#fetti talks
fettiowi · 1 day
If im ever capable of writing sonadow fanfiction it will be fucking over for yall
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kachikirby · 3 months
If you’re willing, uhh, ♟️🐛🌙🦋🥀 or Kurabe and/or Fetty (and/or anyone else)?
I'll do whatever I haven't answered for them and probably add... hmm... maybe Mikuto? Yeah, I'll do Mikuto too. I have fun writing these answers out for him!
Putting these under a cut.
Does your OC get possessed easily, or do they have the willpower to fight back against any possible attempts? Have they been possessed before?
Kurabe: Generally, she does have the willpower to fight back against possession. There will be a time where she gets possessed in GranEssex Chronicles, but that will be when she's already mentally weakened due to certain events.
Fettuccine: She has the willpower against mental possession, but if it's more physical, she might struggle more. She's in the middle when it comes to her strength as a Limet because she's a non-combatant and most of her fighting ability is for self-defense. Thankfully she's never been possessed before.
Mikuto: In the past, he might have been easily possessed, but after he meets Kurabe, he wouldn't be so easily possessed. Basically he'll at least put up a good fight against the possessor if he does get possessed.
What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Kurabe: Other than the usual "losing people she cares about, and she couldn't do anything about it", her most interesting greatest fear imo is that she's afraid of the dark. While it might seem silly for a powerful warrior like her to be afraid of the dark, it makes sense in context. Kurabe was originally an orphan born on Nightfall, a planet covered in eternal darkness that was full of terrifying monsters who lived in the darkness. One day, the lights in the city that kept the monsters away went out and they descended on the citizens. Kurabe was one of the few who survived thanks to her mentor and father figure saving her, but it resulted in her developing an intense fear of the dark.
Normally, if Kurabe is afraid, she won't show it due to needing to not show fear as a commander, but you'd be able to tell she is a lot more on-edge than she normally is. Of course, this is unless you put her in a completely dark room. In complete darkness, she has a panic attack where she hallucinates being surrounded by the monsters of Nightfall.
Fettuccine: Her two fears are pretty simple actually. Losing the people she cares about and being haunted by the ghosts of those who were led to death by her interrogations.
When she's afraid, she does her best to hide it, but you might be able to see her hand trembling slightly or small signs like that. She's the chief interrogation officer of Task Force Zetta, she kind of has to be good at hiding emotions. However, she will discuss it to someone she trusts like Risotto, Pandoro, Meta, or Raita in private if she needs to.
Mikuto: His greatest fear is losing friends because of his innate Crash Ability. In my AU, it's extremely rare for a puffball to just naturally have the Crash Ability without needing to inhale something, and Mikuto is one of those rare people. Unfortunately, it means that it can activate if he gets particularly angry, so that's why he's so laid back.
If he gets frightened, he does slightly jump and cringe, but he then calms down quickly.
Is your OC a particularly light or heavy sleeper? Somewhere in-between? Do they take naps?
Kurabe: Kurabe is in-between because sometimes she has to wake up ASAP due to missions or meetings. Though I will say an interesting fact is that she can sleep just about anywhere due to her training. She only really takes naps if she's been awake for a long time or just feels tired due to stress.
Fettuccine: Fetty is also in between. Like Kurabe, she's observant enough to notice if something is wrong when she's sleeping, but she also can quickly fall back asleep if needed. Similarly to Kurabe, if she's particularly tired, she'll take a nap. (She does it a lot more after Sieg and Freya are born, actually)
Mikuto: HEAVY sleeper. He also tends to take naps a lot because of how laid back he is. The funniest part is he's actually really observant of his surroundings even when he's asleep, so he can sometimes respond to questions while he's sleeping or drag Kurabe back into bed if he senses she's still tired when she wakes up.
Does your OC ‘fear the reaper’, so to speak? If they fused with Morpho Knight, what sort of form would they take on?
Kurabe: As a soldier in the Organization, Kurabe is not afraid of the reaper and knows that it is simply part of her job that he will come for her someday. Just not any time soon even if she should be dead because she has survived insane odds, leading to her being called "the Unkillable".
As for what form she would take if fused with Morpho, I imagine something similar to Galacta Knight, maybe with a more transparent veil running down her back that could transition to being butterfly wings. Lots of Ice and ESP based attacks too.
