#general hux x you
starlightsearches · 3 months
Hi Star! Huge congratulations on your 2k milestone - it is so well deserved!!
Could I possibly get "Let's Hear it for the Boy" with our beloved ginger general?
Thank you so much and congrats again!!
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Drunk / In Love
Track 3: Let's Hear It for the Boy by Deniece Williams - Give me a character and I'll write a short blurb or headcanons on how they would want you to show them that you love them. 
General Hux x F! Reader / 📼 ✨ mixtape milestone ✨ 📼
Thanks for the request, my love! Sorry it took me so long!
The idiots from these two stories are back again. Sorry I'm obsessed with them (I'm not sorry at all). Warnings for some minor sexual content and weird consent issues!
Phasma said you were drunk.
What she failed to mention was how—how drunk you were, or how you ended up that way. It was only supposed to be a friendly dinner when Hux first suggested it (and didn't stop suggesting it until Phasma finally gave in).
He thought if you made connections here—even just one—that it might make you more comfortable being with him on this ship, and so far from anything familiar.
Although this might be too familiar.
He reaches the door to Phasma's quarters and they glide open automatically, programmed to recognize his approach. He sees Phasma seated at the table, out of uniform, a smirk playing on her wine-stained mouth.
Armitage is not prepared for the dark flash in his peripherals, or the arms around his neck.
Your embrace frightens him, and that alone is enough to leave him feeling hot, stomach swimming, even when he recognizes your touch on instinct. It has him weak at the knees, just this, has his heart in his throat as all the alarm and panic well up inside him, threatening to spill out.
Then your lips meet his. 
There's been a handful of almost-affectionate moments shared between you. The brush of your hand as you wished him goodbye one morning. A kiss on the cheek that missed its target, landing at the edge of his lips.
But nothing like this.
Hux can feel your mouth shift against his, lips turning up at the corners, and the little laugh that passes through them—maybe at the way his hands hang limply at his sides, or the crop of perspiration blooming at his collar from the warmth of your skin, the smell of you. He can't make himself kiss you back, although he wants to.
He really, really wants to.
There's no malice in your eyes when you pull away—Armitage doesn't think you're capable of malice. You smile at him sweetly, taking his hands in both of yours.
"I missed you," you tell him, each word bleeding into the next, eyes half-lidded and hazy from whatever you'd been drinking, "did you miss me?"
"I- uh, yes," he answers—unavoidably honest—his eyes flitting towards Phasma, who's so pleased with herself it practically drips from her, hanging heavier on her shoulders than the armour she usually wears.
A hot anger floods through his stomach, spiked with acrid shame. He doesn’t need any witnesses to his inept attempts at marriage.
Your smile widens, every facet of you bursting with delight knowing that he’s missed you in the hours since you last spoke his name, and then he’s back in your embrace, the sound of sweet laughter in his ear. 
He reaches out for something to brace himself on, and finds nothing. It takes everything in him to keep standing. 
Armitage peels your arms from around his neck, putting a desperate inch of distance between himself and the press of your body. 
"Why don't we let the captain get some rest?" he asks.
Your enthusiasm at the suggestion turns his stomach into knots.
He's able to usher you through the empty halls at a speed just short of a jog, one hand at your waist to keep you from stumbling, and the other wrapped firmly around your wrist to stop any further attempts at touching him.
And, though he can’t puzzle it out just yet—with the warmth of you still against him—he knows something is wrong with you. Something that wine alone could not bring on.
Armitage knows you don’t want him. Not like this. 
Yet you practically drag him through the doors of your quarters, mouth planted against his before the mechanical lock whirs into place. 
All the desire in him makes him sick—feverish and weak. His body shudders against yours, nerves trying to break through skin at the gentleness of your touch.
“Armitage,” you whine, pouty in a way he’s never heard before—always so polite and obliging when you’re sober, “kiss me back.”
He couldn’t refuse you, even if he wanted to, even though he knows it would be better for both of you—knows the way this memory will torture him endlessly, until the moment he dies. Maybe long after that. 
But still, he cups your face in shaking hands, and presses his uncertain lips to yours.
And it’s nothing like all the times he’s thought about this—about taking you, feeling the warmth of your breath mingling with his own, pulling you tight against him with his arm at your waist and kissing, kissing, kissing you, until he tires of the feeling, until he rids himself of all his hideous need to be loved and to be wanted. 
It’s nothing like he imagined because he’s terrified. Because he can’t manage to move the ways he wants to, tripping over his feet when you stumble deeper into his chambers. Because his stomach roils at the feel of your tongue against his stubbornly closed mouth, and his arms shake with the need to move, but his hands stay where he placed them, holding hard enough to bruise, pulling you closer with enough force that part of him wonders if he’s hurting you. 
And still, your mouth on his, your wandering, eager hands. 
The room spins; Armitage’s reason leaves him when his feet lift from the floor, your body underneath him, and below that the cushion of his bed molding you together.
Still kissing. Still you. Your hand, guiding his down the thrumming pulse of your neck, lower. Lower.
Armitage is on the other side of the bed before the thought of how wrong what he has done truly registers, his feet planted and one hand pushing back the fallen strands of his hair.
He curses the day you learned his name, curses the ill, vile part of him that wants to go back. 
He clears his throat and finds it doesn’t steady him at all. 
“You- you should get some rest, I think.”
Your movements are clumsy as you crawl to him on your knees, fighting against the thick bedspread and the fabric of your skirt. There’s a little huff on your lips when you reach him, eyes big and wide and brimming with glistening tears. 
“Why don’t you want me?” you whisper, and tears well up to their breaking point, slipping down your cheeks.
Fuck. He wants to touch you, and knows it’s a terrible idea, palms aching beneath the leather he wears and hates—now more than ever when it keeps him from you. His hand reaches out against his will, hovering just out of reach of your skin and the tears he can’t manage to wipe away because, once again, he is the cause of all your suffering. 
 “You’re- you’re drunk, darling. You’ll feel better if you just-”
“No,” you tell him, pushing his hand away with your own, “why don’t you want me ever?”
Oh, gods. Armitage recoils like you’ve slapped him, the sting of those words and what they mean destroying everything—every moment he’s agonized over since he first saw you and knew you had to be his. 
“You . . . you can’t possibly believe that.” 
You nod your head, fists curled at your sides petulantly, and your stubbornness would make him laugh, if it weren’t so sad.
“I do,” he whispers, then swallows, reaching for your hand. You let him take it. It gives him something to look at, watching your elegant fingers intertwine with his. “I do, but I—”
How much of this will you remember? Even now, the idea of revealing this soft, vulnerable part of him strikes fear into his very core, has him wishing he could run, wishing he could escape the way your eyes flay him wide open.
Your hand against his chest, he can feel his own heartbeat meet the shapes of your fingertips, molding to you. Armitage meets your gaze, and as frightening as it is, there’s no part of him that could deny how deeply he craves it.
“Please forgive me,” he stutters, and there aren't words for him to explain everything he needs to, just the truth. “I am—oh, gods—I am a ruinous man.” 
He watches you, the muscles working in your jaw, the way your brows pull together, examining him, weighing the assessment of himself that he’s offered to you. 
“No,” you tell him, “no you’re not.”
He thinks you might kiss him again, as close as you are. Close enough for him to count each of your lashes, map the constellations you’ve hidden in your eyes. 
You drop to the mattress instead, and the look you give him has him holding back a laugh, the mix of stubbornness and grudging deference that has Armitage wondering how hard it’s been for you to play at obedience in your union.
“You should change,” he tells you, just resting on the edge of the bed, “you’ll be more comfortable.”
It’s easier to talk to you when you’re like this. It has Armitage feeling like he’s the one intoxicated, and he is, in a way. Because what if this is your most honest self? 
He didn’t think you could make him love you any deeper, but you’ve managed. 
“Don’t care,” you mumble into the pillows, trying to brush him away with a waving hand. He takes it in his own.
“You’ll ruin your dress.” 
There’s a look of intense focus on your face, and he wonders if you’ll refuse again. Maybe you don’t care about the dress either, although Armitage would be disappointed. It’s one of his favorites from your incredibly extensive wardrobe—a beautiful black and cream confection that always catches his eye.
But you shift instead, turning to look up at him. “Kiss me.”
Stars, not again. Not now, when the weakest parts of him are so palpable. “I- I don’t-”
You flop into a sitting position, hold a single finger up between your faces.
“One kiss,” you concede, “okay?”
