catsbeaversandducks · 16 days
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By Daniel Pascoe
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furrfussy0020 · 3 months
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When you have a socially awkward partner.
Blaze and Shadow both are introverts, and normally don’t like starting convos. Unlike their partners who are big extroverts. They would show signs of being overwhelmed by things, so that Sonic and Amy could know when it’s time to go. Not wanting their partners to get overwhelmed.
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I don't hate you, random stranger | T-Shirt
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Perfect gift for those who like to uplift others and share positive messages with the world! Like it? Get this design from my Redbubble shop by clicking ✨here✨
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xuterboo · 3 months
Twisted Wonderland temperaments:
Extrovert + Extrovert
– Shall we walk and take photos?
–Yeah! I'll ask Jamil to make us food for the road!
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Introvert + Introvert
–I handle this tomogrsi very carefully. He is dear to me
–I played one game where you also had to take care of a pet..
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Extrovert + Introvert
–Come on, Roi du Léon! Look what the weather is like! Go for a walk!
–God, fuck. Get the fuck away from me...
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tonyzaret · 7 months
Which one are you?
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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On Being Socially Accepted / Well Liked
Human beings are sociable animals. No matter the degree of sociability, there’s a part of us that wants to be loved, nurtured and accepted by those around us.
I didn’t want to make a guide of how one should be likeable, because if you think a little - from all the people you like, do you like them for the same reason? Not necessarily. You may like one friend for their humour; another for being a solid person thick and thin; a third for their extroverted personality… we’re all different and should be!
Now, you may have certain qualities that you want in all your relationships, regardless of the person. For instance, I’m very adamant about transparency and loyalty. Loyalty to me doesn’t mean standing up for me even if I’m wrong - it means caring for me enough to tell me I’m wrong. However, these qualities wouldn’t make you likeable per se - they would make you accepted within a social circle.
So how does one become likeable?
1. Ease up on the doormat culture
You’ll notice that most of the people you like are capable of having an independent opinion and thought. People pleasers may come across as inauthentic and dicey, especially the ones who change their opinion to agree with the majority. So start cutting out the people pleasing behaviour.
2. Have hobbies
You’ll generally gravitate more towards someone who seems to have their life together as opposed to someone who doesn’t. I’m always keen to talk to someone who does something a little different in their free time. I remember talking to a physicist who also wrote poetry - I was very intrigued by his work, and I invited him to my NYE party along with his girlfriend.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with not having your life together as long as you’re at least trying to make it better. Hobbies don’t have to be expensive. It’s also a better way to expand your circle- not all your friends will enjoy pottery or tennis, for instance.
3. On emotional/ trauma dumping
The worst people to guide you in life, my father always told me, are your friends. Blind leading the blind.
Your friends may have a good heart but not necessarily good advice. Keep the trauma dumping to a minimal unless your friend is okay with you sharing more. Bear in mind that even as a listener, when you hear someone’s traumatic experiences, you may feel emotionally overwhelmed.
Never share your private experiences, current situations, drama, problems, gossip with acquaintances or friends who you’re not particularly close to. Trust me, it can be tempting to engage in catty behaviour but there’s a good chance it’ll bite you in the ass.
4. Figure out your strengths
I know what I bring to the table when it comes to friendship - gentle honesty, alternative solutions and perspectives to issues and I’m always a planner.
One of my friends is a blunt critic and I always speak to her when I know I need a reality check about life.
Another friend is very non judgemental, she’s the one I open up to about the weird things I think of.
A third friend is my party friend, who is 100% the life of the party and I love his energy.
We can’t share the same relationship with everyone. Understand your strengths and hone them.
5. Likeable people don’t care about being likeable
Become detached from this idea of “I want to be liked.” Rather than that, I feel the statement “I want relationships who accept me for who I am” make more sense. As you grow older, you’ll realise that this teenager definition of popularity is nothing but inauthentic bullshit. You deserve friends who care for you and cheer you on.
