#end the apartheid
nando161mando · 3 days
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sayruq · 3 months
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like to charge reblog to cast
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motherofplatypus · 1 month
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To my fellow US protestors who fights against apartheid and genocide. Here's his account.
Extra tips from other rebloggers down below, I add it here so its easier for others to see. If anyone reblogged with more tips, I'll add yours as well. May this be helpful:
"Be advised, police have the tools to detect who's phones are at a protest. If you can, bring a recording device other than your phone."
"Phones can be encrypted to prevent state actors from accessing footage, cameras cannot. There’s no correct answer, but both pieces of information are important when deciding what you’re going to bring."
"Also a good idea to look into faraday bags. They make your phone undetectable. Better keep your phone on you just in one of those in case you need to contact someone urgently."
"This is your excuse to buy a recording spy pen. You know you want to. They’re not even expensive. They’re not even rare." (The user shared this info for the greater good, don't you dare using it for nasty stuff)
-Airplane mode or bring a burner phone. Keep lots of encryption apps and VPNs on your phone if you can, and make sure you know how your connection works well. Signal is necessary. Travel in groups.
-Follow the tactics of the Hong Kong protesters. These cops, overconfident from their massive budgets, are likely more susceptible. But do be careful not to put yourself or others in danger.
-Use whatever resources you can to protect yourself. Remember you are not alone. Remember there may be agitators.
-Zionists are evil and vile, but they just want a reaction from you. Try not to engage with them. They're just spewing shit. You're stronger, better than them. Let them spew their crap and focus on the challenges at hand.
-Dont. Give. Up.
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ghostoflillith · 3 months
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violottie · 3 months
there are no words. she would still be alive but for "israel" and the imperialist coloniser west.
"A father bids farewell to his little daughter in Gaza" from Eye On Palestine, 28/Feb/2024:
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pal1cam · 2 months
Land Day - March 30th
Every year on the 30th of March, Palestinians all across Palestine, yet especially those living inside the 1948 green line (governed by the Israeli government) revive the memory of ‘The Land Day’ (in Arabic : Yawm Al-Ard), a day that first became of significance in the year 1976 when the Israeli government announced the plan that it had in mind, to take and expropriate thousands of dunams of land from Palestinian citizens for “state purposes”… this led the Palestinian citizens living under Israeli rule to take on a general strike and go out in protests and demonstrations in large number against such a decision that deprives them from the lands that they own privately.
On the protests of March 30th 1976 the IOF killed 6 Palestinians (Khadeejah Qasem Shawahneh, Kheir Ahmed Yassin, Raja Hussein Abu Rayya, Khader Eid Mahmoud Khalailah, Mohsen Hasan Sayyed Taha, Ra’afat Ali Zuheiri) while injuring and arresting hundreds more…
Many literary and artistic pieces have been dedicated to the memory of Palestinian Land Day by various authors and artists, the most famous piece being a poem written by the renowned Palestinian author and poet Mahmoud Darwish named “Al-Ard” (which translates to “The Land” in English).
The BDS movement is encouraging people from all over the world to organize huge protests and demonstrations on Land Day, as it is a day that holds a big part of the Palestinian struggle, which is the struggle to take back the stolen lands that were expropriated by the occupation’s government.
So what will you be doing this Land Day (March 30th 2024) to help raise Palestinian voices ?
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jupitisms · 3 months
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We mourn the dead and we fight like hell for the living.
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humanvoicebox · 4 months
Mahmoud Darwish is a Palestinian poet, you'll hear people quoting the title of one of his poems a lot.
"On this land [exists] what deserves life."
"على هذه الأرض ما يستحق الحياة."
It's a long poem where he lists beautiful things and people in his day to day life that simply deserve life.
My favourite line is "the tyrants' fear of songs"
"خوف الطغاة من الاغنيات."
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turkey halted trade with israel.
for context: trade between the two was worth 6.8 Billion dollars in 2023
KEEP SPEAKING, KEEP PROTESTING. push for your government to also cut ties with israel. this is what we need
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sayruq · 2 months
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Palestinians in the West Bank tearing down the apartheid wall.
Credit to @caniscathexis for showing me this
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concidineart · 5 months
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Feel free to repost or print.
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nothingelsetobe · 2 months
These children have gotten severe burns from israeli artillery shelling in the North of Gaza. Bare witness to the video and their injuries. People shouldn't look away, they should act against this cruelty being inflicted upon other human beings and stand up against it. Free Palestine.
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far-from-official · 4 months
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Cease Fire & End all Genocides!! Free Palestine now! 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉
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belongstolove · 2 months
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violottie · 3 months
Read it again. Read it again. Read. It. Again.
Understand the gravity of this. This is genocide.
from Al Jazeera English, 13/Mar/2024:
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“This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future,” the head of the #UN’s Palestinian refugee agency #UNRWA Philppe Lazzarini wrote.⁠
"Over 12,300 children were killed in Gaza between October 2023 and February 2024, the data shows, compared to 12,193 children killed in global conflict from 2019 to 202, Lazzarini has shared this data on X." ⁠
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