#having newsies thoughts for the first time in a while
baura-bear · 25 days
Thinking about in middle school my college au with gender fluid Davey except he’s still experimenting with everything and he’s been put in the men’s dorms so he’s like also not sure how accepting everyone is. Anyway obviously Jack and Davey are roommates and one day Davey thinks Jack is gone for the weekend so she’s glamming it up like full beat absolutely over the top but either Jack forgets something or Davey had the wrong weekend so Jack walks in but he’s SO STUPID and his brain isn’t like “oh this is Davey with makeup and a dress” he thinks “OH! This must be Davey’s sister that I’ve heard so much about” and he’s like “nice to meet you!! Where’d Davey go?” And Dave just stands there like 🧍🏻‍♀️ not sure what to do or whether or not to be like “I’m literally right here” or “I dunno??? Nice to meet you :))))” but Jack’s just running in to grab something so he’s like “sorry, late to class gotta run!! I hope we can talk more later!”
Obviously David has the “wow I have the stupidest roommate ever” moment, then the “would he hate crime me if he knew” moment, then the “do I tell him it was me” moment.
later jack comes back and Davey’s back in his regular masc plaid jammies and jacks like "i met sarah today! where were you?" and Davey’s straight up lies like "oh! i must’ve been in the bathroom 😅" but jack knows the nervous twinge that davey gains when he tries to lie so he does the owl 360 head turn thing and squints at davey, analyzing the eyeliner that Davey didn’t manage to wipe away completely.
“I’m an idiot.”
Then obviously they have a heartfelt conversation and the entire time Jack is just like 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍
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wekiaam · 2 months
2D NEWSIES: What I would change
I just realised I've been making fake concept art for a nonexistent animated Newsies adaptation for four years now. Over time, I've been getting so many ideas for this adaptation if it ever became real, I thought I would share them with you guys! This includes story changes, cut and additional songs and ideas for characters and style. I would love to know your thoughts on these!
When I started making concept art for "2dsies" as I came to be called, I intended for it to be based on the Broadway version and the Broadway version only. However, stories on stage differ a lot from stories told on screen, it just doesn't work the same way. I do still prefer the storyline of Broadway Newsies, but I think the best version would be a combination of the best parts of all different versions, plus some necessary changes. I would want Newsies to be a love letter to every production we've had, to everyone who made happen and every theatre kid who's been geeking out over it since 1992, while also being its own standalone movie that can be enjoyed by anybody. I am in no way an adequate screenwriter, these are just a few suggestions I have for a better story!
Like I said, the story will be based mainly on the Broadway storyline, meaning we still have Artist Jack, Katherine, and most elements from the show that aren't in the movie. It will, however, be quite different from the show and the movie, and maybe add some more of the real events from the newsboy strike. There are still some details and scenes I would like to add and some I would remove completely.
- I like the history lesson opening from the movie, it gives people just enough background information on the real historical events the story is based on. I don't know if it should be Racetrack or Jack narrating, though.
- In Santa Fe (prologue), Crutchie mentions he's afraid the other boys will find out about his bad leg, even though they all literally know him as Crutchie, and it seems to be the first time Jack tells him about his dream of going to Santa Fe, even though they've clearly been best friends for a long time. It feels off, UNLESS they only just met, which is why I love @raggedy-albert 's theory so much. I would have the scene start off with them as kids, and have them grow up throughout the song.
- I want to add a scene in the beginning of Katherine at the New York Sun to establish her character and motivations, and possibly a little foreshadowing. Just an idea for a scene; she goes to the editor to let him read her story covering the trolley strike, but he reminds her of "her place" and that she's lucky enough to be in the position she's in and that she should go review a vaudeville or something. This would not only give her a similar motivation to the newsies, but also, if we're gonna bring the women's rights movement into the story let's do it right!
- Of course I'd also like to add more romantic interactions between Jack and Katherine, to make their relationship more believable. However, I don't think they should be a couple immediately after the finale, I was more thinking of an open ending to their relationship where Jack takes his first step to staying in New York by finally asking her out.
- Maybe add the actual scene where Jack and Davey visit Brooklyn instead of having them tell the other newsies what Spot said right before Seize the Day. Show don't tell, you know?
- A scene where Jack visits Crutchie at the refuge, similar to the one in the movie, but with the sadness Jack describes it with in the show. Again, show, don't tell. Show me how Jack visits the place of his nightmares again only to find his best friend in a worse state than ever and being unable to save him.
