#f/f romance
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rwac96 · 8 months
Height Difference (WhiteRose)
*Ruby Rose & Weiss Schnee were at a rock concert, a first for the latter while she attempts to see the performing band*
Ruby: "Ya know, Weiss, I could give you a boost to see the concert stage better."
Weiss: *groans* "I'm not that short, Ruby! I'll manage."
Ruby: *sighs, folding her arms* "Suit yourself." *smirks*
*The White-Haired Huntress hops up & down...repeatedly, then groans in defeat*
Weiss: "Okay, maybe just a tiny boost."
*The Reaper scoops Weiss up bridal style, making the porcelain-skinned girl blush*
Weiss: *flustered* "D-Dolt!"
Ruby: *snickers* "You're welcome."
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FEM! Cali & FEM! NY
Slumber Party was playing in my head all day anyway gay🏳️‍🌈
Also happy National women's Day🩷
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thisonehere · 4 months
heyyy how are you ? i must say i’ve immersed myself in your blog for a couple of days now and i really enjoy it! would i be able to request some kitana headcannons with fem reader ( in a relationship), no specific idea for them just free style i gues 😭 thanks <3
Omg, that sounds so cute, I'd love too.
The Princess and I
Kitana x Fem!reader
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Tags: MK1, MK AU, FxF, Fluff, SFW, Afab reader C/w: Pet names, mentions of war, mentions of sex,
The Princess does not remember how she met you. Maybe you were a member of the royal house, an Earthrealm champion, or maybe you were even a soldier from Shao's army. All she knows is that she has met and she is happy that she did.
You are a major light in her life in these dark times. The ongoing war with Shao coupled with Mileena's affliction as well as inheriting the throne after their mother's death has been nerve-wracking for her to say the least. You have been able to supply her with an unimaginable amount of relief.
She never fails to tell you how much she means to you and how much you mean to her. Her love language is a mix of the three (physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time) she expresses this through daily words of affirmation, just being next to you, and gestures such as sending you expensive gifts, or just holding your hand as well as a few other...services (sex...I'm talking about sex).
Whenever you are not at war, you two are together in court. She sometimes sends a slight smile your way whenever she sits next to her sister. When she isn't on the throne she is no doubt with you.
She likes to call you pet names such as dove, beloved, or even princess. She likes it whenever you call the pet names too, except kitty...never call her kitty. Johnny did and that didn't end well.
Though she might be out at war often, you are not far from her thoughts. You are one of the things that keep her going even in her darkest hours. The idea of coming to you, her sister, and her father, all these things brings a smile to her face.
She sends you letters often, she tells you her adventures out on the battlefield, all the people she has faced, all the people she has lost along the way. Of course, she also likes it whenever you send her letters back. She loves it when you talk about yourself, it takes her away from the violent world around her and helps her escape into your fantasies. She loves it when you talk about the most mundane things. What you ate today, what your hair looks like, who you spoke to. She wants to hear all about it.
When she finally comes home, Mileena no doubt throws a major banquet or festival to celebrate her sister's return. You run into her eyes upon the first sight of her, and she will gladly take you into her arms, pick you up, and spin you around. Kitana can't seem to stay too far away from you and for you, it's quite the same. You talk, kiss, cuddle just anything you can think of. You don't even need to do much speaking or physical contact, being near you is enough for her.
If you ever ask to join the army, the chance is likely that she'll refuse. She has already lost friends and family because of this war, how could she possibly risk losing you too? Could she even handle it? "Shao has taken almost everything from me, I won't let him take you as well."
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the-femslash-wishlist · 8 months
Ever wished your fave femslash fic would be made into a movie or a series?
What if there were so many of us wishing for the same thing?
What if we formed an online community where we could share the plot of our fave femslash fics and upvote the ones we really liked?
What if the community became huge, with a multitude of members, enticing filmmakers (from film students to pros) to adapt the fics (or chapters or sequences or scenes of fics) into (short) films because there was a built-in audience for them?
What if the website was called the femslash wishlist?
*membership fees would give you exclusive access to discussions with filmmakers or exclusive content like bts footage or deleted scenes
Click on this link for Frequently Asked Questions.
This is for a postgraduate Entrepreneurship class assignment. Please reblog so that it would reach more femslash fic or f/f fic readers and writers. It would greatly help the assignment, which could change from being fictional to real if there was enough interest.
Thanks so much for participating!
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queerromancerecs · 4 months
searching for a good romance to read?
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Looking for a good romantic queer read or did you just read a queer romance so good you want to share it with the world?
Consider Queer Romance Recs right here on Tumblr! Give us your favorites or just scroll through the tags! Reblog stuff you also liked or maybe think your mutuals will like! Share some queer joy!
