yuraslefttoe · 3 hours
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thank you @lonionjon for doing the cover art for the engima remaster single release. it is on bandcamp now and i will get it on streaming soon :)
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localebra · 3 days
Hench Women of Riddler
Echo & Query
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Technically fist appearing in Secret Origins Special Vol 2 #1 1989, but under the names Query and Probe. We will have to discuss all the different names before going into them as individuals.
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Detective Comics Annual #8 1995 is the first time they are who we truely know today as Query (Diedre Vance) and Echo (Nina Damfino). At the time working at a sex club called Pandora, they were petty crooks who decided to rob the Riddler after a heist. He was not only able to convince him to not Rob him, but to become his hired help.
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Quiz and Query help him with his game show host astetic in Batman: Riddler 1995.
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Along with dark skined twin version of Quiz and Query in The Batman and Robin Adventures #3 1996.
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Not a woman, but I must mention Kwiz Kid from Teen Titans Go! #15 2003. The Rival to the Robin and boyfriend to Kitten. He is rather a fan, apprentice or spn of the Riddler.
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Enigma the Riddler's daughter (Allegedly) first apeared in Teen Titans #38 2006 Joining the heroic team before shortly making an appearance in Gotham alongside her father to carry out his crimes. Eventually betraying the Titans along with Joker's daughter to Teen Titans East. Until being doubled crossed by Joker's daughter and losing to the Titans. Shortly afterwards while working with her father she was killed by him. Dark Crisi she was named Quinn Nash appearing in the Arkham Academy program inside Batman urban Legends 21 2023. Were it is stated father would go on to be mentally abusive. Pushing her to be just as smart as him, when she failed to show this, Riddler tried to kill her for not being as smart as him. Next appearing in DC's 'Twas the 'Mite Before Christmas (2023) #1 where she goes on a date with Batwoman and helps her unravel her father's plans.
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Quiz real name Miyu Tangram from Legends of the Dark Knight #2 2021. Marketed as Riddler's Punchline she sent him a riddle which led to an easy bank robbery. He had the wrong code for the safe and she revealed her self from the hostages in told him the code and to take her with him. A massive fan of his work and later on his lover.
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Miss Tuesday the Riddlers short lived sidekick in Batman: The Audio Adventures (Podcast) 2021.
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Enigma real name Evelyn Rhyme and actual daughter of the Riddler in Batwoman season 2 2021. In which she is a master hypnotist who worked for Black Mask and made Kate Kane think she was Circe Sionis. She effected many other but was killed by Ocean to prevent her from reversing her work on Alice.
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For thoughts I feel a story from the perspective of Query and Echo could be very interesting into aspects. Not only would it give us the inner workings of The Riddlers work, but a unique view as a henchmen. At no point of a stepped on or looked down upon unlike other henchmen. They are the lowest of below but they're on top of the Heap. In regards to the various children, partners and fans I think actively bringing them together could be something interesting. Maybe Riddler actively puts a test out there to attract people who are the same level of intelligences him. Trying to build a team to take over Gotham through brains instead of brawn. Project Daedalus it could be called and each of the characters could have a different specialization.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 day
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asgoodeasgold · 18 hours
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"It's a great old cast, no one lets you down on this."
And the Director Morten Tyldum "has been fantastic and he knows his stuff, he knows what he is talking about when it comes to the 'Bomb' (the name they gave to Turing's decoding machine) and Enigma and what happened when and dates and this and that. That's what you need when you are doing a period piece."
Matthew praising everyone he's been working with as usual. Such a goode egg.
📷 The Imitation Game (2014), cast interviews on bluray 📀, my edits
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throwbackblr · 6 months
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ilikeit-art · 6 months
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marcos-aurelios · 23 days
Zina Hadid
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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Norman Lindsay - Enigma
illustration from Hugh McCrae's "Colombine", 1920
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nobrashfestivity · 9 months
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Toshio Matsumoto, Enigma, 1978
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inkalight · 1 year
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The first time Kacchans enigma met his omega
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skxtchyghost · 4 months
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the-b-ch · 7 months
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fishareglorious · 15 days
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I'm releasing this into the tag. the enigma's top surgery shitpost will be released when chapter 7 does, i guess. unless the people ask for it
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yuraslefttoe · 4 days
a borrowed hand
illustration: @nopanamaman
video: @citrus-soup
tuning: denev
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tantawans · 10 months
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weixuldo · 5 months
Enigma// ch 28
anakin x reader
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A/N: Hiii- just so u know this chapter is pretttty long and very plot heavy- just wanna remind yall im not a medical professional lol so sorry any misconstruing of info (i tried my best)!! i hope u all enjoy! i’ll explain more abt the chapter in the notes at the end :)
it’s a month before the baby is due and Anakin gets some news that may alter your future
warnings: cursing, pregnancy, liver failure, hospitals, whump, medical procedures, birth
September 26th 
It had only been a few weeks since you and Anakin were wed and his health had already deteriorated significantly.
