#grayson dolan imagine
alrighttherescarhead · 3 months
Imagine you're having a water birth with Grayson:
“AHH- I can't I can't I can’t” you wail, gripping tightly onto each of Grayson's arms. You were sure to leave nail indents but gray didn't care at all. All he cares about is you and your baby that was now making it's way into the world.
“you’ve got this sweetheart” he coos into your ear from behind you. “relax for a sec- breathe-”
“I WANT THIS FUCKING BABY OUTTA ME” you screech, letting go of this forearms and flipping around to kneel with your legs spread wide. You throw an arm around grays neck and rest your forehead against his shoulder as your free hand goes down in-between your legs.
You start pushing again and let out a cry. “I HATE YOU AND YOUR MASSIVE FUCKING HEAD”
To say that Gray felt bad was an understatement. “‘m so sorry I-”
“Shut the fuck up!” you snap, startling the poor boy.
She doesn’t mean it, she’s just in pain Grayson repeatedly told himself, watching your whole body tense as you begin to push, again.
Your arm, that's around graysons neck, tightens as an agonising pain shoots throughout your body, causing you to scream.
After a few seconds you were able to catch a tiny breather. “No more babies- please? I can’t handle it, it’s too painfu- AHHHHH!” It was short-lived.
Grayson agreed, nodding his head hastily. He doesn't think he can see you go through this type of pain ever again.
“I got it, sweetheart. No more babies- no more babies” he reassures you, brushing your sweaty hair back out of your face.
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dolansarebae · 7 months
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So happy for them tbh🥹🫶🏻
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elitegrayson · 2 years
request: y/n and grayson are enemies who happen to share the same friend group. while everyone is having a night out at the club, y/n is being harassed and groped by a guy. she finds grayson and taps the side of his hand to hold hands. graysons about to cuss her out but he immediately goes into protective mode
a/n: i appreciate all of your requests, keep em coming! i hope you enjoy this <3
it was a saturday night and your friends decided they wanted to go out clubbing. your best friend thought it would a good idea for everyone to get ready at her house. she said it'll be easier for everyone could leave from there. it was only four of you guys; rose, you, kent, and grayson. 
now grayson wasn’t particularly your friend. he was more like a coworker, but even then he was barely that. rose and kent know you guys bump heads often, but it’s never gotten too crazy. you only put up with it because wherever kent goes, grayson just has to follow. there’s no escaping him even if you wanted to. it’s the same thing with you and Rose, now that you think about it, but that’s different.
when you walked into the club, the hot air swept across your face. it smelled of hot bodies and alcohol. you like to party, but you’re more of a kickback girl, not a club girl. nonetheless, you wanted to let loose and have some fun.  
“let’s get some drinks! boys, can you go to the bar and get something good?” rose asked, looking over at kent and grayson. 
“we’ll get something for you, but not for y/n.” grayson smirked as you just rolled your eyes.
“oh please, i don’t need you to do anything for me. hell, i’ll get it myself. rose, come with me.” you responded, purposely pushing gray out of the way.
“don’t worry y/n, you’re gonna need me one day!” he yelled out, but you just ignored him, flipping him off as you walked towards the bar. you saw that the bartender was a woman and you instantly felt safe.most of the creeps here always have to comment on your drinks saying that you “couldn’t handle your drinks”.
“hey ladies, what can i get for you?” the bartender smiled, showing off her cheeky dimples.
“hi! um, i’ll take a long island iced tea, please? and what do you want rose?”
“i’ll just have a bloody mary.”
“bloody mary and a long island coming up!” 
one drink turned into at least five more. you kind of stopped counting but all you know is you felt amazing. at this point, you were on the dance floor with rose having the time of your life. music was blasting, you had a couple of drinks in your system, and everything felt great.
“hey, why do you hate grayson so much? he’s nice you know plus he’s our friend.” rose asked, yelling a bit as she leaned into your ear.
you were confused about why she was asking you about him, considering they haven’t been with us since you got your drinks.
“i don’t hate him, i just strongly dislike him. he just annoys me i don’t know. why are you even asking about him, it’s gonna ruin the nighttt.” you replied, slurring your words at the end.
“i think you guys would look cute together, to be honest,” she giggled, slapping your shoulder, but you swiped her hand away.
“gross! there’s no way in fucking hell i’d end up with him. anywho i think i want another drink, wanna come with?” you asked as she shook her head no. you knew in your head you didn’t need another drink, but you wanted one.
you sat down and before you could tell her what you wanted, she already put the drink in front of you. “this last one is on me, girl.” she smiled as you thanked her. a few seconds later, you felt someone’s hot breath on your neck.
“hey there beautiful, are you all alone tonight?” the man said then he touched your lower back slightly.
“hey, do you know what personal space is? and don’t fucking touch me, you don’t know me!” you hissed, standing up and slapping his hands off of you.
“c’mon sweetness, i’ve been watching you all night, and right now i’m tired of watching. i want you, now,” he growled, pushing you closer to him and then he roughly grabbed your ass. immediately you cursed and then slapped him and ran in the other direction.
tears started to brim in your eyes, but you started to look for Grayson. you don’t know why he was the first person to pop into your head, but he was. soon enough you saw him in the corner with a drink in his hand. luckily he was alone so you started to stumble towards him, making your way through the crowd.
you tapped the side of his hand and then you intertwined his with yours. “yo y/n what the fuck are you-“ he stopped when he saw what you looked like. makeup stained by your tears and you could barely stand on your two feet. “gray please i n-need you. i was at the b-bar and a man t-touched me.” you began to cry again, yet you were holding hands with grayson. he smiled at the shorter version of his name. you always called him by his full name so the fact that you called him “gray” made his heart flutter slightly.
he tried to push that in the back of his head so he can focus and try to comfort you. “y/n come here,” he cooed, letting go of your hand and replacing it with your hair. you were leaving a mess on his shirt, but you didn’t care. you just needed his comfort. your mind started to wonder about the words you spoke earlier to him. it was ironic that you were crying in your enemy's arms, but you decided not to say anything. you knew he never predicted this to happen, but that didn’t matter right now. you just needed grayson.
grayson continued to rub your back and whisper comforting things in your ear, but in reality, he was ready to raise hell thinking about the man who touched you. you two have never really been friends and hell he never really gave you the light of day. yet he never wanted anything bad to happen to you, especially something like this. he’s never seen you this drunk before and he definitely won’t admit it, but it’s nice that you found him and not rose or kent.
“y/n, let’s go home yeah? i don’t want you to be here any longer. we need to get you home and in bed.” grayson explained, you looked up at him with glossy, stained mascara eyes and gave him a nod.
“but what about the man? what if we see him on our way out?” you asked, holding on to him even tighter than before.
