#epic musical
s0lar5ystems · 3 days
In Survive, i think that as soon as Polites becomes a flat pack version, Odysseus falls to the ground and freezes, unable to look away from his friends broken body, tears pouring down his face, as Eurylochus screams for some kind of direction or order or something.
But Odysseus is still, face being slowly covered in the blood of his comrades, focus only on Polites. He knows the cyclops will fall soon.
He hopes the lotus was strong enough.
He prays.
He prays, silently begging over his best friends shattered remains that his intellect didn’t fail him, it couldn’t fail him. It didn’t fail him all through 10(?) years of war.
He had lost too many men to be wrong.
He knew them all.
And now, every time Eurylochus, or the crew calls out “Captain”, he freezes, taken back to one of his largest failings yet. And beyond that, taken back to the night he truly became the monster, years before he even knew of the underworld. That horrible night, when he saved his family. When he ensured their safety from the gods and the might of Troy.
This is why Odysseus doesn’t respond when his men are drownon, screaming, desperately trying to hold on to anything that won’t drag them down deeper.
This is why Odysseus doesn’t react when the souls of all of the men he failed scream, begging for him to remember them (see what i did there), demanding an explanation of why he let guilt get the better of them.
Odysseus isn’t even present. He is in his mind, singing a lullaby to Astanyx and Telemachus. He is serenading Penelope and living out his life if he had never left for war.
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ditoob · 1 day
Luck Runs Out but ANIMATED! It's finally doneeee
Here's the link to the full video:
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amazingmsme · 2 days
odyssey trio (ody, polites, eurylochus) meeting og pjo trio (percy, annabeth, grover) WOULD GO HONESTLY CRAZY
BRO IT REALLY WOULD! Granted most of what i know about pjo comes straight from the lightning thief musical, so I can’t really speak for the true fans, but it would be so funny!
Like Annabeth had heard all about Odysseus & is ready to praise & criticize wherever necessary. I feel like she’s get along best with Eurylochus cause they’re both the voice of reason on their respective groups. Odysseus is ready to leave the moment he finds out Percy is Poseidon’s son, but then he’s like “no I get it, my dad sucks” & suddenly they’re on good terms & they have way more in common that they thought. & Polites & Grover are having the time of their life talking about nature & animals & chill stuff like that
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kai-beanz · 3 days
What if I message Jorge Rivera-Herrans and was like "Hey, can I put your musical on stage please?"
He says yes?
Let me know if I should?
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lily-s-world · 1 month
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*Listening to The Underworld Saga on repeat*
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"Everything's changed since Polites" was a warcrime
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xjulixred45x · 1 month
I just realized something...
Eurylochus is the one who opened the bag of winds.
It was something so obvious because of the Puppeteer song and what happened in the ocean saga, but I'm only now connecting the dots.
and honestly? Thats having nerve.
Eurylochus, who made himself look like someone super upright, THE SECOND IN COMMAND, Eurylochus who COMPLAINED to Odysseus about not doing anything against Scylla (a sea monster that was in its natural habitat, fighting would have been suicide) when NOT HE did anything against her, when he was willing to ABANDONE his men on Circe's island and questions Odysseus's leadership skills using THOSE EXAMPLES (look, Ody didn't always do things right, but there really weren't any big losses until the Ocean Saga and he handle them very well)--
the same Eurylochus that if he had not opened the pocket of winds which Odysseus spent SLEEPLESS NIGHTS watching so that no one opened (and told them verbatim NOT TO OPEN) they would not have retreated when they were about to reach Ithaca, sending the entire fleet to where POSEIDON was, WHERE ALMOST EVERYONE DIED, THEY ESCAPED BY A HAIR-
And yet he has the Audacity to say that "if Odysseus wants all the power he must take all the BLAME"? WHEN WAS IT BECAUSE OF HIS STUPIDITY THAT THEY WERE IN THE UNDERWORLD IN THE FIRST PLACE? THE REASON WHY SO MUCH PEOPLE DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE??
I'm not fine guys.
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souvelitas · 2 months
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just a man
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athena-theunicorn · 1 year
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Me? Obsessed? Ridiculous. 
*noise from my phone: you are ATHENAAAAAA
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thejadeofc · 3 days
I'm just a girl in the sense odysseus sings "I'm just a man" in epic the musical while commiting war crimes
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s0lar5ystems · 14 days
Imagine if, in The Underworld, after Polites has his portion of the song, instead of saying his name again, Odysseus said "You can relax my friend". You know because he's DE-
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nothing-impt · 13 days
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The Trio
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amazingmsme · 1 day
do u have any headcanons for telemachus? (Epic the Musical)
Of course!
So Athena has really grown attached to this kid, cause he reminds her so much of Odysseus & all the potential he has. & even if she’s kinda upset with him, Telemachus is his own person & she feels bad for both of them, so she’ll tell him stories of his dad’s adventures & he hangs on her every word
Telemachus is such a lil trouble maker! Being the prince, he can get away with virtually anything. He likes to play outside a lot & will go exploring the same woods Odysseus used to. It’s just a way for him to feel close to his dad 😢
Telemachus beams from ear to ear every time Penelope tells him how much he reminds her of Odysseus & purposefully tries to act more like him based on what he’s heard about him
Telemachus has pretty prominent dimples, & I feel like he got them from his mom. He’s also got her nose, but for the most part, he’s the spitting image of Odysseus
He shares a lot of traits with his dad, even tho they grew up apart, Odysseus still had some influence over his life, & it’s really endearing. It’s small things, but they add up & sometimes it just hits Penelope like a truck
Telemachus even has the same kind of laugh as Odysseus! He throws his head back & let’s out these carefree belly laughs. & he probably does the Chris Evans thing where he puts a hand on his chest & leans back
His tickle spots are a mix of where Odysseus & Penelope are most ticklish because I think it’s more fun that way. So his hips, armpits, neck & feet are his worst spots
He’s got a really cute boyish giggle when he laughs, but as he gets older the sound starts to get a little deeper, but there’s plenty of voice cracks sprinkled throughout
Penelope literally tells him how he “gets his sensitivity from his father” (really shirking the blame on this one, but she’s deserves to)
Proud supporter of Telemachus’s tooth gap! & when he laughs hard enough, sometimes you can hear a lil whistling sound
That’s all I got for now! Maybe once we officially meet him in the musical, I can do some more!
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love-1-s-1-nyou · 3 months
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revy-the-first · 3 months
Odysseus: So Circe says she knows a prophet who can help us avoid Poseidon
Crew: That's great!
Odysseus: But the prophet is dead.
Odysseus: She can't get us home but she'll get us to the underworld instead
Crew: What the fuck
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Monster's orchestration is the inverted minor version of Open Arms. Odysseus is undoing what Polites taught him. 🥲
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