vegan-nom-noms · 1 month
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Vegan Filipino Beefsteak
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xketsuekix · 9 months
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me and my fili moot were talking about how filipino niki is so real and true to us and the conversation ended up about our favorite childhood fili foods,,
so now here’s a self indulgent doodle of niki the 🇵🇭 king sharing pinoy food with his bfs [i want biko so bad now]
it looks like ass lowkey but i had to doodle this even though art block is kicking the shit out of me
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charkyzombicorn · 3 months
I really love artists race-bending characters or changing their design to look more like they're their race. I also love that there's an unspoken agreement to not really race-bend certain characters. Everyone looks at a character and just thinks
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And yes I'm talking about Sabo
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asianhaven4u · 3 months
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Already prettiest idol in Kpop and not even debuted !
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catlokis-blog · 6 months
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Feeling out my tommy design
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brokenhardies · 2 years
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶 - Amber
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶 〜 does your oc speak any other language(s)? if they didn’t learn to speak the language(s) when they were growing up, when and why did they learn it?
Amber speaks Tagalog (taught by her father, and she later continued to pick it up in her teens), French (learnt at school), Spanish (learnt at school, and later she had to relearn it thanks to uh... reasons) and Greek (also taught by her father when she was a child, continued to pick it up in her teens). Thanks to being the Emissary, she also knows the weirdest ancient languages that she just... Throws around at random and often by accident. Like Amber, no one knows Coptic, please stop
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pickletrip · 11 months
There will be things that harm me
They will leave scars that forever mark me
I will run and keep faith
Won't be blinded by hate
Eyes on tomorrow
Not the sorrow
Of yesterday
Oh we have battlescars,
Reminds us of our broken parts
Oh we have war wounds,
Reminds us what we've lost so soon
We live with our scars, either hidden or on our sleeve. Nonetheless they exist as a part of our reality. I have physical and psychological scars that I can probably never get rid of. But they serve to remind me that I'm still here despite what happened. They are not greater than me, but just a part of my past. Though it's been 7-8 years, I can still see the blood and feel the blade, but it no longer haunts me nor tempts me. I've learnt to live with my battlescars without ripping them open everyday.
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skeleton-bat · 2 years
I hate the heat, I wasn't built for this, I'm a thick lass built for nordic colds and chills, I wanna wear my sweaters
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ratcash-wasgud · 3 months
this is my first time requesting here and im so nervous since the idea itself is so cheesy. could we have a modern au loser mizu who listens to "pasilyo" (a filipino song about wanting to get married so badly to someone; i highly recommend listening its so addicting!) and immediately thinks of her crush. thank you sm!
hel lovely!!!!! omg this is such a cute idea...it would be a shame if someone...have added some smut....hm...
anyways i kept this short, just to not overdo the vibe hihi
and you were right, it IS addicting. mwah.
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"I told you, I don't plan on doing that. Stop trying to play matchmaker, Mama." Mizu grumbles into the phone as she agressively spreads butter onto a slice of toast.
Her mother called her up again, which is always...well, a bother. She just nags her about settling down, even if she's still in college, finding a good boyfriend, getting married, having kids and basically giving up on everything she ever wanted. This is the reason she could never come out to her mother.
These talks always makes her hate the idea of marriage. Why would she ever tie herself down? Plus, it's a stupid old tradition. Plus, it's not even legal where she lives. It's just dumb to even think about it.
"No. I'm just busy." Mizu shrugs as she bites into the toast, still holding the phone up to her ear. Her mom keeps scolding her about ruining the family's name if she refuses to get married.
After about ten agonizing minutes, she hangs up. She lands on her bed with a groan. And just when she thinks she found peace, her phone lights up with a notification. It's a text from a groupchat called Tea Party with Eeyore, which has Ringo, Taigen, Akemi, and you in it.
ringo: omgomg look!
ringo: *a picture of you holding up a full tray of freshly baked pinagong.*
ringo: she helped me with my pastry of the week!!!
taigen: what even is that?
ringo: it's a type of fillipino bread! i learned it in baking class today.
you: we even made a whole playlist of fillipino songs to listen to while we bake :DDD
*you sent the link to the playlist.*
ringo: yup. we got into the mood, if you will
akemi: ringo, sweetie, that could have douple meanings
ringo: oh
The name is a dumb inside joke from that one time Akemi came up with the idea that having blue as a main color and being grumpy is enough for her to be just like Eeyore. She remembers you laughed so hard when she contined this line of thinking and matched Taigen with Tigger, because they're both annoying It's only because of that she doesn't mind this whole thing. She loves your laugh.