“i hope we don’t, but if we do that asshole will know to never touch another woman again, especially you y/n. i am so sorry that this happened to you.” by surprise, he pressed a small kiss to your forehead. you were shocked of course, but you didn’t say anything. you just smiled to yourself and followed grayson to the entrance.
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whorefordean · 8 months
misc masterlist (discontinued)
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a/n: i no longer write for these people. there is no chance i will ever write for these people again, though i still have all the love for them!
dolan twins
grayson dolan
choose me | one | two
adopt me
just tell them
when we were eighteen
plate swap
stolen glances
love lullabies
ethan dolan
stay the night
road trip gone wrong
5 seconds of summer
calum hood
don't go
secret love song
luke hemmings
you know me too well
tom holland
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simplyxdolxstyles · 8 months
Faded G.D x Reader
So here is a Grayson imagine by request. I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted but I tried to follow it at best :). Any way I didn't know what to call it so I just called it 'Faded' lol
Grayson Dolan x Reader
Living in London has been amazing. Moving there when you started university all the way up to now, after living in Sweden priorly, with a great life going you couldn’t think of possibly leaving now.  
You were out for a walk on this lovely fall day. It wasn’t too cold, it was just right. Staring at the changing leaves you closed your eyes and relished in the feeling of autumn, it was one of your favourite seasons (it’s also mine). It was getting colder, but that didn’t bother you, you enjoyed it actually. After you got back, you noticed a movers truck parked along your building, ‘someone’s moving in’ you thought.  You see a vague figure walking around but thought nothing of it. Shaking your head, you entered the elevator and headed to your unit (is that right? Forgive if it’s not).
The next you had to get ready for work. It appeared that the person who was moving in was moving onto your floor as there was quite the racket. After downing your breakfast and locking up, you headed towards the elevator, until you saw someone make their way to the elevator as well.
“Wait! Hold the door!” They called out. You did and noticed it was the same person you had seen yesterday.
“Thank you, Sorry about that, I’m in a bit of a hurry. I just moved in and I need to get to the hardware store to get somethings Also, sorry for the noise and I didn’t mean to be so loud.” The guy spoke, turning a bit red in embarrassment.
You’re stricken with a sense of shock. You’re pretty sure the guy talking to you, and standing next to you is the one and only, Grayson Dolan. And he’s gonna be your new neighbour.
“Don’t worry its fine.” You replied with a little smile after you got over your shock. Wow, the ‘Grayson Dolan’ living in your building and on your floor too.
“I’m Grayson.” He says with a dimpled, sticking his hand out. Of course you knew that but you wouldn’t tell him that, so you played along. He also became rather…flirty.
“I’m (Y/n), nice to meet you, Grayson.” You reply with a smile back. The elevator stops and the doors open. You knew what he was up to
“After you,” He spoke you gesturing you to exit first. “Thanks.” You mutter. Walking towards the entrance doors, he turns to you.
“It was nice meeting you, (Y/n), hopefully we’ll catch each other more often.” He offers again, eyes lingering on your face.
“Sure.” You simply reply. 
And that’s how these run-in’s started. Meeting almost every day in the elevator, it’s rather interesting you thought. You became friends in no time time. You tried not to appear interested, you didn’t want to say you knew him righty off the bat, especially an ex ‘Youtube’ star that he was. You didn’t want to tell him just yet, but you were a fan of his and Ethan when you were younger, always watching them when you would come home from school. They always made you laugh, or cry or whatever, of course you were sad when they announced they were leaving but you understood and respected their wishes, however, this was the last thing you expected to happen to you, living in the same building with Grayson.
“I want to take you out, like for dinner, if you don’t mind, like just as friends.” Grayson had said one day. You looked back at him with surprise, however you accepted.
“Yeah, that’s fine. Just let me know when.” You say.
“Great, how does tomorrow sound?” He asked with his head tilted a bit. It was rather cute.
“Sure, I’m actually off tomorrow so that works.” You offer a bit of a smile.
“Awesome, I’ll see you at 7:00 then.” He offered a smile before disappearing into his unit.
7:00pm came faster than you anticipated. You spent the majority of the day prepping yourself for this evening. You decided casual I mean you didn’t want to be over dressed, if you know what I mean. Before you knew it, it was 7:00.
“Wow, you look really pretty.” Grayson says when he saw you.
“Thank you.” You reply with a smile.
“Shall we?”
“Sure, let’s go.” You lock your door and off the two you went.
Grayson took you to a quaint little place close by. It was rather nice. He was quite flirty tonight you noted, you weren’t really sure where you wanted thing’s to go on account of his history with girls.
“So… in case you didn’t know, I used to make Youtube videos with my twin. It was a lot of fun. We did all sorts of things.” Grayson spoke suddenly.
“Oh really?” You tried to act surprised.
“Um yeah,” He murmurs.
“I see, so how come you stopped doing them?” You asked.
“Well, thing’s started to change and so we decided to stop for the best you know, just leave it at that and move on.” He answered.
“How’s your twin doing?” You curiously ask about Ethan.
“He lives on Australia with his fiancé now. (OMG!) It’s great I’m so happy for them.” He replies with a smile.
“Oh I see, and you? What brought you to London?” You ask.
“Well, I decided to move out of my mom’s place back in Jersey and wanted to start new you know.” You nodded.
“I used to hook up with girls you know.” He said out of the blue. You did know.
“Yeah I know, I was young and stupid and didn’t know what I want.” He stated.
“Do you know what you want now, Grayson?” you ask. He looks at you for a moment before his face start’s to flush.
“I-I don’t know, maybe?” He said it more like a question.
“I see.” Was your reply.
“You know, you’re pretty cool, (Y/n).” Grayson said. Oh boy.
“Thanks.” You replied.
“I hope we get to learn a lot more about each other. I really like you.”
“Well, I think you’re cool too, Grayson.” You state.
“I really hope we can do this again. I really enjoyed tonight.” He reaches over and lightly touched your hand. Your hands twitched a bit at that. You weren’t sure. You didn’t want to get to close to Grayson in case feelings started. This was beyond what you had expected with Grayson but you didn’t want to end up being another number on his list.      
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experience-walk · 29 days
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Heyy hun! What if the reader has a child from a previous relationship! And Grayson steps in to help raise the baby. Can you pretty please write something about his reaction to when the baby calls him daddy/dada for the first time?! I feel like he’d be so soft and teary like in the vid when Ethan got him the watch as a housewarming gift!! 🥺🥺 thank youu love you so much!!
Thank you so much for the request, I love you so much 🥺<3 sorry for the longest wait ever
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Grayson did more for you and your baby in 10 months than your ex didn’t in 8 long, dreadful years. Of course, the two of you did share some joyous memories – some even etched into your brain for many years to come. But those few memories would never be enough to override the haunting recollections of the relationship. What a shit show. You have no idea why you stuck around for so long.
“So where’d you wanna head first?” Grayson asks as he buckles his seat belt in, getting ready to drive to your desired destination.
