sherlockggrian · 18 hours
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nobody wins, if I kill you / would I have to forgive you still?
casting gempearl on your dash everyone look out
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zombieslab · 12 days
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calocreek · 4 months
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Ok so I also just really LOVE drawing dancing, although its so hard, its almost always worth the effort! So some desertduo dancing, and a few of my other favorite team-ups 💕
Headcanons ->
Scar is the first person to trip into a hole or fly face-first into a wall, but is an inexplicably natural dancer. He picks up any style effortlessly! This annoys Grian very much, who, though he can be 'graceful' in the air, is very clumsy on his feet.
Pearl and Gem's waltz is more of a duel of spinning. Who can get the other person dizzy enough to fall? This devolves into a tornado of cackling, lifting, tossing, whirling until either they both collapse or a sword fight breaks out 😂 It's fine, a sword fight has to break out at a party for either to consider it a success.
Cleo and Etho dance like they have no plan whatsoever. They are dancing with different styles to different tunes in their heads but somehow it just works? Toes are getting stepped on and elbows are getting bruised but they don't seem to notice or mind. This dance has worked for them for years, no reason to change it up now!
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kindledrose · 28 days
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shinyduo designs for an au idea!! hoping to work on a little comic with them after finals are over :)
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
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Doodled a few of my favorite Real Life moments
Edit: sorry for the bad word I accidentally used, edited it out
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weatheredcopper · 4 months
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day 1 of @mcyt-yuri-week - sun/moon :)
usually gem is the suncoded one and pearl is mooncoded but for empires s1 its the other way around i think ☀️🌙
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ipowlin · 5 months
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I'm insane over them
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itschizzled · 2 months
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justl-12 · 4 months
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Day 4 - Grief/Revenge - @mcyt-yuri-week
Sorry this was late!
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sherlockggrian · 2 months
I need to talk about the parallels between Grian+Scar and Gem+Pearl for a sec. Grian and Gem are both the sun, they’re both unpredictable and chaotic and defiant and furious and Scar and Pearl are both the moon, they’re darker and reserved and at the same time equally as dangerous.
But Grian has been the Pearl and Scar has been the Gem, and vice versa. They’ve all been the killer at some point in time. Scar and Pearl’s parallel in Double Life and Secret Life of being alone, and their deaths mirror each other’s previous ones. Grian would kill for Scar, Scar would die for him. Gem would kill for Pearl, Pearl would die for her. Their relationships are complicated and messy and invariably linked to each other. Grian and Pearl are watchers, Scar and Gem are the favourites of the watchers. They find each other in every world. They’re parallels in all four ways and it makes me sick ugh the storytelling is so good
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 4 months
Uh may I request pixel art of Gem and Pearl? okay bye!
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Murder camel murder camel murder camel-
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all-l-wanna-do · 3 months
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077891st · 4 months
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Congratulations GemPearl for winning the trafficblr shipping poll!
this is compensation for missing the vote entirely please forgive
year of yuri off to a roar of a start!
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Congratulations to GemPearl for being the winner of this tournament and Trafficblr's favourite Life Series Ship of 2023!!!!!!
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A Congrats to Jizzie for coming in 2nd Place!
And a Congrats to Ethubs for coming in 3rd Place!
Congrats to all the ships who have made it far and to all the ones that didn't but still had supporters all the way through
But most of all Congrats to GemPearl for somehow defying all odds. For being given perhaps the hardest path out of any ship on this entire tournament, going against 4 out of the top 6 ships while being an underdog ship and still managing to win through the sheer power and effort of it's fans. GemPearl fans, you have absolutely deserved this win and it has been incredible to witness your journey to victory!
All I can say now is that people have spoken and 2023 is the year of YURI!!!
Thank you to all who have participated in this tournament! Whether you've drawn some art, written some fics, bribed people to vote for your ship some other way or just voted yourself!
Also if anyone's wondering "will this tournament be back next year?"
Your answer is YES!!! See you then o/
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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AND THE UNDERDOG YURI TAKES THE WIN WOOOOO ok but that was fun lol, all the ships are super neat and I really didn't expect GemPearl to win but good job guys!?
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