Fettuccine: Fettuccine is the same as Kurabe. She understands that death is part of her life as a soldier, but that doesn't mean she's not afraid of it. Though this fear has lessened in later years, especially as she's started to do many of the things she's dreamed of (i.e. retiring and settling down with Meta) and she's not as afraid now.
As for what form a fusion would take: there is two options. If it's her humanoid form, I'm imagining something akin to a fairy knight. Maybe most of the attacks are psychology-based because Fetty isn't exactly a fighter.
The second option is if it's blob mode. Just imagine a metal blob with Morpho's mask and butterfly wings and that's it. Probably one of the worst forms for Morpho to be stuck in if they want to do anything.
Mikuto: He just doesn't think about it too much if I'm being honest. He understands that death is inevitable, but he doesn't make a big deal about it.
I think for MIkuto's fusion with Morpho, there would be a lot more nature-based attacks due to Mikuto's affinity with the Leaf Ability. Overall, design will likely be the same as normal Morpho.
Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
Kurabe: She doesn't have a Soul form, and it's the case of why would you want to make her more powerful than she already is!? /j
Her Soul Form would likely be more armored, and she would throw out Crimson Shadow Spike like it's nothing because I feel like if she did gain one, it would be for the purpose of defeating an enemy. even stronger than her.
I feel like the amount of control she would have would vary. Just have Mikuto with her for best control.
Fettuccine: She does not have a Soul form and I think the closest I can think of hers looking like if she did have one is something like one of the Ashen/META ships from Azur Lane.
I feel like it depends on how she gains a Soul Form, but I think that the most guaranteed way to save her is to have Meta talk to her.
Mikuto: He doesn't have one either and I think it would be another case of "too horrifying to think about" because he could potentially spam the Crash Ability if he has one.
Thought I think he has the easiest solution of "just have Kurabe freeze him".
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clay-pidgeon · 3 months
my most developed oc is ginger . she was supposed to be a side character so virtue could have a little buddy but instead it grabbed the narrative adjusted it to be on her and he immediately just did an elaborate mime routine
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despite-everything · 5 months
so apparently the kids on tiktok had started romanticizing 2014-2015. and honestly all their little *aesthetic* compilations are lowkey making me nostalgic, despite that being a truly horrible period of time
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gumgumvibecheck · 1 year
3 for the music asks!
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
Lemonade by Gucci Mane 🍋☀️😎
(it took like 5 minutes of staring at my summer playlist to decide this but)
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vampirehayfever · 4 months
imagine you go to a party where the main drink is milk spiked with vodka, and a buff lesbian, who just did the sickest jump you've ever seen in your life and is now dressed like a cowboy with neck tattoos, saddles up to you, starts talking about fetty wap and then asks for you to vote for her for president
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butterballbuttnakey · 2 years
Oh I forgot to mention that I've had two dreams about jacob 🥴🙃
They're in the tags if yall wanna see how weird my mind is lmao 😅🙈
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figscigfigs · 4 months
my favorite moments of ep. 6 of fantasy high junior year!!!:
emily put murph’s dice in the moon!!
meeting the rat grinder cleric and immediately fucking with him as much as possible (pretending to be helio and tricking him into drinking, telling him about their hell adventures and cass and craig, hangman telling him to go fuck himself)
fig checking the yearbooks (so genius)
fabian’s laundry system (throw clothes on the bed, they end up in the floor)
i am in love with ivy and i feel so guilty about it
oisin’s little crush on adaine
gorgug waiting in line to talk to ragh and then letting him win
adaine abernant, party wizard
kristen and figkristen’s presidential candidacy talking points talking points
(1. steelworkers union 2. steel working factory takeover 3. teachers are students 4. better parking 5. fetty wap at homecoming)
“it’s going to be weird not being you, i’m home here”
they weren’t called the rat grinders as freshman??? the old rat grinders cleric died???? para-genasi lucy????? i’m like so invested (i love bleem lore)
“you can make a really campy entrance”
mazey wanting to play twister and fig really supporting her (honestly just all the fig mazey interactions were so sweet this ep)
fabian flirting with his ratgrinder counterpart (i would too)
"you know who's gonna rule" “fig you don’t have to” "do it" *tears in her eyes* "kristen applebees"
the tracker conversation absolutely punched me in my gut. ughhhh
“i’m gonna be president… bitch”
jawbone being the best stepdad/caretaker/guardian in the world
i’m so interested in the downtime rolls mechanic and i know emily has to be really excited about it
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aftersamu · 1 year
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ARAN ➢ just wanna rock , lil uzi vert the chokehold this song has on high school parties is criminal, but out of all the songs that get played throughout the night, no song, and i mean no song, will get this man as hyped up the same way just wanna rock does.
