#dreamy talks
magicaldreamfox1 · 2 days
i changed washed and dried my sheets i dusted off everything i tidied up my desk i wiped down my jewellery cupboard my desk and my nightstand i emptied the paper waste bins and i vacuumed. pls clap and cheer for me
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especdreamy · 2 years
@ mcyttwt newcomers
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i-eat-lip-gloss · 10 months
rb with what time it is rn for u (for me i posted this at 3:13 pm)
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briankang · 1 year
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Jeongin in SUPER BOARD
for @i-like-yoongi-a-latte & @acrobaticcatfeline
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strawb3rry-cloudz · 6 months
My name is Crayon (or Charlie), and this is my agere/petre sideblog! my main is @i-eat-lip-gloss
❗️ Am I Regressed Right Now?: No
❗️ Note: when i regress, i'm not online much (if at all) on my main because i like to stay off mature things when i'm little, however i will be active on here!
⭐️anyways here’s info about me!🌙
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(banner made by @heavenspuppy !)
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, gummy/gummys, star/stars, honk/honks, circus/circus’, yellow/yellows, color/colors
Gender and sexuality: trans, transmasc, librafluid, and omnisexual
little age: 0-4, sometimes 5-6
labels: agere flip, baby regressor, toddler regressor, cg, lamb regressor, pet regressor, bunny regressor, agere babysitter
cg: @todays-a-good-day-to-be-tired
do i have a little?: yes! also @todays-a-good-day-to-be-tired (it's also a flip)
🧸i’m also a babysitter! just shoot me a message if you want/need someone to take care of you! (check under cut for more info)
fav little color: pastel purple and blue!!
animals i (sometimes) regress to: lamb, bunny
what helps me regress: stuffies, coloring, my little cartoons, cozy things, pastels, pacis, sippy cups, games by Budge Studios, my Dust plushie (they’re a bunny), music boxes
my little cartoons: My Little Pony, Bubble Guppies, Care Bears, Doc McStuffins, Strawberry Shortcake, Bo on the Go, Yo Gabba Gabba, Bluey
how many stuffies do i have?: too many to count! although i'll prob count later when i have the chance. i also have a blankie!!
fav stuffie: Dust (a gray bunny), Kuromi (Build-a-Bear), Milk (a white bear), Chamomile (a squishmellow-like bear), Hoo-Hoo (an owl), and Jellybean (a frog)
fav little foods: dino nuggies, fruit snacks, apple juice, cheese, crackers, chocolate milk, mac n cheese, bunny milk (a spin on angel milk)
this is what my text is like when in babyspace:
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[translation: “i has Velveeta for dinner!” [i have Velveeta for dinner]
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[translation: “i don’t have it yet but it almost ready” (i don’t have it yet but it’s almost ready) “oh it ready now!” [oh, it’s ready now!]
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Babysitter info:
i am now open to be a babysitter! i am also a cg however, and that's a close personal bond with my little. but, i will care for any little of any regressed age! (SFW ONLY)
i can take care of many at once, any age, littles who don't have a cg, littles when their cg is not around/busy, etc!
names you can call me as a babysitter (some names are restricted/not listed because they are only for my little): Bubba, Dada, Daddy (sfw!!), Dee-Dee, Crayon, other variations my name "Crayon", Papa Fox, Dada Crayon, King, Char, Char-Char, etc! you can call me pretty much anything you like, but if i am not comfy with it i will letcha know!
(NONE, ZERO, feminine nicknames!!)
just dm me or shoot me a message if you want a babysitter! (also, if you wanna be an anon, that's completely fine but please use an emoji or nickname so i can identify you easy!)
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sonicposting · 1 year
sososos specific but i love it when ppl draw sonadow as angel nd devil and make sonic the devil its SOOOO awesome to me
its all about the . t. the way sonic especially centers around hating oppression, loving freedom so trying to fit him into any trope neatly is just restraining him
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st4rv1ng-st4r · 6 months
i’ve been slacking off recently, not sticking to my standard cal limit. i need to get my fucking shit together, i need to be skinny by Christmas
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lotus-sunn · 2 months
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just was listeing to ebb tide and..god I forgot how much I love saxophonists
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hermellowsoul · 2 years
Everytime I thought about my future, I pictured us having a family together, our tiny world with lots of joyful moments; unaware of the fact that there is something like man proposes and God disposes. God had different plans. I grew old, and you never got a chance to grow old. My hair have turned grey, and yours never turned.I have wrinkles now, whereas you had the most gentle, calm, childlike face I have ever seen when you encountered death.
People write, "me before you" But fear writing "me after you". It started with US but ended with me, just me.
The sorrow of separation is best known to the one who have to continue living even after the death of their beloved.
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cultoftherat · 2 years
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 month
"should there be kink at pride?" should there be sunshine? should there be joy? get real
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especdreamy · 1 year
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i-eat-lip-gloss · 8 months
let me tell u
the most accepted i’ve ever felt, the most majestic and inspiring thing i’ve ever seen,
was on the first day of pride at school last year.
more than half the kids there were dressed in something pride. quite a few of them had flag capes, umbrella even saw a kid with a trans flag. there were so many kids and people dressed their queer-best for pride, rainbows, flags, and all. i have never felt so accepted in school or ever in my entire life. sure there were some kids who got kinda pissed at it, but they were really outnumbered so it didn’t matter. one kid said “it’s just June not dress up like fruit loops!” and i honestly burst out laughing. at lunch me and all my friends had little pencil flags (the pole is a pencil; made my umbrella) and Lint had a pretty well sized rainbow flag, and as a group of kids were walking past our table to go get hot lunch, one of them as walking leaned forward and said “eeewwww” but we all honestly laughed. it was pride month, we were being rlly represented, we were too strong to even care. that’s the beauty of pride month to me, it empowers us queers by being and feeling so accepted and represented we’re too strong (emotionally) to care abt what anyone else says
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magicaldreamfox1 · 5 months
i think there are too many posts out there that are like writing is not fun but im gonna do it anyways. so here's my contribution: writing is fun actually
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magicaldreamfox1 · 7 months
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can't get this anywhere else
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especdreamy · 2 years
The dream smp ccs had something unique and beloved and super interesting and they got too cocky and careless with it and killed it. They had one of the biggest fandoms that only happens once in a decade in their hands and they killed it. They killed it by being inconsistent, giving empty promises, using the fans' love for the server as a way to get high viewer counts.
They killed it by not communicating with each other, actively excluding other ccs, and they killed it by giving one of the most important storylines in it one of the lamest endings they couldve come up with.
And I am sorry for all of us who loved this story and held hope for it to be better, for those who hoped that the ccs would actually be careful with the topics they portrayed. I'm sorry to those who spent months, years creating and making analysis and theorizing and doing the art and fanfics and animations, who have to be let down like this due to a rushed ending that came from damage control lore streams.
Just remember that at this point. S1 and the characters in it are for us to use. Your hcs and what-ifs cannot be decanonized now. Go ham.
One of the best parts of the dsmp was the fandom. The way we took crumbs and turned them into a feast. I hope that if you still care about the Season 1 after this to not be discouraged to make your own version of it in your head. Create the narrative that you wish you had.
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