#final fifteen
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darlsbardlife · 2 days
Ok this probs didn’t happen but what if when Crowley and Aziraphale kissed in the final fifteen Crowley’s snake tattoo transferred to Aziraphale
And when he eventually turns on heaven/ starts causing chaos he uses it to communicate with Crowley / it’s why Crowley agrees to see him again
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crowleys-hips · 3 months
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 5 months
remembering the time I tried to explain what good omens was to my art teacher when I animated crowley for my final project and when I said "the Bible but make it gay fanfic between the serpent of eden and guardian of the apple tree", this man perked up and said he would watch it immediately. it was a chill class where everyone just kind of worked with their headphones on and this guy just sat at his desk watching good omens for the rest of class.
a week later it somehow came up in conversation that he had finished the show. when I asked him what he thought he just went quiet then said "... you didn't warn me and I cried an embarrassing amount."
yeah dude thats normal over here welcome to the cult.
edit: I forgot the best part! this was at a fairly conservative, small catholic school with at most 200 kids from preschool to eighth grade. and the fact that he got that excited at the mention of Bible fanfic in this catholic school makes me so happy to think of.
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beerok23 · 2 months
BAFTA: Let's nominate David Tennant for "Male performance in a comedy"
The Comedy:
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Never heard of an actor who got his nominee for The Perfect Grunt™.
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bwlkins · 4 months
Aziraphale's desire to be together is so strong it hurts
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Hey maggots, Good Omens Mascot here. I woke up and chose to make a Final Fifteen quiz. In fact, a which line from the final fifteen are you quiz. It's my first ever quiz.
Starting a tag game! It's so fun! Let's all join in and share our results! Here's mine! I'm okay! This fandom is so stable! So is its Mascot!
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@howmanyholesinswisscheese @queermarzipan @soleilpirate @random-doctor-on-the-internet @eybefioro @1800ineedshelp @bat-plus-moth-equals-both @singalongpoppet and everyone who sees this. Spread the happiness *smiles in broken inside*
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cornchrunchie · 7 months
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And you told him just where he could stick it, then?
↳ Requested by @iiiflow
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melbatron5000 · 2 months
The evidence stacks up
Oh my god. I just saw this yesterday. This.
(Follow this for my fully fleshed out theory.)
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Yes. Yes. They showed us how it's going to go.
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And watch him palm the bullet out of his mouth.
I rest my case.
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nikki-rook · 8 months
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You can't leave this bookshop
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scottishmushroom · 18 days
“Aziraphale was in the wrong.” “Crowley was the wrong one.”
No, babes. They’re both wrong. And they’re both right.
They’ve been playing the same game for the last 6,000 years with no rule book. They’ve been under constant surveillance by their respective managements for so long that the idea of privacy and intimacy has seemed as incomprehensible as Aziraphale’s French.
Time and time again they each make impossible choices to keep the other safe, no matter the cost. They may both be ageless beings that have navigated this world together, but their lived experiences are very different. Their choices will reflect that, and the final fifteen was no exception.
As painful as the final fifteen was, as much as the romantic in me wanted it to go so so differently, it needed to happen.
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azfell-ajcrowley · 3 months
Something we didn't notice (part 2)
part 1
Overall, the meta is based on close observation of Aziraphale (for the most part) and Crowley. Without speculation or trying to guess what we haven't been shown (well, almost).
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The Metatron makes it clear that he is watching Aziraphale delivering the "good news". Aziraphale looks back at him.
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The first thing I'd like to explain. The Metatron is talking to Muriel, and then he stares at the window of the bookshop duplicating that gaze toward Crowley. The frame changes and we see Aziraphale looking out the same window, just for a second, but he will do it repeatedly.
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As Crowley starts his monologue, Aziraphale tries to stop him by gesturing for him not to say too much, while looking out the window himself. Aziraphale continues to turn to the window with every meaningful attempt to speak.
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Let's also note that Aziraphale doesn't usually behave in a similar way in conversations with Crowley. Yes, Aziraphale is characterised by active gesticulation, but the constant pauses, averting his eyes from the interlocutor, nervous and jerky movements - these are messengers that angel is holding something back, hiding or simply doesn't want to tell. Most often we see this Aziraphale in conversations with the leadership - God and Archangels.
Here's a prime example, comparing his interaction with Archangels when he's caught off guard and frantically trying to figure out how to get out of the situation.
I don't think Aziraphale is just lying to Crowley here, no. He just has an audience beyond Crowley. He tries to tell everything, knowing he has more than one viewer.