“‘DONAWS!” your son screeches from the back seat.
Both you and Grayson chuckle in unison at the overly excited boy.
“Mcdonalds?” you raise a brow in surprise. “Don't you wanna go to a toy store first?”
Your son nods his head vigorously, kicking his feet excitedly into the back of your seat. Usually, this would irritate you but for this time, and this time only, you let it slide. It was his birthday, after all. 
Again, you chuckle. “Which one is it then, little man? ‘Donalds or Toys?” 
The boy pauses to debate the choices in his head. His brows furrowed in concentration as he began to stutter in a panic as if his life depended on him giving the correct answer.
“I- I- I dunno. I don’t weally wike pickin–”
Before the poor boy could get himself in too much of a predicament, Grayson steps in. 
“How about–” Gray twists in his seat to face your son. “How about we do both? At the same time! How awesome would that be, huh?!”
“Gray– you can’t take food into a toy store–”
Grayson looks at you with a smirk. 
“If that’s what the birthday boy wants, then that’s what he’ll get.”
“Where do you want to look first?” you ask as you and your son walk into the gigantic toy store, hand in hand. “Dinos? Teddys? Oh- what about the Nerf guns? There are so many cool ones to choose from–”
Even with all of the options you stated, your little boy only had his mind set on one thing. 
“Mommy, where’s Daddy?” he questions with furrowed brows, looking behind him in search of him.
You halt in position and scrunch your brows together in confusion.
“Daddy didn’t come with us today, baby.” you remind him, gently tugging his hand to keep him moving so the two of you don't hold up other customers.
“Yeah, he is! He dwiveded us here!” the boy explains in frustration, continuing to look back at the entrance in case “daddy” walked in.
Sighing, you kneel down to come face-to-face with your son. With care, you hold his face between your hands to keep his attention locked on you.
“Do you think the man that drove us here is your daddy?”
The boy nods hesitantly, watching your facial features drop as your heart plummets inside your chest. You had no idea how you were going to break the truth to him. 
“What’s wrong, Mommy? You look sad.” your son mirrors your actions by holding your face in his tiny hands. This causes your heart to melt in adoration. 
“Uh–” A lump forms in your throat causing it to tighten in discomfort, making your voice unsteady. “Gray– he’s not your Da–”
“DADDY!” Within seconds, the young boy is leaping into Grayson’s open arms, humongous grins plastered on both boys' faces. 
You couldn’t help but mirror their expressions; a smile creeping its way onto your face, spreading from one ear to the other. 
“Did you get da nuggies?” Your son whispers loudly into Gray’s ear with a mischievous grin.
“Sure did, buddy!” 
Gray holds the brown paper bag in the air, above his head, mimicking the famous scene from the lion king and sending your little boy into a fit of giggles. 
Noticing curious staff members nearby, Grayson shoves the brown paper bag into his hoodie pocket, making sure to leave enough space to be able to reach his hand in to grab a nugget when instructed to. 
The three of you begin to walk through the great toy store, searching for the perfect toy for your little boy. 
You scan the shelves thoroughly, looking from top to bottom, left to right, in a calm, relaxed manner when suddenly the perfect toy pops right into view.
You turn your head in search of your son to see him and Gray whispering. Shortly after, Gray pulls a golden nugget out from his pocket and passes it to the small boy beside him, followed by placing a finger over his lips and shushing. Your son nods and giggles in excitement before cramming it into his mouth as he looks around to check no one was plotting to confiscate his mouth-watering lunch.
“So yummy,” the little boy exclaims as he scoffs more food into his mouth. “Daddy want some?” 
“No, I – huh?” Grayson’s pace comes to a stop. He looks down at the small boy with furrowed brows. “What was that?”
“You heard him right,” you confirm with a sigh. “He thinks you’re his daddy. I’m so sorry Gray, i tried to tell him but he’s convinced you are and–”
“He is!” the little boy demands, grabbing hold of Grayson's hand. “You are my daddy, aren't you?”
The look on Gray's face spoke a thousand words. He looked as if he was about to cry.
“Is that what you truly want?” he asks softly, kneeling to his height. 
Your son nods eagerly before throwing himself into Grayson's body. “You’re my daddy.”
That lump in your throat had come back as tears threatened to spill from your glassy eyes. You were managing to keep them at bay until you look at Grayson. 
Shamelessly, Gray’s face was drenched in tears as he silently held back sobs. He sniffles and wipes his face dry with the back of his hand before pulling away from your little boy. He didn’t want him to think he was sad. 
“Did I make you sad?” the little boy asks in worry, noticing how puffy Grayson’s eyes had become. “My eyes do dat when I get sad too. It’s okay to cry, Daddy. Mama cries all the time when –”
“And that's enough of that –” you cut him off, putting your hand on his shoulder. “Go and pick out a toy before all the good toys go.”
“Otay!” Your son waddles off down the aisle, looking all over the place for the perfect birthday toy. 
You turn to Grayson to see him standing with his arms folded across his chest and his brows raised.
“You have some explaining to do.”
After toy shopping, Grayson takes you all back to his to have a little nap. After putting your son down to sleep in Grayson's bed, you walk down the hallway to hear the twins conversing.
“Dude, you should have been there! He was all like “you’re my dad, right?” and then he practically tackled me and cuddled the fuck out of me. It was the cutest shit ever, i can't even –”
“Bro, you’re gushing – chill! You really love the little guy, huh?” Ethan queries with a little chuckle.
“I love them both” he corrects. 
“And we love you too.” 
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dolansarebae · 7 months
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elitegrayson · 2 years
Have you thought about maybe writing a smut where y/n chooses to wait for marriage to have sex? Do you think you could write about Grayson and y/n sleeping together for the first time on their wedding night? Thank you. 🤍
this sounds beautiful :’) your wish is my command and i hope you like it. these pics kinda give off hubby gray hehe. ENJOY!! (i haven't written smut in a min so i apologize if it's bad)
Featuring: Grayson x reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, swearing.
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Growing up you’ve always known you wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. It seemed like everyone around you was losing their virginity and they were. Your friends would always tell you stories of how they lost it in a school bathroom or behind a venue after a concert. You cringed at the thought of doing it in an extremely unsanitary place. It wasn’t the setting that made you want to wait, but the person you’re going to lose it to. 
Sex to you was a very powerful experience and once you do this act, a little part of you will be left with that person and vice versa. That’s why your best friend now is still not over her first even though he’s made a clear he did that want her. But that’s beside the point. When you met your now husband, Grayson, you figured to let him know that you were a virgin when things got a little serious. He understood completely which made you feel safe and comfortable.
Most guys would ignore you or pressure you into having sex anyways, but not Grayson. He obeyed and respected your wishes as he should. He could think it was the stupidest idea in the world, but in the end, his opinions wouldn’t have mattered. You are his girl and he loves you very dearly. So if he has to wait until marriage to get a taste of you then that’s what he’ll do.