- Katherine punches Jack after the rally. Give it to me.
- Additional scene after Jack and Katherine's song after the rally where Jack formally apologizes to the newsies. Because in the show it just cuts from "omg he's a sellout *spits on the floor*" to "yay captain Jack is back" and it just doesn't sit right with me.
- There should be an entirely new Pulitzer song. The Bottom Line is good but by far the most skippable song on the cast recording, and The News Is Getting Better (the off broadway cut song) is a little Better but not quite the evil capitalist song we need.
- Swap Something to Believe In for When I See You Again. It's such a sweet song and I think it suits Jack and Katherine a lot better. It's much more "Neither of us know what tomorrow brings but when I'm with you I know we can change things for the better, even if it's scary but for now let's be here together and forget the world for a bit" instead of "I love you but I'm still gonna chase my cowboy dreams"
- Cut Letter From The Refuge, since my idea was to have this be a scene instead.
- Some lyric changes!
In Santa Fe: "Crutchie's callin' me, he's fine, just too damn slow"
In Once And For All: add this lyric from the movie, "Better to die than to crawl".
In Seize the Day: "Friends of the friendless seize the day, raise up the torch and light the way", not in the song but in the reprise where all the working children of the city gather before the finale.
Additional: "Still it seems like the dream of a boy, not a man", from The Truth About The Moon, a cut song from the movie that was supposed to be sung by Sarah. I don't know where I would put this lyric, but it could be said or sung by Jack as he realises what he's really looking for is not actually Santa Fe.
- I want to add more girls to the background newsies, first of all.
- Sarah still won't do anything for the plot, but Davey and Les could mention that they have a sister. She's still canon to me.
- Speaking of Les, let's make him more likeable and also more helpful.
- Snyder has two scary dogs with him at all times.
- Just and idea, maybe Denton could still be a character if we replace Darcy with him, or maybe combine the two. Have him be Katherine's chaperone and friend formally, but also her reporter bestie. They could be a fun journalist duo!
- The movie will still include the iconic choreography, which means it couldn't be fully 2D, but rather a mix between hand drawn and CGI.
-I would love for the backgrounds in the movie to be similar to impressionist and romantic art styles from the 19th century, to really sell how it's a story told from Jack's perspective. Especially his dream-like imaginations of Santa Fe would be brilliant in this style.
- I want to include a lot of weather foreshadowing. Rain right before Seize The Day and the sun breaking through when Davey starts singing. Mist surrounding Snyder and sudden darkness whenever he's near. A beautiful sunset when Jack and Katherine are alone on the rooftop. And of course, partly cloudy, clear by evening. It's such a cool way of visual storytelling when you have a plot that has no magic involved, like in most Disney movies.
- The real people characters' designs (Pulitzer, Hearst, Roosevelt) can be based on political cartoon caricature versions of themselves.
And lastly, quotes from the movie I liked that could be inspiring for the animated movie:
-"When I created the World..." "🙄" and "Where was I?" "You created the World, chief?"
- "No, we'll be just a bunch of angry kids with no money"
-"What, you couldn't stay away?" "Well I guess I can't be something I ain't." "A scab?" "No, smart."
Many of these ideas are still in development. Some might work, some may not, but I will be basing any future work I'll post on here on these ideas. I would love to see you guys  discuss and add on to these!
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belovedspector · 5 months
Love at First Sight's for Suckers (At Least, It Used to Be)
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x f!reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Jake can’t help but notice you when you become a regular at his favorite diner.
Content: Fluff!
A/N: Title is from “I Never Planned on You” from Newsies. I’ve never written for Jake before, and I haven’t read the comics, so I don’t have much to go off of, but I figured I’d give it a shot. I hope I did okay! Enjoy! :)
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Jake Lockley knows his place. He’s the protector of the system, keeping Marc and Steven out of harm’s way and doing Khonshu’s dirty work. He doesn’t have time for “earthly pleasures,” as Khonshu had once put it. He doesn’t really have a life outside of protecting his alters and the travelers of the night, and he’s fine with that. He’s content to lurk in the shadows if it means Marc and Steven getting to live their best lives. He treasures what interaction he does get, when he’s driving his cab through the city or getting food late at night after a mission. He tries not to dwell on it, though; there’s no sense in mourning what he can’t have.
