#don’t mind my bad ss again
plague-of-insomnia · 16 days
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at least we’ll see Bard again! (even if i hate his jp voice, sorry)
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minniesmutt · 2 months
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⚠︎ ━━━ LUNCH
⚠︎ ━━━ SS + WC: 5 + 0.8K
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     Y/n nervously sat in her car outside the restaurant— nothing super fancy as she had asked thankfully. He had already told her he was inside, she was just trying to calm down, finally gathering herself, grabbing her bag, and walking inside. Telling the host she was meeting someone before they led her to the table. 
     Jeongin had set his phone down on the table as she joined him. “Hey.”
     “Hi,” Y/n offered a smile as she sat down across from him.
     “How are you doing?” He asked 
     “Okay? Kind of nervous honestly.” Y/n grabbed the cup of water in front of her and took a sip. 
     “Let's order then we can talk about it. How does that sound?”
     Y/n agreed and picked up her menu. Scanning over the items for a few minutes before the waiter came over. Both putting in their orders and giving their menu’s to the waiter before they walked off. Sitting in an awkward silence for another minute.
     “I’m not getting rid of the baby.” Y/n finally stated after a moment.
     “I wasn’t going to make you,” Jeongin confirmed, “I know it was a one night stand and we barely know each other but I do want to at the very least co-parent this kid.”
     “I can work with that,” Y/n nodded
     Jeongin nodded, silence taking over the table again, “What do you do for work?” He asked
     “I’m an editor for a online news outlet.”
     “You work with Seungmin, right?”
     “Yeah. We were in a lot of the same classes in college but weren’t friends until after graduation and we ended up at the same company.”
     “Same department?”
     “No. He works more in reporting and journalism. I’ve edited a couple of the stories they’ve let him published.”
     “He hasn’t published a lot?”
     “No, (Astird)’s case was actually the first one they let him take on his own.”
     “They didn’t think he was going to be bias on it?”
     “I don’t think he told his boss she was his roommate. But even when I was editing it, you could barely tell he knew her. He’s very unbiased in reporting which is a good trait to have,” Y/n explained as her phone went off on the table next to her
Jihyun ❌: why aren’t you home?                   I know its your day off
     “Everything okay?” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah, just a friend texting me,” Y/n brushed it off 
     “Do any of your friends know about you being pregnant?”
     “Just my friend Hana, the one who was with me at the club.”
Jihyun ❌: Y/n
     “Do any of your friends know?”     “I may have told all of them?”
     “How many is all?”
     Y/n nodded
Jihyun ❌: when the hell did you turn your location off?                   answer me
     “Do you need to take that?” Jeongin asked, seeing the constant light up of her phone from the text.
     “No. It’s just me ex. He can deal with it?”
     “When did you guys break up?”
     “Almost a month ago. Hana ended up dragging me to a club to just get my mind off it.”
     “Ah. So I was a rebound fuck,” Jeongin joked and it definetly made her laugh a bit.
     “If you wanna look at it like that,” Y/n said, “I was more so looking to get drunk till I forgot but drunk me also is horny.”
     “Bad break up then?”
     “Yeah. It’s over now though.”
     “Good for you,” Jeongin smiled
     “So, how are we gonna work out appointments and stuff?” Y/n asked, changing the subject
     “I would like to be there for them but if you don’t want me there that’s fine. I also can already tell I might not be able to make it to all of them with work.”
     “You own you’re company, right?”
     “Yeah. There’s certain meetings I can’t get out of.”
     “I can try and schedule them as best I can to avoid that but I can always update you afterwards if it doesn’t work out.”
     “That works out for me.” 
     The waiter came back with their food and they both thanked them before eating. Other small talk continued throughout the meal, some regarding their lives, others regarding the baby. Jeongin paid at the end of the meal, walking out with her.
     “Don’t be afraid the text me if you need anything, okay?” He told her, walking her over to her car
     “I will, thank you,” Y/n said, unlocking her car.
     Jeongin opened the door for her, “I mean anything. Even if it’s a weird pregnancy craving in the middle of the night.”
     The two of them laughed as she set her bag down on the passenger seat. “I will.” Y/n assured him and took her seat.
     Jeongin closed her door and waved her off as he walked to his own car. Y/n took out her phone, wanting to text her friend the good news till she remembered the messages— with new ones.
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seeingivy · 9 months
ribbons release
actor eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
content: happiness for once. until it is not. ronnie's love for foreshadowing strikes again.
an: not a fan of this chapter, but we digress. read it and do not kill me if you don't like it.
song: not explicitly mentioned, but this chapter reminds me of about you by the 1975. ratty healy, I hate you but you ate on this one thing.
previous part linked here
“I ju-just sent my loc-location, Eren.” 
“I got it, Y/N. I just need you to hold on for ten more minutes, okay? Can you do that for me?” 
Seattle is famous for rain. You understand that all too well now. After what you’ve counted as twenty-seven minutes - from when you went to take the trash out to the mailpost you’re hiding behind now - you’re all but soaked. Drenched. 
Your phone is blowing up with texts, the rain is only getting harder, and the mini black dress and ribbon in your hair do no favors to keep you warm. You slide out of your call with Eren and quickly scan through the messages, buzzing so loud they’re blocking Eren’s voice. 
reiner: so, so proud of you always!!! stop being a big famous pop star and go back to being the little twerp who needs my help killing spiders on set :/ 
levi: I love you too, kid. And on a real listen, we really do love the album. 
armin: ann and i are smelling a triple threat on the horizon. love you to the moon and saturn <3
connie: i was accidentally pooping while i listened to dorothea for the first time and i think the combination of those two things at once gave me like a really visceral reaction. im not ok. u are amazing. 
mikasa: u are givg me aneurysm. pls don’t forgor to call me the scnd ur okay. 
erwin: Call me ASAP. 
erwin: Not urgent. Just feeling emotional about my little Canadian reaching hearts all over the world. 
king of bitches (maybe: ryomen sukuna): Fluff shit indeed. Blow me a kiss when you beat James for Album of the Year. 
danny: where is the album release post? it’s almost been half an hour. 
You have bigger problems at the moment. Like the frozen piece of fabric you’re wearing. You should have named the album sweaters or scarves or something. Then at least you’d be warm. And blend in with the paparazzi. 
“W-wait, Eren. Y-you ca-n’t b-be the one to get me.” you murmur, shivering through your teeth.
“Do you want to stay with someone else? I know nice people here. My neighbor is in her late forties and has like two middle school aged girls that are really nice. They’d take care of you, I promise you can trust them and-” he rambles. 
“N-no. I want to st-stay with you. But pa-papara-zzi. S-send ss-omeone e-else.” 
“Paparazzi? Why are-?” 
“Would it be that bad if it was me? Like it has to be someone else, Y/N?” 
“I have someone in mind. She’s leaving right now, okay?” 
Eren’s sound is muffled over the line now, which has you digging your phone into your ear to catch the ends of what he’s saying. 
Blast the heater….butt warmer on before she’s in the car….bring it up and I will kick your freeloading….
“Good. I’m sending her. Don't get upset, this is the best I could do, okay? I-I promise she’s actually nice. You can trust her and-and I’d never send someone who would do something bad.”  
“O-okay. I t-trust you. J-just get me ou-out of th-this, please.” you whimper, praying to god the rustling behind you is a rabbit and not the group of them finding you. 
“I’m trying sweetheart, okay? She’s speeding. She’s on Main and Third, three lights and she’s there.” 
That’s when you see it. The flash of the camera. And hear five consecutive clicks right after. You look around the periphery, before you see two of them, two tall guys speed walking closer to where you’re hiding. 
So you do the only thing you can. Stand up and run instead. 
You scramble up off the pavement, hiking your dress down, and keep running down the block. Climb up the gates, knock over trash cans to block the way, anything to stop them. And when you look back, after who knows how long, you realize they’re gone. 
And sit flat on the messy pavement, finally lifting the phone back up. Only to realize Eren’s no longer on the line because your phone is dead. You drop it straight into your lap and dig your hands into your head, covering your ears to stop the pounding sound of the rain from getting any louder. 
God. Just breathe. Whoever is coming to get you is on the way. They’ll come get you and then you’ll be out of this mess. 
You hear three resounding clicks and a flash of a light to look up at two different paps, two girls this time, getting a straight on picture of you. And all you can do is put your head down in your lap and cry. 
They already got the picture. There’s no point in trying to run out of it anymore. 
“Pl-please. I’m b-begging you. You already got your picture and can ss-spin it into whatever you want. I-I’m still a person, please. Just let me go.” you respond, the tears blinding your sight of vision. 
You feel a towel being wrapped around your shoulders and soft hands lifting you up by your arms. And then all of a sudden you’re in a warm car, being sped out of the neighborhood past the groups of paparazzi in between the houses, and not directly across from them having your picture taken. 
You’re in a car. You’re okay. You’re leaving. You’re okay. 
You lean back and breathe hard, phantom sobs still racking out of your chest, trying to register that you’re almost there. Safe behind closed, triple locked doors. 
“D-did you tell Eren?” 
“Yes. He’s not far, we’ll be there soon, okay?” 
“Okay. T-thank you. I’m Y/N.” 
You turn your head to actually take in the driver this time, to be met with the Lana you feared. Ricky’s ex-girlfriend, Lana. She has short brown hair - entirely different from her long, beachy waves from the Girlfriend incident - a pointed nose and a very clenched jaw. 
“Th-there are more blankets on the floor. I pumped the heater pretty hard, but I’ll turn all the fans your way. And anything you could possibly need is being rushed to the house for you, so just don’t worry, okay?” 
“I appreciate it. Thank you for coming to get me. I-I” 
“Please don’t thank me. I just-” 
She takes a harsh intake of breath and turns to give you a look, her mouth upturned. 
“He locked you out, didn’t he?” she whispers. 
“Yeah.” you respond. 
“What did you do?”
“I told him I didn’t like him back.” 
She turns her head towards you, a look of confusion on her face. 
“It was a PR thing.” 
She snorts. 
“Your managers must hate you.” 
“I’m starting to think they just might.” 
“Well. Don’t feel bad. Not for a fucking second. Just because he likes you, doesn’t mean he’s entitled to you reciprocating back. You like who you like. And if I were you, I wouldn’t stop liking a guy like Eren for a skeeze like Ricky either.” 
You lean against the glass, hot air blowing in your face, as you take in her expression - so enraged, so exasperated, so furious that it gives you a chill. But when she looks over and gives you a halfhearted smile, you see the pained expression there too. 
That’s when you pinpoint it. Lana reminds you of Historia. 
“I’m sorry.” you respond. 
“You knew he locked me out. He must have done it to you too, no?” you whisper, the tension in the air delicate. 
She swallows hard and clenches her knuckles on the steering wheel, eyes laser focused on the red light shining on her face. And beyond the original striking features - her sharp jaw and nose - you see the softness too. The dimples, the wrinkles near her eyes, the light brown freckles. 
“I wanted to take time off from acting. It-I did a role that was really traumatic and I just needed a break. And he was just about to go on tour and he wanted me to come to support. Like a little cheerleader.” 
“So he locked you out?” 
“For two days. He-he’s just. A lot of the fame stuff got to him when he was really little. And now he’s got this convoluted sense of self-image and it just- I don’t know. He’s got problems.” she responds. 
“I’m sorry. Really, that’s-” 
You stop talking, words failing you. And maybe it’s the way your head was frozen ten minutes ago and it’s being melted now, or that the picture they took is going to leak soon, or that there is no good thing to say to something shitty like this. It only took him three months to turn on you, which you’re guessing is generous now. She must have infinite patience for putting up with it for an entire year. 
“In a weird way, I’m glad it’s me and not Eren. You- this does something for me. Making sure you’re not out there for two days, it-it helps me.” she whispers, looking over to give you a smile. 
“I really appreciate you, Lana. Thank you. And I-I’m not mad at you for the Girlfriend thing. You had every right to do that.” 
“Y/N. I have every right to drag Ricky James’ name through the mud. But not yours. And I- shit. Please don’t tell Eren we talked about this. He’s going to kill me.” 
“He told me that if I brought it up, he’d kick me out of his house. I kind of stay there because I-I hate living in our townhouse on set because of how toxic it is and he was nice enough to offer. And he made it very clear that I have to pick you and make sure you’re okay, not make you uncomfortable or anything. We’re here to take care of you and-” 
“I brought it up. I’ll deal with him if he gives you a hard time. I used to be really good at that type of thing.” 
“I know for a fact that you could tell him to twirl in the air like a show pony and he’d do it.”
“I’ll test the theory and let you know.” 
She laughs, giving you a smile which you warmly return. Your phone buzzes in your lap, finally revived, and you send a quick message to Mikasa and Jean before shutting it off. 
“I-I didn’t know that it was going to go that far. I knew the song and that we were just going to sing it. Let people speculate it was about you. I-I didn’t know they’d have a girl who looked like you OR bring Eren up on stage. And Eren didn’t know anything about the song or the performance at all - they, they set him up.” 
“Why would they do that? I mean, they got horrible backlash in the entire thing.” 
“They thought people would like it. And they severely underestimated how much people love you. And they did it because, Eren- he. He doesn’t follow rules and-” 
“Follow rules?” 
“I’m saying too much. He-he’s going to get mad. Ju-just rest, okay? You’re okay now, we’re two minutes from the neighborhood..”  
You give her a questioning look, which she returns with a dismissive shake. Stubborn - she’s Historia alright. You lean back in the chair and reach for the music nob, twisting it on. Only to be met with the Teletubbies Theme blasting through the car and a very flustered Lana turning the knob off. 
“I-I can explain.” 
“Please. I’d love to hear it.” 
She drums her fingers on the steering wheel as the silence hangs in the air. 
“Okay. Maybe I can’t explain.” 
“No need. I appreciate versatile music taste in prospective friends. Especially classics like this.” you respond, cranking the music back on. 
“Don’t be silly. Not exaggerating, but I think you quite literally saved my life a few minutes ago. You’re like the La-La to my Dipsy.” 
“Lame. You’re more of a Tinky-Winky. And anytime. We girls stick together, right?” she responds, reaching for your hand and giving it a squeeze. Like Eren. 
Did she learn the hand squeezes from Eren? Is he squeezing her hands? They live together so …are they dating? 
“We’re here.” 
You nod, appreciative of Lana more than maybe any person on god's green Earth, as she pulls into the driveway and helps you out of the car. It’s only after sitting that you’re realizing your legs are so bone dead tired that you’re barely moving on your own. 
You move past the hood of the car as Eren walks into the garage, immediately beelining towards you. His hair is long again - it’s always changing every time you see him - and he’s all wound up with tensions sitting in his shoulders. His hands are warm and cupping your face, yanking the cold towel off and replacing it with a warm one. 
“Hey. You-you nicked your face, Y/N. And you’re freezing, you-” he whispers, brushing his fingers across the skin near your eye that stings on touch. 
