rannochs · 2 years
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↳ gif exchange challenge with @ezrisdax → favourite mass effect quote
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the jefferies tubes are for making out
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nilefreemans · 2 months
babe if you're doing icon work again I would adore one from you. but it's a character from a video game you don't know so if that doesn't work then no worries. basically seonhee from yakuza + purple cause you know me, all about that purple.
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icon requests are open!
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
let's go totally different here cause I've been in a stargate mood and say stargate
tumblr keeps white-screening on me as i type this draft so i feel like i'm racing the clock as i rewrite this again!
so the stargates (sg-1 and sga; i never saw sgu) are two of those shows where i saw a het ust ship and went "ok sounds good, let me devote my life to that" BUT:
jack/sara: i always liked them as a past ship but hooooooly smokes in this watch-through it flattened me. the intensity of his love for her!! STILL!! how she literally hadn't seen him in a year and was still like "are you here because you want to get back together?" i desperately want them to still be in each other's lives. there's a solid chance i would throw over my otp for this. i was recently introduced to the concept of "maybe they still sometimes have sex" and i have not stopped thinking about it for one minute since.
daniel/janet is apparently a rarepair, because it doesn't crack the top 10 on ao3, but it was such a staple of my sg-1 existence that it surprised me to learn that just now! the actors shipped their characters, and so sprinkled in some unscripted beats for us. there's definitely some kind of energy between them in the "2010" future episode, and they have some cute awkward moments in real-canon. i don't ship them as ferally as i used to, but it lives on in my heart.
mini!otp probably doesn't even count because it gets automatically categorized under the juggernaut sam/jack ship tag in ao3 but i am clinically obsessed, i have not slept in years, if mini!otp had a thousand fans i would be one, etc (it has like seven fans, but I AM ONE).
teyla/kate heightmeyer: it's a little bit hard for me to work my way past "oh my god they're SO PRETTY" with this pairing to actual rationale, but there IS a lot of actual rationale. they have really wonderful scenes together. teyla quickly gets over her aversion to kate's professional role and they have a lot of trust in each other. they are both somewhat isolated (kate by her role; teyla because now she's neither fish nor fowl when it comes to the atlantis expedition & her people), and so are perfectly primed to develop a deep friendship and connection and they are so goddamn pretty together. just take a minute to think about this pairing* and i promise it'll improve your day. (*offer only valid for seasons 1-3)
teyla/ronon: they are also very goddamn pretty together, and are very physically comfortable around each other, but they also get each other on a level that none of the earthlings around them can understand. i wrote them once and 100% believe that at least the general idea of that happens in canon (the part where they sometimes have sex, and it's not a big deal).
john/elizabeth/rodney: oooooh this one is so dicey because i do NOT ship it as a "john & rodney but elizabeth is there" thing and that's most of what you'll find, so i'm hesitant to click on anything that isn't by an author i know, but there are a few fics out there that create a great dynamic here.
jack/elizabeth: is it weird to REALLY ship something, but as kind of a transitional pairing? because that's this for me. i really like the exchange of power dynamics they have early on, and love that she dreams him up in "The Real World," and whenever i see them on screen together i lose it because i really want them to have sex. in a "you know, let's just see how this goes" kind of way. if the real world were a dedicated AU, i absolutely ship them there for really-real, but in the canon world, it's not an endgame ship for me. i don't genuinely see them having lifelong potential (though that might be because i have emotionally committed them elsewhere), but i want them to just Have An Understanding and sometimes they have sex.
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counterspelling · 2 years
*rolls up sleeves* 001 - ACOFAF, 002 - PGSM Reinako for a throwback, 003 - Wedge Antilles (I'm joking, Jaina Solo)
This is so long because I love them all too much
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Chirp! You know Emily is my favorite in every season lmao. But really every single character was so good, I cannot get over how perfect this season was
Least Favorite character: Suntar
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Rue/Hob and Binx/Andhera were incredible. We missed out on Grandfather/Grabalba and Squak/Jeremy Renner. The audacity of Lou to send the most romantic letter ever written to the baroness and then send a "you up" text to Theodore
Character I find most attractive: All of them???
