healthy-liiviing · 1 day
To live a long, healthy life:
Move daily: Walking, swimming, any exercise you enjoy.
Eat wisely:
Mediterranean diet (veggies, fish, olive oil)
Berries, nuts, leafy greens
Limit red meat, processed foods
Stay social: Friends, family, community groups.
Manage stress:
Nature time
Hobbies you love
Sleep well: 7-9 hours, consistent schedule.
Keep learning: Reading, courses, new skills.
Stay purposeful:
Mentor others
Set meaningful goals
Laugh often: Humor boosts immunity.
Regular check-ups: Early detection is key.
Cultivate gratitude: It boosts mental health.
Avoid harmful habits:
No smoking
Limit alcohol
Protect skin from sun
Stay resilient:
Adapt to changes
Learn from setbacks
Here the Master The Art Of Forming Healthy lifestyle Habits
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Signatures To Discover For A Stronger Personal Brand
Personal brand colors (for your outfits, makeup, nails, socials, office supplies/decor, etc.)
Signature aesthetic choices (could you be identified as the woman always in a leather jacket, wearing red lipstick, always wearing crystal hair clips or full ear stacks, etc.)
Signature jewelry pieces
Go-to nail color/shape
Signature drink (alcoholic or not)
Personal sayings you're known for in your social group
Signature scent
Unique talents/hobbies/skillsets (Painting, cooking, computer skills/programming, negotiating, writing, etc.)
Your go-to restaurants, shops, etc.
Signature meals/particular food choices
Signature hostess gifts
Specific leisure priorities (she's the woman you'll always find at the Opera, contemporary art museum, dog park, watching Alfred Hitchcock movies, etc. in her free time)
Areas of life where you give the best advice
Causes/organizations you care most strongly about
Your greatest social competency (Telling the best stories, being funny, asking great questions, making everyone feel welcome and included, negotiating, planning the best trips/parties, being a social connector, etc.)
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succulentsiren · 1 year
Practical Tips to Live A More Seductive Life: SucculentSiren x FemmeFataleVibe
It's my pleasure to provide this collab between FemmeFataleVibe and I. Seduction is a complex practice, so here we discussed new perspectives and ways to utilize it in your daily life. Thank you @femmefatalevibe for your enlightening knowledge. It definitely expanded my view on how to live more seductively.
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What does seduction mean to you?
SucculentSiren: Seduction is using enchantment to attract a desired outcome. You can seduce yourself, by applying certain self-beliefs, or you can seduce others by influencing them and stimulating their senses and emotional responses.
FemmeFataleVibe: Being seductive cannot be reduced to a behavior, way of dressing, or speech. It is a palpable yet intangible shift in how you see yourself and how you show up for yourself alone or out in the world.
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FFV: Embrace an abundance mindset. Perceive new connections and opportunities as complimentary rather than a source of validation or self-actualization. Living as a seductress is only possible when you know you create a complete life without others' permission. You've already filled up your cup, so you have additional energy to give and receive to those individuals and projects that are deserving
SS: It is crucial to have a ‘Winners Mindset.” Shift your mindset from expecting to fail, to expecting to win. Envision yourself receiving your desires. Having this mindset eliminates anxiety and doubt around your capability in attaining what you want. You must also know that you are deserving of the things you are attracting. Be patient regardless of external circumstances. Keep your eyes in the prize and remain firm in your self beliefs.
Surrounding self with things that elevate you (people, hobbies, environment, décor)
FFV: Release any shame surrounding your pleasure-seeking fantasies. For a seductive individual, there is no guilt in living in a state of joy, fulfillment, and regular indulgence. Remind yourself that you're entitled to enjoy nice things –from your outfits and beauty routine to your meals, workouts, and our home environment. You should (generally) derive pleasure academic pursuits or professional identity, goals, relationships (of all types), and leisure activities. 
FFV: Allow yourself to feel deserving. Show up as the person you strive to be. Hold yourself, dress, speak, act, and move through the world in a way you aspire to be. Stop people-pleasing and allow yourself to minimize yourself or your goals for the comfort of others. Your peace of mind is the most sacred element of your being.
