#israeli apartheid
lilithism1848 · 3 days
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stalinslastsoldier · 21 hours
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Oh? We’re still playing this game?
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ghostscribble · 4 months
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This. I have not seen ANY videos/pictures/media showing destroyed buildings in israel like I have seen in Palestine. We have seen Palestine being totally leveled: bombed hospitals, houses, schools, everything. But you know what I have not seen? The same in israel. And do not even try to say "oh khamas controls israels media!!!". How? Because thats makes you sound like an antivaxxer flatearther 💀 so your opinion is automatically worthless and waste of space.
Like people make it sound like what happened on oct 7 was like The Rumbling yet I havent seen anything of that level. Yet you could think that it happened in Palestine because of all the evidence.
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penflicks · 5 months
They don't want us to call what's happening in Gaza a genocide not because there's not been an official ruling but because these things don't get set in people's minds via official ruling. Instead it is the oral history that sets an event into place in mass consciousness.
Us calling it what it is - a genocide - means they can't wriggle out of it in years to come. They can't continue to call it a conflict or a war if we cement it in public consciousness as a genocide.
So don't tone down your language. Call it what it is. Make sure the history books know what happened and the genocides that took place in Palestine, Sudan, Congo.
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i-am-aprl · 4 months
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Jewish protesters at the National March for Palestine in 📍London today 🍉
Photos: X: JustjewsUK
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souredfigs · 6 months
The fact that there was an international outcry over the burning of Notre Dame , but not a single word uttered for the desecration and destruction of worship places, archives and libraries of Gaza and rest of Palestine ,many of which are FAR older than Notre Dame and other buildings in Europe should tell you enough about which countries are deemed worthy of respect and preservation in the West .
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motherofplatypus · 1 month
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To my fellow US protestors who fights against apartheid and genocide. Here's his account.
Extra tips from other rebloggers down below, I add it here so its easier for others to see. If anyone reblogged with more tips, I'll add yours as well. May this be helpful:
"Be advised, police have the tools to detect who's phones are at a protest. If you can, bring a recording device other than your phone."
"Phones can be encrypted to prevent state actors from accessing footage, cameras cannot. There’s no correct answer, but both pieces of information are important when deciding what you’re going to bring."
"Also a good idea to look into faraday bags. They make your phone undetectable. Better keep your phone on you just in one of those in case you need to contact someone urgently."
"This is your excuse to buy a recording spy pen. You know you want to. They’re not even expensive. They’re not even rare." (The user shared this info for the greater good, don't you dare using it for nasty stuff)
-Airplane mode or bring a burner phone. Keep lots of encryption apps and VPNs on your phone if you can, and make sure you know how your connection works well. Signal is necessary. Travel in groups.
-Follow the tactics of the Hong Kong protesters. These cops, overconfident from their massive budgets, are likely more susceptible. But do be careful not to put yourself or others in danger.
-Use whatever resources you can to protect yourself. Remember you are not alone. Remember there may be agitators.
-Zionists are evil and vile, but they just want a reaction from you. Try not to engage with them. They're just spewing shit. You're stronger, better than them. Let them spew their crap and focus on the challenges at hand.
-Dont. Give. Up.
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"End the genocide. End the occupation." [@/theslowfactory on X. May 16, 2024.]
Slow Factory created an infograph attached above in this X post with pictures/icons above the following information: zionism is: genocide, starvation as a weapon, 3 million displaced since 1948, ethnic cleansing, state sanctioned terrorism, ecocide, supremacy, rupture of International Law, domicide, scholasticide, settler colonialism, 40,000 plus murdered since October 7th, crimes against humanity, 9,000 Palestinian hostages held with no charges, illegal land annexation, battle-testing murder tech on sieged and concentrated population, facism, torture and abuse of Palestinian hostages, segregation, 300 Palestinian children in cages/year.
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briteredoctober · 1 month
For everyone who keeps saying “wHaT aBoUt ThE hOsTaGeS?!?! ReLeAsE tHe HoStAgEs!!1!”
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bunnyhugs22 · 4 months
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⬆️ This ⬆️
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
A reminder about Palestine:
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Firstly, the existence of the country of Palestine was never in question. And secondly, as per the UK's own words in the oft-referred to "foundational" "Balfour Declaration":
Plain as day.
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typicalbrainchaos · 24 days
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sayruq · 4 months
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imforeverjustyours · 2 months
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penflicks · 2 months
I feel I should specify when I talk about the vast majority of Israelis supporting this genocide it's not to call for violence of them or even to demonise them. It's to call attention to Israel having a genocidal education system which dehumanises Palestinians from the moment Israelis start school. Ilan Pappé did a study in 1994 of the Israeli education system and raised the alarm that it would raise a generation who are even worse than those who first colonised Palestine in 1948. We're seeing the truth of that now.
I raise this point because we're seeing this attempt by politicians and the media to claim that it's just Netanyahu who is to blame for this genocide and not a systematic problem that requires boycotting, divestments and sanctions to push them to correct. This lie is being pushed because they do not want to change the status quo which allows for Israel to steal Palestinian land and homes and keep Palestinians under military occupation.
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
Dozens of Jewish activists drop a huge banner from San Francisco's Colt Tower sending a message to mayor London Breed not to veto the ceasefire resolution that was passed by the SF Board of Supervisors 10 days ago.
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