by mr. and mrs. smith and a tv show called imposters. this is also very unedited but if you see this hi ily and tysm for reading if you do🤍
warnings: there’s some smut and violence. that’s all. also it’s very long - i think the longest thing i’ve ever written.
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Naomi never thought she could be so bored with a dick inside her.
Until now.
Her head falls to the side slightly, vision catching bright red numbers blinking back at her.
15 minutes.
Grayson had been thrusting inside her for 15 minutes. He’s not touching her though she can’t remember the last time he had. The silence in the room is almost deafening, Naomi more preoccupied with counting the seconds between each movement.
Her dress is still on and so is his shirt. She doesn’t remember the last time either of them were both actually naked -probably the last time he actually touched her.
“Are you okay?” His gruff voice pulls her from her thoughts, her in the middle of questioning whether he was actually enjoying this. She nods wordlessly, painting a sweet expression on her face.
“Dr. Braun said this would be good for us.”
Naomi didn’t need a reminder, the memory of the chubby, short, balding man permanently implanted in her mind. He had greeted them from a swivel chair, high enough where his feet couldn’t touch the ground. She was already annoyed before he asked his first question, wondering why he seemed so delighted in her failing marriage. He had peered at them over a pair of crescent moon glasses, watching as they both filled out the questionnaire he given them. However, that they didn’t stop Naomi from missing the way his eyes slowly trailed over her figure in her sundress before scribbling obnoxiously in his legal pad.
Grayson had felt the growing tension between them, a gnawing feeling in his stomach that hinted that they were on the brink of divorce. He had suggested couples counseling, and Naomi, ever committed to being a devoted wife, agreed. However, the more time she spent under Dr. Braun’s watchful eye, the more she was beginning to regret it.
“When’s the last time the two of you had sex?”
“Aren’t you supposed to lead into that question?” Her tone is icy, eyes narrowed accusingly.
He scribbles some more, and Naomi can feel her own pencil snap under her harsh grip. Grayson’s hand anchors her, watching as he mouths for her to relax.
“I believe it’s easier to find the root of the problems if the couple is having intimacy issues. Normally, if a partner can’t perform, they’re hiding something? Is there an issue with what I’m asking?”
“You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t prefer to spend my time having my every action analyzed.” Naomi catches the words ‘defensive’ and ‘arrogant’ being written and she opens her mouth, ready for a fight.
“It’s probably been a while. More than six months, I think.” Grayson interrupts her, choosing to answer Dr. Braun’s question instead.
“Then I guess the real question remains-“ Dr. Braun smiles wickedly at the both of them. “Do you two have something to hide from another?”
“I believe I’m pretty honest with her; there’s nothing I would hide from Naomi.” Grayson’s answer is earnest, heartfelt, saying everything Naomi isn’t. Naomi watches the way he fidgets, twisting his wedding band as he answer. Dr. Braun hums, scribbling some more before facing her.
“And do you?”
“ Do I what, Doctor?” She sneers, tapping her foot.
“Do you have something to hide?”
A loud snore startles her, bringing her back to the present. She turns to see her husband fast asleep.
She waits a beat, counting to ten in her head to make sure he’s actually sleeping before swinging her legs over the side of the bed, sock-clad feet touching the ground.
She walks through their ensuite to their closet making sure to lock the door behind her. At the very end stands a mahogany armoire, one she had first bought with Grayson at an antique sale. He never realized its true purpose.
She pushes it slightly to the side, revealing a loose floorboard. When she removes the plank, she’s greeted to the sight of two large duffle bags.
So, yes. She was hiding something, something jeopardizing to both their lives. She sets aside the first bag, unzipping the second one.
Multiple passports, a ziploc bag full of cash, a burner phone. She takes another look at the file hidden underneath, a penlight tucked between her lips.
Name: Grayson Dolan
Age: 25
Occupation: Tech Consultant
A smiling picture falls from underneath the documents and she brings it closer to her face, examining his features slowly.
She was no stranger to the black widow op, seducing a wealthy man to take his money and leaving with nothing in return. It was practically how she survived, always receiving a generous cut from her agency.
This, however, was different. Grayson happened to work at a reputable tech agency that had been stealing money from her boss, embezzling him out of a quarter of his net worth in under four years, and a lot was riding on her ability to figure out how to get this money back. She flips through the documents again, scanning through her assignment outline. She was supposed to find a way into Grayson’s life, sneak her way into his job and get access to documents of proof of fraud. It should have been simple enough, over and done with in less than a year. Somehow, Grayson had found a permanence into her life. She had gotten used to waking up beside him and falling asleep to his soft snores in the evening,
A sparkle catches her eye and she looks down at her left hand, flashlight illuminating her wedding ring. A sign of broken promises and a marriage already built on a foundation of lies. She tucks the diamond under her finger, revealing the script embedded on the bottom.
Naomi Dolan - April 2022
Two years. She should’ve have been in and out, done with this in an under a year and yet she was heading into her third year of marriage. And everyday it was getting harder to differentiate between what was real and what was fake.
She sighs again, clicking her flashlight off and placing everything back in its original spot before falling asleep in her usual her spot next to Grayson.
When she wakes up, birds are chirping loudly outside the window, reminding her that she’s stuck in another day of suburbia.
She follows their unspoken routine, having fallen into a comfortable routine with Grayson. Everyday is the same.
They’ll wake up and brush their teeth, neither of them speaking, just stealing glances through the mirror. Naomi will leave for work, kissing him on the cheek before driving to work, where Grayson believed she’s simply an accountant. In reality, she’s at her agency, figuring out how to take whoever her boss is focused on down. Around 3:30, she’ll come home where she’ll sneak around and hope that today is the day Grayson would be careless enough to leave some information lying around before he comes home to her at 6, a hot-dinner laid out on the table waiting for him.
Everyday is the same.
“How was your day at work?” He’ll ask her.
Memories will through her head, laying the scene out like a flip book. Victim unrelenting to give information, another blood stained shirt tucked underneath the floorboard so he won’t find it.
She’ll sip her wine, coyly smiling over the glass. “Troublesome. And you?”
But today he does something different, breaking their scripted out day.
“We’re having a Christmas party, black-tie. It’s this Friday and I’d like it if you come with me, sweetheart?
Naomi hums, acknowledging his statement. In her mind, a Christmas party surrounded by a bunch of tech bros was the closest thing to Hell she could get.
“Dr.Braun said we should try to spend more time together. Said it’ll help with our marriage.” Naomi fights the urge to roll her eyes.
Another terrible suggestion by that terrible man.
“Andras is the head of another company. It’s supposed to be a merging gala, whatever that means.”
Naomi perks up at the mention of that name, that was interesting to her.
Andras Graves had been one of the top marks her agency had been watching for the past year or so, taking over Grayson’s company in under two months. He was born into wealth, a trust fund baby that grew into a powerful man by the age of 22. He controlled over half the technical information in the western United States and having him on your side was valuable.
Having his information was even better.
“You didn’t tell me Andras was becoming CEO of both the companies.” She ask, hoping her tone remains steady enough to sound inconspicuous.
He twists his wedding band.
“We didn’t know until this morning.”
“Well, I would love to come then. Get to know this new CEO of yours.”
Grayson twists his wedding band again before smiling back up at her.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
There’s really only three essential rules to a long term con: always stick to your story, never let your identity become comprised and never cross-disguise.
Fortunately Naomi had always been good at dress-up, playing pretend and leading a new identity. The more you do it however, the less glamorous it starts to become.
She adjusts her janitor uniform, pulling at the baggy pant legs. Her hair is tucked under an itchy and hot blonde wig. She knows how to remain unseen, unnoticeable to the passing eye. She keeps her head low, eyes downward as she pushes her cleaning cart through the bustling crowd.
Grayson’s company he works at surprises Naomi, a large high-rise with big glass windows and screens everywhere. Some displaying the news, some displaying stock information and others being used for presentations. The more Naomi looks, the more what she’s seeing makes less sense - so unnecessarily big as if to distract from something.
She continues walking, looking all around her and praying she knows what she’s looking for when she sees it. Doors to an evil lair, henchmen guarding an entry way or even a giant neon sign screaming ‘evil shit goes on here’. However, nothing useful catches her attention.
“Grayson, Andras wanted to see you later.” Naomi’s head whips back, spotting the way Grayson is walking right towards her. Instantly, she knows that regardless of whatever wig she has on, Grayson’s perceptive enough to recognize the supposed love of his life.
She takes in her surroundings, scanning for a quick exit but not seeing anything that will get her out of his way. He’s grows closer and Naomi holds her breath she’s running out of time until he’s close enough to see her. She tucks her head even further down, pulling down her wig to cover her face before rushing past him. She sees her getaway, walking through a pair of double doors, sighing out when she can lock them behind her.
“Excuse me?”
She turns around. Sitting behind a broad desk was none other than Andras. His dark hair is slicked back, revealing a pale face. Everything about him is classically handsome except for his eyes, laced with vice and deceit.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I just need to clean your office.” She slips into a airy French accent, hoping he’ll go along with no questions.
“Doesn’t cleaning normally come on Tuesdays?”
Life can never be easy, can it?
“The woman who normally comes is out sick, sent me here today instead.”
“Really, is Florence okay?” He smiles at her, almost amused as if he’s picking up on something she isn’t.
She swallows deeply. “She’s fine, just a brief touch of appendicitis.”
“Very well. Do I need to be in here or-?”He walks over to her, staring her down with such an intensity that Naomi starts to feel nervous - a rare feeling for her.
“I’ll be just a second.” She assures, slightly pushing him out of his office.
She takes a deep breath, standing in front of his desktop set up. Naomi unclips her bracelet, placing the flash drive into his computer before copying most of the documents onto there.
“C’mon, c’mon.” She whispers under her breath, eyes hurriedly focused on the loading bar. The computer dings, and she sighs out, clipping her bracelet back on before walking out. Not paying attention, she carelessly walks into the person standing outside, hand half-raised in a knock.
“Woah, watch out.” Two strong arms steady her, pulling her upright before she falls to the ground.
Hazel eyes meet green.
“Naomi?” Grayson asks.
She releases himself from his hold, quickly walking past him and into the crowd. She turns around to see him following her and begins to walk even faster, ditching her janitor cart to move through the crowd easier. Her heart is racing, the rapid thumping deafening to her ears.
“Naomi, wait!”
Grayson grabs her wrist, finally catching up to her and turning her so she’s facing him. She watches as he looks over properly, fully taking in who’s in front of him.
Naomi’s been trained to read emotions since a young age, gather what somebody is feeling in just a second based off of facial expressions and body language alone. She’s expecting confusion, panic, even anger. She knows how Grayson is supposed to react.
Instead, he surprises her. His whole demeanor radiates calmness, not even fazed by the chase she had just put him through.
He drops her wrist and smiles calmly, not even missing a beat.
“Sorry, I must’ve mistaken you for somebody I know. You have a familiar face.” He turns the other way, hands in his pocket as if he hadn’t just caught her parading around as another woman.
She stands in the middle of the lobby, still trying to calm the anxiety racing through her body. Mostly, she’s confused. She’s always been able to read Grayson like the back of her hand, growing in tune to what he’s feeling just from studying so long. So she knows she hadn’t missed the main emotion written clearly on his face:
High stakes jobs require a level of calmness that are usually uncommon in most people. Naomi’s always prided herself on being a rational person, always able to stay calm in even the most stressful of situations.
“It’s done. I can’t do this anymore, I gotta get out. Call me when you get this.” are the first words out of her mouth when she’s in the car. She’s already called her agency, panic weaving it’s way through her burner phone. She’s unsure why she so rattled by her experience with Grayson, but something is off.
He should’ve reacted - yelled, responded or even yanked her away, or even explain to his coworkers - ‘Hi, sorry my wife is certifiably insane. No she doesn’t not work here and I don’t know why she’s dressed like this.’
She doesn’t understand why he remained calm, but ever nerve in her body is on red, screaming at her to run. She whips her car into her driveway and immediately crosses into her house, running up the stairs to head straight for the mahogany dresser in the back of the closet. She pushes it to the side, opening the second duffle bag to reveal her go-bag. She changes immediately, throwing on leggings and a black t-shirt with a baseball cap. She pulls off he gun taped to the back of the dresser, and almost as quickly as she ran in, she’s leaving, headed straight towards Grayson’s office on the first floor. She opens up the safe, hidden behind a giant painting, and grabs all the cash from inside stuffing that into her duffle bag.
It’s not until she’s halfway out the window that she notices something’s not right.
“Fuck, fuck!” She screams. Her bracelet is missing, panic rapidly rising throughout her body. She’s sitting one leg out the window when she hears dinging, loud noises coming from the thin Macbook in the middle of his desk. She walks over, clicking on the first folder that’s finished uploading.
Files are being uploaded to a cloud, documents after documents. She recognizes them, files that she had just copied from Andras’ desktop. Financial records of embezzlement, records of larceny and assault. Everything she was supposed to take back to her agency was being uploaded right in front of her eyes.
She drops her bag in shock, finally piecing everything together. Too caught up in making sure Grayson hadn’t recognized her, she had missed the way he had grabbed her wrist, hands deep in his pocket as he was leaving. She tries to steady her breathing, panic intensifying as she watches all of her work from the past two years go down the drain. Watching as everything she’s worked for slowly fall into the hands of her enemy.