SS: Whether you know it or not, your surroundings have an immense influence on you. Who you spend time with, what you talk about with your company, who you follow on social media, what decorations you have in your home, etc. Everything around you influences you. So choose to be surrounded by people and things that make you better. Know your strengths and weaknesses but appreciate and learn from others as well. Remove the people that see with lack, stress and fear. Befriend people who uplift, motivate and inspire you to see abundance and opportunity in all areas.
Q: Do you believe that being a seductive person has more to do with physical appearance or personality? How do you believe someone can show up as a more seductive person through how they present themselves – physically, emotionally, or socially? 
SS: I believe seduction is a combination of inner confidence, mental agility and an appealing appearance. Using seduction towards yourself can help with building self confidence and create a positive outlook on how you view yourself and therefore influence other people to treat you with respect.
FFV: I believe that being a seductive person stems from genuine self acceptance of your most authentic desires, unshakable inner confidence, and non-negotiable level of self respect. To embody these qualities, I believe that a seductive person's energy will radiate naturally through their personality into their physical presence through traits, including good posture eye contact, and mannerisms. Similarly, I believe that unwavering self-respect is a care aspect of being a seductive person. So, naturally, I think that a seductive person will embody their character traits through both personality traits like setting strong (healthy) boundaries and taking care of their appearance (excellent hygiene, prioritizing their health, remaining thoughtful when putting themselves together - clean, well-styled outfits, makeup, hairstyles, nails, perfume, etc.).
Q: How do you think you can be a more seductive person in areas of our life outside of your romantic or intimate endeavors? Do you believe that seduction is more of a libidinal or creative energy?
FFV: I believe cultivating your inner seductress/seducer will make you a better conversationalist, writer, speaker, dancer, athlete, chef, project manager, learner, etc. In my eyes, libidinal and creative energy are one and the same. So, I see creative energy, by definition, as the art of transmuting libidinal energy into areas of your life outside of the bedroom and romantic pursuits (think Napoleon Hill's concept of Sex Transmutation as an exercise of will-power in his book, Think and Grow Rich). I think you can be a more seductive person in any area of life that requires confidence, high energy, stream-of-consciousness-level focus (flow state), and, of course, creativity. Anecdotally, I've found that understanding that good writing is akin to good sex & sexual chemistry has been one of the best ways to up-level my professional skillset.
SS: Seduction is a creative practice of attracting your desires, sometimes through material and emotional lures. It isn’t always sexual, but since seduction stimulates emotions it can create pleasure. I believe a person can use seduction in various ways. When most people think of seduction, they think of manipulation or sneakiness but seduction is just a simple art of attracting what you desire at all costs. Having this mindset can help with becoming open minded and relentless when pursuing goals. Instead of settling and accepting what you don’t want, seduction shows you alternative ways to attain your desires and live a life that you truly enjoy. Using seduction in platonic relationships, can help you better understand the needs of others. Such as, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. When you do this you make that person feel appreciated and heard. This quality alone enriches relationships, friendships and partnerships. Another example is disagreements. Seducers don’t have to argue, they listen and then strategize solutions that everyone can benefit from because no one wants to compromise if there's not anything that they too can benefit from.
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alaskairts · 2 years
focus on me
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kyrapink · 8 days
📌Life's Joy in Positive Habits
Dream boldly, act deliberately, achieve.
Self-love fuels self-appreciation.
Believe in your capabilities, thrive.
Value self-love, it's sacred.
Create your own sunshine today.
Tap for Motivation and Free Gift Here💘
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laracalm · 8 days
🤝Motivation Tips for Ultimate Happiness
Stay focused amidst life's storms.
Embrace change, grow stronger, evolve.
Live boldly, pursue happiness, thrive.
Empower yourself with self-love daily.
Choose self-love, embrace abundance.
Boost motivation, tap for free gift!🎁
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maudjazz · 18 days
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Serenity guides through life's chaos. Choose peace over chaos always. Embrace joy, pursue passions, shine.
Tap here, find aesthetic things.
