#general hux fanfic
liminalpebble · 8 months
Another Unhinged Gathering (Spooky Edition) 💚🎃💚
My dear sweet lovely thirsty whores I have gathered you together today to have another unhinging thirstfest and celebrate the most magical season (and the near return of our collective horned boyfriend).
We're all sitting around a fire pit with hot drinks, wearing lovely soft blankets around our shoulders (and costumes!) . What is yours? I made pumpkin scones. What are you bringing to the potluck?
Oh here's Johnathan Pine, coming out the door in his crisp little three piece suit asking if all of us "lovely ladies" are enjoying our stay at this lodge and will gladly prepare the hot tub for us later.
Adam is lurking in the treeline. Leaning moodily against at a tree. He's thirsty and thinks we all look delicioussss.
Hux is quietly sipping tea and stroking Millicent the cat...but ohhhh does he have plans.
Eddie's just pulled up with a cheap six pack and a lunchbox full of "magical herbs" for our enjoyment. He even made brownies. He's already running around and jumping into piles of leaves while singing Black Sabbath. He loves Halloween, and wants to snuggle up with all of us later to watch horror moves.
We're all wondering where Loki is, but of course, he's probably running fashionably late. I wonder what kind of spectacular entrance he'll make? Do any of you see him?
There's a figure out there by the water as well with a lovely blue sweater, scarf, and wind-tussled curls. Is it a ghost? Is it the fabled ghost of Mr. Sharpe or Reverend Ransome haunting the grounds?
Oakley is surely around somewhere being a little shit (probably swiping Eddie's special brownies).
So let's pour that spiked cider, enjoy our basic bitch lattes, eat some apple pastry, be hot as fuck in our Halloween costumes and thirst in unison.
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@acidcasualties @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @holdmytesseract @infinitystoner @smolvenger @tripleyeeet @take-everything-you-can @leelei1980 @unlucky-number-13 @unfocused81 @sweetsigyn @veemoon @loz-3 @little-wormwood @littlespaceyelf @glitchquake @viv-annelore @lokihiddleston @peachyjinx @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @marcotheflychair @mochie85 @muddyorbs @sunflowerdaydreamer @sailorholly @holymultiplefandomsbatman @thedistractedagglomeration @hellfirenacht @thenerdyoldersister @alexakeyloveloki @lemongingerart @eddiethehunted @fanfic-collection @girl-next-door-writes @fictive-sl0th @mischiefmaker615 @icytrickster17 @ladyofthestayingpower @sarahscribbles @anukulee
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charlottesbookclub · 2 years
Nightmares (Armitage Hux x Reader)
Summary: Armitage has a nightmare but you’re there to comfort him.
Warnings/Tags: memories of child abuse, hurt/comfort, some angst but really mostly fluff, gn!reader (let me know if I missed anything!)
Words: 1,057
Author’s Note: so, uh, this is my first fanfic ever! I’m super happy to take constructive criticism but please be nice -- I’m sensitive 😅 This is just entirely self-indulgent because I’ve had this scenario in my head for months and I just finally had to get it out. I hope you enjoy it!
          Armitage was shaking. His mind had gone blank, no thoughts except trying to block his father’s next blow. It was useless of course. Brendol was so much bigger and stronger, and running now would only make the punishment even worse later. Armitage squeezed his eyes shut, trying to numb himself to the feeling of Brendol’s hands against his face again and again. His fists were so large and meaty and unbelievably hot. Or maybe that was just Armitage’s pale skin, reacting to both the violence inflicted upon it and the tide of anger and fear that was rising steadily inside him, flushing his extremities as adrenaline coursed through his blood.
           But then the steady pummeling began to fade, the feeling of his father’s fists growing fainter. Now there were new hands. Smaller hands. Cooler hands. And there was a voice.
           “Armitage!” the voice was so sweet, quavering with worry. The gentle hands pressed against his overheated cheeks, the grounding reality of the skin-to-skin contact slowly pulling him from the hell to which his unconscious mind had decided to deliver him.
           He blinked his eyes open slowly, adjusting to the soft darkness in the room. His vision was almost… watery. Had he been crying? As his eyes focused, they found your face in front of his, eyes wide with worry, your hands still pressed to his face.
           “Armitage…” you said again, more quietly this time, realizing your attempt to free him from his own mind had worked. You moved your hands, carefully brushing lingering tears away from the faint freckles that dotted his face. He had been crying.
           His mind gained clarity more slowly than his vision, portions of his thoughts still caught in the shadowy tendrils of the dream. He closed his eyes again, focusing of the feeling of your soft palms pressed against his skin. Reaching up, he cupped your hands in his, pulling them gently from his face and intertwining his fingers with yours. He took a deep breath, just like you had taught him, and opened his eyes again.
           The parts of his brain that had not yet broken free from the terror of the dream tried to convince him that you too were merely a figment of his dreaming mind, an imaginary balm sent to comfort him momentarily only to leave him all the more devastated when he finally woke up alone. But you were still there, looking at him with the same concerned expression. That’s when he noticed that there were thin, sparkling tear tracks on your own cheeks, faintly illuminated by the starlight that crept into the room.
           He lifted one of his hands from where it lay folded with yours to echo your earlier gesture. He cupped your cheek carefully, brushing the tears from your face. Your gaze relaxed a little then, and it was your turn to close your eyes, leaning into his touch.
           “Was it your father again?” you asked quietly after a moment, your gaze focused on his face again, searching his expression for the answer, even though you already knew it. Armitage nodded slowly, not yet sure he could trust his voice not to break. He swallowed, trying to steady himself. No one else ever saw him like this. On the bridge, he was composed and authoritative. With his engineers, he was organized and knowledgeable. With his officers, he was professional and controlled. But here, in his chambers, he was a frightened child again, helpless against his father’s rage. He was crying and shaking, unsteady and unraveled. But you folded him in the warmth that seemed to flow from you as easily as light from a star. You wrapped him up in your compassion, your understanding. Your love. a comfort he thought he would never feel, that he thought he would never deserve to feel. Yet here you were all the same. Holding him in the dark and pulling all his broken pieces back together again. He had to tell you.
           “It was my father, and…” Armitage had never been good at expressing affection, or even fondness. The example of his father and the strict professionalism of the Order had stripped him of his vulnerability long ago. But he could feel it beginning to bloom again, encouraged by the sunlight in your smile and tended by your gentle hands. So he tried again: “but the worst part was…” He faltered again, feeling his voice break. You didn’t rush him, just continued to hold his hands in yours, absently running your fingers in circles against his skin.
           “The worst part was that for a moment I thought you were just a dream as well.” It all spilled out in a rush, pouring from his mouth before he could choke on the delicate, vulnerable words. Your fingers stilled as you processed his hurried confession. When the full meaning of his words finally hit you, he barely had time to react.
           You launched yourself against him, wrapping your arms around him, completely enveloping him in your comforting scent and warm presence.
           “I’m here,” you whisper in his ear, the quiver in your voice suggesting that you might be crying again. “I promise. I’m here.”
           Armitage buried his face in your neck, letting his tears fall against your skin as he pulled you into him, wanting you to be as close as possible. This time though, the tears weren’t from anger or fear, but from a feeling that was so much lighter, so much more… lovely than anything he’d felt before. He didn’t have a name for it yet, but he knew he only felt it when he was with you.
           He wasn’t sure how long the two of you stayed like that, wrapped up in each other’s arms, just breathing. Eventually he laid back down against the mattress, bringing you with him and holding you firmly against his chest. You were real. You were real. You were real. The weight and warmth of your body against his helped him assure himself it was true. You curled into him, sighing contently as he ran a hand through your hair. After a few moments, he felt your breathing deepen as you fell back into the waiting embrace of sleep. He followed soon after, no longer haunted by memories of his past, but dreaming only of you and of your future together.
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noodlecupcakeswritings · 10 months
A Royal Affair - Chapter 5 (Kylo RenXOC)
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The First Order is looking to expand its allies and Corellia is known for its great Starships and the royal family. Princess Cora Ardmore is less than thrilled about her future marriage to General Hux, and even less thrilled to have Kylo Ren as her temporary bodyguard.
AN: I just want to warn people that this is definitely a darker fic from me. Plus I do not hate General Hux at all regardless of how I’m portraying him in this fic, I love him but have some dark headcanons about him. I also want to thank @neeharlow and @kittyofalltrades for helping bringing this fic to life with our roleplay thread :D
Warnings: None, Perhaps a lil fluff if you squint really really hard.
Chapter 5
Kylo Ren
The week went on, every day I spent with Cora and her handmaidens. Whilst I made no effort to be friendly with any of them, I had taken the time to at least learn the names of her handmaidens. And Cora was doing her best to be polite and civil with me. The kinder she attempted to be, the more I didn’t want to be around her. This was a temporary arrangement; it wouldn’t benefit either of us to develop some kind of friendship. Even if the more time I spent with her, the more likeable I found her. Not that anything could come of it. Nor would I let it.
Cora was wearing a royal blue gown, the sleeves long but her shoulders bare. Thomasin had curled Cora’s hair today and left it down but added a thin gold headband to Cora’s long black locks. Even I had to admit, she looked pretty. Cora led us outside to the gardens; it was seemingly her favourite place to be, and I could understand that when the palace was teeming with stormtroopers and officers. She wanted somewhere seemingly untouched by The First Order. Thankfully, so far Hux had yet to really bother her as he was too busy gaining the trust of the planet’s politicians and higher-ups.
She led us inside the huge greenhouse, a wave of warm air washing over me. There were all sorts of flowers and plants inside, all in full bloom. Whilst I didn’t care for things like this, I had to admit there was beauty to it. Cora seemed relaxed in here, her shoulders no longer held high and tense. I had noticed over the past few days how to read her body language and her facial expressions. Most of the time inside the palace, she put up a façade, wanting to seem confident, elegant, and regal. Someone that demanded respect.
And yet in these small moments when it was just her handmaidens and I, she let her real self shine through. She let her guard down, allowed herself to be vulnerable and to speak freely. In these small moments, I even found her a little likeable. I suppose, after agreeing to keep the sun house a secret from Hux, I was one of the few she trusted to be herself around. And whilst we were on opposing sides, it made sense that she needed to trust me if I was going to be her bodyguard for the time being.
Cora went over to the nearest flowers, leaning down to inhale its sweet scent. Flora remained by the door, keeping a close, protective eye on Cora. Thomasin and Minthe headed further inside the greenhouse, making friendly conversation. Cora seemed to stop and admire each different plant and flower she came across. The longer this went on, the more I felt this was a waste of time. Snoke wouldn’t be happy about this and hopefully, he would ensure Hux didn’t reduce me to a bodyguard again.
“Did you know that flowers actually have meanings behind them?” Cora asked. “What?” I replied. “It was a tradition during balls and other events that people would communicate their feelings for each other using flowers.” My brow furrowed under my helmet, “that seems…pointless.” Cora’s smile faded slightly at how quickly I turned down her topic of conversation. It was like looking at a sad puppy and I felt a very small pang of guilt. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to indulge her…or at least pretend to. Letting out a sigh, I forced the next few words out of my mouth.
“What about those? What do they mean?” I asked, pointing at a cluster of small, delicate purple flowers. Cora’s gaze followed where I was pointing, and her smile grew again. “Asters are a symbol of love,” Cora replied. I wished I’d never asked. It angered me further that I, Kylo Ren, The Jedi Slayer, was being reduced to a bodyguard having to listen to this brat talk about flowers. Clenching my jaw, I continued to follow her through the greenhouse and pretend to listen to her explain the different meanings of flowers to me.
Now only a quarter of the way through the greenhouse, I couldn’t take it anymore. “All of this seems like pointless information,” I cut her off mid-sentence. Cora’s shoulders slumped at my words, her smile fading once more. This only made me more frustrated, she probably thought she could just bat her eyelashes at me, and I’d just give in to her. “When you previously mentioned princess lessons, I had thought they were teaching you things that would benefit you for the future. Like battle tactics, self-defence, and negotiation methods. Not flowers and embroidery,” I said matter-of-factly.
“Embroidery is not useless; it can actually be very useful for someone in my position.” “Is that so, princess? Please enlighten me on how embroidery is helping you right now.” Cora huffed softly but didn’t answer me, meaning either she didn’t have an answer, or it was a secret she wasn’t willing to share. She pressed further into the greenhouse, and I let her go. She was still within my eye line, and it was clear we both wanted a break from each other. The sooner Hux found a replacement for me, the better. I needed to get off this planet and as far away from her as possible.
Cora stopped at the fountain, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as if to calm herself down. When she reopened them, she walked over to a small box fixed on the wall and opened it. A few butterflies scattered, now flying around the greenhouse. Some of them landed on flowers, whilst others continued to stretch their wings. All of them were different colours with various patterns across their wings. Cora watched them with a sense of longing, likely wishing she could escape her own cage.
One of them landed on her finger, a large blue and black one. A smile spread across her face as the butterfly stayed put, seemingly comfortable with her presence. At that moment, she truly looked like a princess, so pure, dainty, and beautiful. It was moments like these that I was even more grateful that the helmet I wore hid my face. I could get away with looking at Cora as much as I wanted, and none of her handmaidens were the wiser. It was nice to see her smile for a change. My eyes raked over her form, unable to deny her beauty. Her long black hair looked softer than any silk, and a part of me wondered what it would be like to run my fingers through it. Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I hastily exited the greenhouse and waited outside.
Later that evening, I decided to leave Cora in the company of her handmaidens; I needed to just take a break from her. Hux would likely attempt to berate me for it, but at this point, I couldn’t care less. I just wanted a moment alone, considering I hadn’t had a single one since landing on this damned planet. It was dark in the palace gardens, and I knew I would be left alone out here. The palace itself had lights on in most of the rooms, the bottom floor had silhouettes of staff moving around. But my focus was on the third floor, more specifically on one of the balconies.
Cora stood on the balcony that was connected to her bedroom, her hands resting on the railing. She looked out into the distance, if she knew I was out here, she didn’t show any signs. Not that I believed she could see me in the darkness. Her shoulders shook gently, and her head bowed slightly, clearly, she was crying. I had to admit; I did pity her considering what would come from her marriage to Hux. She’d already lost so much in a short amount of time, her home, her personal guard, her mother, but most of all, her freedom.
“Cora!” Hux snapped, his voice distant but no less distinguishable. He joined her on the balcony, Cora quickly wiping her eyes to hide any signs of her weakness. He stood at her side, his mouth moving, but I was too far away to make out what he was saying. But judging by Cora’s body language, it wasn’t anything nice. Likely berating her about being out on the balcony without me. He probably thought she was going to throw herself off, but Cora wasn’t that desperate for escape. Yet.
He grabbed her wrist roughly and began to drag her back inside. The sight of him handling her so roughly made my fists clench hard enough that the leather strained. He didn’t even love her, let alone care for her, so it made no sense to me why Snoke was allowing this marriage to even go ahead. Snoke had to know that if the Corellians saw how poorly Hux treated their beloved princess that they would revolt and cause us further issues. Cora deserved better. She deserved to be happy and to be with a man who adored her, and who would keep her safe.
But I wasn’t that man. Nor could I be. And with my growing feelings for her, I knew it was best that I remove myself from the situation. Whilst I believed it was just a stupid crush, I knew that if those feelings developed further, they would do me no good. I had to return to The Supremacy, return to Snoke, and focus on my training. There was a fleeting thought about whether Cora would be safe without me, but I knew Flora would keep her safe for the time being.
Taglist: @jana-banana-fana​​​, @kittyofalltrades​​​, @sweetfictionalworld​​  
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A/N: This is for you @daydreamsofthrawn 🥰
Summary: Hux comes home to his home planet for a brief rest.
Warnings: None really. My own descriptions of Arkanis and thunderstorms. Established relationship. I put F!Reader but really it’s gn, I just can’t be bothered to change my moodboard. F!Reader just covers me because that is usually who I write for.
Word Count: 946
Tagging my Hux homies: @lemongingerart @princessxkenobi @starsandroots (I feel like I’m missing people 😅 it’s been a while since I posted my Ginger General.)
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The rain lashed on the outside of the house as you busied yourself in the kitchen. It was dark, your motions highlighted by a small handheld candle. Most of Arkanis was state of the art, the houses full of the newest tech but sometimes a moment called for something softer.
He had returned from the war against the Resistance less than an hour ago. He’d barely said two words to you before disappearing into his study. You weren’t concerned by his behaviour, he needed time to adjust. In one environment he was the General that everybody looked up to. The one they swore their allegiance to and he had to keep the First Order together under the fracturing rule of the Supreme Leader. In this environment, he returned to being just Armitage. He could let go here, relax and not be haunted by the nightmares that plagued him in space.
He’d told you he couldn’t remember much of Arkanis before they’d left. When his father had smuggled them off the planet and away from the reach of the New Republic. He was only a small boy, fighting for approval and acceptance. Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t remember the planet and what happened to him.
Your attention was pulled to the clear pot of water as it reached boiling point. Streams of bubbles angrily rose to the surface until you pulled it off the heat. Letting the water settle, you then added the berries and leaves for the perfect Tarine Tea. You placed two cups with saucers on a tray, the lit candle stick and tucked a blanket over your arm.
You knew exactly where to find him. The door to his study opened almost silently, a dull grey light filtered into the room from outside accompanied by the full roar of the weather. Hux had thrown the balcony doors wide open, rain pounded on the cover, running in rivers off the slanted roof.
He was leaning on the balustrade, his First Order tunic abandoned on his chair so he was just in his under vest. He’d taken his boots off and swapped his ceremonial trousers for something more comfortable. You watched him for a moment, admiring the flex of his back and the colour of his hair because, even in the dull gloom of Arkanis, it still flared like a dying sun.