She opens the last file, pictures of her loading the screen. As expected, Grayson had been watching her, longer than she had thought. Old ID’s, street cam photos, anything connected to her or another identity was being uploaded for Andras and his team to see. The final photo in the series is a picture from their wedding, Her smiling at the camera, happiness almost mocking Naomi’s utter despair at the realization that she is most literally a dead woman. Her identity being revealed puts everyone she works for at risk, and her agency doesn’t take that risk too lightly. Her burner buzzes a few times, and she takes a deep breath before reading the lone text waiting for her.
Identity compromised. Kill Grayson Dolan.
When Grayson started working for Andras, he hadn’t expected to be caught up in a criminal ring. He had taken a security job in his early 20’s, knowing that it paid well and was enough to keep him afloat until the next thing came along. He hadn’t expected to quickly rise up into Andras inner circle.
Everyone knew Andras was involved in some shady organizations; you don’t become as powerful as he did without a few skeletons in your closet. The closer he got to Andras, he realized he was actually in the midst of a graveyard.
He shouldn’t have been too surprised then when Andras approached him a year ago, dropping simple files revealing the true identity of his wife. Andras had explained the whole thing to him: how he had stolen some money from an ex-partner whom Naomi worked for, and she was helping to get revenge. He explained how she had been after him for years with no success and claimed how easy it would be for Grayson to get rid of her. It was practically perfect since she would never expect for her target con to be the one to take her down.
Grayson knew he should be angry, knew he should feel betrayed for being played a fool. However the only feeling was a sickness of listening to how disposable Andras thought his wife was. Luckily, it never got to that point.
In reality, the best way to avoid a takedown is to know what the other side has planned. And Naomi had dropped that precious information into their lap.
Apparently, she had gotten really desperate - actually showing up to his job in order to snoop around. And he wouldn’t have known her true intentions if he hadn’t noticed the bracelet, a gaudy piece of silver that he hadn’t recognized. She normally preferred daintier pieces and when he had finally had a chance to touch it, he recognized it for what it was. A hidden flash drive.
After that, everything practically fell into place. Knowing which files her agency deemed important, it was easy to cover Andras tracks. Delete whatever information they needed the most and the best part was he didn’t even have to confront Naomi.
Grayson just hoped Naomi would’ve been smart enough to flee, get far away from the house by the time he got home.
He sends a silent prayer to the universe before opening the door.
“Hi honey! How are you doing?” She’s chopping vegetables, music playing through the speakers.
Apparently the universe doesn’t listen.
She’s changed since the last time he saw her, obviously not wearing the grimy janitor outfit home. Instead she’s wearing all black - down to her running shoes. She’s finishing up the salad, a large dinner already set out on their expansive dining table. For a moment, Grayson can almost pretend like it’s normal. That they’ll sit down and he’ll ask her about her day. Almost pretend like none of today’s weirdness had even happened.
Naomi continues to hum along, At Last playing softly through the speakers. He recognizes the melody almost immediately, taken back to their wedding day when they had danced together - officiating their title as a couple. He had always loved that song, but Naomi refused to play it - claiming she didn’t want to taint her perfect memories to it. His face darkens as it always does when he thinks about their supposed past - how none of it was real to her anyways.
“Sit down, honey. Dinner will be ready soon.” She calls out, and she turns the music up louder while he obeys, walking into their dining room. He listens closely, recognizing that what he thought was humming is actually the soft murmurs of conversation. He strains, trying to listen, but all he can focus on is Etta James crooning.
He knows his wife is a smart woman, that she would have already pieced together what happened today. Theres no reason why she wouldn’t have left, already halfway across the world and away from him.
Unless there was something forcing her to stay.
He walks over to their china cabinet, reaching in the back to grab a hidden gun.
“You read my mind, honey. Grab the wedding glasses, please.” Grayson freezes, not from Naomi’s sudden presence behind him. He hadn’t even realized she had entered the room, setting down the salad bowl in the center of the table. He pauses at the word honey - the third time she’s called him that in less than five minutes. She never calls him pet names - even when they were dating. She always claimed she hated the cliche and while he was quick to shower her with sweethearts, babes and darlings, she always kept quiet.
The warning signs were always really there and Grayson curses himself for being too blind to recognize them.
Naomi is just as calm as she was in the kitchen, blinking at him owlishly as if wondering what’s taking him so long to grab those glasses and sit down. As he joins her, pouring a glass of wine and sitting across from her, he starts to wonder if he’s crazy. If Andras actually got it all wrong and Naomi isn’t who he thinks it is. The woman who is sitting across from him does not have the demeanor of someone who is waiting for their death - knowing powerful people are hunting her down. He swallows, taking a large swallow before looking at her.
He almost believes himself until he notices her hand, gaze flickering between her coy smile and her ring finger as she takes her own sip of her drink. In the entirety of their marriage, she has never gone without her ring. It had become a source of comfort for him, being able to look down and see the Tiffany ring on her finger - even when he knew the marriage was fake. She taps her ring finger on her glass, grabbing his attention and he recognizes the action for what it is. A silent message that the sham is over, that they both know the others game. She clears her throat softly before speaking.
“I know its not a special occasion, but I thought we should have a nice dinner anyways. We’ve been having so much trouble with our marriage and Dr. Braun did say spending time together was important.” She couldn’t hide her smile if she tried, and Grayson swallows as she throws his earlier words back in his face. He looks at all of his favorite food in front of him, a steak with mashed potatoes and salad in front of him. She never cooks like this for him, always settling for something simple and quick. He honestly didn’t even know that she knew how to cook this well, and almost cuts into his food before he stops.
Naomi is still staring at him expectantly, not even having moved to touch her own food. He pauses before looking down at his own plate, noticing a pile of white powder dumped on his potatoes. The pile was too large to be a seasoning and almost sat on top of his food like a mountain of snow. Naomi’s plate was missing the powder, and he turns his own plate away, biting into the steak instead.
He hopes she’s not cliche enough to poison him.
Naomi simply smiles, grabs some powder from a bowl and places it on her own food before taking a large bite.
“Emilia, the neighbor, brought back this special salt from Chile. She said it made every dish she tried better, and we both know how my cooking is. I didn’t put it on the steak though so it might taste a little,” She pauses before taking another bite of her salad completely avoiding her steak “different.”
He glares at her hard before swallowing his own bite.
“On second thought, darling - I’m not that hungry.” She nods getting up to collect both their dishes and for the millionth time that evening, he’s surprised by how calm she’s being. How can she act like everything is fine between them? Like this is just another day in their lives. Anger slightly swells in his chest and he speaks before thinking when she stands next to him.
“Y’know, the weirdest thing happened today. Saw a woman at my job who looked exactly like you.” She pauses before grabbing his steak knife, setting it on top of the other dirty dishes. He shouldn’t have done that. He doesn’t know what she knows and he could’ve at least pretended to be clueless. Maybe she really didn’t know he knew, and now he’s jeopardized everything.
“Weird.” is her only response and she walks back into the kitchen. He’s silent, planning an escape route before she can bring out dessert. The music is turned off and he’s never felt a quietness this loud before . Beads of sweat start forming at his hairline.. Something is wrong.
He just barely ducks underneath the dining table before the bullets make their way through the wall. He hears glass shatter, and immediately knows what’s been hit. Once her round is finished, he waits for the tell-tale clicks of a gun being reloaded before diving to grab the gun hidden in the china cabinet. It takes less than 30 seconds for him to do so before rounds are being fired off again. He inhales sharply when a bowl breaks above him. The shootings done almost as quickly as it started and the quietness is back. He holds his breath, listening to her footsteps walk in before standing up and shooting in her direction. Her eyes widen, taking in the fact that he’s very much still alive and darts back from where she came, hiding from his shots.
He walks out from his hiding spot, surveying the damage around him. Glass litters the entire dining room floor, bullet holes decorating their once-perfect yellow walls. He walks around to the entry foyer, turning in a circle to find a sign of to where she could have gone.
A zipping noise, steak knife literally cutting the tension in the air. He swipes his face, spreading sticky blood along his cheekbone. Of course, she had nicked him.
“Your aim is worse than your cooking, sweetheart.” He calls out. The house is silent in response, him starting to slowly move up the stairs.
He pauses at the top, cocking his gun and letting his finger hover over the trigger. His first thought is the master bedroom, quietly walking to the other side of the hallway. He makes it halfway before another load of gunshots works its way through the doors. Grayson quickly jumps over the banister, landing in the living room below. Naomi continues firing bullets below, using the upward angle as an advantage. He manages to craw into the next room, obstructed from her eagle-eye view. He knows she’s heading down the stairs and he’s getting tired of the cat-and-mouse chase.
“Sweetheart?” He calls out, “ Let’s tal-“
He’s interrupted by a load of gun shots, bullets breaking through the wall. It instantly wrecks, furniture flying everywhere and pieces of wood piling in the middle of the living room. Naomi fires three rounds before her bullets run out, silence calling out to her.
“You still alive, baby?” Her tone is cocky, arrogant and when she rounds the corner where she expected Grayson to be waiting for her, she’s confused when she doesn’t see anything. She walks slowly over destroyed furniture, moving things aside in order to find her missing husband.
“Grayson?” She whispers.
A firm grip behind her grabs her neck and pulls her around to face him. Naomi finds herself eye-to-eye with his gun, and she swallows deeply. She braces herself, watching as his face watches her own, staring deeply into his eyes. She’s silent, wishing to herself how things could’ve been different, ended differently. She silently asks Grayson to forgive her for what she’s done.
“You got me.” She whispers, and Grayson just stares at her, sighing before releasing his hold on her.
“Get out of here.” He whispers back, and before Naomi can say anything else, he’s gone.
{there was like another 3k words to this but i never finished that part completely. anyways hi and thank u for reading this if you see this note🤍🤍🤍}
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saturngrqy · 3 years
Saturngrqy’s Masterlist
Hi! I finally figured out how to make a masterlist lmao, I think it works now? idk but anyway ily guys and i hope you guys can send in some more requests n stuff so I can add a bit more to this post:) mwah<3
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Grayson Dolan
new years
wakeheart event
movie night
girl best friend
long distance
mommas boy
temper tantrum
i hate you
first kiss
family hike
just a friend // part 2
podcast introduction
road trip
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elitegrayson · 2 years
hi!!! i love your grayson one shot. do you think you could do a grayson x female reader, with the friends to lovers trope? i am a sucker for friends to lovers <33.
hey hon!!! yess these are always so cute to me, you got it! <3 hope you enjoy & i appreciate your love!! this is more cute and sweet than sexual so i hope that's okay!! if you would like a part 2 with a little more depth, i am more than welcome to do that.
after what seemed like hours of getting ready for your boyfriend to come over, everything was put together. you haven’t seen him in what like a month because your schedules weren’t lining up, but tonight you guys found the time.
you’d thought it would be a cute date idea to have a sip and paint. the Stella rose was on the dining room table along with the baby easels and the charcuterie board. you heard your phone ring, hoping it’d be him, telling you he was on his way. but when you answered, you were met with something else.
“hey? are you on the way? I got everything all set up-’’
“y/n, I can’t make it tonight. something important came up.”
“but Blake, we’ve literally been planning this for at least a week now,” you said in a stern tone, hoping he could sense you were pissed.
“I know babe, I know. but I just can’t come tonight. call up one of your friends or something I don’t know.” he said nonchalantly as you just stood there in disbelief.
“you know what I just might. don’t bother coming by tomorrow.” you scoffed, then you hung up the phone.
it wasn’t the first time he canceled on you, more like the 1500th time. you went out of your way to get this together, so the fact that he just canceled made you feel horrible.
you sat down on the couch and started to cry, but you didn’t want to let this night to go waste. you bought everything, the paint, the food, and the easels. somebody was going to be here tonight and if it won’t be Blake, it’ll be someone else.
you reached over to grab your phone to text your closest friend, Grayson.
you: “hey gray. are you busy tonight?”
he responded within 2 minutes saying;
g: “hey y/n no i’m free. what’s up?”
you: “do you wanna come over to paint and sip? blake was supposed to, but he has something to do and i don’t wanna let this stuff go to waste lol”
g: “yes of course give me 20 minutes”
you: “okay cool see you then :)”
you weren’t expecting to hang out with Grayson, but you weren’t expecting to not see your boyfriend either. he always makes you feel better anyways considering you come to him when you have issues with Blake. you feel bad because you know he gets annoyed by it and can’t stand him, but he always says the right words. 
some days you wish he could always comfort you in your time of need, but that’ll ruin your friendship. he has a life too and it’s draining to listen to your friend’s boyfriend's issues over and over again. he has a good heart and that’s why you love him…as a friend of course.
you went to the bathroom to fix up your hair and makeup then you heard your doorbell. you walked towards the door to be met with a slightly messy hair Grayson. he had on a white tee, blue shorts, and some birks. he lowkey looks like he just woke up, but in a cute way.
“hi y/n, can I come in?” he smiled, eyeing you up and down.
“hey Gray. yes of course. come take a seat.” you returned the smile, moving out of the way so he could pass through.
“sooo blake stood you up again huh?” Grayson said, taking a seat in the dining room.
a frown appeared across your face, “yeah, he didn’t even say why. just that “it was something important”. you said putting air quotes.
“well you might want to look at this,” Grayson unlocked his phone and went to Instagram. he went to your boyfriend’s story, and there he was taking shots at a fucking bar.
he’s such a liar. what the actual fuck?” tears started to brim in your eyes as he locked his phone and set it down.
“I’m so sorry y/n, but to be honest. I don’t even know why you’re still with him,” he grumbled, looking down slightly.
“w-why would you say that? he’s nice sometimes,” you said in a low tone, playing with your fingers.
“c'mon y/n. most of our conversations are literally about him being a fucking asshole. he’s not good for you. why can’t you see that?”