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wellnessway24 · 5 months
The Optimal Solution for Achieving Flawless Skin Tone
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If the problem interests you, you will find solutions in this article. Click here
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 6 months
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This is a guide to help you become an IT girl . The term IT girl isn't same for everyone . For some it means a girl who has achieved a high celebrity status at a young age. For some, it means a girl who takes care of herself . In kpop , this title is mostly given to the ones who stay relevant for a longer time , have alot of brand deals & has made alot of impact on others - especially in fashion. What does being an IT girl means to you ?
🎀Tips to become an IT girl 🎀
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1) Healthy Skin
I have noticed how the most popular IT girls have healthy , clear and glass skin . For example : Song Jia, Jang Wonyoung , Jennie etc . They all have clear skin. Try to visit a dermatologist, get to know your skin type and develop a skin care routine which suits you. Get enough sleep , stay hydrated , don't touch your face with dirty hands & don't pick your pimples .
Wonyoung , Song Jia & Jennie take great care of their bodies . You must have seen Jennie's instagram posts , she is consistent & practices pilates daily. Wonyoung & Jia also practice pilates to stay in shape . Here is a video of them practicing pilates , click here for wonyoung & click here for song jia . Karina also workouts to maintain her body. This video can motivate you.
It's not necessary that you need to do pilates just because Wonyoung , Jia or Jennie does it , if you don't like pilates , find any other exercise like yoga,HIIT , cardio etc or any sport like swimming , badminton etc . Basically , just find any exercise whether it's pilates , cardio etc or sport like swimming , badminton etc to keep yourself in shape . Don't limit exercise to only weight loss , it will not only help your physical health but will help your mental health too !
3) Fashionsta
An IT girl should know how to choose outfits which compliment her . Get to know your body type and experiment with different kind of style to know which style suits you . You can take inspiration from celebrities too !
4) Elegance
Wonyoung , Jia , Jennie , Nayeon , Irene , Karina, Bae Suzy etc . These all IT girls are elegant . Wonyoung radiates princess & royalty vibes because of her elegance . Maintain a good posture which will make you appear elegant and confident . Be gentle & kind . Have a good grammar & vocabulary. Read more. Have a signature fragrance . Maintain personal hygiene. Here are some posts which have more tips on how to look elegant - this one by @malusokay & this one by @femmefatalevibe
5) Confidence & Self Love
Wonyoung , Song Jia , Irene , Jennie , Nayeon etc. These all IT girls have confidence& love themselves. They are confident in themselves .They put themselves first .Improving your self concept can also help 🤭. Remember what Wonyoung said ? She said how she only tends to give herself love . Song jia also said that she really loved herself & her phone wallpaper was herself ! Also don't chase anyone , chase your goals . Spend your time creating a beautiful garden & the butterflies will come !! This post by @girlbloggerbby has wonderful self love tips , I hope it helps you ! Also this post by @malusokay & this one by @ribbonie
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All these it girls are not only fashion icons but also trendsetters.Don't try to be like anyone else , take inspiration If you want to ! Learn from everyone, follow no one . Be your own trend setter. Don't follow trends , SET THEM !!
7) IDAF attitude
People can be really cruel & harsh sometimes . When it comes to social media, I would say these days , most of the time , comment section is always full of hatred. Song Jia got alot of hate for the stupid fake clothes scandal and she still gets hate till now but she doesn't allow it to affect her anymore. She is just busy in improving herself & her life. She doesn't let hate get to her. Wonyoung , Karina, nayeon etc they all get hate for just breathing but they don't let the negativity get to them . Stop seeking validation from others and don't care about their opinions . Most of the time we get hate when we have done nothing wrong , it's better to realize our worth at that time & know that people often project their own insecurity on others . I hope this post by @prettieinpink helps you & I have affirmations too related to seeking self validation , not external. Idaf mentality affirmations by @vixeneptune .
8) Have hobbies
This is inspired from Jia , she always spend time with herself & her hobbies . It can be anything - singing , dancing , writing poetry , painting, cooking etc . It doesn't have to make sense to others , just do it for you and your own happiness. You don't need to master It as well , write the most rubbish poetry in the world , it doesn't matter , as long as it makes you happy . Don't try to seek validation for your hobbies as well . If you like it , then just do it .
