treason-and-plot · 10 years
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catty, catty, catty, lol.
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teekalo replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
Joel isn’t over that pretty face.
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romeo-and-simulet replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
I don’t know why ppl like her so much.
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spladoum replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
Uggggggggh. Bitch gives me hives.
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fleurdeprairie replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
oh u bitch.oh u fucking bitch.
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ice-creamforbreakfast replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
Shut up, Meg.
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pixelcurious replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
She’s got some serious self-delusion… or does she?
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skeletongirltoo replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
Do not like Megan. Nope, not one little bit.
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kscriba replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
Megan is obviously in denial
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simsgonebye replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
He wanted to be sure you weren’t in the box, Megs. It was a preventive measure!
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s655 replied to your post: [previous] Megan rejoins her friends i...
Claudia’s the only one trying to knock some sense into her!
Yep, Claudia's the only voice of reason! XD
spladoum replied to your post: When Joël arrives home Anita is nursin...
Oh Joel ;_;
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romeo-and-simulet replied to your post: When Joël arrives home Anita is nursin...
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getmygameon replied to your post: When Joël arrives home Anita is nursin...
Well tit for tat; not like she’s been honest with him *shrugs*
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jenba replied to your post: When Joël arrives home Anita is nursin...
I just want to give him a big hug.
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roseoftheoakmoonsims replied to your post: When Joël arrives home Anita is nursin...
Damnit, Joel. :(
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teekalo replied to your post: When Joël arrives home Anita is nursin...
*Thunder & lighting noises in the background* duN dUN DUN!!!!!!!
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simsgonebye replied to your photoset “When Joël arrives home Anita is nursing Jared. She now looks more...”
It started a long time ago, buddy.
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nekosayuri · 6 years
For @getmygameon, @skyburned, @lifetime-want.
getmygameon replied to your photoset “I made new townies for Konoha that are meant to be models. I have some...”
Very cute and hello madam! ��
skyburned replied to your photoset “I made new townies for Konoha that are meant to be models. I have some...”
elegant and cute at the same time!
Thank you! :D Their poses are kinda basic but I tried to get their expressions to be interesting at least... xD
Hi GMGO. :D *wave*
skyburned replied to your photoset “With some encouragement by @deedee-sims, I actually went on my game...”
love these little stores! very inspirational and lovely
+ @didilysims​‘s “Cute!���, also @deedee-sims, but you know that already
Thank you! :D To be honest, I was never that great at building and decorating and stuff, so I’m experimenting and trying all those little stores and how to make them work and I always worry they’re no good, so it’s nice to get some positive feedback. <3 you’re all an inspiration as well.
lifetime-want replied to your post “あああ!I knew that the probability of you knowing does websites already &...”
I'm also learning Japanese! Not very frequently, but I can recognise basic characters and can say some basic stuff :D
こんにちは!It’s great to find more comrades. :D I’ve been at it since mid July or so, really like it, but I can recognise only a handful of Kanji and can barely make a sentence... I should probably review grammar more. XD That’s the thing though-- Japanese is pretty tough, so it’s ok to take your time. :)
Also, thanks to everyone for all the likes and thank you comments on my recent posts/downloads. :)
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strangetomato · 6 years
@getmygameon replied to your photo “Happy Mother’s Day!”
I hope you had a good mother's Day ST :)
Thank you! :) I did. Yesterday marked six years exactly that I’ve been a mother, as I gave birth to my first little Tomato (in the ungodly early hours of the morning) on Mother’s Day. It was his birthday on Mother’s Day again this year, so as you can imagine, there was a lot going on. Lots of mothers, mothers in laws (well, just one), and I was hosting it all here. But good, overall. I got some great handmade stuff from the kiddos, some cool flowers. All good things.
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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letthemplaysims · 6 years
moocha-muses replied to your photoset “You smug dog, Consort. ”
Consort, seriously, please sabotage this relationship.
Hey now, he happens to think Ellen is an EXCELLENT fiancée for Tybalt, and is very pleased they are going out. He has NO beef with them being married. Looking’s free, though, and he, as a capitalist,
getmygameon replied to your photoset “Tybalt and Ellen can never keep their hands off each other. Every day...”
Lol!!! Always at the most inconvenient moment
penig replied to your photoset “Tybalt and Ellen can never keep their hands off each other. Every day...”
Herb thinks his timing is excellent.
And after how much shit he gave Cyd for being a Romance scondary, too. I SEE YOU OLD MAN
maxislyreplied to your photoset “Valiant of you to try and dstract him, Alexander, but I think Beatrice...”
as a teenager i say Justin Kim is...hot??? how???
As a veyr-not-teenager I have no opinion on the matter, but I’m glad you enjoyed seeing him. :D The Kims are fun to play, I recommend giving them a shot if you haven’t before!
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
The longest reply post in the history of ever.
These go back, like, two weeks, because I am a very bad llama. An I should probably break this up into multiple posts, but I don’t wanna go through and select replies again. So...apologies to those for whom the “Read More” cuts don’t work?
These be for @getmygameon, @alicenorthernlights-blog, @eulaliasims, @penig, @tamtam-go92, @didilysims, @taylors-simblr, @mortia, @delicatesoul88, @twofingerswhiskey, annnnnnnd @immerso-sims...
getmygameon replied to your photo “Owen, running in terror from Olivia. …..Well, OK, really he was...”
Small miracles, dear. Small miracles ;) *pats*
Yeah. :) I’m actually surprised Owen made it to graduation. He didn’t have great chances of going to class/finals, according to my rules -- which is why he often ended up on probation -- but eventually his Fortune aspiration kicked in and worked in his favor. He rolled up wants to go to class because of it, and rolled wants override the manual rolls I do to decide that.
alicenorthernlights-blog replied to your post “I woke up this evening in one of those little dream-induced panicky...”
Hyperactive shield volcanoes. The scaries thing I can think about Hawaii.