He made his way over to you so you guys can make your grand exit. Everyone started to create a pathway so that you could walk through it. Confetti was being shot in the air and you couldn’t be happier. You are officially married to the man of your dreams and you are finally Mrs. Y/n Dolan. It rolls off the tongue beautifully. As you made your way to the end of the stairs, Grayson opened up the door for you.
“Here you are Mrs. Dolan,” He smirks, gesturing his hand out in front of you. “Why thank you, Mr. Dolan.” You send him a smirk back, lifting your dress as you slip into the car. You roll down the window so you can say goodbye to everyone once again. Today was the best day of your life and you couldn’t stop smiling. Once Grayson was in the car, you guys drove off to your destination.
“So how do you feel, doll? I still have the butterflies lowkey.” He asked taking your hand in his and massaging it slightly. Even though you guys have been together for three years, he still sends shivers down your spine. But you couldn’t lie you feel the same way. 
“I’m in shock, Gray. This all just seems unreal. I can't wait for tomorrow, France is going to be beautiful.” You hummed, giving his hand a little squeeze. It was a hard decision trying to figure out where to go. You guys have been to Cabo, The Bahamas, Greece, and hell even Australia. But after months of planning, you guys agreed on France. This next week was going to be magical.
“Just wait until we get to the hotel.” He murmured. You furrowed your eyebrows at his comment, but you figured you’ll just wait and see. After what felt like hours on the highway you guys finally arrived at the hotel. Just by looking at this outside, you knew this place was fancy.
 “Hi, how may I help you tonight?” The ginger-haired lady asked sending us a warm smile. “Hi, we have a room for you two under Dolan,” Grayson responded as the lady typed away on the computer. “Alright, I have you down for the lover's suite which is room 623. Here are your keys and congratulations!” She answered, giving us one last smile. We thanked her and started walking toward the elevator. You started to think about the surprise Grayson has planned.
New car? No that wouldn’t make sense. He wouldn’t even be able to keep his mouth closed about that.
What if it’s that Dior bag you were looking at? You’ve been talking about it for months maybe he got you that.
No wait it has to be a Tiffany Co. bracelet? Every time he took you to the mall, you made sure to walk past that display. Grayson has his slow moments, but I know he can take a hint.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t realize you were already in the room. “Okay doll imma need you to do one thing for me yeah?” Grayson stopped, turning towards you and taking your hands in his. “I need you to close your eyes and keep ‘em close as you walk in and don’t open until I tell you to. Can you do that for me?” 
Your stomach felt like it was doing backflips, anxious at what could be behind this door. “Gray I’m nervous as shit.” You sigh, feeling your hands get clammy by the second.
“Don’t be. I’m sure you’re gonna love it. Now close your eyes so I can guide you in.” Grayson reassures you as you slowly close your eyes. You hear a “click” followed by the door being opened. He places his hands on your shoulders and you began to walk forward.
“Alright, just a few more steps…..okay open!”
You open your eyes to see the room decorated from top to bottom. Red balloons at the ceiling while red petals covered the floor. There were 2 glasses of champagne on the dresser while the bed had petals in the shape of a heart with both of your initials in the middle.
You were in utter shock, but tears started to brim within your eyes. “Gray I-I don’t even know what to say this is all so beautiful.” You managed to choke out as he ran to your side.
“I’m so happy you love it, doll. I wanted you to know that for you, I’ll always go above and beyond. You’re everything to me.” He smiled, wiping the tears that fell down your face.
“I love you, Grayson Dolan.” You smiled, standing on your tippy toes, so you can press a kiss to his lips. He returns the kiss which quickly turned into a heated makeup session. He picked you up which caught you off guard, but you wrapped your legs around him anyway.
Grayson led you to the bed while surprisingly not breaking the kiss. You started to moan softly in between kisses which only fueled him more. He started to remove your clothing while you did the same. You guys have had intense make-out sessions before, but something about tonight feels different. You felt butterflies in your stomach again, but you knew this feeling felt right.
Now only being left in your bra and panties, you pulled away from him and looked up. His lips were a plump pink, his biceps and abs were toned, and his eyes were full of lust. This is the man you married and now you were about to be one with him.
“I’m ready, Grayson. I’m ready to feel all of you.” You declared, biting your lip slightly. You’ve waited all this time and it’s finally here.
“If you feel uncomfortable we can stop whenever okay, doll? I know this is your first time and everything and I don’t wanna-“
“Gray, please. I just need to feel you.” You whine, wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him closer.
“Needy girl aren’t you? I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.”
With that he started pressing pepper kisses to your neck, finding your sweet spot instantly. He went from your neck to your collar bones and ended at your boobs.
“Sit up so I can see those pretty tits, huh?” You felt your cheeks get warm, nonetheless, you obeyed. He removed your bra as you laid back down on the bed. Gray took one look at what was in front of him before he started to caress your left boob.
“God I can’t wait to just devour you.” He growled before wrapping his lips around your right nipple. The more he sucked, the better it felt. You started to squirm under him at the sensation. You’ve heard of nipple play and nipple orgasms before, but you never thought you’d reach one. A feeling started to stir in your stomach and Gray noticed it too because he stopped immediately after.
“Why’d you stop? That felt so good.” You pouted, hitting him in his bicep. “I wanted to tease my girl. But don’t worry it’s all about you tonight.” He winks, taking your body while he presses more kisses against your stomach. Your pussy was so hot by now, that you’re sure he felt the heat. When he reached your panties, he lifted your body slightly so that he could slide them off.
“Y/N, how are you already soaking for me? I barely did anything.” He purrs, sliding his pointer and middle finger up your pussy in the shape of a “V”.
“Like you said I’m a needy girl…Daddy.” You figured you’d try something considering it’s your first night. 
“Daddy huh? You’re dirtier than I thought, doll. Now let Daddy take care of you.” Grayson pressed a few more kisses across your thighs before he started eating you. His tongue was licking your folds like you were his last meal. You’ve always imagined what his tongue would feel like, but this exceeds your expectations.
Your hands found their way to his beautiful brown hair, tugging at what you could hold. A loud needy moan escapes your lips when you felt his tongue enter you. The louder you moaned, the tighter he gripped your thighs, his fingertips turning white.
“Fuck Grayson, your tongue feels so fucking good. Fuck!” You pant, starting to lose control as your hips buckled. 
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long, Y/N. You taste so sweet.” He whispered, lips glistening with your juices. You wanted to bring him up so that you could taste yourself, but then he sticks a finger in.
“Holy s-shit,” You managed to spit out, eyes rolling to the back of your head. This feels like heaven, you thought. The wet sounds of your pussy & your moans were filling up the room. “You like this huh? You dirty girl, tell Daddy how much you like it?” Grayson hissed, adding another finger which just drove you crazy. 