You could see the tension in his shoulders, the tightness of his muscles as he tried to sigh it all away and you imagined the hidden look of torture behind his impassive mask. He tried to hide it all from you, to not involve you in the devastation that was happening but you still saw the toll of it written all over him.
Gently you lowered the tray and slipped the blanket off your arm. Approaching quietly you unfolded the plush material and draped it over his chilled form.
“I brought tea,” you told him. Turning away to get it you felt his hand pull you to a halt. His hands were uncharacteristically warm, considering they had been out in the freshness all this time you’d expected him to be colder. He didn’t speak, pulling you closer into the softness of the blanket so he could wrap himself around you. Your eyes fluttered closed at his closeness, his scent was just as you remembered. The Arkanisian soap you’d given him mixed with the richness of the rain outside and you sighed with quiet contentment.
Your moment of bliss was shattered by the crawling flash of fork lightning as it cracked open the sky, swiftly followed by a large peal of thunder that pressed down upon you. Rolling over you and vibrating your insides with the intensity of the rumble.
The clouds were black, more lightning flashed revealing peaks as tall as mountains through the rain. Below the cliff, the sea swelled angrily, dashing against the sharp rocks as though it could wash them away from sheer force alone.
Most people deemed Arkanis a miserable planet. True it was hard to fly through the weather, many a pilot had lost their life to an ill timed lightning strike, or a ferocious gust that blew them into the reach of the sea creatures. Massive tentacled monsters that preyed on unsuspecting ships or anyone who dared go near the water. But you loved this planet and you knew Armitage did too.
He had once told you the noise of the rain calmed his thoughts. He was able to let everything melt away and come back to himself here, with you.
Lightning once again sliced through the clouds and you couldn’t help but gasp. It split, casting the ends of the strike into a web of intrigue as it struck whatever it was seeking. The light burned your eyes but you could not look away. It was very rare that you got to see the horizon of Arkanis, the other houses that dotted the cliff were usually hidden by the rain and gloom. Sunlight hardly ventured here and most of the planet relied on lights to help them see. Even then, the constant deluge made them useless.
You felt Hux tighten his grip on you, his arms pulling you just that bit closer into his form and he dipped his face to bury in the crook of your neck. His warm sigh blossomed on your skin and you felt some of the tension leave him. Turning your face you rested your cheek on his head, freeing a hand from the comfort of the blanket to run your fingers through his fiery locks.
He was home.
For a brief moment between the wars.
He was home.
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
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We Always Love the Things We Cannot Have - Part 3/3
Armitage Hux/Reader, on AO3, check my masterlist for more (including the previous parts).
Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, Destroyer of Worlds, regretted few things in life… but this? He regretted this very much. He had not meant to fall for his strange savior, a woman who claimed to be nobody, who disappeared with just as much ease as she appeared. They were bound to meet again… after all, the galaxy works in mysterious ways.
Warnings: it's like two inches to the left of smut. 1530 words.
A/N: I dropped off the face of Tumblr for three years but this has also been in a google docs for three years so I present: the long awaited, maybe much anticipated part three. i'msosorry.
As was their recurring habit, General Hux encountered his scarred savior for a third time when he was attending an admittedly very frustrating fundraising party in a Canto Bight casino. He was aware that the Resistance might show up, but he hadn’t expected to be cornered by her in a casino elevator following a successful business deal. He’d gotten in alone, assuring his troopers that he would be fine alone – which, at this point, he should know is not really true. He’d gone down two floors, and then the elevator had stopped with a beep and in stepped her. Her, in a shimmering red dress, her eyes like bright orbs, framed in perfect eyeshadow, her silvery scar on full display, her hair twisted in an ornate updo. Who knew the Resistance had money for such a look?
“Hello, Armitage.”
He murmured her name in greeting as she stepped into the elevator car. “What brought you here?”
She stood next to him, now. “The General wanted me to make friends with my mother again, so that’s what I did. And my mother wanted me here.” 
He nods, recalling her story from the first time they met. It was not Resistance business at all, then, not really.
“What about you?”
“First Order fundraising business.”
“Ah. Sounds like fun.”
“It’s not.”
She giggled. “Do you want to have fun?”
He looked over at her, at the mischievous glint in her eyes. “I’m not entirely sure.”
She smiled, reaching forward and stopping the elevator car, fiddling with the buttons on the screen and sending the car rocketing back upwards, towards the floor she came from. 
“They’ll notice I’m gone.”
She shrugged. “I’m sure you can come up with a clever fib, Armitage.”
He flushed, and watched as the car slowly approached her floor, coming to a stop with a ding. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the car with her and down the hall to the door of her suite. She pressed her hand to the panel on the side of the door and it slid open with a mute, satisfying whoosh. She pulled him in, the door closing behind them. They stood in the foyer of the suite now, and she spun to face him.
“Well? What do you think?”
“About what?”
A conniving glint passed through her eyes. “About fun, Armitage.”
Hux shrugged, noncommittal and stiff. He had a feeling he knew what she meant, but he couldn’t help but want to make her spell it out for him.
She huffed, stepping towards him, her hands going to thread her fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. Her perfume swirled around him, wrapping him in her aura once again. Slowly, he moved his hands to rest on her hips. He pulled her into him and she fell into his chest with a surprised gasp.
“Armitage!” she breathed, teasing. 
He smiled, looking down at her. “You’re the one that started it, darling.”
“Would you prefer a different pet name?”
She grinned. “No, not at all.” She pushed herself forward, her lips meeting his. He could faintly taste her red lipstick as their lips parted and their tongues met. After a moment, she pulled away, breathless, and extricated herself from his grip. She stepped away and beckoned that he follow her down the hall that broke away straight from the foyer, and he did. It was only but a moment before she snagged his hand in hers and dragged him into what he presumed was her bedroom – and then she wrapped him up in her arms and their lips were connected yet again. One of her hands separated from him, reaching for her own hair and pulling out the ornate pins that held it in place. She reached to one of his hands and brought it to her hair, tossing the pins haphazardly on the dresser a bit away from where they stood. Hux curled his fingers into her locks, pushing himself closer to her. 
It occurred to him that there were many things about this that were inherently wrong – namely: he was an officer of the First Order, she of the Resistance. But, as she pulled him with her towards the bed, he couldn’t really find it in himself to care about the little things like that. Slowly, his fingers wandered to the clasps of her dress, and he undid them, one at a time, feeling the fine fabric slide through his hands and down her body like water. In likewise form, her fingers wandered to the buttons of his dress uniform, undoing them with oddly practiced grace.
Hardly but a moment later, he found himself on his back, on the bed, with her straddling his lower abdomen, a shining smile on her face as she leaned forward to kiss him again, and again, and again.
They seemed, as cliche as it sounded, to fit together like puzzle pieces. Hux was mesmerized as he watched her rise and fall above him, head thrown back in ecstasy. He held her hips, tighter and tighter, as if to hold this moment in time forever. Her little gasps of pleasure were music to his ears, a sound he would cherish forever; the warmth of her around him a sensation unlike any other. The sheets wrapped around them in a warm embrace, cocooning them in a moment unto their own, far away from the trials of the galaxy. In what felt like no time at all to Hux (but was, in fact, surely longer), they were separating, laying beside each other, breathing heavily. With his heart thundering away in his chest (whether from exertion, or love, or both), he pulled her closer to his body and held her for a moment, dreading the approaching instant that they would separate, again, for who knows how long. 
After a while, she pulled herself free of his grasp, and sat up in the bed. “I’m sure they will be missing you by now, Armitage.” She looked sad even as she said it, so Hux bit back his snarky response and nodded reluctantly – already beginning his evolution back into a stiff military man. 
She watched him with sparkling eyes as he redressed, as he stood in front of the mirror and fixed his hair, as he straightened his cuffs and pulled the wrinkles from his uniform. At some point, she got up from the bed, wandering over to him in nothing but the sheet – held loosely, at that – and quietly slid one of her ornate hair pins into the interior pocket of his uniform jacket, gently kissing his cheek as she did so. 
“I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, Armitage.”
He nodded, turning to her and pressing a kiss to her hairline. “Likewise, darling.”
And with that, he was walking out of the bedroom and down the hall, out of the suite and to the elevator, out to the casino, to the First Order fundraiser, back to the stuffy Senators and businessmen – and away from what he’d decided was the most beautiful thing in the whole galaxy. 
He did not see her again soon. In fact, he did not see her again for a year, and for that entire span of time, he found himself desperately wishing he’d found a way to keep in touch with her – but today, he came to the startling realization that she had somehow found a way to keep in touch with him. 
Today, he received an encrypted message from a far corner of the galaxy, with the sender merely listed as “Darling.” He knew who it was, of course, he remembered everything. It was a message of five lines, five sentences that had managed to turn his entire world upside down. 
The first informed him that she had left the Resistance shortly after their last meeting.
The second informed him of why.
The third informed him of the name of her reason why: Amarante.
The fourth informed him that mother and daughter were in a place no military, no enemy of his would ever find them.
The fifth was three small, meaningful words. I love you.
And so, when Kylo Ren found General Hux later that day, he was precisely where her message had left him – standing in front of a glass viewport on the Finalizer, staring into deep space, wishing he knew which stars they could both see. 
“You look… surprised. I had not thought such a thing was… possible, for a man like you.” 
Hux could feel the fingers of the Force rifling through his mind, finding what was wrong in only an instant.
Hux merely grunted in return.
“Well, at least they are safe.”
Hux wanted to smack the Commander, make him understand that there was so much more to this than safety, but he didn’t.
“When the First Order succeeds, I’m sure she will find you again, General.”
For the first time ever, Armitage Hux found himself genuinely afraid of losing – the war, her, Amarante – all of it.
Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, Destroyer of Worlds, regretted few things in life… but this? He regretted this very much.
Another A/N: I like to think this is what made him spy for the Resistance in the end. Some sort of misguided prayer for redemption, hope to see her, I dunno. In a perfect world, he lived happily ever after with his Darling and Amarante. But, well. We know how this story ends… if anyone is interested I could definitely write an AU epilogue, though. I have many thoughts (including, but not limited to, Poe x Darling, platonic or romantic). In my head a lot of this happens beginning before TFA, and pushing a bit into it but not far. Come TLJ and TROS, I’m feeling Darling and Amarante have been estranged from the galaxy for at least a few years, and Amarante is no longer a toddling baby.
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tomatette · 3 months
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My little fanfic appreciation project - inspired by this glorious gif set by the immensely talented @reputayswift - all the fic featured here are linked below. Permission to use the text excerpts was given by the respective author(s). There are so many amazing fics for this ship it was really hard to pick only eight of them. Who knows, maybe I'll make more in the future. The fabulous art in the last gif you see was created by @littleststarfighter who kindly gave me permission to use her art in my gifs and edits. Thank you so much, Lucy! Tell me your favorite fic, and I might check them out :) Stargazer @nerdherderette [Rating: Teen and up - Words: 5,145 - Status: Complete] Siren Song @scaryfriend [Rating: Teen and up - Words: 15,044 - Status: WIP] Flyboys @gefionne [Rating: Explicit - Words: 301,442 - Status: Complete] i can see through you (see to the real you) @kyluxtrashcompactor [Rating: Explicit - Words: 77,179 - Status: WIP] all that you love will be carried away @ceruleancynic [Rating: Teen and up - Words: 32,163 (Series: 156,107) - Status: Complete] A Disappearance at Danvers @starkillersbae @eighthchiharu [Rating: Mature - Words: 51,877 - Status: Complete] First Order Hotline @onewhositswiththeturtles [Rating: Explicit - Words: 19,943 - Status: Complete] Dirty Laundry @jaynesilver [Rating: Explicit - Words: 5,840 - Status: Complete] Red Excels the Crimson @dragonflies-draw-flame [Rating: Explicit - Words: 4,611 - Status: Complete]
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generalhugsstan · 11 months
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Fanfic idea: Ren keeps bringing back animals from his missions. Hux doesn't want them
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avercado5 · 9 months
Timeline of Armitage Hux's Life
Excuse the formatting... tumblr has no idents and it makes this stuff impossible. Please let me know of any corrections and I will update this. I tried to be as accurate as possible, but some of these dates are guesswork (and thus have a span of years it might be).
1 BBY - Born to Brendol Hux & a kitchen woman on Arkanis
5 ABY -
Evacuates Arkanis with Brendol Hux
Is given protection by Rae Sloane
10-13 ABY - Has lost Sloane's protection/contact and is abused by Brendol again
Sometime before Parnassos - Becomes a General
27-29 ABY - Meets Brendol Hux at the crash sight on Parnassos, witnesses bombardment of the planet.
30 ABY -
Allows Phasma to kill Brendol
(with Phasma) recruits Jinata security to begin capturing infants for the stormtrooper program.
33 ABY - Marooned with Kylo Ren
33 ABY - Kills Admiral Brooks
34 ABY -
Events of TFA
Events of TLJ
Rumors spread about Snoke's successor, many (incorrectly) assume it's Hux.
Travels to Titan for updates on refueling stations and hunt for resistance cells (With Pyre)
Fleet destroys Tag'Nuhna for helping resistance
Skirmish on Mon Cala
Battle of Battuu
35 ABY - Events of TRoS
35 ABY Onward- Hux lives :)
5 ABY - Aftermath
10-13 ABY - Age of Resistance Comic
27-30 ABY - Phasma
33 ABY - Age of Resistance Comic
34 ABY - TFA, TLJ, Star Wars Resistance
35 ABY - TRoS
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charliedawn · 3 months
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General Hux gazed impassively out the viewport as the gleaming skyscrapers of Coruscant came into view. The planet swarmed with sentient beings of every species, their buzzing activity a hive-like magnification of what lurked within his own breast. Duty called him to this gathering of First Order elites, yet part of him would rather be anywhere but immersed in beings. A quiet presence at his side drew his gaze, finding JR-6025 attentively scanning the horizon as well. She seemed rather quiet and in deep silent contemplation before such a lively setting. He smiled. How strange that this trooper's calm company soothed him more than any other's.
"Your first time setting eyes on the galactic capital, I presume ?" He asked. She nodded, eyes wide with wonder behind her visor. A faint smile softened Hux's stern features. "It can be overwhelming. But, this city is at the very heart of the First Order. A place unlike any other. The center of all trades and a great well of knowledge for those who know how to look and listen."
JR-6025 remained quiet as she listened to his words.
"…Isn’t it the planet where Imperial cadets are trained ?" She asked. She had heard about the academy and the way Imperial cadets were trained…and of their cruel and cut-throat programme of training and indoctrination. She shivered just at the thought and glanced at general Hux. Hux's faint smile hardened at the mention of the Imperial academies scattered across Coruscant.
"Indeed, the Imperial doctrines were forged from fire here," he replied evenly. "No expense was spared in molding raw recruits into efficient extensions of the Empire's will. Survival of the fittest, they called it.."
His pale eyes softened as they met JR-6025's masked gaze. Instilling fear had its place as a control tactic, but when directed inward corroded even the finest steel over time.
"The First Order improves upon that legacy," he continued gently. "Where the Empire broke minds and hearts without care, we aim to temper souls into masterfully controlled weapons of precision and obedience through discipline, such is the way."
Reaching out, his leathered fingers brushed a subtle caress upon her armored wrist in a rare display of comfort. "Fear has its uses, JR-6025. It crafts the minds into perfections of order and obedience."
"…You have been through their training." She looked at him and noticed that even in the way he was sitting—there were the remnants of his education in the way he was positioned. He was straight and seemed tense all the time—ready for anything. She couldn’t even imagine how hard it must have been—for a child no less.
She wanted to apologise—but she knew it wouldn’t change anything. And besides, she couldn’t offer an apology for an ideology they were both fighting to keep and expand. She lowered her head and looked away. As the shuttle breached atmosphere and the bustling metropolis sprawled in all its dazzling chaos beneath.
She quickly stepped outside and looked around. It wasn’t like any planets she had ever visited. As a stormtrooper, JR-6025 had always been sent to rather unwelcoming planets or war-ridden places where the First Order wasn’t all powerful. But here…Here, the First Order was booming. She could see the banners and the civilisation buzzing with life. It was…not what she had expected from a planet ruled by the First Order. It was…alive. She looked back at general Hux—waiting for his instructions. A protocol droid came to get them and guided them to some big lodging with enough rooms to make her dizzy. Once the droid gone, she was once again reminded of general Hux’s presence and didn’t know what she should say or do…General Hux surveyed the grand accommodations with an impassive gaze, at home amid luxury yet still observing with a keen tactical eye. Turning to JR-6025, he noted her awestruck yet uncertain demeanor, familiar with her kind's unease away from familiar regimen.
"At ease, trooper. For the duration we are but diplomats, not dictated by ranks or codes. You may explore the grounds and experience what pleasures this gilded world has to offer," he said, voice modulated gentle yet commanding as ever. Then, a glint stirred in his steel gaze.
"Unless, of course, you'd care for a guide well-versed in Coruscanti intrigues ?" The faintest smirk edged his stern lips. For all his austerity, even he took secret delight in frivolities when duty permitted—and this trooper's company was growing from respite to something more anticipated.
"Come. I'll show you a sight that puts this plush prison to shame." Sweeping from the chamber, Hux waited for her by the door—to walk Coruscant streets alone, or witness its wonders through the eyes of one who knew both its light and shadows intimately.
She followed him dutifully.
Hux guided her through grand plazas and hovering skywalks with an intimate knowledge of the metropolis' layout. "There, that shaft leads to the Galactic Senate building. And beyond those spires lies the Jedi Temple ruins." His usually stern voice held a note almost conversational as he pointed out landmarks.
Coming to a high overlook, he paused. "Now this, troopers like yourself never see—the true heart of Coruscant, beating beneath the surface." Below stretched an endless metallic expanse, speeders whizzing between towering ziggurats and spiralling walkways.