Mizu had a crush on you ever since she met you. It wasn't a hard crush to develop, honestly. You were kind for no reason, had eyes with stars in them, always full of energy while wearing the brightest smile she ever seen. You were just generally lovely. She was sure Taigen also had a crush on you at some point, which always irritated her, even if she never planned on making a move.
Mizu was content with the way things were. She was silently loving you from afar while you shined your bright light on her withouth even noticing. You made her happy if you didn't know.
She rolled over to her side, and tapped on the link you sent to the playlist. You had great taste in music, so if you were able to vive to these songs, they can't be that bad.
Then as the playlists starts playing, she hears a couple notes of an electric guitar, and she lightly shivers. Pasilyo was the first song. She never heard about it, but the melody quickly captured her.
She stared up the ceiling and she imagined you and Ringo listening to this song. She imagines you accidentaly spilling flour all over yourself, getting some on your face as you laugh, and she imagines her hand softly wiping it off. She imagines you sitting infront of the oven, staring at the growing pastry dough as it bakes, and having that bright and excited smile on your face when you succesfully decide that yes, it has gotten bigger since the last minute you checked. You'd look at her with big doe eyes when she tells you that it's time to do the dishes afterwards, singlaing how much you don't wanna. And of couse, she'd wash them instead of you, without hesitation. You'd hug her from behind as she does them, and hum the song in her ear, rocking your hips with hers playfully while your soft cheek is squished against her shoulder.
She sudenly wonders if that's how married life would look like with you. Damn, Mama has gotten into her head. But she doesn't mind it if it's like this. Would getting married really be horrible if it was with you? She decies on a firm no. You'd be the loveliest bride.
A bride she'd love to tie herself down to.
You'd stand there, at the altar, wearing all white and holding a big bouquet of daisies, camellias and lakspurs...maybe even peonies.
Yeah...definetly peonies. There would also be peony petals on the floor, scattered across, and one in your hair. Behind your ear...or one holding up your veil.
You'd smile when you see her on the other end of the aisle, like you see your future in her eyes. Your eyes would focus only on her, and your hand would squeeze hers for comfort as she says her vows. She'd kiss you with all her might in that moment. She'd pick you up and carry you away while you both laugh into eachothers faces.
She'd wake up to you every day of the week. To your soft cheeks squiched up against the pillow, your hand around her, and your breathing tickling her skin. She'd never want to get out of bed. She'd wake up hours earlier just to cuddle your sleeping form.
When you'd stir, you'd look into her eyes with your still hazy ones, and plant a good morning kiss on her forehead. In return Mizu would kiss your cheek, then your nose, then your jaw...then your neck, then your chest...
She'd put her hands on your breats, softly squeezing them as she teases them through your thin pajama top. She'd want it to be casual, domesticated, but still so, so exciting to make love to you.
She'd slowly get on top of you, and get lost in the way you're looking up at her. She'd slowly lift your top, and press her knee between your legs. Oh, how'd you tremble. You'd look up at her all needy, she'd have no option but to help you.
Her tongue would softly curcple your nipple, dry lips wrapping around it to trap it, all for herself. Her hand would slowly find it's way inside your pajama pants, long fingers sliding through your lips. She'd toy with you slick, because she knows it's there because of her. She'd bathe in the feeling of your clit pulsing for her before sliding her fingers inside, massagnig your inner walls. She'd coo in your ear, because you're just so precious when she's inside you like this. You turn into a ragdoll, and you can't do anything but whimper for her. You'd depend on her, especially in moments like this.
She'd give it to you every morning. She'd never hesitate to obey every command your body gives her.