“I love it, Daddy! Please I’m gonna cum!” You cry, almost yelling. “Mm not yet, you better fucking not.” He demanded, removing his mouth and fingers. This angered you once more, but you knew what was coming next. He got up to pull down his boxers and you saw his dick smack his stomach. You’ve seen him naked before but this was something else. 
Grayson was huge and you being a virgin was about to be in for a “big” awakening. “You ready doll? I will go easy on you. Don’t wanna hurt my precious girl.” He smiles, caressing your cheek. “I’m ready, Gray.” You return the smile, anxious for what was to come.
He slowly slips it in and your eyes immediately go shut. Grayson hovered over you, arms by each side. 
He was going slow as he said, but it took a minute for you to adjust to his size. When you were finally adjusted, you didn’t want him to stop. He noticed you were comfortable so he started to pick up the pace. “Oh...my...god,” You gasped in between thrusts. “How does it feel, baby? Am I doing good?” He asks, as one little curl fell across his forehead. “Good? You’re doing amazing, daddy. Go faster, harder..” You moaned as you gripped his arm. 
Grayson followed your wishes and started pounding into full force. Moans and whimpers started to escape his lips as well as yours. “God damn Y/N, you’re so wet and creamy. I love the way you feel mama.” He whimpered softly, now grabbing both of your legs and putting them on his shoulders. He’s fucking you so hard now, you swear you’re seeing stars. “Don’t stop…please. Feels…so good.” You whined, watching your boobs move to the rhythm of his thrusts. 
“Play with yourself for me. I wanna see you touch that pussy of yours.” He slurred as you obeyed. You used your dominant hand to rub your clit in circles. “Yeah just like that. Don’t stop either, doll.” He moved your left leg to his right shoulder, which allowed him to move deeper into you. 
You continued to play with yourself, your hand getting sloppier with each motion. You felt yourself reaching your high, but you couldn’t keep up for much longer. “Grayson I’m getting close, but my hand it’s getting tired.” You sighed, slowing down your pace.
“Keep playing until I tell you to stop.”
With that, he was using everything in his body now. The bed was shaking and the slaps of your bodies were all that was heard. “Fuck! Holy shit Grayson!” The sheets were coming off the bed because of how hard you were gripping them.
“Cum for me baby. Give it to me. I wanna feel you cream all over this dick.” He grunted as you felt yourself release on him. “Shit shit shit,” was the only thing you could say at this point while he was reaching his end too.
“Fuck doll, daddy’s gonna fill you up. You’re so good, baby shit!” You felt him release into you, his cum filling up your tiny hole as your body shook beneath him. Grayson slowly pulled out and you felt the mix of your cum and his leak out of your pussy.
He took his pointer finger, inserted it in you then put it in your mouth so you could taste the both of you. You licked his finger clean and he pressed his lips to yours so that he could have a taste as well. He laid down next to you, embracing your body in the process. He moved the sweaty hair from your face so that he could give you a forehead kiss.
“You were amazing, beautiful. I love how vocal you were.” He expressed, giving a kiss to your lips once more.
“So were you. I can’t believe I get to have you all to myself for the rest of my life.” You giggled as he laughs as well. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to have me. Nobody but you.” He responds which made your heart flutter. This is the man who you gave yourself and you couldn’t be happier.
“Goodnight Mr. Dolan.”
“Goodnight Mrs. Dolan.”
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impaladolan · 1 year
small request! grayson and y/n were supposed to be going out for a date night but he goes to buy y/n another dress because he insists hers is too short to wear in public (plus he’s overprotective)
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
a/n: i changed it a little, and i kinda made grayson a meanie in this one
"I'll be out in the car." Grayson runs his hand through his hair before leaving you to finish dressing. He looked irritated, wouldn’t talk much and had a semi-sour expression.
You had your hair and some makeup all done up, and a nice emerald green dress and some heels on for your attendance of your friend’s wedding reception.
Grayson wasn’t upset this morning when the two of you had attended the ceremony. He was all flushed, doe-eyed and lovey, his touch never leaving your body.
But now, after dressing for the party, his mood had a total switch. You couldn’t understand why. You don’t recall anything of importance angering him, and your Grayson was a patience man, not one to be upset over small things.
You dismissed worrying about it— he wouldn’t tell you why he was mad or what you could do to help, but instead stayed in silence as he too readied himself for the evening ahead.
Maybe a little dancing will loosen him up.
After spraying a sweet perfume and grabbing your purse, you ducked into his low car and strapped your seat belt, pulling your dress down so it wouldn’t be bunched up against your lower abdomen.
Grayson scoffed and started the car, evading your glare as he backed, rather aggressively, out of the driveway.
“What’s your problem, baby?” You smoothed your hand over the console and onto his own, massaging the backside of his palm sincerely. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked over, not at your eyes, but to where your dress ends and your legs begin.
“Do you think that dress is appropriate to wear tonight, Y/N?” He finally looked at you, his gaze still hard and unmoving.
“Excuse me?” You almost gasped at his words, your face flushing and a fiery anger shooting throughout your body.
The nerve.
“Answer the question.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his foot seemed to grow heavy against the gas.
“I don’t see a fucking problem.” You looked down your torso and along the sleeves, in search of whatever the hell could be wrong.
“So you don’t think it’s pretty revealing?”
You pulled your hand away from him and shook your head, appalled by his thoughts. You were struggling to speak, surprised by his sudden dismay of your attire.
“Oh, you don’t? Your fucking ass is hanging out and your tits are on full fucking display. I hope to god you’re wearing some kind of panty under that, fuck.” He had you stunned with his words and you could hardly see straight with all the anger bubbling inside of you.
“You bought me this dress, Grayson!” You huff, flailing your hands in the air. Your chest began to turn red, that’s what usually happens when you’re flushed or irate, and your teeth grind against each other in continued irritation.
“I didn’t realize it’d be that short when you put on heels, Y/N.” He was annoyed, pressing the gas further down and moving around other vehicles like he thinks he’s a nascar driver or something.
“It’s not your decision of how clothed or not I want to be.”
“Well, then we’re making a stop before the reception.” He pulled off the highway and sped down the exit, taking a right at the stop light and flying down the road. He only slowed to turn into a luxury dress store and parked, turning the car off.
“I’m fucking walking, asshole.” You reach for the door handle, but he holds his finger over the lock button and moves across the console to shut the door back.
“The hell you are.”
You continue to try and open the door, using all your might, but even with hardly a grip Grayson’s stronger than you.
“You’ve never acted this way before.” You subside from trying to leave and cross your arms, covering the exposed cleavage he’s so upset about.
“I’m not trying to control you, Y/N,” he sighs and let’s go of the door. “I just don’t want anybody getting ideas. You’re mine.” He runs his hand through his hair, it’s disheveled and a couple strands had fallen upon his forehead.