Jake notices everything. It’s his job, to always be on high-alert, even when he’s not the one fronting. So, when you start showing up at his favorite diner every Friday night like clockwork, he notices. He observes from afar. From that first time you walked in, the bell tinkling to announce your presence, he’d been…interested in you. He’s not sure why—it’s not like you pose a threat. You should fade into the background, just like everyone else.
But, you don’t.
Jake can’t help but take note of everything you do—the way you always say your “please”s and “thank you”s to the waitress, your soft laugh, your sweet smile, the ungodly amount of sugar you put in your coffee. He’s good at watching people; it’s part of his job, after all, so he’s able to absorb you and your habits without drawing suspicion from you or anyone else. Some might call it creepy, but Jake means no harm, and he can’t help his…infatuation with you. He doesn’t know what’s happening to him.
One night, he finds himself rambling as he drives around the city. He likes to talk out loud to himself in the safety of his cab; it gives him a chance to make sense of his thoughts, and it’s not like he has anyone else to share them with.
He starts off by talking himself through the details of his upcoming mission, but he soon finds his mind wandering to bright eyes and the scent of coffee. You.
“She’s really something, huh?” Jake says to himself. “I—I don’t know what it is about her. I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“I think you humans call it a ‘crush.’” Khonshu suddenly appears hunched over in the back seat of Jake’s cab, and, if he was a less skilled driver, Jake absolutely would have crashed. As it is, he jumps almost imperceptibly in his seat, swerving the tiniest bit before regaining control of the vehicle.
“What?” Jake asks, not even sparing Khonshu a glance in the rear-view mirror. He’s used to the god’s antics by now.
“It appears you have a crush, Jake Lockley.”
“I don’t get crushes,” Jake protests. “Don’t have time for that shit.” He grips the steering wheel more tightly, the leather of his gloves straining against his knuckles.
“You’re right; you don’t have time,” Khonshu agrees, “so I suggest you nip this little problem in the bud, before it interferes with our work.”
“What, you want me to kill her?” he deadpans.
“No, nothing that extreme. I was going to suggest finding a new diner.”
“But I like that diner.”
“Then you’d best find a way to ignore the girl.”
With that, Khonshu disappears, and Jake mutters some choice words about the bird in the quiet of his car.
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It’s Friday night again. Jake sits alone at his usual booth—in the corner, with his back to the wall, so he can continually scan the entire diner for any threats. He alternates between sipping at his coffee and taking bites of his blueberry pie while scanning the newspaper.
The door opens, the bell ringing along with it, and Jake instinctively looks up.
It’s you.
Jake casts his eyes back down to the sports page. Khonshu had given him orders, and he intends to follow them.
His plan is going great. He’s not thinking about you, not even a little bit. But, shit, now he’s thinking about how he’s not thinking about you. Does that count as thinking about you?
Jake returns his coffee cup to the table with a little more force than necessary. He can feel a headache coming on.
Get it together, Lockley.
He looks up again to do another sweep of the interior, when he notices you’re not sitting in your usual spot. No, you’re…walking towards him. Surely, you’re just going to use the bathroom past his seat, right?
No such luck. You stop at his booth, standing awkwardly with your hands clasped in front of you.
Slowly, Jake moves his eyes from his newspaper and allows them to find yours. He’s never seen you up close before, and, God, you’re even more breathtaking when he can see the sparkle of your eyes and the way your lips curve upward into a soft smile.
“Um, hi,” you start, rocking a little on your feet. “Sorry to bother you. I was just wondering if you had a pen?”
Jake’s not very well-versed in pickup lines, but he’s pretty sure that can’t be one, right? He stares at you for a few beats, dumbfounded that you’re really speaking to him, before he pulls himself together.
He clears his throat and answers, “Uh, yes.” He reaches for the pen he always keeps in his jacket pocket and hands it to you.
He can’t help but notice the way your soft, warm fingers brush against his as the pen exchanges hands.
“Thank you!” you say, and you sound so sincere. “I just wanted to do today’s crossword. I’ll have this back before you know it.”
“Sure,” Jake forces out as you turn on your heel, back to what he’s begun thinking of as “your” booth.
He goes back to his own paper, definitely not thinking about you and your sweet smile and soft hands. It’s by complete coincidence that the next page he turns to has the daily crossword puzzle. He’s never been much for puzzles; that’s more Steven’s thing. Still, he takes a look.
Across 1. An infatuation with another person
It’s five letters. It can’t be anything other than “crush.” Jake groans. He scans the rest of the clues and notices they all seem to revolve around love. It dawns on him that Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. So, maybe the universe isn’t totally fucking with him, after all.
