#gaza strikes
intersectionalpraxis 6 months
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Happening now: American Jews are shutting down 8 bridges in 8 cities across the country for the 8th night of Hanukkah with one clear unified message: permanent ceasefire now [ @/ sumayaawad on X. 12/14/23.] 鉂わ笍馃嚨馃嚫
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dailyjermasparkle 4 months
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I've seen a lot of people with tags like this, and that is wonderful! Please do what you can. If you cannot do everything, that is completely fine! Some people are not able to call off of work or get out of school. Some people can't stop buying things, and that's all ok.
Here's what you can do, if you're able:
Don't make unnecessary purchases (only buy necessities like groceries, medicine, and sanitary needs)
Buy with cash where you can
Avoid these companies
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pineappleciders 4 months
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The children of Gaza deserve to grow up with their mothers and fathers.
The children of Gaza deserve to grow up in a safe and healthy environment.
The children of Gaza deserve to grow up to have careers and families of their own.
The children of Gaza deserve to grow up.
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hayabs 7 months
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mysharona1987 26 days
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tortoisewithoutashell 7 months
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From eid_yara on Instagram
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queallow 3 months
help a married couple in Gaza survive through the war and live out the rest of their lives
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sarcasticsweetlara 3 months
Of course Zionists are saying that the Genocide in Gaza is nowhere near similar to the Holocaust.
But even if it's in other country and with a different ethnic group it's still a massacre of people who are picked just because they belong to a certain group, in this case Palestinians, that is genocide.
And similarly to the Jews when the WWII was happening, the Palestinian Genocide will only be acknowledged once it is over.
We're supposed to learn from our mistakes from the past, so let's not let them happen again.
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acepumpkinpatrick 3 months
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I think most of us have seen the first picture. It dates back to Oct. 21st. 2023
The second one is a very recent one from Rafah taken on Feb. 21st. 2024
Four complete months of Genocide and counting. Four months of the Israeli Zionist Occupation's crusade on the Gaza Strip.
Pictures taken by photographer Mahmoud Bassam
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beardeddetectivepaper 5 months
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Strile for as long as you can
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Antisemitism on college campuses
You know what's not going to free Palestine?
-Barricading Jewish students from entering certain buildings, ordering them to stay indoors during one of our biggest holidays. -chanting antisemitic slogans and slurs. -Harassing and physically attacking Jews. It's literally Nazi behaviour.
The last few days have been terrifying for Jews across the world, and these instances shouldn't be ignored.Imagine any other minority group being treated like this.
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intersectionalpraxis 5 months
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I am once again at a loss for words. From @/ democracynow [@/ JoshuaPHill on X. 12/22/23.] [Image description: "Satellite imagery shows Israel's razing of Gaza agricultural land." A 'before' picture shows an aerial picture of lush green fields and areas of healthy crops, as well as the location of a greenhouse. An 'after,' photo shows an aerial view of a completely desolate land -there are no crops, no greenhouse, and no greenery.]
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pineappleciders 4 months
in the strike for palestine, please talk about it. please do not stay silent. even if you have zero followers, zero interaction, talk about palestine. reblog, like, comment, boost anything you can calling for ceasefire. do not buy anything that isn't a necessity.
you can email or fax your representatives and senators for free calling for ceasefire. keep doing your daily clicks, donate if you can, and do not keep quiet
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how you can help palestine
daily click to donate
resources on palestine-israel history
what to boycott
what to boycott pt. 2
more resources
call for ceasefire
sudanese-led causes to donate to
esims for gaza
(US) email your representatives
(US) call your representatives
ceasefire action toolkit
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NOTE: focus boycotting/pressuring products and companies stated by the BDS
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swftsp 4 months
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credit @swftspX on twitter
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mysharona1987 5 months
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hisandsnakes 6 months
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TOMORROW December 11th 2023 !!!! Spread the word !
Don鈥檛 purchase anything (even online)
Don鈥檛 leave your house : no school no work (if your not in danger of losing it of course) no transports
Speak up about Palestine and use as much hashtags as possible
If there are protests near you please go !
Reach out to your leaders if you can
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