He nods, despite himself. You wait patiently for his approach, still and hardly breathing through your parted lips as he slides closer. Armitage keeps his eyes open, and so do you, heavy as they are, watching the distance between your faces fade into nothing.
It’s not like the other times he’s kissed you, although all but one had happened only a few moments ago. You let him set the pace, his lips just barely brushing your own, a sigh bubbling up from deep inside his lungs. He can only offer a little more pressure before he’s lightheaded again, little bursts of light dancing across his vision.
He pulls back from what could hardly be called a kiss, and waits for your disappointment, for your insistence that he try again, that there must be something more, or better, that he’s kept from you. 
Armitage doesn’t want you to know that there’s nothing else to hope for. 
You don’t say a word about it though. Just flop your arms out in front of you, waiting, satisfied in your demands.
“Help me.”
And it passes like that, with more bribes in the form of barely-there presses of his lips to yours—a kiss for you to raise your arms as he slips something soft and oversized over your head, a kiss for you to clumsily remove the dress from underneath. A kiss to get you to leave him for a moment while he changed into his own night clothes after you’d begged and begged for him to spend the night beside you, and a kiss upon his return.
It feels like a lifetime of kisses to Armitage. He doesn’t know what that number would be for anyone else, but you’ve certainly exceeded it for him. He could die in his sleep tonight and have more than he ever deserved. 
And now you’re curled up beside him a hand at his waist, your head on his chest. Armitage breathes, but only barely, hoping he won’t wake you. 
The tension drains from him, his body the closest it’s been to relaxed in ages. He wonders if he should ask Phasma to invite you to dinner again.
He hopes the next time he kisses you, you'll be sober enough to remember it.
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queen-of-elves · 1 year
Getting caught cuddling with General Hux and taking the blame saying you were the one being clingy but really it was him lol the man is like a needy cat and the purring (smooching noises) gave you away
you can honestly go in any direction you want with this. i just thought it'd be a fun lil idea to base off
Getting caught
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A/ N: I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH THANK YOOU!! I am telling you Hux is always going to be this soft and touch starved man that I adore plus I am in my Hux era obsession so this request was soooo sooooooo perfect
A/N 2.0: I also made it so that their relationship was not official yet hopefully that’s no problem
Word count: over 1.8K
Warning: affection?? Lol and cursing as always, also not proofread
General Armitage Hux was a man of strict discipline and undeniable loyalty to the First Order, you have admired these qualities of his since the first day you had the luck to be under his command. There was just something so interesting about him which exceeded even beyond him becoming one of the youngest generals in the First Order history. So it made you a one lucky individual when he set his eyes on you.
You really hoped his secretive glances were interpreted by others as an angry stare at a subordinate or just his regular cold and stern glare because today was awfully full of these glances. It was a miracle that no one has yet figured out this weird arrangement between the two of you. No, you were not dating, at least none of you verbally stated it. But by the time the two of you had already made out in a random maintenance room or closet for the second time that week it was obvious. Something was cooking between the two of you and obviously keeping it secret as much as was humanly possible was an unsaid rule.
It would be a lie to say you knew exactly how it all started. You just knew that one thing led to another and you and the handsome general Hux ended up passionately kissing in one of the empty corridors of the Finalizer. But this all is a tale for another day.
This time it wouldn’t be any different, you were following the commanding officer throughout the left part of the flagship’s corridor and discussing the next plans after the last mission. Nothing out of ordinary, just a normal conversation in the middle of the day, you were afterall one of the main strategists on the flagship in the command of Armitage Hux so it was expected of you to have frequent interactions with him. However, today felt very different to you, if you didn’t count the stares throughout the day, Armitage was still acting jittery and unconcentrated which was highly unlike him. 
Did something happen?
You couldn’t help but feel concern for the wellbeing of your general. In fact you were so lost in your thoughts over it, you haven’t even realized that you have just confirmed a false statement about one of the missions from last week. And then it happened again and again, discussion containing false information soon turned into one about even nonexistent missions planned for the next few days. A confusion slowly crept on your face, did you prepare data for the wrong missions? 
What is he talking about?
And then it hit you. He was furiously looking behind you, checking the corridor before spinning on his heel and glancing down the other side of the hall. You two were the only one or so it seemed since you couldn’t hear any steps or talking except for Hux who was still going on about the fake mission. When his inspection of the hall was done and he seemed fairly satisfied, snatching your hand and dragging you to the door of what you deemed to be some sort of maintenance room was the next step in his plan. 
So before you could react properly he smashed the lock on the side of the door causing the door to open widely and pushed you in. You had no time to even recognize what the room actually contained before the door closed behind the both of you, plugging you into a darkness. It took a bit for your eyes to adjust and it also got worse when he placed his hands on your shoulders, spinning you around to face him. You couldn’t make out any specific details of his face but he still looked so handsome to you. 
Armitage truly was a being above all in your eyes, handsome, disciplined and incredibly smart, too smart for his own good sometimes and this man, this stupidly handsome man was now kissing you. His hands rested on your cheeks and lips on yours and you felt once again as in ecstasy, just like you were drug to him, he was to you.
He slowly backed you to the nearest wall until your back hit it and then it all really started. His kisses went across your whole face, starting at a temple on one side, stopping momentarily to kiss you furiously and ending at the jaw across before he gave himself the time to properly breathe. This was what you loved about kissing with him, how out of breath he would get, it was as if he couldn’t get enough of you and it made you feel eternal.
There was nothing explicitly sexual about this, nothing beyond simple makeout, no great sinful desire at least this time. And if there was anything in it, it was all about comfort, the comfort you brought to him and you could feel it radiate from him. He needed the comfort you provided, that only you could provide.
This time he nudged his face into the croak of your neck and inhaled slowly while squeezing you in a tight hug as if he was afraid you would turn into mist and disappear from his arms.
With Hux it wasn’t just about the kissing, the cuddling was also very prominent and you were pretty sure oftentimes Armitage enjoyed the cuddling much more than he would ever admit. At this point in his life this man was just beyond touch starved and if he would let you, you would give him hugs any time he wanted. It made you so happy to see him smile after every quick kiss or just slight touch of hands that got unnoticed by others. You truly loved making him happy and it felt like he was on the same note with you. 
Armitage was also decently vocal, actually he was the most vocal guy you have ever been with, you noticed it the first time the two of you made out in his office. The little moans that escaped his mouth and oh my, you would be a goddamn liar if you said you didn’t enjoy every second of the sound he would make. Whenever it was caused by you hugging him or kissing the hell out of him.
His mouth felt like it was everywhere, that HE was everywhere and you couldn’t get enough of it. Armitage’s hand moved from your shoulder to your hip while the other sneaked on the small of your back, gripping the hip and bringing you again so close you could hardly breathe. Both of your chests were now touching but even without his mouth touching you, you felt the excitement accumulating between your bodies. 
You have now noticed his vibrant red hair all out of place, you quite liked the disheveled look on him, and the buttons of his uniform sat loose, he must have unfasten some of them while he dragged you to this room and in between the kisses. But instead of kissing you again he nuzzled his face into your neck again while humming slowly. He was contend, purring like a cat onto your neck and chest. You hope for this moment to never end, to just simply cuddle him until you die.
However, the whole moment shattered with the heavy door sliding open with a long whoosh sound. The both of you stood frozen for agonizingly long, hoping whoever opened the door would either not notice you, which was very unlikely considering you were an eyesore in the now lit room, or pretend to not notice you. In those excruciatingly drawn-out seconds you have noticed a blush creeping on Armitage's face but even that image ripped out of your mind by a stammering voice of a much more embarrassed officer.
“I-I am so sor-rry, SIR. I d-din’t know that- I heard a we-weird sound and I thought-” Oh god, the two of you must have been really loud if they could hear you through the door. And on top of that you were pretty sure that officer wouldn’t keep his tongue behind their teeth after what they saw.
“Get OUT!” Armitage's voice echoed through the room silencing the officer. 
You couldn’t see his face, his silhouette was illuminated by the hall's light still present in the room after the officer just ran for his life, leaving the door open. And there was a certainty the officer wouldn’t escape the punishment Armitage was already making in that smart head of his.
When he finally turned to you, you could see his face seeping red, the tips of his ears caressed with blush just like his cheeks and neck. He wasn’t looking at you, instead his wide eyes rested a few meters before your feet on the metal floor. Half of his face was obscured by his left hand which was holding his mouth in a tight grip. If it weren’t for the blush you would have thought he was contemplating his life choices or maybe he really was and maybe this was it. You knew Armitage was a man of a great reputation and to taint it with a flirt with one of his subordinates was unforgivable.