The idea of “I want to be liked/ popular” also low-key reeks of desperate behaviour. It shows that you don’t really care about your thoughts or opinions as long as you’re accepted and you’re ready to modify your opinions to fit in. That’s the worst way to making friends because you literally can’t be yourself.
6. Yes, looks do matter
Looks do matter to a degree. I don’t mean that in a sense of physical features - I mean it from a sense of grooming.
I’ve noticed that people will be taken more seriously if you look a certain way. That doesn’t mean you have to buy stuff until your money runs out - it just means being at a healthy weight, dressing well, practicing personal hygiene.
7. Observational skills
Whenever I’m at an event and I notice someone feeling left out, I go and talk to them.
I remember being in the shoes long ago and feeling uncomfortable going to places. So when I see someone in the same position, I try to be the person I wanted at that point of time.
It’s important to have keen observation skills but what’s even more important is dealing with it subtly. I remember a girl at a party wearing a dress with the price tag still attached to the neckline at the back. I casually went over, put a hand on her back, discreetly whispered that her tag was out, should I put it back in? She said yes, and I put the the tag inside her dress without people around us noticing me. Discretion is a must in life. Don’t shout your good deeds- do them, don’t get flattered by compliments when people tell you that you were nice, and just play it off like it’s not a big deal.
8. Being impolite
I read a study that polite people are harder to connect with. Overly polite people can be seen as boring and that you need more energy to talk to them because the conversation only revolves around a few “polite” topics (studies, career, life in general, how nice the establishment is, the weather, common friends… surface conversation). I’m not saying don’t be considerate - I’m saying don’t be overly polite. Don’t be over accommodating to other people. You can disagree with things respectfully. You can share a different perspective or crack a joke.
9. What are you like?
Are you better one on one or in groups?
I’m a much better person one on one. I resonate with people better when we have a conversation - when it’s a group, it’s just the usual hi-hellos.
You may prefer groups, if one on one conversations seem too vulnerable.
How do you figure this trait out? Ask yourself a simple question : if you had a meet a new person, would you rather meet them alone at a cafe or at a party with your friends?
Figuring this out is important because it gives you a sense of the relationships you value and how you can take them forward.
10. A balanced ratio of talking and listening
Try to listen more than you can talk. This advice is useless if you’re talking to an introvert. With most introverts I’ve noticed that they WILL talk to you - as long as they don’t have to make the first move. Once you set the ball rolling, they’re happy to talk.
So you have to understand how and when to switch being an active listener and speaker.
A simple generalised guide:
When dealing with extroverts: ask basic/ generic/ yes or no questions, give opposing opinions (most extroverts are generally up for a challenge) and listen more in the beginning, switch to talking more later.
When dealing with introverts: again, ask questions but you can make them more subjective than objective, less generic and definitely no yes/no questions. Talk more in the beginning and then listen more later, to make them comfortable.
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classycookiexo · 8 months
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spiritualseeker777 · 5 months
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hadesisqueer · 11 months
The trick to stop being so introvert is getting friends who are even more introvert than you, so you have to stop being so introvert and become the extrovert of the friend group because otherwise no one will order the pizza
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girlbossblog444 · 8 days
Socializing is hard but not socializing is harder because I'm a loud, oversharing bitch
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
Social life affirmations 🦋🪩
(part 1 : social butterfly)
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I have a bubbly, fun, outgoing extrovert personality.
I am the embodiment of a social butterfly.
Everyone admires my bubbly energy.
I am so talkative and I love talking.
I always let my personality shine.
I have such a good reputation.
I have great social skills and I can socialize with others easily.
I always have interesting things to say in any conversation.
I always have the right thing to say at the right time.
I'm a great listener.
I radiate positive energy everywhere I go.
People enjoy conversations with me.
I can keep any conversation going for hours.
All my conversations go fully smooth and fun.
I always have the best arguments ever.
Arguing is a child's play for me.
I effortlessly build fulfilling and harmonious friendships.
I always attract true, supportive and kind friends
I always have the time and the opportunity to go out with my friends frequently.
I always get invited to so many interesting social events.