He was now at the point where he was only able to leave the house to go to his weekly check-ups at the hospital.
When he was at home, he tried to be more active and help you out, but you insisted that he take it easy… you wanted him to meet the baby and it seemed that he didn’t have much longer so you didn’t want him to rush the process. 
His pain levels changed with every hour, though some days were worse than others. After his episode on your wedding night he had to start setting alarms to remind him to take his pills so that the medicine would be working at the optimal rate it could. 
He headed your requests for him to “take it easy” but he still did so much for you (much to your chagrin).
At dinner he would get up from his chair to help you ease into yours, he would run bath’s for you and sneakily clean up the kitchen while you bathed, and he would stay up with you when you couldn’t rest. 
You really couldn’t ask for a better husband. 
As for you, the baby was really taking a toll on your tired body- Taking care of yourself, your baby, and your husband was a difficult feat.
Somedays you wanted nothing more than to roll over and not wake up, but you were never in those moods for long. 
Today was no different- You woke up with sharp pains in your lower back but brushed them off, you had been having them all week. Rolling your eyes, you got out of bed. 
Anakin was sitting stiffly on the sofa with one of his mechanical arms wrapped around his side. He was in pain. 
“Ani?” you said, barely above a whisper. 
He turned his focused gaze towards you and his furrowed brows softened, “Hey Angel- how’d you sleep?” he asked in a strained voice. 
You didn’t miss the way his jaw clenched when he tried to shift into a better position. 
“Not too well, but I’ll be ok. How about you? Are you alright?” you asked, walking towards him. 
He quickly nodded before you came closer, “Yea-’m ok, I just need to take my pills- I’ll get them in a minute” he said through gritted teeth. 
“I’ll go get them for you, Ani,” you said, turning towards the kitchen.
Before you knew it, his cool metallic grasp held your arm and made you shiver. 
“No!” he exclaimed before clenching his eyes shut and sucking in a sharp breath. 
“No, I’m ok- you need to rest baby” he said, attempting to guide you to the couch as he hoisted himself up. 
You were about to protest when you felt an uncomfortable sensation in your lower abdomen, 
“Shit!” you exclaimed, gripping the armrest on the couch. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, rushing from the kitchen, pills still in his clenched hand. 
“Nothing- just a harsh kick” you said, attempting to suppress your grimace. 
Anakin didn’t leave. 
“I’m ok Ani, really” you said before he nodded and went back to finish taking his meds. 
The baby had been moving a lot lately, but your doctor said it was normal for babies to be more active if the mother was under stress (which you definitely were). 
“I’ll see you in a few” Anakin waved as he headed out the door with his jacket to meet Ben at his car. 
Ben and Ahsoka had been taking turns driving Anakin to his weekly appointments since he couldn’t drive himself and it wasn’t safe for you to drive either. They had been a huge help and you would never stop thanking them. 
“Bye Ani” you said before kissing him one last time.
The ride to the hospital was mostly silent between Ben and Anakin, save for the radio that played classic 2000’s hits. 
“How have you been feeling?” Ben asked as he pulled into the hospital’s parking lot. 
“Peachy…” Anakin lamented blankly. 
“I’m being serious Anakin,” Ben sighed.
Anakin took a deep breath, “honestly I feel worse by the day but I don’t want to tell her- she already has enough on her plate…”
Ben’s brows furrowed and he stroked his beard.
“Ben, I don’t know if i’m gonna make it to the birth-”
“Don’t think like that Anakin” Ben cut into his friend’s thoughts abruptly. 
“You’ve got to have hope”.
Anakin nodded silently before allowing his friend to help him out of the car and into his wheelchair.
Anakin could still walk, but it was better for him to conserve the little energy he had.