I dunno...Hyperactive volcanoes aren’t bad. They are constantly letting off steam, quite literally, so they just kind of constantly belch instead of going, “Oh, hey, I think I’ll catastrophically explode this week.” I worry about the quiet ones. Like, the last time I was in Naples/Capri and visiting Pompeii/Herculaneum, Vesuvius -- which is overdue for explosion -- was all grumbly and belching smoke. Creepy! Or there’s all those up in the Cascades here in the States that are kinda overdue to explode. And then there’s Yellowstone, which is practically underneath me. If that thing ever goes, we all gonna die. :)
To me, the scariest thing about Hawai’i is...the cost of living. Yowza. Which, now that I think about it, might have factored into the dream. Cost of living at possible destinations is definitely a factor when it comes to emigration planning. :) Hawai’i would be a terrible option in that regard even if it wasn’t part of the US. :)
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “Oriana toddlerated into a crisp untextured white tux, some cheekbones...”
I love the combo of pure white tuxedo and enormous (for a toddler) bun. Oriana's got a real Look.
Ohgodohgod, 90s flashback to that Roxette song! :D 
When my son -- who’s now a big, bad Army Ranger who’s killed people -- was around kindergarten age, that was his favorite song, and he sang it (with all the wrong words) while doing this hysterically-amusing dance to it. Which of course I recorded to keep as blackmail material. So now it’s like, “Behave, or your unit commander -- or, worse, your unit in general -- gets a copy of this, bucko.” 
*ahem* But yes, she is totally fabulous! And Maxis fails at tuxedos.
penig replied to your photo “Amelia is Unthrilled about potty training. But at least she...”
Nobody's thrilled about pottytraining. Can't blame her for that.
But she’s a Family Sim! She’s supposed to love this stuff! She’s supposed to be so proud of her little precious darling using the potty! She’s supposed to be glowing with maternal contentedness that she gets to stand there and watch her kid poop! 
...OK, OK, so in game-reality Family Sims are THE WORST at actually raising and interacting with their kids as opposed to just making/birthing them. (I’m tellin’ ya: Pleasure Sims are THE BEST parents...and Owen has a Pleasure secondary.) But, you know, they’re supposed to like this stuff. Ideally. Or at least theoretically.
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “Owen is, of course, excited to have another baby to cuddle, now that...”
Love how oriana's Shirt matches owen's skin.
HAH! It does, doesn’t it?
Which reminds me that I need to get baby clothes working in my game again. Since I dumped all my custom clothing and just defaulted most of the Maxis stuff, I’m back to diaper-clad babies...
didilysims replied to your post “So sad about the deaths �� Why don't you use Comfort soup? What are...”
Wait, are *you* saying you caused this plague?? MURDERER!!!! (I'm kidding...sort of. ;) )
Although, I didn’t deliberately start the sickness in this household. Sage came home from work with it. So it’s all the game’s fault.
taylors-simblr replied to your post “So sad about the deaths �� Why don't you use Comfort soup? What are...”
I’m very similar to this. I get super attached to my sims, but I still don’t coddle them. I do allow them to plead to the reaper otherwise I’d lose a lot more sims and I only have a small population. I just get very sad when my sims die, have a break from playing, them get over it. I always have the clones of them to play with anyway
I imagine it’s hard when Sims to whom you’re attached die. I mean, there are players who avoid it entirely, never allowing Sims to age past adult (or to age at all) and who use mods to make things non-deadly because they’re so attached. I confess that I don’t understand the mindset, myself, especially because you can make clones of them or resurrect them at will or whatever, but it does exist and is valid and all that. 
But yeah, if you have or allow only a playable population, you don’t really need population control. :) I’m more of a “let ‘em breed freely, then cull the herd when necessary” sort of player, though.  
mortia replied to your post “So sad about the deaths �� Why don't you use Comfort soup? What are...”
I like this. I also use the Realistic Sickness mod but I DO get attached to my pixel people and find myself coddling the hell out of them the second they even start to sniffle. I need to stop doing that and just let life play out once in a while.
I can understand, intellectually, the desire to coddle. I don’t really feel it myself because I don’t “attach” to pixel people, but I understand that other people do. There are times when I’ve felt a need to coddle that have nothing to do with attachment, though. Like, if I really wanted a particular Sim to breed because of unique facial features or the recessive genes they have and stuff like that. And I think I have coddled a few of those at times, over the years. But generally, I’m of the opinion that it makes no sense to use Real Sickness if you’re going to coddle because it just makes the coddling more drawn-out and frustrating. :) Then again, I suppose I can see where you might want to coddle your faves -- or, say, those in higher classes who might have access to some sort of dubious “medicine,” in a medieval game -- and let everyone else die as they will.
penig replied to your post “But alas: It was not to be.”
What?! Nooooo!
YEEEEEES! :) Well, OK, kind of “no” because child ghosts are wacky in that they just teleport around instead of float because they don’t have the proper animations. (Which is dumb. I mean, they made it possible for children to die -- as opposed to the immortal babies/toddlers -- so you’d think they’d’ve given child ghosts the proper floating animations, but noooooooo!) So, I kinda wish she’d croaked after her teen age-up, but...such is my game.
didilysims replied to your photo “Yeah, that hike was definitely not a good idea. :( I’m bummed. :( Sage...”
Sickness is not to be taken lightly. You should know this!!!
Yeah, yeah, bad llama! BAD! NO PEAR 4 ME! 
(One of our llamas goes absolutely insane for pears. She adores them, has since she was weaned. If she sees that you have one, she will follow you around and stick her head over your shoulder and poke you with her muzzle and give you little hums and long-lashed puppy-dog eyes until you give it to her. Only for pears, though. Other fruit she can take or leave, but she’s a total pear whore. And you can’t even trick her with pears that are oddly-colored or oddly-shaped. Like Asian pears, which are apple-shaped. She knows the difference between an apple and an Asian pear. Llamas -- camelids in general, but especially llamas -- are kind of scary-smart that way. I wish they could tutor the super-stupid horses. Seriously, if horses hadn’t been domesticated, I don’t think they’d still exist. They’re great big idiots constantly looking for new and interesting ways to die. Deer are geniuses compared to them. Sure, they’re loyal as all hell, and very trainable, and I love them to death, but...Dumb to the core, all of them.)
didilysims replied to your photo “Meanwhile, Gwendolyn exists and got gave herself a promotion! We’ll...”