ATSUMU ➢ mo bamba , sheck wes it doesn't matter where he is, he could be in the bathroom and he will run out the second he hears the intro. ready to lose all his vocal cords singing to this song. atsumu never gets tired of this song.
SUNA ➢ sicko mode , travis scott he's really chill about this song, that's a lie. he's exactly the same as aran and atsumu. he will start off doing that little head bob as he holds his drink until the first beat, then he's like every other teenage boy gripping onto his friends' shoulders and shaking the dear life out of them.
KUROO ➢ walk it talk it and stir fry , migos a lot, a lot of hand gestures. he dances with his hands during this song. it doesn't matter where he is, he will stop whatever he is doing and fucking vibe.
BOKUTO ➢ bodak yellow , cardi b everyone in the scene knows that this is his song. he's in the circle surrounded by the girlies, screaming his fucking heart out. this big ass man, dancing like a mad man, singing along with the girls who have circled around him.
OIKAWA ➢ gasolina , daddy yankee a classic, for a classy man. when reggaeton comes on, that's his fucking shit and he eats it up every time. he always picks someone to dance with, it doesn't matter who, all it takes is simple glance and he's made his move.
HINATA ➢ 679 and trap queen , fetty wap now, hinata is not a big rap fanatic, but this song. this song brings him back to the musical.ly days, it's one of the only songs he knows but the jumpy fire sparkler is tearing it up on the dance floor with all the bros that hype him up.
SAKUSA ➢ xo tour llif3 , lil uzi vert now who saw this one coming? no one. do not under estimate this man, i will die on this hill that when this man is at a party (in the right mood) he goes wild. and this song is one of his guilty pleasures, it's always the quiet ones, right?
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fettiowi · 2 years
The funny thing about figuring out youre neurodivergent is looking through your family and starting to notice youre definitely not the only one
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icanseethefuture333 · 9 months
Can I have an post about NCT Mark's reputation in the industry or his ideal type? P.S You're legit look like a 90s superstar💌💖💖 don't be shy and drop your skincare routine please 🙏
WHY ARE NCTZENS BEING SO NICE TO MEEEE, THIS IS LIKE THE 2ND COMPLIMENT I'VE GOTTEN THANK YOUUU 😭💚 Ofc since we did TY Track I don't see why I can't do one for Mark 🦁
Mark from NCT's ideal type:
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I channeled: "Hmm... What do I like in a partner?" I think Mark hasn't really thought about what important qualities a partner should have and more so has thoughts about appearance or personality.
Mark would be interested in someone similar to him or someone with similar values, habits, or behavior as him, but with a more elevated mindset.
He could want to do date someone who is also a musician or a writer. I feel like Mark is curious about the twin flame dynamic? He could want to feel a connection with someone on a deeper level. Telepathy? Mark is wanting a partner who could read his mind and emotions so that way he doesn't always have to explain himself. Someone who is very aware and observant. A partner that eases his anxiety or relieves him of his everyday stress. He could also like if his partner was more optimistic and looked on the bright side of things because Mark can have a more "realistic" outlook on life.
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I'm ngl... Mark has a toxic taste in partners LMAO 💀 I just feel that he wants someone who keeps him on his toes and he hates predictability. Like if his partner was too "normal" or too "stable", he's gonna hate that, he's gonna feel like he's the partner with the issues, so he wants someone that can be as imperfect as him. "It's more fun that way, no?"
I'm laughing pls 😭- "I'm not saying I want my heart broken, but if she's bad then she can take it [his heart]."
Mark really does not give a fuck 😂 (btw this is the first reading I've done for a celebrity where I cannot stop giggling??? He's so funny). He also wants someone who would like call him out on his bullshit. Mark doesn't want someone who's submissive or a pushover, "😁Feistyyy." It's giving: "I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me"
Intuitively, I feel like Mark also has a lot of insecurity in his relationships as well. The partners who are healthier for him, he feels like he's not good enough for them, so instead he dates partners who are often unstable. It's okay to date someone who's more outspoken and dominant, but it seems like he's constantly attracted to partners who are too controlling towards him.
