#girlblogger interrupted
lanaluvrscarlet · 2 days
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I’m applying to be a Lisbon sister
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manicpixieangel444 · 4 months
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mia-w4llace · 8 months
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daily routine
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girl-afraid1 · 1 month
who will be the nobody’s son to my nobody’s daughter
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lanalove2012 · 21 days
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lorittas · 2 months
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   。 ୨ ♡ 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 ♡ ୧ 。
  innocent / innocence ♡  iridescence ♡  
  kiss(able) ♡  kitten / kitty ♡  
  lace / lacy ♡  lady ♡  lamb ♡  lilac ♡
  lily ♡  little ♡  lip(s) ♡  linger ♡  
  love(ly) ♡  love ♡  lover(s)♡  
  milk ♡  miss ♡  misty ♡  music ♡  
  peach ♡  pearl ♡  petal ♡  
  perfect ♡  poem / poet(ry) / poetic ♡ 
  pretty ♡  primer ♡  princess ♡  
  pudding ♡  pure / purity ♡  powder ♡ 
  ribbon ♡  roseate ♡  rosebud ♡  
  saccharin(e) ♡  satin ♡  sheep ♡  
  silk ♡  sleepy / sleeping ♡  slipper ♡  
  sugar(y) ♡  sugarcoat ♡  suave ♡  
  swan ♡  sweet(heart / ness) ♡  
  veil ♡  velvet ♡  waltz ♡  
  woodland ♡  wool ♡  
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arielleslipgloss · 3 months
It Girl Habits!!
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(none of these photos are mine)
“You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.” - Anne Hathaway
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Stay busy!! Do you see those it girls like Serena Van Der Woodsen scrolling on their phone all day? No, you rarely do. It girls are always busy doing something. So, therefore do some self care, study, workout, read, journal, go shopping, go on solo dates, hang out with friends, paint, have a dance party, etc. Do fun activities and take care of yourself. Another example of a busy it girl is, Elle Woods. Elle Woods wasn’t becoming one with the couch everyday. She had goals to achieve. She had people that doubted her to prove wrong. So get up! Start planning out your day or week. Start making goals!!
Have goals! You wanna know why you’re bored all the time? Well, it’s because you have no goals. You practically don’t have a life because all you do is sleep, eat, scroll, and repeat. You’re wasting time doing nothing. You could’ve had a clean room by now. Maybe you could have finished that book. Whatever it is, you could have had it. You could’ve been 1% better than yesterday. You don’t though because you have no goals. That time you’re wasting, can be used toward your goals. It can be used toward your dream life. Maybe, you do have goals? Yet you don’t even take action. What are you waiting for? For someone to do the work for you? No, get up and start taking action.
Be mindful of what you consume online!! Just like how who you surround yourself with affects you. What you consume online affects how and who you are. For example, listening to sad music makes you feel sad. Music is meant to tell a story that you feel deeply. You may not even relate to the song, but you feel as if you do. So, you become sad and continue to listen to sad music. When listening to uplifting music you gain confidence. You still feel like you relate to the song. Just with a more positive effect. As for what you watch and read. Don’t read/watch stuff that will put you down. Watch/read content that will help you.
Complimenting yourself every time you pass the mirror!! Some may say it’s cringy, but DO IT. Would you rather be cringy or be the best version of yourself? Exactly, so either say it out loud or in your head. Say it even if you might not believe it. Say it because you deserve it! Try to be creative with your compliments. Not all compliments have to be about your looks. It could be your personality, your thoughtfulness, how creative you are, etc. Also loosen up, be your own hype girl. When you see the mirror you could say, “Omg I look like the main character.” “Oh wait, I am!” Lastly, don’t forget to have fun with hyping yourself up.
Mediating or journaling when stressed!! When stressed we start to feel a lot of tension. So, that’s why meditating is so important to do when stressed. All you have to do is sit down and focus on breathing. Plus, It calms down your nerves, relaxes the mind, body, and soul. Not just that, but plenty of other benefits. Which includes, helps focus, betters mood, helps you sleep, slows down aging, etc. As for journaling, it’s practically free therapy! That is, at least in my eyes. All you need is a notebook, a pen or pencil, and yourself. Journal what’s making you stressed or anxious. Let all your emotions out, write freely. Your words don’t have to make sense. Nor do you need to have perfect writing. In fact, when you journal it may be all over the place. However or whatever you write, just let it out.