“I didn’t think this would be an issue for you. I figured you’d like to see me wear this.”
“You’re more than welcome to wear it at home.” He flicked his eyebrows up and down and you let out a small laugh.
“Fine. Better hurry up in here or we’ll be late.” You both empty the vehicle and he joins you on the sidewalk, landing a harsh slap to your ass before grabbing your waist with a chuckle.
“I’m still upset with you, Grayson.”
“We’ll see who’s upset when we get home tonight..”
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ruewrote · 1 year
𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙.
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PAIRING: grayson dolan x fem!reader WARNINGS: creepy guys GENRE: angst to fluff SONG INSPIRATION: heart to heart by mac demarco WORD COUNT: 813
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you had been walking home from the club, stumbling a little in your heels, feeling the slight buzz of the alcohol that you recently consumed, but feeling more anger than anything else.
standing on the edge of the curb, rummaging around in your bag looking for your phone. cursing yourself for mindlessly tossing it in there earlier.
"hey honey! looking for a good time?" you stopped searching for it, slightly glancing up through your lashes at the older man in worn down clothes started to make his way over towards you.
his arms stretched out with a drunken smirk.
"no thank you." with that said you turned back to what you were doing previously, not realising the man had gotten even closer to you than before.
him wrapping his arms around you, letting out a scream telling him to get off of you and to leave you alone.
cursing yourself for leaving so late and to make matters worse there not being many cars or people around.
that's when you thought you were thoroughly fucked. hands struggling against his tall figure, even as you thrashed against him - you weren't able to overpower him. regretting not slipping your pepper spray into your handbag since you assumed thay you were gonna stay with friends.
"hey! she said to let her go."
the creep soon let his calloused hands slip away from you slightly to find where the voice was coming through, as he did - a fist was met with his jaw and he fell to the floor with a thud, the kind stranger gently pushed you behind him.
towering over the bastard, yelling all sorts of profanities. the creep just laid there holding his jaw before scrambling off of the floor in the other direction.
you were now shivering from the cold and adrenaline, just thankful for his timing. wrapping your arms around yourself as your teeth chattered.
"hey, hey it's okay now. he's gone, here take this!" that's when he shrugged his hoodie off and pushed it onto your shoulders, not really questioning anything, pulling it tighter around your body.
your eyes had been stuck looking at your feet since he had helped you, slightly shaken up.
you were pleasantly surprised when you did lock eyes with the stranger, his hazel eyes shining in the streetlight that hovered above the both of you.
he had such pretty eyes -- scratch that all of him was pretty! well from what you could see at least. plump lips, kind eyes, fluffy hair. he easily stood at six foot. towering over you like the other guy did but this time you felt no threat.
a wide and contagious smile spread across his features one that reached his eyes.
"bit of a bad way to start off an introduction, but hi i'm grayson!"
his arm stretched out lending a hand to shake yours, you accept the gesture by giving his a soft shake returning it with your own name.
"yo gray! what happened..?" another voice was heard from behind you, still feeling jumpy turning around quickly, shuffling back to grasp grayson's arm and try to hide yourself behind his large build.
"hey, hey it's okay. i know him, he's my brother you're safe." grasping your hand in his.
as the other person came into view, he looked alot like the one that had just helped you. removing your hold on gray, still standing firmly at his side.
"some asshole tried forcing himself on her, not that she needed my help, but i kinda decked him then he ran off." the twin clicked his tongue, shaking his head his eyes flickering from the ground to you, checking you over.
"deserved. are you alright..?"
realising he was speaking to you, you stopped playing with the hoodie sleeve. "y/n and yeah it was a bit of a shock, i was just lucky that grayson was nearby when it occurred." your voice still a bit shaky from the encounter.
it was decided that the twins wanted to make sure you got home alright, you protested, but your complaints fell upon deaf ears.
they were even kind enough to buy you a hot chocolate at a near by diner beforehand.
the drive to your house was silent, all was heard was the clicking of the turn indicator every now and then. a soft pop song played in the background as you zoned out.
it didn't take long to get to your house, them both wished you a farewell as you started to walk to your front door not before putting your number into gray's phone, he said for quote on quote 'if you ever need to be saved again' with a wink.
closing the wooden door, leaning your back up against it, a small grin laid on your lips as you took off your heels.
realising that you still had his hoodie on.
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© ruewrote.
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elitegrayson · 2 years
hi!!! i love your grayson one shot. do you think you could do a grayson x female reader, with the friends to lovers trope? i am a sucker for friends to lovers <33.
hey hon!!! yess these are always so cute to me, you got it! <3 hope you enjoy & i appreciate your love!! this is more cute and sweet than sexual so i hope that's okay!! if you would like a part 2 with a little more depth, i am more than welcome to do that.
after what seemed like hours of getting ready for your boyfriend to come over, everything was put together. you haven’t seen him in what like a month because your schedules weren’t lining up, but tonight you guys found the time.
you’d thought it would be a cute date idea to have a sip and paint. the Stella rose was on the dining room table along with the baby easels and the charcuterie board. you heard your phone ring, hoping it’d be him, telling you he was on his way. but when you answered, you were met with something else.
“hey? are you on the way? I got everything all set up-’’
“y/n, I can’t make it tonight. something important came up.”
“but Blake, we’ve literally been planning this for at least a week now,” you said in a stern tone, hoping he could sense you were pissed.
“I know babe, I know. but I just can’t come tonight. call up one of your friends or something I don’t know.” he said nonchalantly as you just stood there in disbelief.
“you know what I just might. don’t bother coming by tomorrow.” you scoffed, then you hung up the phone.
it wasn’t the first time he canceled on you, more like the 1500th time. you went out of your way to get this together, so the fact that he just canceled made you feel horrible.
you sat down on the couch and started to cry, but you didn’t want to let this night to go waste. you bought everything, the paint, the food, and the easels. somebody was going to be here tonight and if it won’t be Blake, it’ll be someone else.
you reached over to grab your phone to text your closest friend, Grayson.
you: “hey gray. are you busy tonight?”
he responded within 2 minutes saying;
g: “hey y/n no i’m free. what’s up?”
you: “do you wanna come over to paint and sip? blake was supposed to, but he has something to do and i don’t wanna let this stuff go to waste lol”
g: “yes of course give me 20 minutes”
you: “okay cool see you then :)”
you weren’t expecting to hang out with Grayson, but you weren’t expecting to not see your boyfriend either. he always makes you feel better anyways considering you come to him when you have issues with Blake. you feel bad because you know he gets annoyed by it and can’t stand him, but he always says the right words. 
some days you wish he could always comfort you in your time of need, but that’ll ruin your friendship. he has a life too and it’s draining to listen to your friend’s boyfriend's issues over and over again. he has a good heart and that’s why you love him…as a friend of course.
you went to the bathroom to fix up your hair and makeup then you heard your doorbell. you walked towards the door to be met with a slightly messy hair Grayson. he had on a white tee, blue shorts, and some birks. he lowkey looks like he just woke up, but in a cute way.
