innerenigma · 3 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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goddessofbees3600 · 2 months
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Time to Save You by: Blueseabird2 on Ao3, link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49336006
Tell which one of the background colors looks better 😺
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petersfay · 8 days
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This is a story of how an ordinary guy becomes an amazing ladies man with the help of a supernatural being from a heavenly dimension. ... or is it?
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khachalala · 2 years
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Fan art for ‘5+1’ by cheriepie AO3
Check it out here!! > archiveofourown.org/works/34644598
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starshinesoldier · 4 years
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#sketch #graphite #hanbok #avatarthelastairbender #atlab #fanart #princess #sokka #crossdressing #zukka #silkforbraverygoldforhonor #silk #traxits #fanartforfanfic #watertribewarrior #watertribeprincess #watertribe #southernwatertribe More fanart for Silk by Traxits on AO3. Sokka in a hanbok. The shape of the garment really fits him in this situation cause it has this poofy petticoat that helps hide his lack of curves. XD #myart #starshinesoldier https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Kt1teDyXC/?igshid=16q9azd9tz6p2
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artistic-writer · 7 years
Between Now and Nether :: Ch 11 :: A CS AU
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Title: Between Now and Nether by @artistic-writer [full res fanart]
Summary: On their way to a Nolan Charity Gala, tragedy befalls Emma and Killian who is given just seven days to set things right.  Can he make Emma believe and escape the Nether before he is lost forever?
Rating: T+
AO3 Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11] Fanart Full Resolution: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11]
A/N: Graham and Emma follow Killian’s instructions and head to the bank - what’s inside the safety deposit box?  What will they find?  How will it all tie into Killian and Liam’s murders?
Future updates will be Sundays AND Thursdays! (providing I can get the art made in time)
Forever thanks to @kmomof4 for beta’ing the shit out of this thing!  You are seriously the best!  And a massive thank you to @hollyethecurious who has been there to listen to me bitch and scream about this thing, and all the while she has had a smile on her face (i hope…there is an ocean between us - YOU’D BETTER BE SMILING!)
Taglist: @mariakov81 @rouhn @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @resident-of-storybrooke@hookedonapirate @galadriel26 @aye-captn @the-captains-ayebrows @yayimallamaagain @i-nvr-wrote-it @officerrogerss @kiwistreetswan @wellhellotragic @depechemode75 @distant-rose@yrellow-bugs-and-pirate-ships
If you would like to be added please let me know for ch 11!
Graham wasn’t quite sure how Emma had persuaded him to escort her to the bank. She had made very little sense, ranting about some files that Liam had on Gold and how Killian had hidden them away on his brother's death. Graham considered himself a good detective, and although still very green, he would like to think that if a colleague was undertaking some off the books investigation, he would have noticed.
Apparently not.
Emma had continued to try and convince him on the way to the bank, her eagerness to get there making her words tumble from her mouth in quick succession, her hands flailing wildly as she tried to explain. Everybody knew about the Jones murder. How could they not? A cold case where two boys were left orphaned, their lives taking them in exactly the same direction where they became cops and fought for justice in the world.
Now that Graham thought about it, the fact that both Jones brothers had been so eager to not mention their parent’s cold case should have been a red flag.
He wouldn’t have been able to do anything about Liam because he was still a beat cop when Liam was alive, but he knew them both through Emma. Graham had met Emma at the policy training academy and they had become good friends as they completed their training, even going as far as renting an apartment together. Both of them were as competitive as the other, and so they bounced off of each other constantly, using their entire training as a way to prove who was better once and for all.
As it turned out, Emma was slightly better. She always got better scores, was always faster and more adept at combat, and she had been promoted long before Graham to the role of detective. Emma had a rough start in her own life, and Graham always wondered if that was what had given her the inspiration to succeed. Failure was not in Emma Swan’s vocabulary. And when she was promoted, that was when she had met Killian Jones.
The younger Jones brother was a detective like his big brother, both of them working out of the same precinct. He was a few years older than Emma and when she had been given the paperwork explaining that she was to report to Det. Jones the next day, she had sat up all evening the night before, unloading all of her worries onto her friend. What if he was mean? She had heard stories. What if she wasn’t good enough to be a detective? What if all she was destined for what writing parking tickets and arresting drunkards from fast food restaurants?