Jake has just about finished his pie when you come bounding over. You don’t wait for him to look up before you’re speaking.
“Thank you again!” you say, placing his pen back on the table near his coffee cup.
You’re already turning to go back to your booth, but Jake can’t just let you go. Screw Khonshu’s orders, he thinks.
“Wait,” he calls to you. He half-expects you to ignore him, to keep walking away, but you do turn around and take a step closer to him. Shit, now he needs to think of something to say to you. “That was, uh, fast,” he says lamely.
You beam at him, and it’s just about the prettiest thing Jake has ever seen. “Oh, yeah, I used to do them with my dad all the time, so I’ve gotten pretty good at them.” Your eyes drop to his newspaper that sits forgotten on the table, still open to the puzzle page. “Oh, do you do crosswords, too?” you ask, and you look like you’re genuinely interested in his answer.
“Oh, uh, not really.” Jake’s hand comes up to rub the back of his neck nervously. Since when does he get nervous?
“Ah,” you say, nodding wisely, “you must be more of a Sudoku guy.”
“Uh, yeah.”
Great conversation skills, Lockley, he chastises himself.
“Well, thanks again for the pen. I hope I didn’t keep you from your Sudoku for too long…” You trail off, and Jake realizes, belatedly, that you’re waiting for him to offer his name.
“Jake,” he provides, putting on his most charming smile.
You smile right back, telling him your own name.
“Pretty name,” he remarks.
“Thanks, I got it for my birthday.”
Jake just stares at you for a moment before the joke lands, and then he’s laughing—like, genuinely laughing. He can’t remember the last time this has happened.
He notices you seem a little flustered. Maybe he laughed too hard? Maybe it wasn’t even a joke, and he just totally misread the situation? Maybe—
“Wow, I don’t think anyone’s ever actually laughed at that one,” you say with a slight chuckle of your own.
“I liked it,” Jake says honestly, as if you couldn’t already tell. Before he can second guess himself, he’s asking, “Can I buy you a cup of coffee?”
“Oh!” A look of surprise crosses your face. “Um, yeah, I’d like that. May I?” you ask, gesturing to the bench seat across from him.
“Please,” he says with a wave of his hand.
You slide into the booth as Jake gets the attention of the waitress and orders two coffees.
“Anything else?” the waitress asks, looking between the two of you expectantly, pen ready against her notepad.
“The pie’s really good,” Jake tells you. “My treat.”
You seem hesitant. “Oh, no, I couldn’t—”
“Come on,” he encourages with a smile.
“It is really good,” the waitress chimes in. 
“Well, okay,” you relent. “One slice of”—you look down at the table to scan the menu briefly—“chocolate cream pie, please.”
“Coming right up,” the waitress says with a smile and a click of her pen.
The time passes quickly, and the conversation between you and Jake flows as freely as the coffee. All that’s left of your pie is an empty plate with a few stray crumbs. You’re laughing at some comment Jake made when you glance down at your watch.
“Shit,” you say, your brows furrowing together in worry.
“Everything okay?” Jake asks.
“Yeah, I just didn’t realize how late it had gotten,” you say. An apologetic look crosses your face.
Jake checks his own watch. 2:53 am. He really should be getting back home, so Steven and Marc can wake up in the morning without suspecting anything.
“Can I drive you home?” he offers.
“Oh, that’s okay.” You shake your head. “I’m just a couple blocks over.”
“It’s late. I’d feel better if I knew you got home safely.”
“You’re sure it’s no trouble?” you ask hesitantly.
“Not at all,” he says with a smile. He’s smiled a lot tonight.
“Well, lead the way,” you say as you both exit the booth.
Jake throws a wad of cash on the table—more than enough to cover the coffee and pie—and walks you to his cab parked out front.
“You’re a cab driver?” you ask, sounding intrigued.
“I am,” Jake says as he opens the passenger’s door for you.
You pick up right where you left off at the diner, intermittently giving Jake directions to your apartment. He doesn’t want the night to end, but, soon enough, he’s parking in front of your building.
You start to unbuckle your seat belt but pause and turn to him. “Hey, can I borrow your pen again?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” Jake says, digging it out of his pocket and handing it over once more.
You take it with a smile and reach into your pants pocket. You pull out a crumpled napkin and quickly write something before handing both the napkin and pen to Jake.
Jake looks down to find your name and phone number written on the napkin.