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Physical traits
"Honestly I have a type. I'm not the tallest so I don't wanna date anyone who's like too tall but I don't mind the height too much. I like hair, the people I've dated their hair is pretty long and if they have short hair, it's gotta be like fluffy (voluminous is the word he was looking for)." Channeled songs: Trap Queen, 679, & Again by Fetty Wap
"I'm like "Hey, what's up? Hello" (Ayy)
Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in the door
I just wanna chill, got a sack for us to roll
Married to the money, introduced her to my stove
Showed her how to whip it, now she remixin' for low
She my trap queen, let her hit the bando
We be countin' up, watch how far them bands go"
"Baby girl, you're so damn fine, though
I'm tryna know if I could hit it from behind, though
I'm sipping on you like some fine wine, though
And when it's over, I press rewind though, ayy
You talking bands, girl, I got it
Benjamins all in my pocket
I traded in my Trues for some Robins
He playing Batman, Fetty's gon' rob him, ayy
I got a Glock in my 'Rari, ayy
17 shots, no .38"
"I want you to be mine again, baby, ayy
I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy, ayy
But I cannot see myself without you
We call them fans, though, girl, you know how we do
I go out of my way to please you
I go out of the way to see you
I ain't playing no games, I need you"
Oh he's a giverrr 😝. Mark wants for his partner to look good, so he'd go out of his way to pamper them and spoil them. Like "oh baby you want your nails done? I got youuu 😌". He likes to show off his partner. I heard "I want that Beyoncé and Jay Z love." (😭💀 Mark go sit tf down please). I love the energy tho fr.
He's mentioned girls a lot + all 4 cards are women, so he has a obvious preference towards the female gender.
Long hair
Thick, voluminous hair
All hair textures (straight, wavy, curly, etc).
Varies from pale, medium, deep, or brown skin tones.
Girls with a "mean" expression or resting bitch face (🤨😠😒)
Feline beauty
Arched eyebrows
Horizontally wider eyes
Prominent features (big nose and big lips)
Likes lipstick or lip gloss ("Juicy lips")
Someone who plays hard to get (as in a tsundere, basically acts like they don't want him but secretly does)
Shoulders and collarbones
Pretty hands
Nice ass
Likes jewelry? Rings and earrings to be specific.
Something about fabrics is coming up, so Mark could like when women wear flowy dresses or like those sheer beach cover ups.
Instagram baddie style is very apparent here.
Soft glam makeup (U.K? Black London baddie makeup. Latina makeup coming up as well.)
Mixes luxury with casual
Long acrylic nails
High heels
Painted toes
I am being reminded of that song that goes "Ion want no barbie, I want me a bratz doll "
Bratz doll type of beauty
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type:
Juliana Nalu, Ashley Nicole King, Kali Uchís, Camo, Jordyn Woods, Yarastargal, Mia Owens, lisajn37, amandaa_solis, Cindy Kimberly, asiaeros, bbv_g6rl, 200120_01, & bybrokelle
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revksghost · 7 months
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Got bored so I decided to make a TADC oc bc I can
It’s about 5 apples tall and I based it on the LPS virtual pet, Tamagotchis and the iDog
It also doesn’t talk and makes idog noises with a mix of beeps from the 1996 tamagotchi
Bonuses for everyone’s enjoyment who likes Fetti
I did these rlly fast bc I needed it out my system
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rizs-briefcase · 4 months
you know the drill!!!
you know how these start,, MURPH U LOOK SO GOOD (shout out to ur shirt again)
siobhan is also looking fantastic, i love her shirt
brennan is wearing THE shirt i love him
‘you’re doing a better job’ i go back to being invisible
milk and vodka
‘i feel like a bad baby’
i put his dice in the full moon; emily i love you
‘lord, helio?’ ‘yes it’s me’
the bad kids are so unhinged i’m sobbing
‘i know in his final moments he must have repented and,,’ ‘no.. no… he’s in hell now..’