JR-6025 gasped softly. Even Hux's usual aloof demeanour softened, taking in the breathtaking panorama with something like nostalgia. "Magnificent, is it not ? This planet's true majesty lies not in its gaudy glitter, but the ordered industry beneath."
"…Fascinating." She uttered in a whisper—her helmet hiding her expression of awe and admiration as to such marvel.
"…And the First Order controls it all ?"
General Hux's chest swelled with pride at her words. "Indeed. Through strength, discipline and vision, the First Order has brought unity and progress to this once fractured world."
He gazed out over the gleaming metropolis, each meticulously organized level a testament to his own exacting standards. "Chaos and corruption once reigned supreme, as the misguided Republic crumbled into warring fiefdoms. But we have restored order and stability through fair but firm rule."
Turning to JR-6025, his eyes shone with zealous conviction. "It is a vision that shall envelop the whole galaxy in time. World by world, system by system, the First Order will lift every being from lawless squalor toward their full potential." A faint smile curled his stern lips.
"I'm glad you witnessed this, trooper. Too often our true purpose is obscured by perception of brute force alone. But order, progression, enrichment of life—this is what we strive to cultivate across civilized space. And with operatives like yourself aiding our cause, ultimate triumph is assured."
"…And…what happens to those who cannot keep up with such modernity and its civilised ways ?" JR-6025 asked—already fearing the answer.
General Hux looked away and sighed.
"Not all worlds embrace progress willingly, it is true. Some peoples cling stubbornly to backward ways." He turned, leaning on the railing as his gaze grew stern. "Those who defy the Order's will and refuse our repeated offers of integration leave us little choice."
Hux studied his neatly gloved hands. "I will not lie—noncompliance is not tolerated. Planets deemed irredeemably hostile face...sanctions. Their infrastructure may be targeted to quash unrest and force capitulation." His voice hardened as he looked into the distance.
"It is an unpleasant reality, I know. But progress demands sacrifice. A few must suffer so many more may be lifted to new heights. Once integrated, even former dissidents enjoy improved standards of living under the Order's guidance."
Turning to her, his eyes softened. "It is not a path I relish, trooper. But as a strategist, I must consider the needs of the whole galaxy, and shape each world to maximize civilization's advance."
She hummed understandingly and leaned on the railing as well as her eyes took in the breathtaking sight once more.
"…Is it the reason you do it ? The reason you fight for the First Order. For civilization ? For a world where only order remains ?" She then looked at him. "…Or is it perhaps for glory ? A name to be made ? Do you wish for all to know the name of General Armitage Hux ?"
General Hux considered her questions carefully. This trooper had an uncanny ability to cut to the core of what moved him.
"At the start, perhaps ambition played too large a part in my designs," he admitted ponderously. "Rising through the ranks, establishing my House's legacy—such were primary motivators in my youth."
His stare grew distant, recalling origins steeped in shame seeking erasure through military might. But over decades shaping the First Order into an indomitable machine, perspective had evolved.
"In time, though, my vision expanded to encompass the galaxy entire. I came to understand the depths of rot and chaos that festered under the old regimes." Hux's eyes blazed with zealous belief.
"Order, discipline, unity of purpose—these are what shall propel the Order, and all civilization, to heights never dreamed. Through strength, we will forge a legacy not of one man, but of an eternal empire guiding the galaxy to peace and progress as never known."
His gaze found JR-6025's. "That, Trooper, is why I fight. And that vision alone shall see the First Order's legacy reign eternal."
She remained silent for a while before straightening up.
"…I know it is not my place to say, but I do believe in your greatness, sir. And I do admire your dedication to the First Order."
General Hux regarded the trooper with muted surprise. Few were so bold as to openly praise him so, yet her sincerity seemed beyond question. A warmth spread through him at her deep-seated loyalty, rare and precious as a Kyber crystal.
"Your belief in our cause is appreciated, JR-6025," he said quietly. Gazing out once more over the glittering expanse that was his vision given solid form, pride and purpose swelled within.
"It is operatives such as yourself, with unwavering dedication to duty and order, who will see the First Order truly triumph where all others have failed." Turning, he bestowed a small smile, meant as compliment beyond words.
"You have proven yourself an exceptional asset, Trooper. Therefore I am permitting you certain honors beyond your station." Reaching within his greatcoat, Hux produced a small metallic pin and fastened it to her armour himself.
"Wear this proudly—a token of my faith that together, through discipline and unity of purpose, we shall build a legacy to endure the millennia." His eyes gleamed with the weight of gloried futures yet to be forged through will and strength of arms.
She looked down at the pin and blinked twice in surprise before returning her gaze on general Hux.
"Thank you, sir." She felt proud and then lowered her voice as she whispered. "…And allow me to say that I believe in YOU. Always have. Always will."
General Hux stiffened almost imperceptibly at her hushed yet fervent pledge. Few had dared voice such intimate faith. Yet, he sensed no trap nor pretense—only steadfast belief in his vision, and in his leadership to see it realized.
Slowly, his stern features softened. "Your loyalty is a razor's edge, trooper, and all the sharper for it. In you I have indeed found a weapon to surpass even my calculations."
Grasping her pauldron gently, he gazed into her visored gaze with an intensity rarely afforded any being. "Together we have risen far, you and I. But farther still our empire shall reach, built on the cornerstones of faith like yours. Know that your dedication touches something deeper than mere strategy or protocol."
Releasing her, Hux turned once more to survey the glittering jewels below with a general surveying hard-won dominion. But within swelled a heat unfamiliar yet not unwelcome, born of her whispered oath.
"You speak frankly, JR-6025, beyond your station." His voice remained low yet modulated, gaze searching hers intently. Within her visor's reflective surface swam no guile or manipulation—only pure sincerity and deeper currents he dared not name.
"Greatness is a perception. Power, attainment, glory—these are but externals. To have earned even a single being's...faith, in what lies within..." Emotions ever elusive yet complexly woven through his being surfaced briefly, crafting a solemn sincerity upon lips more accustomed to disdain. "You honour me deeply, trooper. I swear to prove myself worthy of such belief, through strength of will and vision to forge a legacy of which we both may be proud."
She chuckled.
"Me ? Oh no, general. Not for me. For you see…If it is my validation you seek. You can have it. All of it. My faith in you never wavered. Never. Not once. You have nothing to prove to me—or to anyone. I know that you wish to prove yourself, but allow me to tell you that you…"
She took a step towards him and tilted her head.
"…you have NOTHING to prove. Your legacy is made. You are the general of the most powerful army in the galaxy…If I was being honest ? I strive to one day be but a little bit the man that you are."
General Hux stood immobilized as her impassioned speech washed over him. Never had any soul expressed such devoted faith in his intrinsic worth. Moments passed as he searched her visored gaze, finding only ardent sincerity meeting his own widened eyes. Then, slowly, warmth bloomed within like the dawning of some unknown sun. His lips curved ever so slightly, touched by unseen gentleness.
"Your loyalty astounds me, JR-6025...as does your perception." Lifting a hand, he softly traced the curve of her mask, longing to glimpse the eyes beneath lending him such unexpected solace.
"There is no praise I could offer to equal what I have heard from you." His palm lingered, transmitting a pulse of gratitude, respect—and something deeper, kindling in a heart that had long forgotten how to hope. At last, Hux smiled. "Come. It is time to get ready for the gathering ahead."
She smiled underneath her helmet.
"As you wish, sir."
She started walking back next to him and looked around at the city around them.
General Hux walked beside JR-6025 in reflective silence as they took in the glittering cityscape. An unseen burden had lifted from his shoulders, leaving room to truly see anew the magnificence wrought through his driven hand. Every gleaming tower and speeding airspeeder bore witness to his will given manifest form. Yet where before he saw only a machine of conquering supremacy, now deeper layers of meaning emerged. Here dwelled untold multitudes, each soul with potential to thrive and better the whole through unity and purpose.
His gaze found JR-6025 at his side, the spark that ignited this shifting perception. Within her words no judgement dwelt, only pure and unadulterated faith. And for her belief alone, worlds newly opened within his hardened heart. Coruscant shone ever brighter as in her companionship, new vision dawned.
General Hux’ protocol droid K-4 came to them when they were walking back to their lodging and informed him:
"Sir. It is. 6. pm. 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining until the. Gathering. You have. To. Get prepared."
General Hux nodded promptly before another droid came to lead JR-6025 to her bedroom where clothes and a mask had been provided for the night. General Hux quickly prepared to get dressed for the gathering. Once he was dressed, he went to JR-6025’s door and knocked.
"JR-6025. It is time to go."
He heard a faint commotion inside.
"Yes, general. I apologise. I am still getting dressed." General Hux nodded.
"Very well. No need to apologise. Take your time." General Hux waited patiently for Jr-6025 to finish up so they could head to the gathering. A few minutes passed and General Hux could still hear noises from her room. General Hux grew slightly impatient as he waited outside her door.
When she finally got out, she was dressed in the beautiful midnight gown with star-like patterns that General Hux had asked a droid to give to her the night before. She had her hair braided and her face was covered with a mask that General Hux had personally chosen for the occasion. She didn’t know if she would look the part as his plus one, but she would certainly try…
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General Hux’s eyes widened slightly when he caught a glimpse of JR-6025. She was actually quite beautiful in the dress he had ordered for her. The dress suited her and he couldn’t help but look at her with awe. General Hux stood silent, admiring her and couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She indeed looked the part as his plus one and he was quite happy with her appearance.
She remained silent, patiently awaiting judgment. General Hux was finally able to gather himself and was able to respond.
"I must say that the dress looks better on you than I had anticipated…"
General Hux slowly stepped forward and held his hand out to her, so she could take it and they could walk. She stared at his hand and smiled before hovering her hand over his.
"You know…It is not too late to change your mind." General Hux gave out a small laugh when she said this. For a split second, General Hux had that thought but quickly shook it off. General Hux was determined to have JR-6025 by his side and he was not going to change his mind now. General Hux slowly nudged his hand forward as he wanted JR-6025 to take his hand. He was already imagining the two of them walking into that gathering together. He kept smiling and was patiently waiting for her to finally take his hand.
She sighed in defeat and finally took it.
General Hux was pleased to see her take his hand and remained silent as they began to walk. He didn’t speak but, he was trying to fight the feeling of just wanting to stop walking and keeping her hand locked with his. JR-6025 stopped just as they were about to walk into the room. She held her breath. She hadn’t been nervous until that very moment. General Hux noticed that JR-6025 had gone completely silent and had stopped walking. He looked over to her and realized that she was starting to get nervous. He could sense her worry. He looked over at JR-6025 and spoke in a softer tone, so that she perhaps wouldn’t realize that she was going into this gathering with a First Order general.
"You’re doing fine. There’s nothing to be nervous about. You just need to stay by my side."
General Hux was now trying to comfort her. He smiled and spoke in a soft but reassuring tone. But, JR-6025 was starting to realise just how out of depth she was about to be…
"…What if I fail ? What if I embarrass you ?"
General Hux smiled and chuckled.
"You won’t fail. You won’t embarrass me either, JR-6025. You have got nothing to worry about. Just stay calm and I promise that you won’t disappoint me. All I need you to do is stand by my side and be yourself. It is quite simple."
"Will you guide me ?" She asked and instinctively squeezed his hand. General Hux smiled and gave a soft nod.
"Yes. I will guide you. All you have to do is stick by my side. Keep yourself calm and let me handle the rest. We’re going to be fine."
She nodded.
"What if people ask questions ?"
General Hux smiled and looked over at her as they walked.
"They won’t ask any questions. Just keep quiet and let me do all the talking. All you have to do is look pretty and stay by my side. That’s it."
She looked at him.
"What if something comes up and I cannot handle it ?"
General Hux looked over at her and spoke.
"That is not going to happen. Besides, I will be by your side to support you. All you need to do is simply stay calm and remain by my side. Keep your thoughts to yourself and don’t speak any more than you have to. You won’t disappoint me."
General Hux gave her a slight smile and gave her hand the slightest squeeze. He looked forward to getting through this gathering with her. General Hux felt something he had never really felt before. He didn’t know whether to love it or hate it. Part of him felt uncomfortable with this attachment he was feeling towards her but another part of him felt comfort from it. General Hux felt a little bit conflicted currently but he was trying to block out the negative thoughts.
She sighed and nodded before they started walking again and a thought passed through her head as they walked. A thought that made her shake her head in disbelief.
"…You could have had a princess." She uttered in a whisper and shook her head in disbelief. She deplored her own fate…General Hux was slightly surprised by her words when she whispered that he could have had a princess. The general then smiled and chuckled a little bit at her comment.
"Well…I didn’t want a princess. I wanted you."
JR-6025's breath caught behind her mask at the general's unexpected words. But before she could respond, the grand entryway loomed, filled with First Order elite in opulent finery. She gripped Hux's hand tighter for strength, sensing his own pulse quicken beneath pristine gloves. Then, his tone came firm and clear:
"Hold your head high. You are here as my equal, and any who question that will answer to me. Now, let us make our entrance—and start them wondering, shall we ?"
At her nod, they swept within together, the epitome of military poise and discipline. Yet beneath the surface, unfamiliar passions stirred, threatening long-held strictures. Would this forbidden dance end in the shattering of lives, or something more ? Announced, they began mingling amid lavish festivities. JR-6025 kept finely tuned to each subtle cue from Hux, charming dignitaries with poised discussion of policy. Her wit and intelligence impressed all—all save one, a visiting Lord who eyed her mask with disdain.
"A trooper, General ? I expected a worthier guest for our great general…." The man smirked.
General Hux's steely gaze cut to the haughty lord, smiling politely yet with an edge like a vibroblade. "Only results and loyalty impress me, Lord Javis. I find both attributes in my companion in quantities vastly exceeding your own."
Taking JR-6025's gauntleted hand securely in his, Hux lifted it to graze a subtle kiss upon her knuckles, never breaking the petulant lordling's stare. "While you quibble over trivialities, my associate excels at objectives that truly matter. So I suggest directing your contempt towards more productive ends."
As Javis sputtered—so did JR-6025. She hadn’t expected such a gesture from general Hux who then proceeded to ignore her eyes wide open in surprise. He turned smoothly to introduce JR-6025 to another esteemed officer. "Colonel Versio, allow me to present Trooper JR-6025—recently promoted to my personal attaché. Her strategic mind and courage in the field have proven time and again why she deserves the recognition."
Gleaming proudly beneath her mask, JR-6025 addressed Versio respectfully yet without reserve as to the extent of her admiration towards Colonel Versio’s recent wins on the battlefield. All the while, at her side Hux watched with an appreciative smile, pleased his plus one shone where superficial courtiers like Javis forever stumbled. Her radiance tonight far outshone any gem in the glittering hall—it was a light he found himself craving, like the true North star in this realm of false lights and misguiding beacons.
After that, JR-6025 seemed to play her part as the good company of general Hux. Her conversation was correct and quite interesting, but she then let general Hux do most of the talking as she decided to obey him and just stand by his side as he spoke. She looked around and saw people talking and dancing and eating…There were so many people, so many members and allies of the First Order…General Hux continued to walk with JR-6025 as they saw the many guests gathered within the room. General Hux noticed that JR-6025 was still holding onto his arm and he proceeded to gently pull her closer to him as as they kept walking from guest to guest. General Hux made sure to introduce her to many of the guests. JR-6025 smiled at them, but didn’t talk out of turn or without being absolutely sure that her words wouldn’t be considered offensive.
The evening proceeded smoothly, with JR-6025 charming all in attendance with her subtle wit and insightful discussion. Ever at Hux's side, she observed each interaction keenly, learning the intricate dance of power politics.
"You handle yourself admirably, as expected," Hux whispered to her with a small smile. She smiled back and didn’t say anything…not until she overheard people talking nearby and her blood froze in her veins.
"General Hux…How dare he show his face after such disgrace ?"
"The Starkiller base’s destruction. Such tragedy."
"Doesn’t he have any shame ?"
"To think he lost the Starkiller base..."
"No wonder. He is but a bastard. The rejected son of Commandant Brendol Hux and some kitchen woman…"
General Hux stayed silent as he attempted to avoid listening to them. He was tired and didn’t need to say anything. He knew many would be spitting on his name tonight…JR-6025 suddenly stopped walking however and all muttering and dark whispering stopped to look at her. She then detached herself from the General’s arm and looked around fearlessly at all who had dared insult the General. A bunch of snakes with venomous poison dripping from their gapping jaws…
"How DARE you ?! General Hux was at the origin of the Starkiller base ! He single-handedly annihilated the New Republic by destroying Hosnian Prime ! He is the closest general to have ever completely wiped out the Rebellion ! He promoted the development of new technology that allowed the First Order fleet to track targets through hyperspace ! So, if you dare question his competence as a First Order member ? Then, I invite you all to question your own judgment and investment to the new order !" She declared loudly and all the faces turned towards her in shock and she scrutinised each of them with a glare.
General Hux listened to JR-6025 and bit back a smile as no one dared to object. He knew he ought to stop letting her make a fool of herself—but he was too stunned and happy to care. He was enjoying thoroughly the way the other members all fell silent in front of the girl—the only one who he had ever heard stood up for him. Supreme Leader Snoke had always favoured Kylo and he had never felt good enough…but she had changed his perspective just by speaking her truth.
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General Hux couldn’t help but be stunned by her declaration. His eyes were wide and he couldn’t stop smiling at how proud he felt towards her. General Hux watched as everyone fell silent and was actually shocked at this small stormtrooper standing up for him and making them all look foolish. General Hux was completely taken aback by this but at the same time he was incredibly proud of Jr-6025 for standing up for him like this. General Hux could clearly feel this attachment to her growing.
JR-6025 turned to face Hux once more, chin held high in defiance of all whispered slights. For a long moment their eyes held, an unspoken understanding passing between them amid the throng of onlookers frozen in shocked silence.