“okay, I didn’t invite you over here so you could talk shit about Blake. I invited you over because-“
“because you needed comfort? or because you know I’m better for you and I’m better than he’ll ever be.” the room got quiet and you just stared at him blankly. you didn’t know what to say. there was always that voice in the back of your head, telling you that he was better, but you ignored it. did he really mean that?
“look, I probably shouldn’t have said that, but it’s the truth. I can’t stand to see you with him, knowing that I treat you so much better. I have morals so that’s why I never said anything because you were already with him. after tonight, seeing you like this? now I’m at my breaking point, y/n. I know we’re friends and I value our friendship, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take. how much more of this can you take?”
he was 100% right, but Grayson is like a brother to you. at the same time, when you were with blake whether that was in intimacy or not, your brain would often drift to him. you would think about how he’d fuck you and take care of you afterward, something that never even crossed blake’s mind. 
even when you’re alone, touching yourself you can’t help but imagine it’s Grayson making you ache and moan in the way that you do. 
this whole time it was him, but your brain wanted to play tricks on you.
“y/n? are you okay?” you completely forgot to respond to what he said, so you had something better in mind.
you stood up from your chair, put your right hand behind his neck, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. he was caught off guard at first until he returned the favor.
“I probably shouldn’t have done that either, but you’re right gray. there was always a small part of me that wasn’t sure about blake. that part was you. I guess I didn’t realize it until now, I was so blind and stupid.” you sighed, pulling back from him a little shocked at what you just confessed.
“no, no you’re not stupid mama, don’t ever say that. that’s not the point I was trying to make. I just wanted you to see things for what they were.” Grayson mellowed, wiping his thumb across your chin and then tilting you up. you couldn’t help but get shy and giggle.
“well, I’m all yours now, Dolan. now can we paint and sip, please? it was a lot for me to get this shit together. at least now I’ll actually be able to enjoy it with someone.” you explained, tugging at his arms, while he lets out a chuckle.
“of course, we can and enough about that prick. you said you’re mine now yeah? after tonight, you won’t even remember him.” 
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impaladolan · 2 years
Again - Grayson Dolan
overview: you had been denied all day, one time after another, after another— so you decided to take things into your hands, and he didn’t like that..
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fem and male masturbaution, oral - male receiving, use of toys, maledom , femsub, degradation, cum denial, swearing, and just lots of dirty/sexy talk haha.
a/n: this was actually a dream i had the other night.. spicy..
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"I-I can't—"
"Again." His voice was serpentine and accusatory, plowing through your whimpers with its baritone and timber.
"Grayson.." You whine and implore for the millionth time it seemed, aching all over for the end of this torturous trap he has you strung through.
"You disobeyed me, Y/N. Continue your pleas and we'll go all fucking night." He crosses his black slacked leg over the other, reaching to undo the first two buttons of his white dress shirt with a devilish fix upon you.
You were sat across the room from him, legs spread apart and shaking, panties in a bundle around your ankles, and your sensitive core glistening in the haze of his hungry eyes. He made you keep one hand around your clothed breast and the other wrapped around a vibrating wand that continued to buzz in your hand.
"A-fucking-gain, Y/N." His stare hardened even more so, not a drop of remorse across his hazels.
Your chest began to rise and fall fast as you moved the toy back over your pulsing bud, immediately pulling you back into a trance of seeking release. Your head fell back and your teeth sunk deep into your bottom lip, an echoing sob replacing the silence. You were already so close, being that you had been sat there for over an hour, forced to edge yourself over and over until he's satisfied.
It hurt so fucking good.
"No.." It came out as a whisper, but you knew he heard you when you felt his footsteps coming towards you. You didn't open your eyes until you felt his hand grab your wrist and pull you out of the euphoric atmosphere you were deeply submerged within. You pressed your thighs together to subdue your aching need and looked up at him under your eyelashes, pleading for him to finish this.
"You're not very good at doing what you're told." He shut the vibrator off and threw it to the side, leaning down to whisper his words in your ear. His hand traveled down your body until it pulled your knees further apart than before and he had his hand toying with your molten cove.
"You're sopping wet, princess." He sounded falsely apologetic, whilst you arched back again as he ran his thumb back and forth over your swollen clit. You sighed, wrapping your needy fingers around his thick forearm for support.
"Please.." Oh, it felt divine. He did slow circles while his other hand slipped under your knee and pinned it high. You almost thought he'd let you go, unravel the knot in your abdomen, and be free of his torment.
But it is not so.
He pulled away just as fast as he had been there, touching and feeling and caressing you until you were all numb and shaking for him. Another helpless wine fell from your mouth, a breathless cry more like. And he just stood there, the devil himself, unfazed except for the stir in his cock.
"Please!" You moved from the couch and down to the floor beneath him, your hands snaking up his legs and attacking his belt buckle with more than just wanton and desire. He let you undo his belt and pull it through the loops, his callous hand finding it’s way into your hair. You undid the button and pulled the zipper all the way and his trousers fell slack around his hips and you could see the waistband of his boxers.
You looked up at him for the first time, underneath the haze of his eyes and the domineering look about him. He nodded his head, silently pleading for you to go on. You pulled his slacks the rest the way down and let them pool at his feet. And your blush immediately darkened when you saw the tent in his undergarments— all because of you.
You bit your lip again and posed another glance at his face.
“Don’t get all shy now, princess.” He took his free hand and grabbed one of yours, placing it around his clothed cock and letting a rumbling groan slip from his lips. You squeezed your tiny little hand around him and watched as he moved closer to your touch, begging for it. You traced his shaft, delicate and messy outlines with your soft fingertips until you finally looped them around his waistband and let him spring free. He stood tall and wide and red and completely sensitive to you. You instantly wrapped your lips around his swollen head and let your fingers go back to tracing him, slow and soft.
You wanted him to feel the pain and torture he caused you only moments ago.
You let him go with a pop! and let your dominant hand pump him, still slow and brutally frustrating. Your other hand went to find the vibrator again, turning it back onto a low setting and letting it buzz against you while you pleasured him.
You put your mouth back over him once you settled into the wand, your moans rolling over his cock.
Growing impatient, he moved his hand to the back of your head and pressed you further down his dick, earning another whimper from you and a guttural sigh from him. Your breathing went erratic again and you couldn’t help but already feel the arrival of your orgasm nearing. You took another long pull from cock and let your hands wrap around him again, this time much faster and hasty.
You looked back up at him for the third time and mewled with plea. His chest rose and fell heavily too, his muscles tightening around his abdomen and thighs.
“Just a little more baby, finish.” He pushed your head back over his dick once again and you took him even more than before, trying your best to suction him and let the warmth of your tongue and mouth encapsulate him. You moaned around him again, sending him off into his orgasm at once.
He pulled his cock from your lips and let his seed cover your chest and he allowed another sigh and fighting groan empty from his chest with reckless abandon. Your hips shook at your approaching high and you wrapped your hand around the vibrator to really settle it against your sopping pussy. Your brows furrowed and your eyes almost rolled back as you felt your climax about over take you.
Sudden and unprecedented, his arms wrapped around yours and pulled you from your peak. He lifted you from the ground, threw you back onto the couch, and took your toy away leaving you a sobbing mess. True tears began to fall onto your cheeks and you squeezed your thighs back together once again, trying to tip yourself over the edge.
It wasn’t enough.
“You look so pretty, edged and on the verge of fucked out.” He laughed. He fucking laughed.
He watched you breathe and the sweat and tears dribble down you and the cum still slathered across your chest, like a claim. He settled the vibrator beside you, turned and went to sit back in the chair he was previously sat, except for this time, his cock was out and erect, his meaty hand twisted around it and easy to watch you suffer— over and over and over.
a/n: let me know if you liked! <3
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Type: One shot | Imagine about Grayson Trigger Warning: Sexual, Blood, Kidnapping, Killing Word Count: 4000+ Rating: Rated R Paring: Hailey + Grayson Enjoy! 
"Don't stop," she moaned.
He kisses his way up her chest, settling the length of his body against hers. His finger drags across her breast as his face hovers over hers.
"Are you ready to work hard for me?" He asked. "It's more if I'm the one that's in control," She asked.
Grinning wickedly, she reaches down and slips his hand into his briefs, finding him already hard. She rubs him softly, enough to make him moan. Leaving him wanting more.  She leans up kissing him passionately. She feels like she's on fire as he runs his hand down to her hips. He moves his hips and flips them over, she's straddling him, chest to chest. She moans into his ear as her hips rock against his. His hands trace a pattern up her spine, reaching for the clasp of her bra.
"I don't think you need this anymore" he whispered in her ear. Pulling her bra off her shoulders, tossing it onto the floor.
His lips graze the bare skin of her breast, his tongue flicking against her nipple. Teasing her slightly as she leans her head back, moaning slightly. She can't catch her breath as the sensations overwhelm her. All she can think is that she needs him. Just as he's about to suck on her nipple there is a knock on the door. She leans against him as the door opens, it's just Ethan. Grayson grabs the blanket and covers them up.
'You are supposed to wait until I answer the door or say come in" Grayson rolls his eyes. "Sorry, are you guys ready?" Ethan asked. "We will be," Grayson snapped. "The plan leaves in like an hour, snap to it," Ethan said as he left the room. "I'm sorry," Grayson said. "It's ok," Haily said as she got off of Grayson. Placing her shirt on before finishing packing their bags.   "Maybe in the cabin, we are staying at we can get some alone time," he said as he sat beside her. "Yea" She nodded as she looked at him. "You better pack warm things, it gets cold in New Jersey," he said. "I've never been so maybe when we get there, you can help me pick out some warm things," she said. "Sure," he nodded.
They finished packing and brought everything down to the living room. Ethan and Kristina were waiting for them. The boys put everything in the car and they were off to the airport. They had no idea that this trip would be the last. They got on the plane and within a few hours, they landed in New Jersey. They met the rest of the crew and went up to the cabin in the woods. It was supposed to be a weekend getaway with friends. They finally got to the cabin, choosing what room everyone was going to stay in.
"Wow, this is beautiful," Hailey said. "Yea I love it out here, especially this time of the year" Grayson wrapped his arms around her. "I see why" she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Wait until you see it snow," he said. "Even better" she leaned in and kissed him softly. "Of course" he smiled against her lips. "So this room has a mini-fridge, bathroom, and a fireplace?" she asked. "Yes," he chuckled slightly. "So we could lock ourselves in this room and just enjoy each other" She looked at him. "Yea we could" he smirked as he placed his hands against her hips. "But we would miss all the fun," he said. "We could have fun all by ourselves" she kissed him softly, pulling on his bottom lip. "True," he smiled.
He deepens the kiss, sliding his hand around her waist. Holding her close, moving her back towards the bed. She reaches for her shirt, undoing it by pulling it over his head. He pushes her on the bed, she lays back watching him move over the top of her.  He leans in kissing her before leaving a trail along her jaw, down to her neck. Sliding his hands up her sides, removing her shirt. Throwing it to the floor before placing his lips back against her neck. Grayson's mouth trails down her body, giving attention to her nipples before dipping down to her stomach, going lower. He looks up at her before undoing her pants, slipping them off of her hips. She pulls him up, kissing him softly. Pushing her hips up, flipping them over as she straddles him.
"You're good at that" he smiles as he lays his head back, just watching her. "I know" she smirks, leaning down kissing him.
She leaves a trail of kisses down his jaw, to his neck. Slowly moving down his chest, kissing his stomach as she reaches to the top of his jeans. Someone knocks on the door, Hailey sighs and wraps the blanket around her. Darting off to the bathroom before Grayson answered the door. Of course, it was Ethan once again, Grayson rolled his eyes once he realized it was Ethan.
"What E?" Grayson asked. "Just heading to the store to get supplies, do you guys need anything?" Ethan asked. "I don't think so, Hailey?" Grayson asked. "Just some snacks," she said as she walked out, messing with her hair. "Alright," Ethan nodded and walked away. "Seriously, when are we going to get actual alone time?" She asked. "I'm sorry," Grayson said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "It's ok, I'm going to go fix something to eat, do you want anything?" she asked. "Whatever you are making" he nodded. "Alright babe" she leaned up and kissed him softly before walking out the room.
She asked everyone else if they wanted anything before she started to cook. No one else wanted anything to eat so she just cooked for Grayson and herself. She brought the food back to their room and they ate by the fireplace. The rest of the night everyone just chilled in their room. Haily cuddled up with Grayson in the bed, drifting off to sleep. Everyone was surprised that it snowed overnight.
"Babe woke up," Haily said as she nudged Grayson. "Uh?" he groaned. "It snowed," she said. "Really? Already?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Yea I think it's at least 15 inches," she said. "Snow day," he said as he sat up. "Yea" she looked at him. "I'm not used to this," she admitted. "I know babe but you'll love it" he wrapped his arm around her. "I already do," she leaned into his chest. "I love you" he kissed the top of her head. "I love you," she said as she played with his hand. 'Come on let's get up and get ready for the day" he said.