Graham had not minded one bit, having loved Emma for as long as he had known her, but never quite having the courage to ask her if his feelings were reciprocated. He had told her that she was perfect, a great cop and she would make an even better detective. He knew it. She had passed the detective’s exam with top scores, could chase down a perp until they were out of breath before she was and could empty an entire clip into a center mass bullseyes leaving minimal spacing between bullet holes. He had meant every word and wished he had the confidence to kiss her.
As it turned out, all of his own worries were alleviated that night when, under the influence of a few glasses of red wine, Emma had in no uncertain terms told him that he was a great friend and she was glad that’s all they were. Uninhibited by her alcohol, Emma had told him that whilst he was absolutely gorgeous, he didn’t make her tingle. Graham hadn’t really understood what she had meant by that until the next evening when she had returned home, a grin plastered on her face and a spring in her step.
Like an arrow to his heart, Emma had told him that her new partner, Killian Jones, made her tingle.
The last three years had been much of a blur. He and Emma were still friends, but they had drifted apart a little. After a year of dating Killian, she had decided to move out of the apartment. Graham was supportive, helping them move with his truck and even carrying boxes into their brand new home, but he couldn’t help but wonder if everything was moving so fast for them. They had only been dating a year after all, and Graham knew Emma well enough to know that she didn’t normally rush into anything so headstrong.
Two years into their relationship, Graham was surprised they were still together. They were happy, keeping a professionalism at work that gave no indication into their private lives, but Graham couldn’t help but hope that he would be the shoulder Emma cried on when Killian finally broke her heart. Graham had heard stories of the Jones brothers, like pirates, plundering their way through the women in the precinct and despite Emma’s assurances, he hoped that the rumors were true. He had hated himself for being such a bad friend, a jealous friend, who secretly wished for the destruction of his friend’s happiness so he could muscle into her life and make it all better.
And then he had felt even worse when Liam Jones, Killian’s older brother, had been murdered whilst on duty, the case still laying cold and unsolved. He had comforted Killian, stood at his shoulder whilst he had saluted his fallen brother at a funeral full of honors. He had comforted Emma and joined the rest of the precinct in heading to the local bar to commemorate their fallen colleague, but that was when his life had taken a darker turn.
Years of pent up, unrequited love for his friend, fuelled by far too many whiskeys, had ended with him opening his mouth to tell Emma how he really felt. She had slapped him, he remembered it like it was yesterday, the sting on his cheek almost as painful as the stab to his heart. What had made his situation worse was the fact that, at Liam Jones’ wake, he had told her how Killian was no good for her. That had earned him a little more than a slap and he and Killian had to be dragged apart as they brawled, emotions raging, and Emma stepping between them and unleashing a tirade of profanity his way that he absolutely deserved.
From then on, their relationship had been strained. They only really interacted at work and as if anyone needed any more proof as to how perfect Killian was, he had walked up to Graham one day and shook his hand, telling him that despite what was going on between them, Emma didn’t have to lose her friend because of it. Graham hated Killian for his chivalry but hated himself even more.
“Emma, slow down!” Graham pleaded, narrowly avoiding traffic and offering the annoyed driver an apologetic smile as he struggled to keep up with her across the busy street. Emma had just been missed by the car and it had skidded to a stop just as Graham had tried to follow her, cutting him off from his pursuit.
Emma strode confidently forward, ignoring the honks and shouts from motorists as she stepped out into the traffic again. She clutched at the charm around her neck, letting the metal dig into her palm as she determinedly headed towards the bank, heeled boots scuffing the ground on every step.
“You know, I could write you up for jay-walking,” Graham panted, finally catching up to her across another lane.
“Go for it,” Emma huffed, her hair whipping behind her as she reached the curb and looked up at the bank. The building was huge, mammoth, the largest building on the block, and reminded Emma of a courthouse with large white stone columns at the top of round edge stone steps.
“Don’t be annoyed,” Graham implored, clutching his sides as he fought to catch his breath. It seemed Emma was still fitter than he was.
“I’m not,” Emma shrugged, not looking back at him. “Why would I be? I told my friend that I could help solve the murder of my boyfriend, possibly the murders of three other people, and he laughed it off.”
“I didn’t laugh…” Graham began but Emma spun to face him and cut him off.
“You laughed,” Emma jabbed her finger into his shoulder, pushing harder than she needed to. “I told you Killian was still with me and you laughed.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Graham relented, holding out one hand in defense while he rubbed at his shoulder with the other. “But look at it from my perspective, Emma,” Graham stepped towards her. “Listen to yourself.”
“You don’t believe me,” Emma said, hurt lacing her words.
