#finn nelson
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Nico Mirallegro photographed by Fareez Hafiz.
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thmisfitclub · 9 months
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velveteensugarcoat · 10 months
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There’s something just about people who’s last name is Nelson that me feel some kind of way….
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iloveyou8600 · 3 months
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the beginning and end of all teen drama men
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Finn and Rae
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mysecretcircle · 2 years
Finn Nelson are you even real? Oh wait you're actually not!
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slut4hugs · 1 year
why are there no finn nelson × reader fanfictions?? how am i supposed to be happy if i can't live in my little fantasy world in which finn fucking nelson tells me that he likes my music taste and brushes my hair behind my ear 😮‍💨😮‍💨🙏😞
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i-dream-of-emus · 1 year
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Nico on IG, 17 January 2023
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maddie-jayne · 1 year
I told พระแม่ลักษมี about you.
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do people who used to love Finn Nelson also love Eddie Munson now? it's just same vibes for some reason
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Nico Mirallegro photographed by Chelsea O'Connor.
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this-boys · 2 years
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ave-thirteen · 9 months
It's so interesting how much my opinion on what Finn did to Rae in the third season has changed overtime.
The 15-year-old me watching the third season for the first time was so angry at Rae — I kept blaming her and the way she acted for what happenned to her. Back than I generally was very angry at Rae for behaving the way she did, probably because she reminded me of myself (I just couldn't understand it yet).
The 18-year-old me rewatching MMFD for the first time in years had a lot more sympathy for Rae — so this time, I decided the only right decision was to blame and hate Finn for what he did. Him cheating on Rae made me so disguisted and angry with him that I couldn't understand why Rae forgave him. He just went ahead and proved her insecurities right.
Now, rewatching it at 23, I realize that even though there is no excuse for what Finn did (and it was still a shitty and awful thing to do), the show approaches it with a lot of care and sympathy. They are not villianizing him and instead show that, in the end of the day, he is just a person who makes mistakes and can fuck up real big. For two entire seasons he was portrayed as someone perfect (probably because we see him through Rae's eyes, and she idolizes him because she is in love), and now the writters show us that he's not. He's just a person.
That's why now I'm one of the (rare?) people who really enjoy MMFD's ending. While I wish they went a different path and chose something other than cheating, I think that seeing Finn for the person that he is instead of a picture-perfect dream was a very important step for Rae.
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marigoldandnasturtium · 11 months
REQUEST: MMFD FANFIC WRITERS; if you are still active...
can someone write a fic where rae has a normal day - as boring as it sounds- where nothing happens. she wakes up ok, she has her fave breakfast, she puts on her fave album, she get's ready in an outfit that makes her feel really cool and herself. a fic of a day where she is really content just being herself.
bonus points if it's in her childhood and extra bonus points if finn makes an appearance.
if you do please tag me
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bbs222 · 2 years
if i dont see a rae and finn edit to this song i stg
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commonpeople-fic · 2 years
ok, so...I know you promised that you're still working on this story that despite myself I am still obsessed with... and I know we won't get a new chapter until it's complete and perfect, but.... how about a tiny preview, like just a few paragraphes, to keep the dream alive?? :D If you don't want to, I understand and no pressure. I will wait until you feel it's ready! xxx
Dear anon!
You are wonderful, thank you so much for still carrying a torch for this story :) It's been a while since I could devote any brain power to writing, or the time for writing as a hobby, when I needed to write for pay (and you guys know I hate writing, so that was too much writing...).
HOWEVER, from time to time me and @madfatty my lovely beta and friend, had been sporadically working on it. We were making real progress... and then I decided to re-work an entire plot point, so now there's even more writing to do 😐
I guess what I'm saying is - as always - it's coming, only very slowly. And yes, dearest anon, as per your request, here's a small part of the next chapter. Note that it's not fully beta-ed! so all mistakes are mine alone. Oh, and you don't get much of anything really interesting (I know what your guys are really interested in wink wink). But hey.
I hope this helps to restore your faith in me... and thank you for asking! 💖💖💖 Shiri AKA Witchstuff
Excerpt from Common People, chapter 9
... Forty minutes later, Rae is feeling a whole lot better. She’s still got tremors in her hands, she can still feel the choking tears in her aching throat, but when you go through a magical door into an alternate universe made of light and noise and people and excited expectation, other shit tends to fade into the background. 
Rae’s never felt anything like it before. Every fantasy she’s ever had about attending a big concert to watch proper musicians that she loves, has paled in comparison with the feeling of actually standing in the venue, in the middle of the enormous lobby crowded with people who are just as excited as she is. She’s trying to take it all in, her eyes are gobbling it all up, to remember every moment, every sound.
On the one hand, she’s never been anywhere that’s more her in all her life. The noise, the excitement, the fans practically climbing out of their skin from sheer anticipation; that is exactly how she should spend her life. Band T-shirts and the occasional snippet of excited music-related conversation made her feel she’s finally in her element; these are  her people.
On the other hand,it’s all absolutely terrifying. Rae feels uniquely exposed, as if they all can see how clueless she is. As if they all know each other, but she’s a stranger at the party and they can all tell that it’s her first time and that she’s a total poseur who just doesn’t belong.
She’d spent twenty minutes with her back to a wall, as befitting a wallflower who suddenly found herself at the cool kids’ party unprepared. She wants to go exploring, check out the merchandise booth, piled high with Stone Roses garments calling her name. She wants to make eye contact with some of the fans and maybe get into a conversation about her favorite topic. But she just has to hold the wall up, can’t just step away from it, she’s holding her personal sky from falling.
Clasping her hands in a futile attempt to get rid of the tremors, she takes a big breath and shuts her eyes, frantically trying to remind herself this is the best night of her life. They don’t know you, she repeats inwardly, they don’t know you’re not like them. She’s still trying to convince her feet to move, her body to fake confidence and walk to the merch booth, when her ears catch a bit of the conversation taking place not too far from her. “- shouldn’t have worn these dumb clothes. I should’ve put on my own shirt, like that cool girl. Look at her, she’s fucking boss”. “You look hot, though!”, says another girl, sounding apologetic. Her friend’s not having it. Her voice rises in frustration. “I look dumb and I’ve got high heels on, for fuck sake. Is the cool girl wearing high heels? No. She’s got converse on and she looks fucking perfect…” The drive-by convo moves past Rae and now she sees the pretty, leggy blond girl in a hot-pink mini dress throwing adoring looks back her way. Rae almost turns to look for the “cool girl” in question when she realizes in shock, they’re looking right at her. At Rae.
For a few seconds more, she continues to stare blindly at the spot where both girls (proper girls, girly girls, Chloe-type girls, what her mum wants her to be type-girls), had disappeared into the crowd. 
They were literally talking about her.
Rae smiles and goes exploring. 
She stands in front of the merch booth and she’s close to tears again, this time in frustration at how unfair life is. Every fucking thing on that table is so bloody expensive, Rae would need to go home, get a job, work for a month and come back, and even then she could probably only afford like a key chain or something. She checks out every product anyway, trying to console herself that the designs aren’t that great, that there isn’t that much variety, that she prefers underground stuff made by fans, not corporations… she can almost believe it. 
A bored looking sales girl asks if she can help her. Rae pretends that she’s interested in purchasing a T-shirt. And then, it happens. Of all the things that could go wrong, and really, the way this night is going, it could be anything, the one thing she never expected, was that she’d be standing by the merch table, with an impatient sales girl suggesting loudly that she get a Men’s XXL, because “They don’t make women’s shirts in your size”, and that would be the moment she runs into Finn fucking-everywhere Nelson.
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