#enjoy or fuck off
stephendorff · 3 months
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Bill Skarsgård as Eric Draven IIThe Crow (2024)
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awetfrog · 7 months
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Do u think gales autism would just make him immune to astarions manipulation tactics
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gauntletqueen · 7 months
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This is a Ramona Gender Frame I dunno what to tell ya
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randomfandomss · 1 year
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James Lance on the relationship between Trent Crimm and Ted Lasso Source: From this lovely interview by Lauren Coates - Article & Video
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gunstellations · 4 months
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In the world I love
In a different world
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
I know most of the fandom is enthralled by how the relationship between Andrey and Goncharov develops (and I am too! it's a beautiful film, with a compelling power dynamic!), but I really think we need to talk more about Ice Pick Joe.
and more specifically, we've gotta talk about his ice pick, and how he uses it.
it's implied that he's killed a lot of people with that ice pick, but only one of those deaths is shown in the film. it's a hard scene to watch, and some people might want to skip over it, but I think the brutality is part of the point. there's a reason that it's played out with such excruciating detail.
see, ice picks are used as weapons all the time in movies, usually with a stab to the throat or ear, leading to a quick but bloody death. but in Goncharov, the scene is played out slowly, with Joe tying Amarro to a chair before almost carefully putting the pick through his eye socket.
sound familiar to anyone? it should. for a lot of reasons.
Amarro Fiamberti was the name of the first psychiatrist to ever perform a transorbital lobotomy. it was only due to his research that Walter Freeman was able to come up with his own lobotomy technique: one involving an ice pick.
Walter Freeman died in 1972, just months before Goncharov went into production.
and then there's the fact that Joe's ice pick is stolen (where did you steal it from, Joe? from whose operating table?) and the implications that he has his own struggles with mental health (the mention of his sister's murder, the humor he uses as a coping mechanism, the camera angles that give a sense of unreality to any scenes that are from his perspective).
I don't think any of that is an accident or a coincidence.
in my opinion, Ice Pick Joe's story is a tale of revenge - not against someone who wronged him, but against a medical procedure that wronged thousands of people.
and murderer though he may be, he's still my favorite character.
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wegc · 4 months
wha r uur thoughts bout skz w hyperfem reader ? sfw n nsfw ! ໒꒰ྀི ㅠ ㅠ ꒱ྀི১
THEY WOULD LUV LUV LUVVVVV ITTTT especially chan, changbin, and seungmin!!! based on the vibes they give me, i feel like they would be in love with how the two of you look together—how he’s big, strong, and masculine and you’re his pretty little thing, skirts and all <3
they would happily spend HOURS at the mall with you, letting you swatch makeup on their arms, patiently waiting for you outside the change room so you can model for them, and they would gladly come inside a victoria secret with you and pay the hefty bill from all the pink, lacey lingerie you wanted!!!
and while you’re their baby, their pretty little girl, something feral inside them can’t help but look up your skirt every time you’re bent over!!! they just have to get a look at today’s chosen panties!!! the frilly baby pink ones?? god, they can’t wait to pull those to the side when the two of you come home!!!
sometimes they feel bad when they accidentally rip one of your favourite thigh highs after a particularly rough session, or when they can’t help but grope you all over your brand new clothes while you’re trying things on, or when they stain your clothes with their sticky cum :( but they’ll just have to buy you more right? the light damage to their bank account is worth the sound of your betrayed cries and whines!!! <3
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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sun: my bad dawg.
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
To me the joy and beauty of vocal synthesizers has always been that they don't sound real and exploring that to create artistic expression that can't be achieved by human voices, so seeing them become more and more realistic is disheartening, almost? Especially since a lot of artists make the same voice banks sound so different and have their own personal charm. I'm glad that people will be able to make things that sound realistic, but I'm worried that songs that intentionally play out of sounding as realistic as possible will be sidelined, discouraged, no longer created, impossible to find, or unsupported by fans of vocal synthesizers. I don't want things to just push towards being as realistic as possible. There is beauty in how everyone's usage of the same voice banks sound different. There is beauty in the lack of realistic sounding vocals in vocal synthesizers.
