#dracula daily may 16
widdendreams · 16 days
Dracula Daily: May 16th
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bacon-and-yeggs · 1 year
dracula may 16 is just the equivalent to coming home and finding your roommates eating your food out of a container clearly labeled with your name
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reallucywestenra · 16 days
In regards to Jonathan’s diary on the 16th these ladies were in fact gorgeous and were actually quite funny and sweet when not trying to eat you alive. Their names were Sylvia, Ara, and Kari.
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clockwork-stars · 16 days
"How dare you touch him, any of you? How dare you cast eyes on him when I had forbidden it? Back, I tell you all! This man belongs to me! Beware how you meddle with him, or you'll have to deal with me."
Sure sir ?? Please calm down, no one is gonna hurt your boyfriend
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beacedocrime · 14 days
Welcome to
Artemis reads:
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Why am I so incredibly late? I got a fit of motivation for drawing and was going to ride it out to its full capacity. Currently taking a break.
Where's May 15? Didn't have much to say for that chapter tbh.
Okay, now, here we go.
God preserve my sanity, for to this I am reduced. Safety and the assurance of safety are things of the past. Whilst I live on here there is but one thing to hope for, that I may not go mad, if, indeed, I be not mad already.
Continuing the trend of Jonathan making me very sad the moment I open an email. I want to give this man a blanket, hot chocolate, and a good night's sleep
If I be sane, then surely it is maddening to think that of all the foul things that lurk in this hateful place the Count is the least dreadful to me; that to him alone I can look for safety, even though this be only whilst I can serve his purpose.
Fuckkkkk, now he feels that he might be dependent on Dracula, believes that he might be the lesser evil, whilst also being fully aware that the moment he stops serving whatever purpose the Count has kept him for, he will have outlived his usefulness. Shitttt, yeah dude that is a maddening situation
for now, feeling as though my own brain were unhinged or as if the shock had come which must end in its undoing, I turn to my diary for repose. The habit of entering accurately must help to soothe me.
A+ for coping mechanisms
The Count's mysterious warning frightened me at the time; it frightens me more now when I think of it, for in future he has a fearful hold upon me. I shall fear to doubt what he may say!
Oh lord, can't this guy catch a break? Just a little one? Doubt is creeping in, it seems
When I had written in my diary and had fortunately replaced the book and pen in my pocket I felt sleepy. The Count's warning came into my mind, but I took a pleasure in disobeying it. The sense of sleep was upon me, and with it the obstinacy which sleep brings as outrider.
On one hand, I'm proud of him for being rebellious. On the other, man's gonna get himself killed
and unthinking of and uncaring for the dust, composed myself for sleep.
Dude does not have allergies, huh?
Lower and lower went her head as the lips went below the range of my mouth and chin and seemed about to fasten on my throat. Then she paused, and I could hear the churning sound of her tongue as it licked her teeth and lips, and could feel the hot breath on my neck. Then the skin of my throat began to tingle as one's flesh does when the hand that is to tickle it approaches nearer—nearer.
"How dare you touch him, any of you? How dare you cast eyes on him when I had forbidden it? This man belongs to me! Beware how you meddle with him, or you'll have to deal with me.”
Get fucked Dracula, Jonathan's not your toy to play with. By the Lord, everybody sucks here (in quite the literal sense too lmao)
If my ears did not deceive me there was a gasp and a low wail, as of a half-smothered child. The women closed round, whilst I was aghast with horror; but as I looked they disappeared, and with them the dreadful bag.
WHAT. Did a child just die. Did we just read about a child that just died. They just did that. Oh my.
Then the horror overcame me, and I sank down unconscious.
No! Dracula is right there! Don't faint with that creep right there! Jonathan you're gonna give me a heart attack.
To be sure, there were certain small evidences, such as that my clothes were folded and laid by in a manner which was not my habit.
Did Dracula change him? When he was unconscious?? Eughh. Like I said, creep
My watch was still unwound, and I am rigorously accustomed to wind it the last thing before going to bed, and many such details.
What I'm getting from this is that now Jonathan's sense of time will be even more messed up, right?
But these things are no proof, for they may have been evidences that my mind was not as usual, and, from some cause or another, I had certainly been much upset. I must watch for proof.
Sure, maybe they're not proof, but also, surely you’re still aware that you probably didn't dream all of that, right? You're not falling for the gaslighting, right?? Right???
As I look round this room, although it has been to me so full of fear, it is now a sort of sanctuary, for nothing can be more dreadful than those awful women, who were—who are—waiting to suck my blood.
Okay so he knows it wasn't some fever dream. Good, good.
May 12 /
May 18
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"hey i was gonna drink that"
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saffitaffi · 14 days
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He angy part 5: sh-shut up, I too can love, okay???
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akasanata · 1 year
No, little Jonathan, don't go sleeping outside your room
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Enter Dracula's three weed smoking girlfriends
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This whole page. Wow. So well done.
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Possessive much, Dracula?
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Poor Jonathan, the fact that he now feels Dracula is the lesser evil kills me
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yallemagne · 1 year
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Yes, I too can love.
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Ok so today's entry is definitely gonna be important for the analysis on how the topic of sexuality (which is one among MANY topics that this novel covers) is explored throughout the story and throughout the concept of vampirism in it.
I wanted to note these things down for myself cause this is a topic that really boils my blood when seeing academic analysis of it but I want to read the full text carefully through Dracula Daily and make a proper personal opinion of it before reading anything else (academia.edu PLEASE stop emailing me things I will crush my head on the wall). (For now, my overall opinion on this topic is that academics focus way too much on making a metaphor out of everything when a lot of things in this story make more sense when analyzed as parallelism, or as a literal part of the plot with no further meaning...)