‘our friend kristen was a big cornhead when we met’
riz not knowing half the clubs he’s side up for
‘adaine you can work the door at the next party’
‘damn hot dragonborn about to know your shit’
‘i’ll take a break when i break your fucking spine’
‘if your the crabking then i’m the fishermen’ ‘yeah these waters are restricted’ i live ragh and gorgug so much
ragh being so ready to talk about becoming a cleric of cassandra
why was figs first thought when entering fabian’s room to steal some of his clothes please
even just the mention of a para genasi has made me feral,, frost genasi is so fucking cool
kristen and fig are unhinged who lets them together
fetty wap at homecoming i’m crying
emily is so unhinged, what do you mean you’re disguise selfing as this random genasi to try and fuck with people
also other than the rat grinders playing the system; they aren’t even that bad a group. the members all seem okay (famous last words maybe)
the entire group immediately clocking Fig with ‘what if lucy is dead? why are you trying to impersonate their dead friend?’
the running bit about the steel factory is so funny
‘that’s the ice muffets’
i love mazey so so much
mr mulligan what do you have planned
drunk adaine is so so funny
the entire party helping Gertie against fabian
new nemesis alert
riz is absolutely spiralling with conspiracies i love him
you cannot go from all the chaos to a kristen/tracker moment please
‘tough but fair, have a great life’ kristen please god
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verosvault · 4 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 00:45:24
Video Length: 4min. & 9sec.
Kristen's talking points for her presidential campaign 😂
Fig: "Are we gonna distance ourself from the steelworkers union?" 😂
Kristen: "No, no, we're going hard steelworkers union." 😂
Brennan: "Nothing high schoolers love more." 😂🤣
Kristen: "That's kind of actually the only talking point I have" 😂
Kristen writes everything they know about the steelworkers union on a card and hands it to Fig so she can talk about it a lot 😂🤣💀
Fig puts it in the place of the page she ripped out of the yearbook 😭
Kristen's steelworker talking points card: "There's a face behind every piece of steel that you use in your day to day life." 😂
Any promises they wanna make 😂
Kristen: "To the steel-?"
To the school 😂😂
Fig is having some character bleed as Kristen 😂😂
Brainstorming big promises they wanna make!
Fig: "Like the classic chocolate milk in the water fountain."
They gotta beat that!
Fig: "Maybe we could make a promise that, one day a year, the students get to be a teacher" 😂
Kristen: "Yes! One day a year, the students get to go completely take over the steelworkers factory." 😂
Fig: "Okay, that's so dangerous." 😂
Kristen: "Okay, all right, yeah, you're right. They get to be the teacher." 😂
Fig: "So dangerous" 😂
Kristen: "One day a year, all the teachers have to be a student." 😂
Fig: "Or we could just do something like better parking"
Kristen: "Oh yeah."
Fig: "We could get infrared sauna for the gym."
Kristen: "We could have Fetty wap."
Fig: "Fetty Wap! Ok, Fetty Wap at Homecoming."
Kristen: "Fetty Wap at Homecoming."
Fig: "Ok, say it with me."
Kristen & Fig: "Fetty Wap at Homecoming."
Fig: "Okay, break"
Kristen: "break" 😂
Kristen struts out and they both have spurs on their boots 😂😂 It's kinda hard to walk 😂🤣
Murph: "Walking out from the same place." 😂
Ally: "Hopefully no one saw that" 🤣
They both walk out 🤣
Fig goes to the iPod and changes it to a Fetty Wap Song 😂😂
Ally: "Great, Perfect" 😂
Brennan to the camera: "Let's license that. Great." 😂🤣💀
Ally: "We just licensed that." 😂
Lou: "Glock in my 'rari" 😂
Ally: "Big fan, Big fan" 😂
Kristen would love to start shaking as many hands as possible and really spreading the message. 😂
Kristen gets a 22 persuasion check! Kristen is very persuasive!
Brennan: "I think the party atmosphere, it's very distracting and moving. You don't have to think about the shards of your shattered goddess in your pocket."
Max Durden!
Max: "And you're super into student government?"
Kristen: "Yeah, did you see that jump earlier?"
Max: "That was sick!"
Kristen: "That's the kind of president I'll be."
Max: "You're gonna do jumps like that at school?"
Kristen: "I'm gonna be kickflipping the system." 😭✋
Max: "Okay, what kinda stuff do you wanna do as class president?"