ALlamaInEveryHome would make an excellent username...
It would be! Wish I’d thought of it, when I made this Tumblr. :)
didilysims replied to your photo “Heeeey, Cherry! I totally just knocked up your daughter, man. It was...”
Umm...tell me more about this (harvestable?) peach tree please. :)
‘Tis one of Sun & Moon’s seasonal fruit trees, from this set here. 12/10 would recommend. :)
mortia replied to your photoset “To get everyone’s mind off Sage’s death, Emmy took the girls on an...”
Ooh these are lovely!
didilysims replied to your photoset “To get everyone’s mind off Sage’s death, Emmy took the girls on an...”
This is such a gorgeous lot--and the background too!
It is one of my favorite lots that I’ve built. But it’s also kind of annoying. Since it slopes so much from road to waterline, much of the lot is pretty much unusable. Like, Sims trying to talk to another Sim just do a lot of stomping and yelling because of the slope. I kind of hate that in Sims 2 Sims can’t really interact with each other on anything other than flat ground. (They fixed this for Castaway, which is one of the things I love about that game, but not TS2. WHY??!) It’s one of the reasons why I (usually) build only on flat lots and why I’m (generally) fond of flattening beach lots from road to waterline, too. So...Yeah, that lot is very pretty to look at, but it’s pretty much only usable in the 10-tile-wide strip of flat beach. The rest just generates lots of yelling and stomping. So, it’s also kind of wasted space. :\
penig replied to your photo “Annnnnnd a couple hours later, this happened. *headdesk* I kind of...”
Everyone grieves in their own way?
I suppose one could see it as doing something life-affirming in the aftermath of death. Especially when you’re sick and possibly facing death yourself. Although I gotta say that sex is not high on my to-do list when I’m sick. :) But, to each their own!
eulaliasims replied to your photo “Yeah, that hike was definitely not a good idea. :( I’m bummed. :( Sage...”
Noooo, Sage. :(
I know. I was bummed. :( But, life -- or the game, in this case -- goes on. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “Stephanie does most of the gardening these days, while her dad’s at...”
What can you even do there?
Fishing, apparently. Which Sims can do pretty much anywhere there’s water, so what’s the point? :)
penig replied to your photo “Sage doesn’t do sitting still very well, and the next day he rolled up...”
This is what happens when you don't lock 'em in their rooms. You could have sent him out by himself, you know.
I could have...but my rule for hikes is that as many people in the household as possible go on them when any household member rolls a want for one and is able to take one. So, obviously toddlers get left behind as well as someone to care for them, and if anyone’s imminently due to go to work/school they don’t go, but everyone else, including pets, goes. Even if they’re sick. 
penig replied to your photo “Stephanie does most of the gardening these days, while her dad’s at...”
It has major routing fails and a fishing hole. Also the hydroponic garden for some reason.
Yeah, I’m afraid I’m pretty unimpressed with the hobby lots in general. :\ The only one I ever really use is the Cuisine one, and that just for food contests. I think what I’m eventually going to do, instead of fussing around to make over the hidden hobby lots, is just build all my own “hobby lots,” but just make them regular community lots and then use the Visitor Controller to limit their patronage to Sims for whom the dedicated hobby is their OTH. I think that would make them busier overall, which would be nice. They won’t have the hobby leaders...but if I wanted to, I could make them owned by the game-generated leaders, so they’d still be there...although I don’t know if they’d retain their “leader” functions, since I’d have to make them temporarily playable to buy the lots. It’ll be something to experiment with...one day. :) A large community-lot garden would be nice for Nature Sims to grow/maintain/harvest...although I suppose they’d have to stay on it for a number of days. And it’d be better if gardening was autonomous...And...
Well, anyway! it makes sense to have the hydroponic garden on the Nature lot, I suppose. I guess when the devs were building the lots, they just threw in anything that was related to (or “assigned” to, via the coding) that hobby that existed at the time.
delicatesoul88 replied to your post “So Tumblr decided to unfollow a bunch of people for me. :\”
It does that to me too! All the time! I really wish it wouldn't...
Yeah, I’ve seen people complaining about Tumblr unfollowing people as long as I’ve had a Tumblr. (Four years, geez!) Honestly, I always kind of suspected that people claimed that it did that in order to “cover up” the fact that they’d unfollowed people deliberately. But then it happened to me! And I didn’t even realize it! I just assumed those people had gone quiet for a while, as people do off and on...until I saw reblogs of posts that I didn’t recall having seen. And then I looked through the blogs I follow and, sure enough, they were no longer there. :\ I knew I didn’t do it, even by accident, because I don’t think I’ve ever unfollowed anyone, even when they announce they’re leaving... just in case they come back like, say, Trapping did. I’ll mute reblogs, sometimes, if they reblog a lot of non-Sims stuff, esp. real-world political/social things that I use Tumblr to escape from for a little while, but I’ll still want to see any original stuff they post. Otherwise I wouldn’t have followed them in the first place.
Anyway, yeah, it’s very, very annoying, and I wish that Tumblr would address whatever’s causing it. But then, Tumblr seems to like to try to control what we see, don’t they? :\ Thank God for Xkit! :D
eulaliasims replied to your post “Replies, yay!”
I love the graying snouts on the dogs too. :) Older doggos are great. Cats too! Kittens are lovely, but older cats are highly underrated. Grumpy old lady cats are the best.
Yeah, I have a huge soft spot for grumpy old lady cats. My own RL grumpy old lady cat passed away rather recently. (She was almost 19 when she got really sick and I decided to have her euthanized, so she had a good long, but always kind of sickly life, probably since she was a very runty runt of the litter.) Once she got past kittenhood, she wasn’t the cuddly kind -- she appreciated being petted and scritched and she would curl up next to you of her own volition, but would never get in a lap or tolerate being picked up or held -- but she was very chatty. She’d sit near me, and we’d have long cat-sound “conversations.” I often imagined that she was bitching to me about all the annoying young ‘uns and all the damn dogs underfoot.
