#gender apathetic
Hiiii what are your pronouns
I just spin a wheel and whatever pronoun it lands on is my pronoun of the day
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panonbinary · 5 months
i am nonbinary.
i use that term, but i could also describe myself as gender apathetic or agender.
i am a white afab person who is thin, has average sized breasts and has a voice which i can manipulate to be both masculine or feminine.
there are also nonbinary people who have the biggest bazongas you’ve ever seen.
there are also nonbinary people who have beards longer than rapunzel’s hair.
there are also nonbinary people who are poc.
nonbinary people wear wigs, have their hair in plaits, ponytails, locks, braids, afros
nonbinary people are bald
nonbinary people bind their chests
nonbinary people wear push up bras to emphasise their chests
nonbinary people tuck
nonbinary people don’t tuck
nonbinary people are drag queens, kings, royalty
nonbinary people are thin
nonbinary people are fat
nonbinary people have scars
nonbinary people have tattoos
nonbinary people have disabilities
nonbinary people have surgery
nonbinary people don’t have surgery
nonbinary people experience social, physical, mental dysphoria
nonbinary people don’t experience any dysphoria
just because you look one way, skinny and hairless and androgynous doesn’t mean everyone does
some nonbinary people are amab
some nonbinary people are afab
some nonbinary people don’t fit into either of those sexes
some nonbinary people embrace femininity
some nonbinary people embrace masculinity
some love both, some switch between, some stray away from either
i’m done with nonbinary only being seen as pretty small white afab people like me
and i love the way i look, i love the way people in the same boat as me express ourselves
but i’m not the only type of genderqueer
i’m sure there are so many things i’ve missed, but we’re all WONDERFULLY different
we are all in similar boats, we all use the same words, we’re all in the same group.
to all nonbinary, genderqueer, gender funky people, you’re freaking awesome!!!
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autistpride · 2 months
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Happy Trans* Day of Visibility!
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genderqueerblog · 29 days
genderqueer culture is knowing that there likely is a more specific label for your identity, but that sounds like a lot of work and you kinda just don't care anymore lmfao 😭
May 1, 2024.
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thelostgirl21 · 4 months
I wish there was a way to clearly say:
I'm personally comfortable being called a "woman", only because I have the sexual dimorphism typically associated with a female of the human species, and that's how other people see me as when they look at my physical appearance; nothing more.
While making 100% sure not to accidentally bring any harm to the trans community, or making it sound like one's gender identity should always match their physical appearance, when that's far from being the case.
Because, until very recently, I'd always been calling myself "a girl", or "a woman" exclusively based on how I physically look.
To me, defining myself as "a woman", has always been the equivalent of describing an external characteristic of my body that others are able to see.
- I'm a woman.
- I'm 5'7''.
- I have brown eyes.
- etc.
It's always been exactly the same to me. It's what you can physically see, not who I am.
Somehow, it's like I completely forgot to develop a sense of personal identity tied to "being a woman" while I was growing up.
I could wake up tomorrow with a body that has the sexual dimorphism of a male of my species instead, have everyone call me a man and suddenly have to live my life as one, and I'd have only ONE problem with it.
Just the one.
My partner is a heterosexual man, so that would be a challenge.
But otherwise, I think I'd just be really curious to explore the physiological differences between my prior body and my new body, and then move on with my life without changing a single thing to the things I like, my behavior in general, personal interests, probably the way I like to dress, too, etc.
I'd just be "looking more masculine" while doing it.
It would be like having blonde short hair instead of my current brown long hair.
The rest of the world would treat me differently as a man, sure! But that wouldn't reflect how I identify or feel inside about who I am.
Just how others now see me as and choose to socially treat me.
My gender, to me, is something that's always existed outside of myself.
I have no personal use for it, nor is it a part of my personality.
I guess I've often been gender-non-conforming, too, not because I was attempting to rebel against my own gender, felt a need to distance myself from the binary, or anything... But just because I've never seen the point of it.
I've had boyfriends telling me that it was like I wanted to be the "man in the relationship", and being upset that I wasn't letting them play their role at times (that hasn't really been an issue with women, oddly enough); and I broke up with them without looking back, because what the fuck was that even supposed to mean?
I wasn't trying to behave like a man or a woman, I was just being myself, and adopting the social roles and behaviors I'm comfortable with. If you can't love me as I am, then what am I supposed to do?