“hi y/n, can I come in?” he smiled, eyeing you up and down.
“hey Gray. yes of course. come take a seat.” you returned the smile, moving out of the way so he could pass through.
“sooo blake stood you up again huh?” Grayson said, taking a seat in the dining room.
a frown appeared across your face, “yeah, he didn’t even say why. just that “it was something important”. you said putting air quotes.
“well you might want to look at this,” Grayson unlocked his phone and went to Instagram. he went to your boyfriend’s story, and there he was taking shots at a fucking bar.
he’s such a liar. what the actual fuck?” tears started to brim in your eyes as he locked his phone and set it down.
“I’m so sorry y/n, but to be honest. I don’t even know why you’re still with him,” he grumbled, looking down slightly.
“w-why would you say that? he’s nice sometimes,” you said in a low tone, playing with your fingers.
“c'mon y/n. most of our conversations are literally about him being a fucking asshole. he’s not good for you. why can’t you see that?”
“okay, I didn’t invite you over here so you could talk shit about Blake. I invited you over because-“
“because you needed comfort? or because you know I’m better for you and I’m better than he’ll ever be.” the room got quiet and you just stared at him blankly. you didn’t know what to say. there was always that voice in the back of your head, telling you that he was better, but you ignored it. did he really mean that?
“look, I probably shouldn’t have said that, but it’s the truth. I can’t stand to see you with him, knowing that I treat you so much better. I have morals so that’s why I never said anything because you were already with him. after tonight, seeing you like this? now I’m at my breaking point, y/n. I know we’re friends and I value our friendship, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take. how much more of this can you take?”
he was 100% right, but Grayson is like a brother to you. at the same time, when you were with blake whether that was in intimacy or not, your brain would often drift to him. you would think about how he’d fuck you and take care of you afterward, something that never even crossed blake’s mind. 
even when you’re alone, touching yourself you can’t help but imagine it’s Grayson making you ache and moan in the way that you do. 
this whole time it was him, but your brain wanted to play tricks on you.
“y/n? are you okay?” you completely forgot to respond to what he said, so you had something better in mind.
you stood up from your chair, put your right hand behind his neck, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. he was caught off guard at first until he returned the favor.
“I probably shouldn’t have done that either, but you’re right gray. there was always a small part of me that wasn’t sure about blake. that part was you. I guess I didn’t realize it until now, I was so blind and stupid.” you sighed, pulling back from him a little shocked at what you just confessed.
“no, no you’re not stupid mama, don’t ever say that. that’s not the point I was trying to make. I just wanted you to see things for what they were.” Grayson mellowed, wiping his thumb across your chin and then tilting you up. you couldn’t help but get shy and giggle.
“well, I’m all yours now, Dolan. now can we paint and sip, please? it was a lot for me to get this shit together. at least now I’ll actually be able to enjoy it with someone.” you explained, tugging at his arms, while he lets out a chuckle.
“of course, we can and enough about that prick. you said you’re mine now yeah? after tonight, you won’t even remember him.” 
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bubsdolan · 10 months
Bubba, first time Grayson brings u to jersey and u meet Lisa
had this in my drafts for like 2 years, so enjoy it’s all yous are getting x (ps it’s not edited so don’t come for me)
ok stop it this is gonna be so pure because i could just imagine how excited gray would be to have his girl in his home town and around his family. the way grayson constantly sang his mother’s praises, it felt like you were already part of the family.
meeting lisa was definitely a huge step in your relationship, and although you had spoken to her a handful of times over facetime, meeting in person was more nerve wracking than you anticipated. you knew if she didn’t like you, that was a deal breaker for grayson. you passed the test with ethan, you were now onto a bigger one.
“sweetheart,” grayson could sense your worries by the continuous bouncing of your knee as his hand rested on your thigh whilst he drove up the all to familiar roads of jersey. they were unfamiliar to you, but you somewhat already felt at home. “ma already loves you, nothing to be nervous about.”
grayson’s squeezed your leg in a comforting manner, but even his reassurance wasn’t enough to have you easing up on the drive to his childhood home. chewing on your nails anxiously, your breathing hitched when you were met with an excitable Lisa standing at the end of the drive way, awaiting the arrival of her youngest son and the woman he had confused to his ma was ‘the one’
you of course stood back to allow Lisa a few moments with her son, smiling as you watched the encounter. Grayson was a momma’s boy and it was so comforting to see him in his element, happy and back where he belonged. he always thrived in jersey, and having you and his mother by his side, was his perfect sanctuary.
“you must be the famous y/n I've heard so much about. its lovely to meet you dear.”
after greeting Grayson, Lisa stood with open arms and a bright welcoming smile directed towards you. she pulled you in for a hug,  cheerfully greeting you as Grayson felt his heart burst at the sight of his favourite woman getting along. 
“its lovely to meet you, mrs dolan.” 
“please, call me Lisa!,” Lisa instsanly guided you into her home, leaving Grayson to bring in all your bags from the car as she Began giving you a guided tour of the place Grayson called home. it was even more beautiful than Grayson had described. you could see why he loved jersey so much and you already felt safer and happier being there. 
once Lisa had shown you around the kitchen, informing you to make yourself and home and help yourself to anything on diplay, Grayson had finished unpacking the car and joined your side once again. his hand lacing with yours as he peered down at you with a warm smile, his teeth gems glistening as he already feel in love with the sight of you being in jersey. 
you sat and ate a home cook dinner, vegan of course, as the three of you sat around the table and shared stories from Grayson and Ethan causing mischief as little boys, to your own family and upbringing. the conversation flowed as Lisa made you feel so welcome in her home, you had a good feeling she approved of your relationship.
Lisas eyes would often drift between you and Grayson laughing together when you thought she wasnt looking. her smile present as she witnessed first hand the love you two shared. one that reminded her of her and late husband when they were your age. 
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tw1nklet03s · 1 year
heyyy. long time no see!!
ik ik, ive been M.I.A for over a month. but! that’s just case ive been going through stuff and i’m kinda stuck on what to write.
so saying that! my requests are open. so feel free to comment or message me something you would like me to write!!
people i will accept requests for:
- rafe cameron
- colby brock
- rowan laslow
- drew starkey
- jj maybank
- grayson dolan
- david dobrik
- ilya fedorovich
- jeff wittek
- chris sturniolo
categories i will accept
- smut
- fluff
- angst
- or you could combine two!
- or all three!!!!
- dad imagines
things i won’t write about
- cheating
- abusive boyfriend
- r@pe
- sa
ok that’s all. love yous and take care of yourselves x
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farfrombuck · 11 months
now that the dolan twins are back I really CRAVED a fic I read a long time ago, it was about grayson flying to Positano and finding a love interest there, does anybody remember it? did they delete them all?