I always go on cool adventures with my friends and create great memories.
Confidence is my middle name.
I am so confident in everything I do.
I am excellent at public speaking.
I have a beautiful clear voice and pronunciation.
People love to hear me speak.
I can be a magnet of fame whenever I desire.
It's so easy for me to become popular if i want to.
I have my desired number of followers on my desired social media account.
I am grateful
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fairydrowning · 2 years
"Some days I’m Van Gogh’s starry night, other days I’m his suicide letter."
-Via —souu-h
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essycogany · 3 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments Being Both Extroverted And Introverted
Game!Sonic is more of an Ambivert then you’d think.
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Disclaimer: My opinions on Sonic as a character tends to be mixed since I didn’t grow up with this franchise. Forgive me if I have conflicting points of views on this blue brat with his inconsistent characterizations.
I’m not expecting everyone to agree with me. Sonic being an introvert is such an agreed upon head-canon in this community. But I would like to fairly appreciate both introverted and extroverted sides to Sonic. I couldn’t pick between the two regardless because Sonic’s character has always been everywhere, but I like the blue hedgie in general. So, I’m going to gush about both of them.
This is my personal take, but I’ll do my best to describe them. I’m not speaking for everyone who caries these. To not make things complicated, I’ll use two characters who fit each personality trait the most. In my subjective views anyways.
Introvert: Someone who isn’t outgoing. Who prefers to be alone in their thoughts then be surrounded by people. Introverts spend time with one or two people instead of large groups and gets exhausted by social interactions very quickly. They also don’t like getting too much attention from others either.
Shadow and Whisper
Extrovert: An outgoing person who prefers to be with others and thrives in hanging out with large groups of people. Extroverts enjoy social interactions and can start a conversation with most people. Their energy is gained by spending time with different people and getting attention from them.
Tangled and Amy
Ambivert: A mixture of an introvert and extrovert. They enjoy both stimulating and none-stimulating environments. Can start a conversation with strangers, but enjoy doing their own thing. They gain energy by being in small or large groups simultaneously.
Sonic and Tails
Where Does Sonic Fall Into These Categories?
Let me start with Sonic X’s Sonic. For this analysis, it’s important to discuss different mediums of him to get my point across clearly. I might get off course and discuss how certain characteristics are due to the personality more then what normally falls into personality traits. Hold onto something!
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Sonic X: He doesn’t enjoy people praising him and mostly talks to people who speaks to him first. He tends to not be much of a chatter box and is not in the show as much as you’d expect. This Sonic prefers to go off on his own then spend time with his friends at the beach in one episode. In another Sonic bails on his invitation to meet the President in order to spend time with his new friend, Helen.
Showing how he prefers to be with a few amount of people then with a group. He even leaves the group in a bunch of episodes to have his alone time. Sonic also doesn’t like hugs all that much unless he’s protecting someone, (mostly Amy) but I’d say that falls more into personal choice more than having to do with him being an introvert. Especially since he hugged Chris in one episode.
Even in Sonic’s more extroverted depictions he can be awkward with hugs. That being said, my hot take is this Sonic is one of two variants who fully commits to being introverted. Which is not a surprise because of reasons I’ll get into later.
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Here’s where I’ll talk about his extroverted variants. I’ll start with Movie and Prime Sonic, since they fall into this personality trait the most.
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Movie!Sonic: He lived alone for most of his life after his caretaker “Long Claw’s” sacrifice. Sonic had to raise himself by watching action movies on his soon to be families television. Due to his lack of interactions, love, or anything outside of being alone, he has a mental breakdown and his powers takes over his emotions. Causing the entire world’s lights to shut down.
Once he starts meeting different people he gets ecstatic and has fun with the situation. Getting into different shenanigans with his soon to be father, Tom. Again, Sonic Wachowski has been alone for years. Which makes his reasons of being extroverted make sense.