“Emma, you told me the spirit of your dead boyfriend has possessed my body and was telling you how to solve his murder.” Graham looked at her, the words sounding even more irrational coming out of his mouth.
“I know it sounds crazy,” Emma said gruffly, rubbing her hand over her forehead.
“Crazy doesn’t cover it,” Graham sighed, resting his hands on his hips and licking his lips. “It sounds…”
“Don’t you think I know how it sounds?” Emma snapped. “But how else do you explain your lost time? The deja vu?”
Graham paused, considering her words with a frown. He had lost time, twice, and both times he had found himself inexplicably in Emma’s kitchen.
“Plus, you’d remember kissing me, right?” Emma prodded him, grabbing his attention.
“We kissed?” Graham sounded shocked and Emma nodded.
“And you would have remembered that, right Humbert?” She grinned at him and his features paled. “It’s like, the one thing you have always wanted, if I remember Liam’s wake correctly.”
“Not my finest hour,” Graham admitted dryly. “But yes, I would have remembered that.”
“And you would have definitely remembered kissing me more than twice, right? Taking me in your arms and holding me?” Emma told him.
“God, Emma, you’re killing me here,” Graham laughed nervously, shaking his head and looking back down to his feet as she relayed the information to him that he had done these things and the reason he couldn’t remember was that it wasn’t actually him.
“Which reminds me…” Emma said finally and Graham looked up at her again, his soft, curled hair falling over his forehead. “..When the hell did you start manscaping?”
Laughter erupted between them and Graham’s face flushed hot with pink. He wasn’t sure exactly how Emma would have known that, but it was true. In an attempt to make himself more appealing to the ladies, and try and forget about Emma, he had begun to shave his chest and body hair. And it had worked. If only sleeping with other women could make him stop thinking about Emma.
“How did you…?” Graham eyed her suspiciously.
“Killian,” She said simply. “Believe me now? This isn’t just grief,” Emma told him more seriously. “I know you and Killian didn’t always see eye to eye, but I am asking you to trust me, as my friend.”
“Is that what I am?” Graham narrowed his eyes.
“Of course you are,” Emma said firmly and his cheeks began to flush as he looked down at his shoes. “And I’m sorry if you ever thought of us as anything more.”
Graham looked up at her and inhaled hard, his body finally catching its breath and fulling inflating his lungs to satisfaction. He stared at her for a second and didn’t know how to respond. She could have blamed him, told him that it wasn’t her fault that she never loved him back, but she hadn’t. She could have said so many things, but she apologised, and Graham felt the desperation in her voice hit him like a truck.
“I’m sorry too,” He smiled. “For what happened. I put my feelings and jealousy above our friendship and it was selfish.”
“Yes, it was,” Emma nodded, crossing her arms.
“And I was a total arse,” Graham smirked at her, her stance and expression a reminder of the Emma Swan he had once known so well.
“Yes, you were,” Emma agreed.
“Alright, alright,” Graham rolled his eyes and waved her forward, following her as she began to ascend the steps to the bank. “Let’s see what’s in the box.”
After having to flash his badge more than once at some of the bank staff, Graham and Emma were led through a back room by the manager. The room they had ended up in was lined floor to ceiling with tiny, envelope sized slots, each one numbered with a tiny polished brass plate with a number etched into its surface. There was a huge table in the middle of the room and the bank manager offered them a seat with a gesture of his hand.
“Mrs. Jones,” he smiled but it was forced, a mixture of pity and sorrow.
Graham looked at Emma with a quizzical look, but she ignored him and nodded. “That’s right,” she agreed, clasping the charm around her neck even harder.
“Your husband left us very strict instructions with this box,” he told her matter of factly, moving around the room as he spoke. “I was only to give you access if…”
“...If he died,” she finished for him and he let out a thankful sigh at not having to have to say the words.
“Exactly,” he nodded, thrusting his key into the numbered box on the wall and turning it with a click. Graham watched him slide the long, metal box from its crevice and carry it to the table. The manager slid it down onto the surface, its weight causing it to almost fall from his hands as he did so. “I trust you have the key already?”
Emma nodded. “Thank you.”
“Then I will leave you to it,” he nodded at Graham, a little nervous as to why the police were present at all. “If you need anything, I’ll be in my office. The door will lock when I leave, but you can leave at any time from the inside.”
“We’ll be fine,” Graham told him with a fake smile and irritation in his voice and with that, he was gone, the door sliding closed with a soft click and locking itself with a sliding sound.