I kinda wish the cats/dogs in game had more varied behaviors like that, but I understand the coding limitations and all. *sigh*
penig replied to your photoset “Samantha, childified. She looks just like Sage, down to the Vulcan...”
Bathtub piracy is one of the most important traits its possible to pass on.
YES IT IS! Bathtub piracy is probably one of those things that annoy a lot of people but that I just love, love, love. :)
penig replied to your photo “Later, the other Emmy GilsCarbo called this Emmy GilsCarbo. :) (The...”
You could start calling Simon's Emmy Em instead.
I could, yes...but I rather like confusing myself. Messing with my brain is so much fun! S’why I appreciate hallucinogens. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your post “SO MUCH DEGRASSED, THEY COULD CALL YOU DEGRASSI. okay there's my joke...”
The show is actually super popular, everyone I know has at least heard of it - it's been around for more than two generations, so I mean, yeah :D
Two generations? Really? I thought it was just a 90s thing. But then, I haven’t really watched TV since the early 90s, so there’s that. :) Anyway, I know the name of the show, but I know nothing about it other than that, since I never watched it. Seemed like it was aimed at a demographic that...isn’t me. :) My kids, maybe, but not me.
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Annnnnd the younger daughter, Samantha. ”
Goopy and Sandy's genes still going strong!
They are! Goopy’s nose seems to override Sandy’s, but Sandy’s lips and jawline seem to override Goopy’s, so it all comes out even. 
immerso-sims replied to your photo “Heeeey, Cherry! I totally just knocked up your daughter, man. It was...”
I am laughing way too hard at this :D
Yeah, I think Sam is pretty much the most amusing Sim I’ve had in my game, ever, and he’s not even a playable. And really, I kinda hope he never becomes playable because then he’d probably become all boringly domesticated. It’s just, as an ex-llama-mascot, he’s freakin’ everywhere, and he’s apparently in a sort of eternally-adolescent hormonal overdrive. Don “Lothario” is a total amateur compared to this guy. Some folks will probably dislike him for that (and perhaps will dislike me “glorifying” or approving of his behavior or whatever), but I take this game not-seriously-at-all, and I have never had a Sim who’s made me laugh so much, sometimes in exasperation but also because he just does goofy things. I’ve had ex-llamas in my game before, but they’ve not been nearly so entertaining.
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starlla · 6 years
getmygameon: \0/ haiiii!
Hi!!!!! <3
sadepaivas: <3
<3 <3 <3 Heya~
littleblondesim: she's so precious! thank you for sharing
You’re very welcome~ <3
twofee: heeeyyyyyy!
Hello, lovely! <3
simgigglegirl: Your back! Yay!
I am! At least a little bit? I’m working so I can’t post things that much, but I’m here! <3
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treason-and-plot · 6 years
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How does that stupid guy dare to ask that with his wife around!!!! Stupid Idiot
Heh heh! You would know the answer now. Sorry for the subterfuge ;=)
Brent needs a boyfriend.
Or a cat!
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Even if she is capable of keeping her cool, does it worth it? 🤔 Even for 20 gran. And that other customer with the sushi has to be reported to the manager and thrown out! Ok... politely asked to leave.
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The thing I'm most surprised is that Mia in all this time hadn't dared get a boob job but I guess she figures they see what they get or forget it because she probably doesn't want to be one of THOSE women although I'm sure the thought has crossed her mind a time or twenty but she's staying true to herself which isn't a bad thing.
Yes, Mia has always pretty much stayed true to herself...but there would be no way she could afford a boob job, even if she wanted one!
If she still crushes on Raj after this... too bad.
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After that insult I was sure she was going to blow ... damn she's good!
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Wow, this restaurant is full of arseholes - horny Raj, sushi creep and BRENT'S BUTT ON THE BENCH!!! Oh lord, get off the work surfaces! ;-;
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Not only tongue...
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Nice set up Raj, but I think she has passed the test now. Now if Mango had of asked to eat of her naked body, that would be a different matter, I'm sure :P
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I am also insecure about my chest like Mia so tbh all I wanna do is smash a plate on Raj and his ugly ass dates heads and then punch that other guy out his chair. Like Mia.. Do it. If Anita got away with murder you can too girl! Who's gonna believe a criminal over an innocent blonde??
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Lol! Apparently Raj has found the pearl. And, it doesn’t seem to matter where you go. Some folks will still lack polite or well-bred social behavior.
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LOL...you go Raj....buy me dinner but I'm not on the menu for dessert.....
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he's just awful :D
She’s a gold digger, and he’s playing her ;=)
Well, he did kiss her. So it's time for her to pay. But seriously I can't pick up on his game right now. I'm intrigued!
Raj thought that would be the ultimate test- If anything was going to make Mia lose her cool, it would be watching him make out with Amelia. But as we know, Mia didn’t miss a beat.
Raj you bastard. Holy shit you just played the hell outta this skank! For that, I forgive you! Like a whole 1% forgiveness.
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bahahahahahaha 😂😂 typical. uptight and stuffy.
Amelia should have stuck with dating geriatrics.  They are much more her speed ;=)
LOL I love Raj, what a star
Hahaha! Raj is awesome!
Omg, Raj is quite something else! Love it!
Thanks Lovelies for all the Raj love! He is definitely one of my favourite characters. I have been looking forward to this story arc for a year or more, and I’m so excited it’s finally taking shape. SQUEEEEEE!!!!
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Lol, Bazinga!
ROFL! That last line....
LMAO - OMG. Mia might get to gloat after all. xD
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job well done
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the wine was fitting ;)
I knew you’d notice the wine ;=)
He is probably well aware of her gold digger tendencies.
He is....his friend Hector at the Bistro told him all about Amelia and her ex-husband.
Grins and pretends to buff nails on imaginary collar - waits for the next edition of "As The Cats Play"
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I can hear Mia chuggling behind the next corner! 😂😂😂
Urban Dictionary: chuggling
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Ha! Raj is a damn pimp. And you know she probably ordered the most expensive thing on the menu.
LMBOOOOO!!! Of course she would have! Caviar and Lobster Thermidor!!
