#faction dynamics
grayrazor · 26 days
It's an interesting narrative choice how the United Earth Federation are the most "good guy"-coded faction in Supreme Commander--their colors are blue and white and they're the guys most prominently featured in the box art and intro cinematic--but their ending is the most evil.
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The other two factions are just like "destroy the stargate network so everybody leaves us alone" and "end the war with a peace treaty (definitely no mind control promise 🤞)" while the UEF's win condition is blowing up everybody else's planets with a really big gun.
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akkivee · 5 months
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it’s still so crazy to me that rosho mentally booted sasara out and said his nmcd is actually ichiro kuukou samatoki and juto LOL
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Like. This.
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I reread this and think that Soundwave, who has become Attached™️ to Miko, would be prepared to beat Megatron's aft if need be. And Megs knows this.
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twopoppies · 2 months
Hiiii Gina, when I started reading fics your tumblr helped me a lot to find good fics
And as you are someone who has always read fics, I would like to ask you if there have always been many authors who are anti or hate Harry/Louis writing Larry fic?
I personally feel uncomfortable reading a work by authors who attack H daily on their social media
I feel like all the amazing things in this fandom are ending, including the fics, which is sad (feel comfortable not responding if you don't want to
I would imagine there were antis back in the old days who were writing fic. But I only really started to notice people doing it after the hiatus.
When the band was together, basically you were an anti, a larrie, or a neutral. Everyone publicly liked all the boys. You could have a fave, but not at the expense of loving all of them. When Zayn left you then had the OT4/OT5 split. Now, it’s just a free for all. I say all of that to point out why it’s so much easier these days to know an author’s “politics”, so to speak.
One of the big complaints back in the day was ex-larries pretending to still be larries so they didn’t lose their following (the larrie fandom was much bigger, much more active, and had almost all the content creators then). These days, apart from larries, you’ve got het harries (or GF harries as they call themselves now), antis, and solos writing (and reading) Larry fic but not publicly expressing their “status” because Larry fics get read exponentially more than other pairings and they want to keep their stats. To be fair, some of them probably keep writing Larry because it’s just a pairing they enjoy writing, but I do find it bizarre that you could actively dislike someone and still write a romance story about them.
A lot of people only want to support larrie authors. The best place I know of to look is @thelarriefics, although I don’t know if they’re still updating. At the time, the mod was very much on top of who was a larrie and who wasn’t. But, again, not sure if they’re still updating because that’s a huge job to go back and remove authors who’ve changed their beliefs.
That’s a very long answer to what should be a simple question. But, as with everything, this fandom takes simple things and complicates them. 😂 I hope it helps, nonetheless.
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clownfire · 1 year
Riptide’s themes of found family mean so much to me. 
Pirate crews are literally found families IN THE TEXT.  The way Roofus talks about the Black Rose crew choosing to collectively raise Chip and Lizzie. Jay’s arc can be read as being about the disconnection with one’s birth family experienced by many queer ppl. ALMOST EVERY CONVERSATION WITH DREY. Ollie is basically the Albatrio’s son.
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brother-emperors · 2 months
Hi I hope you are well! I have been thinking about Pompey and Crassus a lot (particularly your wonderful art) and was wondering if you think there was ever a moment, after Caesar came on the scene and married Julia to Pompey, where Crassus felt like his grip on either of the other two was slipping? I feel like I'd be worried if my ambitious protege and my rival were starting to get cosy. Thank you!
ngl this specific aspect of their interlocking dynamic fascinates me to the point where I actually have three or four separate stories (not including Trikaranos) exploring this exact situation, because historically the answer seems to be yeah, no question about it (although the severity of the looming break depends on the scholar and who their main guy of focus is) but emotionally it’s like. ohhhhh. the potential to get some real bite and bitterness and messy fuckery in there is off the charts.
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 6 months
if i see one more person say that the aventurine & ratio ship is just the haikvh of hsr i think i will go absolutely nuclear w/ the block button
i have no opinion on aventurine x ratio because THEY ARENT EVEN OUT YET. THEY HAVE NOT MET IN CANON YET but god if they get the haikvh treatment im gonna mald. i cannot stand the ship at all which sucks because i LOVE kaveh & al haitham as characters but i literally cannot go into the characters tags because theres nothing there since i have the ship tags blocked.
its so frustrating to see people make expectations on characters backstories and interpersonal relationships before actual canon comes out. ive seen this happen so many times and i lived through the webttore twt fallout. speculation and being excited for a character is great and fine but youre setting yourself up for failure if the character you created in your head doesnt live up to the actual canon character then your initial excitement and joy is just. gone :(
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qserasera · 6 months
just musing on why competent / hypercompetent protagonist characters seem so hard to write in fiction and why
(characters i feel like i can classify within this category: most characters in fma, mei changsu from nif, minglan from story of minglan, geralt from the witcher, most of terry pratchett's protagonists)
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rivilu · 5 months
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help-me-nah · 1 year
might actually delay next fantasy au update by a few days because i really, really want to have some concept art to go with the next chapter
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
writing a draft for the artist notes of this 5 page renaissance cardinals comic like
this is almost Too Much work
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I forgot to sign my last ask!! But here's more
Breakdown and Knockout (both couples) help out the escaping autobots after so many SG autobots figure out they have a choice
The Megatrons end up being friends (Nobody understands it)
Baseline Jetfire cries when he meets SG Starscream
-FR Anon
Ooooo yessss
KOBD and SG KOBD are just helping funnel out SG autobots who're realizing there's a less shitty option, they're doing proper medical check overs (especially since now we've got basically three factions allied together versus one faction, with quite an amount defecting from the last one. The remaining SG autobots better have their game up or else...)
It's probably wishy washy backstory stuff, but I also love the idea that SG Megatron takes one look at baseline Megs and sees the redemption material. it's also because it's funny as hell.
Yessss yes he does. Seeing how SG Starscream and baseline Jetfire interact has to be so fun, especially since baseline Jetsie is way more of a gentle giant type than SG Jetfire is (... Who I have not quite figured out where he goes in this...)
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redmacabrecat · 3 days
A whole lotta "don't care, didn't ask" and a hearty helping of "I'm not going to be intentionally mean but I don't owe you nice-ness or any extra kindness"
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Big Convoy is funny he literally just shows up at the end to save the kids from Magmatron and does nothing else with his time
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maipareshaan · 10 months
Again i am sorry i acknowledge this is petty and i don't actually support but lol i love when heller proshippers get harrassed, i hope they get hate, i hope they get into a blocklist and i hope someone makes a anonhateblog for them again shsnsbbsbsvzgzdbb
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joncronshawauthor · 11 months
Warhammer 40,000: An Influential Force in Modern Fantasy Literature
Warhammer 40,000, often referred to as just 40k, is a tabletop wargame and science fiction franchise created by Games Workshop in the 1980s. Since its inception, it has grown into a massive and sprawling universe with a dedicated following of fans and hobbyists. However, beyond its reach in the gaming world, Warhammer 40k has also left a lasting impact on modern fantasy literature. One of the…
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