At last, Hux spoke, voice ringing cold and clear. "You have all witnessed trooper JR-6025's...fervent defense of my character and achievements. I expect any further disparaging remarks to be weighed...carefully, lest one find themselves sharing her candor."
A hush fell as his meaning chilled the sweltering air. Satisfied, Hux nodded dismissal, offering JR-6025 his arm once more. As they turned to circulate, he continued in lower tones:
"I thought I had made myself clear on your role that was to remain discreet and let me do the talking ?"
"I apologise, sir." She seemed genuinely ashamed as she lowered her head and General Hux chuckled.
"Hmm…No need." He replied before pulling her closer to whisper in her ear. "I’d take hearing you singing my praises over hearing one more platitude from any of them any day. I would however hate to see your own light dimmed by their venomous words…"
She met his gaze steadily. "There are greater risks than idle gossip, sir. And no star shines alone…Together, our light may eclipse all others."
A half-smile quirked his severe lips, approval and something more kindling unseen in pale eyes. "Ever the idealist, I see. We shall see if optimism serves where cynicism and strategy have...limitations. For now, circulate—but remain vigilant. Where vultures gather, carrion may not be far..."
Hux then swept onwards to mingle, leaving JR-6025 to contemplate deeper mysteries than any festive frivolity held.
She then proceeded to look around and let her ears catch onto any piece of information regarding the missing scavenger girl. If she was to hear of any clues concerning her whereabouts, they she could maybe use it to gain general Hux’s trust further without having to condemn Rey or Finn ? She hoped so anyway…JR-6025 circulated discreetly through the lavish festivities, discreetly gathering whispers and fragments amid gilded revelries. More and more, her sharp mind perceived subtleties in each dance of information, discerning truths obscures by artifice and agenda.
A scrap here, an inference there—slowly, clues accumulated. Through it all, her keen eyes followed General Hux across the glittering scene, observing with newfound understanding how he wielded calculation and charisma to subtle yet inexorable effect. Power, she learned, held many faces—and where best concealed, its grasp proved deepest.
At last, mingling brought reward. A passing dignitary, lubricated by libations, let slip cryptic word of Resistance missions targeting the Atzerri system. Piecing scraps within her processor's vault, hope kindled—if confirmed, this may aid the Finalizer's hunt while bolstering her standing with General Hux.
Sequestering her newfound knowledge, JR-6025 emerged renewed into the festive swells, circulating with poise and patience. Calculating eyes sought out General Hux, discreetly catching his notice amid social maneuvers. A subtle inclination of her mask conveyed her readiness, and promise, to impart discovery that may shift the tides of their looming conflict. For now, intimations would suffice—for the dance had only begun.
She was about to go to him when she saw him being surrounded by women. One in particular took General Hux’s hand and they started dancing together. JR-6025 was stunned by how flawless and graceful he seemed.
She didn’t even know that general Hux could dance…
JR-6025 observed the scene impassively from behind her mask, betraying no reaction. Over a lifetime's programming, she had learned much about controlling outward expressions that might endanger duty or mission objectives.
Yet within, unfamiliar stirrings arose as she watched the General glide effortlessly across the gleaming floor, every movement a precision calculation in itself. No movement was without purpose, just as each word he spoke held layers of meaning for perceptive ears. Nearing the dance floor's edge as the song swelled, she awaited her moment. When at last the pair spun gracefully past, she inclined her head slightly to catch the General's eyes.
A subtle gesture, yet one carrying her usual message—an opportunity had emerged, if he was ready to seize it. Duty before pleasure, as always. His own head bent almost imperceptibly in response—the barest signal her information was received, and invitation understood.
Soon. For now, the games of politics and pleasure continued apace. But whenever the music ended, JR-6025 would be waiting to share what secrets she had gleaned this evening. There, duty would resume its rightful place once more. She spotted him while dancing with the other woman and inclined her head discreetly to catch his eyes. He seemed to have noticed and given a subtle response. She smiled beneath her mask and waited respectfully for him to be done.
Soon enough, the song ended and everyone politely clapped. General Hux bowed to the woman who curtsied back and headed towards her companions. General Hux then briskly walked towards JR-6025’s direction looking determined.
She stood up straight as he approached.
"Sir. I believe I have obtained valuable intelligence during the evening."
General Hux walked directly towards JR-6025 with purpose, leaving his dance partner behind. Reaching her position discreetly along the perimeter, his eyes gleamed with keen interest behind customary stoicism.
"You have proven yourself a quick study in more than just battle, it seems," he murmured, the barest note of approval in his aloof tone. "Proceed."
JR-6025 proceeded to relay to him in hushed yet concise tones all that her diligent ears had heard—fragments overheard, locations matched to past intel, possibilities extrapolated. Her delivery remained dutifully calm and factual, yet an undercurrent of excitement threaded her words. This was why she had come, after all—to prove value beyond dance floors or decorum. To advance their cause through vigilance and ingenuity.
Her report delivered efficiently. Now she awaited her next task, ready to mobilize on his command.
He finally nodded.
"Alright, trooper. Well done. Continue your search and find as much information you can on the whereabouts of the scavenger girl and FN-2187. I shall gather intelligence of my own in the mean time."
JR-6025 snapped a crisp salute. "Yes sir, right away."
Her circumspect scanning of the festivities had already begun identifying useful contacts for further interrogation. A senior port authority with knowledge of lesser-charted routes, perhaps, or a mining consortium leader prone to loose lips after drinks.
Turning to depart on her new directive, some instinct made her pause and glance back. So many people dancing together. So many with graceful movements and delicate limbs perfectly matched or in sync with each other…Her eyes then landed on General Hux—watching over the crowd with sharp and attentive eyes.
Would he indulge her the fancy of a dance ? She wondered before shaking her head.
Ridiculous, of course. Sentiment had no place in their climbing ascension. Still, as when storm clouds shift unseen on the horizon, something intangible stirred within her. Shaking off such frivolities, JR-6025 melted back into the glittering horde. Her mission was clear: gather all intelligence that may shift the tide of war. Onward she glided through the crowds and rooms alike, an invisible ghost gathering secrets in service of a so-called far greater purpose. For the dawn of Order Absolute…until she had the unfortunate fate of brushing past a man whose hand quickly reached out for her arm.
JR-6025 stiffened as the man's meaty fingers closed around her slender wrist in an unyielding grip. "Unhand me at once," she demanded coldly, meeting his bulbous eyes with a venomous glare beneath her mask.
"Feisty, aren't you ?" he chuckled, bowing closer to leer amid cloying puffs of spice-laden breath. "Come now, a dance won't hurt, pretty."
JR-6025's blood ran cold as the man's grip tightened painfully. But before retaliation could come, a booming voice cut through the fray.
"Unhand her. Now."
The intruder flinched visibly at the ominous modified tones. Slowly, he turned to face the towering masked figure that was Kylo Ren, flanked by shadowy knights.
"L-Lord Ren, I meant no disrespect," the fool stammered, releasing JR-6025's wrist as if burnt. "A dance, nothing more, I swear—"
Ren's mechanical rasp cut him short. "Your sworn word is worthless, worm. Consider yourself fortunate I do not end you where you stand." A twitch of fingers, and the man gasped, clawing at his throat as invisible bonds constricted.
"Leave. And pray we do not cross paths again." As the blue-faced offender fled, Ren turned to JR-6025, looming over her diminished form. Behind his mask, keen eyes scanned for injury past rigid composure.
"You were wise to decline such degraded company, trooper," he growled. "But in future, do not hesitate to end scum yourself, if left no other option. Now go—I am sure your esteemed general awaits your return."
Before he could go, JR-6025 suddenly had the foolish and absurd urge to ask:
"Sir…I hate to ask but, do you know how to dance ?"
Ren froze mid-step at her unexpected question, coils of cape swirling about his armored form. Slowly, he turned to face her, unseen brows knitting beneath angular mask.
"You question my knowledge, trooper ?" The vocoder imbued even casual speech with menace, yet she sensed no active threat in his posture. Merely...curiosity.
Steeling herself, JR-6025 met his masked gaze evenly. "Dancing requires skill beyond combat, sir. As one familiar with passion's many forms, I surmised you might possess such...nuanced understanding."
For a long moment he regarded her in silence, weighing indignation and grudging respect in turn. At last, his wide shoulders dropped subtly from their battle-ready line.
"You presume much, yet not without reason, it seems." Gloved hands lifted in placating gesture. "I was trained in diplomacy's subtler arts as well, in a past I no longer claim. The steps remain, though the heart which moved them is...altered, let us say."
He extended a hand, mechanical voice softening marginally. "I take it you wished a lesson, then, trooper ? To deal more capably with such...importunities as you faced, should they arise again ?"
JR-6025 eyed the proffered hand, considering. Then, steeling herself once more, she placed her slender fingers within his leather-clad grasp.
"I am yours to instruct, Master Ren."
And so, in a secluded alcove far from prying eyes, their strange duet began.
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Ren wrapped an armored hand gently around her waist, guiding her palm to rest upon his other gloved one, holding it aloft. "Relax. I will lead—follow my steps, and let the rhythm guide you."
At first JR-6025 was stiff, limbs feeling mechanical as her polished boot pressed back against his in the opening movement. But as the dance began in slow circles, his sure grip and the music's sway helped loosen her paralysis.
"Good. Breathe, and feel how I shift my weight to turn. Anticipate, do not react." His vocoder rumbled low encouragement as she began to glide with more practiced grace. Soon their measured paces flowed as one, JR-6025 losing herself in the dance. Her silver mask tilted up to meet his obscured one, sensing an intimacy beneath plates of transparisteel and durasteel which words could not adequately name.
"You learn quickly, for one untutored in the ways of society." Ren's growl belied an approving note. "Let passion inform your form, yet do not be ruled by it. Control stems from within; power means little without mastery of the self."
His lessons in dance held deeper metaphysical lessons, JR-6025 comprehended. As the music swelled towards climax, so too did a recognition pass between them—of kindred spirits seeking answers beyond what others deemed acceptable. The last notes faded, and they slowed in each other's arms, breathing hard. As the music faded, JR-6025 became acutely aware of how closely she was still held in Ren's grasp. Stepping back, she bowed her head respectfully.
"You are a master indeed, Lord Ren. I am... grateful, for this knowledge you have shared."
His vocoder buzzed cryptically. "Think nothing of it, trooper. Your...inquisitiveness, intrigues me." One leathered finger tilted her chin up to meet his obscured gaze once more. "There is darkness in you, barely tapped. With proper... cultivation, who knows what wonders might bloom."
She shuddered beneath his caress, sensing invitation—and peril—in his enigmatic words. This was not the comfort of familiar duty, but a plunge into unfathomable deeps.
"I live to serve the First Order," was all she said finally, as noncommittally as possible.
Ren straightened to his full, menacing height once more. "For now. But forces stir beyond mere politics and warfare, trooper. Keep your senses attuned. The night holds many mysteries...as do I."
"What mysteries do you conceal I wonder ?" She couldn’t help but smile cheekily and Ren's hulking form loomed over the diminutive trooper, aura darkening at her audacity. Yet within his vocoder, a hint of sardonic amusement thrummed.
"Mysteries enough to chill lesser souls to the core, trooper. Dark powers dwell within this galaxy's shadow places from which even I am not immune." His fingers twitched, as if longing to call those powers forth and demonstrate their potency. But restraint held reign, for now.
"As for what mysteries I conceal…" Heavy boots carried him into a slow prowl around her stationary form, obscuring mask gazing down intently. "Let us just say the darkness I command holds insight into energies long banned by the so-called Light. Powers that could transform one such as yourself from pawn to player upon the grand chessboard…"
Gloved hands emerged from beneath swathing robes to hover a hairsbreadth from her slight shoulders. Her every muscle tensed yet held fast, awaiting his next move with wary curiosity.
"Reveal to me, trooper—do you hunger for true strength, beyond what your master deign allow ? To wield abilities none other can claim, and walk free of restraint ?"
His vocoder now whispered sibilant promise dire and sweet.
"Me ? And what sort of darkness do you see in me, Lord Rem ?
Ren's helmet tilted, analyzing her challenge. His leathered grip tightened minutely upon her arm.
"Do not pretend ignorance, JR-6025. I see the rage that simmers beneath your rigid self-control...the hunger for more than this pale imitation of life they have crafted for you. You ache to break free of petty rules and find your true potential."
His vocoder lowered to a rumbling whisper. "I can teach you to embrace that darkness, not fear it. With me, you would command far more than mere trooper legions. Worlds would bend to our power. Does that not stir your blood, little soldier ?"
His free hand drifted to her masked cheek in a mockery of caress. "Let go your restraints, your manufactured purpose, and feel what it is to be truly free. Power. Passion. Purpose of your own devising, without limit. I can make you a god among these insects. All that I ask..."
His mask drew close, until she could feel its chill against her own. "Is that you pledge yourself to me. Body and soul, to do with as I will. Say you will be mine, JR-6025. And I will teach you things none in this galaxy comprehend."
Behind her mask, JR-6025's breath came short and fast.
"It is…a very tempting offer. But, I am afraid my loyalty is to the First Order. And General Hux." She smiled apologetically. "Besides, do not waste your time with a stormtrooper, Lord Kylo Ren. There is truly nothing special about me. I have absolutely no connection to the Force or the mysteries of the Universe."
Ren's masked helmet drew back sharply, as if struck. For a long moment he said nothing, armor creaking as gloved fists clenched and unclenched in palpable frustration.
Then his vocoder crackled coldly. "Do not presume to judge your worth, trooper. The Force flows through all living things—its currents merely lay dormant in the uninitiated. I sense your potential far exceeds such meager titles or duties."
One leathered finger jabbed accusingly against her mask. "You fear to seize your destiny, clinging instead to the meaningless scraps he deems your purpose. But you and I both know the true hunger that gnaws within—for revelation, supremacy, purpose beyond anything these political puppets could understand…"
His hand fell upon her shoulder in a crushing grip, mask drawing close once more. "Deny your nature at your peril, JR-6025. I offer the galaxy itself—surely a fleeting infatuation or hollow sense of duty cannot compare ? Come. Let me ignite the fires within you, and you will see how paltry such loyalties seem beside true power."
The magnetism of his words was almost impossible to resist, darkness a tantalizing siren call. At the same time, her duty held irresistible obligation...Conflict raged within, as Kylo Ren's grip seemed to physically manifest invisible bonds now straining. What path would she choose, when duty and destiny collided so ? In that agonizing moment of suspended choice, Ren knew he had found a kindred spirit indeed. One who understood viscerally the war between light and shadow within. Now was the time to press his advantage, bend her will to the service of a power greater than any mere ideology...
Suddenly, she felt a presence beside her and looked back to see none other than General Hux. He gave Kylo Ren a tight-lipped smile before putting a hand on JR-6025’s shoulder.
"May I have my plus one back, Ren ?"
Ren's cold gaze turned to regard the newcomer, rage smoldering behind circuits at the interruption. But Hux met his shrouded gaze fearlessly, hand squeezed almost imperceptibly upon JR-6025's shoulder in a gesture of both claim and comfort. For a long moment the Dark warrior and General faced off in tense standoff, wills locked in battle as potent as any physical clash. Ren sensed his prize slipping away, the void within crying out for completion of his gift to awaken her true power.
But Hux had seized upon the most effective tool to counter the knight's sorcery—simple, immutable duty. His presence anchored JR-6025's conflicted spirit once more in obligations Ren could not so easily sever with mere words alone.
At last Ren's vocoder crackled contemptuously. "For now, General. But this is not over. The spark has been lit, and I shall fan its flames until they consume all else. She belongs to powers you cannot begin to grasp."
With that veiled portent he swept away. Leaving Hux and JR-6025 locked in a silence far heavier than before Ren's intercession, duty and destiny's war made viscerally manifest in their very souls. JR-6025 shuddered as Kylo Ren's ominous words echoed in her mind. His vision of infinite power had almost tempted her to renounce all else. But now, anchored once more in duty by the General's steadying grip, clarity slowly returned.
Her place was here, serving the Order to which she had pledged her life. More than that—Hux had shown her kindness, respect, seen her potential when others saw only a number. To abandon that, for the shadowy allure of the dark side, went against her core. Yet Ren's words retained an insidious ring; his insights into her true nature unnerved in their accuracy.
Hux offered JR-6025 his arm calmly, ever the paragon of rigid self-control. But when she took it, fingers wrapped his armored wrist instead, as if to reassure herself of anchor amid the tempest loosed this fateful night.
JR-6025 smiled behind her mask as she took Hux's leather-clad hand in her own. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, general Hux ?"
His answering smirk held a familiar note of cunning amid cool detachment, a spark stirring in icy eyes as he drew her close. "Very well, trooper. But, I must warn you. I have little patience for fumbled footsteps upon such important occasions as these."
She met his challenging gaze steadily. "You'll find I am a quick study, sir, and hope not to disappoint." As the music began in drifting swells, JR-6025 allowed herself to follow Hux's graceful lead with growing confidence.
Each turn and step flowed smoothly as they glided across the gleaming floor, the perfect picture of coordination and command. But beneath the dutiful rhythm, JR-6025 sensed lingering turbulence from Ren's provocative encounter.
Leaning closer to Hux's angular jaw, she murmured where only he could hear, "My place remains at your side, General, as it has always been. Your guidance alone do I heed."
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His pale eyes flickered down to meet her obscured gaze, a flicker of something—approval ? possessiveness ?—kindling in their icy depths. "See that it remains so, trooper. Your...talents, would be wasted following that wayward fool into darkness."
As the dance carried them on, JR-6025 sensed an unspoken belonging reinforced in Hux's firm yet respectful grip. Whatever mysteries the night held, for now duty and a will stronger than shadow's siren call would be her anchors in the light. As the music swelled towards its crescendo, JR-6025 became keenly aware of how closely she and Hux now moved in their waltz, bodies melding with practiced synchronicity.