They both went into the bathroom, Hailey turned on the sink. They both stood in front of the sink and brushed their teeth. She rinsed first and whipped her mouth on the towel. Placing her against his stomach, slowly leaving her touch on his skin as she left the bathroom. He smiled to himself as he finished brushing his teeth. He whipped his mouth before walking after her. She was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Did you guys notice the snow?" Kristinia asked. "Yea we saw it" Hailey nodded. "So much of it," Grayson said as he made himself a cup of coffee. "Yea and it supposed to snow more tonight," Ethan said as he wrapped his arm around Christina "Really?" Hailey asked. "Yea" Grayson took a sip from his cup. "We are trapped for at least a week," Grayson said. "Well I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" Hailey placed her arms around Gray's neck. "I wouldn't either" he smiled, leaning down kissing her softly. "Get a room you two" Ethan rolled his eyes. "We have and yet someone keeps walking in on us," Grayson said as he shot Ethan a look. "I knock before I come in," Ethan smirks. "Uh-huh," Grayson said. "So we are going to have a snow fight?" Nate asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Oh it's so on," Ethan said. "Well let's go," Nate said. "I'm going to eat before I head out to the cold" Hailey said as she turned her focus back on cooking. "Yea same" Grayson said as he moved behind Hailey, resting his hand on her hip. "Where are Anna and Tyler?" Ethan asked. "Still sleeping," Nate responded. "What about Sam?" Grayson asked. "Probably still sleeping," Nate said. "WAKE UP EVERYONE!!! IT SNOWED" Ethan yelled as he walked through the house. Making sure everyone could hear him.
Sam, Tyler, and Anana came out of their rooms, groaning at Ethan for waking them up. Hailey finished cooking and they all sat down to eat before going out in the snow. Grayson cleaned up the kitchen before going into the room with Hailey. She was getting ready for the snow but he knew she wasn't ready for it. He handed her his hoodie so she could stay warm.
"You are going to need extra layers," he said. "Thank you," she said as she grabbed his hoodie. "I want to make sure you are warm," he said. "You can once we come back inside" she smirked. "Oh I know" he pulled her to him, leaning down kissing her.
She smiled against his lips before pulling away. They finished getting ready and they headed out the door with everyone else. Of course, Ethan started a snowball fight. Hailey hid behind a tree, as she made snowballs. Throwing them at everyone, no one was safe. The air was crisp but also filled with laughter from everyone. The wind started to pick up and it started to get colder. As the wind picked up the view started to get worse. She couldn't see anything, she didn't realize how far she was in the woods until she couldn't see the house. She started to walk in the woods trying to find her way back to the house. She stumbled and fell over someone, there was a body. She started screaming once she realized that it was a dead body. She hurried to her feet and started to run through the woods. She came to a barn and she entered, just trying to catch her breath and stay warm.
"Guys where is Hailey?" Grayson asked as they made their way to the house. "She was behind that tree,'' Ethan said. "She's not there anymore," Grayson said with worry. "I'm sure she's near," Christina said. "Yea she will be back," Anna said.
They went inside the house, Grayson stayed by the window worried about Hailey. Hailey noticed a fire pit so she walked over there, trying to get warm. That's when she noticed more bodies and a lot of blood. She slowed her breathing when she heard someone coming, she ducked into a stall. The guy was dragging someone, dropping them in front of the stall. She could tell the person was still alive but she kept quiet, placing her hand over her mouth. She closed her eyes not wanting to see what he was going to do to the person. She could still hear every detail. She leaned against the wall, keeping her hand over her mouth. She could hear the shallow moans from the guy. Then she heard the crack of his neck, the sound of his falling to the ground. She closed her eyes, trying to slow her breathing and her heart rate. She could hear the sawing of flesh, the bones crushing. The blood dripped off the table. There was an iron smell in the air. When she heard the footsteps walk away that's when she knew she needed to run. She left the stall and started running towards the woods. She finally made it back to the house, right when they were about to go looking for her.
"Hailey," Grayson said. "Get inside NOW," Hailey said as she grabbed him. "Whoa I'm here," Grayson said as he held onto her, going back into the house. "Where were you?" Ethan asked. "Guys we need to leave," Hailey said as she caught her breath. "Why?" Anna asked. "Because we do," Hailey said. "Breath Hailey" Grayson rubbed her back. "What happened?" he asked. "I got lost in the woods and I stumbled over a body," Hailey said. "Yea yea whatever" Ethan rolled his eyes. "I'm serious, and then I went into a barn to get warm," She said as her mind was racing. "I ducked into a stall when the guy returned and he had someone" Hailey closed her eyes trying not to remember the sounds. "Good joke" Nate laughed slightly. "It's not a joke," Hailey said. "Trying to scare us so you can be alone with Grayson," Ethan said. "I'm not joking, we NEED to leave," she said. "The roads are trash and with the next storm coming, no planes are flying," Sam said. "True," Grayson said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Then we can leave this house," Hailey said. "I'm serious, guys," she said.
No one truly took her seriously and went on with their day. Grayson took her into their room, locking the door behind them. She just sat on the bed, trying to get the sounds out of her mind. She placed her head down in her hands, Grayson sat next to her. Rubbing her back trying to help but honestly, he didn't know what to do.
"Do you believe me?" she whispered. "I want to babe," he said. "but no one lives that close to this cabin" he admitted. "Gray" she looked at him. "I want to believe you," he said. "I'm not joking and I'm not crazy," she said as she stood up. "I know babe" he sighed. "I just don't know," he said. "Fine you guys keep acting like nothing is happening but I'm staying my ass in this cabin until I'm able to leave" she crossed her arms. "Ok just calm down" Grayson stood up, grabbing her hips. "No you don't get to touch me" she pulled away from him. "I'm sorry," he said. "I believe something did happen to you in the woods," he said. "Now you are just saying that" she crossed her arms. "I'm not," he said. "Because when you came running up into my arms, I felt your heart racing so yes something happened," he said. "Yea something did happen and I'm terrified" she looked at him. "I know you are" he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm scared Grayson" she held onto him, snuggling her head into his neck. "I got you and I won't let anything happen to you" he whispered.
She stayed in Grayson's arms, trying to feel safe. They stayed in their rooms, just cuddling on the bed. A few hours went by and it started snowing again. Added 6 more inches on the snow they already had. They were truly trapped in the cabin in the woods with no way to leave. Hailey started to drift off to sleep when the lights started to flicker.
"Babe I need to get up," Grayson said. "Go," she said as she moved slightly, allowing him to get up. "If the lights go out we need to get the generator going," he said. "Ok" she nodded as she snuggled to the pillow. "I'll be back" he leaned down and kissed her cheek.
He left the room and Grayson and Ethan went outside to work on the generator. Making sure it had gas and no snow around it so it would kick in if they did lose power. Once they finished they came back inside, Grayson rejoined Hailey in their room. He laid back in the bed and snuggled up to her. She was already fast asleep when he returned. He wrapped a blanket around them, wrapping his arms around her. Making sure she felt safe before drifting off to sleep. Sometimes during the night, the lights did go out.
"Where am I?" Hailey mumbled in her sleep. "I can stay in here until the wind dies down," she said. "Babe?" Grayson groaned as he pulled her closer. "Shhh," he said. "Who's there?" she asked. "Babe wakes up" he rubbed her back, gently waking her up. "Uh? What?" she rubbed her eyes. "You were having a bad dream," he said. "It's freezing in here" she snuggled closer to him. "The power is out, I'll start a fire," he said as he got up out of bed. "Hurry back," she said as she snuggled under the blankets.
He smiled at her before starting a fire. He made sure it was going well before he returned to bed. Wrapping his arms around her as she pulled the blanket over him. She snuggled back to his chest. falling back to sleep. In the morning she woke up without Grayson in the bed. She shuffled in the sheets before getting out of the bed. Slipping her robe on before making her way into the living room.
"What do you mean you don't know where he is?" Grayson asked. "He said he was going into town to get some more supplies," Ethan said. "And when was this?" Grayson crossed his arms. "Over three hours ago," Ethan said. "Wait, who's missing?" Hailey asked. "Nate," Anna said. "None of the cars are working so he went by foot?" Grayson asked. "Yes," Christina said. "After yesterday, how could anyone let him go?" Hailey asked. "Sorry to disappoint you but no one believes you" Ethan rolls his eyes. "Uh-huh," Hailey crossed her arms. "Now Nate is missing," she said. "Doesn't mean what you said is true," Tyler said. "Fine, don't believe me," Hailey said. "Take it easy on her" Grayson moved in front of Hailey. "We need to find Nate," he said. "I'll go and see if I can find him," Tyler said. "I'm the one whose cell phone is still working," Tyler said. "Be careful," Ethan said.
Tyler got ready and left the cabin. Ethan stayed at the door until Tyler disappeared in the distance. As he closed the door the generator went out.
"Do we have any more gas? Wood?" Christina asked. "Yes we have enough wood to keep us warm but not enough gas," Ethan said. "So we are all dead," Hailey sighed. "How are we getting out of here?" she questioned. "Until the snow melts or the roads get better," Grayson said. "Great" Hailey rolled her eyes and went back into their room. "This isn't the first time we have been trapped in the storm, '' Grayson said as he followed her. "I know that Grayson but there is no way out," she said. "And with a killer in the woods, we are sitting ducks," she said. "Just calm down" he sat on the bed, pulling her onto his lap. "I'm scared Grayson" she placed her hand on the back of his neck, messing with his hair. "I know but you are safe with me" he looked up at her, wrapping his arms around her. "I feel safe when I'm in your arms" she leaned down and kissed him softly. "HELPPPPPPP" Someone screamed. "What was that?" Grayson said as both Hailey and he got up off the bed. "Who was that? Ethan asked. "Grayson" Hailey said as she pulled him to the window.
Everyone watched Tyler getting dragged into the woods. It was clear he wasn't awake since he wasn't fighting or screaming anymore. They watched until the guy disappeared with Tyler.
"Now believe me?" Hailey asked. "What do we do?" Grayson said as he tried to catch his breath. "No one leaves this cabin," Ethan said. "Why is that guy doing this?" Christina asked. "What's going on guys?" Sam asked as he walked out of his room. "Tyler and Nate are missing," Ethan said. "And we just watched Tyler being dragged into the woods," Grayson said. "We have to go help them," Sam said. "And do what exactly?" Hailey asked. "I don't know, they are our friends. We have to help" Sam said. "We have to come up with a plan before we go out there," Grayson said. "You aren't going anywhere!" Hailey said. "He's right, we can't just let our friends get killed," Grayson turned to face her. "But you could get hurt," Hailey said. "We will be careful," Grayson said. "If one goes we all go," Anna said. "Yea we aren't staying here," Christina said.
Everyone that was left in the house got ready to go out in the snow. They left the cabin and Hailey led them to where the barn is. They stayed in the woods as they could see the guy tying up Tyler. They could also see Nate tied up but Nate looked like he had been through hell. Once the guy disappeared into the house they ran to the barn. Splitting up so they wouldn't get caught. Grayson went to get Nate as Ethan went to go get Tyler.
"HELPPPPP" Tyler yelled as he came too. "Shhh, I'm here," Ethan said. "Get me out of here," Tyler said. "I am" Ethan nodded as he undid the ties, Tyler falling into Ethan's arms. "Nate?" Grayson asked as he tried to undo the tie. "Uh?" Nate said as he opened his eyes. "I got you," Grayson said as he finished undoing the tie. Dropping Nate into his arms. Sam rushed over to help. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" The guy asked as he walked into the barn. "Getting my friends!" Grayson said. Sam picked up Nate and ran back into the woods. "GRAYSON COME ON" Hailey yelled from the woods. "You messed with the wrong ones," Grayson said "Oh really?" The guy asked.
As Grayson turned to run away from the barn. The guy grabbed him, pulling him back. Grayson tried to struggle but the guy was stronger. Grayson could feel the knife stabbing him in the stomach. He yelled out before dropping to the ground. Everyone thought Grayson was with them but they turned to see Grayson laying on the barn floor. They all rushed back attacking the guy. Tyler was finally able to call for help. Hailey rushed to where Grayson was lying. Placing her jacket over the stab wound.
'I got you," Hailey said. "Stay with me Grayson," she said as she propped his head upon her leg. "Hailey" Grayson looked at her. "I'm here baby" she ran her hand through his hair. "I love you" he placed his hand on her cheek. "I love you" she leaned into his touch. "You will be ok," she said as she fought back tears. "GRAYSON" Ethan rushed to his side after tying up the guy. "Ethan" Grayson looked at him. "I love you brother," Grayson said. "Help is on their way, hang on," Ethan said as he grabbed Grayson's hand. "It's cold," Grayson said as he started to close his eyes. "No no no focus on me," Hailey said. "Take care of her," Grayson whispered.
His hand dropped from her face, his grip loosened on Ethan's hand. Hailey started to cry as Grayson was slipping away. Finally, the police and an ambulance showed up. Taking Hailey, Grayson, and Nate to the hospital. She never left his side until they arrived at the hospital. She was in the waiting room, pacing back and forth when everyone else got there.
"Hailey!" Ethan rushed to her. "Any word?" he asked. "Not yet," she said as she had tears running down her face. "He will be ok," Ethan said as he pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly. "I hope so," she said as she pulled away, rubbing her eyes. "He will be," Christina said as she hugged Hailey. "Are you Ethan? Hailey?" the doctor asked as he walked over to them. "Yea I'm Ethan," Ethan said. "Hailey," Hailey said. "He's asking for you two," the doctor said. "Really?" Ethan said. "He's ok?" Hailey asked. "Yes room 208" the doctor nodded as they rushed down the hallway.
They walked into the room and Grayson was laying in the bed awake. His face lit up when he saw Hailey and Ethan walking in.