Younger, I've had little boys back at school telling me that "it was weird for a girl to like certain things or express herself a certain way", and my response has always pretty much been to shrug, go "guess I'm a weird girl then", and then continue doing things my way.
(Yes, I'm aware that I've been very privileged to live in a world where I've merely been occasionally bullied or suffered verbal micro-agressions for ignoring the social standards set for "little girls"... Then again, I've probably embraced some of them!
I loved playing with my "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe set", or walking around with a lightsaber pretending to be Luke Skywalker... But I was cool with "My Little Poney" (the originals) and "Rainbow Bright", too!
Like I said, I wasn't trying to be "non-conforming", I just liked whatever I liked!
I was also lucky enough that my parents fully allowed me to go for what I enjoyed in terms of toys, games, activities, playmates, etc., regardless of gender.
And my physical appearance as a child occasionally had people mistaking me for a boy. So, perhaps, the other adults that saw me behave as one in public assumed I was one, and thus put less pressure on me to behave in a way that would have been deemed more "feminine" than "masculine".
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By the point I really started looking more "feminine" (like I do now), I guess I'd moved past caring about it, and/or had reached a point where it made no sense to me that it would suddenly have been upsetting that I occasionally behaved "as a boy" or enjoyed "boy things" now when, until then, it had always been perfectly fine and well accepted that I did!
I guess there's something to be said about the influence of early socialisation, and how adults in the social environment of a child respond to a young child's gender, in the level of importance they might instinctively give to it later on.)
Like, I'm pretty sure that, if I were to ask you to determine my gender based on my looks alone (while fully giving you permission to do it), especially when I'm performing on stage wearing makeup, you'd go "you're a woman!" with a fair level of confidence!
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But that's just it! To me that's just the way I look. A stylistic choice based on the way my body chose to develop, if you will.
What drives me nuts, though, is that I have zero problem empathizing with the trans community and their need to express their own gender identity, because I know what it feels like to need to be seen and respected as one's authentic self!
You tell me you identify as a woman, a man, agender, genderfae, etc., and/or feel a need to express it? Be yourself, and rock that gender! It is who you are, and it is your right to own it!
The fact that I feel like I don't have any particular use or need for gender doesn't mean that it can't be important for others, and that they don't have a use or need for it themselves.
Just because I don't intimately understand it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist or doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that I can't support, and actively advocate for proper gender recognition and respect in schools and other public places.
I "get it" without "getting it", if you will.
The problem, however, is that I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea that, if I identify as a "woman", people will assume that it means more to me than "I physically look female".
That it will be assumed that I emotionally and psychologically connect with my gender, and feel a need to express it, or a sense of attachment and belonging to the woman gender.
After having called the way my physical body "looks" to others on the outside "being a woman" for decades, it's hard for me to suddenly go "being a woman is not the same as passing for a woman, it's about the gender you identify with inside..." and stop calling myself a woman, because I feel like I've no gender identity inside of myself.
But "agender" doesn't quite feel right to me, either, because I'd never had any problem with the idea of being a woman, until I learned that I was supposed to give a damn about being a woman, and personally connect with my gender, that is.
And "gender non-conforming" doesn't sound quite right, either, because I'm not trying to avoid conforming to the woman gender, or expressing a different gender than the one that was assigned to me at birth.
They basically gave me a gender based on my genitalia when I was born, and I went "Yeah, sure! I guess I can look the part... Why not?"; while ignoring the whole social instructions booklet and guidelines that went with it.
So lately, every time someone has asked me what my gender is, or what gender I identify with, I've had a tendency to freeze, panic, and mentally go:
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Like the idea of my having a gender makes no internal sense to me. It's not something I can relate to, "vibe with", or identify with.
Is there a way to respectfully say "I'm calling myself a woman for convenience's sake, because that's the gender traditionally associated with the way I look, and I'm okay with having grown into a feminine appearance by default? But please, don't assume it means anything to me beyond that, or expect me to behave, dress, or do anything according to the woman gender."
I've been using "gender apathetic" in an attempt to convey it, but is that really what it means, and how most people understand it?
Basically, I feel like my answers to these questions would be:
- What physical look do you most resemble? Woman / feminine / female.
- What gender do you identify with? None.
- Do you feel comfortable being called a woman, and her / she pronouns, based on the way you look? Yes.
How do you freaking call or define that?
Non-internalized cisgenderism?