“I hoped it wouldn’t get out so soon.” A stoic mask was placed again on his face, the one he sported when he commanded on the bridge, when he was back in his role, unforgiving and with no mercy for failure. You did enjoy seeing him like that, full of pride and in his element but you also enjoyed how he would hold your hand while kissing your cheeks softly. The duality of this man surely would be the death of you one day and maybe this was the day.
“It seems it’s official then-” Your voice interrupted him.“What’s official?” Your heart was pounding so hard against your rib cage you were afraid it might leave bruises, you were too nervous to care for formalities now. This could be either exciting news or a soul crushing one.
“Us, obviously.” He stated, while he still hasn't noticed your nervous expression and your eyes following his every move before the realization came crashing down on you.
This time you could hear the heavy steps, it obviously wasn’t an officer, probably a stormtrooper but you still didn’t expect Phasma, the stormtrooper captain, to appear in the still open door, her stare unrecognized by you thanks to her helmet, causing Armitage to turn his back on you again.
“Captain Phasma, I apologize it’s my fault I-” This time it was your general interrupting you.
“Yes, your choice of location to inform me of classified information is-,” Armitage turned back to you, shooting you an unidentifiable look,“ maybe next time choose my office. People could get the wrong idea, officer.” It seemed to be the end of the conversation or at least Phasma deemed it as one since she turned ready to leave while informing general Hux of new details about her mission. However, before both of them could exit the room you caught Armitage shooting you a smirk.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered with a small smile painted on your lips.
Oh god, that man was truly going to be the death of you.
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moonlightshaiku · 10 months
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Hux's "Type"
Hux is one of those people that thinks they have a very specific type, but falls in love with everyone that isn't that.
He thinks he likes people who are down to earth, strict, rule-followers, hold high positions and have a lot to determination to go farther.
He ends up with people who are dreamy, nervous, lack ambition, reckless, stubborn, follow rules only when they think they apply, etc.
And he loves them for it. He doesn't see these things as flaws, because he hates perfect. He's been trying to be perfect for so long, it's what he expects. But being comfortable with someone else's flaws helps him actually live, enjoy life. That what his partner does.
He still likes certain qualities in a person, he likes ambition and people who are down to earth, but he also loves when they're not those things. When he has variety from everyday life.
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Multi chapter
Please heed all warnings for these fics. 18+
Echoes of the Heart
Paper Hearts
In the Thickness of Blood
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One Shots
Between the Wars
A Night at the Drive In
The Trick
Kiss on the cheek prompt
Baby Fever Prompt
Fux Friday
Too Late for Goodbye
A Brief Moment in Time
Hux headcanons
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,009
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @lightly-lumiere (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
*This is gonna be a real fucking nightmare for you sweet Darling reader... Good luck!
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randofandomtrash · 2 years
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lemongingerart · 8 months
Hi Peb, responding to your 'get help'!
(((I made a separate post for several reasons. Lately, if I reblog something with extra content, it's just ignored. Also, this content has dirt on it. Lemons. NSFW. I wanted you to choose whether or not you want to be associated with it and how you want to get the tags right 😅))))
Ah, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through tough times! How is it that bad things always seem to happen simultaneously? I certainly feel you on the first topic though, right now I'm under a pile of blankets with covid as well. Tough mf.
We all sometimes need a pat on the back (or a bottle of red wine to share 🥲) so I do like this idea and dug through my Hux x OC fic for something shareable (because in all honesty that's the only content I have 🙃)
So… have this partially unfinished and unreviewed smutty chapter, that I won't be publishing this year anyway, because it’s so far up my fic no one will remember I shared this today 😅
(Oh stars, I think this is the first time I'm putting smut out in the open, and it's not even romantic, it's pure horny filth mainly for the ginger general's pleasure … but I'm too exhausted from corona to care 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ )
Tagging the moots, in case they're horny for Hux: @liminalpebble, @mylifeisactuallyamess , @morby - let me know if you want in
Wourd count: about 2 500
Tags/warnings: Hux POV, in universe but kind of AU if you read this separately, established relationship, Hux x female!OC (called Miko), hints of dom/sub relationship, boobs, dry humping maybe?, oral (m!receiving), a shoe.
Let me know what I forgot, because I most certainly did forget something (hence, corona)
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'H, we got an issue on the eastbound production line' Miko said, barging into his office and suddenly standing next to his desk.
Armitage skeptically looked up from his datapad, not amused by her lack of discipline. Still… he thought he would never have to admit it, but he was getting slightly used to it. The annoyance towards her unprofessional behavior had dwindled, now only a minor hindrance and thus making him able to focus on the reason she stumbled inside his office in the first place.
"Lieutenant, at ease." He said, although it wasn’t like she was standing straight up anyway. "Please explain. Slowly. "
Miko nodded, but the way she pulled up her eyebrow made it clear she wasn't having any of it. Stars, each time she was besting his authority she was encouraging him to find ways to fuck her and he wondered if she was doing it on purpose or even by reflex.
She swiftly provided him with an overview of various calculations, clearly visualized on her datapad, while she was elaborating on the numbers with her usual passionate style.
Hux didn't hear what she was saying though. Although he was watching her lip movements closely. And the way her chest heaved when she took a breath in between her rambling. Hmm, he'd love to free up some time in his busy schedule to open the clasps of that uniform and feel how warm and pliable her breasts feel today.
Miko stopped her exposition. "You aren't listening, are you." She stated, setting up a pouting face and her right hand on her hip. He knew her enough to assume that the disappointment was at least exaggerated, at best staged. He also knew how to turn that disappointment into something much more pleasant.
"You’re distracting me, Lieutenant. " Miko turned a quarter when she laid down the datapad before him. She switched hands, planting her knuckles on her other hip. She frowned. "Distracting you? This is kind of urgent, otherwise I wouldn't barge into your office and disturb your heavily stuffed planning like this." He could swear she was mocking him now.
She sighed, waving her free hand towards the datapad on the table and ticking on the graphs. While doing so, she leaned on his desk and he could smell the champoo on her hair - of course she wasn't using the regulated one - and a hint of the tea they shared this morning.
"Still, you know what your lack of manners and disrespect do to me." He hissed, turning his desk chair and sliding her way. Miko looked back to him in bewilderment. Did she really not expect him to make a remark like this? She frowned for a second.
"Apologies, sir, for speaking before my time. " she then quietly said, blushing and turning her gaze towards the ground. He didn’t miss the flicker in her eyes, though, signaling Hux she was more than happy to play along. Stars, he never was sure if she did these things on purpose in the first place.
He did want to get that uniform open now, just a little bit to feel if he could make her moan with one hand in, kneading her tits and making her nipples get stiff between his fingers.
Outstretching his right leg, he locked his foot behind the back of Miko’s knee, coercing her to come closer. Hux hips had sunken more towards the end of the chairs seating now, making him lay back a bit. She followed his unspoken directions with baby steps, the closer she got the more blush apparent on her cheeks.
As she was standing in between his legs now, he raked his long fingers over the side of her figure. He could spot how she pulled in her lower lip, biting it as if it could stop her from breathing heavily, betraying she needed his touch.
He chuckled, he deeply appreciated the way she played her part right now. It was still a mystery to him how she could just… be who she was to him.
"I'm not sure if I can just accept those apologies. But I am in a good mood. Can your eastbound issue wait for another 15 minutes?" Miko only nodded. "Good. Because I'm going to solve another problem first." He whispered, pulling her closer by the neck clasp of the uniform. She had to bend her knees forward and he made sure her upper legs reached the chair, right before the center of his pants. The next friction created by her leg moving was no coincidence though, it made it clear to him she was aware of the boner in his pants and how she was more than willing to do something about it.
But first, he wanted to open up that uniform just enough to see her nipples come out and give them some of his treatment, while still some of the skin remained locked in fabric.
He pulled her closer even more, planting a kiss on her lips, the kind of kiss that is making her want more by the way she tries to pull on his lips. But he wasn’t going to give her those yet. He still had a firm grip on the collar, making sure she couldn’t steal away any extra kisses. The soft but needy complaining sound that escaped her lips, made him chuckle.