"Grayson" Ethan smiled. "Hey brother," Grayson smiled. "Come here," Grayson said. Ethan walked over and hugged Grayson. "We were so worried," Ethan said. "Nate is doing fine," Ethan said. "That's good," Grayson nodded and looked at Hailey. "Come here," Grayson said. "You're ok," Hailey said. "Come here baby," Grayson said. "You can breathe, I'm ok" he said
She walked over to him and hugged him. He pulled her onto the bed, knowing she was worried about him. She buried her face into his neck as she cried. She couldn't believe that he was ok. He rubbed her back, calming her down as she lay against him. Grayson and Nate had to stay overnight at the hospital. Once they were released they went back home to L.A. It wasn't the vacation that they were expecting, nor would they ever forget.
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houseof-harry · 4 years
Missed You Too | G.D.
Part 3 of Hate You Too!!
A/N - hello!!!!! part 3 of my hyt series!!! v proud of this part tbh, and dropping it at 2:30 am bc I can’t keep it to myself any longer. lots of love as always pretty pls lmk what you think!!! (read the last part here) (amazing gif by @vintagedolan​ as per usual nothing but the best by the best)
Word Count - 8.8k
Warnings - the nasty as per usual, mentions of not a great family life
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“Why have you been trying more vegan stuff?” Kacey asks as you walk down the refrigerated aisle of the grocery store. You’d just put egg replacer in your cart after examining it for five minutes.
You shrug, looking at the various food options as you pass by them. “I don’t know, I’ve just been intrigued by it lately I guess.”
“Is the boy who gives you the glow vegan?” You roll your eyes, because this has been Kacey’s way of not so subtly poking around in your life to figure out who made you cry. She’s only seen one person make you cry: your dad. So the fact that a ‘random kid’ has seemed to do it for you, she’s pushing hard.
Because it wasn’t just that night that got to you, it’s been almost every day since. For almost a week straight, you’ve been moping around and going through the motions of life because the thought of Grayson truly hating you was making you really fucking sad. And that’s terrifying.
You had been pretty good about hiding it, you thought, until Kacey knocked asking why you were crying when you didn’t know she’d gotten home from Ethan’s one day. And now she needed to know what caused you your pain.
So you told her it was a random kid you’d been talking to. She didn’t believe you for a second (rightfully so, it was a terrible lie) and she wouldn’t leave it alone. You loved her and her passion, but sometimes you wish she’d let it go.
“I don’t know if he’s vegan or not. Everyone’s cutting out animal products more and more these days and I thought it’d be cool to try it myself. Is that such a problem?” You snap at her and she just huffs and pipes down for the time being.
You guys make it to the produce section after venturing through the various aisles in complete silence. You’re inspecting peppers when she speaks up again.
“You can’t hide him from me forever, you know.”
“You really think I can’t?”
“Y/N, come on.” She nudges you, making you meet her eyes and you see the genuine concern in them.
You let out a breath, picking your peppers and putting them in the cart. “I don’t even know what’s going on in my head with all the shit that’s happened, how am I supposed to tell you?”
She frowns wrapping her arm around you in a bit of an awkward side hug, the cart sandwiching you against the various vegetables.
“Maybe talking it out with me will help? When did it start? When did you meet him?”
You purse your lips, not sure how much you’re willing to reveal to her. Because if we’re being honest, Ethan is going to hear about this. And if they put two and two together, Grayson will soon know you’re having all these feelings over him and that’s the last thing you could want.
“I’m not supposed to like him, that was never what we were to each other. I don’t like him, I don’t think. Or I didn’t. But when I pissed him off and he left? I don’t know why, but it just-” You shrug, sighing and grabbing the cart to keep walking around as your emotions quickly bubbled to the surface after being hidden deep within you for so long.
“Isn’t that what they always say, though? Love comes when you’re not looking for it.”
“Oh jesus Kacey,” you laugh, pausing to grab some onions. “I’m not in love.”
“Hey,” she holds her hands up in defense as she watches you bag the onions. “All I’m saying is I’ve never seen you so into someone before. Even when you talk about your exes you have less emotion than with this guy.”
You toss the onions in the cart before continuing to push it along. “But I shouldn’t be into him. I wasn’t into him. I can’t tell if I’m blocking my feelings down and that’s why I’m confused or-”
“That’s definitely the problem,” she laughs as she picks out the fruits she wants for the week.
You huff in annoyance because you know she’s right, but you don’t want to let that be true. “Maybe I just really like his dick.”
The old lady next you scowls before shaking her head and walking away. You and Kacey giggle with each other as your cheeks blush a bit.
“I don’t think any dick is that powerful. Not when vibrators exist - fuck no. You’ve got the feelings glow.”
“Stop, Kacey,” you groan, halting your movements to look at her. She raises her brow at you and crosses her arms. “I don’t have the feelings glow. You get that shit for someone you’re gonna love. I could never love this guy, I-” you shake your head and blink a few times to quell any frustrated tears that have popped up. “I can’t love him. He was a good fuck. Is a good fuck. In fact-”
Before Kacey can react, you’re phone from your sweatshirt and typing away.
“Y/N what are you doing?”
“Proving that’s all he is.” You lock your phone with a satisfied grin.
“What the fuck did you just do?”
“Set up a dick appointment. A no strings attached, feelings-less dick appointment.”
“With the guy?” At this point you’re speedwalking the cart to the check out with Kacey trailing behind while she tries to process your rather reckless actions.
“With the guy,” you confirm.
“You’re gonna regret this,” she warns.
You sigh, locking your phone again after seeing his response.
“You’re in a shlump dude.”
Grayson was cuddled deep into their couch, blankets all around him and an almost completely empty pint of vegan ice cream he had picked up the night before.
Ethan had just come in from a midafternoon run, his sweaty and bare chest heaving as he stood in front of his brother with his hands on his hips. They were polar opposites right now, and Grayson hadn’t even realized. Not until Ethan’s comment makes him look down at himself and back up.
He merely sighs, leaning forward to put the ice cream on the coffee table while Ethan watches.
“Is it the new soulmate of the month?”
Grayson looks down at his phone, no new notifications on his blank lock screen. He doesn’t realize that he’s zoned out until Ethan’s snapping in his face with a questioning look.
Grayson shakes his head, groaning and rubbing his hand over his face.
“Bro, I don’t know.” Ethan sits next to him, leaning back as he drinks some water. “She’s not-” he huffs, doing his best to collect his thoughts because he truly has no idea how to explain you or his situation to Ethan without revealing that it’s you. Because as much as he loved his brother, he knew Kacey knew about everything in Ethan’s life. And Ethan’s life is Grayson’s life, and vise versa. So it would only be a matter of time before Kacey knew and then you’d know and he had no idea how you’d react to him having any type of positive feelings towards you.
“Who is she?”
“You don’t know her,” Grayson is quick to respond, almost too quick, but luckily Ethan doesn’t push it.
“What’s so special about her that she has you eating ice cream on a Friday?”
Grayson looks at the sweet dessert resting on the table with a disgusted look, only realizing now that he feels bloated and definitely indulged a bit too much.
“I don’t know, dude. She’s not like anyone I’ve ever talked to or dated which is why I’m fucking confused. I shouldn’t like her.”
Ethan laughs, shaking his head. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
“Because,” he picks up the ice cream and takes a spoonful into his mouth himself. “There’s a reason why you’re not with anyone you’ve talked to or dated in the past. And there’s a reason why someone so different from those girls is making you feel a lot more. Grow the fuck up and actually ask her out so you can stop being so damn mopey.”
Grayson looks at his brother, processing his words slowly as Ethan continues to finish off the ice cream. He knows Ethan is right. But you’re not into that, and definitely not into him like that.
“She would never date me,” Grayson huffs as he leans further back into the couch.
“You won’t know until you ask.”
Grayson can feel the nerves bubbling in his stomach at the idea of asking you to be anything more than friends. Were you even friends? Just someone you fucked occasionally but wouldn’t even let him kiss you slowly?
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating, and he’s surprised to see your name attached to a new text.
sorry about last time. are you free tonight?
He reads the text over and over, trying to take it all in.
He’s never heard you apologize to him. Literally never. Not that you’ve done anything terrible, but you guys just didn’t do that unless there was underlying sarcasm beneath the words.
And the fact you wanted to see him again? Try again? Maybe Ethan was right. Or, you were horny as shit. But he’d take what he could get.
“Is it her?”
Grayson snaps his head up at Ethan, his cheeks a bit more flushes than before due to the fact he was now thinking about what you wanted to do tonight.
He nods, looking back down at his phone. “Yeah, she wants to hang out tonight.”
“Kacey’s coming over for the night and we already call the pool, so I don’t know what-”
“I’ll go to hers.”
“Okay.” Ethan stands with the empty ice cream pint in his hand. “Don’t forget to ask her out, though. Even if it’s a double date with me and K, to make it more comfortable for you guys.”
Grayson chuckles to himself because, realistically, you guys going on a double date together would probably be a lot of fun. If you and Grayson didn’t fight.
“I’d rather just be a fuck to her than nothing.”
Ethan sighs, shaking his head. “Whatever, dude. That isn’t good for you, but I know you’re not gonna listen to me.” And with that, he’s walking to the kitchen.
Grayson closes his eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths because Ethan was right again, but you’re just so...addicting. As much as he thinks you’d be amazing together if you were both willing to put your bruised egos aside, he can’t get the taste of your lips, your skin, your pussy out of his mind. Or the way you looked totally fucked out for him the first time you let him touch you. Or how breathless you were in the pool. He felt like he needed that, and if it meant some hurt feelings on his end, he’d take any fix he could get.
yeah, i’ll come by after Kacey gets here
Grayson was rather proud of the way he so easily slipped past Ethan and Kacey, grateful for his brother’s willingness to be vague so that he could get out without any questions. Because if there’s one person besides Ethan who will lecture Grayson, it would be Kacey. And she would definitely not approve of what was about to happen.
The drive felt longer this time. He had his hype playlist going, the one he listened to when he ran, trying to get some adrenaline pumping because confidence usually followed. And he really needed confidence right now.
You were going through the same routine as last time. Preparing your space for him, and more importantly preparing your mind. Trying not to psych yourself out while also trying to guess if he’d want it all gentle like last time, or if he’d be even more pissed because of what happened.
When you hear a knock at your front door you jump a bit, the moment of anticipation finally here. You wipe your sweaty palms on your shorts, walking to the door and taking a breath before swinging it open.
You both look at each other for a moment, and you can tell something has changed since the last time you saw him. He looked a bit paler, more tired, his hair not styled like normal. His posture was relaxed, his back slouched and hands in his pockets as he looked straight at you. Because sure, those were all little tells as to how the past week has treated him, but when you finally meet his gaze it feels like his eyes tell the whole story. You weren’t sure why or how, but you just knew he’d been through it the past week.
That made you feel a bit relieved, that you weren’t the only confused one. That is, if his rough week was in any relation to you. Or it could have been something with Ethan, or the company, or YouTube, or another girl. Maybe you weren’t the only one texting him about fucking around, and you weren’t the only one-
“Am I gonna get let in or did you invite me here to stand outside?”
You bite your lip, coming back to reality quickly and stepping aside so he can walk past you. You can smell his stupid signiture scent, the one you’d fake sneeze at just to tease him whenever he put on too much. The thought makes you smile, because it would always make him so annoyed. His face would scrunch, he’d toss his hands up like you’d just insulted his mother, and he’d throw at least a ten minute shit fit. It always worked without a doubt.
“Dude, are you good?” You’re pulled out of your trance to see him walking backwards towards your bedroom, an eyebrow raised as you still stand holding the door open. “Thought I was gonna get an apology or something, not just the fucking draft from the hallway.” The cockiness in his voice feels familiar, and almost makes you warm inside. But your inner competitiveness takes over first.
“Oh, you expected more than a ‘I’m sorry’? What makes you think you deserve that?” You chuckle, closing the door and locking it before walking to him.
He shrugs a cocky smirk on his face. “I usually accept apologies in acts of service. Never said I accepted yours yet.”
You put your hands on his stomach, pushing him through the doorway and closer to your bed. “Something tells me you will,” you whisper, your mouth right next to his ear as you lean in. You have a tight grip on his shirt where your hands were resting, his knees at the back of the bed.
He swallows thickly at your response, his own hands coming to grip your hips and bring you flush against him.
“Yeah? Gonna prove you’re really sorry, Y/N?”
You’re not sure if it’s the hushed tone or the fact he said your name that makes you freeze, your need to be in charge leaving you as you move your head to look up at him. He’d only ever said your name when he was pissed at you, when he was being sarcastic. Hearing it fall from his lips now, made a shiver run down your spine.
Grayson can clearly see how much he just affected you, and he plops down onto your bed victoriously as he watches you try to get your shit together. His arms are behind him so he can recline back to continue to watch you, his legs spread a bit and his dick clearly outlined in his sweats. You’re 90% sure he’s not wearing anything underneath, and the thought makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
He expects you to climb into his lap, so when you’re falling to your knees between his legs, his confidence wavers for a moment. “Oh shit,” he mumbles under his breath, and you’re sure he didn’t intend for you to hear it.
You lick your lips, sliding your hands slowly up his thighs as you watch him try and collect himself. He can’t decide if watching your hands or your face is better, his gaze constantly switching back and forth.
You, however, hold your eyes steady on his cock that is twitching underneath the confines of his sweats. You’re not sure how long you’re gonna be able to tease him, your mouth literally watering at the thought of finally tasting him, making him feel good that way. Letting him blow his load down your throat.
Your hands reach the hem of his sweats, and you bring one of your thumbs to rub over his cock. You hear him suck a breath in, your eyes finally lifting to meet his. He’s got his bottom lip between his teeth, his face barely lit up from the few candles in your room.  His nostrils are flaring with every breath he lets out, the anticipation clear in the way his eyes are now jumping around your own face as he waits for your next move.
