He did bro so bad homie made another video just to apologize.
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wilwheaton · 4 months
I’ll be honest, I’m kind of a fake Trekkie. I haven’t seen ANY of them in full, I just vaguely know the plot lines of all the generations. But whenever I catch my family watching your ready room, I ALWAYS sit down to watch with them. Your enthusiasm for every part of the universe is contagious, and it’s always so nice to share in someone’s passion, even if it’s through a TV screen. Seeing you be so unabashedly excited lifts my own spirits, I guess? Lmao. Anyway, just wanted to say I love watching you in it.
I feel like someone once told you that unless you like Star Trek in this one specific way, you aren't a "real" fan.
I would like to retroactively tell that person to shut up and let you enjoy things.
There are ENORMOUS parts of the Star Trek universe I know nothing about. I still haven't watched a full episode of Enterprise, and haven't seen more than a handful of Voyager.
But you'd be hard pressed to find someone who loves Star Trek more than I do, because the love we feel for things comes from inside us, from a place that an insecure gatekeeper can't touch, unless you let them.
You don't need permission to casually enjoy and love Star Trek, but I'll give you this "Wil Wheaton Says Shut The Fuck Up And He Outranks You" card to play when someone tells you that you aren't a "real" fan, because you can't rattle off the combination to Kirk's safe.
Thank you for watching Ready Room! Live long and prosper.
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sleepy-frog-lady · 6 months
I actually hate posts like this so much.
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I found this on Reddit, and all the comments were totally onboard with it because Reddit is hell, actually.
It just bothers me so much cuz like, why do we assume “e-girls and blue haired people” can’t also have autism/adhd/ocd/etc ? I’ve certainly met people who would fall into these categories and have disabilities. In fact I don’t even think they’re particularly rare??? There’s a real undercurrent of misogyny and arguably transphobia in the framing of “e girls and blue hair people” as being vapid, shallow people who blindly follow trends without consideration for those it affects.
There’s also the implication that the only real, valid disabled people are those who are professionally diagnosed and constantly miserable. There’s no consideration for those who are, for any number of reasons, unwilling or unable to get diagnosed. Nor is there any acknowledgement that people with disabilities may sometimes want to joke or poke fun about aspects of their own condition.
There’s just a lot going on in this post and I don’t like any of it. Rant over
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cairoscene · 10 months
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Brian David Gilbert on Sad Boyz
feels fandom relevant.
[ID: A series of screen captures of Brian David Gilbert speaking on a podcast: "The thing that you invest your time in can feel so important to your identity that occasionally you feel, like, you need to close it off from other people in order to keep it safe. And I think that's where a lot of nerd culture, all that gatekeeping stuff, all of the toxicity stems from that thing where it's like, "In high school I didn't have a lot of friends or connect with a lot of people, but I did have this comic book, and now this comic book is super popular, but these people don't like me. That must be because they're not real fans."" End ID]
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drchucktingle · 4 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you said Bury Your Gays will contain some ace representation? Without spoilers, could you elaborate more on that? This ace buck will be very excited if true.
it is very difficult to talk TOO much on this without spoilers so i will trot out words carefully.
there are three main characters and one of them is ace and aro. in talking to ace/aro buds i found that many buckaroos were tired of a sort of quiet and reserved ace stereotype and this character is basically the opposite of that. she is also up there with my favorite characters i have ever written actually
here is where it gets tricky without spoiling anything. i will say that the concept of ace representation itself is addressed in the book in a very important way with a very important resolution/message. i can also say that all the ace early readers have been very moved by it and given very high marks in this way, so this proves love to me i am very glad
in my most honest and objective way i can muster i think YES asexual buckaroos will be very happy with bury your gays so give it a preorder if you are interested buckaroo
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prokopetz · 10 months
All the recent discourse about gatekeeping in the tabletop RPG community has got me toying with the idea of a short-form game where you play as literal gatekeepers
I'm thinking one of those "one player, many GMs" dealies. A session begins with brainstorming a gate of some description: it could be an interdimensional portal, a gate of horn and ivory between the waking world and the land of dreams, the literal gates of Hell, whatever. Each player then creates a guardian for the gate; for example, in the gates-of-dreamland scenario, a group of three players might consist of a giant two-headed snake (with one head that always speaks the truth and one head that always lies, naturally), a singing pillar of lambent crystal, and an apparition which takes the form of the querent's mother. Probably this would use a playbook-driven approach which boils the various possibilities down to several broad archetypes.
Play consists of a rotating spotlight in which one player assumes the role of a randomly generated interloper who wants to pass through the gate (in or out!), and the others play as their guardian characters and figure out what to do with this shmuck.
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hussyknee · 11 months
One thing you have to remember is that online queer discourse doesn't make a damn bit of difference to systemic queerphobia irl or LGBT rights. No amount of playing respectability politics by identifying the "real freaks" will ever lead to sexual emancipation or prevent sexual violence. No amount of trying to identify and cast out "oppressors" and "infiltrators" will ever make homophobes and transphobes respect the sanctity of your sexual identity. Not letting people have words and flags and colours is absolutely nothing except a weapon for online harrassment and clout-chasing wielded by white and Western weirdos who've drunk the colonizer Kool-Aid.