His other hand found a way to the clips of the uniform, expertly opening it up from under the collar to right under her breasts. Keen on reaching his target, he slipped his hand inside, pulling up the tank top she was wearing underneath. Still holding her by the collar and enjoying the way she looked bothered and desperate for another kiss, he cupped her left breast, fingers sliding between the fabric of her bra and her warm skin. The way they moved made him knead them a single time, before pulling down the bra and exposing her skin to the cold air.
Seeing her facial expression change to something even more needy, almost animal like, was his new favorite thing. While he was most certainly doing this for himself, pleasing her always gave him that extra rush to the head. Lately, in the afterglow, it made him realize that he would do anything to keep her by his side.
He repeated the process on the right side, this time taking in how both tits looked out in the open and if it was matching his recent visualization. Gods, he loved the sight of how tense they stood, all restrained through the fabric and the cold air. Matching the pout on her face.
He pulled her closer by the collar again, contemplating if he should kiss that cute pout from her face or not. Her feigned disapproval had proven to give him more inspiration before.
"H., s-sir… we really do have an issue in the eastbound.." she breathed into his ear, stopping mid-sentence due to the soft pinch he performed on her nipples. While he should probably credit her for not leaving out a sound, he relished in how he could control her like that.
He pushed her back, letting her neck go, making her stand up so he could appreciate the sight. The minute he saw realisation dawn on her features, she became to blush even more. "Lieutenant, how come that you always have such a lood mouth, but somehow this is the only way I can make you feel-"
BLIEP, the comm on the desk did, making Hux snap out of it and Miko have the strangest reflex he ever saw in a human: she dived right onto the floor, hiding from the visual receptors of the holocomm device. Hux sighed, turned his chair towards his desk and pressed the accept button to answer the call. He had made it clear he only wanted to be interrupted for urgent matters only, so he could not ignore the call.
"Better be something important, Captain." He started with a snide. He could hear Miko giggle from beside him and he almost rolled his eyes.
The problem with captain Gavin is that he thinks every gossip that happened in his department was of utmost importance. Another problem is that Hux, while higher in ranks, could not simply replace him yet. Drawbacks of running a mid-sized business compared to a complete fleet.
He sighed, annoyance apparent on his face, but still having a hard dick under the desk and a Lieutenant on all fours, tits out, next to him.
He subtly rolled his desk chair to Miko’s side, sliding his foot towards her and halting it right in front of her. He then moved his toes upwards twice, the leather of the boot making a scratching sound, to signal her to come closer. He saw her nodding in the crook of his sight, eyes wide, expressing she got the message. On hands and knees, she silently started crawling towards his foot. While Hux feigned interest in Gavin, he reached further and lower with his leg, the calf of his foot first touching her right boob, then making her crawl closer even more until he could settle his foot in between her legs.
Making sure her head remained under the line of sight from the desk, he turned back in forward position so she slided on his foot, under the desk. "Captain, explain to me why you're not wasting my time.", he asked the holo. Said captain resumed his reasoning while Hux tried to remain as boring looking as ever, while stars he could feel her grind on his shoe right now.
If there was something he really wanted to see, it was the sight of his favorite Lieutenant (the only Lieutenant he favored), half naked but still in uniform, riding his shoe and enjoying it very much. Sadly, he couldn't afford looking down right now, so he just had to imagine her boobs bouncing, her pants getting soaked and the leather of his shoe getting stained. He'll wear the mark throughout the remainder of the day with pride, something his old self would forsake him for.
Gah, he needed some depressurising for himself, and resume with what he had in mind before he got the holocall.
He subtly brought his hand down, fingers stretching and probing for contact with the only person he could trust down there. Almost immediately, he found her hair and pulled it closer in between his legs. That was enough for her to interpret the silent order correctly and get to work on his belt, all the while Gavin rattled about modulators and wrong versions and disgraces and what not.
Hux wasn't sure his face remained stoic the moment she slowly licked the head of his dick, making sure no precum got spilled. What he was sure of though, is that his right leg bumped the underside of the durasteel desk as if it was hit by lightning. That would sting later.
She had pleased him with blowjobs before, so the sensation itself wasn't new, although each time it felt as heavenly as before. That's why he knew she was taking whatever she would get, the wretched woman loved to turn him inside out whenever she could.
But this setting, with Miko under a table and he himself having to concentrate on acting like he was interested in captain chippy? That was completely new and more of a challenge than he had anticipated.
When he felt her make little circles with her tongue, obviously having fun and trying extra hard to make sure he won't forget this particular session, he automatically clenched his fists. He pulled her hair, and she took the action as encouragement, taking him in her mouth completely and slowly sinking down towards the base. Fearing this would be too much to handle all the while making the holocall, he brought his free hand up before his mouth, trying to hide the scowl that was forming. When she reached her limit, she started to go up again, sucking with all might and making him see stars. As soon as he felt the turn in her movement on his cock, he commenced curling his fingers and pressing his fist against his lips, to make sure he wouldn't start panting in front of the camera.
Soon, she started pumping his dick, following the rhythm she knew he enjoyed all too well, and he had to stop his hips from tensing and stretching. By a thousand suns, why was she so good at this?
"General, I'm sorry to disturb you, but have you seen Lieutenant Ylena? We have an issue in the eastbound sector and she wanted to be informed of the process." Sergeant K interrupted captain Gavin during his boring plea. Hux had to focus on the conversation again, now that two of his subordinates were in view of the holo. A daunting task considering how much underpressure she was putting on his cock right now - he could imagine the dimples in her cheek. Oh frack, he needed to answer now, so he pulled her still with the grip he still had on her scalp. Miko immediately stopped, but didn't let him go though, applying the littlest of pressure and letting him know that this game works both ways.
Hux sighed and answered the men in the holo: "I've just heard her, she's on her way up to me for some other matter. I'll send her over once I'm done with her."
Shit, she was definitely chuckling on his dick now. Then, she started doing little short sucking motions on the head of his cock, sending him to new heights. This conversation had to come to an end now.
"Captain, sergeant, I propose we end this debate right now and I will see to it that Lieutenant Ylena will be at your department as soon as she can," he blurted out, way too fast for his doing but he just needed to close the communication line and stop her from using her mouth and driving him to his peak so soon. In the meanwhile, he had come up with other plans.
He pressed a button and the holo disappeared. Now that he could move more freely, he brought his other hand down and stroked her filled mouth: "Shush, I still want you on the desk my little Lieutenant." He said with a crooked smile while pulling her back from his cock at her hair. "Get up while I lock the door. This time I will not be disturbed while I make you feel exactly how hard you made it for me. "
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Call Me Hux
Pairing: Hux x reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: You are Hux’s personal assistant. When you collapse one day from exhaustion, you expect to be put to death immediately. However, you are surprised to find that is Hux himself who takes care of you, revealing that his feelings towards you are not as cold as you once believed.
Warning: Description of severe exhaustion
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    You startled as the black office doors swished open and Hux stormed inside. “Where is that report I asked for, he’ll be here any moment.”
   “On your desk sir.” You ran a hand through your hair, panicking when you realized that you hadn’t pulled it back into the regulatory style when you last got dressed. When was that exactly? Yesterday? The day before? It was all a blur.
    Kylo had asked for a report that Hux had neglected to put together. He had pounced on you, demanding that you assist him. Not that you would have done anything else. You had been assigned to Hux as his personal assistant. Being pounced on, yelled at and threatened was part of the job.
   For three straight days you had sat at your desk, combing through files, arranging the information, wording it to sound as if Hux had written it. You had drank little and eaten less, focused on meeting his deadline. An ache had settled in your muscles and your eyes constantly burned, but you had to keep working.
   Hux crossed to his desk and began tapping the tablet that contained the report in question, the one you had finished just a few moments before his entrance. “Good, good.” He muttered, so soft you almost didn’t hear. “Very good.”
   Your heart thrummed in your chest at the praise, followed soon after by a mental kick. He was referring to the contents of the report. He would never praise you. You were no better than a trooper to him, a programmed slave that obeyed his every command.
   Your aching fingers carded through your hair as you fumbled to tie it into a succinct knot. “Shall I leave the room for your meeting, sir?”
   “Yes, yes,” Hux made a motion as if to shoo you away. “And bring me a coffee when you return, I’ve been up all night worrying about this.”
   “Yes sir.” You pushed your chair back and stood, only to grab the desk with a soft gasp.
   Hux looked up. “What’s wrong?”
   “Nothing.” You lied, setting your jaw as you forced your cramped, trembling legs to hold your weight. It hurt terribly. When was the last time you had stood up?