9) Be smart & hardworking
Wonyoung got 100/100 in science , English and Korean. She also won several math and science competitions . Romanticize studying & being smart . Read more & give your best in studies ! Nayeon , Wonyoung , Jia , Karina , Irene , Jennie etc they all are extremely hardworking .
10 ) Be mysterious
Song jia , Wonyoung , Jennie , Irene, Alexa Demie etc are mysterious . Don't reveal too much about yourself . Be more private . Keep your goals & emotions a secret . Most of the time people can use your secrets against you too or demotivate you when you share your goals with them .
11) Affirm
This tip is probably the most easiest and simple one . You can manifest being an IT girl!! Just affirm like you are an IT girl . Act like her& affirm and you will become one! You can also use the Jia , Wonyoung , Jennie etc affirmations to become like them! Wonyoung & Jia affirmations by @magic-irl . Wonyoung & Irene affirmations by @heejinisoutofideas . Wonyoung , Jia & Jennie affirmations made by me !! Alexa demie is also considered an IT girl & Meghan also. Affirmations by @nevillesgod for Alexa & @magic-irl for meghan . It girl affirmations by @vixeneptune . More affirmations for it girl by @cyber-f4iry . It girl vaunt by me .
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
what’s the impoartance of branding and how did you find your brand
Branding Yourself ❤︎︎
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why do you buy lingerie from victoria’s secret and not target? why do you go to starbucks instead of looking for a local coffee shop? it’s the way these entities have displayed their aesthetic, values, and more than anything: THEIR AURA. they’re displaying a feeling that you can only get if you indulge in their goods and services.
when you carry yourself in whatever fashion that happens to be, imagine a logo plastered all over yourself. who’s attention do you want to grab with that logo? you’re showing potential employers, friends, love interests, what they’ll be getting when in collaboration with you. so this. this is what’s important about branding.
My Brand 🎀
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i wanted to feel not only feminine in energy, but hyperfeminine in appearance… but with a cloak of sex appeal, maturity and exclusivity
i recently found and accepted that i am not “cute” aesthetically. i’m far more often seen as “pretty” or “sexy” and unknowingly working against my natural beauty archetype was hurting me badly
my color palette of midtone pink, black, white, gray, and nude/brown convey a feminine look while being grounded in minimalism from the neutral colors
sex kitten, video vixen, and victoria’s secret angel are archetypes/aesthetics i identify and get associated with often
i leaned into my result from vindicta’s feminine archetype quiz (the aphrodite + the diva)
i compiled a list of words i identify with and channeled them in my self expression and how i carry myself
studying my birth chart and infusing my natural traits into my essence with intent
all these things i’ve compiled over time and lots of trial and error to reach what i call #theprissygirlagenda (i can make a detailed post about this in the future)
things my followers said they associate with me, ie. “prissy girl core”:
louis vuitton bags, french tips, fur details, cheetah print, rhinestones, silk presses, fuzzy pens, rap and r&b, sexy over cute, hoop earrings
How to Build Yours 🎀
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how do you wanna feel
how do you wanna be seen
what do you want out of life
these three questions will help you be able to reach a conclusion in conjunction with the resources below 🎀💕💗
What Even Is… #ThePrissyGirlAgenda?
My Guide to Making a Beauty Binder
Discovering Your “Vibe” 1 & 2 by @FILLEFATALE on twitter
She Is So Bougie Checklist by @babyphat05
Quizzes that Helped Me Develop My Brand
Vindicta Feminine Archetype Quiz + System
13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes Quiz
Tips to Enhance Your Natural Features
BabyPhat05’s Bougie Guide 101
Reinvention by @thevirgodoll
Walking in High Heels by @prettyvixenavenue
Pretty Privilege by @2pretty
How to Build Your Personal Brand and Self Concept by @femmefatalevibe
Tips for Self-Discovery by @femmefatalevibe
Understanding Archetypes by @femmefatalevibe
Knowing Yourself by @femmefatalevibe
Your Dream Girl Archetype by @femmefatalevibe
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theereina · 6 months
Any blogs you recommend to follow?? :)
@theereina @theambitiouswoman @teirenee @theblackfemininesociety @thatbitchery @p-nkgod @pinkplut0 @luxuriousblackwomen @miseducatedmelanicmuse @melaninadorned @bloggin-by-zia @zyaatulip @syxsade @svdaily @dreamgirlvibes @fyi-iyanni @femmefatalevibe @aidashakur @expensiveity @hertheinfluence @classycookiexo
*I will update this list as needed.