Queer Romance Recs
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aidaran-alha · 1 month
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Genderbending, Human AU, opera singer Zira, ballet dancer Antonia Crowley, Historical, Ineffable Wives | Female Aziraphale/Female Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Vulva (Good Omens), Crowley Has A Vulva (Good Omens)
It'd be a scandal if anybody found out. They really shouldn't be risking themselves like this.
A human opera singer/ballet dancer AU. ------------ “Zira…” 
“Lady Zira for you, at the moment,” she replied coldly. “This is all your fault.”
“Oh, don’t give me that now, angel. How was I supposed to know Michael would get so offended at my suggestions?”
“Offended? you called our Regisseur a wanker!”
“And she is! She doesn’t appreciate you! Shax as the lead? Really? With that squeaky duck voice she has?” Antonia indignantly said, as Zira’s lips fought hard to not curve into a smile at that. “Here, allow me to make it up to you.”
Written for the 8008 week on @goodomensafterdark​! come join us, we have cookies and smut.
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wydownaspiider · 5 months
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EAH exchange gift for @cantdanceflynn ! Yay an excuse to draw two girls romantically!
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June always brings a deluge of recommendations of LGBTQ books, but often this coverage is very white. In this list, I want to highlight some of the Black authors writing swoonworthy adult F/F romance novels.
Reading Black Joy: 27 F/F Romances by Black Authors
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cowperviolet · 9 months
4 queer Regency romance stories?
It was... what, late 2021 when I first had a thought to maybe write a fun romance novel, the first romance novel in my life, about a couple of Regency ladies doing Greenmantle-esque adventure shenanigans and falling in love?
Last year, September 2022, Her Morning Star came out on Amazon (under the pen name of Violet Cowper. I've switched to Ann Hawthorne for m/f).
And now, a year later, I want to offer you a whole bundle (3 full-length novels and one long-ish novella) with a 30% off.
Audiobooks also coming this year!
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rwac96 · 8 months
Confession (WhiteRose)
Ruby: *approaches Weiss* “Weiss, I have something to tell you.”
Weiss: *playfully* “Oooh~ Are you about to profess your undying love for me?” *snickers*
Ruby: *holding out a box of chocolates* “Yeah...” *tears up*
Weiss: *pales, blinking* “.....What?”
Ruby: *lowers her head, turning away* "...I pulled a Jaune, I pulled a Jaune." *walks off*
Weiss: "Ruby! Come back!" *sprints after her* "You didn't pull a Jaune! You didn't have an obnoxious guitar!"
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fell-hound · 5 months
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Hey all!!! My webstore will be closing down on Feb 1 2024. So I'm having a blowout sale!! All pricing in CDN (so like ~30% cheaper in USD). Will be shipped from me with love.❤️ If you like critically acclaimed, award-winning F/F romance, high stakes, and crying a lot check out my comics 🥰 STORE LINK HERE: fellhoundart.com/store Reviews if you need more convincing:
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lgbtqreads · 3 months
do you have any sapphic ya contemporary romcom book recs? i'm currently on a binge & i've already read i kissed shara wheeler, 6 times we almost kissed, hani & ishu, never ever getting back together & imogen, obviously. would love more books with similar vibes!!
Heh, kiiiinda my expertise, in that I've written three of them - Cool for the Summer, Home Field Advantage, and Going Bicoastal, which I think you'll prob like if you liked those, especially the first one. Also definitely check out Leah Johnson's You Should See Me in a Crown, Jennifer Dugan's Some Girls Do, Kelly Quindlen's She Drives Me Crazy, Rachel Hawkins' Her Royal Highness, Lyla Lee's Flip the Script, Christen Randall's The No Girlfriend Rule, Aminah Mae Safi's Tell Me How You Really Feel, Ciara Smyth's Not My Problem, Jake Maia Arlow's How to Excavate a Heart, and coming in the next few months, Sophie Gonzales's The Perfect Boyfriend Doesn't Exist, Erin Baldwin's Wish You Weren't Here, and Jennifer Dugan's Playing for Keeps.
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affinitystoryblog · 4 months
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shoutout to my Established Girlfriends For Years characters because i always seem to write my romances as i write the story, but these ladies are in love and have been showing and telling the world years before the story even begins 💖💚
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lathalea · 6 months
THAUC23: Scattered Through Time
This is a story written by @joyfullynervouscreator and yours truly for this years' THAUC event organized by @fellowshipofthefics. Enjoy!
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Moodboard by Lathalea
Scattered Through Time
Relationships: Dís/Dís's Wife Rating: G Warnings: bring tissues Author's notes: Time is merciless. It devours every single thing it meets on its way… almost. Somehow, a handful of memories remained. Once, they formed a kaleidoscope of life, full of shapes and colours. Now, they resemble a handful of stained glass pieces scattered on the bleak fabric of the past.