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riondisease · 7 months
i go on the punk tag on tiktok every 2 months to see people’s battle jackets and crust pants n what not and it always just pisses me the fuck off!!! it’s always a bunch of rich kids who’s parents buy them $1000 worth of ‘punk’ clothes making fun of somebody who’s actually participating in the subculture. like rn everyone is making fun scene and alt kids and it’s just like. man. i fucking hate you all. and i know tiktok is notoriously bad for subcultures but it’s so disappointing that punk is literally the opposite of this. like i bet these fucks don’t even loiter in parking lots or sew or be passionate about music or take care of and be nice to each other. it just fucking sucks man. why would you be like this when what you’re faking is actually fun and worth being a part of.
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hybristo4lanza · 2 months
anti tcc zero day stans are the most illogical people ever like you know that zero day is literally based on columb!ne, right? 💀 you stan a movie strongly linked to a community that you don't like and don't want contact with, what do you think will happen ??? ofc they will interact with you ??? zero day is for the tcc girlies only sorry go obsess over other sh!t
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transfaguette · 11 months
pro gatekeeping arguments usually hinge on this idea that completely non affiliated people are just begging to get in and ruin everything and the only thing stopping them from doing so is rigorous policing and non-stop aggression to the point it overshadows what you even claim to be about in the first place. when in reality almost all of the disagreement is between one group and people that are just slightly different, who are basically claimed to be a slippery slope to Everyone Else.
you are absolutely entitled to gatekeeping like, a private discord server- that’s your right! people might think you’re an asshole, but you can do it. you can’t really gatekeep things that don’t belong to you, though, like identities. you don’t own that. and i think theres probably more benefit to putting the positive progress you want to see into the world than making post after post about how the Really Real Fakers are whats wrong with the world and dividing the community and not your own divisive actions and behaviors.
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“Most young queer people have yet to deal with structural oppression like housing and employment discrimination, but chances are, they have dealt with invalidation and shame on a personal level. Invalidation and shame starts early in life and it’s easier to spot than the structural stuff, so it forms many young people’s conception of what discrimination is…This also reflects in the endless churning of the discourse machine. Constant infighting about issues that seem simple on paper, or in posts. The same arguments happen over and over – ‘Are asexuals part of the community?’ ‘Who gets to call themselves a lesbian?’ No progress is ever made, no consensus ever reached. Spending time in offline communities, especially among people who came out years or decades before you, you realize these issues are much more nuanced than you thought – well, that, or you realize they don’t matter at all. With lived experience comes the lesson that life is frequently complicated and tough to pin down.”
- Lily Alexandre, "Millions of Dead Genders: A MOGAI Retrospective"
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Ok so this wrong
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Fake fan witch hunt is bullshit specially in a franchise like gundam. A franchise that has been making anime,movies,videogames,manga and toys constantly since 1979,its impossible to catch up to everything in this day and age.
Also,gwitch is an AU which means is newcomer friendly and you don't need prior knowledge of the history of the franchise to apreciatte it.
I know this is a small tumblr blog but this blog is against gatekeeping and everyone is welcome to check gwitch,any other entry of the franchise and ask questions about the franchise.
Personally,i've only watched classic UC stuff,G Gundam,the build series and in the middle of turn a right now and each of those shows are a long time investment since they are around 50 episodes long.
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pussysidon · 1 month
It is only ok for your favorite character to be Anakin Skywalker if you are girl sorry I don't make the rules
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astralbondpro · 11 months
One thing I have grown to love in the Star Trek community is this: You get these gatekeepers; the holy fondlers of the canon as it were. The people that when you compliment something modern, they were there to tell you why you are wrong. They are there to tell you if you were a long running fan, you could clearly see why it isn't good. Why in fact, you only like this because you are fed so much shit, that something even marginally decent, seems great. They've done it to my posts. And it's like, dude, buddy, guy, dickhead, I've been watching Next Gen on repeat since the 80s. And these Zoomers and Alphas? They really don't give a shit what your crotchety ass has to say. I'm sorry you're miserable, but I do have to admit that it's quite hysterical to observe that other people's subjective enjoyment seems to make you more miserable. I'd say get a new hobby, but I assume you'd joy stomp that as well.
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rjalker · 2 months
It is in fact extremely amisic to demand that aspec people are required to use the split attraction model. People are allowed to call themselves ace or aro without specifying aroace, and they're still allowed to talk about their experiences with their identity using those tags. Ace people are allowed to talk about not wanting to get married and tag this ace. Aro people are allowed to talk about hating sex and tag this aro.
You do not get to demand other people use the split attraction model because you don't like they way they identify. No other orientation comes with the demand that people have to always separate their sexual and romantic attraction, and demanding it of aspec people is blatantly amisic and a blatant double standard. It's not fucking okay, and it doesn't become less bigoted just because you're also aspec.
You do not get to dictate how people identify. You do not get to demand people use the split attraction model. That's not how this fucking works. The split attraction model is opt-in only. You do not get to attack people for talking about their experiences in a way you don't like because they don't fucking use the split attraction model, when you'd never fucking demand that of anyone of any other orientation.
For most people, sexuality and romantic orientation are one and the same. You don't get to single out aspec people and demand they separate them at all times and never be able to talk about their real fucking life experiences being ace or aro.
This fucking bullshit was old ten years ago, and you people are not allowed to start this shit up again in 2024. Fuck off. You literally do not get to dictate to anyone how they identify. That is blatant bigotry.
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