LOL!!!! Welp! LOL!
Oh shit XD
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LOL, yeah I agree with simsmidgen! A cheeky brat indeed. XD But I love him. And Mia. And this entire episode. Fabulous job! <3
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Also, I just want to add, the detail in this story never fails to amaze and impress me. And it's done in such an entertaining and amusing fashion, too. Goals, tbh. I can't get enough! :)
Awww, Colleen! You overwhelm me! Your comments always make me so happy, and quite stunned as well, because your own screenies are of course so flawlessly rendered and rich in detail.  Thank you so much for the lovely words. 
I think Torpedo Boobs won't sleep tonight anyway. Shock was too big. 😂
She won’t be sleeping on her stomach, that’s for sure....
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Haha, he's a savage. 🤣
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That's just cold LOL wow!
I loved this comment because it reminded me that while Raj can be charming and chivalrous and very kind to those in need, he can also be cold and ruthless and calculating. Thank you!
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nekosayuri · 7 years
Some replies!
kaylynn-langerak replied to your post “I have downloaded lots of your lovely creations but I have been unable...”
I use WinRAR and I can unpackage .rar, .zip, and .7z files, but I can only package files as a .rar
I just tried myself and I can do the same thing. .7z files extracted just fine. Well, who knows? Anon might have a version which doesn’t allow that.
getmygameon replied to your post “dramallamadingdang: mostlygibberish: ifyouloveher: people who play...”
Lol XD ah those carefree days of playing only to stop to go to the bathroom and eat. Bye bye bye! Lol!
Well, I have plenty of free time nowadays due to illness, so I might just do that! :O it sounds like fun! :D
mrs-mquve replied to your post “Oh man I’ve been thinking of whether to sign up to SS on GOS since the...”
I suck at making stuff for other people, that's why I don't do the gift exchange events. I always contribute stocking stuffers though :)
I’ve done one SS and one CiJ so far. The first time around I went waaaay outside my comfort zone and learned to convert objects from Sims 3 XD sadly literally everything I made, I had no personal use for, but it worked really well for my Santee, so I’m good with that. Last CiJ most of my gifts were things I wanted personally :P but I just can’t motivate myself enough this time around :/ I love SS, but I’ll have to sit this one out and hopefully contribute with some stocking stuffers instead, not a bad idea. :D
sweetpea928 replied to your photoset “Hairs I couldnt leave alone, part 7 (last one!! for Skysims perhaps?)...”
I love it!! This is so cute.
The hair is pretty cute :D keep an eye out for my edit. ;) it might come around sooner than you think!
Okay! off to bed I go!
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yandereplumsim · 7 years
Awww *hugs* ^^ maybe you can find another themed project that's not so daunting or were you really gunning for this one?
First *hugstight* <3 I haven’t gave up on the Westeros-ish neighbourhood, just on the idea of making it Medieval, mostly because i love the clothing in game of Thrones and i have already too many clothing projects unfinished to add another one hat is likely going to be massive. So i’m basically thinking how to adapt the regions in Westeros to a modern setting-ish kind of thing. Maybe Scottish.ish neighbourhood for the North, French country side for the Reach, southern Spanish for Dorne and England for Kingslanding 8) ... for now these’re my priorities. 
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sushigal007 · 7 years
getmygameon replied to your photo
I need to watch this movie ☺
Yes, you do! It’s amazing, I promise!
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Reply-o-palooza! :)
This is really long because blah blah blah, and it addresses numerous subjects. And some of these go back...*ahem*threeweeks*ahem*...because I’ve been a bad, bad blogger as usual. So these are for *deep breath* @princess-arystal21, @caticalcorrectness, @fuzzyspork, @digitalangels, @kayleigh-83, @holleyberry, @eulaliasims, @dunne-ias, @blackswan-sims, @didilysims, @webluepeace, @twofingerswhiskey, @deedee-sims, @declarations-of-drama, @getmygameon, annnnnnnnnnnd @freezerbunny-sims...
princess-arystal21 replied to your post “YAY, I AM FINISHED WITH MY SECRET SANTA GIFT!  …Unless I think of...”
Please keep the discussion about Sims. Your Tumblr looks so much better when you talk about them instead.
“It’s my blog; I’ll put what I want on it,” is the usual reply, I think. And it’s true, too. My blog is probably 97% about Sims because I do prefer it that way, but sometimes I do talk about other, personal things, often silly, sometimes informational, very occasionally serious and real-world. Regardless of subject, if it’s not about Sims, it’s either tagged as “nonsims” or it’s behind a cut. Or both. So, people who use extensions that block tags they want to avoid can easily avoid all of it, if they choose. And when it’s not tagged, then people have to choose to read or not, since it’s behind a cut. I think that’s a reasonable solution when I feel a need to say something not Sims-related. Generally speaking, I won’t censor myself just to make other people happy, not in real life and not on a blog. Down that road lies madness.
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Whenever I type the word “banana,” I pretty much always type at least...”
If it wasn't for spell check I'd still be writing "bananna" which I still do but the red underline tips me off to it. XD Unfortunately spell check doesn't stop me from writing (and just then I just typed wiring...) homonyms of the word I meant to use. :/
Oh, homonyms are EVIL! Especially when using the wrong one makes you look stupid. Like when you use your/you’re or there/their/they’re inappropriately. I KNOW the differences between those words, but sometimes I type the wrong one and don’t catch it until much later. MAKES ME SO MAD! *stamps foot*
digitalangels replied to your post “Whenever I type the word “banana,” I pretty much always type at least...”
For some reason I always type word soul as "sould" and sometimes instead of writing "one" I write "wan". When I was little I struggled with my own name, it ends up in anna and every time someone asked my name I would reply like annannannaa so my grandparents nicknamed me "Nanna" they kept calling me that till they passed away.
I would bet that the “sould” thing comes from your brain thinking that you’re typing a word like “should” or “would” or “could.” I have the same sort of problem when typing a word that ends in “ine” because my brain thinks I must be typing a present participle or a gerund, words that end in -ing. So, “fine” becomes “fing.” “Tangerine” (another color name in the palette I made; I bring this stuff on myself!) becomes “tangering.” Very annoying.