Lana holds the door open as he leads you in, arms aggressively moving up and down your shoulders and his face all pinched up in concern. 
“You’re good to go? I put your stuff out by the door.” Eren says, gesturing to Lana. 
“Is she leaving?” you ask, looking up at Eren. 
“Yeah. Don’t worry, it’ll be just us. And I’m sure Mika and Jean will drop everything to fly out for you tomorrow, I can tell them if you need me to and-” 
“Well, don’t make her leave. She shouldn’t stay on that stupid set just because of me.” you respond. 
Eren looks over and glares at Lana, who is now wide eyed and giving Eren a sheepish smile. Fuck. He asked her not to talk about that. 
“Lana.” he says, in a warning tone. 
“Eren. Chill out. I didn’t even-” 
“You’re so full of yourself, you know that? You- she got drenched and the rain and you were talking about set?”
“It’s not like that! It just came up and-” 
“Oh, for sure. You just happened upon it like you were a villager walking in a town square. Ooh Y/N. You just got drenched in the rain and chased by paparazzi, but more importantly, the girls I work with are super bitchy.” he responds, mimicking her voice. 
“You-it wasn’t like that! You’re so aggravat-” 
“Eren. Leave her alone.” you ask, looking up at him. And you’re sure you must look horrible because he immediately stops when he looks at your face again and signals for her to leave, which she’s receptive to. 
“Okay. Lana, text me when you’re there. And check if you were followed on your way out.” Eren says. 
Lana stops and holds both of your arms at your biceps, hands soft on your skin. 
“Do call me if you need anything, okay? Especially Ricky related. Whatever you do, I’ll back you up, Tinky-Winky. ” 
“Thank you, La-La. I’ll take you up on that.” you respond, giving her a warm smile. 
“Oh god. No. No, you don’t get to be friends now. Fuck no, Lana. Please stick to the geriatric grandmas you play Scrabble with.” 
“You’re just mad they beat you at mahjong last week. Because you’re a prissy loser.” 
“And you’re-” 
You jab Eren in the side, signaling him to stop, as they both nod and she slides her way out. From the way he’s arguing, the look on his face is so similar to the one he gives Connie when they argue, you know they could go on for years if they got the chance. 
“Fuck you, Eren.” 
“Eat shit, Lana.” 
She flips him off as the door clicks shut behind her, the lack of her presence making you suddenly aware of your breaths. And of Eren, warm Eren rubbing into your shoulders and concerned green eyes staring into yours. 
“I like her.” you whisper. 
“Me too. Don’t tell her that though, she’s got an ego problem.” he responds.  
You laugh, which has him smiling at you, and suddenly you’re sobbing. And on cue, Eren has his arms around you, his touch warm and his voice oh so soft that it kills you. That you haven’t seen him in two months. And haven’t talked to him for longer. 
“Hey, hey. Don’t cry, it-it’ll be okay. I- we’ll fix this, okay? I’ll call Levi and Hange, whoever you want, they’ll all come and-” 
You reach up, tangling your arms around his neck as he keeps nervously talking, trying to hold you closer even though it’s not physically possible. And he’s just so- 
So familiar that he feels like home. 
“You’re breaking my heart here, Y/N. Please stop crying, I-I’ve got you, okay?” he murmurs, straight into your skin as you nod, trying your best to even out the sobs still leaving you. And slowly but surely, the stream slows and your breath evens out enough to get at least a few words out. 
“Okay. Okay, okay. I’m okay.” 
“As much as I like holding you, you’re freezing. Take a shower first and we can do this all you want, okay?” 
You pull back, wiping the tears off your cheeks and giving him a nod. He gives you a small smile, before placing his hands on your shoulders and leading you down towards the bathroom. And you don’t miss all the posters and pictures he has on his walls - one from each season of Attack of Titan, a few of him and Armin, and even one of him and Lana flipping off the camera together. 
He pushes you into the bathroom and immediately turns on the shower all the way to the hottest setting, before turning around and putting his hands on his hips. 
“Towels, clothes, shampoo. There’s soap in there already and take as long as you want. Sit in here for three days if you have to just- do-do whatever you have to do and-” 
You pick up the bottle of shampoo, the lavender scented Pantene, the one that you’ve been using since you were fifteen. And you know, you know that Eren’s atrocious ass uses a three in one hair and conditioner so it’s not his. 
“Did you just happen to have the brand of shampoo that I use?” 
“N-no. Those are Lana’s.” 
“Then why are they unopened?” you ask, giving him a smirk. 
He glares at you, before rolling his eyes and holding your face. And now he’s leaning so close, so close that your lips are only a few feet away from yours, when he talks. 
“You know why you can’t make fun of me for keeping a spare of your shampoos in my house?” he whispers, green eyes burning in yours. 
“Why?” you whisper back, stomach lurching. 
“Because you’re actually here. I knew you’d come back to me.” he responds, giving your cheek a pinch before walking out. 
And when you watch him walk out, giving you one last smile before he shuts the door, you can’t help but roll your eyes. Typical Eren. Funny, irritating, and soft all in one. 
He’s the same as you left him. 
You pad out of the shower, Eren’s hoodie and sweatpants ridiculously huge on you, as you follow the sweet smell into the kitchen. Eren is leaned over the counter, sliding vegetables into two bowls of ramen as you walk in. 
“Hi. Took a while. Thought you died in there.” Eren responds, pressing his hands to your skin to test how warm they were. 
“I almost wish I did.” you respond, laughing. 
Except Eren doesn’t find it funny and instead he’s dropping the utensils and standing at your side. 
“I was joking!” 
“Nothing about that was funny. Don’t ever joke about that.” he responds, rummaging through the drawers at your side before pulling out a little tube of gel. 
Eren taps the top of the counter, which you jump onto, before he takes his place in between your legs. His hands are focused on reading the instructions, forehead all scrunched up in concentration.
“What’s that?” 
“It’s like this…scar ointment or whatever. Helps things heal better, I want to use it on that cut on your pretty face.” he responds, twisting it open and squirting some on his finger. 
He brings his hands to your face, eyes intently focused on your cheek. You hiss the second his finger makes contact with your skin, the tingling sensation catching you off guard. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I know it hurts.” he whispers, smothering the cold gel down the side of your eye. 
“I-I fell on the pavement. My knees are pretty bad too, Eren.” you whisper, which he nods at. 
After he finishes, he’s carefully sliding the ends of your pants off and carefully placing the ointment on each of the jagged marks on your legs. And you eye the bowls of ramen at your side - knowing instantly that the one without mushrooms is yours - and reach for the food. The broth is so warm it soothes the aching feeling in your throat, still seasoned to perfection the way Eren always makes it. 
“Can I ask you a weird question?” 
“Are you and Lana dating?” 
He looks up from your leg and gives you a devilish smirk. And then starts laughing. Like full on, crouched over, tears from his eyes laughing.  
“Okay. It wasn’t that funny.” you murmur, rubbing your hands against the warm bowl and frowning. 
“Oh god, Y/N. Jesus-” 
“It’s a normal question! She lives with you, you trusted her to come get me, and you guys have a picture together in the hallway.” 
“Are you jealous?” he asks, standing up and leaning straight into your space. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Are too.” 
“Am not.” 
“You don’t need to get all embarrassed. Watching you kiss Ricky James made me want to break something, preferably his neck.” 
You swallow hard at the mention of Ricky again, the thought of him and what happened was so far away because you were with Eren. In his space, in your shared bubble, after so long. And he catches on too fast because he’s already profusely apologizing. 
“Hey. I didn’t mean to bring him up, I-I’m not trying to push you into telling me what happened it’s just-” 
“No. No, Eren. It’s okay. I know. I-” 
You breathe in hard and put the bowl of ramen down and reach for his hands instead. You keep your eyes focused on them - on the little mole on his left hand, the feeling of his knuckles underneath your fingers, and on him squeezing your hands three times before you start talking.  
“Ricky and I were faking the relationship for PR. Since London Boy and all that, it was Danny and Sareen’s idea. That-that’s why I stopped talking to you, I-I felt bad. And I was ashamed that I was even doing it, I-I don’t know. The Little Women press and all that, it would just get people to stream and talk. Make me a triple threat. And then today, I- He told me he liked me. And I said I couldn’t do that right now. That I don’t like him back. I went to take out the trash because it was so awkward and then I was going to go home but he- he locked me out. And when I asked to come back in, he repeated the same words to me. That he couldn’t do that right now.” 
Eren lifts your hands, still locked with his, and presses a kiss to the top of your knuckles, as you continue. His lips burn your skin, still. 
“I was out there and it-it was cold. And then I heard the cars and I saw seven paparazzi trucks, right on the porch. Ricky, his address isn’t leaked. No-no one knew I was there or that he was but they all showed up, right when I was out there and-” 
“He called them, didn’t he?” Eren asks, his tone so harsh, so unyielding that it almost doesn’t sound like him. 
“Yeah. And I ran, for so long. I- they got a picture. A few, I know they did and I was just so, so scared that I was going to be out there forever, that I was all alone and they were just going to-” 
Eren reaches forward, wrapping you in his arms for what feels like the fiftieth time tonight, but you welcome it. Focus on his heart beating under your ear, running your fingers over his fish tattoo on his bicep, and on his soft, steady breaths. 
“You didn’t say anything. What are you thinking about?” 
“What I’m thinking isn’t productive for you to know right now.” 
You look up at him, giving him a questioning look. 
“Drop it, Y/N.” 
“No. Tell me. I’m sure you’re mad and all but-” 
“Mad? I’m fucking furious, I’m livid. That he fucking locked you out and left you in the cold. You-you could have been seriously hurt. You are hurt. And not only that, the fucking paparazzi. You-you ran in the cold, you fell, you can’t stop crying and-and- I’m going to kill this asshole when I see him next because it’s his fault you’re feeling like this.” 
“No. Shut up, Y/N. I’m being serious. I-I don’t like seeing you like this and don’t tell me not to. He hurt you. It’s that simple.” 
You deflate, knowing Eren too well to know that he won’t drop this. Especially when he’s overly passionate, deep in the feeling right now. 
“Okay. But can you just be here for me right now? I need you here and not all….tense and mad. B-Be soft. And warm.” 
He stops, the frustration in his forehead dissolving as he takes a breath and smiles at you. Not fully, but it does the job. 
“Okay. I can do that. Let’s watch Fruits Basket. And then go to bed.” 
“You hate Fruits Basket.” 
“But I love you. Enough to watch your weird bestiality adjacent show and pretend to like it.” 
You smile and he reaches forward to pinch your cheeks. 
“Look at that smile. There she is. There’s my sweet girl.” he whispers, voice all tangled in his throat. 
You wake up to an empty bed, Eren’s side cold. And you pull his hoodie on before padding downstairs to find Eren’s phone pressed to his ear. He gives you a wave and points to the plate - a mix of eggs, french toast, and fruits - perfectly placed to perfection. 
You give him a smile and he walks off, taking the phone with him. You frown as you watch him disappear, jabbing your fork through the cantaloupe. 
What is he talking about that’s so important he doesn’t want you to hear? 
You jump off of the stool and quietly pad towards the direction he walked, hiding in the hallway. He’s leaning against the wall, staring at the picture right across - one of Levi and Hange kissing your cheeks at the vow renewal - and angle yourself to hear his words. 
“Is he okay?” 
“I’m glad. You tell me if you need anything else, okay?” 
“Okay, Coco. I missed you too, yeah?” 
Who the fuck is Coco?
He hangs up and you immediately scramble back to the kitchen, trying your best to stay inconspicuous as he comes back and gives you a smile. It doesn’t reach his eyes, the expression on his face almost tired. 
“Hey sleepyhead. You okay?” 
“Mhm. Food is really good, Eren.” 
He gives you a smile as he sits at your side, eyes focused on you as you eat your food. He places both of your phones in front of you, and you spot yours with nearly a hundred notifications. But when you reach for it, Eren grabs your hand in the air and locks it on his own instead. 
“Just-wait. Eat first.” he says, his tone hollow.
You turn your head to the side and take in Eren’s expression, downtrodden and uncharacteristically unexpressive. The complete opposite of Eren yesterday - moony eyes and soft smiles. 
“Y/N. If I ask you to do this for me, can you trust me and listen?” 
“No. You-what’s wrong? You’re being weird.” you ask, reaching for his hand. 
He looks over, the look indiscernible, as he leans forward and presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“You-I took care of most of it, okay? Levi and Hange are coming. Just, don’t panic. You-it’s okay.” 
“Eren. You’re scaring me. Just tell me.” 
He takes a deep breath, cracking the knuckles in your hand as he nervously talks. 
“You-your pictures leaked. The ones of you running last night. And-and people started speculating really fast - wondering why you were running and crying on the night your album released instead of celebrating it. And-and then Ricky, he tweeted a bunch of things.” 
You pale. And reach for your phone, which Eren stops again. 
“They’re lies. Obviously. You don’t need to read them, not yet. And Lana told me she’s ready to back you up, whatever you want, when you need it. But, that’s not-” 
“What, Eren? Just spit it out.” you respond, frantically. 
“They- Ricky’s fans are mad at you. They’re sending you death threats.” 
You deflate, staring at the cold mess of breakfast on your plate. Death threats. Hate, you’re no stranger too. Of people commenting on your looks, how bad your singing is, how lame you are. But wishing you were dead? Full on, unbothered and cursing your existence? 
“And not just you, but your family too.” he whispers, watching your face fall. 
Your family. Your parents, Colt, Falco-
“Excuse me. What did you just say? 
Eren doesn’t respond and the tears fall immediately from your eyes, hot and angry as he reaches forward, immediately swiping them away. His expression's pained, he knows this all too well.
“I sent your family a security detail. Don’t worry. Colt was only minorly injured and-” 
You stand up and grab Eren’s shirt, bundling the fabric into a fist in your hands, as you glare at him. 
“Injured? What the fuck do you mean injured, Eren?” 
He sighs, lifting his hands to move yours, and hold them. You’re still clenching hard, so hard you’re sure you’re drawing blood, but he’s doing his best to uncurl your hands as he talks. 
“They threw a brick through the window. And the glass, Colt was sitting right there. I was just on the phone with Falco, he said he’s doing better. The security detailing has medical so you don’t have to worry about that again and they’re both okay and-” 
“No part of this is okay, Eren! Quit saying it’s okay when it’s not! They almost killed my brothers.” 
“No. No, this is horrible, Eren. They-they don’t do any of this stuff. Falco’s barely thirteen. And Colt - he’s going to college. He’s not a celebrity, he’s not a singer, he’s just a student. How is he supposed to go out after this? Why- how is it supposed to be normal? And now, they’re going to be like us. They’re going to feel like they’re trapped in this fucking suffocating ass fish bowl and everyone’s watching and laughing at them and they just-” 
“Y/N. Stop. It’s not going to-” 
“Falco’s too soft for this. He’s just a kid, Eren. I can’t- no. This isn’t fair. Eren, they didn’t even do anything. They’re literally just related to me, they just love me and they’re getting hurt because of it. You- you’re probably getting dragged in the mud too. Everyone who helps me gets subjected to this, loving me comes with this big thing behind me and I can’t even keep people who get it with me. I let you go when you were the only person who understood and I messed it all up and got myself involved with Ricky James of all people and-” 
“Y/N. Stop. Please."