   You didn’t look at Hux as you slowly walked out of the office, cringing at the sense of his dark blue eyes stabbing through you from behind. If Hux were to see the effects his commands had on you he would order you killed on the spot. You were certain of it. He had done terrible things to past assistants. You were just one in a long line. You had to keep going, even though your stomach churned at the thought. Keep going or die on the spot.
                                                   # # # # #  
   Every step was painful. Your head pounded with an ache that was only growing worse. Your eyes watered from the white hot burning sensation you couldn’t get rid of, no matter how many times you rubbed them. Your muscles hurt and your stomach was a wreck. You stood by Hux’s desk, tablet in hand, fingers dancing across the screen as he rattled off tasks for the rest of the day. When was your shift going to end? You had lost track of time, of thought, of anything. It was taking all your strength just to keep your eyes open.
   “And I want to confirm with the helmsman that we will be inputting the necessary course adjustments to avoid the Garnok system, as well as maintaining our ETA to the station. Also you need to draft a letter of recommendation for the head of weapons, he did quite well during our disagreement with-.”
   The tablet slipped from your fingers and fell to the floor. Hux stopped. You jerked and stumbled backwards. “Sorry sir, excuse me,” You got to your knees to retrieve the tablet.
   “Clumsy fool.” Hux growled. “You’ve been dropping things all morning.”
   “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t,” You got to your feet quickly and regretted it. The movement caused your vision to swim and your head to pound. You took another step back and bumped into your desk, breathing faster as you fought for control. The tablet fell once more.
   “I didn’t, sir it’s just, I’m fine,” you tried your best to nod. “I’m fine.”
   With a final desperate surge of energy you pushed off the desk and stood up. Only to collapse to the floor and have all your thoughts go black.
                                                     # # # # #
   The first sound you heard was water trickling next to you. Your body felt heavy, and the ache in your head and burn in your eyes hadn’t gone away. Your fingers curled around soft silk sheets, a stark difference to the rough, starched regulation sheets you were used to. You were definitely not in your own quarters, nor where you in the infirmary. You shifted your head and winced, groaning at the pain.
   “Keep your eyes closed.” The voice was familiar, however you had never heard it sound so gentle. “The medication should take affect soon, but your eyes will still be weak.”
   “Wha-…What?” You opened your eyes despite his warnings and cringed, the low light of the foreign quarters you were in enough to cause intense pain.
   The trickling water stopped. “Close your eyes.” A hand pressed over your eyes to close them.
   Your heart stuttered as the warmth of his hand soothed the raging ache. “General,” you wanted so desperately to resist, to fight. But the effects of your exhaustion had reduced you down to a helpless mess, allowing the warmth of a hand that would most certainly kill you lull your pain.
   “Easy, easy now. Rest.” Hux increased the pressure against your eyes, the warmth and enforced darkness enough to send you right back into the blank darkness of sleep.
                                                    # # # # #
   You woke to a hand slipping under your aching neck and angling your head up. “Wake up. Wake up, you need to drink.”
   You gave a soft moan. “No,” your brow furrowed, keeping your eyes closed. “Just a dream.”
   Hux’s voice had a touch of indignation. “This is not a dream.” He shifted your head up further. “Here, drink.”
   The cool rim of a glass pressed against your lips. You opened your mouth and drank eagerly, whimpering when Hux responded by pulling back. “Slowly, darling.” He whispered. “Slowly.”
   This was most certainly a dream. Never had you been called darling, or anything other than your name for that matter. Hux would never call you darling, it was just a dream.
   You finished drinking and Hux lowered your head back to the pillow. “It’s…I must be dying.” You murmured, throat growing hot and tight at the thought. “The general would never…Hates me cause I can’t…can’t do anything right.” A tear slipped down your cheek. “Gonna kill me.”
   “Hush,” Hux brushed his fingers through your hair and wiped away your tear. “There is no need to fear...Perhaps the general is hard on you…because he does not wish for the others to know that he cares for you.”
   The concept washed over you, strange and new. “He…He can’t. I’m no one.”
   “You’re everything.” He whispered. “I…I shouldn’t have ordered you to put that report together alone. I apologize.”
   “The report!” You opened your eyes and tried to sit up. “Gotta, gotta get that report done, he’ll be in trouble if I don’t, I can’t let him get in trouble,”
   “Easy, easy. The report is finished, lie still,” Hux’s hands were on you, easing you back onto the bed and holding you there as you squirmed. “It’s finished, darling, now you must rest. Please.”
   “But I can’t lose him.” Another tear ran down your cheek. “Please, I can’t lose Hux. Don’t know…don’t know who I’d go to next. What if they’re worse? What if they…they,”
   “No one else is going to have you, I promise. You’re mine and mine alone.” Hux’s breath fanned over your face as your eyes closed and his grip relaxed. “I should have…perhaps if I had been kinder,”
   You whimpered and reached up, gripping his uniform sleeve. “Please don’t leave me.”
    “Never. I will never leave you.” His hand found yours, fingers interlocking. “I promise.”
                                                   # # # # #
    You woke feeling more clear headed than you had felt since before the report. Your vision was normal and your head had nothing more than a dull ache. You blinked a couple times and looked around, gaze falling on a sight that made your heart stutter.
    Hux was asleep in the chair by the bed, red hair ruffled and falling in his eyes, his hand still holding yours. You thought it had all been a dream, a hallucination. But it was real.
    You squeezed his hand gently, uncertainly. Hux stirred, blue eyes blinking sleepily before meeting your gaze.
    “Good morning,” he whispered, releasing your hand so that he could straighten and stretch his arms over his head. “How are you feeling?”
    “It’s...It’s real.”
    “Yes,” a faint smile crossed his pale face. “Very real.”
    “You care for me?”
    “With every part of my being.” Hux reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from your eyes. “I should never have treated you the way I did, I’m so sorry darling,”
    “I can’t...I can’t believe.” You sat up in bed. “Can I...can I touch you?”
    Hux’s eyes sparkled in a way you had never seen before but made your heart give an unexpected flutter. “Yes.” He breathed.
    You reached out slowly, carding your fingers through his hair. Hux closed his eyes and tilted back into your hand, sighing as if he had been holding his breath for hours. You repeated the motion, marveling at the way his shoulders relaxed under your touch. “I...I’ve never cared for someone before.”
    “Neither have I.” Hux’s eyes opened, reaching up to pull your hand away and press kisses along your knuckles. “Will you...Would you like to learn how together?”
    You nodded with a slow smile. “Yes sir, I think I would.”
    “Call me Hux, darling.”
    “Yes I would...Hux.”
Fanfic Masterlist
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We Always Love the Things We Cannot Have - Part 3/3
Armitage Hux/Reader, on AO3, check my masterlist for more (including the previous parts).
Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, Destroyer of Worlds, regretted few things in life… but this? He regretted this very much. He had not meant to fall for his strange savior, a woman who claimed to be nobody, who disappeared with just as much ease as she appeared. They were bound to meet again… after all, the galaxy works in mysterious ways.
Warnings: it's like two inches to the left of smut. 1530 words.
A/N: I dropped off the face of Tumblr for three years but this has also been in a google docs for three years so I present: the long awaited, maybe much anticipated part three. i'msosorry.
As was their recurring habit, General Hux encountered his scarred savior for a third time when he was attending an admittedly very frustrating fundraising party in a Canto Bight casino. He was aware that the Resistance might show up, but he hadn’t expected to be cornered by her in a casino elevator following a successful business deal. He’d gotten in alone, assuring his troopers that he would be fine alone – which, at this point, he should know is not really true. He’d gone down two floors, and then the elevator had stopped with a beep and in stepped her. Her, in a shimmering red dress, her eyes like bright orbs, framed in perfect eyeshadow, her silvery scar on full display, her hair twisted in an ornate updo. Who knew the Resistance had money for such a look?
“Hello, Armitage.”
He murmured her name in greeting as she stepped into the elevator car. “What brought you here?”
She stood next to him, now. “The General wanted me to make friends with my mother again, so that’s what I did. And my mother wanted me here.” 
He nods, recalling her story from the first time they met. It was not Resistance business at all, then, not really.
“What about you?”
“First Order fundraising business.”
“Ah. Sounds like fun.”
“It’s not.”
She giggled. “Do you want to have fun?”
He looked over at her, at the mischievous glint in her eyes. “I’m not entirely sure.”
She smiled, reaching forward and stopping the elevator car, fiddling with the buttons on the screen and sending the car rocketing back upwards, towards the floor she came from. 
“They’ll notice I’m gone.”