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healthy-liiviing · 1 day
Here are 10 effective ways to be healthy:
Balanced Diet: Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Regular Exercise: Aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly, like brisk walking or cycling.
Quality Sleep: Get 7-9 hours nightly in a dark, quiet room.
Hydration: Drink water regularly, about 8 glasses a day.
Stress Management: Practice meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Regular Check-ups: Visit your doctor, dentist, and optometrist annually.
Avoid Harmful Habits: Quit smoking, limit alcohol, and avoid excessive sun exposure.
Mental Stimulation: Read, solve puzzles, learn new skills to keep your brain sharp.
Strong Relationships: Nurture bonds with family and friends for emotional health.
Mindful Living:
Practice gratitude
Set boundaries
Enjoy nature
Laugh often
Volunteer or help others
Here the Master The Art Of Forming Healthy lifestyle Habits
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Gain & Maintain Respect
In your professional and academic life, romantic or sexual enthrallments, social life, or any relationship – most importantly, the one with yourself.
Decide your needs are valid and feel worthy of having these needs met.
Reflect and refine your most authentic core values in every area of your life and then be deliberate in aligning your actions with these values as much as possible.
Be honest about your non-negotiables in every aspect of your life. Establish boundaries with these needs in mind. Then learn to communicate them calmly and assertively to others. Uphold your boundaries when they're tested or challenged.
Approach any conflict, negotiation, or difficult conversation as an opportunity to help both parties understand each other and come away from the interaction with a mutually desirable outcome. Operate out from a place of seeking mutual benefit, not a win-lose mindset.
Depersonalize other people's actions and attitudes. Communicate from a place of empathy and your personal value-add rather than responding to protect your ego.
Be discerning with who and what you let into your life (friends, romantic relationships, professional opportunities, social ties, family members, etc.). See how your value system and ways of communicating/interacting align before diving head-first into an interpersonal commitment. Vet individuals carefully to confirm they'll enrich – not deplete – your overall quality of life.
Take accountability when warranted but don't overapologize. Focus on being solution-oriented, not problem-centric, when dealing with a negative outcome, consequence, or conflict.
When in a disagreement with a healthy-minded individual, encourage an open dialogue and hear their side without judgment before making any type of accusations. With that said, always prepare and know when to walk away from a person, relationship, opportunity, event, etc.
Maintain your health, well-being, and appearance. Prioritize a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, daily movement/exercise, a full night's rest, mindfulness practices/therapy, a solid skincare routine, hair/beauty maintenance, clean and neat clothes that suit your personal style, etc.
Make time for activities and people you love. Schedule times for hobbies, indulgent rituals, social plans, etc. into your weekly calendar to ensure you're enjoying life as much as you realistically can. Owning your right to enjoy life is the ultimate sign of self-respect.
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succulentsiren · 2 months
When attracting anything, It is crucial to have a Winner’s Mindset. Shift your mindset from expecting to fail, to expecting to win. Envision yourself already receiving your desires. Being in this mindset eliminates any anxiety and doubt surrounding your capabilities in attaining what you want.
Practical Tips to Live A More Seductive Life: SucculentSiren x FemmeFataleVibe
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sk-lumen · 7 days
Need more it girl blogs to follow, can you recommend some that are active and post about beauty, health, fashion, life tips? 🎀
Hi darling,
I like reading blogs that offer valuable information and resonate with me. Here's my list of favorites on Tumblr, hope you like them too 💖
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vetripetraraani · 1 year
Girl/Femme blogs I love - Part 1 💕
They have amazing content that will uplift you in one way or another. Love each of these pages so much.
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