Character I would marry: Binx
Character I would be best friends with: Andhera
A random thought: I so deeply wish we'd gotten to see more of Chirp with Esme and Peep. I know we didn't have the time but I wanted it!!
An unpopular opinion: I think a misfits and magic style special reunion would be perfect, but I don't want a second season with these characters. I think all their endings were perfect. A second season with the same cast and universe but all new characters would be ideal for me
My Canon OTP: The canon ones are so good!
My Non-canon OTP: The universe where we got Rue/Wuvvy and Andhera/Hob is very interesting. Also all the npcs Aabria made to romance everyone!! I would like to see them!!
Most Badass Character: Every time Andhera stood up for himself ;_; Hob finally realizing his worth and leaving his court, Rue's reveal of their true self, Binx coming to the bloom as the sole survivor of her court…. they're all amazing and badass
Most Epic Villain: Grandfather?????
Pairing I am not a fan of: I think any combination of these characters would have been good
Favourite Friendship: Chirp and Squak!! I will miss these bird cousins so dearly!! "Cousin, you can do no wrong in my eyes" they are so messy but love each other so much and then the found family of coming together with everyone else is so incredible
Character I most identify with: I think one of the things that make this season so great for me is I can relate to most of them in some way. Some combination of Rue and Andhera and Binx
Character I wish I could be: Binx
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: 2003!!! I am taking psychic damage thinking about the fact that it's been 19 years since this show premiered….
My thoughts: They are perfect! Peak romance! Mina teasing Rei into opening up more! Rei showing her that her life is worth fighting for beyond just being a senshi! The rage and despair Keiko brought as a 15 year old girl when Mina died! She still blows me away as an actress
What makes me happy about them: Fighting over dog food and idol nicknames and their devotion to Usagi and their duty and working together to find a balance for it all
What makes me sad about them: Mina's weapon going to Rei after her death, the look on Rei's face as she reads the letter Mina left, her powers manifesting wordlessly as she's wreathed in flames in battle immediately after………… this ship has everything
My wishlist: That the show had gotten to adapt every arc of the manga and we'd seen them actually get together instead of ending with them bumping into each other awkwardly during the wedding bouquet toss and then immediately looking away from each other as their friends watch and smirk. Obviously the most platonic of reactions
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: In pgsm universe, nobody, but Usa/Mina otherwise. And senshi/shitennou
My happily ever after for them: Just being together!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: My beloved!! Gone from canon but never gone from my heart
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Jag. Love them meeting after flying together and having him walk past all the people he's supposed to greet and his newly met uncle to complisult her flying lmao. Her other love interests were so terrible. Why did we have to spend 15 years stuck in love square hell (oh, because she's the only girl in the next gen and so that was of course her fate)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her relationships with Jacen and Anakin, looking over them as the oldest, the despair and grief watching Anakin sacrifice himself, her twin bond with Jacen and their constant awareness of each other and their push and pull during the war but also the support they gave each other until, y'know, Caedus
My unpopular opinion about this character: She never got her due. She constantly took a backseat to her brothers, until they were both dead, and then to Ben, and then when she was FINALLY getting her own trilogy, fucking disney happened. We can't have nice things! And yet despite it all she was so incredible! So dedicated to protecting people! Just as talented as her uncle and twin! The best pilot in a generation! An incredible lightsaber combatant! In tune with the Force! I LOVE her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: The sword of the jedi trilogy!! More of her relationships with Leia and Mara and Tenel ka and Tahiri and Mirta and Winter. More of her happiness with Jag. Not spending like two years brainwashed by bugs. More of a throughline over the series to chart her grief and responsibility over watching her youngest brother die and killing her twin and fighting a war from the age of 15 and being handed a prophecy at 17 telling her she'll always be alone but she'll take comfort in the safety she brings to others. We should have gotten eight movies adapting the new jedi order and legacy of the force series with a clone wars style cartoon about her during the vong war, dammit
Favorite friendship for this character: Lowie, Jag, her bond with her brothers, would have been nice if the authors cared to do more with her female friendships. We hardly ever saw her team up with any of them
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howlpendraig · 2 years
zev/alistair or morrigan/leliana (or both)
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autisticburnham · 7 months
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deannastrois · 3 months
my (one of many) pet peeves is people who say a femslash ship is x version of a slash ship. shut the fuck. way to only care about it how it once again relates to slash.