You sit flat on Eren’s floor, head in your hands, and cry, teardrops falling straight onto the floor. And Eren’s sitting there with you, with your big mess of jumbled feelings and mistakes, and trying his best to help you with it. 
That’s how Levi and Hange find you two, after pocketing the spare key Eren told them about. After he insistently called them and payed for a private jet, going on and on about how Y/N needed them. And here you two are, despite their original conceived notions that you two were fighting, on the floor, in each other’s arms. 
“Some things never change, huh?” Hange whispers. 
“Yeah. They keep fucking crying every time we see them.” he whispers back. 
Between Levi and Hange - Jean, Mikasa, and Connie who make it out that night - and Eren and Lana, they fix things. Most things. 
Ricky’s narrative about you is clear cut - half-true and half-fake. Your team forced him to date you and defend you for PR purposes, after the Girlfriend incident. There was an agreement that you two would write certain songs, make certain appearances, and support each other. 
But then Ricky turns the gate. Says that you’ve deeply, severely hurt him. That you led him on, that you used him to boost your own ego, and that you were dangerously obsessed with fame and not him. That you were all things - heartless, fake, that he doubted if you were even a real person. A glorious pop-star, empty and hollow on the inside.
And people jump on it fast. Citing the fact that you would throw away your friendship with Historia to be famous, that you stopped dating Eren when he stopped being successful, that you can go to tours but not to Mikasa or Jean’s birthday parties. 
The worst part? Ricky lied, but the things they pointed out were true. Every mistake you make is on display and that people make it a point to draw attention o it. That you really were in too deep, too deep into pleasing Sareen and Danny, and being a triple threat that you forgot that they were all there too. 
Eren, especially. Sweet, sweet Eren who saved you, who held you when you needed him. 
You look over at him and Lana, the two of them very aggressively debating how to use their last turn of their daily Wordle, and feel your heart deflate. 
You dropped the ball. You’ll never make it up to him. 
Lana, in her infinite kindness, has chosen to share her own story, as a corroboration for yours. That Ricky taunted, mocked, and harassed her the entire time they were dating. That you're anything but the things he says. Because she’s had enough and she’ll do it to help out her Tinky-Winky. (Much to Eren’s dismay, he hates that you’re both becoming closer as time goes on.) 
And to complement the announcement, Lana asked for one thing. To go out in style. You wrote a song with her and promised her that she was going to be the lead actress in the music video. A girl rage moment, like The Man. Danny and Sareen approve the move, making no comments or concerns about anything else that happened, and ask to be involved when the time comes. 
You sit on it for a few days. Till you’re ready. But where you are now - with these people - needs to stay for a little longer. Before you brace everything again. 
You smile, opening up space for Connie on the couch for you. 
“Hi Con.” 
“Deep in your thoughts there, princess. Thinking about how your album is about to go Multi-Platinum?” 
“No. Just the entire thing.” you respond, frowning. 
Connie rolls his eyes, reaching forward to squish your cheeks way too hard. 
“Ricky, when I catch you, Ricky-” Connie says under his breath, 
You snort, reaching forward to push Connie off. You focus back on Eren and Lana, who are now pulling each other's hair and a nice string of insults, as Mikasa and Levi brew their tea, entirely unbothered in the back. 
And when the screen in front of you flashes, when your third album goes Multi-Platinum after a week of being released, they’re all climbing on you. Jean and Mikasa are hollering in the back, Connie and Lana are jostling you in the air and pressing kisses to your cheek, and Eren, Levi, and Hange smile at you, the three of them enveloped in their own hug, across the way.
You split your separate ways at the end of the week, when you’re ready. Connie, Jean, and Mikasa return to set, Lana and Eren are gone with the wind, and Levi and Hange disappear again. 
When you sit on your plane back home, it sits in. How lonely this entire thing is. How a week full of your friends who love you only happened because of this sickening thing. That it's not a given, that they're presence is only in the bad times and almost never the good.
Your phone buzzes in your lap and you pick up your phone to read the notification. 
eren: don’t be a stranger. fish like to swim in schools, not alone. 
It’s something that rings in your mind, time and time again. When everyone else wins the war, when you keep performing and letting them take and take, for the sake of the work. For the art, for your dream.
And when you give up acting, singing, and dancing at the end of it all and make zero intentions to ever do any of this again, the question still bothers you.
If fish like to swim in schools, why did Eren push you so far away? Why was he so intent on swimming alone? Where you couldn't follow?
eren: I'm not saying that for you. and I know that this is selfish but...
eren: I need you just as much as you need me.
Fucking liar.
next part linked here
@k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon @violetmatcha  @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @squirrelspoetry @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone @tee4str @ttokki2 @leave-rae-alone @ec3lipsy @officialsimpp @gojojang @yookayyo @lordbugs @multiplefandomthings @iobeyfandoms
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kkami-writes · 9 months
devil's advocate — chapter six. cw. none wc. 778 + 12 SS
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A week had passed surprisingly fast with the kids who had no immediate schedules, mostly dance practice to perfect a few routines for a few performance videos they were going to record soon. It was currently Friday night with all the boys home, spread out across the dorms and by the smell slowly wafting into your room, Minho was in the kitchen cooking. Which reminded you that you needed to ask the boy for some lessons. You had never been much of a cook before - only knowing how to cook a handful of things but it was definitely something you’d like to learn. If not just to give Minho a break from working hard all day only to come home and cook for a bunch of still growing boys. 
You were busy getting changed out of your work wear, slipping off your blouse and throwing it into your hamper. While yes, you could just magically change your clothes directly onto your body, you had figured it would be best if you got used to doing things the ‘normal’ way. If you had to pretend to be a human, you might as well get used to it. Letting out a sigh, you run a hand through your hair. It was certainly something you’d have to get used to. After all, it was still up in the air how long you were going to be stuck here. 
There’s a knock at your door but the person on the other side doesn’t even bother waiting for a response before walking into your room, not even aware that you were changing. The effect of living with 7 other boys you mused, them probably not used to the term privacy. You turn your head without moving your body to see Seungmin frozen in the doorway, his gaze glued to your naked back. He’s staring at your exposed skin, eyes trailing down your spine. You raise an eyebrow at him, surprised that he’s still standing there and hasn’t fled at the first sight of your half-naked body. 
It’s then you realize just exactly what he’s staring out, a more frustrated sigh escaping your lips. “Do you mind?” You question him with a more pointed stare. This seems to snap Seungmin out of his daze, now coming to terms that you are in fact, not wearing a shirt. He retreats, slamming the door in his wake. 
“Shit, sorry. I just- uh wanted to come let you know that dinner is ready,” 
“Ok. Can you give me a second? Let’s talk for a minute,” 
“...ok,” His voice is soft and slightly muffled behind the door. Quickly, you pull on some more comfortable clothes, hoping the boy hasn’t run away from the slightly awkward situation. When you come back to open the door he’s staring at the floor, looking very much like a puppy that’s just been scolded. Seungmin’s ears are tinted red and you can’t help but find him oddly adorable. Had you not felt a little bad, you might have teased him just a little. 
“Come in for a sec, yeah?” He does so, shuffling in and taking a seat by the desk. He doesn’t say anything nor does he look up at you, much too embarrassed to do so and instead waits for you to initiate the conversation. 
“So. I assume you saw them?” Seungmin nods his head, this time raising his gaze to you. “I’m not mad, it’s ok,”
“Um- How did..” His voice trails off again. “No sorry, I shouldn’t ask,” 
“It’s fine. I don’t mind telling you. Remember when I explained that I was a hybrid? Half demon, half succubus?” Seungmin nods. “I had avoided giving you a more proper term. It’s not that I was trying to hide it? I just, I don’t know.” You shrug. “Didn’t seem relevant. But since you’ve seen it, I’ll explain. I’m a fallen angel. What you saw are the scars from where my wings used to be. Before they ripped them off and threw my ass into hell”
Seungmin blinks at you and you can practically see the clogs in his brain trying to work. “Sorry, I know it might be a little too much to process. I’ll explain more later, ok? In the group chat. For now, let’s go eat, I’m sure you’re hungry,” 
You move to pat the boy on the shoulder, gesturing with your head for the two of you to join the rest of the boys. Seungmin sits there for a second, blinking and trying to process your words. In the end he can’t quite wrap his head around it so he moves, coming to join everyone else at dinner.
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Devils advocate taglist (50/50) ⛤ send an ask or sign up here ⛤ @hannieslove @alnex05 @liknws @hyunelixbun @mixtape-racha @inlovewithallmusic @noellllslut @143lix @lolli4me @minhoie @soobery @sunnibearr @adorawritesalot @chlodavids @tasteskz-sworld @chowmein69 @suebinn @yoonrimin @hyunestrella @elizalabs3 @chaotic-world-of-the-j @realrintaro @surefornext @minhwa @0325tiny @tfshouldidohere @hanjingin @slay-and-gay @princelingperfect @strawberryepie @yeetmehome @min-doesnt-know @shakalakaboomboo @skz-streamer @lovestayforev @the-simpy-simp @beautifulcolorgarden @foliea @studygirlmaxx @kpopsstuffs @highlydestiny @lenilla15 @chocolate-scoups @mits-vi @lovemyself-persona @rensimps @longjohnssilvers @raehawthorne @miss-rose-dixon @producedbyy3racha
226 notes · View notes
an-inspired-eternity · 10 months
Shuffle AU Summary
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These are the groups of my PRSK Unit Shuffle AU! They each loosely correspond to the genre of the groups in official PRSK, but naturally with more of their own styles and spins.
Different group set-ups means different dynamics, and while some canon dynamics remain (or are even strengthened), not every one will take the same form, if they remain at all.
Under the cut, I will send their logos and give some additional info as needed! Note that I have.. more developed for some of these guys than others.
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First, Juvenile/Glory! J/G is a kind of a rock band (I am not in this kind of music scene, bear with me a little bit sghfdfh), initially formed by Airi and Ichika, Airi ends up dragging Ena and later Akito into playing/performing with them.
Airi meets Ichika at Miyajou, and ends up befriending the somewhat shy girl. She learns of how Ichika once had a dream of being in a band with her childhood friends, but explains they all drifted apart so she never got the chance. 
Upon hearing this, Airi proposes the two form a band together, it might not be with her childhood friends, but this is better than nothing right? To get more numbers, Airi ends up inviting her long-time friend Ena, who bitches and moans but ultimately agrees to at least try (even if she laments having to change her classes and sleep schedule.) 
It’s during their first practice sessions that something changes- the group suddenly find themselves the ability to access a new world- their SEKAI, a underground metro type areas with shop stalls- and gorgeous wall art that stuns Ena, it inspires her to keep up with the occasional art piece. 
The three are doing well, but they find something’s.. missing, in their band, particularly vocally- not that any of them were bad singers, it just felt like there was a kind of sound missing from them that none of them could fulfill. That’s when Airi had the suggestion for Ena to invite her brother to sing with them.
Ena, once again, bitches and moans at the idea of having to work with her brother, but Airi is stubborn and insistent, so she eventually gives in and asks Akito. Akito also bitches and moans, but once again, Airi is relentless, so he offers to try. That’s when things begin to click together for the group. Akito had experience with music but had ultimately not gotten as far as he did here than he did with canon due to being less invested in Rad Weekend and also having never met Toya. The two siblings bicker a lot at first, but end up finding they enjoy having something to do together that their dad can’t ruin.
(Akito was technically to their SEKAI first but ala those dream visits in the main story prologues, and only properly got introduced to it later from Ena and/or Airi bringing him.)
J/G’s main vocaloids, Miku not withstanding, are Rin and Meiko! Intentionally pulling from VBS here, I don’t have much in mind for the J/G vocaloids at this time, although I do think Akito’s relationship with the Kagamines here is similar to that of canon Akito with the VBS Kagamines, something Ena is very entertained by.
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Second up we have SWEET SYNDROME! SS is a idol group, half composed of newcomers and half composed of veterans- starting as a pair with Emu and Honami, they ended up taking Mafuyu and Shizuku in, forming a proper group.
Emu and Mafuyu met as young children, when Mafuyu got lost on a trip with her mom to PXL. Emu found the lost Mafuyu on her own, and with the help of her older family members, she helped Mafuyu to reunite with her mother.
Mafuyu’s mom was angry at first, for Mafuyu wandering off- but realized the one who had found her was the daughter of the rich and highly influential family that ran the park. Thinking that this would be good both for her own image, as well as the family being a possible good influence for her daughter, she allowed the two to remain friends.
Mafuyu ended up being entered into many child pageants at a young age, a early exposure to stardom. Once she got older, her mother began working to get Mafuyu into a idol agency, where Mafuyu could gain fame as a beautiful and elegant young lady, just how her mother raised her. Mafuyu lost sight of what who her true self and tastes were, molded by her mom to be the perfect girl her agency would want.
Emu and Mafuyu had grown a little apart during all of this, but Emu still treasured her friendship with Mafuyu, and as Mafuyu became an idol- she admired her. Less familiar with the darkness happening backstage, Emu had begun training and auditioning to become an idol in hopes of maybe getting to make people smile just like her dear friend- maybe even getting to do so together, too!
It wasn’t easy, she found she wasn’t what a lot of people were searching for. But she kept trying! And trying! And eventually while she was practicing during a break period at school, she was approached by her classmate Honami, who asked about what she was doing, and upon being told, if she could join too. Thus the two girls had become a pair.
Honami’s help had been deeply needed, as with the two now working together, they decided to start their own group- albeit a small one not capable of much. But word got to Mafuyu, and Emu explained what she had wanted- to sing and dance for people to make them smile just like her! And something stirred in Mafuyu, feelings the girl thought herself incapable of still having.
That was the key to their SEKAI- a museum that framed idols in a bit of a dark view, like they were only something to stare at and admire with no free choice of their own. Emu didn’t like it, she didn’t agree with that idea of what being an idol meant. Idols are supposed to make people happy, and that includes other idols! 
It’s this thought process that helps them additionally reach Mafuyu’s school friend and felllow idol Shizuku. Shizuku had been close to giving up on being a idol herself due to the pressure and how unliked she felt for being “too perfect”, but the positivity of Emu and Honami had encouraged her to not give up, and thus Shizuku becomes the third member of SWEET SYNDROME.
Mafuyu’s mother was their biggest opponent, holding a growing distaste for the way the youngest Otori child had never seemed to grow out of her childish demeanor, but where she “failed”, her older siblings grew into mature responsible adults, people who could be good influence to her daughter and maybe send their youngest sister onto their respectable path instead.