Of course, he absolutely hated using his chair- but it was the best option. 
The clinic was abnormally warm today and Anakin was getting uncomfortable in his sweatshirt. Ben sat in the chair next to the exam table Anakin was laid up on; head rested against the wall and arms crossed. 
“You didn’t have to stay Ben, I’m sure the news is going to be the same as always” Anakin sighed, staring at the ceiling. 
Anakin’s usual doctor had just taken a few samples to run labs on; a routine procedure for him- all there was to do was wait around for the results. 
“I didn’t want to just leave you in here, It’s perfectly fine Anakin” Ben smiled. 
Before Anakin could answer the doctor knocked on the door once more; in his hand a thick pamphlet along with his usual clipboard. 
“Mr. Skywalker…We have some unfortunate news…” 
Anakin felt his stomach drop- he didn’t expect there to be good news, but he didn’t expect anything other than the ordinary either.
“Yes?” he asked with a waiver in his voice. 
“I’m afraid you have developed acute liver failure… This is when a patient develops sudden and severe liver failure without a history of long-term liver disease. In these cases, an urgent liver transplant may be their only life-saving treatment. And from what your labs are showing- a transplant may be your only saving grace, sir”.
Anakin’s eyes closed, he needed a moment to process this. 
“Alright, how long do I have?” 
The doctor sighed, “There really is no telling sir- but not long…not long at all. Most likely in the next two weeks”.
Ben sat up in his chair, “So what are we going to do for him? There are at least seventy slots before him on the donor list!”
The doctor turned his attention to the bearded man; “We are admitting him to our hepatology and gastrology ward to monitor his condition- we will keep him here as long as we can and try to find a donor that matches his needs.”
“So what I'm hearing is you’re going to stick him in a room and hope he doesn’t die before you can find a plausible liver?” Ben argued but Anakin stopped him. 
“It’s fine, Ben,” he said before directing his attention to the doctor, “I don’t care if I’m miserable, please just try to keep me alive long enough to see my wife deliver our baby.”
“Of course”.
You were lying on the couch scrolling mindlessly through your phone when Ben’s number flashed across your screen.
Odd, he usually wasn’t the one to call. 
Hey- umm, we have some bad news. 
“Oh…Oh God-” you sat up immediately. 
Anakin’s condition has turned into acute liver failure and he is in the final stages… He was admitted this afternoon and probably won't-
You heard Ben sniffle on the other line as your own tears dared to fall. 
-won’t be going home again
You felt your world spinning and you had to brace yourself on the couch arm, “Can I see him?- I want to see him,” you said firmly, rising to your feet. 
“No, Visiting hours are over for the day” you could hear the frown in Ben’s voice.
They closed around the time he was finally admitted, so I didn’t even get to see him- but I have his stuff, want me to drop it off?
“U-umm does he need it?” you asked, hoping to delay the blow of reality. 
“C-could you just hold onto it for now?”
Of course
“Thank you” you said before hanging up quickly. 
You tossed your phone on the other side of the couch and covered your mouth with your hands. This was real- not just hypothetical dates and times… He was really at the end.
As much as you didn’t want to, you just couldn’t hold back your agonizing cries.
Anakin would really be gone soon.  
You had a terrible night sleep and felt like absolute shit- not only were you worried about Anakin, you couldn’t get a grasp on the pain you began to feel through your body.
Thankfully Ahsoka was supposed to come over in a while for lunch and to take you to see Anakin at the hospital.
About an hour after you had gotten yourself together for the day, you heard a knock on the door and Ahsoka came in with two to-go boxes. 
“Hello!” she said in a sing-songy voice, “How are my two favorite people doing?”.
You weakly laughed, “not two just yet! But it sure does feel like it's gonna be soon” you exhaled as you rose to your feet. Ahsoka always knew how to lighten a mood. 
“Are you feeling alright?” she asked, putting the food on the counter. 
“I’m not sure, I’ve been feeling off this week- It’s probably just normal pains though” you said, joining her at the table. 
“How are you feeling about…” she began.
You bit your lip and attempted to keep your smile. 
“I’m… not great, but I’m just hoping for a miracle. I-I just need Anakin to be ok” 
Ahsoka nodded and rubbed your upper arms. 
“I understand- I.. Just know that if you need anything or help when the baby comes- please never hesitate to ask”.