And, ahhhh childhood mispronunciations! When I was a preschooler, I always pronounced “animal” as “aminal.” It’s STILL a family joke. I will NEVER live it down.
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Whenever I type the word “banana,” I pretty much always type at least...”
I do it while writing by hand sometimes, I always want to write “with” as “withe” for some reason! Unconsciously trying to make it look old timey or something?
Maybe you were Chaucer in a previous life? :) I don’t do these things so much when writing on paper, because I’m much slower at writing on paper. My fingers don’t fly on ahead of my brain like they do when I’m typing at about 100wpm. :) 
princess-arystal21 replied to your post “Whenever I type the word “banana,” I pretty much always type at least...”
I often accidentally type "teh" instead of "the," or "atmoshere" instead of "atmosphere," or "footprings" instead of "footprints." Not sure why *scratches head in confusion.*
The “teh” thing is pretty common, I think. I mean, it became lolcat language, after all. :)  Or, depending on your age, maybe the lolcat influences your typing. :) The “footpring” thing is probably your brain being stuck on participles/gerunds, too, especially if you generally type fast. I have no explanation for “atmoshere,” though, unless you also mistype other words that use “ph” for f-sounds? :) 
caticalcorrectness replied to your post “YAY, I AM FINISHED WITH MY SECRET SANTA GIFT!  …Unless I think of...”
Oh thanks for that reply! In fact I didn't know anything about your election, but am mad about these mediastampedes I watched again and again - and people following that without trying to look behind the scenes. - Excuse me to not resist commenting. (oh that sounds weird, apologize for my poor english) - I DO understand you're able to think for yourself and you're not a part of any kind of 'Hexenjagd'.
Yeah, well, I know you’re not American, so I wouldn’t expect you to be up on the inner workings of our bizarre politics. :) But really, I think the problem isn’t the media in general so much as there’s just so much “media” these days, thanks largely to the internet, and some of it has a very definite agenda, which is often, frankly, subversive. (Lookin’ at you, Breitbart! :P) I mean, the press has always had a slant, even when it’s NOT government-controlled. The idea of the press being “unbiased” is silly; it never has been and, frankly, was never meant to be “unbiased.” The idea is that you get your news from various sources, being aware of each one’s bias, and then you use the brain and critical thinking skills that God gave you as well as a dash of common sense to filter out the bullshit (because there is always bullshit) and arrive at the (probable) truth. 
The problem is that, more and more, people DON’T use their brains. They get their news from a single source -- one that agrees with their own biases, of course -- and swallow it whole and become part of the echo chamber that parrots and reinforces the unfiltered bullshit on a bunch of like-minded people. It’s quite ridiculous. And then, yes, the Hexenjagd begins. :) Critical thinking seems to have become a lost art these days, but I don’t blame the media. It just does what it does, at least when it’s not government-controlled. *I* blame people who don’t think for themselves and who willingly lock themselves in echo chambers, regardless of the slant of that echo chamber.
holleyberry replied to your post “Whenever I type the word “banana,” I pretty much always type at least...”
bananananananananana batman!
Hah! Well, I was a huge fan of campy Batman when I was a kid... :D
caticalcorrectness replied to your post “Replies!”
Just found your reply. - It's very interesting, because here it seems we germans not only stealing, but USING more and more english words instead of using our own. We're loosing our language bit by bit! - Btw. the french seem to love their own langage way more... but they (so far I know) using the word 'Waldsterben' :)
In truth, all languages borrow from each other. English has always been good at borrowing and incorporating words from other languages. It’s also flexible; it’s easy to create words in English by sticking together prefixes and suffixes in odd combinations that people will still understand. But it goes the other way, too. I mean, I’m pretty sure the word for “telephone,” an American invention -- in pretty much all languages is...well, “telephone,” just spelled phonetically in the local language. A quick glance at Google Translate bears this out, anyway. (Although... What’s up with Finnish? “Puhelin?” WTF? :) ) Of course, "telephone” is ultimately...Greek, I’m pretty sure, so... Well, anyway, English steals words from AND donates words to other languages. All languages do, really. 
But yeah, I’m thinking that as the world becomes more interconnected, if English doesn’t just take over completely, eventually a common world language that everyone speaks will develop. I imagine it will be English-based because English -- thanks mostly to British colonialization amplified now by the internet -- is already the lingua franca, but with words borrowed from many languages...or at least from the dominant non-English languages on the planet, so probably Spanish and...transliterated Chinese, maybe? Or perhaps Arabic? I guess we’ll see. :) Anyway, my bet is that eventually there’ll be a “world language” and that people will still speak their own local language amongst themselves. Such as thing only makes sense as the world becomes progressively less insular. Plus, it’s already much that way, with English being the general internet language.
eulaliasims replied to your post “hey, im not sure if you know but the word 'gypsy' is a racial slur...”
I always call her the matchmaker too. Works just as well, or even better considering that it isn't a slur.
dunne-ias replied to your post “hey, im not sure if you know but the word 'gypsy' is a racial slur...”
I think just calling her the matchmaker works well though.
blackswan-sims replied to your post “hey, im not sure if you know but the word 'gypsy' is a racial slur...”
For what it's worth, I just refer to her as "the matchmaker."
Frankly, I don’t refer to the character much at all because she doesn’t really factor much into my game. I don’t use either matchmaking or potions in my normal game-playing, so the only function she serves in my game is dropping off genie lamps. So perhaps I’ll call her “the LDO” from now on: The Lamp-Dropper-Offer. :)
didilysims replied to your photo “What happens when you’re a family of four living in a one-bedroom...”
In the dead of winter no less!
Right? So, that mod that Gummilutt on MTS made that makes it so that Sims don’t freeze/overheat when sleeping tents is a godsend for me. :) I often use tents when families outgrow their houses because it’s often just (relatively) temporary, until some/all of the kids grow up and leave. Unless it’s an age-modded hood that greatly extends the child/teen lifestages, I don’t want to bother with massive remodeling or moving to a larger house which will quickly become an “empty nest,” anyway, since I don’t generally do multi-generational households in my game. So....tents it is when there’s an unexpected overflow! :D (I honestly thought that Sage would never marry, much less have kids! So, he just got a small, one-bedroom house.)
webluepeace replied to your photoset “Finished up this house. Have some interiors. There’s a furnished floor...”