She shrugged. “I’m sure you can come up with a clever fib, Armitage.”
He flushed, and watched as the car slowly approached her floor, coming to a stop with a ding. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the car with her and down the hall to the door of her suite. She pressed her hand to the panel on the side of the door and it slid open with a mute, satisfying whoosh. She pulled him in, the door closing behind them. They stood in the foyer of the suite now, and she spun to face him.
“Well? What do you think?”
“About what?”
A conniving glint passed through her eyes. “About fun, Armitage.”
Hux shrugged, noncommittal and stiff. He had a feeling he knew what she meant, but he couldn’t help but want to make her spell it out for him.
She huffed, stepping towards him, her hands going to thread her fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. Her perfume swirled around him, wrapping him in her aura once again. Slowly, he moved his hands to rest on her hips. He pulled her into him and she fell into his chest with a surprised gasp.
“Armitage!” she breathed, teasing. 
He smiled, looking down at her. “You’re the one that started it, darling.”
“Would you prefer a different pet name?”
She grinned. “No, not at all.” She pushed herself forward, her lips meeting his. He could faintly taste her red lipstick as their lips parted and their tongues met. After a moment, she pulled away, breathless, and extricated herself from his grip. She stepped away and beckoned that he follow her down the hall that broke away straight from the foyer, and he did. It was only but a moment before she snagged his hand in hers and dragged him into what he presumed was her bedroom – and then she wrapped him up in her arms and their lips were connected yet again. One of her hands separated from him, reaching for her own hair and pulling out the ornate pins that held it in place. She reached to one of his hands and brought it to her hair, tossing the pins haphazardly on the dresser a bit away from where they stood. Hux curled his fingers into her locks, pushing himself closer to her. 
It occurred to him that there were many things about this that were inherently wrong – namely: he was an officer of the First Order, she of the Resistance. But, as she pulled him with her towards the bed, he couldn’t really find it in himself to care about the little things like that. Slowly, his fingers wandered to the clasps of her dress, and he undid them, one at a time, feeling the fine fabric slide through his hands and down her body like water. In likewise form, her fingers wandered to the buttons of his dress uniform, undoing them with oddly practiced grace.
Hardly but a moment later, he found himself on his back, on the bed, with her straddling his lower abdomen, a shining smile on her face as she leaned forward to kiss him again, and again, and again.
They seemed, as cliche as it sounded, to fit together like puzzle pieces. Hux was mesmerized as he watched her rise and fall above him, head thrown back in ecstasy. He held her hips, tighter and tighter, as if to hold this moment in time forever. Her little gasps of pleasure were music to his ears, a sound he would cherish forever; the warmth of her around him a sensation unlike any other. The sheets wrapped around them in a warm embrace, cocooning them in a moment unto their own, far away from the trials of the galaxy. In what felt like no time at all to Hux (but was, in fact, surely longer), they were separating, laying beside each other, breathing heavily. With his heart thundering away in his chest (whether from exertion, or love, or both), he pulled her closer to his body and held her for a moment, dreading the approaching instant that they would separate, again, for who knows how long. 
After a while, she pulled herself free of his grasp, and sat up in the bed. “I’m sure they will be missing you by now, Armitage.” She looked sad even as she said it, so Hux bit back his snarky response and nodded reluctantly – already beginning his evolution back into a stiff military man. 
She watched him with sparkling eyes as he redressed, as he stood in front of the mirror and fixed his hair, as he straightened his cuffs and pulled the wrinkles from his uniform. At some point, she got up from the bed, wandering over to him in nothing but the sheet – held loosely, at that – and quietly slid one of her ornate hair pins into the interior pocket of his uniform jacket, gently kissing his cheek as she did so. 
“I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, Armitage.”
He nodded, turning to her and pressing a kiss to her hairline. “Likewise, darling.”
And with that, he was walking out of the bedroom and down the hall, out of the suite and to the elevator, out to the casino, to the First Order fundraiser, back to the stuffy Senators and businessmen – and away from what he’d decided was the most beautiful thing in the whole galaxy. 
He did not see her again soon. In fact, he did not see her again for a year, and for that entire span of time, he found himself desperately wishing he’d found a way to keep in touch with her – but today, he came to the startling realization that she had somehow found a way to keep in touch with him. 
Today, he received an encrypted message from a far corner of the galaxy, with the sender merely listed as “Darling.” He knew who it was, of course, he remembered everything. It was a message of five lines, five sentences that had managed to turn his entire world upside down. 
The first informed him that she had left the Resistance shortly after their last meeting.
The second informed him of why.
The third informed him of the name of her reason why: Amarante.
The fourth informed him that mother and daughter were in a place no military, no enemy of his would ever find them.
The fifth was three small, meaningful words. I love you.
And so, when Kylo Ren found General Hux later that day, he was precisely where her message had left him – standing in front of a glass viewport on the Finalizer, staring into deep space, wishing he knew which stars they could both see. 
“You look… surprised. I had not thought such a thing was… possible, for a man like you.” 
Hux could feel the fingers of the Force rifling through his mind, finding what was wrong in only an instant.
Hux merely grunted in return.
“Well, at least they are safe.”
Hux wanted to smack the Commander, make him understand that there was so much more to this than safety, but he didn’t.
“When the First Order succeeds, I’m sure she will find you again, General.”
For the first time ever, Armitage Hux found himself genuinely afraid of losing – the war, her, Amarante – all of it.
Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, Destroyer of Worlds, regretted few things in life… but this? He regretted this very much.
Another A/N: I like to think this is what made him spy for the Resistance in the end. Some sort of misguided prayer for redemption, hope to see her, I dunno. In a perfect world, he lived happily ever after with his Darling and Amarante. But, well. We know how this story ends… if anyone is interested I could definitely write an AU epilogue, though. I have many thoughts (including, but not limited to, Poe x Darling, platonic or romantic). In my head a lot of this happens beginning before TFA, and pushing a bit into it but not far. Come TLJ and TROS, I’m feeling Darling and Amarante have been estranged from the galaxy for at least a few years, and Amarante is no longer a toddling baby.
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pineapplepunchhh · 5 months
“Too Young.”
Kylo Ren x Reader
In this story when appointed Supreme Leader, Kylo is in his early 30's. There is no use of y/n, readers name just isn’t mentioned, use of biologically female anatomical features.
Warnings: age gap (10yrs?) possesive and obsessive Kylo, half smut, toxic maybe?
Being so young you felt like you always had to prove yourself, if somebody assigned you a task you would complete it a hundred times better than what was originally asked of you. But even with your outstanding efforts on the Finalizer, you were still looked down upon by your superiors. Yes your endeavors were excellent and nobody could complain about the work that you delivered but even then people would still call you, too young.
It hurt the first few times... oh but who were you kidding? It hurt every single time that it slipped from someones tongue, especially his. Kylo Ren, the recently appointed new Supreme Leader of the First Order. He was captivating, with and without helmet, you had only seen his face about two times in your years of working on the Finalizer but the image could never leave your mind, he was absolutely spellbinding. His beauty went beyond what you had expected, piercing brown eyes, dark hair that fell almost too perfectly around his face, a scar starting under his eye and disappearing into his clothes, a beautifully pale complexion and that nose, that might have been your favorite part of him, his big and prominent nose. His charm, however, was not limited to his face for you, he was huge, he was tall and everything seemed to be in proportion, his hands were huge, his arms were huge, his legs, anything and everything. He always towered right over you, when he was behind you he acted almost like a wall. He had never explicitly said it but whenever your mind wandered from a task to just how big his hands or gorgeous his eyes were, you could hear a voice in your head, a small whisper that you swore sounded just like him, ''You're too young.'' It said, rejecting your thoughts about your Supreme Leader.
But despite these comments entering your mind whenever your thoughts drove off to him, you were unsure of how genuine they were, whenever you were off to handle tasks you could always feel a presence lurking right behind you, and when you turned your head you could find him, standing in the same hallway, observing you but quickly walking away when you caught his stare. What you did not know is that you were right, the voice in your head was his, reminding you that you were too young, too young for him, It was not as much for you as it was for him. He could not get you off his mind, he tried day and night to stop thinking about you, your beauty was even more captivating to him as his was to you, but you were simply too young, you had only recently turned twenty two years old and he was well in his mid-thirties, he in no way wanted to corrupt your still innocent and free soul with his corrupt and troubled one, if anything he wanted to preserve what you had, you could not belong to him, he could not do that to you, but you could not belong to anybody else either.