You smile, looking a little shy. “In case you want to see me before next Friday,” you explain.
Jake doesn’t even think about the implication that you’ve noticed him at the diner every week, just like he’s noticed you. No, he’s too excited about the fact that you want to see him again, maybe even to go on a proper date. He hopes you can’t tell that he’s blushing in the dim glow of the cab’s ceiling light.
“Good night, Jake,” you say, finally unbuckling your seat belt and opening the door.
Normally, he’d do the gentlemanly thing and open the door for you, but he’d been too caught up in this surreal moment. Next time, he thinks, because there definitely will be a next time.
“Good night,” he echoes, still in a bit of a daze. He watches as you walk up the stairs to your apartment, making sure you’re safely inside before he pulls away from the curb.
Jake will deal with Khonshu’s wrath over disobeying orders. It will be more than worth it, if it means getting to see you again.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hello! i absolutely love your writing and i was wondering if you could do something with mcyts, especially slimecicle and foolish (if you can’t think of anything for them don’t feel pressured! i don’t mind), and anyone else you want to write for x a reader that has a career in musical theatre? maybe something about them seeing shows reader is in and just overall hyping them up? feel free to ignore this, it’s just a little thought i had! have a good day 🫶
oooo yeah sure!! ; idk much ab musical theater but I tried lmao ; also added tommy bc I had leftover ideas + I was mostly only focused on charlie and foolish lol
MCYT ; musical theater
includes ; tommyinnit, slimecicle, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language
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"mean girls musical?? the fuck"
"my show is better, L"
he's secretly your biggest fan let's be honest
he'll sit off somewhere you won't see him after the first night so he can just stare at you without you noticing, since you like to tease him about it afterward
taking pictures of you then posting them during the show like hyping you up and talking about the plot
there's one of you singing and looking up toward the sky and he posted a tweet w a pic that says "me praying to god" and it dramatically left the mcyt circle 💀
he'll go and watch the source material before show dates just to see what you're performing and he'll talk about the plot with you
"why the hell are you walking down the yellow brick road?? THERES AN EVIL WIZARD, GO THE OTHER WAY???"
he shuts up immediately when you're practicing vocals at home just to listen to you
sometimes he'll buy extra tickets last minute to get you guys some more money LMAO
he definitely helped with prop making idc
at least painting the backgrounds and set things
your biggest supporter istg
always hyping you up
helps you improv act within the character to get used to the character themselves to not make them another version of you
he can sing too, so yk damn well he's helping you sing/getting into another character to help you rehearse the singing parts at home
shows up to every show to cheer you and your colleagues on
he's all smiles and like in a trance watching you on stage
like literal stars in his eyes
after every show he gives you the biggest hug and literally bombards you with compliments
he's secretly taking pictures and recording the whole way through, he doesn't care about those rules /j
attempts to try on your outfit/s at home if you get to take them with you as well
he can literally pull off anything wtf
it's like that video of mckenna grace and aryan simhadri where they're both wearing red dresses and they both killed it like?? okay, power couple who??
he's always posting shit ab you online as well, pictures videos, just talking about how cool you are etc
you two do theater karaoke every once in a while on stream and its the funniest thing
"how do you sing like that??"
also tries on your outfits 💀
if you're in newsies... it's over
he seems like the biggest newsies fan for some reason LMAO
he's always hyping you up before rehearsals/shows and showing off his support for you ❤️
he is mesmerized by your performance, hearts and stars in his eyes the whole time
you almost went on stage w his snapback on because you were messing around with your friends backstage 💀
the second you got a part in the mean girls musical, he was jumping up and down
he'd probably never seen the musical but 100% watched the original movie 9477391 times
you show off your theater singing to him every once in a while and he's just like 🤨😨
he gives the biggest hugs after a performance
"Oh my God that was awesome!!"
if there's any merch, yk damn well he's buying it
he'll watch your performances on stream as well 😭 just to show you off
your contact name is probably "Broadway star"
you have to make Broadway Baby jokes after that (broadway baby was abby lee millers dog back in the day, only dance moms haters would get it 😔🙏)
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 3 months
Jack was shouting when JoJo ran back to the Lodge House. He was confused. Jack never shouted unless he was in pain or disappointed, which hadn't happened in a while.
JoJo ran up to David, who seemed to have a blank expression on his face. "Aye, Davey? What's goin' on, why's he shouting?"