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tali-zorahs · 6 months
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i'm looking......
for @ezrisdax
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punkbxt · 1 year
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cute lil jeffreys tubes moment
commission for @ezrisdax :)
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startrekfemslashweek · 8 months
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Day One
Of Motel Rooms and Misunderstandings - lilolilyrae Why Do You Drink (the Raktajino)? - rebelrsr Resting Place - fancyadancebrigadier Take the victories you can get - Account5738525 Taking Flight - Hollie47 Picnic on Vulcan (Art) - starrycrowz Meet Me In Alcove Three - CreativeTadpole kiss kiss motherfucker (fuck nasty) - skylarkblue Happy New Beginning - hulkling616 Dare You To Move - baubeautyandthegeek Craving You - baubeautyandthegeek Jadzia/Lenara (Gifset) - ezrisdax Coffeeshop AU (Art) - seagull-energy J7 Mutual Pining (Art) - zestoflemon Mutual Pining: Kira x Ezri (Gifset) - stopthatbluecat There was only one bed (Art) - 40cleverways Misunderstandings - fenrisranger I'll Be Your Battery Pack - spacedogfromspace When the Night Turns Over - wonderofasunrise one of the rotten ones - wanderingwriter87 Cramped Quarters - darktiger57 The Saga Begins - Account5738525
Day Two
You saw me start to believe for the first time - baubeautyandthegeek Ain't Even Grey But She Buries Her Baby - baubeautyandthegeek Friends to Lovers (Art) - spiritintheinkwell Constant - stopthatbluecat A Round on J'Gal - Alsike May I Have a Moment (of Your Time)? - rebelrsr Protect - CreativeTadpole The Symbiont Owner's Manual - fenrisranger Chemistry - CharlieChills Friends to Lovers (Art) - seagull-energy Friends to Lovers (Art) - zestoflemon Friends to Lovers (Art) - starrycrowz i never did believe in miracles - twoheadedmoon Buckets - astronaut86 Take the victories you can get - Account5738525 feathered canyons everywhere - leohttt Rescuing Una - CandyCurlsofMaddness I Love You More Than Curly Fries - spacedogfromspace Friends to Lovers (Art) - tallysgreatestfan All Things Bright and Beautiful - Divinemissem13 Constant - stopthatbluecat one of the rotten ones - wanderingwriter87 Misunderstandings - MystidPurple i never did believe in miracles - twoheadedmoon Last Breath - CelestialVigilante
Day Three
Mirror Universe Aesthetic - my-gaydar-is-on-point Mirror Universe Aesthetic - my-gaydar-is-on-point Hold It Against Me Fanvid - pixiedane I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling - baubeautyandthegeek Show Me Some Decency - baubeautyandthegeek The Behavior of Individuals is Unpredictable - fenrisranger We Have Time - stopthatbluecat Returning Home - CharlieChills Evil, Skanky and Kinda Gay - SirenOfTitan The Wrong Kind of Interesting - darktiger57 Mirror Universe Kiradax Art - zestoflemon Malfunctioning Turbo-Lift of Destiny - spacedogfromspace Our Guiding Light, the Borg Queen - astronaut86 Cosy in the Turbolift - Hollie47 Mirror Universe Chahura Photoset - Kingstoken Mirror Universe Bevtroi Art - starrycrowz Mirror Universe Bevtroi Art - lyroart The more things change - CandyCurlsofMaddness Like A Rhapsody - skylarkblue We Have Time - stopthatbluecat Mirror Universe EzriLeeta Art - starcrossed-perceivers Trapped In A Turbolift - Account5738525
Day Four
Seeing Stars - Pixie The Treasure of Enterprise NX-01 - Alsike She is half your age - baubeautyandthegeek But something happened for the very first... - baubeautyandthegeek Fake Marriage KiraDax Gifset - stopthatbluecat All the Wounds We Cannot See - Divinemissem13 Milippa Fake Marriage Manip - my-gaydar-is-on-point She's Worth Trouble - fenrisranger We Make Our Hearts - EulGarakAFrites Chahura Treating Injuries Art - sopheadraws Chortegas Treating Injuries Art - seagull-energy Reciprocation - CharlieChills She's Worth Trouble - fenrisranger overdramatic and true - Lesbi_enterprise To The Bar - CreativeTadpole Oh No She's Hot - spacedogfromspace Take the victories you can get - Account5738525 Almost Magic - Hollie47