Emma ran her hands over the edges of the box, the metal cold under her fingertips. She was nervous. She knew what was inside, but she wasn’t sure if she was prepared to know the why behind Killian’s murder.
“Number thirteen? Are you kidding me?” Graham laughed as he read the number on the box. “If only Killian knew he would be sending us here from beyond the grave.”
Emma ignored his words, hands resting on the box in front of her with a pale stare.
“Emma, are you okay?” Graham asked with a cocked head and a frown.
“Hmm?” Emma hummed, looking at him quickly. “Oh yeah. It’s just…” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth and Graham put his hand over hers, tracing her knuckles with his thumb.
“You don’t have to be here,” he offered her an out. “I can open it if you’d like.”
“It’s just…” She said again, taking a deep breath. “...I didn’t know.”
“I know,” Graham said softly, grabbing the chair beside her and sinking down into the seat silently. The room was so quiet there was a distant hum in the air that rang in their ears. “Killian would have told you about this if he thought you’d be safe, you know that.”
Emma nodded, quickly wiping the tear that had rolled down her cheek. Graham was right. Everything Killian had ever done was with her best interests in mind and he had made sure she was safe from Gold by never telling her about this box. It made Emma turn cold, knowing that whatever was inside had actually got not one, but two Jones’ killed. She took one last deep breath and fiddled with the necklace around her neck, pulling the sword from its sheath and exposing the key.
“Huh, look at that,” Graham smirked, impressed. The tiny key slid from the charm effortlessly and the only way you would realise it was a key was the tiny teeth along one edge and the number thirteen etched into the blade in black lettering. “Jones, you sneaky son of a bitch.”
“Ready?” Emma asked, sliding the key into the keyhole and looking at Graham. “This might put you in danger, Graham. You can still leave if you want to.”
“No going back now,” Graham smiled weakly.
Emma blew out a breath and turned the key, the mechanism springing open and the lid popping loose.
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innerenigma · 3 months
wdym normalise??? like 8/10 fics i read have fanart for them linked in half their chapters
In most cases I've seen this has been generally only the norm for Wattpad more than any of the other fanfic websites such as Fanfiction.Net, Archive of Our Own, Quotev, RoyalRoad, SpaceBattles, DeviantArt, etc.
I believe the reason for this being is due to the fact that the general audience for Wattpad tends to run on the younger side. Teenagers basically, and they're unapologetic for what they make, do, and feel.
Which I completely respect, if more than anything that statement "Normalize Fanart for Fanfics" is intended specifically to my other fellow adults in the internet. Adults/Professionals don't tend to like doing things for free, and who can blame them (especially in this economy)?
However Fanfiction in itself is work/content being made entirely free for the public to consume and by complete strangers no less (for no compensation whatsoever mind you). Who get some if any recognition at all to begin with for their work/works. Most authors I've seen personally pay for artists to make fanart of their fanfics. It's only the teens that I've seen that put out fanart at a continuous steady rate for absolutely nothing in return. You go kids >:D
To summarize my point I think everyone, from any background of any age, can make fanart for fanfics.
Heck I encourage it from all of us. The more stories that can be spread to help us, as humanity, connect, learn and grow with/from each other THE BETTER!
Thanks for reading ^_~
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innerenigma · 3 months
Please get a life
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Bro I wish, nice callback to my Wattpad Description though and here I thought nobody read those hahaha ^^
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innerenigma · 3 months
hey 8/10 fic guy here. i have not touched wattpad since like 2017 and am also technically an adult (though i don’t feel it). i exclusively read on ao3 and have also never seen fanart linked on wattpad when i read it. also sorry if my ask came off as rude i was feeling rude. but i’m not anymore and feel bad now. but also like genuinely i see fics with fanart all the time but maybe im just in more popular fandoms?? regardless tho you’re right in the end people definitely need to make more fanart for fics i imagine there’s nothing like receiving it
Hey again hun, mad respect for you coming back and being sweet. ^_^
It takes a lot of courage to own up to one's mistakes on the internet, but I imagine while being behind the screen it's almost euphoric in a way to be able to do things anonymously or something idk
I'm not an expert on the topic, so I won't say anymore. Thanks again for the apology, it's appreciated (I honestly can't tell when someone is being rude or not anymore hahaha) 🤍
I also main Ao3 as well, it's very interesting because I see fanart for fanfics always shifting through the years. Sometimes a lot of artists want to make stuff for their favorite fanfic/fanfics, and at other times the wave of creation just completely halts. There's no pattern to it? As far as I'm aware of anyway?