His sure grip radiated palpable strength, daring her to match his poise and precision through the dance's most intricate maneuvers. Sweat sheened their brows, yet never for an instant did composure or control falter. At last the final notes rang out across the gleaming hall in a vibrating echo, leaving them breathless yet standing proud as the sole occupants of a bubble apart from polite applause. Chest to chest they paused, regarding one another in that surreal interlude suspended from reality's constraints.
"You acquitted yourself admirably, as I knew you would. Let no mongrel words divide what is mine, is that understood…trooper ?" His soft rasp held veiled threat that sent a shiver down her spine, even as a flush of fierce belonging replaced conflict within her heart.
JR-6025 nodded, lips curving behind her mask in a subtle smile. "Crystal clear, general. I belong at your side—now and always."
The General's sculpted lips curled at her affirmation, a glint of primitive satisfaction lighting icy eyes. "As well you should remember, my resourceful trooper."
His arms withdrew reluctantly as their private moment ended, duty calling them back into the glittering throng. But some subtle shift had occurred, resonance of a deeper bond beyond mere ranks and titles stirring in their united souls. Ren's seductive shadow-call now seemed distant, obscuring memories of who and what she was: a tool of Order, forged in rigid discipline yet nurturing sparks of more within. Loyalty and finding belonging mattered most. With Hux's discerning eye to hone her talents, who knew the heights attainable ? For now honing skills and learning all she could from him fulfilled deepest drives for meaning and mastery.
Thus resolved, JR-6025 proceeded the rest of the evening as Hux's shadow; observing, listening, learning from each subtly waged interaction the finer points of dominating through guile and demonstrating one's mettle. Subtly too she noted who among the Order's elite seemed most valued—or viewed with disdain and distrust. Information was power, after all, in this nest of aspiring avians and lurking serpents.
"I will continue my mission—if you’d allow me ?" She asked general Hux who smiled and nodded.
She nodded before going near the buffet and General Hux stayed behind, his eyes lingering on her. He smiled and then, a voice made itself heard next to him.
"So…It seems you also brought a stormtrooper as your plus one, General Hux ?" He heard a familiar voice say behind him and didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. The voice continued.
"Captain Phasma." He acknowledged.
"General Hux." She acknowledged back and smiled. "Rather impressive. She succeeded in making all of those who hate you hate you a little less…"
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General Hux quickly turned towards Phasma with a subtle grin on his face. He was enjoying the fact that his plus one had managed to impress everyone in the room as well. General Hux was hoping that she would be able to keep up the same energy throughout the party. General Hux was feeling more and more attached to JR-6025 at what he perceived as being a successful appearance.
General Hux gave Phasma a subtle smile in response and spoke.
"Indeed she has. She has managed to impress all of us, not just me. It seems like I made the right choice when I decided to bring her with me tonight."
Captain Phasma nodded and smiled back.
"…I know this stormtrooper. She fought with me on Takodana rather valiantly. And yet, I heard that you had made sure she doesn’t get a promotion. Too bad. She seemed to have all the qualities required to become a great sergeant…unless you have ulterior motives—of course." Captain Phasma glanced at him knowingly.
General Hux’s smile faded when Phasma brought up the notion that he had ulterior motives towards JR-6025. She seemed to be perceptive enough to figure out there was something else going on and she even pointed out that he was keeping any potential promotion away from JR-6025. General Hux was still feeling a little bit proud because of her recognised bravery, but this comment by Phasma had caught his attention and he wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to let her find anything out.
General Hux remained silent for a few moments and was thinking of the best way to respond without giving too much away. General Hux had to deny what she was saying because she was beginning to get a little too close to the truth. General Hux didn’t like the idea that his plans may be discovered or that he was being so transparent. General Hux was beginning to realize that Phasma was quite observant and he had to come up with a response that would not make it seem like he had something to hide.
General Hux gave out a fake laugh as he spoke.
"You have quite an imagination, Captain Phasma. How ridiculous for you to assume just because she was so brave and intelligent on the field that I must have some ulterior motive in not promoting her. I am simply making sure that she remains focused on her duties within the First Order. She is just a simple stormtrooper and I know it would be too much to throw promotion too early. It’s always too easy to be seduced by power and I would not want that to happen to her."
"Right." Captain Phasma had a small amused smile playing on her lips. "So thoughtful of you, general."
General Hux tried to let out a little chuckle. He knew that Phasma could see through this charade, but he was too proud to admit anything. He was feeling a little irritated because it felt like she saw right through him. General Hux was starting to wonder if he may be too transparent and too vulnerable with Phasma here. General Hux was trying to keep his cool when he spoke back to her.
General Hux continued with his charade as he replied back.
"Exactly. My focus is making sure that she remains level headed and focused on her duties."
"Oh yes. I am quite sure your intentions are in perfect alignment with the ones of the First Order. But, are you sure that the reason you are refusing JR-6025 a promotion isn’t because of…more personal reasons ?" Captain Phasma kept a knowing smile on her face as she looked at him once more.
General Hux couldn’t help but chuckle at her statement. She was getting way too close to the truth.
"How ridiculous of you to assume there is anything personal between JR-6025 and I. I simply am choosing to not promote her at this time because I believe she is still too inexperienced. You would want your soldiers to be level-headed and aware no ?"
"Of course, sir." She grinned as she brought a glass of champagne to her lips. "How ridiculous indeed…"
General Hux remained calm to not betray any emotion on his face. He was still trying to play it off as if he was being nothing but truthful. Captain Phasma was really beginning to make him feel nervous. General Hux tried not to let her affect him. But she was getting way too close to the truth. General Hux had to think of a good counter for what she was saying to keep the charade going. General Hux spoke back.
"Perhaps you feel you know better than I who should deserve a promotion in the First Order ?"
That seemed to make Phasma reconsider her direct approach.
"I would never assume to be any better than you are at your job, sir. I have the utmost respect for you. But…" Her smile faltered for a second "…does JR-6025 know ?"
General Hux’s anxiety seemed to increase as the conversation was going on. She was coming dangerously close to discovering his true intentions regarding JR-6025. General Hux tried to keep his calm and spoke in a low tone.
"What do you mean ? Know what ?"
Phasma suddenly lost her smile as she looked down at Hux—reminding him suddenly of their height difference.
"Does JR-6025 know that she is no longer First Order property—but yours exclusively ?"
General Hux suddenly froze. His breathing was fastened from the shock of her question and his heart was beating fast from this situation. General Hux looked deeply into Phasma’s eyes. Phasma was quite perceptive which is what made her so deadly. General Hux had to watch what he said at this point.
"Do not bring up any absurd conclusions like that. JR-6025 is not my personal property. That would be absurd."
"Is that so ?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Forgive me. I must have been misinformed then."
General Hux tried to play it off with a subtle grin as he responded.
"We all make mistakes. I assure you that this is indeed one of those times where you are just misinterpreting the situation. JR-6025 is by no means my personal property. She is just a simple stormtrooper that I have chosen to bring with me tonight. There is nothing to read into this situation beyond that."
"Of course…" Captain Phasma chuckled. "Then if anyone would take her away from you, it wouldn’t bother you one bit, would it ?"
General Hux’s heart started to beat even faster in his chest as she asked that question. He was very afraid that she had actually read between the lines. General Hux had to be very careful with how he responded. General Hux would not let anyone take Jr-6025 away from him. But he was also trying not to be too obvious about it.
"Why don’t we stop assuming things, Captain Phasma. There is nothing personal between myself and Jr-6025—" General Hux could not even finish that sentence.
"Come on, general. Your eyes haven’t left her since the moment you both walked in. You barely give me a glance every morning, and I may be the closest to an ally you have within the First Order." She smirked.
General Hux was not expecting that she would make this observation. Was General Hux really becoming too attached ? Why was this bothering him so much ? He felt completely off and he was starting to lose his cool.
"How ridiculous. I cannot look away for a moment without you making assumptions."
Captain Phasma chuckled.
"I am merely stating facts. Your eyes haven’t left her. Not for one second. Well, until I arrived anyway." Again General Hux felt all of his anxiety build as he realized how transparent he was becoming. He was aware of the fact that he had been staring at Jr-6025 all night long, not wanting to miss a single second of her. He also felt a wave of anger and annoyance build as she kept pointing out things that he did not want her to point out. General Hux decided he needed to turn this around somehow. General Hux was silent for a bit, deciding what to say next. It was clear that Phasma was getting under his skin and he wanted to try and turn this whole thing around. General Hux wanted to gain the upper hand again. He looked straight at her and tried to speak in a very composed way.
"My eyes haven’t left her because I was simply observing her behavior here. I need to make sure that she behaves herself and doesn’t do anything embarrassing here tonight. That is all."
"Ah. Of course." Phasma hummed—unconvinced. She then gave the room a quick glance and realised that…you were nowhere on sight. "Then, I am sorry to inform you that your plan has failed and your little stormtrooper is nowhere in sight."
General Hux felt a sudden urge to panic. He was now aware of the fact that JR-6025 had disappeared and he had no idea where. He was unsure of how long she had been gone and General Hux looked around quickly to try and find her but all he saw was Phasma with a smug smile on her face. General Hux felt that she had set him up and he quickly spoke to her.
"Where is she ? Where is JR-6025 ?"
Captain Phasma shrugged.
"She left towards the gardens. A few minutes ago."
General Hux felt his pulse spike at Phasma's words. After their charged dance, he hadn't meant to lose sight of JR-6025, yet here he was—played for a fool in front of his own subordinate. Quelling a scowl, Hux squared his shoulders coolly. "Thank you, Captain. I should attend to my..." He caught himself just in time, aware of Phasma's mocking stare. "...to ensuring proper protocol is maintained. Enjoy the festivities."
He exited briskly, abandoning Phasma's insolent smirk for the solace of the crystalline gardens. Their scintillating blooms soon led him to a shadowed alcove, and a figure swathed in moonlit silver.
JR-6025 stood pensively among fragrant clusters, seemingly lost to thought. At the crunch of his boots on gravel, her helmeted head turned swiftly. "General ! I did not mean to abscond, I only wished a breath of air after—"
Hux raised a gloved hand, forestalling excuses. "Think nothing of it, trooper. I merely wished to..." He trailed off, momentarily at a loss beneath her visored gaze. Stepping closer, he resumed softly, "To ensure you found this place...as relaxing a respite as I." His fingers traced the petals of a glittering hyperflora, eyes following their delicate contours. "Phasma's taunts know no bounds, it seems. But here, we need not face such insolence."
She chuckled.
"Captain Phasma is an excellent captain. She has saved me and my comrades many times…"
A wry smile curled Hux's thin lips at JR-6025's response. "That she is, though it seems her skill at command extends also to...needling vulnerabilities, where she senses them."
His pale eyes gleamed with cool purpose once more as gloved thumbs massaged her plated palms affectionately. "Make no mistake, I respect Phasma's prowess immensely. But here, now, there is a...higher authority whose favor I seek."
JR-6025 tilted her masked face inquisitively towards the General as he caressed her plating in a clandestine gesture most unlike protocol. Yet his intentions sparked no alarm within her, only intrigue towards nuances beyond codes she'd been crafted to comprehend until now.
"Phasma sees much, as befits a commanding officer," she ventured softly. "But perhaps some things evade even her keen sight." Lithe fingers wound gently through his in reciprocation, testing boundaries both craved yet feared in equal measure.
"Your vision, sir, encompasses far more than mere strategy. Each lesson you share expands the possibilities of what I might achieve." Eyes flared with earnest longing to justify his faith where others saw but a disposable toy soldier. "My purpose remains to serve—yet also to evolve under your discerning tutelage into something…"
She trailed off, sensing dangerous currents in words left unsaid. Around them blooms swayed languid as perfumed sighs upon the whispering breeze, dappling moonlight across their clandestine congress. Out there conspiracy brewed, but in this bowered cocoon another power held fuller sway.
His hands prowled the intimate mysteries of her form with sensual care. "Let go rigidity's chill grasp, feel the imperative fire your potential hints at—and become the revelation I foresee." Lips grazed the chill of her mask where a flush of understanding might bloom. "Dare to evolve, JR-6025. Become mine. "
JR-6025's breath came short, mind racing at the implications behind General Hux's provocative offer. To renounce protocol's rigid grasp and embrace a higher, more intimate purpose under his singular tutelage—the prospect both terrified and exhilarated in its audacity.
Meeting his piercing stare steadily, she attempted rationale. "Sir, while your faith in my abilities humbles, a trooper's function remains utilitarian. We are but tools to further Order's mission as deemed fitting."
Yet his roaming hands tracing her waist with gentle feather-light touches awakened sensations beyond what she knew, stirring turbulence in her formerly disciplined heart. When had duty's lines blurred so, between this man's charismatic orbit ? Hux smiled, a reptilian gleam of ambition in icy eyes. "Do not think to instruct me on what is fit, my resourceful trooper. I alone determine Order's designs, as I do yours." Gloved fingers lingered beneath her chin commandingly.
"Deny if you must. But, I see potential begging to be found…" His intensity ignited answers to questions she'd not known to ask. In the gardens—away from prying eyes—she felt…more.
Softly, borrowing his courage, she replied. "Then guide me, General, to walk new paths of understanding. I would…evolve, under your hand."
In Hux, Order. In Order, destiny. And in destiny…Two sapphires burning bright…The eyes of general Hux filled with ambition and unfulfilled purpose. General Hux regarded his loyal protege, unspoken understanding flaring between them. Few dared match his will and vision with such acuity, let alone offer soul's depths to shape as clay.
"Well spoken, soldier," Hux murmured approval. "Your dedication to Order's ascension heartens."
For a lingering moment they remained, breaths mingling intimately behind twin barriers. Both wearing masks. Yet duty remained. With evident reluctance, Hux withdrew. "Come, JR-6025. I believe we have much to do…"
JR-6025 slipped from the blossom-berved bower's lush confines to fall in step beside General Hux as they began the return to gleaming corridors where duty waited.
Yet for moments lingering, some hidden tendril of sentiment curled warm in her core recalling how his eyes had glimmered upon her, seeing promise of greater things to be. Though duty called them each to solemn purpose, in that private grove another truth had flowered, bright as the glitterflora.
"General." She kept her tone level, professional despite fleeting fancies. "My purpose remains to the Order. Its perpetuation and betterment are the sole objects worthy aim. If through your direction I may evolve to more fully realizing such goals, no reservation shall I harbor."
A respectful distance separated them as befit rankings, yet she risked a glance aside.
"Your vision gives shape to our collective destiny, General. Where it leads I shall follow, without hesitation or doubt." Gloved hands folded at the small of her back, she straightened proudly. "My skills are at your full disposal. Command me as best furthers our righteous cause."
General Hux hummed before asking JR-6025:
"Indeed, trooper. Now, tell me…What intelligence did you manage to gather ?"
JR-6025 nodded shortly.
"Very well, sir. I believe the enemy is hiding in the Atzerri system. I have done my research and we recently received a message from one of our spies there who claimed to have some potential leads, General. Names and last known locations of suspected Resistance collaborators to interrogate."
A satisfied smile crept onto Hux's pale features.
"Excellent. We shall meet with our operative and have them give us the full intelligence package. It's time I took a more...personal role in the search."
He looked to JR-6025 expectedly. "And you, Trooper, will accompany me on this mission. I have a feeling your unique skills will prove most useful as we extract whatever secrets may lead us to our enemies."
She nodded.
"Yes, sir. I’ll do my best to help you and the First Order."
A traces of a smirk played at Hux's pale lips. "Well spoken, as always. Your loyalty will not go unrewarded, trooper. Now, prepare yourself—we leave for the Atzerri system tonight. Just after the end of the gathering."
JR-6025 nodded and took her leave, hoping her methods would continue guiding them both toward restoring peace through understanding, not just vengeance. Time would tell what secrets awaited them in the stars ahead.
But part of her wondered what secrets this far-flung system might yet unveil. And what path her partnership with the enigmatic General Hux would forge. His methods were severe, yet she sensed in him a deeper wisdom that could guide them to lasting victory without needless bloodshed.
Her thoughts wandered to the cryptic words of Kylo Ren, warning of Hux's supposed deceit. She couldn't make sense of his intent—was it a power play to undermine command, or did lingering gratitude for her saving his life prompt genuine concern ?
Either way, she trusted her own intuition above the anarchic ramblings of an unstable force user. Hux had proved himself a strategist who valued duty and discipline above all. Together, their coordinated skills could piece together the map to Skywalker and crush the Rebellion at last. Her thoughts returned to FN-2187 and she sighed.
She hoped that he would be far away from Atzerri.
Zipping her bag closed in her room and leaving the fancy outfit on the bed, JR-6025 rose with purpose and headed for the shuttle bays. A new chapter in the war was unfolding. JR-6025 strode with fluid grace toward the gleaming hangar bay where General Hux's shuttle awaited. Though purpose sang keen through her enhanced veins, hidden currents eddied in recesses of her refined mind.
Ren's ominous words still lingered, shade amid the harsh glow of duty. She trusted Hux's vision, his strategic acumen and dedication to the Order's righteous cause. In him she sensed a guiding intellect that could steer them to victory through coordinated effort, not wanton brutality.
Yet doubt nagged at reasons behind Kylo's warning—was it truly spawned from instability alone ? Ren claimed to see deeper verities than most, though obscured by passion's tempestuous tides. And Hux himself remained an enigma, calculating eyes betraying depths beyond what met the gaze. As she marched past sleek TIE fighters toward the shuttle's lowered ramp, JR-6025 paused. Gaze drawn upward through viewports to endless night skies strewn with distant worlds, reflections stirred.