But the group made their attempt, an effort to please Mafuyu’s mom in order to allow Mafuyu to work with them. She was very hesitant to allow Mafuyu to join, given her less than great feelings towards Emu- but her view of Shizuku and Honami, two more “mature and responsible” figures in the group, softened her resolve, and ultimately lead to her agreeing to the group’s formation.
SS’ main and only starting virtual singer is Miku. A quiet and somewhat odd version of the Virtual Singer, who clung to Mafuyu’s side a lot, but otherwise mostly kept to herself at first- occasionally leaving the main area of the museum to sit alone on the stage and sing to herself.
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Third on the roster we have Spring CIRCUIT! A live show/street music group.. and also admittedly the one I’ve developed the least. The group was formed, a bit shakily, by Nene and Kohane, having witnessed one of Shiho and Haruka’s performances. It’s also something of a second chance, for Nene and Haruka. 
Haruka, after quitting ASRUN, found she had missed singing, and ended up looking into alternative activities she could enjoy- and found the similar-but-different-enough world of live shows. Through this as well, she met a classmate from Miyajou, Shiho, who had been doing solo shows on her own. They realized they had similar interests (plushies lmao) and something of a friendship and partnership formed.
Kohane, like in canon, was a bit of a drifter, not quite having any activity she could commit herself to, and Nene had been fearful to return to being on stage in any capacity since the incident from when she was in younger- going as far to deny her childhood best friend’s offer to join the more private group he’d formed.
But fate ended up bringing these two together, having been out on errands when they came across a venue mid live-show, with Shiho and Haruka performing on stage. It sparked something in them both- Kohane a urge to try singing and live shows, and Nene a urge to sing again- even if not in a play. 
Shiho was quick to bounce and go on her way- not one for small talk, but Nene and Kohane had the chance to talk with Haruka, in which the pair both came to her about their newfound inspiration- and also subsequently realized they both had been inspired. 
Haruka had given them a light warning about Shiho’s distant cold and demeanor, explaining she’s nicer than she appears, but that she has to warm up to you first. Past that however, Haruka was willing to work with and train them- and it was at this moment their SEKAI appeared- a large expansive arcade within it was a chill Miku and a strong aura’d but otherwise very polite Luka- who had a taste for photography that she and Kohane were quick to bond over.
It takes a bit, for Shiho to warm up to these new members Haruka picked up. Nene finds herself struggling to gain the courage to sing with all her heart again- but seeing how hard Kohane, a complete newcomer to all this, is trying, it inspires her. She’s done this before, she can do it again. That’s how the two manage to impress Shiho, and the group finaly becomes a full quartet.
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Fourth on the list and second to last is Echo-Show! A theater troupe situated at the Wonder Stage of PXL! Run by Tsukasa, this group was formed along the way by Tsukasa’s basically sibling figures he collected along the way.
It starts with a hospital- specifically, a hospital housing Saki Tenma and a Mr. Yoisaki. Tsukasa, ever the dutiful older brother, visited his sister whenever he could afford to- but during one such trip, he met a odd girl. Her silver hair seemed to reach to her knees, the girl clearly hadn’t been doing well- physically or mentally.
Tsukasa quickly got to what he did best- making people happy. He doesn’t quite get a laugh, but the girl smiles, and he considers that a win. Tsukasa introduced himself, and the girl introduced herself back in turn- saying that her name was Kanade and that her only living parent was in a coma- something Tsukasa offered his condolences for. 
The two became friends, and Tsukasa found himself visiting and checking on Kanade every so often. (In addition to Honami being Kanade’s housekeeper). Later on, Tsukasa had finally gotten his chance to form a troupe, having auditioned and been hired to perform at a small stage in PXL called the Wonder Stage, courtesy of the youngest Otori daughter. 
Tsukasa found himself a bit.. shit out of luck in regards to actors. His sister had been scooped up already- but he turned to his brother figure, Toya- Toya had recently defied his father, quitting classical music and looking for his own thing he wanted to do. Tsukasa reached out to Toya, asking if he wanted to join his troupe. 
Toya was a bit nervous, not having ever really been part of the shows Tsukasa put on for him and Saki as kids, but he wanted to give it a try. Plus he thought it would be something his dad would hate, which was a spiteful little bonus for him. This was one more addition to Tsukasa’s crew, but he didn’t think just the two of them was enough to work with, so he reached out to Kanade- who had become something of a sister to him.
Kanade vehemently did not want to perform on stage at first, but Tsukasa was understanding enough to say they’d start small in anything physical so that Kanade could work her body strength up. She could also help with any technological stuff behind the scenes as well- which is something she’d enjoy doing a lot more.
Their first test show wasn’t a huge hit (but not QUITE to the disastrous level of WXS’ first show LMAO), however it did attract the attention of one Minori Hanasato, who ends up being really into the show and their ideas behind it. Tsukasa, ever the resourceful one, basically scoops Minori up into the troupe.
There were.. incidents, involving the start of their fully formed troupe- Toya taking extra blame on himself and thinking he was bringing the group down, backing away for a while. (IE: the whole thing in the VBS main story where Toya questions his own resolve and Akito has to chase him down and prove otherwise.)
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Last, but certainly not least (I would know, they’re the favorite child of this AU.) is House of Outcasts! A group youtube channel dedicated to doing skits and plays online. (Inspirationally I was thinking of both Starkid, as well as the Man On The Internet channel- or rather a less specifically gaming centered version of them). 
The group starts with Rui and Mizuki, two lonely souls who connected in middle school over their shared isolation and disconnect from their peers. Deemed too "weird" to fit in amongst them. This friendship carries into Mizuki’s first year and Rui’s second year of high school- Rui having recently transferred to Kamikou to get away from a suffocating prestigious school he’d been at for his first year.
Rui had his solo live shows he’d try every so often, but the story begins when Rui comes to visit Mizuki and show them the most recent idea he had- Mizuki finds themselves very impressed, and explains that with their abilities in editing software, they could probably post Rui’s show online and get decent publicity with it.
So Rui and Mizuki end up forming their group- and after a bit of time Rui offers to Mizuki that they could perform with him, if they were comfortable doing so. Mizuki is hesitant at first, afraid that people online would be judgemental, but gives it a try and finds that not only is it more fun than they thought- but most people watching didn’t seem to care.
That’s when their SEKAI appeared. A rooftop building underneath a fantastical sky of stars and the moon- a light energy not unlike a child’s imagination to offset the aching familiarity a rooftop brought the pair. It was there they found a sisterly Miku, and a excitable Len- who reminded Rui, painfully so, of his younger child self. It was a safe place- somewhere the two would be accepted and not judged. 
Things went on mostly as normal, in spite of the strange world they’d uncovered, and Mizuki ultimately invited their friend and classmate An into the group- An was more of a street musician than a street actor, but with a low activity in her search for the perfect partner, she ends up slotting into the group. Rui and An aren’t on the best of terms at first- not to say they didn’t like each other, it was just hard for the two to work on each other’s wavelengths. But they had managed.
It was later on then that they found Saki. The group had been out on a shopping trip when Saki spotted and recognized them, excitedly explaining that she was a huge fan and that their shows reminded her a lot of the ones her brother used to do for her- but a lot more in a style she really enjoyed. Hearing this, Rui ended up offering her to come aboard and perform with them, and Saki happily took it.
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malarkgirlypop · 14 days
MEDIC! Part 29 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Listen when I say these characters have a mind of their own, I mean it. I was just chilling writing the start of the last episode and then all of a sudden boom, we kissing and shit. Like ah excuse me, this wasn't in my plan, what are we doing? But hey they deserved a we treat and I mean so do we. So this chapter is definitely rated, if you aren't over 18, back! Back, I say! 🤺
TW: sexy time lmao, long chapter
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, anyone else please let me know.
We entered Bavaria in early May, and we had been tasked in capturing Berchtesgaden. It was a town high in the Alps, and was the symbolic home of the Nazi party. Apparently all of the important men of the party had houses there. Even though the man was dead, Hitler had ordered the SS to make it their last stand to keep the enemy out of their “sacred” town. 
I sighed, staring at the mass of boulders that blocked our way up the mountain, the hot sun beating down on my back. We had been stuck here for hours, waiting for someone with more artillery than we did, so we could blast our way through. 
I hummed a tune twirling a curl around my finger, trying to remember all of the words to the song I had stuck in my head. I couldn’t for the life of me remember the lyrics, only the melody played on and on in my mind.     
Lieb leaned against the wheel next to me smoking. “How long does it take for engineers to arrive?” I asked while shielding the sun from my eyes as I looked over to Lieb. 
“Who knows?” He said while taking a deep drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke in my face. 
“Lieb!” I whined pushing him away as he chuckled. 
“Stop humming, you’re driving me insane.” He retorted, shoving me back. “You just keep repeating the same part over and over again. You’re just as bad as Web and his stupid quotes from his literature.” I gawked offended by his comment, no way I was as annoying as Web.  
“Ugh, rude!” I got up from my position, dusting the dirt off the back of my pants. Lieb grinned at me, knowing he had wound me up. 
“Stop smirking!” I nudged his leg with my boot. “Take it back!” I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him my best pissed off face. 
“You’re not as annoying as Web.” Joe held his hands up in surrender. I laughed, smiling down at Lieb, who grinned back at me. 
“What about me?” Web startled me as he snuck up from behind. My eyes grew wide, plastering a smile on my face. 
“Web you need to stop sneaking up on me, seriously.” I burst out laughing, fortunately he hadn’t heard what we were talking about. 
I loved Web, he was so sweet, but his endless love for literature got very tiring. Somehow the conversation with him always ended in his love of books and all things written. Half the time I had no clue what he was talking about, I would nod and smile adding in, “Oh that’s so interesting.” But I wasn’t listening by that point anymore. 
“We were just talking about how long it would take the engineers to arrive.” I skipped over the most recent conversation we had, I didn’t want to hurt the poor man's feelings.  
“I think they are going to try something right now. Everyone is getting tired of waiting.” Web pointed to the pile of rocks that blocked the road. 
I peaked my head over the truck to catch a glimpse of two soldiers standing in the middle of the road with one of the bazooka's we had with us. I covered my ears just in time to muffle the explosion that blasted into the debris.
“I don’t think that will work.” I huffed, it had hardly made a dent in the huge pile. 
“No, but that does look fun.” Web grinned admiring the massive explosion. 
“Yeah!” Lieb launched to his feet. “Web, we should go help.” Web and Joe excitedly nodded at each other racing off to the front of the road.
“Ok, bye.” I said to the pair's back as they enthusiastically scurried away.  
I slumped down again, the same song still stuck in my head. 
“Aw, Em.” A large hand reached down and ruffled my hair. I looked up to find Bull standing over me. 
“They ditched me, for explosives. Can you believe that?” I asked in astonishment. 
A wry grin formed on Bull’s lips, he tilted his head to the side with a hearty chuckle. “I can’t say I am, little lady.” He said in his thick country accent. 
“No you’re right. I’m not shocked.” I laughed, shaking my head. 
I looked over to find Web and Lieb stacking grenades on the landslide of rocks. They sprinted back to where the two other soldiers stood still with the bazooka. Their grin’s were child-like as they ran back. 
Bull and I watched them, laughing at how excited they all seemed to be. Was it really that much fun blowing things up? 
They didn’t wait long, firing the rocket right into the pile of explosives the pair had set. The ground shook, as the booming echoed around the mountains. But still the pile of rocks seemed to remain the same, at least they were having fun. It was nice to see genuine smiles on their faces. 
“Easy!” Speirs yelled from the front of the trucks. “Let’s move out!” Spiers grinned widely with a skip in his step as he made his way back through the parked vehicles. 
“Are we not waiting for the engineers anymore?” I leaned over to Bull. 
“Guess not.” Bull smiled. “We better get moving, come on.” He took me by the crook of my arm, leading the way behind Speirs who was getting together all of Easy so that we could leave. 
“It’s so quiet.” I whispered to Don as we walked. He nodded in agreement before turning back to the task at hand. 
Easy Company tiptoed silently down the empty streets, the group had found an alternative route up the mountain. We had been told to be on guard, and to expect the unexpected. 
So the soldiers walked through the streets with their weapons drawn, readying themselves for whatever was waiting for us.   
The town was eerily still, white flags hung from the windows of the houses we passed. The town appeared empty, there was no one present. The deserted village sent shivers up my back. Something that should be so busy and bustling with life now sat forlorn and abandoned.
Still I couldn’t deny that the place was beautiful even in its abandonment. The houses looked cosy and quaint as the tall mountains loomed over the small village. 
My eyes darted from one place to another, taking in all the sights that laid before me. A large red banner caught my attention. 
“Jesus.” I muttered to myself, eyes practically bulging out of my head as I took in the large swastika that covered the building in front of us. 
It was strange to see a symbol that meant peace and well-being have such a sinister feeling now attached to it. 
“Well, they really weren’t hiding it were they.” Grant said from beside me as we both gawked at banner’s. 
“Nope.” I agreed with the man. 
We made our way inside the big building that had ‘​​Berchtesgadener hof’ proudly displayed over the entrance. 
“Was it a hotel?” I leaned over to whisper to Don as we walked inside what appeared to be the foyer. 
“I think so.” Don confirmed. 
Like the town the hotel was just as quiet, no guests seemed to be staying or staff either.
I shied away from the brass sculpture of Hitler, that was prominently displayed in the middle of one of the rooms we walked through as we continued to search the building.  
A clanging made me jump from my skin, we rounded the corner to find a lone clerk being held at gunpoint by Lew. His eyes darted from Nixon to the rather large book that sat on the desk. 
“Looks like a guest book.” I said loudly, glancing over to Lew who nodded his head. 
“Everyone who was anyone signed into this hotel. And now we have all the dates and names of anyone who ever supported Hitler in his plans.” Lew said as he flicked through the book. 
“Guess there are staff after all.” I mused, watching the clerk scamper away.
Don and I walked around together forgetting the mission at hand, being too caught up in the lavish hotel. 
“Should we sneak into one of the rooms? See if the bath works?” Don asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Donald!” I giggled at the man giving him a whack. “No, well. No, we couldn’t. Well.” I debated the very enticing idea. 
“Oh come on! Speirs is probably out there now stealing all the silverware.” Don grinned at me, his fingers finding the nook of my arm to bring me along in his mischief. 
“Fine! We will look, quickly.” I added but not putting up much of a fight as Don dragged me down one of the halls.      
We pried open one of the doors, standing in the entrance way admiring the room. In the middle of the room sat a giant four poster bed. The duvet looked elegant, satin and lace coverings, with large fluffy pillows adorning the head. Across the room a tall window opened up, looking over the alps that surrounded the town. 
Don and I moved further into the room, finding our way into the bathroom, which seemed to be even bigger than the master suite. A white clawfoot bathtub stood proudly in the middle of the space. 
The far side of the room was taken up by a vanity that covered the width of the wall, with large basins that you could bathe in, if you so wished. 
“Fucking hell.” I uttered, completely in awe of it all. 