Then she'd watch you make breakfast with your ears still red from getting taken by her so early in the morning. You'd sit in her lap while you'd eat breakfast. She'd feed you pieces of her bacon, and you'd give her bites from your egg. She'd give small pecks to your soft lips, to kiss away droplets of coffee.
She gets torn out from her daydream though by another text. She looks at it through half lidden eyes.
ringo: we made too many :(
taigen: that's what u get for always going overboard
you: mizu !!!
you: do you want some? i think you'd love pinagong!!!
Mizu smiles to herself as she reads the text. Maybe she isn't fine with how things are right now. Maybe she does need to make a move.
mizu: yeah
mizu: omw.
Maybe...she could stop by the flower shop and get some peonies.
Just maybe.
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boombox-fuckboy · 1 year
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cacti-trash · 8 months
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tried a new style for the odd squad protags!
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im fillipino im allowed to say this hindi na cancel (i barely know any tagalog please spare me)
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boozles · 3 months
So, since I'm sick and confined to my bed, I thought I'd take part in @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge!
Day One: Fave OG Pairing
My original and first ever ship was EliKoy aka Elijah Canlas and Kokoy De Santos, who were paired up for Gameboys, the hit Fillipino BL that was released during the Covid lockdown. If it hadn't been for them, I would never have got into the BL community, and whilst they haven't done anything together since season 2, they still mean the world to me. (Also, I'm still hoping for Some Nights I Feel Like Walking; you can watch the short pitch video for it here!) These boys are so precious to me, and they still call each other 'baby' <3
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If you want to go older, it would be TayNew; however, I did only discover them around a year ago, but when it comes to the original GMMTV boys from the early BL days, they are my favourite. (I mean, we all know FirstKhaotung are my all time favourites, but since The Eclipse was their first pairing, I'll got with TayNew for now.) They're just so lovely, and genuine best friends. I just adore how much they love one another.
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rustycopper4use · 2 months
Random Denny Headcanons
The only reason that Sophie hasn’t met the rest of the Denny’s till now despite working there the longest is because they just got switched to the night shift after an incident with a costumer .
Sarah is duel handed (I can’t spell ambitexrous)
sarahs family lives in Canada and haven’t talk to them in years
Sarah also has the Mary poppins like bag. Just an endless void with everything. (It’s a backpack they had since middle school)
sarah, Clemie and Denise have a collection of squishables and build a bear/and other nerd merch stuff that they keep in the main level shared office
the house they all reside in is pretty big considering their salaries but it was previously a crime scene house so it was cheap
sarah has stomach issues ever since they were lil
sarah binge watches the simpsons way to often
densie and Clemie join in sometimes Sophie is concerned
Sarah’s not much of a candy person but they will finish a Costco bag of chocolate almonds in one sitting and still wants motr
clemie brings home animals way to often
sarah steals government property (as they should) and hangs it on the wall like trophies
traffic cones, street signs, a pigs gun and a traffic light once
sarah is half fillipino half literally everything else
sarah can speak Canadian French and a bit of taguolg
sarah wears platforms more often than not and they become a giant. 5’10 to 6’2
Clemie is very upset about this
denise thinks it’s funny
The Denny’s will make ginger jokes towards Sophie. (Sarah is the only one closest to a pass since they’re moms side of the family is gingers)
sarah is the worst player for any form of game
they are the most competitive
espescially at monopoly and uno
theyd gladly ruin friendships over it /hj
sarah and Clemie gift each other lil weapons.
sarah gives Clemie cool lighters and Clemie gives Sarah knives
Sarah is like a dad when camping. The seeds and wood craving and the giant fire you name it.
@piffany666 @lunaritychuwolf @ghostfrog28
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imsotallsettos · 17 days
lena hall in hedwig is so important to me because she won the tony for yitzhak (also shes fillipino so that means a lot a lot) and then she served absolute cunt as hedwig and had them promise that anyone could play hedwig
and she was the first to do both and maybe not the last
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nor-4 · 7 months
Wait what does pookie mean in fillipino? I say it all the time 😭
It means pussy😛😛😛😛 like puday means pussy. Mike my puday❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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asianhaven4u · 26 days
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Mixed Japanese X Fillipino goddess
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