You hated that she spoke as if his fate were already sealed, but it mostly was. He had been living with a failing liver longer than he would have admitted to (especially evident in the fact that he never asked for the extra labs on his liver because of his past of alcohol abuse) since he just was trying to ignore the facts until they just went away (they never did). 
“Thank you Ahsoka, It really means a lot” you said, before you felt another sharp pain in your lower back. 
“Woah, are you sure you’re alright?” 
You nodded with gritted teeth, “Yea, It’s fine- Probably just slept wrong” 
“You sure? I can take you to the clinic if you’re worried” she offered.
“No no, I think I’m fine- let's eat!” 
The boxes had just been opened when you felt another jolt of pain shoot up your spine. You shut your eyes and clenched your jaw. 
Ahsoka sprung to your side and placed a gentle hand on your back, “Hey! Are you sure your-” 
She was cut off by your labored breathing; your chest heaved as you slid your chair back. 
“I-I think I just need some… fresh.. A-air” you said, getting to your feet. 
She shook her head, “I think you should stay seated” she coached.
Your world was spinning as pains washed over your body; you focused on your breathing and eventually got yourself to a decently normal cadence. 
You got up to head to the bathroom to splash some cool water on your face when you had to grip onto the sofa for support. You let out a painful cry and your eyes widened when you felt something wet running down your leg. 
Your water broke. 
“A-Ahsok-” you stuttered; you had barely processed what just happened when she was already by your side. 
“Ok- Ok, umm- Just breathe- I’m gonna get you to the hospital! It’s gonna be ok” she said, trying her best to stay calm. 
You nodded and closed your eyes to focus on controlling your breathing- This was really happening.
Ben sat in the big blue hospital-grade chair beside the exam table; he was reading a history book Satine had gotten for him on wars of the past. 
Anakin was lying wide awake on the uncomfortable exam table; currently he was occupied with the small cracks in the ceiling- at least he was keeping his mind busy. 
Soon enough another physician came in to observe him; Anakin was just about over random people coming in and out of his room like a revolving fucking door! Why did so many doctors need to come in to tell him the same verdict? Wasn’t hearing that he was “gonna to die soon” once enough?!
They began talking him through what the last few days may look like and if Anakin needed someone to talk through his emotions with (He thought that was stupid- why have someone else tell him how to read his own fucking emotions?) .
The doctor left to grab something (again) and Anakin turned to Ben. 
“Do you think Snipps is bringing y/n over soon?” he asked tiredly. 
Ben looked up and shrugged, “I assume so, they probably just got a late start”.
The doctor came back in and began to drone on about some other “experimental treatments” when Ben’s phone started to ring. He excused himself and went into the hallway- it was Ahsoka.
Hey Ben! So um… we’re not gonna make it to visit Anakin today- y/n’s water just broke and we’re on the way to the hospital now. 
“Maker! She isn’t due for another four weeks!” Ben exclaimed.
I know- Skyguy wasn’t picking up. Just let him know what's going on. I’m pretty sure she wont be up there to see him anytime soon though.
“Alright, I’ll let him know, be safe- And good luck y/n” Ben said before hanging up and swiftly making his way back to Anakin’s room. 
Ben quietly knocked but urgently entered the room; the doctor and Anakin’s focus both shifted to him. 
“Ben, You alright?” Anakin asked- he could read the worry all over his friend’s face. 
“Anakin… y/n has just gone into labor”
Anakin’s eyes widened and he sat up abruptly before grabbing his side in pain. 
“Woah, take it easy Mr. Skywalker” the doctor informed, placing his steady hands on his patient’s shoulders. 
“I need to see her!” Anakin exclaimed, trying to push himself up. 
“No, you don’t need to overexert yourself, you’ll just worsen your condition”
“Doc, she’s a month early- I need to be there for my wife” Anakin protested, pushing himself off of the examination table. 
Thankfully he was already wearing his prosthetics today; even though it wasn’t recommended he was allowed to wear them some days (much to his physician’s displeasure). 
The doctor ignored his protests and kept him sat. 
“Sir I cannot let you leave, you are my patient and I need to look after your wellbeing and exhausting yourself by going all the way to the maternity ward is not in the interest of your physical wellbeing!”
Anakin’s gaze hardened and he looked over the physician’s shoulder to Ben, “Is she alright Ben? Maker-Please tell me she’s alright” he begged. 