“Yup!” Don nodded as we looked over all of the interior. Even the ceilings were beautiful, fluffy white clouds and the bluest sky had been painted onto the roof of the bathroom. Gold accents of branches and leaves vined out into the sky. Everywhere my eyes could see the room was filled with exquisite details. 
“It’s stunning.” I couldn’t pick my jaw off the floor. 
“Eh, it’s alright. I’ve seen better.” Don shrugged, not seeming impressed with the glamour. 
“What?! When?” I asked in disbelief. 
“I have, truly.” I shook my head scoffing at him. 
“When?” I eyed him suspiciously. 
“Well.” Don started slowly making his way over to me. His stride was confident, freezing me in place. I sucked in a breath as he drew near, suddenly it wasn’t funny anymore. The look in his eyes sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. 
“There’s you.” Don had moved closer to me, my back pressed into the cold marble basin. My breath hitched in my throat as he leaned even further into me. 
We weren’t even touching yet, but the way Don took up the space had me stunned into silence. 
“You’ve gone all quiet on me.” He teased, deliberately placing his hands either side of my body, caging me into him.   
Goosebumps rose on my skin, I felt my cheeks flush. How had he turned this around so quickly?
“Emily?” My full name dripped off his tongue, as he smirked at me tilting his head ever so slightly. He knew what he was doing to me. 
I swallowed, trying to find my voice again. 
“What are you doing?” I asked softly, scared if I raised my voice too much it would disturb whatever was happening. 
“Nothing.” Don breathed, leaning further forward. “Is there something you want me to do?” His whispers tickled my neck. I hid away the sensitive skin, turning to meet his gaze. 
My heart pounded in my ears as our eyes locked. His stare was full of want, I almost melted into a puddle right then. 
“Stop teasing me.” I pleaded. The tension was overwhelming but exhilarating at the same time. It felt as if I was a raw nerve, the slightest of touch would set me on fire. 
“Oh my love, I’m not teasing.” Don smiled, but it wasn’t his normal smile. There was another intention behind it. I gasped as his hand cupped my cheek gently tracing over my jawline, it was only a slight brush but I found myself leaning into his palm. He didn’t give me the satisfaction, stealing away the brief contact. 
I glared at the man. Don was clearly teasing me. 
“Don.” I protested, trying to find his hand to bring back up to my face. But instead he found me first, holding my wrist still. 
I tried again with my free hand but it was no use Don had me pinned. 
I groaned in frustration. 
“You’re teasing me.” I whined, huffing. 
My annoyance didn’t seem to deter Don from his antics. He moved forward his mouth inches away from my ear. 
“You have to ask nicely.” Don’s lips brushed over the sensitive skin of my jaw. I suppressed a moan by trapping my lip between my teeth. 
“Please. Donald Malarkey, you have me. Now do something about it.” I challenged him. 
A smile formed on his lips but I only saw it for a split second before his lips crashed into mine. I sighed into the kiss as his hands cupped my face pulling me closer to him. My hands roamed around his body, tracing anything I could get my hands on. I didn’t realise how much tension had built from our last kiss, but I needed him so badly it hurt. 
Don swiftly lifted me up, sitting me on the edge of the basin as we continued to kiss. I opened my mouth as our tongues swirled together. It was an addiction, I couldn’t get enough. I needed him closer. I grabbed at the fabric that impeded me from Don. 
I tugged off his jacket, too busy kissing him to see where I threw it. Don’s hand’s did the same pulling the material from my arms tossing the item to the side. I gasped as he pulled me forward, sliding me to the very edge of the bench. Don pressed himself to me, even with pants on I could feel everything. 
“Off, I need this off!” I said breathlessly, pulling at his collar. I helped him tug off the t-shirt, admiring his body lovingly. I raked my fingers down his chest, sliding my hand below his belt. Don shuddered seemingly immobilised as I palmed his front. 
Don snatched my wrist, a wry grin forming on his features, “We have plenty of time for that later.” 
A pout formed on my lips. He moved forward kissing me gently. Unlike before he savoured the kiss. Don’s lips moved over my face, gently placing kisses at the corners of my lips, by the creases of my eyes, my temples and cheeks. His touch was so soft but everytime he moved to a different spot I could still feel the last caress. 
I captured his face in my hands, my thumbs tracing over his features. With each movement I kissed him gently. 
I sighed in pleasure as Don’s hands found the small of my back pulling me even closer. 
“Take it off.” I begged, needing the fabric that separated us to be removed. Don’s finger’s found the hem of my shirt, slowly dragging it up my body. I arched into him, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips brushing on my skin. 
Don threw my top to the side, I didn’t have the patience to be admired just yet, still sporting a bra. I brought his hands around my back to the clasp. 
He made quick work of the fastening. I felt it loosen from my back as he pulled the straps over my shoulders and down my arms.  
I sat half naked watching Don take me in. He blew out a breath, shaking his head slightly. 
“Fucking hell. And you’re all mine.” Don said to himself, I giggled at him. 
“Donald, stop gawking and kiss me.” I said my tone was playful. But I didn’t need to tell him twice. He moved forward pressing us together, his fingers dragged down my exposed back sending shivers up my spine. 
Don’s head dipped down to my neck slowly trailing his lips down my skin. I leaned back enjoying the feeling of his tongue swirling down my body. I gasped when his mouth latched onto the soft flesh of my chest. 
Don’s lips nipped and sucked, finding his way down to my erect nipple. His other hand massaging my other breast as he assaulted my nipple with his mouth. I leaned my head back, mouth open in pleasure, moans and gasps fell from my lips in hasty succession. 
He moved to my other breast giving it the same treatment as the previous. I panted and bucked against him, the feeling of his kisses and hands sending me spiralling. 
“Fuck! Holy fuck.” I groaned watching him enjoy me. The wetness between my legs somehow grew more. I pulled his face back up to mine, needing his lips on my own again. 
My hands snaked down to his pants, trying my best to undo his belt while not being able to see. It was harder than I thought, after a while of fumbling around I finally pulled away to glance down at what I was doing. 
“Desperate?” Donald asked, smirking. I didn’t even deny it, breathlessly nodding my head while still trying to yank the belt from his pants. 
“I have waited far too long for a belt to put a stop to it.” I groaned, still failing at the simple job. 
“You’ve waited, oh my love, you don’t know the half of it.” Donald’s hands found mine, taking over the task. I watched him easily pull the belt free and remove it from his trousers. Don undid the button, loosening them around his hips. I greedily licked my lips moving my hands to his waistband tugging them down. I bit my lip, a shy smile formed on my mouth. 
I couldn’t wait any longer, my own hands unbuttoning my pants and trying my best to shimmy them down while still being perched on the counter. 
“So impatient!” Don tutted, his arms lifting me so I could successfully pull down my clothing. 
I kicked off the green cargo pants, leaving us both in just our underwear. I giggled, somehow the innocent looking in the rooms had gotten out of hand. 
Don kissed me again, his fingers lazily dragging around my body and into my hair. I did the same, tangling my fingers in his and pulling gently. A low moan left his lips as he moved his mouth over mine. The electricity between us was almost palpable, with every touch and sound I could feel the lustful energy flowing through my body. 
I yelped in surprise as Don lifted me so easily from the basin. I didn’t look where he was taking us too busy assaulting his face and neck with kisses. 
We landed gently on the decadent bed, but Don and I were too enraptured in each other to truly appreciate the comfort of the soft mattress and the silk sheets against our skin. 
Don ran his fingers down my side, teasingly stopping around the hem of my underwear. He pulled it back, snapping the waistband against my skin. In the same movement Don dipped his head down, trailing soft kisses down my skin and stopping near my collarbone to nip at the sensitive skin.  
His hand slipped down between my thighs, caressing around my hips. I rocked back, eyes closed in pleasure. I couldn’t stifle the loud moans that fell from my lips. 
I could feel his smirk as he placed more feverish kisses around my navel, his hands roaming around my thighs never quite landing where I needed them too. Don was making me beg for it. 
Don’s touch continued down towards my hips, his lips finding the right spots to make me squirm and bite my lip in desperation. 
“Don.” I pleaded through my pants.  
“Yes my love?” He said with a smirk, as his kisses wandered down, his touch still tantalising and teasing. I could feel Don’s breath against my core, as he continued to run his fingers along my inner thighs.
“Stop teasing me!” I whined. 
Don chuckled at my pleading, looking up at me with a devilish smile. I watched as he bit my inner thigh gently in response. 
“Beg for it.” He said in a low husky voice that was filled with desire. 
“Please Donald, make me feel alive!” I begged, feeling so vulnerable in his arms. 
“I love you.” Don said before he pulled my underwear from my body, taking his time admiring me placing sweet kisses to the soft skin between my legs. I groaned as his mouth found my core, his hot tongue swirling over my bud of nerves. 
I cried out in pleasure as he feasted on me, I gripped onto his hair hanging on for dear life as he shook me to my core. I trembled in ecstasy as Don’s tongue dipped inside of me.   
Don seemed to enjoy seeing me come undone, moaning against my core. His fingers slipped inside of me pulling in and out with force. 
I threw my head back screaming into my free hand that covered my mouth. I arched and bucked against his every move. Don’s free hand pinned me to the bed to stop me from escaping the overwhelming feeling that rippled throughout my body. 
He sucked and nipped at my sensitive core as he worked his fingers in and out of my entrance. 
Bright colours swarmed my vision as I shook, I had reached my climax. I held onto Don, the only thing that seemed to be grounding me to reality. It felt as if I had left my body, floating above the scene that was playing before me. Don did not stop his movements, riding out the orgasm as long as he could. 
My breath left me as I writhed under his touch, I didn’t think that it could last long, but I was still overcome by my euphoric satisfaction.    
Finally he let me come down, pulling away from my core. I caught my breath, eyes still closed trying to come back to the real world, rather than the cloud I was floating on. 
“I think you were trying to kill me.” I panted as Don moved back up to kiss me gently on my lips. 
“What’s more alive than being nearly half dead?” Don chuckled as he lay against me, his fingers tangling into my hair and pulling me towards him. He rested his forehead against mine, our breaths mixing together as we enjoyed the quiet moment. 
I closed my eyes enjoying the simple sounds, his soft breaths fanning on my face, and the quiet heartbeat that pulsed against my own chest. I kissed him again, I kissed him like I would never see him again. 
My hands travelled down his torso, it was my turn to show him how much I loved him. I palmed his hard cock through his underwear. Don groaned into my mouth, keeping his eyes squeezed shut. 
I trailed my kisses down his neck, chest and stomach. Don sighed in pleasure, lying his head back against the bed. Every touch under his hands and the feeling of his skin on mine, I felt the love and desire he had for me, I wanted him to feel the same as I kissed him. I wanted to make him want me more than ever.  
I let my tongue drag down his hips, swirling over the sensitive skin. I needed to drive him insane with desire, like he had me only moments before. 
Tugging down his briefs his hard cock sprung free. I tossed the item of clothing to the side. I bit my lip taking in his size, how he had hidden that from me I had no idea. I wrapped my hand around the base stroking my thumb gently up the shaft. Don shuddered under my grip, groaning huskily. 
Don propped himself up on his elbows and I started slowly moving my hand up and down his length. I licked my lips desperately wanting to taste him. 
“Jesus christ Emily, you’re going to be the death of me.” Don muttered a mix of shock and pleasure on his face. 
I grinned. I continued to stare at him as I moved forward, my tongue darting out to swirl around his tip. His cock twitched in my hand, Don looked as if he was going to pass out. 
“Now who’s teasing?” He leaned forward brushing a curl out of my face. I wrapped my lips around him sucking. Donald inhaled sharply tensing under my touch. I moved further down, bringing more of him into my mouth. Don’s breaths grew uneven as I continued. 
I bobbed my head up and down, taking as much of him as I could into my throat. My hand still gripped the base of his cock moving as I sucked and licked. 
“Oh god!” Donald moaned watching me with lust filled eyes. 
I pulled back sucking in air as I continued to massage his cock with my hand. Don gripped onto the bed sheets panting heavily. His fingers weaved into my hair, gripping just as tightly as he was the fabric under him. I continued my assault, my pace becoming faster. 
“Don’t stop my love.” He begged, he was almost to his limit. I did as he asked, continuing my rhythm. 
“I’m going to cum!” Don whined pulling back from me, but I held his hips steady, looking up at him through my lashes. I wanted to taste him like he tasted me. I didn’t stop, bobbing my head and sucking. I felt his body jolt under me, hot liquid filled my mouth as I watched Don’s eyes roll back in his head.      
“Em.” Don breathed, sitting up from his position and moving down to where I knelt between his legs. His hands cupped my face peppering my skin with light kisses. Don pulled me up to him, as we laid back down against the bed, limbs tangled and bodies entwined. A moment of pure serenity as we embraced each other, basking in the warmth of one another. 
“I love you.” I whispered as we gazed into each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” Don lips brushed against my skin. 
“Guys we’re leaving!” The door burst open as Babe and George sauntered into the room. Both Don and I screamed in surprise, scrambling to hide ourselves. Don dove over me, covering my body with his. His ass out in the wind for all to see. George and Babe’s eyes bulged seeing their friends bare butt pointing right in their direction. 
“Get out!!” Don screeched, as I hid beneath him trying to contain my fit of giggles.
“Oh my god!” George gasped covering his mouth as Babe stared wide eyed at us. 
“Guys get the fuck out, right now!!” Don demanded the men leave. But it still didn’t work, the pair didn’t budge. 
“What is going on here?” George asked through bouts of laughter he shared with Babe. 
Don grabbed the nearest pillow chucking at the heads of the two men who were crying with laughter. 
“OUT!” Don yelled, but he was trying not to laugh as well. I wrapped my arms around his waist keeping him close to me. Don was the only thing keeping my naked body out of sight of the pair of idiots who howled with laughter in the still wide open door. 
“Fine, we will go. But it’s going to cost you.” George waggled his finger at us as he hauled the still hysterical Babe out of the room. The door clicked shut, as it did so both Don and I sighed in relief. 
“You didn’t lock the door!” I playfully smacked his chest as he grinned down at me. 
“Neither did you!” But we couldn’t stop our own giggles from escaping our lips.
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glatisant-questing · 9 months
Heisuke's Short Story from the Manyo no Shou Limited Edition Booklet
Since Manyo no Shou stories can be read either before or after playing the game, I will not add spoiler warnings.
Heisuke's a sweetheart in this story:)
This SS was written by 長野 和泉
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“Todo-kun, sorry, but can you go and get Yukimura-kun for me?”
 I was asked by Gen-san when I passed by the kitchen. 
“Chizuru? Sure, but what do you need her for?” 
“I was thinking of buying some sweets for the guests, because I couldn’t find any in the kitchen. I want to consult with Yukimura as to what to buy.” 
“I-I’ll have you know, I didn’t eat them!” 
I knew that Shinpachi had secretly eaten those sweets, so I answered in a panic, and Gen-san looked at me in amazement.
“…No one said you did, Todo-kun. Anyway, that’s the situation, so please help me call Yukimura-kun here.” 