It was so well written my God!!! I will always remember it
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butdjgn · 2 years
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“Slut me out” (Grayson Dolan smut)
I hate parties. I absolutely despise parties. It’s always the same shit I mean drinking, getting high, fucking randoms, loud music. It’s always a house full of strangers that’s either tryna forget about everything bad that’s happening in their life or get slutted out, there is no in between. Me on the other hand? Oh I definitely attended this party. I know I know, “y/n how can you talk shit about parties but you’re going to one.” Okay hear me out. It was THE DOLAN TWINS party. I’ve known them since 2015 and they’ve changed so much over the years let me just say. Ethan got a girlfriend and became more mature. Grayson became even more hotter and started working on his hobbies… like how can I not..
I’ve been friends with them for so long it’s crazy I never told Grayson how I see him you know? Maybe I’ll spill it out when I’m drunk or something I don’t know. I put on my best dress and heels. I did my hair and make up all in 3 hours. Pretty fast if you ask me.. it’s around 9 at night and I get there and it’s already loud with a bunch of people screaming. I rub my head knowing what im getting myself into. “Only for Grayson” I whispered to myself nervous walking into their house. As soon as I walk in I seen them dancing in the living room with randoms. I stare at Grayson jealous that he’s dancing with another girl… it makes me so angry.. I hurry go into the kitchen get myself drunk and some random group was hyping me up for that I don’t remember the details..
“Hey put that down” I heard a voice say. I turn behind me to see who was talking to me in such way. I turn over and it’s Grayson with his arms crossed with a serious face on. “YoU dOnt TelL mE wHaT To dO” I said to him boldly. He groans. He grabs my wrist a little tight. While him guiding me some guy bumped into Grayson. “CANT YOU FUCKING SEE ME?” he said angry at them. “Ugh he’s so mad at me, what did I do” I said sadly but also kinda turned on.. we get to his room and he slams and locks the door behind him. Now it’s just me and him.. “y/n you know I don’t like seeing you drinking” he said with his hands on his hips. “This is a party, so what” I said. “I still don’t like seeing you like that” he said rising his voice at me. I stare at him like he just said gibberish “ and I don’t like seeing other girls dance on you but you don’t see me making a scene do you?” I said looking in his eyes. Looking up at him and him looking down at me it was clear who won the argument. The room went quiet. Us just starring at each other.
With my eyes almost tearing up I scoff and head to the door to get away from him. He grabs me by my waist this time pulling me into a kiss. His extremely soft lips and us breathing in each other mouth made my stomach sank. It was slow but yet so powerful.. why is he so good at this.. he pulls away looking at me “did that make you feel better?” He said with a cute smirk. I look at him in his eyes once again. “I want more” I said almost pouting. He smiles at me confused and pulls in for another kiss his big hands cupping my head. Making me feel so safe. I grab his forearm letting him know I’m enjoying this. He walks forward which makes me walk backwards still kissing each other. Until I fall into his bed. Him following along kissing me so powerfully. I couldn’t hold it in anymore “fuck..” I moaned. He pets my head following to my cheek. His body is between my legs right now… “Grayson.. Please” I said desperately. He giggles. “You’re so adorable y/n” he says with his deep voice. he takes off his hoodie revealing his nice toned abs. I bite my lip acknowledging what I’m about to do with him. He sits me up with my head on his chest. He unravels my dress under my neck. My dress then falls and flashes my bra. He lifts my face up with his curled index finger making me look up at him. He grins and kisses me one more time before he plays with my bra, he then takes off my bra amazed at the view. He lays me back down and starts playing with them and licking them. My hard nipples..him swirling his tongue around them. His movements.. i moan uncontrollably. I grab his long hair tightly letting him know I feel amazed. He sits up, I then immediately noticed his boner poking through his pants. I play with it and lay on my stomach. I pull down his pants not fully but just enough to admire his vainly waist and v line. “God fucking damn… I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long” I said. he grins and pets my head. “Me too y/n” he said softly. I look up at him desperately and take his pants and boxers completely off. his dick flips on my face. I giggle then I lick the side to start and his head already rolls back.
I then put the whole thing in my mouth. Him shocked on how good it feels. His face I was most focused on. He narrowed his eyebrows down then immediately smiled with his eyes closed. He then leans his head back with his hand on top of my head. “That feels soo good” he said taking it. He looks back down at me and moves my hair out of my face and I continue. I focus on the tip cause that’s his most sensitive spot. He gasp for air. “Ahh” he moaned so shocked. He guides my head almost face fucking me. He puts my hair in a ponytail and leans his waist in my face. All I could see was his abs thrusting in and out of my mouth. He leans his head back narrowing his eyebrows down biting his lip. “Ughh” he moans. He then makes me take it all in and holds it for a couple seconds. I gasp for air. He smiles playfully. He lays me down again on my back. He takes the rest of my dress off following my panties. He lifts my legs up to my shoulders. He hits his dick on my wet clit. “You like that y/n?” He said jokingly. I pout letting him know I want him in me already. He suddenly puts it in me I gasp for air once again with my eyes rolled back. His size caught me so off guard. He moans in relief. “Your so warm and tight… mmm” He starts fucking me slow yet powerful just like his kisses. I feel every single thing of him. Every movement, every throb, every drop of precum going into me. Everything. I look up at him. “You’re so beautiful” I said to him in my head. His eyes shifting to my face and my pussy. His mouth slightly open with his hair covering parts of his face.
He starts going even faster. his thumb starts rubbing my clit. We both moan, that’s all we could hear, our voices combining. He turns me over making my face down and ass up. He starts playing with my ass cheeks and slaps them before he caught me off guard again. He hits my g spot so perfectly. So good I want to cry. I could cum right now if I wanted to. He starts thrusting very hard yet so good. I sit up to where my hands and knees are on the bed. He then reached over putting his fingers in my mouth. Thrusting harder and deeper. Omg I can’t he’s too good. He was so deep in me.. Our moans filling the room. “Ahh I feel it coming y/n” he lets go of me and pushes my back down like it was before, he thrusts even harder and soon pulls it out. with one hand on my ass and the other hand making himself cum all over my back. He moans Squeezing my ass cheek. After a few seconds of cuming He looks down at me looking at the damage he’s done to me. He takes a deep breath, then giggles. Fixing his hair. He kisses my shoulder. breathing heavy. Sweat dripping from his forehead. He puts on his pants and grabs something to wipe his cum off my back. After he cleans it he makes sure I am dressed again and then flops on his bed. Looking at the ceiling. We ended up talking for the rest of the party and sleeping together in the same bed.
Hi!!! I really hope you liked this story and hope it wasn’t too long :( if it was make sure to contact me so I could fix that for you guys. Thank you againnn <3
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