Ben gave a sympathetic look before sighing, “I’m not sure, Ahsoka didn’t give many details”.
Anakin threw his head back onto the plush table and let out a defeated sigh. 
“I am very sorry Mr. Skywalker, but I need to continue your exami-”
Anakin shot up again, this time with all of his strength. His eyes conveyed desperation, sadness, anger, and worry as he wrapped a mechanical hand around the doctor’s wrist.
“We both know my condition is a death sentence- unless I miraculously get a donor in the next week, I’m not gonna see the end of the month. So hear me when I tell you I will not sit idly by when my wife is scared and alone giving birth for the first time. I will not leave her feeling like i didn’t care” Anakin physically shook with emotion. 
Ben came to his side and tried to talk him down; even if he disagreed with the doctor’s order, he was the more level headed between himself and his friend. 
“She is my wife and I will be by her side to see our baby born- even if it’s the last thing I do, at least I was there with her and left her knowing I'd come when she needed me.” 
The doctor’s own eyes began to water once he was released from Anakin’s hold, but even so he shook his head, “I-i’m truly sorry sir, B-but I do not-”
“I could drop dead any fucking day! Can you not just let a dying man be there for his wife?! For Goddsake, my wife is delivering four weeks early?! She’s probably terrified down there!” he practically screamed.
The doctor looked to Ben for guidance but only found the bearded man casting a disapproving gaze his way. 
“He will find a way to leave regardless of what you prescribe” Ben warned. 
Finally, after a moment of contemplation, the doctor nodded and shortly left the room, “I hope you realize, this is not a wise decision- I will have to refer you to a different physician”. 
Anakin’s eye twitched at the man’s words, it was basically a “fuck you” to him. But he didn’t care, what he cared about was getting to you. 
Ahsoka drove like a madwoman to get you here quickly; once you arrived you were taken from the emergency room to the maternity ward. Ahsoka wasn’t allowed to come into the room with you, so she was left pacing the waiting room nervously. 
Another wave of searing pain washed through your body as you clenched your eyes shut. You bit back a scream and clawed at the hospital grade mattress beneath you. 
Maker, you were never doing this shit again. 
Your whole body trembled as you let out a strained cry. You weren’t due for another month- why was this happening now? Was the baby going to be alright?
After another cry you managed to get one of your many questions out.
“W-Where’s Ana-anakin?” you huffed out to a nurse (who definitely had no idea who you were talking about).
“What’s that darling?” she asked, trying to be as comforting as she could.
“My h-husband, Wh-where is he” you asked desperately- your mind was in a whirr and you were not thinking straight. 
“Does he h-have his legs on? Or d-does he need my help-” 
“I’m sorry mam, I don't understand?” she offered. 
You were about to speak again when another sharp pain nipped at your lower back; you groaned and pushed your head back into the pillows behind you. 
What if Anakin wasn't coming, what if something happened?
You trembled in pain and fear- this was all new to you and you were alone…
After what felt like ages another midwife came in to assist- she seemed more experienced than the first one; once she saw your scared state she immediately went to comfort you. 
“ts all gonna be alright, Hon. We’re gonna fix you up with some pain meds and make you as comfortable as we can- The baby ‘s gonna be alright ‘n your husband’s comin’ soon- just try to breathe'' she spoke with a warm southern accent that almost made it seem like what she was saying was true. 
You nodded and took one of the ice chips she offered you. The cold chip felt nice as it melted in your mouth; they provided some much needed cooling from your uncomfortably warm body. 
Your eyes were soon shut tightly from pain, “I-I don’t th-think I can do t-this” you cried as you braced for another rush of pain. 
In the moment the sensation reached its peak, the door burst open making you gasp; you couldn’t help the overwhelming sobs once you realized who it was. 
Anakin- he was standing tall and covered in the required scrubs; they fit him terribly and one of the other midwives had to hold them up as he stumbled towards you. 
“Angel!” he called once he was by your side. 
“Ani! You came?!” you exclaimed, desperately reaching for him. 
“Of course I came, Sweetheart, I wouldn’t miss it for the world” (and that was really true). 
“A-are you going t-to be ok? What about your l-liver?” you fretted over your husband’s condition. 
“I’ve got it taken care of, just focus on breathing for me, ok?” The calmness of his voice helped your worries subside.