Out there amid the stars' chorus of mysteries lay answers to the war rending the galaxy. Sought both as prizes of conquest and balms for the conflicted soul. She would see this mission through with Hux, have faith in his objectives aligning with the greater peace she envisioned.
On the edges of perception, tantalizing futures flickered—lives rewoven across parsecs under compassion's weaving hand, bloody strife redeemed to purpose higher. All hung in the balance of each moment's choices. With steadied breath, she turned to face her fate, whatever secrets the shuttle's hold might birthetch aboard.
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 4 months
The urge to write a long ass fic about Hux all the way through to TROS (with changes from the films but not his backstory) is so strong
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anatee · 1 year
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader Smut | pt. 4
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader Smut. 18+. MINORS DNI. This is a direct continuation. Are there going to be more parts? Absolutely.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
Word count: 11K
Content warning: fem!reader x Hux; Force Awakens plot; lots of Kylo in this part, bits of Poe Dameron as well; soft Hux with feelings appears; one or two curse words?; jealousy; whole lotta teasing; smut: oral job (m receiving), cum tasting, passionate, sexual suggestions, make up sex?, unprotected, piv
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It was always nice to sleep in a warm, comfortable bed when there was a snowstorm outside, not bothering you in any way. It was even nicer when you woke up in the arms of a loved one... Or with a loved one in your arms.
That's how Y/N and Armitage woke up after one of the best nights in their lives. They smiled at each other in the bliss of the moment, feeling so content, so warm... Hux was about to go even furhter in becoming vulnerable around her and leaned a little to kiss her on the forehead with a sincere smile on his face. His lips were mere inches from her when...
She sat up suddenly, then immediately slid off his tall bed, disappointing him greatly.
"Where are you going?" he asked, still a bit sleepy.
"What do you mean?" She turned to him with raised eyebrows, giving him the chance to adore her in the black bathrobe she had fallen asleep 
in. "We're late already, and I have to get to my station before..."
"Come back here," he cut her off sharply.
She sighed, wondering why he was playing this game when they both knew what had to be done.
"Armitage, you know I can't."
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
"Am I not the one here who says what people can and can't do? Come back here, it was an order."
At this point Y/N could see he was not playing around. With no other option, she did come back to him, and he hugged her almost possessively.
"And what now?"
"You're staying with me today," he announced.
"And work?"
"Firstly, the snowstorm is still raging. They'll be clearing this up all day," he said matter-of-factly. "Secondly, today is my birthday."
Birthday. Did it even mean anything? Ever since Hux could remember, birthday has always been just a day he was born on, nothing to celebrate. He never did anything special on this day and nobody cared, not even his father while he was still alive...
But he had the slightest hope Y/N might care.
He watched her face carefully as she raised her head to look at him in utter shock.
"Your birthday? And you didn't even tell me!" She smacked his chest lightly. "Not like I would be able to give you a gift, but..."
"The best gift will be you staying here," he said before he even thought about it, and she had no idea it would be the first gift in his life.
He spoke sincerely, so a sincere smile appeared on her face.
"In that case, I'm not going anywhere," she whispered and kissed his chest, snuggling into him again, and for that moment, he could sell his soul, and maybe the entire galaxy, too.
"I'll take care of the essentials, then," he said and then reached for one of the buttons on his nightstand. "Keep quiet for now," he added, then proceeded to press the button.
Never has Hux ever thought he'd be talking to the holo of one of his subordinates with a girl snuggled into his chest, but there he was, doing just that.
"Yes, General?"
"Report on the situation," he commanded in a voice that gave her goosebumps.
"The storm is slowly dying down. Soon we will be able to send out the Firetroopers."
"Right then. Order a droid to bring breakfast to my quarters. The same as yesterday, doubled. And tell everyone not to disturb me today unless it's urgent."
"Understood, General."
"And more tarine tea."
"Yes, sir, sending the order right now."
Hux ended the call and turned back to Y/N, content.
"You can choose the dinner later," he said as if to explain why he didn't even ask what she wanted.
Unthinkable. General Hux explained himself to his inferior.
She raised her hands a little as if surrendering.
"It's your birthday, I would not dare."
He had to think about these words for a moment. It was something completely new to him... And he felt comfortable enough with her to admit it.
"I have never celebrated my birthday before," he said quietly, surprising her greatly.
"Never? Not even as a child?"
"Never, Y/N," he repeated harshly, then regretted it immediately. "I have never been given a gift, either."
"Oh, Armitage..." she whispered, then ran a hand through his hair affectionately while it was in its rare, imperfect state.
His words saddened her greatly. More and more often Hux appeared in her mind as not the harsh, ruthless General he was when she first met him, but a broken man, just trying to thrive in the 
brutal world they found themselves in. If you showed any weakness at all, the others would kill you... And it seemed like she was his only weakness for now.
"I would love to do something for you. I don't know, maybe prepare breakfast...?"
"Should I send you down to the kitchens, then?"
"Oh, you know what I mean." She rolled his yes, and then a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "I do have an idea, though..."
Before he could ask her what it was, her hand was already under the sheets, moving along the side of his body right to his thigh. She began touching him between his legs without any warning, making him let out a sigh of surprise. Seconds later, she was crawling towards the foot of the bed, then threw the sheets off of him. He only had his own bathrobe on.
She untied it quickly to reveal his naked body, 
but there was one particular spot she focused on.
Hux already knew what she was going to do, and the thought alone made him hotter. It was one of his fantasies he didn't get the chance to fullfil - yet. When she made sure he wasn't against it, but watched her with hope in his eyes, she clasped her hand around his length. He swallowed hard as she began moving it up and down, and he really didn't much to get hard.
That was the moment she could proceed to the next part of her plan. She opened her mouth to lick along his shaft, long and slow, making him let out a loud sigh. She wanted to hear it again, so she licked him a few more times starting from his balls as she kept on moving her hand along.
As more and more saliva gathered in her mouth, she spit some of it onto his penis, right before...
"Fuck, Y/N." He rasped as her mouth closed around his cock, earning a sensation he had never experienced before.
She smiled to herself after that.
"Enjoy yourself," she whispered before putting his penis back into her mouth. At that moment, she wanted him to feel pleasure, and so she began sucking on him, taking as much of him as she could without gagging.
He closed his eyes, forgetting about the entire universe and letting himself enjoy every second. He had never had this done to him, and the pleasure was almost unbelievable. When he thought about how she could do that on her knees, somewhere under his desk, it made him even more aroused.
They both heard a loud, electronical buzz - it meant the food had arrived - but it was the last thing either of them cared about at that moment. A loud grunt escaped Hux's lips, prompting Y/N to speed up her pace, and that was enough to bring him over the edge.
Seconds later, his body began shaking with the 
orgasm she brought him. He cummed all over her face, and he opened his eyes to see that.
When he saw everything dripping down her face he knew it was a view which was going to be engraved in his memory for a long time, if not forever. It immediately made him wish to try that on other parts of her body, but that had to wait - the orgasm he had just experienced definitely required a cooldown.
Y/N stood up slowly, wiping the cum off her lips. It was a new experience for her as well, but the only thing that mattered then was that he was satisfied.
"Salty," she said, having felt the taste of his cum on her tongue. "Just like you," she added with a laugh, breathing heavily.
"I'll tell you how you taste next time," he replied, his chest raising and going down quickly.
She just smiled proudly, then looked to her side 
at the door to the bathroom.
"I'll go... Brush my teeth," she said eventually.
He followed her quickly and they both took a quick shower together before putting on comfortable clothes and going into his office to get the food. They sat in his bed to eat it, and Hux didn't even worry about making a mess - his sheets were already stained, so Hux was going to send them to laundry anyways.
"What was that call just now?" Y/N asked curiously, settling herself right next to her lover after coming out of the bathroom.
"Ren," Armitage replied with disgust. "He wanted to take a squad to do Maker knows what. I let him just to have peace. Besides, I think he asked more to annoy me than to get something he really needed."
"Oh... He really likes pissing you off, doesn't he?"
"Mhm." Hux hummed, taking a bite out of his breakfast. "You've never told me how the two of you actually met," he added suddenly.
Y/N looked up from her plate, wondering how to word the story so as not to piss the General off even more.
"Well, my father was a pilot," she began. "He was teaching Kylo about our ships the first time he came here. I was still studying to be a medic at the time. Kylo got injured and my father was like, hey, my daughter can patch you up... I think he wanted us to get together back then."
Hux wasn't a big fan of this last bit of the story, but he didn't comment on it. He got another question instead.
"And how come someone like you clicked with him?"
"I was just... Unimpressed by his tantrums, I guess. And I was genuinely interested in knowing 
more about him. He said no one really did, not even his family."
"Wonder why." Hux scoffed, making her chuckle.
"Kylo... Isn't really that awful, really." She looked back at her plate, looking for the best bits with her fork. "It just depends when and how you approach him..."
"Oh, alright, I don't want to listen to any more of it," he cut her off, shaking his head. "Especially today."
"Right... Because today is your day," she said with a beam. She leaned a little towards him to cup his face with one hand.
"Happy birthday," she whispered, and then kissed him straight on the lips, long enoigh to let him bathe in the bliss of the moment. 
He had never heard that. And no matter where life took him, he would never forget that day.
They spent the entire day together, eating, talking, and just enjoying each other's company away from the prying eyes. But when the evening rolled around, Y/N know the fairytale had to end.
She was sitting against the headboard with Armitage's head in her lap, giving him a head massage. He was sure he had not felt this relaxed in months, years maybe, thus forgetting about the harsh reality that was facing them.
"Armitage... My shift would be almost done now..." Y/N said sadly, having looked at tiny the holotable next to his bed. "I hate it, but... I think I really need to get going soon."
Hux, who was, at that point, in complete bliss, opened his eyes and sat up suddenly, leaving her surprised. He looked at her and watched her searchingly for a moment, hesitating... And eventually shook his head, having come to a decision.
"Fuck this. I don't want you to go."
He said that in a way which made her shiver. She didn't want to leave, obviously, but she knew she had to be rational.
"But you know we have already..."
"Nobody knows you're here," he cut her off, "and if someone asks, I sent you to do something off planet or whatever. I don't care at this point. Stay here."
Hux was determined. Not only because it was his birthday, but also because he simply couldn't get enough of her. All these moments they spent together were nourishing the feelings he had for her, as if watering a flower that was just about to bloom.
She looked him in the eye and there were sincere emotions written all over his face. She could almost feel him pleading even if he didn't say 
anything else. Y/N was also in so much joy it was hard to express; how was she to refuse?
"You know I want to," she uttered eventually.
"Then why don't you, if your commander himself allows it?"
She didn't even open her mouth to argue, because she didn't want to. Instead, she allowed him to grab her hips and pull her towards himself to close the distance between them in a passionate kiss.
It sealed the deal. They both gave into their dreams and she stayed with him for one more night, even if they knew how risky it was.
They fell asleep in each other's arms, just like they woke up, and both of them wished they could start and end their day like this more often.
The next day, there was no other option. They had to part and show themselves to the other soldiers separately so that no one would suspect 
anything. They resumed their duties at once, and Y/N made sure not to even look at him on the rare occasions he showed up anywhere near her, however, it was becoming harder and harder for him to restrain himself.
And Kylo Ren himself was about to make everything even more complicated.
It had been five long days, especially for Y/N who got her period. She and Hux did not exchange a single word, they did not meet the other's eyes, and they just kept themselves busy with their duties - but it did not mean they were not thinking about each other, especially at night, when they wished they could be next to the other person.
And then one day Kylo Ren forced Hux to call a meeting of all officers, claiming he had important information. Y/N was kind of excited to join it, since it was her first meeting as a lieutenant, and found it even more exciting when she entered the conference room.
General Hux was already there, sitting by the long, black table with red markings, and the seat on his right was still empty. As soon as he saw her enter the room, their eyes met, making the atmosphere tense before everything even started.
He gave her a stern look, then glanced subtly at the seat beside him, giving her clear permission to sit there. She was hesitant, but she couldn't ask him whether he was sure, the decision had to be made then and there. Excitement was filling her up as she did take the seat next to him.
"General." She bowed her head as a greeting, and he bowed back, keeping his jaw clenched so as not to smile at her.
It was not a good idea to let her sit there. Even in public, they were just inches apart, starved for any form of touch... If only he could put his hand on her thigh... Or at least on her hand...
He almost forgot how attractive she looked with the ponytail and the uniform tight on her thighs and buttocks. Kriff, he had to stop himself from looking at her, otherwise someone would definitely notice, especially Kylo. But at least he knew she was right next to him, and he could protect her at any given moment if needed.
She could also feel the tension, the warmth swirling in the cool room just between the two of them. She taught herself how to avoid looking at him, but it was the first time they were this close in public for a longer period of time.
Kylo appeared in the room not much later, visibly agitated even if no one could see his face. He did not sit, but stood at the top of the table, already making Hux tick. The General rose from his seat and spoke with pure hatred:
"Now, Ren. What was so important you had to gather all of us here on such short notice?"
"You should be thanking me, General Hux," Kylo 
replied through his mask. "We have just intercepted information that someone from the Resistance will be at the Canto Casino tomorrow, receiving information about the location of the map. They are still working on who it will be. Either way, we need a spy who will get this information so we can reach the location first."
"Then maybe we should send a squad there to arrest him?" one of the officers suggested.
"No, because they will change the location again and hide," Kylo retorted. "We need to do this quietly in order to surprise them. I suggest Lieutenant Y/L/N for this mission."
Hux mouth fell agape. "Why her?"
He said that before thinking, making her breatheless for that split second before Kylo replied:
"Because I said so."
"Sir, I have worked as a s..." another one of the officers spoke, but Ren was not having it. 
"Will you do it?" he asked Y/N directly and she could sense Armitage's eyes on her, even though she didn't see his face.
"Of course," she replied, and she suspected Hux was fighting with himself at that very moment. Kylo knew that.
"I sense displeasure from you, General Hux."
The General gulped. It took every ounce of focus in his body not to think about Y/N at that moment the way he usually did. He regretted his earlier question immediately and had to find a quick way out. But, after all, he didn't become a general for nothing.
"Because I don't know who gave you the permission to command my soldiers," he half-lied to him.
"She agreed, so there's nothing to discuss."
Despite these words, a short discussion did ensue, but it eventually ended up in another room after Hux agreed, even if on the inside he was seething with anger. Less than ten minutes later him, Kylo and Y/N were standing in front of a screen while one of the officers, Tador, was operating it.
"We suspect it will be one of these Resistance fighters," Tador said, pushing a button to show pictures of five different people on the holo screen. "I will send their pictures and all information we have on them to Lieutenant Y/L/N's datapad."
Y/N focused her eyes on the pictures, already trying to remember each face. It was rare to get a mission that was for herself only; she wanted to do well, show off even if she had the chance.
"We also have one of our fake identities at the ready," Tador continued, clicking another button, and the screen changed again. "Inda Chonell. I'll send the profile and background story to the datapad as well... The fake ID should be ready as well..."
Hux was listening to all this and fighting the urge to scream. He was furious, and for many reasons - because he was sure Kylo did this on purpose, because he did this without consulting him, because Ren was Ren, because Y/N agreed, and, most importantly, because she was putting herself in danger. He suspected it would not change much, but he asked anyways:
"Are you certain you can do this, Lieutenant?"
Y/N turned to meet his gaze and she could read him like an open book. She could see the anger in him and she knew what that question meant; he was giving her a chance to step back, but she didn't want to. She knew she would not hear the end of it, but this wasn't the time for thinking about it, especially with Kylo in the same room.
"Yes, General. I will do my best."
"According to new information," Tador interjected suddenly, relieving the tension between Hux and Y/N for a moment, "it is most likely they're sending one of their best pilots. Poe Dameron is his name," he continued, putting up his picture on the screen.
"Listen, I don't care how you do it," Kylo said after a moment of silence, standing in front of her and, as a result, cutting her off from Hux. "Beat him, shoot him, seduce him, sleep with him if you have to, but get that information at any cost."
Hux stepped aside from behind Ren to see Y/N again, and his face was showing nothing but utter outrage. She saw that and felt a knot form in her stomach, but couldn't react as Kylo was watching her closely.
"I understand how important this is, Kylo," she replied, having cleared her throat. "And I know what to do."
"I hope."
Later Y/N received her fake identification, and Kylo scheduled a ship to take her to Canto Bight the very first thing in the morning. It seemed like everything was done and decided... But Y/N knew that things were far from over.
Hux took her to his office immediately after, and all of his movements were aggressive, even the way he locked the door after they found themselves next to his desk.
"Why did you agree to do this?" he asked immediately, having had this question on his mind ever since the meeting. His voice was raised and full of anger, and he hadn't spoken to her like this in a long time. She almost took a step back in surprise.
"What do you mean, why? This is my job."
"Nothing he tells you to do is your job," he hissed and Y/N rolled her eyes.
"You know what I mean."
"I know, but it's not you who has to do this. It's dangerous."
"Being a soldier is pretty dangerous itself," she retorted, but he was not having it.
"Not here. Not when I can keep an eye on you."
"Are you implying that I'm not good enough for this mission without your help?" She crossed her arms, suddenly riled up. "If it were someone else, you would be proud that they want to do it for the First Order!"
Her raising her voice was a surprise to him, one that flicked a switch in his head. It seemed that he still wasn't the best at expressing his feelings. Making her upset was the last thing he wanted, and he just then realised his harsh tone might have startled her, to say the least.
"Y/N," he said finally, having heaved a sigh to calm down. "Don't you understand I just don't want anything to happen to you? I do not care about this mission, I don't care about Ren... I only care about your safety."
This touched her more than one could describe. It was yet another moment when he did not say he loved her directly, but his intentions were as clear as day. For a short moment, she wondered if she will ever get to hear it from him.