“Okay, got it!” 
“Hey Chizuru, are you there? Gen-san has something to ask you.”
 I stood in front of Chizuru’s room and called out to her from this side of the shoji. 
But there was no reply. 
(Maybe she went out somewhere? Or maybe she’s cleaning or doing laundry…)
Although I was thinking about leaving, I called out once again just in case.
 “Hey, are you there? If you are, please answer me.” 
 Finally, the door opened. 
“Sorry, Heisuke-kun! I didn’t notice you.” 
“N-no, it’s fine, but…” 
I noticed that Chizuru, who poked her head out of the room to answer me, looked somewhat sleepy.
“…Were you sleeping?” 
Then she lowered her face in embarrassment. 
“I was up late last night, so I just… I thought it would be okay if I dozed off a little.” 
“Haha. You’re surprisingly careless sometimes, aren’t you?” 
I said what I honestly thought, but Chizuru shrank back even more. 
“…I’m sorry.” 
“No, I didn’t mean to make fun of you or anything… It’s just that, I thought you have always been pretty reliable, so when I see you being careless like this, it’s… it’s…” 
(It’s cute.)
I almost blurted out, but stopped myself in mid-sentence. 
“When you see me being careless… what?” 
Chizuru asked, not quite understanding my meaning, and urged me to continue. 
I answered, looking away from her a little.
 “It’s… it’s kind of reassuring, or relaxing, you know.” 
Then Chizuru pursed her lips a little, looking even more unconvinced. 
“…That sounds hard to take as a compliment…” 
“I’m not saying it in a bad way, you know (╥ω╥)”  
“I know, but…” 
She still didn’t seem convinced, a disgruntled expression on her face. 
(Even this slightly sulky side of her is cute, but there is no way I could say that out loud.)
(If it were Harada-san, he would just say what’s on his mind without worrying about such things, right?) 
Chizuru seemed to have regained her composure, and asked me, “By the way, Heisuke-kun, did you have something to tell me?”
At those words, I realized that I had completely forgotten to tell her the reason why I came here. 
“Oh, right! Actually—” 
I told her that Gen-san had asked me to call her. 
“So, he said he wanted to hear your opinion… Is that okay?” 
“Okay? What do you mean?” 
“I saw you were napping just now, so I thought you might be tired.” 
Then Chizuru answered with a wry smile. 
“I’m fine. I just took a nap because my errand ended sooner than I expected.” 
Chizuru tends to overwork, so I can’t help but worry about her… 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for worrying about me, Heisuke-kun.” 
Seeing Chizuru say that bravely, I felt that it would be worse to keep her here for too long. 
“I see. But don’t push yourself too hard, okay? If you’re tired, you need to tell everybody honestly that you need rest. Otherwise, no one will notice.”
Then Chizuru smiled lightly at me and answered. 
“I’m fine. Even though I’m busy, I’m not as busy as the other soldiers. Besides-”
As she was about to say something, Chizuru stared at me intently. 
When our eyes met like this, I felt uneasy. 
But Chizuru seemed unaware of my inner feelings… 
“If I am tired, Heisuke-kun, you’ll be the one to notice it, right?” 
She said that with a lovely smile. 
At that moment, my heart beat as if it was punched hard, and I couldn’t look at Chizuru’s face properly. 
Of course, Chizuru must have done it unconsciously, and she probably didn’t notice at all how flustered I was by her words. 
But I couldn’t act calm, and I turned my face away involuntarily. 
“I…today I just happened to notice that you are tired, but I surely can’t always pay attention! So, don’t… don’t push yourself too hard! If you have trouble telling Hijikata-san or Gen-san that you need a break, I can tell them for you!”
I blurted out those words to hide my embarrassment, and Chizuru listened to me with a smile. And then… 
“Thank you, Heisuke-kun. If you say so, I’m counting on you.” 
She said so, and it was hard to tell whether she already knew my feelings or not.
“I need to go and find Inuoe-san, is that right? Is he at the kitchen? I’ll be back soon.” 
“O-Okay, see you then.” 
After Chizuru left and the sound of her footsteps could no longer be heard… 
(Ah… damn it! I should have said something different. It sounded like I was criticizing Chizuru! Why do I always do this!) 
I scratched my head and struggled with my sense of unease. 
As I was doing that, I heard light footsteps coming my way, and Chizuru, who was supposed to have left, came back. 
“Ch-Chizuru?! What’s wrong?”
 I asked her in a panic, and she quietly approached me and stopped in front of me. Then, she brought her face closer with her blushing cheeks… 
“Heisuke-kun… my sleepy face must have looked terrible, so please forget about it…” 
With that, she turned around and left again. 
As I watched her going away… 
(There’s no way I can forget about that.) 
I thought to myself.
(The end)
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
So, I just read your writing on Idol Ray for Mystictober and it was *chef's kiss*, as lovely as every one of your works!
Every time Ray shows confidence, no matter how small the amount, I melt! The mental image of him wearing Unknown's clothes and calling me "dollface" was enough to make me squeal! He's so pretty <3
But it came to mind, how do you think Ray would react to an MC who gets flustered and can't help but smile and chuckle every time he acts confident? 'Cause that's totally me!
Ray is forward when he wants to be.
When he has a calculated plan in mind, he knows what he's going to do, and he executes it perfectly. The only time you manage to make him feel flustered and unsure is when you show him genuine human kindness. Anything that is outside of what he's already imagined for his fantasies can throw him off in the smallest way.
In his mind, he prepared for you to go along with everything he said, and would that in mind, he always imagined that he would take the lead, but in most cases, you end up leading him. That's where it truly seems as though he is insecure when it comes to what he wants.
He has rehearsed scene after scene in his fantasies until he slumped over at his desk before he got to meet you in person. He knows what he wants to do with you, and if you allow him to take the lead, that's it. That's what's going to happen every step of the way. He'll take the hand that's closest to him and pull you in so close that you'll never be apart from him ever again.
After all, that's his dream. His dream is to be so close to you that nothing could ever wrench you apart. He wants to live in a world where he can't tell where he starts and you end. 
Anybody who thinks for a second that he is not utterly calculated, and prepared to take all he wants, has rightfully misunderstood the situation. The MC in his route is forthcoming in their adoration, and they take the lead from Ray most of the time.
He is happy to know that they want him as much as he wants them. As long as he can be in your life, he will allow you to fantasize and do with him what you will. So, if you wish to lead, he will allow that. As long as you're trying to stay with him in Paradise forever.
But, if you are somebody who likes to follow rather than lead, just expect him to be the one who takes care of you right away.
He'll have you hook, line, sinker. 
So, what is going to happen the minute he realizes he can do anything to win you over? Well, he's going to do exactly what you think he's going to do. He's going to sweep you into a world of fairy tales and there's nothing you can do about it. It's not that bad, is it?
Don't you want him to be in control? Don't you want him to take care of you? Don't you want him to spin a fantasy? Don’t you want him to dress you up in frills and ribbons? Don’t you want to be his precious sweetheart? Don’t you want to let Ray be the only one who spoils you for the rest of your life? If you react to his advances with a bold smile on your face, he'll know what he has to do to win your heart.
Go ahead, let him be bold and confident, because that's the easiest way to win your giggles.
"That's my doll," his words would crash over you like a wave meant to draw you back into the ocean. His lips would pepper your cheeks with a tender need, over and over again, and praise would follow every kiss like clockwork. "I knew I'd see that smile on your face as soon I found a moment to see you again... you were waiting here just for me to see you again, weren't you?"
"Of course, Ray... I always want to see you."
"I only want to see you," he'd continue onward as his sharp eyes dared to build a home into yours. "So, I'm happy you wait here for me to see you every day... because this is the highlight of my day... right where I want to be is here with you, prince[ss]."
Giggle, laugh, and melt at his words.
You're not going anywhere.
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hyenahunt · 5 months
Saga: Rivals - 28
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Seiya, Hokuto, Jun, Jin
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Seiya: Hokuto. For a long time, I’ve lived like a machine who never knew of love.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Reverse Live Stage
Time: Rain-bows vs Lilith, after two songs
Seiya: “~…♪”
“Now then, after two songs, we have one victory and one defeat. I’m sure you’re all anticipating the decisive showdown.”
“But would you please give me a moment?”
“It won’t take up any longer than the time already intended for free talk and such. I’ll wrap it up in a minute, so I ask for your understanding.”
Hokuto: …Oi, Father, what are you trying to pull?
Since we’re making the audience listen to the same few songs over and over in Reverse Live, free talk is vital for changing up the mood and setting their impression of us.
Don't tell me this is your ploy to destroy all our chances of victory by taking that important time for yourse— mgggh!?
Seiya: “Now, Hocchan seems to be grumbling something, but I’ll have him quiet down as we’re short on time.”
(whispers) I'm not playing dirty, so please be good just this one time. Please? Consider this a favor for our Jun-kun.
Hokuto: …Sazanami?
Jun: ? What’s going on, Sensei? This wasn’t in the plan, was it~?
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Seiya: Oh dear, I’m very sorry. It seems to have slipped my mind.
— Well, anyone would know that's a lie, but I'll gloss over it with that to swiftly stream a video on this massive screen.
I’m sure you have questions, but the answers are all there if you'll watch it.
Jun: What…?
Hokuto: Oh? What's this? A video's started to play…?
(What in the world? Just what are you scheming, Father?)
(The very act of playing a video on stage reminds me of the whole SS mess. I've got a bad feeling about this…)
(Is he trying to expose our scandals and slander us, just like what happened back then?)
(It won’t work on me — There’s nothing worthy of scorn in my way of life! I’m a serious honor student through and through!)
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Jin: ......
Hokuto: (Mmm? What's happening? Sagami-sensei seems to have gone pale…)
(Oh shoot, that man’s a walking collection of scandalous rumours!)
(Just exposing even a tiny fragment of his debauched lifestyle would be a fatal blow to his idol career! What do we do? What are we even supposed to do?)
(Ooh? That’s… Anzu’s standing by the audiovisual equipment!)
(She’s doing backstage work again despite being so busy… She truly works so hard!)
(Anzu! Stop the video! This is a trap! Come on, we can understand each other through gaze alone, right? Surely you can get what I'm trying to tell you!?)
(? Anzu, why are you happily waving at me? No, that’s not what I’m trying to say! I mean, of course I’m also delighted to lock eyes with you, but…!)
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Seiya: Ahaha. Is she your girlfriend, Hocchan? Introduce her to your dad some time ♪
Hokuto: !? N-No, she isn't! Well, of course I love Anzu with all my heart, but that’s because I consider her a precious comrade joined at the soul… That’s all it is!
Seiya: Ahaha. Don’t you understand panicking only makes you more suspicious? That naive side of yours is very unlike me or my wife…
While walking your life, I’m sure you’ve gained many things on your own.
You should cherish every last one of them, Hokuto. I don’t want to be all overbearing and lecture you just because I’m your parent, but I truly want to pass on just this one thing to you.
Even if you can't stand it, this is the one lesson I want to teach you.
Hokuto: ……
Seiya: Hokuto. For a long time, I’ve lived like a machine who never knew of love. Perhaps phrasing it that way may make me out into some tragic hero, but —
We machines have our own forms of happiness. I've perfectly performed all the functions expected of me, in carrying out my role and becoming of use to others. For someone like me, I believed that was fulfillment enough.
You called me a workaholic, didn't you? Yes, that is very much true. But to me, that is hardly an insult.
It won't ever hurt me, as I don’t think I'm anything to be pitied.
I have a family who loved and wanted me, work partners who commended and respected me—
And most of all, fans who cherished and followed me.
Because I was a perfect machine, I never failed once. I did not have emotions to sway me, so I never went berserk, either.
There were a few close calls, but strangely enough, I was never held responsible.
I was like a weapon; I only moved the way I was operated.
So, all responsibilities lie with my user. And for the sake of protecting myself, I've personally done what I can to enforce this impression as well.
That’s why I’m still alive now, just like this. All the while being called a legendary idol and such — it's a title far greater than I deserve.
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twilightmalachite · 6 months
2×2 - Prologue 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(…I’m getting kinda sick of this already.)"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: 2×2 Program Set
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ES’ first year of establishment. Late March, the site for filming 2wink’s namesake program; 2×2…
Hinata: “And 2×2 (squared) begins again today!”
Yuuta: “This is our street where we rule!”
Hinata: “Talk about needlessly rap-like~☆”
Yuuta: “We’re in top form~♪”
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Yuuta: (…I’m getting kinda sick of this already.)
Hinata: (What’s with my brother all of a sudden!?)
(You okay? Not enough excitement? I mean, you’ve been way mentally unstable lately!)
(Onii-chan’s worried. Let’s be more enthusiastic, okay? We’re about to launch our long-awaited namesake program for 2wink at long last, aren’t we~?)
Yuuta: (It’s not like this is our first time doing this, you know, it’s not really anything to get hyped over.)
(I mean, we’ve hosted a great number of variety shows in the past.)
(It’s starting to really show just how that much was barely recognized by anyone.)
(Now that we’ve gotten 2×2, we’ve started getting compliments from fans and peers all of a sudden.)
(“Congrats!” “What a huge breakthrough!” “Now you guys are big-time idols too!”)
(I’m nooooot an idiot!)
(Even though we’re doing the exact same thing we’ve always been doing, only this time the reactions of those around us has changed so blatantly. It doesn’t sit right with me.)
(“Congratulations” for what? They’ve been silent for us the entire time, but they’ll praise us all “good boy, good boy” only when we succeed in doing our “grown-up obligations”?)
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Yuuta: (Hah! Acting like a grown-up is too easy!)
Hinata: (This is bad, baaad…)
(He sorta seemed like he had calmed down when he started growing his hair out, but Yuuta-kun was accumulating stress in the pit of his stomach, as he does…)
(Instead, he just hid that stress from even his own Onii-chan and turned it invisible. The poison within his stomach he refused to vent out to anyone increased in concentration—)
(And now, it’s about to erupt. Like a dormant volcano about to explode.)
(I-I need to calm him down somehow, before he directs it at those around him like what happened at SS.)
(O’ raging Aoi Yuuta! God, pacify his anger~!)
Yuuta: …Who are you praying to, Aniki? Gross!
Hey, what has God ever done for us?
Hinata: (H-Huh? I’m not sure if my feelings are getting across very well~…)
(Before, my feelings were always able to reach him without having to say anything, like telepathy unique to twins.)
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Hinata: (Yuuta-kun really has changed.)
(No, it’s us both who have.)
Yuuta: Alright, let’s not slack off and get to work. Don’t worry, I’m a professional, I can get my work done even if I don’t feel like it.
Hinata: R-Right. Onii-chan has a lot on his mind too, but he’ll change his mindset too.
“—Now, allow me to introduce you to our “friends” this time around! ☆”
Yuuta: “As you know, every time at 2×2, we begin by pairing up with a “friend” that Aniki and I each call in!”