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ezrisdax-archive · 8 months
Going to go with DS9 for your "5 things you'd change" ask meme. Curious to hear your thoughts :з
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
So, I'm biased and I'm tumblr user ezrisdax which means I need Ezri to exist but that said I'd change how Jadzia died. I've personally never been a fan of that, the ending and how she said her goodbye to Worf and Sisko was fine but Dukat killing her like that just...did not appeal to me at all, I hated that. Now how I'd have her die I don't know. Maybe while she was stuck in the Changeling mind trap place they gave her a drug and it's been slowly tearing down her ability to host the symbiont. (maybe that also means it can be removed but Jadzia has to be rushed to Trill and in a coma and thus gone for a time and Ezri is there still, I can still come up with Jadzia lives AUs right?). Or have her die defending the station just not...turning around and hey Dukat is there. At least let her get one punch in to him please.
Ezri and Julian and I don't have to expand on that, dear god, no.
Worf and Jadzia's wedding, not the wedding itself but the lack of the TNG characters. Like yeah I get not wanting to pay them etc etc but also listen, I need Jadzia and Deanna meeting properly and teasing Worf. It has always bothered me they weren't there for his wedding.
Jadzia's lack of interaction with other characters after Worf's arrival. I do feel starting season five it gets really bad; she doesn't have a lot of interactions with the others that don't also involve Worf in some capacity after that and while I do enjoy that ship I wanted more weird Trill adventures as it's own thing.
Alexander's whole thing in DS9, I didn't think it fit him at all and I absolutely hated it. Like first of all he should have just been with Worf anyway I thought we went through this in TNG and second of all he's never been interested in the Klingon stuff and he shouldn't have to and then why did they make him an idiot at it? He was a smart kid, c'mon.
Did I say top five? Just kidding here's more because I can't decide. Everything about Profit and Lace. I tend to skip over that episode during rewatches and it's bad. I think they should have brought Pel back instead and have another episode with her where it shows how much she's flourished and profited in the Gamma Quadrant.
I minute thing that's also always bothered me, Mirror Jadzia dies for....???? reasons? Like Ezri in the Mirror verse is Ezri Tigan, she doesn't have or need the symbiont and they just drop that Jadzia is dead that episode for zero reasons, like why couldn't she be away on a mission or something. I'm sorry but that stuck in my head and ate away at me for the longest time.
Sisko and Ezri and the lack of a relationship in any way after the third episode of season seven. Like she Dax and she pulls him back in and I think them navigating a new relationship again where this time Sisko is the mentor figure would be way way way more interesting then the Ezri/Julian storyline they stuck in instead.
VIC FONTAINE. I hate that fucking holoprogram. Too many episodes were about him and why the fuck is there an alive mirror verse version of him?????
Screw SNW I want a DS9 musical episode.
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pointless AU where Seven's human name is Anouk Jansen and she spoke Dutch with her parents
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cannot-rest · 1 year
Ashley Appreciation Week 2023 roundup
This is late because I was at anime con at the end of the week but thank you to everyone who got involved in Ashley Appreciation Week 2023, whether by posting or reblogging!