For this reason whenever you would interact with any man on the ship, they would suddenly need to report to the Supreme Leader or he would suddenly appear behind you two, telling you both you need to get back to your tasks. You had begun talking to one of the First Order officers you later learned was named Lin. Lin was a kind man that often helped with your tasks even though you insisted you could perform them fine on your own, which was true, and he knew that, nonetheless he just wanted an excuse to spend his time with and around you. Kylo noticed this, and he did not like it, at all, no matter how much he called Lin to him, told you to go back to work or intervened in any way, he always came back. Kylo could not stand it, Lin might not have been a bad influence per se but Kylo could not risk it, he had to preserve your pristineness, your innocence, and to do that, he had step up his game. Kylo called Lin into the conference room and it did not take long for him to enter. ''Supreme Leader, sir, I am here, what do you need me for?'' Lin was panting as he walked up to Kylo, beads of sweat running down his face indicating he ran there as soon as Kylo called him. ''Hello, Lin,'' Kylo started talking, his voice distorted by his helmet, ''I have called you here because we need to have a talk.'' He stated, turning his body to Lin and stepping closer to him, Lin could feel Kylo's eyes piercing through his skull even with the helmet on. ''W-Well, what do we need to talk about, Supreme Leader?'' Lin was afraid, he knew what Kylo was capable of, he was a man with no mercy for anybody he deemed his enemy. ''I can sense your fear,'' snickered Kylo. ''You are weak Lin, I hope you are aware of that, but that is not the point, what I want to talk to you about is the girl.'' Lin raised his eyebrows in confusion. ''Do you mean-'' He started before being interrupted by Kylo. ''Yes, her, you are going to stop talking to her, you understand?'' Kylo stated, Lin's confusion rose. ''But Supreme Leader, sir, why?'' He questioned Kylo, Kylo stepped towards him, minimizing the distance between them every step he took and Lin did not dare step back, Kylo took one of his gloved hands and roughly grabbed Lin's face so hard he almost broke his jaw. ''Because I say so, and what I say, goes, you understand?'' Lin sputtered as tears formed in the corners of his eyes, he tried nodding but Kylo's tight grip would not let him. ''Yes s-sir.'' Lin barely got the words out but when they left his lips Kylo let go of him, ''now scram, you fool.'' Lin had already ran before Kylo could complete his sentence.
The following day when you were up to some of your daily tasks you passed by Lin in one of the halls, you waved your hand at him and were about to walk up to him to strike up a conversation, but as soon as he saw you, his eyes widened and he quickly walked off. You felt as if he was avoiding you, but you could not understand why, until you took a look behind you to find your Supreme Leader standing in the dark, watching you. He had been up to something and you knew it. You wanted nothing but to confirm your suspicions, but what were you going to do? You could not possibly risk offending Kylo, you would lose everything you had worked oh so hard for to build up these past few years, however your curiousity was eating you alive and you simply could not take it anymore. It was the late afternoon when you stormed into the conference room you knew Kylo Ren would be at, and luckily for you he was there alone. ''Ah hello, what a surprise to see you here!'' Kylo exclaimed when he saw you enter through the big, steel doors. ''What is it you come to me fo-'' you cut Kylo off before he can finish his sentence, your eyes trying their best to pierce through his helmet as you stand maybe... a little too close to him. ''What have you been up to?'' You question him, trying to contain your anger. ''What are you talking about?'' Kylo countered your question with his own, stepping closer to further limit the distance between you two. As his body comes closer to yours you almost forget what you came to him for in the first place, your fiery eyes go from his helmet to his chest, arms, hands, you take in his body, the size, the greatness, then you hear a low chuckle coming from Kylo's helmet. Your eyes shoot back up at him, ''I am talking about Lin, and basically any other man that I have ever come in contact with, they all suddenly get called away or distracted by something and you are always around when that happens, and Lin, we talked every single day and suddenly one day he starts avoiding me like the plague!'' You exclaimed in a tone you maybe should not have used, you realized your words and your throat felt closed up, you heartbeat increased rapidly and you hoped you were not visibly sweating. ''What exactly are you accusing me of.'' He lowered his head to to yours, the glass in the helmet showing you your own nervous and trembling reflection. ''N-nothing sir, I-I am sorry, sir..'' Your voice was shaking and you swore he just chuckled again, you could slightly make out the shape of his eyes behind the glass of his helmet. He stepped away from you raising his head back up. ''You are not wrong, you know? Maybe I scared some of them off a little.'' He shrugged, his back was turned to you as he walked to the other side of the room, you quickly followed. ''Wait what? excuse me sir but why would you do that?'' he came to a sudden halt and you almost crashed into his back, he spun back around. ''Because they were not worthy.'' You felt, flattered? Somehow? But angry at the same time, you were angry at him for turning away your chances at any type of relationship with anybody on the ship, but you were also flattered that Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, was this invested in you, that he cared about you this much. ''Then who is worthy?'' You asked him, he sighed all he wanted to tell you was that it was him, he was worthy, he wanted you, he wanted to tell you he heard all your thoughts about him, every single one and that all he wanted to do was fulfill them, but you were just... too young. ''Sir?'' You placed your hand on his arm and he quickly shook his arm to get your hand off. ''No, do not touch me.'' He shook his head taking a step back from you. ''But why, sir?'' The way the word 'sir' rolled so smoothly off your tongue drove him crazy, he wanted nothing more than to have you, to kiss you, to touch you. ''I know how you have been thinking about me, your thoughts, they are so loud, so loud, but I am sorry, I cannot answer to them, you are too young.''
It stung, like a knife to the heart it stung, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, the man you had been lusting over for so long, he confirmed it, you were too young, but you were determined, now that you knew how he thought about you, you needed it, you needed him. ''I know im young, sir, but my mind is well beyond my years.'' You tried to persuade him, he turned his back to you and right when you thought you were being rejected, you heard a low hissing sound, his hand went up to his head, they grabbed his helmet and slowly raised it from his head. You saw his dark hair falling out from the helmet he then placed next to him on the conference table. He slowly turned around and you were met with his dark brown eyes, those piercing eyes, they looked down at you as he stepped closer, It was like you remembered, the eyes, the hair, the nose, the lips and the long scar, all you could think about was where it ended. A low chuckle emitted from his full, plush lips ''Your thoughts are so loud.'' He stepped closer to you, his gloved hand reached up to your face, caressing you cheek with the rough leather. ''But I cannot, I cannot corrupt your pure soul.'' You placed your hand on top of his, feeling just how big it was. ''You could not corrupt me even if you tried.'' You smirked at him, your confidence was radiating, you had this opportunity now and there was no way you were going to let it slip. Kylo's eyes went wide, he was shocked at your sudden confident attitude, his lips formed into a smirk and he grabbed your face with the hand resting on your cheek, he pulled your face towards his own and without a second thought he crashed his lips onto yours, you were soon to kiss him back and before you knew it you were half-sitting half-laying down on the conference room's table with Kylo between your legs hungrily kissing your lips.
''Your thoughts, your desires, your fantasies.'' He said inbetween kisses. ''I want to fulfill them all.'' He bit at your lip before moving his kisses down to your jawline and from your jawline to your neck, biting, sucking, licking, doing whatever he pleased. 'He continued speaking dirty words and sweet praise inbetween licks and bites, the only noises coming from you being whimpers and moans. ''You sound.. so sweet.'' He commented before pulling away from your neck causing you to whimper, he grabbed the bottom of your shirt lifting it up over your head, he stuck out a hand and an invisible pair of hands unclasped and removed your bra, an interesting use of the force for sure. H e took in the image of your naked boobs, still trying to process that this was really happening. He slowly extended his hand to one of your boobs, massaging it, looking up at you for any confirmation, you gave him a nod and he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking and licking at whilst massaging the other one, you tried to keep quiet not knowing if the room was any form of soundproof. Kylo pulled away from your nipple and was on his way to your pants before a swift sound came from behind you, you turned your head and saw the big doors had opened and General Hux stood in the doorway, he quickly turned to look away and you picked up your clothes and got dressed almost in an instant. Kylo did not seem to be affected by the situation at all simply stating ''we will continue our meeting later, I think General Hux needs me.'' He looked down at you giving you a wink, your cheeks heated up and you quickly scurried off past General Hux desperately trying to avoid eyecontact.
You could not wait for later.
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symphonyofthieves · 29 days
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This was my gift for @darthastris, in the May the 4th be with you exchange ✨🌌☺️.