Hinata: “Then as pairs, we compete with each other to various challenges!”
Yuuta: “One week, we lived either on 500 yen a day, or lived in a suspicious cult village!”
Hinata: “I told you not to call it a cult!”
Yuuta: “Ahaha, please cut that part out, then~♪”
“Anyways. Basically, the idea is the rebellious me challenging my oh so great and perfect big brother—”
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Yuuta: *whispering* —Hey, just who is oh so great and perfect? Aren’t you getting a little carried away, Aniki?
Hinata: I-It’s just a scenario! Though truthfully, in part to Volcano Island and all that, I am now more famous and popular than you now…
Yuuta: Hah?
Hinata: Th-That’s just the public image, so this program’s just building off of that “feeling”, isn’t it?
I'd rather not do it either, you know!? A project like this that gives off the feeling that we siblings are on edge with each other~!
Yuuta: Really? I’m having fun with it, though~. ‘Cuz every time, I can beat you up with a just cause, Aniki.
But well, it does piss me off that I’m treated like the “more useless little brother”. But if I keep on winning every time, the public image of me will change, won’t it?
For better or for worse, this program seems to have gained a good amount of public recognition.
While their attention is on us, I’ll change the complexions of the ignorant people of the world who look at us carelessly… Fufufu ♪
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Hinata: (Ah~, he’s acting like a bad kid again… I don’t like this. To the public, we probably look like all’s going well with us having our own TV program and all that, but…)
(Our relationship as a unit, in other words, between us siblings, is very, very rocky.)
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minniesmutt · 29 days
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⚠︎ ━━━ SS + WC: 10 + 0.4k
⚠︎ ━━━ CONTENT: uzzlang for pose reference
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     “I’m back!” Jeongin called into the apartment 
     Y/n glanced up from her laptop and looked towards the apartment door. Smiling as he walked into the living room. Leaning down to kiss her, “How’d the meeting go?” she asked 
     “HR is doing some investigation but it’s looking like i have to fire someone,” Jeongin sighed and sat down 
     “Sounds like fun,” Y/n laid her head on his shoulder 
     “Yeah. Favorite part of owning a company,” Jeongin wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “Speaking of companies. My dad’s company is hosting a banquet next week and he asked me to bring you.”
     “Okay, I’ll be your date,” Y/n smiled 
     “There’s gonna be people from other companies there. They’re gonna ask about you.”
     “And what are you going to tell them?” Y/n sat up and turned to him
     “I wanna tell them you're my girlfriend but, what do you think?”
     “Why are you asking me?”
     “Because my world is different from yours. You’ll get a lot more attention than you’re used to. And our little guy is going to get it too.”
     Y/n leaned forward and pecked his lips, “I knew that when we got together. I knew our baby was going to get the attention too. We can talk about him when I'm closer to the due date, but I'm fine with a little more attention.”
     Jeongin smiled, “Good. I was worried about what you would think about it all.”
     “I might sound like a loser but you're the first serious relationship I’ve had so in my mind this is a big deal.”
      “You never had a serious relationship before?” 
     “That’s what you focused on?” Jeongin laughed
     “Yes! Am I really your first serious relationship? Did you not date anyone before me?!”
     “I did but they never lasted. Most of the time, girls didn’t like the fact my best friend was a girl and i don’t think it helped i was always with (Astrid) because of stuff that was going on at her home. I didn’t really work through it till we kind of fell off for a couple years.” Jeongin explained, “After I went to college, i just settled for hookups”
     “Girls were mad about (Astrid)?”
     “It was when her depression was bad and I chose to be there for my friend even though she told me I didn't have to be.”
     Y/n smiled and pecked his lips again, “I hope our son is as good of a person as his dad is.”
     Jeongin smiled and pulled her in for a kiss again.
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highlighted blue? check you visibility settings as im unable to tag you properly 
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Ah the rumors are true (and these gaming companies coordinate)
I already figured out given last year Xbox revealed Star Wars outlaws and next day we had a gameplay reveal at the Ubi forward
Remember that leak AC red menu I sent? Well that was taken down to copyright, but I think that was a Xbox not a Ubi move.
Because the leak show the build being April third and most press conference game builds are usually a few months old as they are the most stable
So I heard original red would have it reveal in May 31st…hmmm if that still true
May 31st- a press event where we get a pre render cgi trailer, proper Yasuke and Naoe reveal, details, in game screenshots. And title reveal
June 9th- Xbox will have a gameplay demo showing off the capabilities of Xbox (and if Xbox bribed them enough. Ac red will be the first day one ac game on gamepass as the last three ac rpgs on it)
June 10th- a story trailer and “bts” video where they show how yes finally we are going to Japan and their ideas and inspirations for it
With probably the nice explanation why Yasuke was chose for the second playable character
Because people want red to be reveal at Ubisoft forward…but people need to digested Yasuke at first
Like my theory craft on how to use Yasuke in a what if continuation is interesting…but modern writers are not exactly smart.
Also there a fundamental difference between my black teen dad Jrpg idea vs writers who have critical theory plaguing their minds
Not to mention they think having more non whites will bring black people into fantasy games.
When the last time they went to the cookout? The vast majority of casual players only enjoy playing Cod, GTA, tekken and other fighting games, and the occasional license hero game
Okay okay fornite
Like here my pitch
Hey casual black gamers (who barely desire to play Normie games. WHAT I still deal with it) you remember Afro samurai? Well here a game where you play as the weapon bearer Yasuke in this game Assassin Creed Shadows (that is what some people saying the game is going called) where you help a secret ancient order unify Japan. And there more it’s a RPG where you can spend over 100 hours into and explore the beautiful recreation of feudal Japan!
Warning your dumbass might become a pseudo historian and desire more knowledge
(Or you might be interested in more ac games. Hmm here an Egypt one! Now might give you more! HEHEHEHE)
And noting bad wait- okay probably will be 70 dollars…..oh great a season and battle pass!….wdym online only?!
Ubi you now got 5-6 months to reform red market system (most ac game comes out on October or November) because you seen how your own game skulls and bones and SS kills JL flopped
Ugh why I had to be born during the hard times of gaming?
Maybe in May I get more leaks
Also college educated students, people do like organic diversity.
But white people don’t like the demonization of themselves from people who make more money they do in their lifetimes
Seriously what the fuck is the culture in California and New York where it socially acceptable to treat white people like fictional characters
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June 10th- a story trailer and “bts” video where they show how yes finally we are going to Japan and their ideas and inspirations for it With probably the nice explanation why Yasuke was chose for the second playable character.
This all was the official timeline then, nice of them to post it, probably gonna be a few more leaks tho
Like my theory craft on how to use Yasuke in a what if continuation is interesting…but modern writers are not exactly smart. Also there a fundamental difference between my black teen dad Jrpg idea vs writers who have critical theory plaguing their minds Not to mention they think having more non whites will bring black people into fantasy games.
They need to stop with all the tokesism crap, even a MC can be a token if it's all just stereotypical nonsense. Then again certain parts of the audience that's all they want.
Gay guys need to be flaming, lesbians are lipstick or mega dyke, Latinos are gardners, and black people are thugs or you're doing it wrong.
If Yasuke breaks into a Undercover Brother type monolouge at some point I would laugh and cry.
When the last time they went to the cookout? The vast majority of casual players only enjoy playing Cod, GTA, tekken and other fighting games, and the occasional license hero game.
Oh I miss the cookouts, had a few friends that would invite me to different ones, damn fine food. Sometimes I acted extra white just to be funny too.
Prev and Warning your dumbass might become a pseudo historian and desire more knowledge (Or you might be interested in more ac games. Hmm here an Egypt one! Now might give you more! HEHEHEHE)
I like it, I also like tricking people into learning, makes things fun and interesting.
And noting bad wait- okay probably will be 70 dollars…..oh great a season and battle pass!….wdym online only?!
Ugh why I had to be born during the hard times of gaming? Maybe in May I get more leaks Also college educated students, people do like organic diversity.
There really was a golden age for it, late late 90's till the 10's when things all started to go online, get really good complete games and y you could hit up gameFAQ's if you needed help with something (used to have to know someone who knew or call the Nintendo Power hotline at $1.99 a min if you were stuck.
Think most college educated people like that too, it's just the loud ones that are the issue.
Seriously what the fuck is the culture in California and New York where it socially acceptable to treat white people like fictional characters
Speaking as a Californian let me say, fuck those guys doing that.
this is more like it
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prettywhenibleed · 1 year
𝕳𝖊'𝖘 𝕬𝖑𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖞 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 (He's Already Dead)
Pt 4
G/nReader x Poly!Lost Boys
TW: None, just fluff and lighthearted teasing
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Once we got to the boardwalk, Marko and Paul immediately drag me off to go on rides and play the games on the boardwalk. It was a lot of fun. Yelling with them while we rode some of the more adrenaline inducing rides. I also didn’t mind being sandwiched between them. And playing some of the games and winning each other prizes. I even made sure to win something for David and Dwayne. As Marko, Paul and I walked back to them, I couldn’t stop the big grin I had on my face. “You have fun there y/n?” David asked with a smirk. Dwayne was also looking at me with his own smile. “YEP! Look! I won you guys something each.” I told them with a proud smile. I handed Dwayne a bear plushie. “Thank you prince/ss. I love it.” He said with a sweet smile as he took the bear from me and then pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. I hugged him back then pulled away to look at him. “I’m glad you like it. It’s cute. Just like you.” I told him. He just chuckled and gave me another kiss.
I then turned to David and went to hand him his prize, which was a green frog plushie, but then pulled it back. “Wait. Is this going to ruin your bad boy reputation if you’re seen with a plushie?” I asked him teasingly. He stepped closer to me and gave me a look. “If you don’t give me my prize, I’m going to be very upset.” He said menacingly but still in a joking and teasing way. I grinned and put his plushie in his open hand. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He said, then pulled me into him. “You like it?” I asked. David looked down at the green frog plushie in his hand and smiled. “I do. It reminds me of you.” He said with a grin. I quirked my eyebrow at him. He just laughed. “It’s small and funny looking.” He joked. I gave him a pout. “If you’re gonna be mean, I’m just going to take it back.” I went to grab the frog but David moved it away from me. “I’m kidding sweetheart. I love it. Really.” He told me, then brought me into a kiss. I was frozen in surprise at first, this being the first time I had kissed any of them on the lips, but quickly melted into it. Davids lips were soft and the kiss was possessive but still gentle in a way. 
“Awww man. No fair! You got their first kiss!” Paul complained. David and I pulled away, leaving me breathless and I hid my face in his jacket, knowing I’d be red. “You snooze you lose.” Is all David said. After I saw sure the redness was gone from my face, I turned to Paul. “You know, that was only my first kiss with David. You will still technically get a first kiss. My first kiss with You.” I told him. That cause Paul to break out into a wide grin and move closer to me. “Well sugar pie, you better buckle up, cause my kiss is gonna rock your world.” He said with a smirk and a wink. He then proceeded to pull me from David’s side, into him and into a kiss. My god. These boys are going to be the death of me. Like David’s, Paul’s lips were soft. But while David’s kiss was more possessive, Paul’s was more gentle, yet eager. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss.
After a few moments, Marko fake coughed. Breaking away from Paul’s lips, I was yet again left beet red and breathless. “Okay. Enough making out.” Dwayne said. “You’re just jealous they haven’t made out with you yet.” Paul teased Dwayne, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. And to be honest, Dwayne was a bit jealous, but he’d never admit that to anyone. Besides, he knew he’d get his kiss. “Is it my turn yet babe?” Marko said with a teasing grin. I was hiding my face in my hands, embarrassed that I had just made out with two guys on the boardwalk, in front of all these people. Not that I minded kissing them. No. But it’s just.. I’d never even kissed anyone until now. And two guys in the span of like a minute of each other. “Leave them alone Marko.” Dwayne said, sensing my embarrassment. “Fine! But I’m just letting you know now. I’m a way better kisser than Paul. So you better be ready babe.” Marko teased. Paul was offended by such a statement and proceeded to start arguing with Marko on how he’s “the best guy anyone can make out with.” And how he obviously is the best kisser since he “left me speechless with his make out skills.”
The two of them continued to screw around while I just walked over to Dwayne, knowing he wasn’t going to tease me for getting all red faced and embarrassed. And I was right to after David decided to speak up. “You’re looking pretty red over there y/n.” He said with a smirk. I just groaned and buried my face into Dwayne’s jacket. Dwayne just wrapped his arms around me and smiled. At least one of them isn’t going to tease me. “You guys are so mean.” I said to David, although my voice was slightly muffed by Dwayne’s jacket. “Except for you Dwayne.” I said, causing Dwayne to chuckle a bit. “Thanks baby.” 
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aeoki · 5 months
Zodiac 2 - Monkey's Tail End of the Year: Chapter 1
Location: Downtown Characters: Madara Season: Winter Writer: Akira
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few days after “Star Fest”. The end of the year. >
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Madara: Come close and watch! The old year passes and a new year arrives – May we be blessed with a flood of customers…☆
Learn from the past! I shall present to you an old-fashioned but traditional monkey performance with some pleasant music!
The past and present intersect and combine together to create something delightful!
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled on the nostalgic but unheard-of street performance!
…Good! I guess that’s enough practice – Good job, good job ♪
You did well being in-sync, little monkey! Well done! Here’s a banana for you!
Hm? You don’t like bananas? It’s not good to be picky – you should eat everything and turn it into sustenance for your art.
In fact, you should be taking in calories before the real performance.
Bananas are easy to digest and they’re an ideal food for getting energy.
There are a lot of athletes who eat them before their games, after all. It’s a sweet and delicious blessing from the earth, you know?
(...Hmm~ it’s still not eating it.)
(I suppose it wouldn’t be an issue since it does perform properly and there’s no specific reason for me to be good friends with this monkey.)
(It’ll be sad if I’m unfriendly and cold to it. It may be a monkey and a temporary relationship between us, but we’re still colleagues.)
(The way the monkey is acting reminds me of someone, though… Hmm, who was it?)
…Hmm? Oh, Anzu-san! What a coincidence! Like minds gather!
There’s no need to purposely make arrangements to see one another – Why, those who are fated will naturally meet ♪
Oh, you don’t have to bow so much.
You don’t see that action very often overseas, so it surprised me since I’m not used to it – We’re so close with each other, so there’s no need for that.
Hahaha! It’s only being polite on the surface! I see you’re wanting to make our positions as “idol” and “producer” quite clear.
Well, even though we are childhood friends… It would be unfair if you only treat me in a special way and I'm sure there’ll definitely be complaints.
Is this distance suitable for our relationship?
Anyway, Anzu-san, you look somewhat pale… What happened?
Did you fall sick again? Come to Mama if you have something on your mind!
Seeking help when you’re having a tough time is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Hm? But I suppose I don’t want to keep digging up the past like a real mother would…
I can’t pretend the past where you were hospitalised “never happened”.
You might be tired of hearing me say this, but I’ll repeat it time and time again.