Prime!Sonic: (I deem this version of the character as not canon, so I’ll treat him as such.) Prime!Sonic is naturally affectionate and open towards anyone and everyone. Even Eggman by the end of the show. Like Movie!Sonic, he hates being alone and is very optimistic when it comes to interacting with people. The First Episode of the show: Sonic: “Are you ignoring me? You’re ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me?! WHY IS EVERYONE IGNORING ME?!”
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He inspires others to become their better selves because he reaches out to them and often talks about trust and expressing yourself. Almost every Sonic does, but this energetic ball of stubbornness is the least subtle about it. His naivety seems to be both the worst and best aspect of his character. Worst because it gets really repetitive and best because you can understand how much compassion he has for people.
It getting out of hand at times is more of a flaw in the writing then the character, but I digress. I’d say Prime!Sonic is very emotionally honest with himself, but even in the show he internalizes his emotions at times. It’s not often, but still happens. Proving you don’t have to be introverted in order to want to keep your emotions to yourself.
Ep 3 Of Season One: Nine: “Are you okay?” Sonic: “Yeah, I’m fine.” Obviously wasn’t true. You can tell when this guy is holding back his emotions. All be it not perfectly.
Every Other TV Show Or Comic Depiction Of Sonic: Even if these adaptations are different in some regard, they all carry the core extroverted side to Sonic. Just not as much as the first two.
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They are way more egotistical and wants to be the center of attention. (Archie!Sonic is literally a celebrity in his universe.) Likes their alone time, but mostly hangs out and fights with friends. Talks to a bunch of people, and so on.
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Let’s finally get into the main canon Sonic.
Game!Sonic: Sonic is 100% an introvert in his Japanese depictions. It’s the same story as Sonic X. In terms of how Sonic’s written in the country he was created in, he is a complete introvert. Like being shy when it comes to being complimented (especially when people view him as an authority figure) In the American dubs before Pontiac and Graff wrote for the games, Sonic’s almost the same way. But as time went on especially during IDW’s run, Sonic tends to be pretty extroverted. It’s mostly how he’s depicted in the west if the examples before means anything.
Even beforehand he’s been more extroverted then one would think. He talks to strangers and in almost every game meets someone new. He doesn’t get exhausted or needs solitude afterwards either.
Sonic always could be around more than a few people at once. Sure, he doesn’t mind being alone, but again you don’t have to be an introvert in order to enjoy being alone. And there are plenty of introverts who talk a BUNCH with the people they’re most comfortable with. Then extroverts who can take the time to listen to others when needed. It all depends on the person.
That goes for Sonic keeping his emotions to himself. No matter where people fall, some may feel the need to keep their emotions to themselves. Extroverted or not. Especially since Sonic from X has expressed himself before. It’s just not as common for him.
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I also feel the blue hedgehog does it so everyone else can keep their heads up. His own included. I understand if anyone doesn’t agree with that take though. The classic era is a good example his ambivert traits as well. He starts out as a none talking loner, but soon starts talking and meeting different people. These are reasons I believe Game!Sonic’s an Ambivert.
I believe Sonic’s a leap before he thinks kind of guy and is bad at expressing himself. He can sometimes be talkative. Especially when it comes to going back and forth with other characters. Villains and rivals to be specific. Sonic’s stubborn about his morals and will stop at nothing to keep those morals. He’s introverted enough to take some time to himself and do things his way without anyone to stop him, but extroverted enough to inspire strangers to become great hero’s themselves.
Let me simplify it even further. The situation is Sonic getting praised by a crowd of people.
X: Gets overwhelmed and runs away.
Every Other Variation: Appreciates the praise and maybe even start flexing to boost his ego.
Game: Would humbly appreciate the cheers and probably leave or stay. It depends on his mood.
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I don’t know if I got my point across very well, but I did my best. I honestly believe I might be alone with this take. Hope my rambling didn’t get too out of line.
Stay Creative! 💜
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dumblr · 1 year
How introverts make friends:
10% they don't.
90% an extrovert found them, liked them and adopted them.
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jordanmilleraj · 3 months
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poll-boy · 12 days
if you want to submit a poll, you can on my blog! any and all suggestions are appreciated :)
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