Just curious, are you going to upload a furnished version? Because I really am in love with the interior!!
I don’t generally upload furnished houses because, frankly, I use a lot of Maxis recolors (98% my own) and repositoried sets (and don’t always use the master mesh on the lot) and custom objects of which I have a billion recolors. Maxis recolors don’t get included in lot packages. Neither do master meshes of repositoried sets when you don’t use that mesh on the lot. So for those, you have to hunt through your downloads and include a folder of separate files with the download. That is a time-consuming pain in the ass. And when you include a custom object on a lot, ALL of the recolors you have of that object package with the lot, too. So, for instance, I use Nengi’s rugs on pretty much all lots I build. I have about 200 recolors of those rugs. They all get sucked into lot packages if I include them and I then have to edit the package down to just the recolor(s) I used -- which, again, is time-consuming -- or else I’ll end up with 300MB lot packages full of unrelated object recolors, which I absolutely refuse to sic on downloaders. If I share a lot, I’m conscientious of including only what’s needed for that lot. Mostly because extra stuff pisses me off, when I download a lot from someone else.
That said, I have in the past uploaded a lot that is furnished and has custom meshes and walls/floors and such but that doesn’t include any recolors. So, it’s really ugly when you open it; it serves as a template of sorts to which you can apply your own recolors. If that would interest you, I could upload that house furnished, but you’d still have work to do to make it look exactly as I did it. That work will be easier if you generally download my recolors of things, but it’s not like you can’t do something equally as nice with entirely different recolors. Or maybe with no CC at all, who knows? I suck at CC-free, personally.
twofingerswhiskey replied to your photoset “OK, so the farmhouse I built turned out too big for the household it...”
this reminds me of tino's house in the weekenders!
I have no idea what you’re referring to, so I’ll have to take your word for it. :) And I have to hope that Tino’s house wasn’t an eyesore. :)
princess-arystal21 replied to your photo “What happens when you’re a family of four living in a one-bedroom...”
Reminds me of my first Asian family. Had them living in that tiny house that came with the IKEA expansion, and they ended up having 3 girls and a new floor being built.
Yeah, I rather enjoy cramming large families into small houses. :) I don’t really like playing large houses because the pixels get lost in them and I prefer to keep an eye on them. So, I’d rather cram a bunch of them in small spaces than let them spread out over a large space. They’re pixels; they don’t really care about personal space and privacy. :)
didilysims replied to your photo “Birthin’ time! And it’s another girl. Her name is Samantha.”
I may still call her Coconut. ;)
Thanks to you, that’s what I call her now, too. ;)
princess-arystal21 replied to your post “fuzzyspork replied to your post: I’m looking...”
I have issues with products popping up in weird spots outside the store, rather on the shelves where they belong. Then I find my stock person working way out in the street, or in the side-yards! Can't figure out how to stop that :/.
I can’t say I’ve ever had that issue, myself. But then, I don’t often have stores that sell stuff off shelves, mostly because I don’t like my Sims’ inventories becoming cluttered with a bunch of non-functional decorative crap. So, my owned lots tend to be venues or, if not, are things like salons, clothing stores, restaurants, electronics stores that sell video games and usable handheld devices, and grocery stores. Places that don’t sell useless non-functional crap, in other words. :)  
Are you using custom shelves? Perhaps they aren’t really OFB-compatible as far as being used as store shelves, so the restock functions don’t work properly? Or does it happen when you’re using the Maxis shelves, too?
didilysims replied to your post “Does anyone know...?”
Does the owner have to be townified? You could move her out and never play her again and she would retain ownership. Or even stick her in an empty lot in the corner of the map somewhere out of sight if you don't want a cluttered Sim Bin.
Nah, the owner doesn’t HAVE to be townified; I just want them to be. :) I know it doesn’t really make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. The only real benefit is that when a playable ages up, the townified-playable will show up on the “Sims to age up with this Sim” screen. Non-played playables don’t. So, that’ll make keeping ages in sync a little easier. So I guess for my own purposes it’s really more of a symbolic thing than anything else. 
But I do like the idea of the hobby leaders owning lots. Then playables can visit and do the hobby leader interactions and hobby-related stuff without having a membership card (although I think the Visitor Controller can filter by OTH, now that I think about it, which will be useful for this) AND without having to use (or bother with the hassle of making over/replacing) the fugly and often nonsensical  Maxis stealth hood hobby lots. I can build better ones, keep them in my lot bin, and have the hobby leaders own them instead. :) Although I still have to test to see if that will work...
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Hey!”
omg I used to do cross stitch! So much so that I was part of a cross stitch forum online. I got rid of all that stuff the last time we moved since it had been about 6 years at that point since I'd picked up a project. Kinda miss it now...
deedee-sims replied to your post “Hey!”
I used to do cross-stitching too!
Oh, yay, fellow stitchers! :) I used to do it A LOT, and I’m having such fun with finishing this old project that I’ve ordered another little kit online, as a little XMas gift to myself. I don’t think it’ll consume me like it once did, but it’s fun to do when I don’t feel like...oh...Simming or doing Sims-related things.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Pierre the Maid Dude earns his pay.”
I wish we had small terrariums in TS3 like this :)
Yeah, the ones in TS3 are kind of big, aren’t they? :\ I don’t know if that one has been/could be converted for 3 and still be functional rather than just deco, but it might be worth it to look? It’s basically the standard TS2 womrat cage without the stand, and it can be placed on any surface.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Emmy popped with Vacation Baby. And then chilled in front of the nice...”
That's a lovely lounge! So many plants!