Hmmm, maybe TikTok might have something to do with that??? Who knows?? Heck, even reviews for fanfics have gone to all times lows from what I've noticed, I just deeply hope that fanfics never die and that authors/writers don't loose inspiration in creating fanfics with their respective fandoms.
There's just something that tickles me fancy with seeing somebody else being inspired enough by a fandom's story to make another story for it all together (AKA Fanfiction), writing is a media that I find much more difficult than drawing.
So authors/writers have my heart, mind, body, and soul in their clutches to do with as they wish. Cause damn, do they make it look easy hahaha =)
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petersfay · 8 days
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Our hero returns to the Mortal Realm, but possesses the powers of a genie coming from Sky Garden. He is host to a trio of girls living and working at the Inna de Poona Island Resort. Will he be able to satisfy the ladies' wildest desires while adjusting to his new role as a magical being?
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petersfay · 9 days
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Our hero is restored to his former life where he meets Kyu for the first time again. However, something new has taken place which turns his life completely upside-down. Can our hero survive this new divergence?
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innerenigma · 3 months
that ask was probably really disjointed but it’s 12:30 am and im probably slightly iron deficient so im really tired. sorry again for being rude like that sometimes i just get confrontational for literally no reason it’s something i need to work on
No worries hun, you wanting to change for the better tells me all I need to know. You're a good person at heart, keep trying and all the best wishes 🤍
Sincerely, a fanartist for fanfics.
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khachalala · 2 years
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Fan-art for ‘Quiet room’ by magiwarps (Ch17)
Check it out here > https://archiveofourown.org/works/36870943/chapters/92056636
Ps other chaps are amazing as well!. Pls give them love!
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starshinesoldier · 4 years
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#sketch #graphite #avatarthelastairbender #atlab #fanart #princess #sokka #crossdressing #zukka #silkforbraverygoldforhonor #silk #traxits #fanartforfanfic #watertribewarrior #watertribeprincess #watertribe #southernwatertribe this is a redraw of my 2017 version. Traxits reblogged a very pretty dress on tumblr then and had requested fanart of Sokka wearing it. My 2017 version was.... meh. So 3 years later here a semi decent redraw? I do plan on coloring this when I have the time. (Silk by Traxits on AO3 it hasn't been updated in a long time but still a great story.) #myart #starshinesoldier https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Ktd-9jHO5/?igshid=3elnp2y2bz7z
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khachalala · 6 years
Drawing requests! #FAfFF #Fan-Art for Fan-Fic
Wow, I just realized I'd reached 100 followers!!
Since this block is originally intended to encourage the writer of the same fandom of mine so I'd like to say thank you to every amazing writer that gave me such amazing ideas and stories, also every follwers, passing-by and anon that leave loves or reblocks the fan-art of mine. I'm very gratefuled for that, and to show my gratitude...
I'd like to take drawing requests
Reblog this post, as I want to encourage coorperation and support for both writers and artists and tag #FAfFF or #FanArtforFanFic
You could make as many requests as you want! But the request(s) must be from the stories you originally wrote.
Drabbles are fine too!
Doodles with background stories also!
The story is yours, I'm only want to support your work! Post it anywhere and sent the link to your brillant ideas to me. I'll happily sharing them!!
I'm now interested in DC fandom right now, so I'd limited only to it this time.
Platonic relationship? Family bonding? Cool! Pairing? Fine! Fluff? Wonderful!! Angst? Come this way!!! Dark? Please!!!
To be fair to new people. I'm into bottom!Tim especially JayTim and Ra'sTim, however, I have no problems with other pairings. Let your imagination roam free.
I have the right to choose to draw and not to if I feels uncomfortabled with the story. Also the quality of each drawing may varies, depends on my free time.
I could not promise to draw them all. But I'll do my best!
Thank you everybody! Sorry in advance for very late reply, and maybe some missed comments but I'll try to catch up on everything as fast as I could. <3
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starshinesoldier · 3 years
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#hamefura #mynextlifeasavillainess #mynextlifeasavillainessallroutesleadtodoom #fanart #fanartforfanfic #sophiaascart #zebrabrushpen #colerase #lineart #derwentinktensepaintpanset #derwent #inktense Still playing with the inktense pans. Also, Sophia! I've only drawn her once before. #myart #starshinesoldier https://www.instagram.com/p/CL5S4RODojo/?igshid=t8rzpruqifi9
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