You dig your fingers into the hem of his sweats, pulling them down as he lifts his hips to make it easier for you, Once they’re around his ankles, you let your eyes fall to his hard cock against his lower stomach. You take in every vein you can see, trailing all the way up to his red tip. You could tell it was borderline painful with the way his thighs clenched under your hands. When you noticed the precum beginning to drip from his tip you can’t resist anymore, leaning in to lick it all up.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
There it is again. Your name so gracefully falling from his lips. You feel a wave of nervous energy flow through you, but not before the words go straight to your pussy. You’ve suddenly made it your mission to make him say your name as many times as possible tonight.
You grab him at his base, swirling your tongue around his tip and making sure to pay extra attention to his slit, noting his little twitch every time your tongue runs over the most sensitive part of him. He brings one of his hands to the side of your head, gripping the ponytail you’d already had in your hair in preparation.
You look up at him as you continue to explore what makes him pull tight against your scalp, his cocky smirk back again as he takes in his new view.
“Loving the taste of my cock?”
You let go of him for a moment, and you feel him tug on your hair a bit harder in protest, but before he can say anything else you’re leaning down farther to drag your tongue from his base all the way back up, swirling your tongue around once like earlier before sitting back on your heels. You lick your lips slowly, never breaking eye contact.
“It’s alright.”
He rolls his eyes, putting a bit of pressure on the back of your head to try and bring you closer to him again.
You chuckle, leaning forward so that when you speak again he feels your hot breath on the sensitive skin. “Why? Love the way my mouth feels?”
“I wouldn’t know because you haven’t actually fucking put it-”
Before he can even finish his sentence your mouth is surrounding him, slowly sink down until he’s hitting the back of your throat. You stay there a moment, listening to his quicker breathing and watching his stomach clench as you hollow your cheeks and leisurely drag your head up, letting your tongue trace the vein that runs on the underside of his cock.
You lift your mouth from him, a small trail of saliva still connecting your lower lip to his tip.
“How about now?”
He looks down at you for a second, total silence ringing through your room. If you weren’t so turned on and confused about your feelings, you’d be more sure about the blatant admiration and attraction you see in his gaze right now.
He moves his hand from your head to your face, his thumb wiping your bottom lip to clean it before grabbing your cheeks and forcing you to continue looking at him. “You’re not good for me.”
Before you can even question what he means, he’s forcing you to stand up. He brings your face to his, and your hands fly around for a moment as you try to keep your balance with his quick and forceful motions before they finally land on his shoulders, his lips hot and heavy on yours. He didn’t seem to mind the fact he could taste himself on your tongue, too eager to feel your mouth on his.
The way he is able to get you to move at just the feeling of his hands on your body is almost embarrassing, but when his hands come to your hips to move you so that you’re now sitting next to where he was as he awkwardly shuffles to get between your legs you’re not even surprised with how smooth he made it all seem. It almost felt like you guys worked well together.
He doesn’t even bother to step out of his sweats, only throwing his shirt over his head when he feels your hands tugging on it. His hand pushes at your shoulder so that you’re laying back, legs still hanging over the edge of the bed. He makes quick work of your shorts and underwear, letting you kick them off as he brings a large hand to pull your tank top down just enough so that your tits are out. You’re sure you heard some of the seams rip, but at this point you couldn’t care less.
He reaches below your knees, pulling your legs up forcefully so that they’re bent, your heels now resting on the edge of the bed and your pussy spread wide for him.
“Condom, Gray.” You nudge him with your knee to pull him out of the slight daze he’d been in since he last spoke, and his eyes clear up after he blinks and comes back to reality for a moment.
“Oh - right. Where…” He trails off, looking around the room to see if you had any out and available for him.
You lean up on your elbow, pointing to your nightstand. “Back right of the drawer.”
He leans over, not moving from his spot between your legs. You watch him rummage through the drawer and think about how natural it feels to have him there, going through your shit.
He’s quick to pull out a condom, not even closing the drawer before tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it on himself.
You open your mouth to say something, but before you can he pushes your thighs back enough for your feet to rise off the bed, his hands sliding up the backs of your legs to slowly extend them upwards. By the time his touch reaches your midcalf, you can feel the ridges of his stomach on the back of your thighs, your calves resting on his pecs. One of his hands goes back down your legs to tightly grip your thigh, the other going to his cock to line his dick up with your entrance.
His eyes leave your center for a moment, going back to your face. “Good?”
You nod, biting your lip in anticipation. Right as you feel his tip against you, about to push in you remember what you were going to say before. “Wait!” He looks up in alarm, raising his eyebrow at you in question, slight concern on his face.
“Is my apology accepted?”
His face relaxes as he chuckles lightly, leaning down a bit to hover over your body. You feel his dick back at your entrance, and you finally feel the way he slowly begins to fill you. Your body relaxes at the immediate satisfaction, your walls taking every inch of his cock as he works his way to fill you up completely.
Only when you can feel his hips against you does he speak up again. “I guess so.”
You let yourself fall flat on your back, a smile on your face as he smirks at you. He grabs your other thigh with the hand that helped him, digging his fingers into the flesh there as if to brace you.
He pulls back out of you slowly, brushing your g-spot while doing so. You let out a soft hum at the feeling, anticipation for what he’s about to do crawling through your body and causing even more wetness to come out of you and around his cock.
He opens his mouth to say something when he pauses his hips, staying totally still for a second. You wait for him to speak, but nothing ever comes. As you’re about to ask him about it, he cuts you off with the quick movements of his hips as he starts to pick up a fast pace in and out of you.
He’s got his lip between his teeth in concentration, the veins in his neck and arms sticking out with the force he’s using to hold you against him while he pounds into you. You let your mouth fall open while you close your eyes, the feeling already so good you can’t speak. You grip the sheets tightly in your hands, doing what you can to stay close to him despite the force of his hips continuously pushing you away. You can feel your tits moving with his motions, and you’re sure if you were to open your eyes, that’s where his gaze would be locked. Even before you’d fucked that’s where you’d catch him looking if he thought you weren’t paying attention.
“Such a nice pussy, shit,” he moans.
A whimper comes from the back of your throat and you open your eyes when you feel his lips against your leg. At first his touch is soft there, light kisses despite the hard and fast movements of his hips. But soon he’s nipping at your skin, almost like he’s using you as a way to quiet himself.
That’s not what you want, though. You want him moaning, whimpering, saying your name. So you do the one thing you know will get to him.
You clench your walls tightly around him, and it instantly changes the game for both of you. As you continuously clench and release, you can feel him press tighter against your walls. The pressure on your g-spot causes pleasure to shoot from your core to your whole body, and you moan loudly as his hips stutter.
“Y/N - fuck - keep doing that,” he practically begs, leaning further over you and bending you in ways you didn’t even think possible. You’re sure you’ll feel it tomorrow, but you don’t even care. Especially not when your name sounds that good when he’s moaning it.
So you listen to him, and soon you can feel the sweat gather along your hairline as your orgasm slowly creeps through your body. It feels good having him on top of you, gripping you, so deep inside of you.
He’s panting above you, and you can see how far gone he is, too. So you decide to act before you think, forcing your fingers under his that are gripping your thighs, making him hold your hands. His eyes meet yours to make sure you knew what you were doing, but he never fought you. If anything, he started grinding his hips into your more, making sure to reach any spot that went untouched.
He lets go of one of your hands, causing you to pout for a moment. But your lips are quickly turning into an o as you feel his thumb rub your clit.
“Shit, Gray,” you whine, digging your nails into his palms.
He grunts, and you’re pretty sure his lip will be bleeding once he finally releases it.
Before you can get too concerned with it, however, you feel your orgasm quickly coming from the pleasure coursing through your veins.
“I’m gonna cum,” you warn him, and it comes out much breathier than you intended.
“I got you, let go baby,” he huffs out.
Baby. Suddenly you had a new favorite to hearing your name from his lips.
And that’s what pushes you over the edge, your back arching as you finally fall over the edge, pleasure taking over your entire body as you moan out over and over again how good you feel to him. You’re not even sure what you’re saying and if it makes sense but you don’t care. You feel too good to care.
You can feel him finishing in the condom once you feel a bit more connected to reality, his grip on your hand almost painful as he pushes his hips into you one final time before resting there and halting all his movements.
You try to regulate your breathing as he comes down from his own high, his eyes closed. You take the time to admire him, watching his bulging arms and defined chest continue to tense with the pleasure he’s trying to recover from.
Once he opens his eyes, he moves to stand up completely again. He lets go of your hand, and you can’t ignore the slight pang of sadness that shoots through you when you feel the coldness of the air against your palm.
He throws the condom out in the trash next to your bed before looking down at you. You stay in silence for a minute, both of you unsure what to do now.
“I should probably go, right?” He asks, and you’re not sure if it’s your post orgasm glow or the sadness you feel at the idea of him leaving that makes you think he’s almost asking just to make sure he can stay. But you’re sure that’s not what he means.
“Yeah, probably,” you mumble as he leans over to pull his pants up. Once he’s done that and begins to put his shirt back on, you sit up to watch him move around the room.
Only when he grabs his phone and keys does he look at you again.
“Nice fucking you,” he says, nodding his chin as a way of saying goodbye before leaving your room.
Exactly what you thought, just a nice fuck.
You were sure if you got hit by an 18 wheeler you’d probably feel and look better than you did right now.
Seeing your family was never easy, and on top of the exhaustion of avoiding Grayson like the plague? You were done.
It had been six weeks since you’d last seen him, heard his voice, said anything mean about him. Because you haven’t even had the opportunity.
After the last time you fucked, neither of you reached out. You continued to avoid seeing him, and him you, because what were you gonna say? Suddenly I don’t hate you, I definitely like you, I wanted you to stay, and I wanted to spend time with you? Absolutely not. Not when you were so sure he’d laugh in your face and make your life miserable every time you were forced to be in a room together.
So you went a full 6 weeks without Grayson Dolan.
The first two weeks were okay, because you’d done that many times. Two weeks without him was easy, manageable. But at the beginning of week 3 when you heard Ethan telling Kacey how Grayson refused to come around when he knew you’d be there? That’s when you felt yourself break.
You didn’t even try and hide it from Kacey this time, letting her hold you when you cried. Which was a lot, because apparently pushing your feelings to the pits of hell for this long made shit a lot harder when they finally resurfaced. The last three weeks were spent in self pity parties, ice cream, movies and wine. And tears. Lots of tears.
It was safe to say you were not doing too hot, and your family never helped. So you left your parents’ house early, and were looking forward to spending the night with Kacey chilling out and not having to worry about anyone else in your life. The long trip back to your cozy apartment didn’t help, either. It gave you too much time to overthink the things that constantly seemed to take over your mind, so by the time you were opening your door there were tears filling your eyes and you could feel your lower lip begin to quiver.
“Surprise Kace! My dad’s still a fucking piece of shit, so I came home a day early,” you meakly call through the apartment, taking your shoes off as you’re met with silence besides the TV.
“K? Can we get McDonalds? It’ll help me-”
Your bag falls out of your hand as four pairs of eyes meet your hunched over, weak figure when you turn around on the hunt for your roommate. Kacey was cuddled to Ethan on the couch, and Ryan and Grayson sat on the floor by the coffee table that had half empty chinese food containers spread across it.
“Hun what happened? Are you okay?” Kacey stands as she talks to you, her eyes softening and you do everything you can to keep your gaze locked on her. You can feel Grayson’s eyes burning into your face, and it’s only making you want to cry more.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” you lie, your voice cracking as you do your best to put a small smile on your face. They can all clearly see through it, but you’re grateful none of them push it.
“You want some chinese?” Kacey offers once she finally meets you, putting her hands on your arms almost to steady you even though you weren’t swaying.
You look over her shoulder and to the food on the table and for a second your eyes meet Grayson’s. They looked sad, sad for you. And that’s the last thing you wanted.
You look back at Kacey, shaking your head. “I’m good. Gonna shower anyways.”
You move away from her, grabbing your bag and walking down the hallway. You don’t even bother dropping anything in your room first, heading to the bathroom and shutting the door. It’s moments like this where you wish you and Kacey had gone a little nicer on your apartment, because your broken bathroom lock is staring at you right in the face as you pray everyone respects your privacy.
You turn on the shower to let it heat up, but the minute you see yourself in the mirror, the tears begin to fall. You just hoped the sound of the water drowned out your quiet sobs as you gripped the counter to try and keep yourself steady.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Ethan asks as Kacey comes to sit back down with a frown on her lips.
She nods, sighing. “Yeah, she just hates talking about that stuff with anyone. Hell, I barely know anything, just that she had it kind of rough growing up and she’s still pretty fucked up for it. She usually needs a few days to recuperate from a good visit to her family, so I’m surprised she was able to get through the living room without crying.”
The three guys take in the new information in silence, Ethan wrapping his arm around Kacey to keep her close to him.
Grayson stands, wiping his hands on his shorts. Ethan raises a brow at him in question, while Kacey and Ryan simply watch his movements.
“I have to pee.”
“We only have one bathroom, Gray,” Kacey reminds him.
“I know.”
He turns and walks to the hallway you disappeared down just a few minutes before.
“Grayson,” Kacey calls to him, making him turn to look at her.
She gives him a do you have any idea what you’re doing? look.
His lips tighten as he gives her a curt nod before turning back and walking up to the bathroom door. He knocks gently, putting his ear close to the wood to try and hear you behind it.
The sound makes you jump as you sniffle and quickly wipe your nose. “Kacey, listen. I know you’re worried, but I really just need a shower first.”