I hope you like it and that you are having a great Star Wars day! I will give you the coloured version as soon as possible 🥰.
May the for e with you, my friend! 🌈💫
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starlightsearches · 10 months
Congratulations on your milestone! 🎉 I’d like to request Track 1 with Armitage Hux please 😊
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Track 1 - Crimson and Clover by Tommy James and the Shondells: Give me a character and I’ll write a short blurb or headcanons on how they would pine for you.
General Hux x F! Reader / 📼 ✨ mixtape milestone ✨ 📼
Thanks for the request, bestie!
This is kind of a continuation of this one shot I did forever ago, but you can read it independently! Warnings for some allusion to sexual content and language. Let me know what you think!
Armitage is surprised you're not in his quarters.
And then he's disappointed.
He has no right to either emotion—you were given your own rooms for a reason. Still, he'd become accustomed to your presence in his sitting area every evening, or warming his bed when he returned late.
The way a wife should.
But your relationship isn't that typical of a marriage, no matter what Armitage had first hoped for or envisioned. It was a childish idea that started him on the path, even if there were other, more logical, benefits that solidified his decision.
There's no logic in the way he's waiting for you to appear.
Half-stripped of his uniform, he wanders into the refresher, listless. Desperate to keep his head clear of the worst of his thoughts.
But you would never care for him. You'd float through his spaces and on his arm dutifully, the way you'd promised him in your vows, and give him nothing more. And he's not capable of a relationship that would involve anything more.
There'd be no fondness or gentle touches for somebody like him, with a repulsive exterior and worse soul.
You couldn't love him. Ever. He should give up on any hope of that now.
The water's cold from the sink, the way he likes it, pressing handfuls of it against his tired eyes, letting it drip down his neck and soak the collar of the thin shirt he wears beneath his uniform.
The sound of water grows louder, deeper—a heavy swish instead of a light trickle.
And then your voice, not imagined this time, though he often heard you when he was alone.
"I didn't think you would be back so soon."
Armitage whirls clumsily, and feels stupid for doing so, the edge of the counter biting into his palm where it lands.
Oh fuck.
The bathtub in his refresher is deep, and large, and never used—Hux could hardly find the time to lie down, let alone soak in a bath—so it's strange for him to see it full.
It's strange, despite its deepness, and the milky quality of the water that floods the air with the smell of flower petals and salt, how much of your skin he can see.
Hair hanging damp around your face, the water just kisses at the slopes of your shoulders, caressing your body in ways he's only dreamed of doing.
Hux means to speak, but all the air in his lungs comes out in a huff. Tongue brushing over his lips, he can taste the fragrance in the air.
Almost like it's you he's tasting.
Your head bows. His silence has spoken before he's had the chance, and now he's offended you. Again.
"I'm sorry," you tell him, swilling the water between your fingers, "I should have asked before I used—"
"No—" he interrupts you, hardly a whisper, but you defer to him as always. Hux wonders what it will take to stop you from fearing him.
"There's no need for permission," he continues, and then trails off weakly, unsure of how to put words to the rest of his thoughts. Afraid you could see all of it on his face—thinking about how the fabric of his trousers would pull heavily at his skin if he slipped into the water with you, if he'd even be able to find the curves of your hips or thighs in the water's depths.
He is willing to drown himself trying.
Your tongue runs smoothly over your lips, folding in between your teeth, "Oh. Thank you."
He's got nothing else to say—no words that will make their way out, at the very least—trying not to stare but incapable of looking anywhere but you. Your soft eyes. The slope of your nose. Your lips.
He notices the way they move around your next words, although the sound is drowned out by the rush of blood in his ears. Probably for the best—it stops his gaze from traveling anywhere lower.
You're waiting for a response, but Hux can't give you one, cheeks burning. "What?"
The word comes out more snappish than it should. So off-kilter and so unused to feeling that way, he reacts on instinct, all of which are sharp and biting.
"Sorry, could you?" you point a hand in the direction of the counter, and the fluffy black towel that rests on it, "then I'll be out of your way."
"Of course," he responds, connecting the dots as quick as he can manage when his thoughts are so wild.
Hux ventures as close as he dares, passing the towel to you from a distance, like he might be sucked into the sweet water and your sweeter embrace if he gets too close.
You take it from him without touching him, and he's glad for it. Hux can barely keep on his feet with the soft smile you wear. Your skin on his would certainly be too much.
It's a sweet moment—one of few he's managed not to fuck up completely.
Until your expression falters, teeth caught on your lip. Hux has no idea what he's done to cause your discomfort this time.
"I'll just . . ." you start to slip from the water, and then it hits him, hard, like a punch to the gut.
A surprised grunt escapes Hux's chest, and he turns back toward the mirror, eyes shut tight to offer you some privacy. Nails cutting lines in the palms of his hands.
You would have let him see you. Would have stood bare before him as the rivulets of water traversed your body, would have let him watch, maybe even let him feel. Would have let his palms take in the softness of your skin, instead of the bite he feels now.
And Hux knew this already. No doubt you've been instructed to be a good wife from a time before you were old enough to listen—to offer yourself to your husband, to make yourself available whenever your he desires.
But would you? He feels there's a distinct possibility. And maybe even a possibility you'd want to.
A soft cough interrupts his thoughts, and he takes that as a sign to turn around, finding you with a towel wrapped tight around your body.
You fiddle with the edge of it, shyly meeting his eyes.
"Will I be seeing you in there?"
Your words are stilted, punctuated with pauses like you're picking around landmines—too shy to even say the word bed.
It's a fair question. Even on nights you stay in his quarters, you usually sleep alone.
He wants to say yes. Wants to so badly he feels it bubbling up in his chest.
"I- no," Hux says instead, tamping down the hope inside him. Not when the control he holds over his body is on such a tenuous string.
Your lips press tighter before you wish him good night. He's not sure if it's relief he see's in your features, or something else.
He hopes it was something else.
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flydinom · 3 months
Old Gingerpilot Art of mine because there's never enough (and too little) Gingerpilot. Click on the image for better quality
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My beloved disasters <3
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moonlightshaiku · 10 months
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Kissing Hux
In everything Hux does he goes for the jugular, and kissing is no different.
He loves giving special attention to your neck, so much so, that you have to be on guard lest anything is left in his wake.
He's less sweet and more "begrudgingly and tiredly affectionate", so anything that's sweet and/or soft is probably prior to caf or in the name of comfort.
He usually kisses close-mouthed. Biting occasionally, but he'll never use his tongue unless his partner initiates.
He'll hold on to your face or shoulders in a stern grip, pressing his body to yours. Hux runs rather cold, but due to his uniform layers, is warm to the touch. His neck is always warm and ruddy, hands cold and pale.
As soon as Hux steps out of the shuttle, hair mussed, he's in front of you. It's night, and the hangar is relatively empty, so he gathers your face in his hands.
Kylo climbs out of the shuttle behind him, ragged and dirt-covered, mask off. He rolls his eyes, boots clicking on the ground as he steps away from you both, giving you privacy.
As soon as Kylo is out of sight, Hux breathes. "Maker." He presses a kiss to your jaw, then to the corner of your lips.
You interrupt the inevitable, "I missed you," with your lips, and he reciprocates eagerly. He pulls himself closer to you as you kiss, he smells like sweat and his cologne. He's a bit too warm, you wonder why.
Once he's pressed firmly to you, he grabs your hair, pulling your head back slowly. He presses a kiss to your neck over your uniform, breath hot on the underside of your chin.
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mylifeisactuallyamess · 11 months
Metanoia Masterlist
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Summary: You fled from the hospital to your secret sanctuary in the woods, a cabin left to you after your parents died. Seeking refuge and hoping your writers block would break you did not anticipate someone falling out of the sky and into your life. He quickly made himself comfortable, learning all he could about this strange planet and you were only too willing to tell him everything he wanted to know. Your affection for him grew and it never occurred to you he’d want to go home, to delve back into the war and everything he’d worked so hard to achieve, forsaking himself. And you.
A/N: I AM SO EXCITED! This multi-chapter fic is a Self Insert/OC written as a Reader Insert. I have been collaborating with @daydreamsofren for months on this! We have taken a single story and split it into two perspectives. If you want to read this from Kylo Ren x Earth!Reader/OC (Sage) view then check out Nyctophilia.
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Who Are You?
Chapter 3: To Learn is to Know
Chapter 4: Coffee and Dinner
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
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henclair · 11 months
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pushing my fall out boy kylux agenda publicly!!!
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