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stephendorff · 3 months
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Bill Skarsgård as Eric Draven II The Crow (2024)
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raptorrobot · 6 months
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thousands of me and only one of you
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cloudcountry · 8 months
while playing the masquerade event i was hit with the realization that the students from nrc are quite literally the terrible tourists rollo was talking about. and im almost CERTAIN they've been just as bad every other event. like you have ruggie who was about to steal a shops hard earned money, you have epel and deuce that were saying their bread wasn't special before even trying it, you have ruggie AGAIN saying that the historic toys they make are just chunks of wood and don't have any value. these people suck and should not be permitted to travel. all they're doing is making a nuisance of themselves.
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meraarts · 7 months
I see a lot of people saying things like “guys they just can’t confirm nandermo canon, that would be spoilers!!” but I think that is missing the shitty thing about this whole situation.
Nandermo does not have to be end-game at all. They’re will-they-won’t-they, it’s in the name. And that dumb “he’s his boss” comment is funny as shit and insane in many ways, but not my problem.
My problem is the super homophobic notion that them “hooking up” would somehow make their relationship “less pure” (how their relationship could ever be seen as pure in any way is a mystery to me but okay). And while he isn’t explicitly saying it, the implied point is that any romance at all would be ruining a perfectly wholesome relationship, which is a very old homophobic talking point.
Am I the only one seeing this? Am I reading into it too much? I’ve only seen people making (very funny) jokes about this but isn’t it actually pretty fucked up?
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
okay. listen. a Concept. garashir roughhousing (gone (psycho)sexual) and at one point bashir wakes up from the high of finally getting to express all his repressed aggression in a safe space with someone who not only accepts that in him but can match him and is actively Into It, especially when he stops holding back some of his lil gmo twink strength, to be horrified like 'oh my GOD garak your nose is bleeding hang on I'll get a napkin or something I'm so sorry holy shit' and garak's lying there woozy with lust gazing up at him with wide betrayed eyes like 'no wait don't go you haven't even stabbed me yet :'('
(obviously this is mostly a shitpost, but I'm just saying I think they could provide a certain kind of space for each other that way. julian gets to have a place to live out all the rougher, less socially acceptable sides he usually has to downplay and push away to seem as non-threatening as (augmented) humanly possible with someone who loves him and who appreciates getting the entire spectrum of julian bashir, from the most obnoxiously annoying and needy to the unsettlingly coldly ruthless and back. and garak gets to have the shit beaten out of him in as medically safe and infinitely loving way as possible and/or finds he can still use his bloodied hands and take care of someone with them. this to me is the definition of what one might call a win/win situation. like don't get me wrong they would be having a lot of embarrassingly tender yearning gently-stroking-your-hair-and-holding-your-hand sex too. but. also this. which I think is also very tender, just in a different way. do you feel me.)
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eon-become-instant · 10 months
It's honestly annoying, all the ppl trying to write full length analyses on the RWRB movie as if it were some high calibre queer drama instead of a fucking light hearted romcom.
"It's unrealistic! It's cheesy! It looks low budget! It wasn't raunchy enough!" ohmygod please just stop.
I saw a post earlier from someone saying it was too 'sanitised' and that queer people don't want movies like this that are just like the millions of straight romcoms out there, but to me, that's such a braindead take because? Isn't this what we've wanted since forever? A level of equality in the film industry where we can have the same variety of movies centred around queer romance as those centred around straight relationships?
As a bi girlie, I want them all. The serious movies, the silly movies, the dramatic heart wrenching ones, and the ones that are so sweet and fluffy I end up with a toothache. I just want more of ALL of them!
If romcoms aren't for you, that's FINE. You do not NEED to like this film. But you can say that without disparaging it to the point where you come off sounding like some wanna-be high-brow film critic asshole who thinks movies like this aren't worth being made because they fucking ARE worth it. Some of us WANT something sappy and sweet every once in a while! Don't you fucking dare try to speak for the entire queer community by telling those large production companies that nobody wants movies like this because that is just plain untrue!
Now to be clear, I'm not talking about the people who aren't happy with the movie as an adaptation - however you feel about that, you're valid cause I know this book meant a hell of a lot to many people, and it sucks that so much of it had to be stripped away. Personally that aspect of it didn't bother me much cause I went into it knowing 2 hours was never gonna be enough to include all of those side characters.
Anyway, that's my rant. Let people enjoy the fluffy warm and cuddly comfort movie please and thank you ❤️
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lady-nuggetz · 7 days
That's PIMP Gideon.
Don't get it twisted.
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