#electric love
whuckerycom · 2 days
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Electric Love with your Computer is the best thing you can have 📺💕💻 - plz reblog :]
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thecoldcoffeecup · 10 months
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you will learn the hard way instead of just walkin' out
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niidsch · 5 days
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♫ Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX (2013)
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reikaniichan · 3 months
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unusual ecolo x electric love miku.. the details and such changed a bit again.
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rainthespiritual · 3 months
Electric Love ~ Dot
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An American Horror Story AU fic Based on season 2, asylum.
Angst, electroshock therapy, torture, it being asylum is itself a trigger warning, depression, forced medication, self harm, suicide, litteraly everything bad like that please be warned thank you 🙏
Plot : You're a patient in the asylum with kit
status : slightly edited
A/n : Idk how long this will be but I plan on making it atleast a couple parts... probably a series..
"Please stop! STOP it!" you cry, trying to pull your arms away from the two guards dragging you. You look around trying to make sense of where you are again but you immediately regret it as it all comes back. The darkness around consumes you and you truly ask yourself if you are in hell.
"No.. no no no NO NO PLEASE LET ME GO!" you scream again and again seeing the same walls you've seen.. again and again, the same place you were condemned to the place you are trapped, like a mouse in some sick maze. Darkness all around you in every corner, lingering in the air even. The same sickening song playing again and again in the common room, making you more nauseous with every note and every tune. The record player taunting you daily, you swear it's asking you to bash it in. To destroy it. You want nothing more than to lift up that stupid ugly thing, over your head and crack.. Oh the release youd feel is almost worth the punishment.
Most of the time you barely can understand what's around you anymore, it's all so familiar but also so foreign. Unknown to you it's a side-effect of the pills they force down your throat, and you sadly have no choice. You either take them or some sick man you don't know will hold your nose closed forcing you to open up to breathe but instead of air, you get the sick salty taste of fingers and medicine that never seems to go away, instead it lingers. Those damn pills taste terrible even just sitting them on your tounge to swallow makes you nauseous. Hell everything about this damn place made you nauseous the people, the smells, the air, the pills, the treatment and you could go on and on and on If you were sober enough.
The irony smell in the air, reminiscent of blood never seemed to go away and you can recognize it on the hands of some of the staff, 'why' you wonder 'why do their hands smell like blood and death'. The answers you've seemed to come up with terrify you to no end so you prefer to ignore it, to take the pills. Even though they don't seem to help much at all.
You open your eyes not even realizing they've been shut, you feel weirdly numb. But not so numb you feel nothing, just numb enough to be dazed and confused just how they like it. Compliant and scared. They say things to you that you now realise mean nothing, 'thisll fix you, you'll be happy.' , 'just let God into your heart and you'll be alright.' but it's proven again and again to be utter bullshit, everything is utter bullshit. You pray over and over begging for forgiveness, begging to feel anything but this, anything but the excruciating feeling of lonliness and utter dread you feel almost constantly and nothing gets better, you don't get fixed. Maybe it's you or maybe it's the life you've lived or the choices youve made. Or maybe just maybe it's nothing at all, just randomly selected torture that truly means nothing at all. Gathering all the strength you have left you try to kick out, but these two men are bigger, stronger, and alot less doped up than you are. The drugs you're forced to take keep you weak so you wont fight back, but that doesnt stop you from atleast trying.
  Finally, you fall limp in their arms knowing what's going to come next, the worst kind of pain imaginable. One that does damage inside and out, melting your brain more and more every day. Sister Jude had caught you the previous day, or maybe week? It's so blurry you can't truly remember. But the gist is she caught you trying to cut yourself with a piece of sharp metal you had found on the floor somewhere, though now you can't completely remember the whereabouts. Stitched up and at least somewhat healed now, Sister Jude decided to resume your treatments. All you can do now is sob, and pray that it is over soon to a God that never listens.
"Please.." The guards finally strap you down, ignoring your pleas and sobs.
 After a while of silence, Sister Jude finally walks into the room followed by Dr.Arden. "Please Sister, please! I'm begging you please don't do this to me, please. I'LL BE BETTER!" you sob even harder screaming as they forcefully open your mouth to shove a mouth guard inside, your screams now muffled unable to speak.
 You look into Sister Jude's eyes with a pleading look, hoping that maybe just for once she will let you off easy with just a couple welts. Her eyes stare into yours and for a moment, just a moment, you feel that she actually feels bad. The looks in her eyes similar to yours makes you want to scream out but you stay silent knowing you won't be heard. Her mouth opens a bit, you assume to speak. But instead she jumps slightly, startled by the scratchy voice of Dr.Arden.