Anyways. This is the first time in the story when a scene of (almost) vampire feeding is narrated, and the scene that makes Johnathan go "this is it, nowhere is safe". So this kind of settles a first impression on what being preyed upon by a vampire feels like (at the same time it could also serve as reference for when vampire feeding feels WAY differently from today, and therefore can be interpreted differently). We have:
The feeling of seduction of some sorts(EDIT: I should point out that vampire seduction by this time was already, from The Vampyre to Carmilla, along with several folklore, a well established trope). Is Johnathan's initial fear out of an unconscious feeling that they're vampires? Because of their sudden appearance in the otherwise empty room? Because he loathes being disloyal to Mina? Could be a mix, we will never know. But it's interesting to ask oneself these things.
I'm not going to expand on why the description of how the girl approaches Johnathan's neck is erotic, just go read it. I listened to the Re:Dracula entry today and aw lawd that's... The academics win on this one that does sound like a sexual thing good god.
It also sounds quite monstrous tho. The licking of the teeth, the red tongue, is similar to how the wolves were described on may 5th (and later, Dracula's gesture towards the other girls is compared to the one he used with the wolves, This is actually the first direct association between wolves and vampires as a similar being I think)
Dracula's "I too can love" speech and him undressing Johnathan is a whole topic for a different post which I do Not Have The Energy To Make (and that someone out there will probably do better than me today)
Lastly, we have Johnathan's dread at the end. That's a lot of dread wow, even worse than Dracula. Now, of course, a big part of this is due to them being VAMPIRES. WHO WILL KILL HIM. Because this is a vampire story. But it also leads us to other questions. Could this dread also be a dread of the desire he felt? Because of loyalty to Mina or because of the dominant stance the vampiresses took (which was Inappropriate in victoriam standards)?. These are the questions academics usually explore. There's also the less "This symbolizes That" approach which takes the fact that vampires=dreadful because of plot reasons, and draws the conclusion that making such a dreadful creature have a sexual attitude, said attitude is demonized. Additionally, in the Dracula Daily fandom, there are also people noticing how his dread is akin to the feelings of an SA victim. (Which leads us to the question of How Did Bram Know That?)
In any case. One thing is clear. They're vampires. They want his blood. Poor boy has been sleep deprived, questioning his sanity, and being manipulated by his employer for more than a week now. His employer who has just saved him from getting eaten. That's a shock. That's a big fucking shock alright.
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remembersunflowers · 9 months
Jonathan when he quotes hamlet: fully aware of the horror he is in, writing down everything to keep himself sane, and that night he is faced with vampire ladies threatening to drain kiss him
Lucy when she quotes hamlet: aware only of a dreadful exhaustion, afraid to sleep, writing down reassurances that the people around her are trying to help, and at night there is that sound of wings flapping against the window
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thethirdromana · 1 year
Dracula's roommates, in gifs
All gifs by talented tumblr gif-makers, commentary by me. I haven't seen most of the films so all commentary is on vibes alone.
Dracula (1931)
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Full marks for spookiness, and here we have a book-accurate two brunettes and a blonde. I'm impressed by the amount of fabric that these ladies are collectively wearing, especially given that the front hem of their dresses is longer than floor-length. I wonder how many takes they had where they just tripped up and faceplanted the spooky stone floor?
Brides of Dracula (1960)
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There are only two brides in this, as part of the plot is the acquisition of a third bride. The main vibe these two give me are of a sleepover just as the edibles are kicking in. They seem very friendly. Might get the munchies later though.
Dracula (1968)
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It's hard to tell from the gif, but this is what Wikipedia claims to be the only version where one of the brides of Dracula is black (on the left, played by Nina Baden-Semper). I'm surprised more adaptations don't do this, given the physical description we get only requires that two are dark and one fair. Sadly they don't get any dialogue in this, just some expressive hand-movements.
Count Dracula (1977)
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Dear lord, could this be more 70s?? The hair, the dresses, the makeup, even what I assume is a cod-medieval tapestry could only be from one decade. I don't much like the kind of brattish submissiveness happening in this gif (ymmv, of course). But apparently one of them is French, which is fun.
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
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Interesting how much more active the brides become as the years go on. I mean, the lip-licking is right there in the text, but this feels very full on compared with the coquettish earlier brides. They do look fabulous though - so fabulous that all other brides follow the same model from this point onwards.
Dracula 2000 (2000, unsurprisingly)
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A modern-day Dracula provides us with some modern-day brides, though in essence they're much the same as the 1992 ones. I have never seen anyone on Tumblr ever mention this film, which makes me suspect that it's atrocious.
Van Helsing (2004)
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Dracula starts off with three brides in Van Helsing but if I remember correctly, they don't appear on screen at the same time (if they do, I couldn't find a gif of it). I kind of wish they'd gone for the period-ish costumes of the ballroom scene for the brides, but instead we get 1992 again, in both costume and general red-lipped vampishness.
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reallucywestenra · 16 days
“with great wavy masses of golden hair and eyes like pale sapphires. I seemed somehow to know her face, and to know it in connection with some dreamy fear”
I haunted your dreams, huh, Jonathan? What did you think I was gonna do?
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t470n · 1 year
So what I'm hearing is every character in Dracula is bisexual
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lostamber · 1 year
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May 16th
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cheese-whizard · 1 year
Jonathan, May 16:
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