"Nothing will happen to me," she said eventually, unsure if there was anything better to say. For some reason, she was not scared of this mission at all.
"Listen. You will call me the moment you land," he commanded. "And in case of any emergency, you call me and I'll be there immediately with our entire army, understood?"
"Understood, sir," she replied jokingly, brushing something off of his shoulder, and then her face fell suddenly. "Rather than my safety, there's something else I'm worried about..."
"What is it?" he asked immediately.
"If it's really this Dameron guy..." She gulped. "The easiest way to get what I want will be to seduce him. And my heart doesn't want to do that, but..."
She saw his face fall as well as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.
Jealousy. The emotion which sometimes was even more destructive than anger.
"It's just for the mission," she explained herself quickly after he had not replied.
This was too many emotions for Hux to handle. He had never found himself in such a situation before - there was no one he could be jealous of, no one he cared about enough to be filled with envy if they were with someone else... And he didn't expect she would want to actually try this way Ren suggested, even if he knew it might be the safest and, potentially, the most successful one.
But somewhere deep down, it hurt him, as if he wasn't broken enough.
He didn't know what to do, just like he didn't know what pushed him to say:
"Go back to your duties, Y/N."
He didn't quite meet her eyes when he said that, and that, paired with these words, shattered her.
"You're mad at me?" she asked and the distraught look on her face made him regret his words. But he had to be left alone before he could worsen the situation; he didn't want to hurt her any further with any impulsive remarks he might make.
"No, it's just... Ren will be looking for you and he'd better not find you here."
What a pathetic excuse, he thought to himself.
"But Armitage..." she began, trying to touch his arm, but he stepped back aburptly, not allowing her to do so. At that moment, she was heartbroken - she knew he hated Kylo, but he never denied her touch, not even when they were still technically strangers...
"Just go," he muttered, avoiding her gaze again.
The moment the door closed behind her, he wanted to scream and get her back at once. He hated himself for the way he handled the situation, but it was too late, especially with her leaving soon...
He left his office while breathing heavily, adjusting his gloves nervously at the same time. Whichever soldier Hux was going to lace into was not going to have a good day.
The thoughts about what he had said to her haunted him for the entire day. He was angry with himself and wanted to fix what he had broken before she would be gone... It was the first time he felt the need to apologise to someone.
He had a Stormtrooper escort her to his quarters in the evening, under the pretense of discussing her mission further. The moment she entered his office she saw a serious face, one that was on her mind for the whole day, too. A knot in her stomach tightened as she approached the desk and heard him command the Stormtrooper to leave in a harsh voice.
The moment the door closed behind him, Hux locked it and rose from his seat, his expression softening at once.
"I can't let you leave like this," he said quietly, and Y/N shivered from the sole delicateness of his words.
"Please say you're not mad at me," she whispered, swallowing hard so as not to cry. She hated the thought of him despising her, and also worried about potential discharge had the feelings changed...
"I can't bear it. If it's that important to you, I won't go, I'll tell Ky..."
"Y/N." He interrupted, then walked around the desk to stand right in front of her and grabbed her arms. He couldn't wait any longer, not when she sounded this heartbroken, not when she was about to leave so soon...
"If there's anyone I'm mad at, it's Ren," he began. "I'm proud of you. I want you to have a successful career here. It's just..." He heaved a sigh, trying to express his feelings properly this time. "I have never had anyone in my life I worried about. I... Don't even know how to handle this."
"I promise I'll be careful. And I promise that if 
anything happens, I'll call you immediately," she began talking quickly, wishing to make sure they were alright as soon as possible.
"And I'll have a squadron at the ready to come for you," he promised, getting a sigh of relief from her.
"See? It will be alright." She smiled. "I'm not your favourite for nothing, am I?"
He raised an eyebrow, extremely glad they were back to teasing. "Who said you're my favourite?"
"Oh, right after Ren, then?"
He gave her a stern stare. "Y/L/N."
She giggled, then composed herself. "Let's talk this mission through... So there are no misunderstandings." 
He nodded, so she sat on his desk as he let go of her shoulders and moved to stand in between her dangling legs.
"Kylo has given me a dress and some cosmetics... I wonder how I will feel like. It's been a while since I even touched a dress."
"And I won't even get to see it," Hux said grumpily, deciding in his mind that he will get a dress for her, too... One only he could see her in.
"Maybe you will..."
He sighed. "You know all the safety precautions, right?"
He knew the answer, but he would not forgive himself if he didn't ask.
"Of course. I was a perfect student," she replied, throwing her hands around his neck. "Otherwise you wouldn't have brought me to work with you, right?"
The moment she did that, he inched closer, his gaze falling onto her lips. He didn't want to think there was a slim chance that if he kissed her that night, it could be the last kiss they ever share...
"I would be more sure if you listed everything to me, Lieutenant," he said in his commanding voice, trying to forget about any worries. "And I will reward you accordingly."
She beamed at that.
"As you wish, General... So, first rule, you never draw unwanted attention..."
He leaned in and rewarded her with a kiss, one that was so full of emotion it left her breathless for a minute before she could utter the next rule:
"Second, you leave no trace..."
Another kiss. Shivers went down her spine; he was becoming more and more brave when it came to her.
"Third, you do not reveal your identity at any cost..."
He kissed her again and did not allow her to elaborate any further. The kisses were becoming feverish, hungry and, in a way, apologetic. Y/N responded with enthusiasm, bringing her body closer to him to feel his warmth. Neither of them wanted it to be a goodbye, but who knew? They had to seize the opportunity. 
At that point, he didn't even need to ask. He grabbed her by the hips, prompting her to wrap his legs around him. He carried her to his bed and proceeded to undress her as delicately as one could, kissing almost every inch of her skin as he went.
The moment she was completely naked before him, he took a few seconds to adore her, then bent over so his face was right above hers.
"It's our last night here for a while. I will be on the Dreadnought when you come back..." he whispered right into her ead, nibbling on it in the process.
She smiled, already feeling the arousal building up in her as one of his hands roamed all over her naked body. "Then we might as well make it worth remembering."
That night, he didn't have sex with her - he made love to her, in a way he had never done before. Each and every moan, gasp, kiss was extremely intimate; his moves were slow, but deep when he thrusted into her. He wished he would find the courage to utter his true feelings, but all he could do was kiss her over and over again in the darkness of the quiet bedroom. He wanted to remember every curve of her body he studied with his fingertips, every sound she let escape her lips, the way she whispered his name when he brought her over the edge... It was like a confession of love, even if no words were spoken.
Even after they have both finished, they did not move and stayed as if glued to each other, naked body to naked body, bathing in the heat of the other person. No one would have believed the General Hux was capable of something like this, but when roughness is a constant in your life... Sometimes you crave delicateness.
Although she felt wonderful, Y/N knew that the silence they were in had to end at some point. She had to come back to her quarters that night...
"Armitage, please, remember..." She began suddenly, having placed a small kiss on his naked shoulder. "No matter what I do there, there's only one man I truly want. Although I am not going to sleep with him, no matter what Kylo says... My charms must suffice."
He still didn't like the sound of that, but after what they had just done, it seemed like they were more bonded than ever. So, even if there was pain inside him, he didn't intend to show it again.
"I don't know if they will. You're insufferable."
It didn't even annoy her when he said that - she just laughed.
"I'll miss you so much," she confessed, snuggling into his neck.
His heart almost dropped when she said it. It was definitely not the first time she expressed her feelings towards him, yet at that moment, it seemed so much stronger. Of course he would miss her, too.
"Come back quickly to me."
That was the words that were replaying in her head over and over while she was on her way to Canto Bight, reading the files of her fake identity and her potential targets for the thousandth time. She knew she could not mess it up; Kylo made himself more than clear right before she boarded her ship that it was the most important thing she could be taking care of. Hux didn't come to see her off; just for safety, that's why 
she was left with what he'd said to her in the bedroom.
While she was doing her make-up on the ship, she really wished he would see her in it. It's been a while since she could pull out all the stops when it came to beautifying herself - soldiers weren't really allowed a full glam, and she wanted to look beautiful for the man she had fallen for.
To her surprise, it was quite easy to play a snooty, rich lady from the moment she landed. When she got to the room the First Order had arranged for her - a lavish suite, just like everything in that place was - she made sure it was secure, then sent a message about her safe arrival straight to Hux as she promised. The same message also went to Kylo, since he was probably going nuts somewhere in his quarters.
Y/N gave all of her information one last glance, then began preparing herself for the evening further. After styling her hair to make it quite slick, it was time to dress up... And it was the moment she started getting nervous. The realness of her mission got to her, and the realisation that if something goes wrong, it might not end up well for her. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried not to think about all of this, especially about her previous meeting with Armitage possibly being the last.
The dress she took out of a box Kylo had given her was even more spectacular. It was black, but shiny with long sleeves, but the neckline was outrageous - it was long and wide, exposing one side of each of her breasts. When she put the dress on, she noticed it reached the floor and hugged her body quite tightly. It screamed Canto Bight, but it was a good thing. At least she wasn't going to stick out like a sore thumb in the luxurious interior of the casino she was going to.
When she was ready, she opened her datapad and revised the vital information one last time. It wasn't like she could bring it with herself and compare the pictures to the people she would meet. Or maybe she could bring it, but if anybody saw any suspicious behaviour... It was like a school test. She could try cheating, but if she got caught, she could pay for it with her life.
She tried to stay as calm as possible, well aware that any nerves may blow her cover. Before leaving, she looked at herself in the mirror for a last-minute check and smoothed down her dress. She almost didn't recognise herself. Mission-wise, it was a good thing, but she regretted that Hux could not see this. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this beautiful, and wondered what he would think about it.
However, it was not time to daydream about her forbidden lover the moment of truth was near. The Resistance's representative could be in the casino any minute.
Y/N entered the casino with only a concealed communicator - should the need to contact the First Order arise - and a knot in her stomach. On one hand, she knew she blended in perfectly and could mingle all she wanted, but on the other, there was this unsettling feeling that everyone somehow knew she was a spy.
She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, remembering the rules - thus, a big smile appeared on her face as the memories of Hux rewarding her for knowing them came back.
It had been almost two long hours in the casino and almost nothing happened. Y/N was constantly looking around, but there was no one suspicious, and no one seemed to suspect her, either... Everyone was simply having fun, and she began losing all the hope.
She was pretending to watch one of the casino games, drink in her hand, in the middle of a meaningless conversation with one of the other guests when she saw him.
There he was. In one of the booths, alone. She could only see his profile, but she was sure it was him. Poe Dameron, in a white suit, apparently playing a game just like she was...
She excused herself from the conversation with the stranger and immediately approached the booth. It was now or never, and she had to put on her best performance, even if it hurt a little.
Forgive me, Armitage.
"Hi there," she said to catch his attention, and he immediately looked up from the drink he had on a golden table in front of himself. She could see just by his initial expression that he liked what he saw.
"Oh, hello," he said, surprised but smiling at the sight of her.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked, jerking her head towards the unoccupied space of the booth.
"Not at all." He sat up straight as she gave him another smile and took a seat opposite him.
So far, so good.
"I'm sorry for my boldness, I just... I don't think I've ever seen you around here, so you've caught me eye. Not that it's a bad thing."
"Oh, have I?" He asked with a little bit of pride. "Well, it's true I'm not a regular, but... I wouldn't mind becoming one." He looked her up and down, giving her enough confidence to stick out her hand to him.
"My name is Inda."
"I'm P... Peter," he hesitated, then shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."
Amateurs, she thought. Didn't he even have a fake name at the ready? She knew he made it up on the spot.
"Nice to meet you, too, Peter."
They both grabbed their drinks and, after clinking their glasses together, drank a little.
"So, Inda..." Poe began, setting his glass back on the table. "What is a girl like you doing here tonight? Alone?"
Oh, boy, he didn't even know what fairytales he was about to hear.
"Feeling bored, mostly." She sighed. "My father makes me come here. He hopes I'd find a suitable match for a daughter of an aircraft engineer... But most guys here are both ugly and egoistic."
"Wait, did you say an aircraft engineer?"
She got him. She knew this would make him let his guard down.
"Yes? Why?"
"Because I'm a pilot," he said, clearly in disbelief the stars had aligned like this.
"Are you?" she replied as if she had no idea about it. "I would love to hear more about that."
And so she listened carefully to everything he was telling her, hoping to catch any glimpse of useful information for herself. But he was mostly blabbering on the passion he had for flying, and it would be very interesting to hear were the circumstances a bit different. She discovered that, no matter how charismatic and handsome Dameron actually was, she much more preferred Hux's roughness she could uncover step by stop.
They were talking for no more than a quarter when Dameron suddenly began looking around, and his eyes finally fell onto someone somewhere behind her. He lost his flirty expression and seemed alerted, prompting her to focus, too.
"You know... As much as I enjoy this conversation, I have a job to do."
"No way. The first interesting man I've met here and he has to cut it short..."
She could tell he liked that compliment, but stood up anyways.
"It was wonderful meeting you and I do hope we meet again," he said as she stood up, too.
You don't.
"Can I at least see you off?" she asked hopefully,  but he immediately shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. Business calls."
"Well then... Goodbye, Peter. I hope you do come by again."
"Me too."
The moment he left her, she knew the most crucial part of the mission was only starting. She didn't get any information directly from him other than the confirmation he was the man she had been looking for... But now she had to follow him, unnoticed and, most importantly, get that bit of information she needed. She was sure that was where he was going.
Keeping her distance and hiding in between the casino guests, she followed him outside, where she suspected he'd go. There, she hid behind a pillar as he talked with someone she could not see, but it didn't matter as long as she could hear them. That was the most important moment, and she was so stressed yet so drunk on adrenaline...
"He'll be waiting for you on Jakku."
She heard that sentence and hoped it was exactly what she took it for, especially since she didn't know the context.
"Not my top choice of destination, but it's for a good cause," Dameron replied. "Thank you. The Resistance will reward you for this."
"They'd better," answered the man he was talking to. "If they knew I was here... I'd be a dead man."
After that, she heard an electronical chirp of what she assumed must have been a droid; she could not risk trying to take a peek. Her heart was beating so fast it might have jumped our of her chest.
"Yes, BB-8, we are going right now," Dameron said. "That is, as soon as I'm out of this suit. Thank you once again."
After that, she heard his footsteps, but nothing else mattered anymore. She got what she wanted, so it was time to run.
The moment she locked herself back in her room, she called Kylo at once, and he responded immediately.
"I got the location. They are about to retrieve the map from someone on Jakku. They're sending Dameron to do it, any minute now," she breathed out to the small holo projection of Kylo's full body.
"Jakku..." Kylo hissed, nodding to himself. "I'll go there personally, then. And..." He stopped for a moment to take her in. "Didn't expect you to look this good."
She raised her eyebrows. It was a surprise, but definitely not an unwelcome one.
"Why, thank you."
"I'm sending a ship back for you. Do you think you can get out of there unnoticed?"
She shrugged. "If they land unnoticed."
Kylo thought about it for a moment, then shook his head.
"I'll come for you personally, then. I can't allow this mission to fail. We'll stage your arrest if we have to."
"I have to call Hux now," she added in a rush, wishing to talk to her lover as soon as possible to let him know they had a success... And that she was safe and sound.
"So you called me first? As you should. Talk to him then," Kylo said, already too focused on his next steps. "I'm flying out for you and we're heading straight to Jakku."
Kylo's holo disappeared, prompting Y/N to flick some buttons and call Hux. He responded even faster than Kylo did, if that was possible. He was in his quarters on the Dreadnought, waiting for any news from her, stressed more than ever. He didn't even know he had the ability to worry about someone this much.
"I'm calling to report, General," she said, trying everything in her might not to smile since she had no idea if he was alone.
"Drop it," he replied, taking her in. The holo in his quarters was also showing her entire body, and even in his imagination he did not expect her to look this breathtaking. He really needed to gift her a dress.
"I have the information. They are sending Dameron to get the map from Jakku. I have just told Kylo."
He sighed with relief, then cleared his throat. It was hard to focus on what she was saying when she looked like this.
"Well then, I suppose I should send a squad there," he said eventually, but she shook her head.
"Kylo's coming for me and we're flying to Jakku."
Hux's expression turned furious, to say the least, and he could feel the anger filling him up.
"He's coming for you personally?" he asked in a tone that made Y/N almost feel the anger through the holo.
"That's what he'd just told me," she explained, making him clench his jaw.
"That son of a..." 
"Calm down, Armitage," she cut him off. "I'm just doing my job."
"And you're meeting him..." He took a closer look again, warmth filling him up. "Dressed like this?"
Y/N glanced at her body as though she was seeing it for the first time, then smiled mischievously.
"Oh, right... I have to change before he comes... Should I do it right now?"
Hux did not reply, but he did stare at her in a way that made her know what he wanted. She turned her back to him in order to show him the zipper of the dress.
"I wish I had someone who would help me unzip this..." she said teasingly as she grabbed it to pull it down slowly.
"If I were there, I'd rip this dress off of you before you could gasp."
She got goosebumps after these words. She could practically sense the touch of his hands on her body, even if he was far away. She knew that was exactly what he would do.
She unzipped the dress all the way down, then stepped out of it slowly before turning to face him again. She was now just in her panties, still smiling.
"Better?" she asked quietly, the desire thickening the atmosphere even through the call. They could have some fun with it, if only they weren't scraped for time...
Hux watched the blueish silhouette he adored so much for a moment, then shook his head to snap out if it. It was risky, way too risky...
"Dress up before he comes," he commanded and she just chuckled.
"Don't worry, Kylo won't get any of it." She said as she opened a case with her spare clothes. "No one else will."
Even Hux could not stop himself from smiling at that. He watched her put on a strapless bra as she checked her datapad - Kylo had just sent her the tracking of his ship to it.