Here’s a roundup of everything posted:
Analysis of Ashley’s religion by @lukedanger
Dichotomy by @lukedanger
mShepley moments by deactivated :(
Asari war manuals by @lukedanger
Reading poetry to her dad by @metallinemenace
Undying Loyalty by @lukedanger
How Ashley would celebrate by deactivated :(
Beaches of Virmire by @elleweird
Quick little doodle by @metallinemenace
The Virmire Survivor by @pink-sinthetic
Ashley Williams Appreciation Week 2023 by @masweird
I Could Use a Wish Right Now chapter 1 by @nemobeatrice
I Could Use a Wish Right Now chapter 2 by @nemobeatrice
“Any plans to come back to the Normandy?” by @edains
Fighting the geth by @illusivesoul
“You the one in charge here, ma’am?” by @illusivesoul
Eden Prime by @illusivesoul
Spaceport by @illusivesoul
Willenko in the apartment by @ezrisdax
135th birthday by @edains
“I can’t focus on anything but you” by @illusivesoul
For Ashley Week 2023 by @nemobeatrice
Incorrect fShepley quotes by @caeric-arclight
Coming to the rescue by deactivated :(
Citadel coup moment by @edains
(and if I missed something of yours, please let me know! particularly when I was out of town for con I mistagged a few reblogs)
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
hi! I'm relatively new here and kinda was hoping you may know some people to follow for stargate or star trek f/f pairings, no particular ones I'm not picky there.
off the top of my head, and please forgive me for all the omissions i am about to make and mis-rememberings of what y'all specialize in, since it all gets mixed up on the dash!
@ezrisdax is probably queen of equal opportunity star trek f/f pairings (with some notable exceptions) and creates a ton of gifs
@punkbxt has awesome art and cartoon storytelling, with a special love for b'elanna/seven
@princessfrogs is a dedicated reblogger of f/f trek things, with a special love of seven and seven/raffi
@ussjellyfish loves discovery-centric f/f rarepairs, babyfic specialist
@stargatelov3r is a prime mover in the teyla/elizabeth fandom and her pinned post has a bunch of content for that ship
@cosmic-llin for trek f/f, less active on tumblr right now than in the past but you know everybody's coming back to the nest. she has written metric tons of fic.
@kira-nerys-rocks for stargate & star trek multiship, including f/f
@janetfraiser and @havocthecat can probably be lured into discussing stargate f/f at any time even though that's not the bulk of their posts right now
everyone please add on in the notes or reblogs, and definitely feel free to add yourself!! (& anon, that means you should check back on this post in a few days to see if more recs have appeared!).
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girlonthelasttrain · 1 year
2022 Roundup
The statistics page of AO3 inform me that in 2022 I posted almost three times the word count of my previous most wordy year. It's a complete surprise to me, for most of the year I didn't even open a word document and I genuinely considered myself "over" fic writing (and writing in general). It turns out I just needed the right motivation to get back into it and that motivation was... B'Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager which has been the only pairing for which I posted fic this year. I don't usually do writing roundups but I feel like celebrating—returning to something I love doing with an enthusiasm I thought I'd lost warrants it, I think.
Reset (~9k words, Rated M)
A misunderstanding between Seven and B'Elanna spirals out of control.
I wrote this earlier this year for the Rare Femslash Exchange 2021, the first B'Elanna/Seven fic I ever completed. It's also possibly the "rawest" among my B7 fic. In it, I've tried to flesh out the kind of misunderstanding that could arise between Seven and B'Elanna if they started secretly hooking up, from Seven's (unreliable) POV.
Let's go back, let's go back and start again (WIP, Rated T)
A shipwide emergency turns out to be a lot more complicated to solve than B'Elanna is prepared for.
My attempt at writing a groundhog day-style time loop! I started writing this for @ezrisdax and I plan to finish it soon. Featuring B'Elanna and Harry being very good friends, Seven making questionable choices and B'Elanna having to confront some of the decisions she had to take as Chief Engineer of Voyager over the years.
Projecting (~11k words, Rated T)
A dare turns into something more.
Over the years I've seen many headcanons about B'Elanna enjoying outdoorsy activities like rock climbing so I thought, why not make it the subject of a fic? So I ended up watching lots of youtube videos about bouldering (and bothering friends who boulder regularly) for this fic, which I wrote for the Femslash Exchange 2022. In it, B'Elanna gets roped into trying a holodeck program with Seven, and what happens next is... pretty much the 'annoyances to lovers' trope.
Doing The Unstuck (~4.6k words, Rated E)
B'Elanna and Seven, and a strap-on. What could go wrong?
The summary is cheeky, but also fairly accurate. This is smut with (lots of) feelings. I kinda wrote it in the same continuity as "Reset", but can totally be read as a standalone.
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