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When Aziraphale mentions the Metatron, he is not just hinting, he points his index fingers - one at the window, another at Heaven, and then in a distinctly active quick motion once more at the WINDOW.
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And again - turns his face to the window at the words about Gabriel failing, and then tilts his head towards the transparent panes of the bookshop.
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The conversation with the Metatron is important, among other things, to assess Aziraphale's behaviour when Crowley is mentioned by his superiors. At the words about their partnership Aziraphale looks frightened: his facial muscles are tense, his forehead and eyebrows are furrowed, and there is a terror in his eyes.
When the God's spokesman concludes his really suspicious speech, Aziraphale swallows nervously and averts his eyes. He certainly doesn't look like someone who's been offered the fulfilment of his cherished dream. And not like someone who believes it.
Aziraphale looks like someone who has just found out what an enormous amount of incriminating information is in his opponent's possession.
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"Tell me you said no. Tell me you said NO." Crowley is definitely shocked and horrified, he thinks the best of his angel. He can't believe what's going on (and he isn't supposed to).
Aziraphale turns his head towards the window again as an answer.
He actually said:
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We see him right before he walks into the bookshop, he never says yes to the Metatron.
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Aziraphale utters his most delusional words while looking out the window. Of course, they're not meant for Crowley. Aziraphale hasn't believed it for a long time, Crowley even more so.
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And then Crowley says "Oh, God", without correcting himself afterwards, because this demon can only hope in God here.
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For a second Aziraphale has a look of hope on his face that Crowley has realised what he's getting at. Then Aziraphale realises that Crowley is trying to confess. He's waited for so long not to realise. He was about to confess too.
Aziraphale already knows everything Crowley is about to tell him, but more importantly, literally everyone already knows it. It's impossible to stay and start pretending again that there's nothing between them.
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Aziraphale has a completely blank stare past Crowley, and then he looks out the window. Again.
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And then the most interesting thing happens. Crowley starts his line "And I would like to spend…" But he turns his head and finally looks out the window, where Aziraphale has been pointing so hard since the beginning of their conversation.
Maybe that's the reason Crowley doesn't complete the sentence. And he begins to pick up different words. Maybe not, maybe the sun from the outside is preventing him from seeing the Metatron.
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In the final part of their conversation, when they move closer to the bookshop's door, Aziraphale looks towards the window again.
After "no nightingales" line he turns away to hide his feelings and pain.
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The cherry on the cake is the kiss, Aziraphale is falling into the abyss. He averts his eyes trying to figure out if the Metatron could have seen what just happened.
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When Crowley leaves, Aziraphale thinks he's lost him. But then, even when the Metatron walks in and says devaluing words about Crowley, Aziraphale can't tear himself away from the window, because now he can see Crowley there. Maybe not everything is lost.
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Aziraphale retreats back to the clock - to the very spot where Crowley was standing a few minutes ago. He looks out the window at Crowley, as if to say, "I stand where you stood, you stand where the Metatron stood."
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idliketobeatree · 4 months
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incorrect good omens part 1/?
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youryurigoddess · 3 months
Let there be Light
You probably noticed that one of the lamps in Aziraphale’s bookshop goes out after he gets into the elevator, clearly visible in the final shot. But of course this is Good Omens and the lamps aren’t just lamps, so let’s slither inside for a better look at what’s going on. Sometimes a little perspective change makes all the difference.
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The twin lamps are actually statues of two brass cherubs facing the interior of the bookshop — their own world — just like the two angels we saw Before the Beginning facing the creation of the solar system, their current home. Aziraphale always on the left, Crowley on the right.
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The fact that it’s the right — Crowley’s — lamp that broke at the end of the Final Fifteen can mean two things. Either the light of his life has left him that morning and the lamp reflects his loss, or just like a porch lamp it indicates that he’s the one not home, but in Heaven.
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sentientsky · 4 months
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words by Henry Rollins
i see a quote, i make a devastated little “oh” sound, i reach for my ipad. rinse and repeat <3
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autistinedaae · 2 months
It occurred to me that Michael and David's reactions to the kiss were very Aziracrow-coded. Literally if someone asked them how their first kiss was, that is EXACTLY how it would go.
Nina and Maggie, popping into the bookshop: "So, Mr. Fell, we hear Mx. Crowley finally got around to kissing you. How was it?"
Crowley: Ehh. It was fine. He'd brushed his teeth. Whatever. Let's go, angel.
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