I have a tendency to overdecorate with plants. (And mirrors, being the child of the 70s that I am.) I think it’s because in real life I can’t keep plants. I like them, but I forget about them and kill them and then I feel terrible. So, most of the plants in my house are fake, the only exception being culinary herbs (including marijuana because it’s legal where I live) and giant aloe plants because they serve a purpose. (Respectively: I eat them and have an unfortunate tendency to accidentally burn myself. And I’ll also eat aloe -- and other cacti -- for that matter.) So, yeah, lots of plants in my Sims houses, where they can be pretty and I can’t kill them. :)
declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “Random captured pics from Sage and Emmy’s Twikii Island honeymoon. 4...”
This makes me miss TS2 so bad! I used to love that charleton dude lol
Nah, I kid. :) TS2 is my main squeeze, sure -- and IMO its remaining online community is the best -- but I do cheat with TS3 on occasion. I have no interest in TS4, though...
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “It was time for the twins to teenify. I decided that Allison needed...”
That hair looks really good on Allison!
Yeah, I thought so! I’m always leery of using dreads on my Sims because frankly, while many of them are dark-skinned, none of them really look “classically black,” if you know what I mean, since I use just slightly altered Maxis face templates. And while in my head my Sims world doesn’t have a concept of races of people, the online community is touchy on the subject and I’m not looking for drama. So, I weighed things in my head and eventually went, “Screw it. That hair looks better on her than any other style I have, so it’s what she’s getting.”
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “And the penguin showed up to have a chat with the twins’ snowperson...”
My penguin almost exclusively has conversations about mathematical formulae. He’s a really well educated fellow and Plumbbob knows he won’t get intelligent discourse out of my Sims!
Maybe penguins are like Douglas Adams’s dolphins, with a comprehensive knowledge of quantum physics. :) So, if the penguins all suddenly leave the planet with a “So long, and thanks for all the fish” in penguin language, perhaps we’d do well to follow them. ;)
getmygameon replied to your photo “And the penguin showed up to have a chat with the twins’ snowperson...”
Gotta love those random wtf speech bubbles 'Did I tell you the time I found a stale croissant. STALE! humans can't cook worth a damn I tell you! How do they survive ?!"
The penguins often have either very profound or very silly conversations. Both are signs of high intelligence, so there we go... :)
freezerbunny-sims replied to your photoset “I finished up the restaurant in GilsCarburg that will eventually be...”
The gallery looks so cozy and it actually reminds me of some restaurants in the beach towns of my province.
Oh, that’s good to hear, thank you! Because GilsCarburg is supposed to be a “beachy” community. Not in the tropical/Caribbean sense, though. More like a temperate “Northeastern US/New England” sort of “beachy,” the kind of place that people go to on summer weekends to lay on beaches like landed whales in order to escape the heat in nearby large cities. I fear I haven’t generally succeeded at that “feel,” though...because I often forget that that’s what I’m going for. So, it’s good when I (accidentally) do something right. :)
holleyberry replied to your photo “And then it was Gwen’s turn to age up. No party and no retirement for...”
Congrats on this accomplishment! It makes me want to go start a legacy.
I never really have success with standard legacies, at least not in the sense of just playing one subset (the “heirs”) of one family. That’s rather boring, to me. But I DO play whole neighborhoods for as long as I can, with multiple families over many generations. So I guess in that sense I DO play legacies. Legacies on steroids. And crack. Lots of crack.
didilysims replied to your photo “Cherry retired from firefighting. Luckily, they won’t be relying on...”
Ha ha, good to see she saved up for her old age! What was her job that pays such peanuts?
:D She was in the NPC firefighter career from the set of NPC careers that I have, which I guess were originally designed to be given to married-in NPCs in the various service careers. They are much less lucrative than the standard careers. The level one jobs all pay $50 a day. And since Cherry never rolled any wants for any skill points, ever, she never advanced past Level 1. Hence, her gigantic pension. :)
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treason-and-plot · 7 years
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I had to google what a kookaburra looks like, but wow! I'm so jealous! That is really awesome. :)
The sound they make is really awesome too!
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Rum and raisin ice-cream sounds good (:
Rum and raisin ice cream! Yas!
Oh MAN, it’s the best!
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i love fact #5!
Right? Or if I do get lunch it’s usually closer to dinner time! 
Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Happy Birthday to your little girl ^-^
Thank you both very much! She had an awesome day! 
Moanaaaaaaa ❤️
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I had Moana recorded but have yet to watch it  @w@
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Persephone always gives off a very charismatic impression.
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She looks stunning in that dress.
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My goodness woman, i can barely remember what I did yesterday or manage emails effectively. - i need your memory and leisure.
I do have a good memory but about the only leisure time I get is if I get up at 3 or 4 am!
good times o/
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I smoke weed so this is impossible for me to remember :D
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Well, I Vape weed now, i don't combust it :D
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yes. Very important indeed XD
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Is it wrong that I imagine Roy having horrific Naomi flashbacks when he sees her dildo artillery and is forcibly reminded of her giant dick sculptures?
HAHA! Although the one dick scuplture he would undoubtedly be reminded of would be his own, and being reminded of his own penis is always extremely pleasurable!
I love that they do all this other kinky shit but the dildos are not for sharing 😂
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I really like Sonia.
EEEEEEEE! I don’t think anyone has ever said that before!!!
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Claire, eh? Maybe she'll be back  in her life before she even knew about it *eyebrow-furrowing intensifies* xD
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#5: share it share it share it! and then get kinky together XD
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frottanasmakeovers · 7 years
Your makeovers are fantastic! ^_^
Thank you @getmygame on. I’m glad you like them so much! ♥ :3
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yandereplumblossom · 7 years
getmygameon replied to your post: My Oldest brother just texted me saying “Jon... You just want everyone on that ship don’t you? XD Admit it
Oh no, no, i’m pretty “Ship whatever you want” kind of person, but i wasn’t expecting HIM to ship Jonerys, is like really a big surprise... like, “Is Wrong, you don’t do Shipping, I DO SHIPPING... what’s going on?!!” 
I’m really happy to share ship with him, but is still so weird XD
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madman-of-amargosa · 7 years
getmygameon replied to your video “fo4-adventures: papidanse: Little in the middle, but she got much...”
Wtaf!! ��
Watching this again and still laughing.  I just realized that each swing of his hips matches with each “Damn!” in the song.
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