Your eyes opened just enough to look over his worried features before you screwed them shut once more. You pushed your head into the pillow as your back arched in pain. 
“A-Ani” you cried as you grabbed onto one of his mechanical hands; good thing he couldn’t actually feel your grip because it definitely would have pained him. 
“Shhh- it's all going to be ok princess. you’ve got it” he said sweetly as he ran his other hand over your hair. 
“I-I’m sorry Ani” you sobbed. 
“No, no! What do you have to apologize for? Nothing baby- nothing” he said, pressing kisses to your temple. 
“The baby wasn’t due for f-four more weeks- I put them in d-danger”.
“What? No, they just wanted to come see us early- that's all. You’ve done nothing wrong” he tried to smile. 
He was a good actor, but you knew he was hurting just as much as you were. 
With what little strength you had left, you pulled him closer; “I-I’m scared…What if the baby doesn't make it Ani?”.
His brows upturned sadly, “Oh no, baby- don’t think about that now, you’re doing great and so is the baby”. 
Somehow his words calmed you (even though he wasn’t the least bit certified to be telling you these things).
You nodded and asked him to hold you closer and he did the best he could. 
You fell in and out of consciousness but were still able to follow the midwife's instructions. The whole time Anakin stayed by your side comforting you (and hiding his own pain from you). 
“She's losing a lot of blood” a midwife relayed to the doctor, who then barked some orders to another nurse. 
“Did you hook her up to the IV?” one of them asked.
“What?! What’s happening?” Anakin demanded, walking closer to the nurse at your feet.
“We’ll have to do an emergency C-section” the midwife said to the doctor, ignoring Anakin’s worried questions. 
“Is she going to be alrig-” Anakin started. 
“Sir, Please back away- we’re handling it.”
He was about to respond when you tugged weakly on his arm begging for him to come back. He bit his lower lip and quickly made his way back to you. Your eyes were unfocused and glassy.
“A-ani, I can’t- I c-can't-” you croaked out as your body began to wear down.
“It’s going to be ok Angel. It’s going to be alright, just stay awake for me” he repeated as he brushed the loose strands of hair out of your face. 
After a particularly painful contraction you fell limp and Anakin’s heart skipped a beat. 
“Y/n!? Baby, please wake up for me- please” he begged as he caressed your flushed face. 
He felt his tears falling- he never thought he would be the one to lose you.
After a moment your eyes hazily opened and closed; Anakin’s pulse was racing as he attempted to gain your attention. 
“That’s it Sweetheart! Just try to stay awake for me please” he cried as your eyes finally landed on him (thought they were still unfocused).
A midwife began to unlock the wheels of the hospital bed; an odd feeling washed over Anakin and he stood still for a moment gripping onto the bed rail for support. 
“Sir, Please move your hand off of the bed” the nurse sternly asked. 
No response. 
“We need to take her into surgery right now. Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to-” 
Anakin collapsed onto the floor with a thud- the nurses initially figured he passed out from the stress of watching his wife give birth, but once he started clawing at his side in agony they realized it was something else.
You heard his painful howls and snapped back into reality (just for a moment). 
“Anakin!” you exclaimed as you watched him struggle on the floor beside you. 
“Sir- Sir what’s wrong?” one attempted to ask.
“He’s in the last stages of liver failure- He needs a doctor!” you cried. 
All you wanted was to go to him, but your own pain was immobilizing. The next moments were a blur; first they wheeled you down to the operation room- you cried on the way, begging for them to let you stay with Anakin (you were not in the right head space to be making any decisions). 
Anakin was left on the floor as they took you out of the room- was he ever going to see you again? He felt himself slipping away…
He felt the darkness clouding his vision. 
He felt… 
a/n: it’s getting hella juicy… i hope this chapter wasn’t too everywhere haha… i’m not gonna lie idk that much abt liver failure but i do know abt acute liver failure. the next chapter is gonna have some medical stuff too and some of it is pretty rare, ngl (mostly pertaining to the birth) just cause im a sucker for drama- so sorry if it’s not the most realistic (everything i’ll write in the next chapter is possible tho/ just in very specific circumstances hahah)
Also i’m not the best with timelines and not entirely sure how long some of these medical things last… oops- that all being said!!! thank you all for the support and interest in my story :)
taglist : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil @sythe-skywalker
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