Your voice is thick, and it’s obvious to Grayson that you’d been crying. It breaks his heart a bit, as confusing as it is for him. Is that what you sounded like if he had made you cry?
“It’s me.”
The second you hear his voice your whole body tenses as you lift your head to look at yourself in the mirror again. Your eyes are red and puffy, your nose irritated and your lips swollen. You somehow looked ten times worse than when you first walked in the door, and you had little interest in letting Grayson in.
You sigh, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back down. “What?”
“I gotta pee.”
You scoff, and the familiar anger you hadn’t felt for almost 6 weeks weeks boils right back up in you. You hate to admit it, but it felt good to feel something normal, something other than sadness even if it’s just for a moment.
You swing the door open standing almost chest to chest with the man who has haunted you for way too long now.
“I’m going to take a fucking shower first. Then you can pee.” You sound way less angry than normal, much less of a bite to your words.
His face is soft as he takes in your appearance, his body blocking you into the bathroom without an escape.
“It’s an emergency.”
It’s clearly not, and by the tone of his voice you’re not even sure he has to pee at all. He’s casual, calm even, besides the worry on his face.
You groan and sniffle, rolling your eyes before turning and walking farther into the room. “Can you at least let me get in first?”
He steps into the tiny room with you, closing the door behind him. “Sure.”
“Without you in here.”
He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve already seen it all. Get in the shower so I can pee.”
“Turn around,” you whine, and he can tell your patience is running thin. You’re grateful he doesn’t push you farther, his body turning so his back is to you. You’re quick to strip yourself of your clothes, opening the curtain and stepping in.
“I can’t believe you couldn’t wait ten minutes to fucking pee,” you complain, grabbing your shampoo.
You hear Grayson move around outside the shower.
“If you’re gonna complain about me at least do it to my face so I’m not talking to a damn curtain like an idiot.”
You pull the curtain back so that your head can pop out to see he is sat on the now closed toilet seat.
“Fucking dick, didn’t even need to take a piss. Why do you have this incessant need to bother me all the time?” You throw the curtain back into place, beginning to wash your hair as you do your best to control your breathing. You can feel the tears that still threaten to spill start to well up in your eyes, but you’ll be damned if you’re caught crying by Grayson Dolan.
“You make it fun,” he chuckles out.
You bite your lip, pausing your movements to prevent any tears from falling. You’re unsuccessful, feeling a few fall down your cheeks before you can stop them, but the water washes them away quickly. You take some deep breaths, washing the shampoo from your hair to try and calm down a bit. You didn’t like how your anger at Grayson was making you sad now, too.
“Y/N?” He taps on the curtain, causing you to jump and gasp. Your hand comes to your chest to cover your heart that was already beating fast.
“What?” You snap.
“I went 6 weeks without talking to you, I’m not leaving until you fucking say something back.”
You huff, and honestly consider sitting on the floor because of your lack of energy. “What do you want me to fucking say, Grayson?”
“I don’t know,” he sighs, and you can hear him get up and pace. “That you hate me, that you think I’m annoying and rude and narcissistic and that I’m dense or whatever the fuck you feel like I am today! Just fucking call me something, say something.”
“Well, I don’t have the energy to fight your dumbass right now, so either pee or leave.”
Grayson smiles to himself at the name you still managed to throw in there, but it quickly falls when he hears a tiny sniffle from you.
You don’t hear anything from him for a minute, and you begin to assume that he had managed to sneak out without you knowing.
So you condition your hair, letting the tears roll down your face again as your ears begin to ring from how overwhelming everything has been the past day, weekend, months. You can barely keep your surroundings clear in your mind with everything racing through it.
Which is why when the curtain is suddenly being thrown back and a naked Grayson is stepping in the shower with you, you almost scream bloody murder before he covers your mouth and grabs your hip to keep you from stumbling backwards.
You relax at his touch, realizing you’re not going to get murdered (watching Criminal Minds was probably not the best idea when you’re so high stress at the moment). He removes his hand and you frown immediately.
“Why the hell are you in my shower with me?”
“Because you won’t talk!” At this point you can see how distressed he is, the wrinkles around his eyes more pronounced than normal and his bags darker than normal. It’s really the first time you’ve had to consider how much you guys not talking could have weighed on him. You assumed he would find a new girl and move on, while you made Kacey practically babysit you. It never crossed your mind that he would have felt even similarly to you.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
You can see how your words cut deep instantly, and you regret saying them. Especially because it’s not true, you’re finding yourself wanting nothing more than for him to stay right now and talk to you. To comfort you.
“So then tell me what happened six weeks ago that changed shit. Or tell me what happened with your dad. Or just fucking tell me something,” he pleads weakly.
You wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him flush against your wet body. You rest your head on his chest and close your eyes while one of his large hands caresses your back, the other coming up to stroke your hair.
You guys stand like that for a while, your sense of time totally thrown off. It could have been two minutes or two hours, you didn't know. But he stayed there holding you, keeping you close to him.
“I really wanna tell you about my dad, but I can’t right now,” you mumble out.
His muscles tense for a moment at the sound of your scratchy voice before he continues to rub your back.
“You don’t have to. Are you physically okay?” You nod, your cheek rubbing against his now wet chest. “Yeah. It’s just really hard to say out loud, and I need to process it before I tell someone.”
“That’s okay.” He leans down to leave a few gentle kisses along your hairline.
“But know that when I do tell you it’ll make more sense why I hated you. And why it’s hard for me to trust you. And why I avoided you for so long. It’s not an excuse, but know I don’t like being this way.”
He tightens his arms around you, resting his cheek on top of your head. “I don’t think I was very helpful to the cause, either.”
You chuckle, cuddling further into him. “I should probably finish showering.”
He lets go of you with that, holding you by your shoulders instead. “Want help?”
You laugh, shaking your head. “No, I know how to wash my own body. Plus, you don’t get to touch my tits yet.”
He pouts, letting his gaze fall to them. “Why not?”
“Because I’m still mad at you for lying about having to pee.” You put your hands on his chest, nudging him backwards a bit.
“Hey - hey, wait a second.” He grabs your wrists to stop your movements, pulling you back to him easily.
You both have stupid grins on your face, unable to contain the new feelings rushing through the both of you. Well, not new. But you were allowing yourself to finally feel them without covering them with anger.
He leans in closer to you, finally letting his lips touch yours for what feels like the first time. Yes, you’ve kissed before, and it was electric every time. But this? This was a whole new level.
His lips were soft and meaningful against yours, his movements well thought out as he did his best to portray everything he couldn’t verbally with the way his lips fit so perfectly with yours. You felt butterflies in your stomach from how slow and sensual he was being, and you felt like you could melt right into him because of it.
Once he was satisfied, he grabbed the back of your head to keep you steady while he pecked a few quick kisses against your lips, making you smile against him. He only pulled away when you were both giggling.
“I guess I’ll leave you to finish your shower, then.”
You bit your lip, nodding your head. “Yeah. But can you do two things for me?”
He smiles and nods eagerly.
You giggle, putting a hand on his hip to start guiding him out of the shower. “Can you kick everyone out? And then sit on the toilet to keep me company?”
He smirks, stepping out of the tub. “What if I actually have to pee now?”
“So then fucking pee but don’t flush. I’m more concerned with getting everyone out.”
“Not gonna be able to contain how loud you’ll be when you finally let me touch you?”
“Oh my god,” you roll your eyes. “You make it so hard to not wanna make fun of everything you say.”
“Hey, I’d rather you make fun of me every day than not talk to me at all,” he admits, his tone still joking but you can tell he’s serious.
You feel your cheeks blush as your chest swells, so you close the curtain to continue showering. “Get everyone out, you cocky, horny, dickhead.”
He laughs, grabbing a towel from the rack hanging next to him. “There she is,” he mumbles to himself, but you hear and feel your blush deepen further.
He walks to the door and opens it, walking the few feet it takes to reach where everyone was still anxiously waiting.
“Everything’s under control here. You guys gotta head out, though.”
Kacey looks at him in shock, taking in his almost naked, completely wet body as she pieces everything together with a look of confusion on her face.
“Do you have a fucking UTI or some shit?” Ethan laughs while his eyes are still on his phone before he also looks up at him, his phone falling out of his hands and into his lap. “Dude what the fuck?”
“I think we should go,” Ryan chimes in, standing up and clearing the containers from the coffee table.
“Grayson, what’s happening?” Kacey stands, concern still written all over her face. She walks up to him quickly, pointing a finger at him. “Did you take advantage of her? Grayson, she’s hurt! What the-”
Grayson easily grabs the hand that her pointed finger is attached to as he rolls his eyes. “No, Kacey. I talked to her. Comforted her, made her feel better.” Kacey raises her eyebrows at the last comment which makes Grayson groan. “Not like that. Made her heart feel better. I’ll tell her to text you when she’s feeling up to it for you to come home for her to explain, but please leave. She asked me to get you guys out.”
Her face softens at that as she looks over his shoulder at the open bathroom door.
“Y/N!” She calls loud enough for you to hear over the running water.
“Yeah?” Your voice is muffled but she can hear you’re less emotional than when you walked in the door. This makes her relax a bit.
“You want us out?”
“Yes please!”
That seems to satisfy her, as she backs away from Grayson slowly. “I can’t believe it,” she mumbles under her breath, shaking her head as she grabs her phone.
“Bro what is going on?” Ethan stands, looking at his brother for answers.
“Please,” Grayson practically begs. “Please leave and we can talk about it all later.”
“Yeah something tells me we don’t want to be around for when Y/N gets out of the shower,” Ryan adds as he gets his own stuff ready to go.
“Why are you so chill right now?” Ethan asks him.
Ryan shrugs, looking to Grayson for a moment.
“You got this?” Grayson asks.
Ryan nods, and Grayson turns quickly to make it back to the bathroom, back to you.
When the door shuts both Kacey and Ethan look directly at Ryan.
“Did you know about this? What the fuck is happening?” Ethan asks him as Ryan ushers them both to the front door.
“It’s not my place to tell you guys. But we definitely want to leave them alone.”
The two both continue to pester Ryan while they leave, and Grayson lets out a sigh of relief once he hears quiet outside from his place on the toilet.
“They’re gone,” he mumbles, rubbing his hands on the towel still wrapped around his waist.
“Hmm, suddenly I think I need a two hour shower.”
He groans, leaning back and hissing at the cold porcelain against his skin. “I’ll get back in with you.”
“You’re not invited,” you laugh, and Grayson laughs with you.
You’re quick to finish washing your body, itching to be out there with Grayson again. He sits there in a daze, replaying the sound of your laugh in his head on repeat and wondering how he went so long without it. And how much he regrets not being the source of it more often.
When you shut the water off, Grayson sits up giddily as he waits for you to finally get out. Somehow your time away from him now feels longer than the six weeks prior.
Your reach for your towel, lazily drying off because something told you there wouldn’t be many clothes in your near future. When you step out, towel held up to your front, Grayson is watching you with nothing but admiration on his face.
He shakes his head, his smile so wide his cheeks hurt but he didn’t care. “Nothing. Just missed you.”
You giggle, going to straddle his thighs and sit on his lap, your towel barely covering you still. He grabs the back of your bare upper thighs to keep you steady as your free hand rests on his shoulder.
“You were literally sitting out here for, like, two minutes alone while I finished showering.”
He shakes his head chuckling, his gaze falling from your face to where you held the towel against your body as a rare feeling took over: shyness. It’s hard to make Grayson Dolan shy, to make him blush, but you’ve managed to do it.
“I meant the month and a half we didn’t see each other, but then too.” He shrugs as his thoughts run a mile a minute. “Fuck.” He laughs louder as he finally lets his eyes meet yours again.
“What now?”
“I’m feeling all...soft and shit. I don’t know. I’m not used to it.”
“Wow, I’m amazing. The girl to make the asshole who is Grayson Dolan soft for five minutes.”
“Yeah, let’s go with just five minutes,” he grunts as he stands, keeping his strong hold around you to keep you in his arms.
You laugh, pulling your chest against his as you wrap your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady in his grip.
“Oh, and for the record,” you say while playing with the short hairs at the back of his neck as he does his best to maneuver to your room while looking at you. “I missed you too.”
Tags: @spideysimpossiblegirl​
read the next part here!
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rhyrhy462 · 4 years
Sleepover (G.D.)
Pairing: grayson dolan x best friend!reader
Warnings: bad writing, pining, one swear word, semi-sappines, self-indulgent because of the big mouth thing and the snacks
gif by @pinof
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Everyone knew that Grayson Dolan went to bed early. It never failed that he was turning his phone off and putting it on his nightstand at midnight.
His best friend, Y/N, was a night owl. She went to bed at 3 in the morning most of the time.
Grayson and Y/N tried to squeeze in sleepovers whenever they could. These usually happened on Friday nights and consisted of, in no particular order, eating dinner, watching a movie, begging Grayson to take you to a grocery store to buy snacks, listening to music, begging Grayson to get you ice cream, and sleeping.
So just like all the other Friday nights, Y/N knocked on Grayson and Ethan’s door at exactly 6:53pm. She knows it’s a very specific time, but Grayson always has dinner ready by 7:05. So if she gets there at the perfect time, dinner will be ready and Grayson can’t yell at her for getting there too early when she complains about being hungry.
“It’s open, Y/N” Grayson yelled through the door, right as she was turning the knob and pushing the door in.
“I don’t even get a hello? I brought you homemade almond butter and everything!” If there was one thing Grayson loved in this world, it was Y/N’s homemade almond butter. He knew she just got the recipe online, but every time he tried to make it, it just didn’t turn out the right way.