These are the letters between Dís, daughter of Thràin, and her beloved wife, Víli.
Link to the whole story:
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My gleam of golden treasure,
I found your gift; snuck into my pocket during our final soft goodbye? You have a skilled hand with the chisel, even if you claim it not so, and I can only hope to match the swell of love I felt when I pulled the stone from my pocket with one that my words may pull from you. 
I miss you, I love you.
I will return to you.
I swear it.
My Princess,
My betrothed,
It is such an honour to address you with these words. I am touching my betrothal braid and can feel the pattern you plaited as if it was today and not six days ago!
And now we are apart and I will not see you for three more days… It feels like an eternity. And to think we are to be wedded in seven months! If you were here with me, in the deep mines, you would laugh and call me “too impatient for my own good”. Yes, yes, good things are worth waiting for — but you are the best one, a true treasure, and I simply cannot wait until the day we become One before Mahal the Creator.
I still cannot believe my happiness. Or... do I dare to write “our happiness”, my Princess? Our. You and me. A daughter of kings from a legendary kingdom, a descendant of Durin himself, and a simple Broadbeam lass from the mines. A story I would not believe from the greatest of bards, and yet… Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder if I am dreaming a beautiful dream… I am dreaming of the way you smile when you look at me, so tenderly… 
… of the afternoons we spend together, when I listen to you speaking of yet another problem with that latest contract and your clever solution… 
… of the way your hair shines in the firelight, or the way your eyes light up when I show you a new block of carving stone… 
… of the softness of your lips and the way your hand feels in mine as we walk through the newly constructed corridors of your city… our city. 
And of the way you whisper my name.
I love, adore, and worship every single thing about you, Dís. My perfect princess.
If it is indeed a dream, I refuse to open my eyes! The only thing I wish to do is to take you in my arms and hold you close until the end of days, my beloved. My wife-to-be.
Forever yours,
Read the whole story on AO3.
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@fizzyxcustard @shrimpsthings​ @dark-angel-is-back @sherala007 @anyaspidergirl-blog @jotink78 @rachel1959 @saltwater-in-the-afternoon @linasofia @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @legolasbadass @yourqueenunderthemountain @reblogunderthemountain @guardianofrivendell @elrawienthewhite @xmly-xo @mrsdurin @nelleedraws @beenovel @vee-vee-writes @mcchiberry  @dumbassunderthemountain @errruvande @laurfilijames @emrfangirl @s0ftd3m0n @lilith15000 @kami-chan1512  @ragsweas @enchantzz @aduialel @myselfandfantasy @thewhiteladyofrohan @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @blairsanne @fckmini @clumsy-wonderland @wormsmith @mailinsblogofstuff  @medusas-hairband @xxbyimm @knittastically @saucyminxbrainspill @quiall321 @frosticenow @glassgulls @evenstaredits
If your name is crossed out, that means I'm unable to tag you :(
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queerromancerecs · 5 months
Queer Romance Recs!
is officially open! (Although still new and I am sure there will be issues we discover as we go along.)
This is a blog for readers of queer romance and queer romantic fiction to submit recommendations so that others can discover the treasure trove of queer joy out there.
How does it work? Well, you can follow the blog to receive recs, and hopefully occasionally reblog anything that might strike your fancy, and likewise read anything that looks interesting to you. You can also submit recommendations. All you have to do is follow the format guidelines.
Some quick answers to some possible questions you might have:
Queer means LGBTQIA+. Exclusionists can make their own sad little space.
Romance in this case can mean the genre of Romance (which has certain expectations, like a Happily Ever After or a Happy For Now ending) and other types of fiction with a strong romantic element involving one or many of the main characters. Yes, erotic romance counts.
This means f/f or m/m romance novels, and it can mean a bestselling fantasy or sci fi series with a queer mains and some sort of love story in there. It means gay and lesbian and trans and ace love stories. It means nb stuff. It means aro stuff. It means genderqueer or genderfuck or agender. It means yes polyam too.
And in fact, right now, with the current affairs being what they are, if you have some trans love stories you adore, I'd love to have them recced here.
It also does not just mean written works. Graphic novels and webcomics are welcome! Maybe we can include tv shows or movies in the future but the link part might be tricky? It's possible, anyway.
This blog was originally an idea to help support indie and self-published creators (since a lot of queer creators tend to take that route) but you are welcome to rec traditionally published works too. And original and free stories as long as they are not fanfiction. The more the merrier! This blog is about spreading joy and community support (and a bit about defiance tbh)!
Queer Romance Recs
...but yes this is brand spanking new and there will be a few bugs at the start. Please be patient. :)
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