Kristen: "You know Fetty Wap?" 😂
Max: "Interesting question for me here, hold on. No!" 😂😂😂😂 (Brennan got thrown off for a second for real!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Kristen: "Okay, all right, well, some people do, and he might be coming to Homecoming. He might becoming to Aguefort's Homecoming. If you vote for me in about a year and a half. It won't be this year, but it might be next year."
(Murph and Lou's reactions during that whole segment! Especially after Kristen asked if Max knew Fetty Wap!!! 😂🤣💀)
(Lou laughing and clapping during this is my FAVORITE THING EVER! 😂😂👏👏)
Max: "Gotcha, okay, sick."
Kristen: "That's a problem for next year, honestly." 😂🤣💀
Max asks if Kristen is the REAL her or if that one over there *points to Fig disguised as Kristen* 😂🤣💀
Fig ducks! 🤣🤣😂😂
Max: "Ah. Well, sick. Tight."
Kristen: "Yeah" 😂
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
Betty Betty bo-etty, banana fanna fo-fetty…
If your blurb requests are still open… may I please humbly request something fluffy of Biker!Steve? Making Monster Cookies with leftover Halloween candy Ollie had from trick-or-treating? I bet him and Robbie always make sure his pillowcase is filled and heavy with the good stuff- but that would also mean there’s fun-size candy lingering around until Christmas lol 🖤
Drac, what a treat, I was so excited to get a request from you. And then to have it based in the biker!steve universe? Made my day. I adore you.
Note: Steve & Robin live together in the I'm on Fire universe, platonically of course, and have been raising Steve's son Oliver together since he was born.
18+Only for mature themes and some talk of sexual favors and boobies in the beginning, but nothing graphic.
wc: 871
Steve had just finished tattooing one of the Bad Faeries from one of the Brian Froud books on a redheaded woman’s bicep when she made it clear she wanted to tip him in trade.  Her two friends had moved onto the bar next door, and he was just about to lock up the shop for the night, but before he knew it, the woman was unbuttoning her shirt, and then unhooking the front of her bra, revealing boobies that were so perfect, a small mew escaped the back of his throat.  “Touch me,” she begged in a breathy whisper, closing in on him until his back was against the wall. 
“Um, this is nice,” Steve swallowed, turning his head before her lips could find his, and then she proceeded to suck his earlobe instead.  He held her by her shoulders and pushed back with gentle force.  “But I don’t have time right now.  Rain check?”
“Rain check?” She snapped, giving him a dirty look.  “You don’t find me attractive?”
“No sweetheart, that’s not it,” he huffed, taking both of her wrists in his hand to lower them.  “You’re painfully hot, but I have somewhere important to be tonight.”
That somewhere important had him returning home to a warm kitchen, and a table scattered with leftover, fun-size candy, a mixing bowl full of dough, M&M’s, and thick chunks of Snickers bars. There was a trash can for wrappers, but many of them had ended up on the tile floor, littering the place like a family of raccoons had found Oliver’s Halloween score.
Also, there was the smell of something burning and a gray haze of smoke in the air.  
“Robs?” Steve called out over the sound of a Bugs Bunny episode on the tiny TV that sat between the toaster and the spice rack.
He went over to the stove to make sure that it was off, and that something hadn’t accidentally been left inside.  There was, indeed, a metal sheet of extremely flat splotches of cookies that were charred to a delicate dark brown, almost black.  He grabbed an oven mitt and coughed a few times from the smoke as he moved it to the top of the burners.  
“Daddy you made it!” Oliver squealed, charging in from the hallway to wrap his arms around Steve’s legs.  He had his cozy, big bird footy pajamas on, and a floppy, wet head of hair since he was fresh from his Mr. Bubbles bath.  
“There’s my boy,” Steve bent to pick him up, kissing his soft, warm cheek as he balanced Ollie on his hip.  The eyes that looked back at him were his own, a complete match right now to the long eyelashes.  “I missed you.  Where’s mommy?”
“I’m here,” Robin looked frazzled when she appeared from the living room, brushing hair back from her face with a yawn.  Her baggy Tina Turner tee was smeared in flour and dough handprints.  One leg of her sweatpants was hiked up at her knee, and she wore flip flops, exposing that her toenails were each painted a different color, thanks to Ollie's mastery. “The smoke alarm went off and I had to disassemble the damn thing because it would not stop beeping.”