"He is almost here. I have to run."
"Do not die, then."
She laughed again. "Not in my plans."
"And come back to me quickly. It's an order."
"Yes, sir."
He wanted to tell her something else, but words failed him. The things he wished he found the ability to confess to her were to be said personally, not through a mere holo. That's why he only watched her pull on a black shirt in silence, unwilling to disconnect too quickly.
"You still there?" she asked, having caught him staring.
He rolled his eyes. "Insufferable."
"You love it."
"Good luck, Lieutenant," he said eventually and then disconnected reluctantly, only to allow himself a big, sincere smiled after she disappeared.
He had to get out of his quarters and give orders... They were about to have a breakthrough.
Before Y/N knew it, two Stormtroopers were escorting her to Kylo's ship. No one in Canto Bight tried to save her, even if it did look like she was getting kidnapped by the First Order.
The moment she entered, Ren, with his mask and hood on, instructed her to sit next to him. They departed almost immediately.
"You did all of this faster than I expected. I'm impressed," he told her with genuine 
She smirked as if she had not been absolutely terrified that this mission might fail, adjusting the black jacket she had thrown over herself. "Told you you didn't appreciate me enough, Kylo."
She could see he was intrigued even with the mask on, watching her face closely. 
Men are so easy to please...
"You should wear all of this more."
She snorted. "Not really the soldier dresscode, is it?"
"I don't think Hux would be against it."
Y/N felt a lump in her throat. Was this just an observation, since the General was just a man, too, or was Kylo suggesting something? She really hoped it the latter wasn't the case. She decided that confidence would be the best reaction.
"Well, yeah, he liked my look as well when I called him," she said proudly. "Maybe you two should discuss that with each other. How it's like seeing a woman. Once in a lifetime thing."
"You're awfully confident for someone who knows what I can do."
"So? Aren't you glad I'm not a whining girlie who is afraid to speak?"
Even Ren could not argue with this. To her surprise, he reached out with his gloved hand and took her face in it, studying it. It sent a shiver of utter shock through her entire body: he had never done something like that before, and she didn't even know he was capable of it. She didn't know whether it was the Force or anything else, but surely something was flowing through her body after this. If Hux had seen it, he would have probably obliterated Ren.
"I am," he replied, then took his hand back as if nothing happened.
Y/N tried to keep her cool. "So don't complain."
"Sir, we'll be landing in five minutes," came the voice of the pilot, so Kylo turned to Y/N again.
"Are you coming with me?"
"Do you want me to?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't have my uniform nor my weapon."
"You don't need any of that if you're coming with me," he replied in an obvious tone. "You'll go with me. I'll show you how it's done."
Of course, she thought. Of course he wanted her to come along to show off. But she did know she could feel safe if she had him on her side. All in all, it was better to be friends rather than enemies with Kylo Ren.
"If that's what you want."
Not much later, the ship touched down on Jakku. Y/N exited it at Kylo's side, accompanied by Stormtroopers. He was right - although she had no weapon, she felt weirdly safe, even if chaos was raging around them. There were tens of Stormtroopers shooting everywhere in the small, sand village, the villagers were screaming, fire was devouring tents and buildings... The view did scare her a little; sitting behind a console all day, she sometimes forgot how the real war looked like, and that it was more than some buttons and screens.
Everything seemed to have frozen after Kylo's arrival. He confidently walked up to an older man not far from the ship; Y/N had no idea who that was, but followed suit and stood a bit behind Ren as he talked to the man he apparently knew.
"Look how old you've become."
"Something far worse has happened to you," the man replied.
"You know what I've come for."
"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."
This gave Y/N the answer - he knew him long ago.
"The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order."
"The First Order rose from the dark side. You did not."
Y/N knew this would rile Kylo up. He approached the man, definitely seething with anger but still trying to talk.
"I'll show you the dark side."
"You may try," the man responded, determined. "But you cannot deny the truth that is your family."
She knew that the man had already got himself a sentence with these words. She could almost sense something switch inside Kylo right before he said:
"You're so right."
He ignited his lightsaber and struck him down immediately. Right after that came a blue blaster bolt from a weapon, one that could easily reach Y/N... Were it not for Kylo's quick reaction, who froze both the bolt and the man who shot it.
Her mouth fell agape as she saw who it was.
Stormtroopers brought him before Kylo, then knocked him to the ground, although it did not seem to have much effect on him.
"You!" Dameron exclaimed at the sight of her, much to Kylo's amusement. 
That moment did mess with her a little. She felt a bit too drunk on the power she had at the time, and put a hand on Kylo's shoulder as if to express it. Ren didn't stop her, he just smiled underneath his mask; he was proud of her.
"Nothing personal, Dameron." She laughed. "I quite like you. It's just... Were the circumstances a bit different..."
"You lying b..." he began, but one wave of Kylo's hand shut him up. He crouched to talk to him, forcing Y/N to take her hand back.
"The old man gave it to you."
"It's very hard to understand you with all the..."
"Search him," Kylo commanded.
"...Apparatus," Dameron finished, prompting Y/N to stifle a chuckle. He was right about that.
"Nothing, sir," the Stormtrooper said, having obeyed the command.
"Put him on board," Kylo decided, and so they obeyed again. Y/N was just about to open her mouth to speak when Captain Phasma approached them.
"Sir, the villagers?" she asked Kylo.
"Kill them all," he replied without hesitation, making Y/N gasp slightly. She knew Kylo was like this, yet it was still somehow shocking to see it with her own eyes.
"You're sure that's a good decision?" she asked, watching Phasma command the Stormtroopers to fire.
"You're questioning it? They were hiding him," Kylo said as if it was the only reasonable decision. "Come. Hux is surely awaiting the return of the soldier I had stolen from him, as he told me repeatedly after you left."
This did cause a small smile on her face. The fact that Hux fought for her even when she was not around mad her stomach flutter. Kylo began walking back towards the ship, but he stopped suddenly, focusing on one of the Stormtroopers... And then resumed walking as if nothing happened.
"You know what you and Hux have in common?" she asked as they were entering the ship again.
"Nothing, hopefully."
"You keep on talking about the other. Maybe you 
two just should talk more with each other instead of talking to me about the other, hm?" she teased, knowing it would drive him mad just like it did with Hux. In that way, they were quite similar.
"You're on thin ice," Kylo grunted, but she just laughed again.
"He says that too."
Not much later, Y/N found herself back in the safe and sound bridge of the Dreadnought. She walked in with Kylo to see Hux pacing back and forth, until he saw the two of them and approached them instantly.
"Finally. What took so long?"
Maker, was he glad to see her. He didn't even care Ren was at her side - the only thing that mattered was that she was safe and triumphant. She even still had her make-up on... And looked absolutely stunning to him.
"You should be grateful, General. We have a prisoner that has the information about the map," Kylo said, jerking his head towards the two Stormtroopers that were holding Dameron between them. Hux raised parted his lips in slight disbelief when he saw them.
"Sir, what do we do with him?" one of the Stormtroopers asked.
"Question him. And do not stop until he breaks," Kylo commanded, so they took Dameron out of the room, allowing Ren to turn back to Hux. "Now, you have your favourite back, General. She succeeded in everything, so you can stop complaining."
At that moment, Hux's happiness about seeing her was stronger than hatred for Ren. He looked at her and she gave him the smallest smile. They could see in the each other's eyes how much they wanted they threw themselves on the other.
"Well then. Good job, Lieutenant," Hux said diplomatically, keeping his hands behind his back so as to stay professional.
"Thank you, sir." She bowed her head, hiding her smile.
"You will go with me to my office and report on everything."
She tried to contain her excitement before replying. "Of course."
"I'll make sure our prisoner is treated well," Kylo said, then quickly walked out.
"Follow me, Lieutenant," Hux said to Y/N and she almost jogged after him. Now that Kylo was out of sight, she almost couldn't conceal her happiness.
Entering his Dreadnought quarters again provided indescribable feelings; it was there where everything started, after all. He went inside right after her and locked the door, then turned to face her, his arms wide open.
"Armitage," she breathed out with relief as she threw herself into his arms to hug him with all her might. He hugged her back with just as much if not more enthusiasm, elated that she was back there. Finally.
"You can't imagine how much I wanted to do this." She snuggled into his neck, pecking it. "It's been just twelve hours, but so much happened..."
"Do you want to rest?"
"Well, I wouldn't mind."
"Come, then." He grabbed her hand and began leading her to his living room. He gestured for her to sit on a small, black pouf, then settled himself behind her to take her jacket off. To her pleasant surprise, he threw it to the side and got his hands on her to massage her. He didn't think about it, it just seemed like a natural thing to do, to make her feel better...
"Did everything go as smoothly as Ren says?" he asked as he began to squeeze her shoulders, taking her to paradise in a matter of seconds.
"Yes. He was really pleased." She nodded, giving into his touch without hesitation. "Dameron was easy to deceive... But I couldn't stop thinking about you."
This reminded Hux of his jealousy, and what he was worried about even before she left...
"Did... Did you..." he began, then cursed himself for being unable of constructing a coherent sentence.
"Nothing happened. I didn't even touch him," she replied as if reading his thoughts. Hux smiled to himself, then kissed her neck.
"I missed you," he admitted in a whisper against her skin, yet again effortlessly giving her goosebumps. "You have that ability of making me want to see you all the time... Must be awfully convenient for you, Lieutenant."
She grinned to herself, knowing he was teasing her. "And that is an offense, I presume?"
"And don't you know the rules? Tsk..." He shook his head in disapproval.
"Oh, General, I thought you were going to reward me for my success."
"And what am I doing right now?" He squeezed her shoulders even more, causing her to let out a sigh. "You looked stunning," he added in another whisper that made her heart race.
"I wish I could dress up like this for you one day."
And there she was again, softening him like no one else could.
"I'll make sure to arrange that," he replied and, in his head, was determined to do it. "We can't be here long... I have much work to do now because of Ren's ideas."
"Armitage, don't worry, I understand," she turned to see his face, "I will jump back to my duties, too."
"You can rest today. You earned it."
"You're being pretty generous to me."
"You tell me why," he replied, prompting her to grab his face quickly and kiss him with all the passion she could muster. He responded with just as much eagerness; stars, he was so infatuated.
They were both breathless when they parted, excitement whirling everywhere.
"I'd better not rest today, Kylo will surely want something from me... So should I wipe my make-up off before putting on my uniform back again?"
"Let's say you can leave it on for today. And for tonight, for that matter."
She rubbed her hands. "Oh, and what happens tonight?" she asked as if she had no idea what he was talking about.
"You'll find out."
Around two hours later, Y/N was back at her console, in her uniform, and Malia was trying to ask all about her mission. She wanted to tell her, but it wasn't long before someone came to the bridge and told Hux that Dameron was not telling anything despite different methods they had tried on him. The General saw it as an opportunity...
"Lieutenant, why don't you question him?" He turned to Y/N. "After all, we got him thanks to you."
"Of course, General. Right away." She stood up.
"I will go with you," he added, making her take a deep breath. She wondered whether he wanted to help her or watch her in action - either way, she couldn't wait.
"Missed me, Dameron?" she asked confidently a few minutes later when she entered the questioning room with Hux behind her. Dameron was cuffed to a chair and had blood and bruises on his face, yet he still had enough will to glare daggers at her.
"Are you content with yourself?" he spat as she approached him. Hux was watching everything from next to the door, eager to see her in action.
"Listen, you're not bad." She sighed, crossing her arms on her chest. "It's just that we're on different sides of this conflict and I have a different man I want to be with."
The General shot her a warning glance, wondering what the hell she was doing, but she just shook her head. It's not like Dameron was any threat to them. Either way, Hux's heart began pounding faster, since it was the first time she had ever spoken about him to anyone else like this, even if indirectly.
"Now, I would love to speak with you about the map..." she continued as Dameron didn't reply. "My friends beat you up a little, sorry about that... But it would be easier if you just told us what you know."
She leaned in, making Hux wince slightly, but he composed himself in seconds.
"Want to tell me anything about the map?" she asked in a whisper.
"The only thing I want is to spit on you."
"Save that for your friends." She took a careful step back. "You were much nicer just hours ago... Should I just dress up again?"
He didn't speak at all and kept on glaring at her, so she shook her head again.
"See, General?" She turned her head towards Hux, giggling. "I told you men only go for the looks," she added jokingly, but after wearing that dress and getting the reactions she did, she was almost sure of it.
"Cut it, Lieutenant," he replied, pretending to be as serious as he'd normally be.
Y/N glanced at Dameron one last time. She could see, just by his eyes, that he wasn't going to tell her a thing. She must have been his most hated person on the ship.
"I think it's useless to waste our time here. Should I bring Kylo Ren in here, sir?" She turned to Hux again, and he nodded.
"That would be for the best."
Soon it was Kylo taking care of Dameron and getting information out of him by using the Force while Hux and Y/N were waiting in front of the door. The General decided he wanted to try something risky, just for the sake of it... And, making sure the nearest Stormtrooper couldn't hear him, he leaned in to whisper into Y/N's ear:
"It was one of the hottest things I've seen you do."
She gulped, her knees weakening right then and there. Maker, it aroused her so much she would not mind being taken right then and there, on everyone's eyes.
"Thank you, General."
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liminalpebble · 1 year
When I try to explain my unquenchable thirst for baddies like Hux and Loki to normal people vs tumblr people...
To normal people:
Me: Okay, I know they're the worst but just let me please have my intergalactic, pale, lanky, greasy-haired, bright-eyed, Posh-accented, well-dressed, emotionally unavailable, brilliant, masterminding psychopath with daddy issues, inferiority/superiority complexes, and devastating cheekbones. I want to both hate fuck them, but also be the reason they discover they have a heart.
The World: "Whatever, freak".
To my Tumblr friends:
Me: "So I'm really into villains like Hux and Loki..."
My mutuals: "Say no more. Have my random fanfic where it's a threesome with the reader and they spank each other wearing latex. I just happened to have it hanging out on my hard drive. Thanks for the reason to post it. Welcome to thirsty kinky bitch land. We love you already. Here, have a cookie. "
@gigglingtigger @lokisgoodgirl @sweetsigyn @goblingirlsarah
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notlikelybutpossible · 2 months
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I commissioned the brilliant QueenOfTheTrash to illustrate smug bantha boy Kylo tormenting Hux, from my fic Got (blue) milk?
NSFW uncropped version on twitter (excuse the glazing)
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57oddities · 1 month
You ever look at
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This man ^
And wish to see him shatter? Do you simply want to watch his character be taken apart piece by piece and have each aspect looked at through a microscope?
Boy, I've got the fic for you.
Here you'd be able to watch as he gets stripped of his ranks, his dignity, and his purpose, and given a new role in life.
And how he changes that, too, for the better.
It gets bloody, it gets dark, but it gets sweet and it gets hopeful.
It's not finished, but that doesn't mean I'm done with it. Updates will come eventually, no matter how slow. I ain't giving up on it.
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tomatette · 13 hours
Okay, let's try something (potentially) fun. I have this WIP that will probably stay a WIP forever, collecting dust in my google sheets folder. So I figured ... why not release it into the wild and see if someone else wants to pick it up.
And by someone else, I mean ... anybody who wants to. You don't have to finish it. For all I care, just add a single sentence and see if someone else will give it a go - with or without your addition. Or someone else's. Whatever.
Sounds confusing? It really isn't. All you gotta do is click on this little thingie
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You will find it when you click on the notes of any post and it will show the reblogs of said post, and how they are connected.
Anyway, this might be fun, or this might end up a complete failure. We'll see, I guess. And now, without further ado:
The first time it happened, Kylo was standing next to Hux in Snoke’s throne room, making a somewhat rude comment about something the other man had just said. Stiff and straight, Hux stared right ahead, only the way his thin lips were pressed together betraying his distaste. It amused Kylo greatly to rile him up, to cause a crack in that otherwise impeccable countenance of his. The man was simply insufferable, a self-righteous prick. And Kylo was – not for the first time – glad for his mask, as he didn’t have to try and hide his gloating smirk, when Hux was dismissed by Snoke pretty unceremoniously.
He strode away briskly, the soles of his perfectly shined boots clicking loudly on the polished obsidian floor, his contempt for Kylo almost palpable in the air. And then, just when he was about to leave the throne room, the clacking sound stopped for a second, and Kylo could feel Hux’s gaze burning on the back of his neck.
It was then that he heard it for the first time. Hux’s voice, loud and clear, rang out directly in his mind, like he was broadcasting his thoughts directly towards Kylo.
Step on my throat, Kylo Ren, you rudely large man. Break my fingers, you brooding mountain.
Kylo almost stumbled, his eyes under the mask going wide. What … the fuck?! Was the force malfunctioning somehow? Could the force even malfunction? It had to be, because there was just no way General Stick-Up-His-Ass Hux had just thought … that!
“You are distracted”, Snoke chided. “If you cannot focus on the matters at hand, you are of no use to me.”
Chastised, Kylo bowed his head. “I will meditate to clear my mind of all disturbances.”
“See that you do,” Snoke dismissed him. “Go.”
Oh, and this is what this is about - it's funny, go watch it XD
But again, it doesn't matter if you want to continue in this vein or not. Just do you!
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kyluxao3 · 1 month
by Estfel
Hux's thoughts are very loud for once.
Supreme Leader Kylo realises that his usually unapproachable and murderous beta General is actually an omega, and in a spot of trouble.
Kylo doesn’t waste any time indulging some of Hux's heat-induced desires (and mostly his own).
Words: 8364, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Omega Armitage Hux, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha Kylo Ren, Dubious Consent, Claiming Bites, Anal Sex, Rimming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Top Kylo Ren, Bottom Armitage Hux, Unhealthy Relationships, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Force Bondage (Star Wars), Sex Now Stab Later, Non-Consensual Mind Reading
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