“I’m sorry babe. Come give me a hug” Y/N felt her heart flutter when he called her ‘babe.’ Yeah, they called each other pet names all the time, but he said it so casually, almost as if she was his girl-
“Come gimme a hug.” Grayson pressed again, just as she started walking towards him.
She wrapped her arms around him, just as he wrapped one arm around her, still pushing around vegetables in a pan. “I missed you.”
Y/N and Grayson hadn’t had a sleepover in about a month and a half. They had both been busy. Whenever they did get to see each other, it’d be for an hour or so, but they never got to have fun with each other. “Missed you more.” Grayson replied, right as he was dumping the vegan stir-fry onto their plates.
“Looks good.” She said, as she started putting dishes in the dishwasher. If Y/N hated anything, it was having to do the dishes after she’s gotten comfortable. Lucky for her, Grayson had listened to her and started putting dishes in the dishwasher as he went along instead of having 30 dishes in the sink. She put the five dishes that had been left in the dishwasher, picked up her plate, and looked at Grayson questioningly. She was silently asking him if he was ready to go eat in his room.
“Let’s go.” Was all Grayson had to say to have her following him to his room.
Once they made it to Grayson’s room, Y/N plopped down onto his bed as he picked up the remote from his desk and tossed it to her. Every sleepover they alternated who got to choose what they watched. This time, it was Y/N’s turn. She turned his tv on and went straight to Netflix. Grayson had a feeling he knew what she was gonna pick. She threatened him with it all the time, but she did actually want to rewatch the show.
Grayson groaned as soon as he saw that she was hovering on Big Mouth. “What’s wrong with Big Mouth?” She genuinely wanted to know his answer.
“You’ve seen it at least ten times and you quote the whole show.” Grayson complained. He wasn’t wrong though. Y/N knew Big Mouth like the back of her hand. The reason why she watched it so many times was so she could directly quote the show. She already knew most of the iconic lines, but there were some she was still trying to learn.
“It’s my night to choose, babes. I hate to break it to ya, but I choose Big Mouth.” She said, just as she clicked on Season 1, Episode 2 ‘Everybody Bleeds.’ It was one of her favorite episodes because it was funny, but also because she knew the quotes. It was also the first episode Ladybug appeared in. If Y/N was honest, Ladybug was probably her favorite character. Ladybug was also the only character that she could completely quote.
With food in hand, she got as close to Grayson as humanly possible, just as he was draping a blanket over both of their legs. They ate while they exchanged jokes and talked about how’d they’d been, all while Y/N still managed to quote the best lines from Big Mouth.
They had finished eating a while ago. Now it was 9pm and Y/N wanted snacks. From their cuddled up position, she looked up at him, to see him looking at the screen. She smiled to herself because as much as he hated to admit it, Grayson thought Big Mouth was hilarious. “Gray?” She questioned, because yes, they had had dinner two hours ago, but she was ready for snacks.
He didn’t even have to look at her to know what she wanted. The first thing he did was look at his watch to confirm what time it was. It never failed. Around 9 o’clock, Y/N always wanted snacks. So he untangled himself from her and sat up, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyes darting around the room trying to find something that Y/N is completely unaware of. “Grayson? What are you looking for? Where are you going?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
“I’m looking for two hoodies. You want to go get snacks don’t you?” Grayson said, realizing that none of his hoodies were anywhere in his room and he’d have to go into his closet.
“You know me so well.” She said, grinning when Grayson came out of his closet, two hoodies in hand, and tossed one to her.
Right after she slipped it on, on top of her shirt, Grayson was asking her, “Ready?”
He didn’t even wait for her response, just started walking towards his bedroom door, to which she followed right behind him, all the way to the Porsche. After they got in the car, he turned to look at her and asked, “Where we goin’?”
“Target.” She responded, as he started backing out of the driveway. Y/N always, always, let Grayson choose the music. Grayson always said the driver got to choose the music, but she never put up a fight with anything he chose. Which is why when Grayson asked her to shuffle his Young Thug playlist, she did it. No questions asked, bobbing her head to the music, even rapping some of it, on their way to Target.
When they got there, Grayson parked in the closest parking space he could find. There were a few cars in the parking lot, but not too many. Even if Grayson hadn’t seen Y/N in a while, he always kept three masks in his car. One for himself, one for Ethan, and one for Y/N. They both put their masks on and started walking toward the entrance.
When they got inside, Y/N was grabbing Grayson’s hand and dragging him all the way to the snacks section. The first thing she grabbed was pretzels, one of her all time favorite snacks, but sometimes she forgets how much she likes them. She went on a search to find Nutella, which in the process, Grayson made a smart comment about it not being vegan. Then she grabbed two bags of Doritos, cool ranch and nacho cheese.
Immediately after she grabbed the Doritos, she thought about ice cream. Grayson was on this stupid health kick getting ready for this match with Logan, that doesn’t even have a date. Because of that, it had become 200 times harder to convince Grayson to get ice cream. He knew that if he was around Y/N when she was eating ice cream, he’d cave. Which is why right now, when he saw that look in Y/N’s eyes, he knew exactly what she wanted.
He didn’t even let her get it out, “No.”
“But I didn’t even-“
“Absolutely not. I’m trying to eat healthy.”
“You don’t have to have any. Just let me get some.” She pleaded.
“Y/N, no. Are you done?”
“Grayson, please?” She begged, giving him that look that she knew would make him say yes.
“Fuckin’ fine. Let’s go” Grayson said, giving in.
So they walked to the ice cream section. Y/N already knew what she was going to get. She picked up two jars of Talenti. She made sure to choose vegan flavors, so she chose Alphonso Mango and Roman Raspberry. Grayson groaned when he realized she chose vegan ice cream. “You want me to have some that bad?”
She just nodded and told him, “I’m ready to check out.”
They walked to self-checkout and put everything down. Grayson always let Y/N scan because it was one of her favorite things to do. She didn’t know why, it just made her happy. When she had scanned everything, she went to pull out her card. “Uh-uh.” This was a conversation they had all the time. Y/N could afford to buy her own snacks, but Grayson just wouldn’t allow it.
“Grayson, at most it’s 25 dollars. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“I invited you over, so I should pay for it.”
“I asked for snacks, so I should pay for it.”
“Let me pay for it this time and then you can pay me back later.” Grayson only suggested that because he knew she never carried cash and he didn’t have cash app.
“Fine, but I get to buy them next time.”
“Ok, fine.” Grayson just shrugged his shoulders.
“Promise.” Y/N said, holding out her pinky.
“I promise.” Grayson said, as he linked their pinkies together rolling his eyes.
The ride back to Grayson’s house was smooth, but it felt long. So long, that Y/N tilted her head back and closed her eyes for what felt like 2 minutes. It actually ended up being a little under 30 because when she was opening her eyes, they were pulling into his driveway.
Grayson didn’t say anything about her falling asleep. Every chance he got, he’d glance over at the sleeping girl beside him. Right now, though, he was running over to open the car door for her and help her out. Every time she fell asleep in the car she was always disoriented for a few minutes after.
When they got back to his bedroom, spoons in hand because they stopped at the kitchen to get napkins and spoons, Grayson dropped the bag in the middle of the bed while Y/N crawled right back in his bed. As Grayson was climbing into bed, Y/N realized that it was a little after 11pm. She knew once Grayson had some ice cream, he’d be out like a light and she’d be up all alone, but she just wanted to live in the moment. Turning Big Mouth back on, they snuggled, both holding ice cream and a blanket thrown over them because Grayson knew Y/N got cold when she ate ice cream, but refused to admit it.
It was closing in on 12am and she saw Grayson trying to keep his eyes open and converse with her about any and everything. “Go to sleep, babe. I can stay up on my own.” She murmured to him as she went to reach for the remote to turn the tv off, so Grayson could sleep well.
Grayson grabbed the remote before she could and sat up a little bit straighter, “Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“Babyyyy.” She said, absolutely oblivious to the fact that he was in love with her and would stay up all night with her if it meant getting to hang out with her.
“I love you, Y/N.” And he meant it with everything he had.
“I love you more, bub.” She responded, as Grayson pulled her even further into his chest.
tagging: @blindedbythelightt​ @333dolans​ @foxglovedolan​
A/N: hi! if you read it, thank you!! this had no business being 2k words, but it’s my longest fic thus far. if you have feedback let me know. if you wanna be tagged, which idk why you would, but if you do lmk. this literally took like 3 hours to write becuase writers block 😭😭😭😭 anyway, this is so self-indulgent i- anyway, love you sm. peace ✌️
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bittywitches · 4 years
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Blurbs & Headcanons Masterlist
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Blurbs, Concepts, Imagines
Grayson Dolan
Bridesmaid mix-up
“You stupid emotional drunk.” 
Baby sister
Cheer up
Break up
Fooling around
Amusement park ride
Coffee shop mayhem
Lost child
Lisa walking in
College roommates (CR) - Confession
CR - Mornings
CR - “I miss dating.” “How about I take you on a date?” 
Husband Gray
Fast Food
Let’s fall in love for the night
Temporary fix
December, 1963
Francis Forever
Ethan Dolan
Skiing meet cute
Jersey snowball fight
Bathroom mix-up
“Pretend to be my date?”
Driver’s License
Grayson Dolan
Tall girlfriend
Short girlfriend
Long wavy hair girlfriend
College roommates
Play fighting
Meeting the parents
Actress girlfriend
Favourite kisses
Teacher girlfriend
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strangerquinns · 3 years
hi ever! can u write something about grayson giving you the silent treatment all day and at night u decided to sleep in the guest room but he came find u!
Grayson Dolan x Reader
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The day started normally like it always does. You woke up, showered, got dressed, then made breakfast. You chatted with Ethan as you made breakfast as Grayson came in from his morning workout. Everything was normal. But for some reason something that you had done along the way of the day caused Grayson to be mad at you. Because since he came out from his shower - he'd been giving you the cold shoulder and silent treatment.
Sometimes tried to see what it was. Maybe you'd left a mess in the bathroom after your shower? But normally with stuff like that he'd tell you. Or maybe he made plans for the two of you, but never got to say cause you went off on your own? No, that couldn't be it.
And each time you tried to talk to him, touch him, or even be near him it seemed to annoy him more. Grayson's scowl became deeper and the silence more suffocate. So towards the end of the day, you kept your distance and hung out with Ethan most of the day. Ethan could tell that his brother was in a mood, but knew that he would need space. Because when Grayson got into a mood - he had to bring himself out of it.
But when Grayson got into his moods he never pushed you away. If anything he pulled you closer cause you brought some happiness to him.
"You always make me better, angel," Grayson spoke one day as the two of you laid in bed together. "Any time the pressure of stuff starts to become too much, I just need you with me."
It seemed like this wasn't one of those times that he needed you.
After a few movies with Ethan, the need for sleep started to become too much. Grayson has gone to the bedroom about an hour ago, so you stood outside the door debating on if you even wanted to go inside. Your mind battled back and forth for a while but settled on sleeping in the guest room.
A heavy sadness weighed on your shoulders as you walked into the guest room at the end of the hallway, getting in and under the cool, white sheets. The house fell silent as you rest in the unfamiliar bed. But a couple of rooms down Grayson laid in bed waiting for you. He knew that he'd let his mood get to him again. Grayson could see the frown on your face any time you came near him. And as much as he wanted to pull you closer, his mind wasn't letting him.
His eyes darted towards the time on his phone once again. Grayson was confused cause it was nearly an hour past the time you two usually went to bed but you hadn't come back. He heard you earlier in the living room with Ethan, but he'd heard his brother go into his bedroom.
After another thirty minutes, Grayson pushed back the comforter lying on top of him and walked through the house. He checked the living room. The kitchen. The lounge room and even the backyard. He couldn't find you. He looked out the front and saw that your car was still in the driveway.
"Where are they?" He whispered to himself, before turning back towards the bedrooms.
But just as Grayson moved to go back into your room, his eyes darted towards the end of the hall. He hadn't checked the guest bedroom. Slowly he walked towards the room and opened the door, peeking inside. Grayson sighed deeply with relief when he saw you bundled in the guest bed.
A deep frown formed on his face as he saw your sleeping form moving towards you quickly. He made sure not to move the bed too much, not wanting to wake up. But it was like the moment that Grayson was close enough, your body knew that he was near. Also, you weren't in a deep sleep since you were sleeping somewhere unfamiliar.
"Grayson?" You whispered with sleepiness in your voice, your eyes barely opening as you looked up towards him.
His frown deepened more, "Fuck, I tried not to wake you."
"Wasn't asleep," You shrugged your shoulder slightly. "What are you doing here?"
"You didn't come back to bed."
You sighed softly, "Well...after today I didn't think that you wanted me near you."
Grayson internally cringed and felt a shame come over him. "I'm sorry, I...fuck, I shouldn't have done that. Of course, I want you with me."
"Did I do something wrong?"
Your bottom lip jutted out in a pout as you looked up towards him. His shame pressed down on him a little more.
"God no. You did nothing wrong," Grayson moved to lay beside you and wrapped his arm around you. "I was just in a mood and lost in my mind. I never intended for it to come off that I was mad at you."
Grayson's hand caressed your cheek before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You relaxed under his touch and leaned into him more. The heaviness of the worry you were feeling lifting off of you.
"Come back to bed with me, can't sleep without my baby beside me."
You pulled back slightly to look up towards him, "Ok, let's go back to our bed."
The two of you headed back into your bedroom and got into bed beside one another, Grayson wrapping his arm around you and holding you close. You slept soundly feeling safe within his arms for the first time in the entire day.
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