   "Shall we get on with it?" he sounds impatient, his expression looking eager. You shut your eyes, hot tears still running down your face. Even just hearing Dr.Arden's voice sent chills down your spine. Something about him was evil. It  was almost like he enjoyed the torture.
  "Don't worry ___ we'll get you all fixed up," Sister Jude whispers wiping the tears from your sticky face ", you need to accept God into your life fully if you truly want to get better young lady." just like that her face is serious again and the little bit of hope you had is gone. It's good to not have hope in a place like this, but it's only human nature. Dr.Arden brings the tool to your temple, and finally, the torture begins. You scream out, feeling the electricity pulse throughout your body. Until at some point everything turns black, and your mind goes silent. Maybe this is the end.
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tomatosoupgroup · 2 months
hello screen shot stans it is saturday once again
OKAY so if you follow me on twitter (which you likely do, if you're seeing this. but if you aren't, my handle is @/CalendarCursed) you may have seen this:
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believe it or not, i've been thinking of using this style for certain graphics!
but how do I achieve this style???? hmmmm......
make a model in blender
animate said model
export as image sequence
import into aseprite
set palette to pear36 (the palette all sprites in the game will use)
reduce size (if needed)
set color mode to indexed
apply white outline
yeah so i probably won't use it for too many graphics, cuz it like. takes forever lmao.
i've made a couple more of these! don't know if they'll be used in the final game, but it's good practice.
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and here's an example of it working with an environment with multiple objects:
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pretty cool, huh?
ANYWAYS i think i'm gonna be able to get more work done this week. kinda have a free schedule iirc
sorry for the short update
cya !!!!!!!!
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chiffoncakke · 6 months
𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕪 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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littlewheatart · 7 months
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“Now What?” - Wind ( probably )
( A WIP from my graphic novel Electric Love )
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scribe-of-hael · 6 months
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V: Knockout Come on - KO: hmmm? ♡ V: what if someone walks in ? Ko:Let them see what they are missing ~♡ V: *giggles*You do this on purpose KO: Maybe ~ ♡ ------
Electric Love Strikes again
Just a lil self indulgent stuff of Vigh and Knockout since I haven't drawn her in a hot minute. I live her crazy spike, mullet like hair UGH she's so pretty.
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idontgetanysleep · 11 months
;////////////////////; Electric Love by Børns pretty please and thank you >.> I know this is asking too much, but can I also ask for a Plo Koon divider>////> I'm so in love with your Wolffe dividers you've made for Kira ♥
[I'm sorry for asking too much ;//////////; and big congratulations for 200!!! Soon, you'd be celebrating the next milestone for being such an awesome blog and person ♥ ]
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Electric Love - BØRNS
x Plo Koon
“Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck
By your electric love”
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you are NEVER asking for too much :)
i hope you enjoy this my dear i tried to portray him the best i could, i really love the colors in this one!
and this song is one of my favs so you bet i had it on repeat while working on this 😭
and as requested, here are your plo banners 💕
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if they are too color intensive you let me know and i’ll make some that are more pastel-y
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rr-sheep · 1 year
⚡~Electric Love~⚡
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💛 Here's playbot cuz I don't think she gets enough love or hugs (dnb/fnf) 💙
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randomspider · 24 days
baby you're like hexbug in a bottle. I can't let you go now that I gottle
And all I need is to be struck by your
Electeic Bug
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light-signs · 2 years
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entangledsongbird · 3 months
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Baby, you’re like lightning in a bottle
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I can’t let you go now that I got it
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And all I need is to be struck
Electric Love
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚⚡︎ ゚。⋆
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tomatosoupgroup · 3 months
sorry for the late post. no excuse this time i just got distracted lmao
but!! screenshot saturday!
lets get right into it.
so if you follow my twitter, you may remember seeing this on your timeline:
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this, of course, is me working on ui elements for the rpg battles. they look pretty unfinished here.
well im proud to say that...
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(well, sorta.)
as you can see, the rpg ui as a whole is still clearly unfinished. because of this, this battle screen is completely non-functional.
none of the actual math for the battles has been implemented.
take a look at this
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although the equations haven't been implimented...
some of the equations have been written!
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i would love to explain these, but at the same time i really don't wanna
my brain hurts just looking at these fucking things UGHHHHH
so what else?
...oh yeah! i've also made a list of enemies...
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AND some new dialogue for the intro...
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(no peeking! at least for now. i'll give you a glimpse eventually...)
theres also this!
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i'm not exactly sure how to explain this, but i'll try my best! this is gonna be a guide for when i implement the save mechanic. it shows what data goes where.
i'd say that's it for now!!! pretty good screenshot saturday, if i do say so myself!
cya next week!
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