“Did you disassemble it with the blunt end of a hammer again?” His son grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks together so that his lips puckered out.  
“I think she broke it, dad,” Oliver offered.  “But that’s okay because I said I’d make her a new one.”
“A new smoke alarm?” Steve met his gaze, impressed.
Oliver nodded emphatically.  “But with black licorice this time.”
Robin hopped up to take a seat on the counter by the sink.  “Oh good, then we can just eat it the next time it beeps.”
Oliver nodded again, excitedly.  
Steve released Ollie and let him slide down until his feet were on the ground again.  He took his dad’s hand and yanked on it a few times.  “We made cookies.”
“I see that,” Steve stuttered, eyes darting from the scorched delicacies on the baking sheet, and then to Robin.
“We tried, anyway,” Oliver corrected, ever the optimist. "I think with some milk they might taste good.
There was a blue and white apron with a ruffle trim on the skirt in the very bottom drawer and Steve bent to pull it out, losing no time in hooking it around his neck and tying the sash at his waist. He spun in a dramatic circle, and then did a curtsey, picking the end of the skirt up with thumb and forefinger.
“Let the master take over,” he winked at his son, and the new frilly addition to his apparel made Oliver guffaw with a few breathless giggles.  
“You look silly, dad,” the little boy snorted, running a small hand through his hair in a way that mirrored his father.  
“We’ll see who’s silly when I make the best cookies you’ve ever had in your life.” He took the wooden spoon in his hand at the mixing bowl and asked Oliver to start unwrapping more candy.
He raised an eyebrow at Robin who had a fond smile on her face.  “You gonna grab me some eggs, boss, or do I have to do all the work?”
Robin jumped off the counter and went to the fridge.  “Coming right up, Chef.”
“I love you daddy,” Oliver said, revealing a 3 Musketeers from the package with precision, swinging his feet under the table.  “But maybe you two should let me try this time.”  
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kachikirby · 1 month
Amusing Excursion
I forgot Metaccine Week started on Mother's Day, so you all are getting a bonus Metaccine thing.
It was the night before Mother’s Day and Fettuccine already seemed excited as they were eating dinner that night.
“So, what are you planning for tomorrow?” She asked, causing the rest of the family to look up. The twins looked at each other nervously, but then their father spoke up, clearly knowing that there would be no point in hiding whatever was planned, especially since Kirby had just delivered a gift for the occasion earlier.
“We’re going to take you to an amusement park. I’m sure you rarely got to go to one during your time with Task Force Zetta.”
The woman hesitated for a moment to smile. "It's not Magolor's, right?"
"No. Not after last time."
Those words seemed to change her attitude instantly. There was no way either of them would trust that egg around their children after last time.
“So, what kind of amusement park are we going to?” She then asked.
“It’s one on the other side of the planet. Admission and parking are free, you just have to buy food if you want it and tickets to go on rides.” He then looked up at her. “No, this is unrelated to that tacky resort of Dedede’s.”
“But I didn’t say anything.”
“I knew you were about to ask that.”
His wife giggled. “Well, I’ll look forward to it then!”
The trip getting there was short and simple. The park was called Sorprendente Park, and this seemed to be Fettuccine’s first time hearing about it, since she already seemed to be excited.
“Well, what do you want to do first, Fetty?” Meta asked.
“Oh, I dunno! There seems to be a lot of things to do…” She uttered looking at the map. “Oh, Sieg, Freya, why don’t you two pick?”
“We’re fine with whatever you want mom.”
“This is your gift, you should enjoy it.”
Admittedly, she was blown away by such a mature response, but she didn’t say it. She only looked harder at the map.
“How about a roller coaster? I haven’t been on that in a while!” She asked.
“If that’s what you want, then let’s go.”
“Oh, but Sieg, Freya, maybe you want to wait with your father?”
Both children shook their heads.
“We wanna try it! Right, Freya?” The quiet sister nodded to her brother. Seeing how the twins were fine with it, Fettuccine relaxed.
“Ok, since there’s a height limit to ride without a parent, Sieg, you’ll ride with me, and Freya, you can ride with your father!”
Both children seemed to be excited at the prospect of riding with their parents and quickly agreed to it.
“Okay! Let’s go then!”