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whotfishazel · 11 months
People need to stop assuming that the term trans has to mean either AMAB Transfemmes or AFAB Transmascs. IT IS AN UMBRELLA TERM FOR ANYONE WHO IS NOT CIS. Need me to repeat it? Yes, of course it includes AMAB transfemmes, and AFAB transmascs. BUT it also means us enbies, and YES this does DAMN WELL include:
AMAB neoboys, demiboys, libramascs, and solarians
AFAB neogirls, demigirls, librafems, and lunarians
Quoigender, Pomogender, and Gender Apathetic people
trans AFABs who are still women and trans AMABs who are still men
Agender, gendervoid people
Xenogender people
anyone who just doesn’t feel quite cis
Even if you’ve never changed your names or pronouns, or gotten hormones or surgeries, you’re still trans
Don’t worry, you ARE valid and you ARE still trans
I love you all <33
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dorkygurl-89 · 6 months
i feel like i fucked up
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Genderless Gender Presentations
[PT: Genderless Gender Presentations]
Because why not, our genderless fellas need their presentations cuz…why not? This can agender, Gendervoid, vague genders, apathetic genders, etc.!
Other Gender Presentations sets I’ve done is Xenic(link) and Multigender(link)
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Ox, an genderless person who queers and subverts masculine in a distinct genderless way while rejecting cisnormative ideas of what it means to be masculine and rejecting binary concepts of gender.
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[ID: none yet]
Chinchilla, an genderless person who queers and subverts Feminine in a distinct genderless way while rejecting cisnormative ideas of what it means to be feminine and rejecting binary concepts of gender.
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[ID: none yet]
Gopher, an genderless person who presents themselves outside the gender binary, and rejects binary concepts of gender presentation.
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @accessmogai
[Extra Tags] @acetrappolaswife (thanks for the colors), @caeliangel
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beepbeepdespair · 3 months
wait wait. gender APAthetic. you can call me whatever you want but you'd better fucking cite it right
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caeliangel · 3 months
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୨୧ • apaboyfheic, apamalefheic
a term for when youre genderapathetic but only want to be perceived as boy or male!
PT. apaboyfheic, apamalefheic. a term for when youre genderapathetic but only want to be perceived as boy or male! END OF PT.
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My aromanticism and asexuality HIGHLY affects my gender.
I refuse to be seen as a member of either of the binary genders.
I refuse to be seen by society in relation to a woman if I was a man, and I ESPECIALLY refuse to be seen in relation to a man if I was a woman.
I refuse to be perceived and assumed and ENFORCED to be someone who exists as a love interest to men just because I was a woman. Vice versa.
In this world, women exists to love and reproduce with men and men exists to love and reproduce with women.
I don't want to be reduced as a love interest or a partner.
I denounce that.
Therefore, I have no gender.
In fact, i just don't want to be perceived at all.
In fact, I don't wanna be human at all.
It's tiring.
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autistpride · 2 months
After 345 days it's finished!
My queen sized Pride blanket.
This blanket means so much to me because the day I started it was the day I came out of all the closets.
I kicked those doors down after decades and risked everything doing so.
And it was fucking hard. I lost a lot. But I gained so much more.
Fully embracing all those parts of me that I had to keep so tightly under lock and key because it wasn't safe.
I'm free now.
And I'm so glad I did it. I'm proud of myself.
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bloggingboutburgers · 7 months
i think that's called being gender apathetic
Huh! I'll have to look into that 👀
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cheshiire-warper · 9 months
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Anvisman [left] // When someone who is apathetic toward their gender or gender as a whole, but still identifies as a man or with masculinity. Alt names: Anvisboy, Anvismasc
Anviswoman [middle] // When someone who is apathetic toward their own gender or gender as a whole, but still identifies as a woman or with femininity. Alt names: Anvisgirl, Anvisfem
Anvisenbin [right] // When someone who is apathetic toward their gender or gender as a whole, but still identifies as nonbinary or with neutrality. Alt names: Anvisenby, Anvisneu
[ coined 08.18.2023 ]
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Panapagender Pride Flag
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Gender panthetic, apapangender, or panapagender: being identitarianly indifferent towards all genders accessible with ones identity lane and natural condition; the combination of gender apathetic (apagender) and pangender; experiencing all apagenders possible.
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chowdercoining · 4 months
A gender label for people who are apathetic to (their) gender, and their gender is whatever someone assumes they are.
If someone assumes they are a girl, they are a girl. If someone assumes they are non binary, they are non binary.
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