Expressing your gratitude!! Life is so beautiful and has so much meaning. So, either write down what you’re grateful for or thank God. You are so blessed to be here today. That is only just one thing to be grateful for. There are so many things to be grateful for, air, family, friends, your mind, being born as you, water, books, food, shoes, clothes, and so much more!! Express your gratitude everyday. It could be the most random thing like, a poster. As long as you’re truly grateful, then express it.
7. Having a low screen time!! Cliché, I know but it’s true. Your devices are consuming you. Think about what you use your device(s) for. Good examples are, for work, for motivation, tips, workout videos, inspiration, knowledge, and maybe even faith reasons. Now here are bad examples, procrastinating, sinning, hating on others, scrolling, because you’re bored, to watching videos of people that make you insecure, and lastly to cope with something. Which to clarify, trying to cope by using your phone, I understand somewhat. On the other hand, it could make what you’re coping with worse. I say that because there are so many studies on why our phone is bad for us. Seriously, so many and we are completely unaware of the damage it does. So for that reason, try to use your phone only for the good. I know you’re probably going to make an excuse. Which we all do and that’s ok, but please try.
8. Encouraging yourself to do better!! You should always be working hard to be 1% better everyday. So on the days you don’t feel like doing anything, encourage yourself. Show up for yourself, you will be so happy after. Lastly, trust yourself to get whatever done!!
9. Having a healthy sleep schedule!! For me, I try to aim for 8-11 hours of sleep. For others, it may be 7-10 hours of sleep. Whatever makes you feel the most well-rested should work. Just try to be consistent and mindful of the time. I also recommend to be off your phone for at least 30-60 minutes before going to bed. It will improve how you sleep a lot. That also being said, try not to be on your phone when you wake up either. It’ll help improve your health by a lot. Especially, the health of your brain and eyes. As I had mentioned, try to be consistent. Set a certain time to go to bed and turn off your phone. Then, get your lovely beauty sleep gorgeous!!
10. CLEANING!! The last habit is, cleaning. Now, I don’t just meaning cleaning your room or house. I mean even your body and mind. For starters, a clean room equals a clean mind. Therefore, stop procrastinating and start cleaning. Turn on some fun music and maybe even romanticize cleaning. Just make it fun and DEEP clean. I know someone reading this has been procrastinating on cleaning. You know who you are, so clean everything. Then, for cleaning the mind a little extra meditate. I feel like I already went over a bit about meditation. So lastly, for the body, take your showers consistently. Also, please wear deodorant. I see way too many people nowadays not wearing deodorant. Seriously, wear your deodorant.
“Always walk around like you have on an invisible tiara on.” - Paris Hilton
Remember, always apply lip gloss and stay pretty! Love you, dolls 💋
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Info I used: https://reallifecounseling.us/blog/benefits-of-meditation
My Pinterest: @arielleslipgloss
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romanticsparkle · 1 month
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rambbgblog777 · 6 months
i wanna get married in these kind of dresses, with lana del rey playing in the background and for after party some old my native country music and some more lana. please. thank u . 💋
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kalopsi4a · 2 months
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lanaluvrscarlet · 7 days
“White lines, pretty baby tattoos”
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manicpixieangel444 · 4 months
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me core°.★
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mia-w4llace · 8 months
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girl-afraid1 · 2 months
he’s so cute idc that he’s one cigarette away from death !
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me whenever anything happens to me ever
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lorittas · 2 months
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   。 ୨ ♡ 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 ♡ ୧ 。
  angel ♡  baby ♡  ballet ♡  bow ♡  
  blonde ♡  brunette ♡  coquette ♡  
  cupid ♡  cute / cutie ♡  caramel ♡  
  dear ♡  deer ♡  delicate ♡  doe ♡  
  doll ♡  dollette ♡  dream(like) ♡  
  elegant ♡  embrace ♡  embroidery ♡ 
  fawn ♡  girl ♡  gala ♡  gentle ♡  
  heaven(ly) ♡  honey ♡  honeymoon ♡ 
  heart ♡  heart(-)shaped ♡  
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