And every time you hear me say those things, you’ll be reminded of your powerlessness and frustration, and you’ll make an effort to make sure that won’t happen again, right?
That’s what they call reflection. Isn’t that right, Anzu-san?
Forgetting things can be both good and bad – Of course, I don’t think it’s a good idea to always drag things out.
It can be difficult to deal with and even though the world is currently trying to wash away everything that happened within the year in the name of a year-end party…
I hope you can reflect on your past, make improvements and move forward, one step at a time.
First, do your best for “SS”. I’ll be cheering you on, Anzu-san.
Hahaha! Ahahahaha ♪
Sorry! I see… Did you lose your wallet somewhere, Anzu-san? And that’s why you were looking so down?
My stomach is hurting from all the laughter! So you lost your wallet, huh? Poor Anzu-san.
Hehe… I thought you had gotten more reliable! But it seems that clumsy part of you hasn’t changed one bit.
You made me laugh since it’s an unexpectedly small worry and it gave me a peace of mind after realising you haven’t changed at all…
I’m sorry – I didn’t mean to make fun of you.
Hahaha. Anzu-san, you can be absent-minded at times, huh…
You were once holding onto your plushie but thought I had it and would hit me with all your strength.
And when I pointed out that I didn’t have it… you’d go red as a tomato like a monkey and crouch down – Just like what you’re doing now ♪
You’ve always been staring at someplace far away… You’ve got a bad habit of not being able to see the things close to you, Anzu-san.
Hm? You don’t remember that ever happening? I see, well, I’ve got plenty of your silly episodes to talk about, so I guess it’s natural you wouldn’t be able to remember them all!
If you did, your brain would be overloaded!
Back to the subject at hand! The situation has changed! Mama shall do whatever he can to help! You’re very lucky to have come across me here!
The most simple solution for the time being would be for me to lend you some money…
Anzu-san, you wouldn’t like that, would you? You can be quite fussy about that sort of thing.
Then, how about this? I’ll continue my street performance as “MaM” and you’ll give me a hand.
As a “producer”, of course. I’ll give you a reward if you can do a good job.
I won’t be lending you money as a friend, but I’ll be paying you for your work.
Naturally, if you have someplace to be, then I’ll give you my wallet without a doubt… If you have the time, then I hope you’ll heed my request.
It’s the end of the year – Most people wouldn’t want to greet the new year with their worries, obligations and things they have to pay back from the previous year still hanging about…
We should solve our issues cleanly and greet the new year with bright and sunny feelings ♪
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNext Chapter →
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glatisant-questing · 9 months
Shinpachi's Short Story from the Manyo no Shou Limited Edition Booklet
Shinpachi is cute!!! I love the detail about how the other soldiers from the 2nd division would like to help him when they see him doing the cleaning.
As usual, there's no spoiler alert since the story can be read before or after playing the game/the FD and has little to do with the major plot.
This SS was written by 長野 和泉
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“Wow, I’m good! I’m good! Thank you for the meal, Chizuru-chan. Today’s breakfast is delicious as always!” 
I said, stretching my limbs and lying down on the floor. The time after eating to one’s heart’s content is truly what they call “a moment of bliss”. 
“Thank you for your kind words, Nagakura-san. I will take care of the dishes, so please have some rest.” Chizuru-chan said. 
“Okay, thanks! It’s my day off today, so maybe I’ll take a nap or something…” 
I said, trying to get up. That’s when it happened. 
“Hey Shinpachi, come here.” 
Suddenly, Sano grabbed me by the collar. 
“What? What do you want? Hey, don’t pull so hard, ouch–” 
I was dragged out of the hall by Sano. When we got to the corridor, Sano pushed me against the wall and said. 
“…You didn’t notice anything, did you?” He asked. 
“Huh? Notice what?|ʘ‿ʘ)╯” I asked.
“It’s Chizuru’s complexion. She looked unwell, didn’t she? How can you ask her to do chores like that?” He said. 
“Now that you mention it, she did seem a bit less energetic than usual…” I said. 
“If you noticed it, then you should have cleaned up the dishes yourself. You have nothing to do today, right? So take over her chores for her. Got it?” 
He said, and then went back to the hall. 
“What do you mean by nothing to do? Sure, I don’t have any errands, but…” I said. I was annoyed because I didn’t notice Chizuru’s situation until Sano pointed it out, but I did feel worried about her too. 
With that in mind, I decided to go back to the hall. 
“Oh, Nagakura-san. Did you finish talking with Harada-san?” Chizuru-chan greeted me as I came back. 
“Hm? Yeah, sort of. Listen, I’ll take care of the dishes, so you can go back to your room and rest.” I said. 
“Eh? But, cleaning up is my job…” She said. 
“It’s fine, it���s fine. Just leave it to me.” I said, and started cleaning up the dishes. But– 
Trying to carry too many dishes at once was a bad idea. I dropped them all on the floor with a loud clash. 
“Are you okay, Nagakura-san?!” She asked. 
“O-oh, yeah, I’m fine…” I said. 
“I knew it, so please let me handle it! Please go back to your room and have some rest.” She said. 
“But…” I felt bad letting her do it after what Sano told me. 
“Alright then, then I’ll wash the dishes! I’ll be done in a flash, so wait for me!” I said, and snatched the dishes from her hands. 
Then I headed to the well. 
“I’m sorry. I wanted to help you out, but instead I made things worse.” 
After that, I tried to wash the dishes, but she took them away from me again, saying “just let me handle this”. 
“Don’t worry about it. I know very well that you intend to help me.” She said, deftly cleaning up the bowls one by one. 
“But are you really okay? Sano told me earlier that you looked pale…” I asked. 
Then she looked away from me shyly. 
“I’m fine. It’s not that I’m sick or anything. It’s just that I didn’t have enough sleep last night.” She said. 
“Not enough sleep?” I asked. 
“Yes. I was reading a book on medicine that I borrowed from Matsumoto-sensei and before I knew it, it was morning.” She said.
“A book on medicine, huh? Chizuru-chan, you’re very studious.” 
I said, impressed by her determination to learn more about medicine, even though she already has a lot of knowledge that has helped many of our comrades. 
At the same time, I felt that I need to do something for her. 
“Alright, I’ve decided! Chizuru-chan, do you have other chores to do later? I’ll do them for you.” I said. 
“Eh, no, that’s–too much!” She said.
 “It’s fine, it’s fine. You can just have a rest. Or you don’t trust me?” I said. 
“That’s not the case, it’s just that I feel bad to let others do what I should do…” She said, looking downcast. 
But I insisted, “Come on, let me handle it for you. You are always taking care of me. It is a big brother’s duty to look after his little sister, right?” I said. 
She hesitated for a while. But then she smiled like a tiny flower in bloom. 
“…Alright. Then I’ll accept your kindness.” She said. 
“Yeah! Today I’ll do all the troublesome chores for you, so just relax.” I said. 
“Okay, I get it.” She said. 
Just hearing her answer lifted all the heaviness from my heart.
 (Chizuru-chan’s an incredible girl. She makes me feel like I want to do anything just to make her smile.) 
(For now, I will go and do the things she usually does…)
 I made sure she went into her room before I started moving. 
“First, I’ll do the cleaning.” I said, beginning to wipe the floor of the hall and the long corridor with a cloth. 
The other off-duty soldiers from the second unit offered to help me when they saw me doing the cleaning, but since I told Chizuru-chan to leave the chores all to me, I couldn’t let them do it.
I turned down their offers and continued with the cleaning. 
Then I heard a familiar voice. 
“Hey Shinpachi-san. Why are you cleaning? Aren’t you off-duty today?” 
At Heisuke’s words, I stopped from my labor.
“Yeah, I’m off-duty. That’s why I wanted to do some cleaning—I mean, I just feel like doing the cleaning today!” I decided not to involve Chizuru-chan since I did not want to disturb her while she was resting, and I chose my words carefully. 
“Oh, really? That’s rare. So…do you know where Chizuru is?” He asked. 
“N-no…why do you ask?” I asked. 
“She said she was going to do the laundry today since the weather is nice. I wonder what I should do…” He said. 
“Well…maybe you can leave the dirty laundry in the courtyard?” I suggested. 
“Oh, right. Then I’ll go get the clothes and stuff!” 
He said so and left. 
As I watched him leaving… 
(What? After cleaning up the floor, I am supposed to sweep the temple grounds…and then do the laundry too? Chizuru-chan, are you doing all of these things everyday…truly amazing…) 
I had no choice but to do the laundry too. I sighed and thought to myself.
That day. Under a sky that was clear and blue. 
When Nagakura started doing the laundry, Chizuru woke up from her nap and helped him. The two of them washed the clothes together happily.
(The end)
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Question; do you think Ray would go Danger Mode if we're unhappy at Mint Eye? I love Ray and I know I'd stick around just for him, but honestly your time in Magenta seems so... isolated. You cant even go outside without an escort, and Ray's really the only person you can have an extended chat with face to face. I probably wouldnt bring it up out of guilt but at the same time ive been told I cant lie to save my life, so-
I guess im just kinda curious whether that would be enough for his fears of losing you to take over, even if you reassured him that you genuinely do like him and want to stay?
I genuinely think it depends on what kind of person you are. There are certain people that don't really mind being stuck in that room all the time because they don't care for interactions with other people. It wouldn't really bother me to be locked up in that room since it's something that I'm used to doing, so for me it doesn't really seem like a problem to feel that lonely isolation.
However, in the cases of people that are more like you, there is no doubt in my mind that he is going to be wary of what that could do to you and your opinion of Mint Eye. What if you want to leave? What if you tell him that you want to go to another place because you’re isolated and afraid? What if you say you hate him for bringing you here?
He wants to protect you from the outside world. He brought you here so that he could keep you away from everything that he's afraid of. So, it didn't really occur to him that you would miss anything out there. He wants to make you feel like a true royal in his midst... that’s why you are his prince/ss. That’s why he wants to worship you in a castle.
That's why he tries to overcompensate himself by giving you the most elegant room, the best food, clothes that are perfectly sized, and the like. Anything that's in the realm of possibility that he can get for you without becoming a nuisance, he's already done it.
He goes over these details in a in his diary. There’s so much he time he put into figuring out what makes you tick. He spends a long time trying to figure out how to do all of these things so that it'll be okay when he brings somebody there. The details are immaculate. He didn’t miss a thing and that can be the unnerving part if you look too hard.
He is choosing somebody perfect for him. You’re perfect for him and he can do whatever it takes to placate you. He was all but given the opportunity to choose somebody that he thought was best and that's where this starts to go south. His obsession and paranoia can win in the end if you don’t press the right buttons in this situation and give him a chance. Even if you’ve done it all right, if something goes wrong around you and him, he might not be able to believe you.
For example, in Day 4′s Bad Ending, he assumes that you haven’t been doing chatrooms because 707 manipulated you. He says “you played his game and you were with him when you weren’t talking to me”. He doesn’t stop to listen to anything you say because now he thinks that you’re going to leave him behind forever because you believed 707 and not him. You haven’t even really talked that much to the RFA in this ending. You didn’t try. But, does that matter in his mind?
It doesn’t.
Ray’s paranoia is stronger than his belief in the facts. If he thinks that you’re at risk of being taken away, he becomes forceful and straightforward in his desire for you. He keeps you in your room like its a dollhouse... not a toy box, toys can be broken and thrown away, but a pretty doll on a shelf is meant to be admired by all. He can fix this if you just let him. You can start over again and again and again.
Or, in V Route, BRE1 happens when you don’t engage with Rika and V enough and Rika decides to give you back to Ray as a plaything. You don’t care for V in the same way she does, so she loses interest and assumes Ray will have much better use for you. You are useful, but she’ll figure that how to use that later. In the meantime, Ray whisks you away back to your room as he says he’s excited to spend time with you again. Apart from him telling you about how Suit Saeran wants to meet you...
He comments about the “AI” in distaste, and you try to correct him. That’s about the point in this situation where he becomes upset and angry, why are trying to talk about those people? Is he not good enough? He’s so upset that you want to talk to the RFA and believe in the outside world after the Savior said that there’s no chance of that. He doesn’t know what to do. He just knows he refuses to lose you even if you’re mad at him. He locks you in your room until he has the time to decide how he can fix you.
The closest you get canonically to Ray being okay with thoughts and talk of the outside is around the time you kiss him.
That’s when he’s started to shift away from the cult more and more in the belief that protecting you is more important... even more important than his revenge. But, Rika snuffs out his light after she’s informed by a believer who spotted the two of you. She was already suspicious but that was it for him there. He was destroyed before he could fully listen and try to understand the world and why freedom is more than what he thinks.
So, when it comes down to it, what does it mean when you tell him that you feel a little stir-crazy? It matters how you tell him. If you start talking about how you are overwhelmed with being here and you want to go out, you need to be careful of how you mention it. It wouldn't be as bad if you said that you wanted to walk around the building with him. In fact, it's not like he gets upset when you leave your room and take a little stroll.
You're allowed to do that in the beginning of your time there with your key card. It's not that he doesn't want you to explore or feel safe there, it's that he wants to be there to experience all of these things with you. The selfish part of him wants to see your reaction to everything.
He wants to capture the way you look whenever you see something for the first time. He doesn't want you to be locked away. He wants to let you experience all kinds of things with him. In an Ideal World, he knows that he wouldn't have to be afraid of what could go wrong if somebody bothered you or got into your personal space.
But, because of the circumstance that you're in, it's not the ideal world. It's not a place where he feels things are okay. He brought you here because he thought that he could protect you from the pain and the misery.
So, if you just tell him that you want to wander the building, you can do that. You have the right to do that as a believer. You only needed an escort before you were an official member. So you can walk around and get a lot of things out of your system. The only part that might feel isolating to you is the fact that there's not a lot of people to talk to. The people you can talk to you aren't exactly the cheeriest bunch in the world. That might be the point where you have an issue. That might be the lonely part that bothers you the most. Not the fact that you can leave the room if you want to, but the fact that there's not really people to talk to that feel human.
That would be the problem for him. Even though the people in this place in Mint Eye are safe, he fears losing you to everything and everyone. So, in terms of that, that would definitely be something you would have to look out for. But I feel like that can be easily remedied for the more that you talk to him and help him understand that you don't want to leave his side, you just feel a little isolated. There are ways to make that a little bit better.
But, he's the one who has to figure those out.
His paranoia is really only an issue in the context of something going wrong. As long as things continue to work out smoothly the way that he thinks that they will, he doesn't have any fears. Is there an ideal solution? Not really. That's going to hinge upon your needs and what you're going through.
No matter what happens, you're going to come to a standstill when you have to confront him with the reality of what being trapped here is. There is no way to run away from it because eventually it's going to come up in conversation and you'll have to talk about it. That's going to be the moment where you'll have to figure out what you actually value and what you're willing to do for him. Can you get through to him by saying that this place isn't good for anybody? Hard to say. There's no guarantee that you could do it before a certain somebody would step in and snuff out his light. 
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