The moment she said that was when they finally noticed the roller coaster she was talking about. It was a monstrous wooden beast of a roller coaster.
The roller coaster ride was amusing to say the least. The mother-son pair had practically screamed their lungs out while the father-daughter pair were completely silent. Not only that, but it took Fettuccine a moment to catch her balance as she walked off, being slightly shaken by the ride.
“You doing alright, Fetty?” Her husband asked.
“Y-yes, Metty, I’m fine…” She uttered, pulling herself up.
“Maybe we should do something not as extreme…” He then said, getting a nod in response.
“Oh, how about we play one of the games?” Sieg asked, pointing over to a target shooting game.
“Sounds like a good idea, come on, Metty!” Fettuccine grabbed Meta and began to drag him along. Admittedly, it wasn’t until they got to the stand that they noticed something… odd. Specifically, who was behind the stand. Meta Knight himself seemed to groan, realizing who the egg-like person in a standard boardwalk host outfit and moustache was.
“…I already know it’s you, Magolor.” He said, causing the man to sweat.
“Who is this Magolor you speak of? I am Rolo!”
“You think you’d know not to say things like that in front of a living lie detector.” Fettuccine then added, making him sweat even more.
“I’m telling you, I don’t know who this Magolor guy is! But he sounds like a really smart and handsome guy!”
“You better not be doing anything suspicious.”
“I’M NOT!! Now are you going to play or what!?”
“Yeah! I wanna play!” Sieg excitedly proclaimed, seemingly making his father groan internally.
Magolor, or rather “Rolo”, seemed to grin at this. “It’ll be four tickets for one try!”
Not willing to argue, Meta Knight handed them over and three balls were placed in front of the child.
“Ok, so the rules are simple. You have three chances to hit a target. The higher the target, the bigger the prize.”
The parents examined the plates. There were three rows of plates with four plates each. There was no doubt that Magolor had planned something as a way to cheat. With a hard throw, Sieg missed one of the top plates.
“I’m just warming up!” He said and then he threw another one, only to miss once more.
“Ooohhh, gotta try harder!!” Magolor said.
The child pouted. “Freya, throw me now!”
“Throw me now!!”
Quickly thinking, Fettuccine picked him up and motioned for Freya to follow her, being quickly obeyed.
Before Magolor could say anything, Meta stepped up.
“Would you allow me to try?”
The egg scoffed. “Sure, go ahead. Don’t see why you would-”
Before he could finish that sentence, he felt something zip by and then noticed that there was a familiar golden sword embedded in the stand, causing all the plates standing to break immediately.
“Will this suffice?” was all Meta said.
“J-just take your prize and get out of here!!” Magolor shouted.
Satisfied, the warrior pulled out Galaxia from the stand and took one of the giant prizes, a massive star plush, and went to go catch up with his wife and children. Meanwhile, Magolor stared at the damage that was caused by the impact of the sword.
“…this is so coming out of my paycheck…”
While that had been going on, Fettuccine had gone to pick up some ice cream with the kids to distract from the apparent failure of the carnival game. Somewhat worried about Meta not catching up to them, they made their way back in his direction. To their surprise, they saw him sitting on a bench, holding a massive star plush, but at the same time having an expression that looked like he was being lectured.
Seemingly knowing what was going on, Fettuccine walked over and sat next to him, handing him a chocolate ice cream cone.
Meta didn’t respond verbally, but he did with his eyes. Immediately, Sieg and Freya ran over to him, excited.
“Yes, I did.”
Both children hugged the plush in excitement, making their father chuckle. Fettuccine smiled at this.
They had gone on one more ride before leaving, and that was a boat ride about Kirby’s exploits through the years. Sieg and Freya were amazed by it, but Meta Knight admittedly felt somewhat embarrassed by it due to the idea of seeing himself at some points. It was after that that they decided to head home, feeling that it was a long day and exhaustion was starting to hit.
The family sat, relaxing in the master bedroom.
“So did you have fun today, Fetty?” Meta asked.
She smiled. “Of course, I did! I always have fun with you, Metty!” She then gave him a quick kiss, which he returned. It was then that she felt herself being hugged by their two children.
“Happy Mother’s Day, mom!!” Both of them exclaimed.
The woman gave a laugh and hugged them tightly.
Today was a wonderful day.
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