David looked back at him, eyes suddenly going wide at the sight of him. He stood in front of JoJo, almost trying to cover him before Jack pointed in their direction.
"JoJo de La Guerra-Larkin, you get the fuck over here, now." Jack growled, JoJo running over quickly, still extremely confused at what was happening.
"Jack, why are you shou-"
"JoJo, when were you sent to the refuge?"
JoJo's thoughts stopped dead in their tracks. The refuge. How did they find out? Who told them?
"Jack, I never went to the refuge." JoJo laughed, trying to cover up how nervous he'd suddenly gotten.
"Josephine Casley Smith. That was you, wasn't it?" Jack shouted. "You're Josephine Casley Smith."
JoJo's immediate silence was proof enough of his answer. Thoughts and memories of his time in the Refuge wracked his mind, over and over, the same scenes again and again.
"Jo..." Jack relaxed his voice, the truth setting in. "Jo, why'd you never say nothin'?"
"Same reason you never told us 'bout your real name, Cowboy." JoJo snarled. "I ain't gonna be known as the kid who's screams could be heard all around the house."
Racetrack walked up to JoJo, a mix of fear and anger in his eyes. "I thought we promised all that would stay out in the air? That we'd tell each other about that stuff? You now mean to tell me that you're Crazy Josie?"
"I'm not crazy!" JoJo screamed, causing Race to flinch back. He cut himself off at that, fearful that he'd scared him forever. His shirt was suddenly scratchy, and everything around him seemed much too loud. "I am not crazy. We- No, I was never Crazy Josie. Josie is gone. Josie is dead and gone, and I do not miss him."
"That's what a crazy person would say." Albert murmured from behind them. JoJo spun on his heels to face him afterwards. Tears were now forming in the corner of his eyes as memories of being shoved into those tight wardrobes in Snyders office flashing in his brain.
"None of you know what I went through. You never will. Wanna know why? Cause I'm never telling ye." He announced. He pointed around at everybody around him, who looked scared and disturbed at the scene. "This is why."
JoJo ran away from the scene, stomping up the staircase with his fists squeezed as tight as they could be.
He slammed the door shut on the dormitory, allowing himself to break down as he needed.
He collapsed to his knees, grasping at his shirt and yanking at it, while a loud and scragly scream left his throat. He tried to stop it, knowing the kids' reaction to them at the refuge, but he couldn't stop it. All those years of building up a wall and trying to forget his past just crumbled around him, and it hurt.
He stayed there for a while, screaming and crying to himself, beating himself up over his past. Beating himself up for how he scared those kids. Beating himself up for never telling anybody. Beating himself up for how he reacted to Snyders punishments to him.
His throat was burning and sore from screaming and sobbing, but it didn't stop. His screams tore through the Lodge House, slightly disturbing the members within. One of the younger newsies, Ike, started crying at the sound.
Jack, Race, and Albert were close to tears. Guilt shuddered through their bodies at every yell and shout, wishing they could somehow turn back time and stop themselves from even bringing it up in the first place.
JoJo felt alone in the world, slamming his fists against his head as he cried.
It was when somebody grabbed onto his hands and held them in their own that his screams stopped.
Through blurry eyes, Tommy Boy was now in front of him and holding his hands tightly to stop him from hurting himself.
No words needed to be said as the two made eye-contact. Somehow, without communicating through speech, Tommy was able to tell him that he was safe and that he wasn't there to judge.
Just like that, JoJo threw himself into Tommy Boys' arms, wrapping his arms tightly around his shoulders and lowering his head onto his shoulder.
Shivers shook through JoJo's frame as Tommy held him gently, brushing fingers through his sweaty and slightly greasy hair.
A weak and distressed sob could be heard from JoJo, shallow gasps pulled in and out afterwards.
"I'm not crazy." JoJo said quietly. "I was screaming for a reason. Snyder shoved me in wardrobes, tight and small wardrobes. I was hit and hurt by a grown man. All of you's would scream too."
"I know, I know." Tommy whispered back. "But you're safe now. The boys didn't mean it, Jo. They were just scared about what happened to you in the past. You're safe here, kid."
JoJo nodded, his body losing the tension it had originally and slowly relaxing into Tommy Boys' arms. His limbs felt heavy as his eyes slowly began to shut.
Tommy held JoJo closer to him as he fell asleep, cradling the boy and carrying him to his bunk.
Crazy Josie was never crazy. Crazy Josie was a terrified kid who was trying to drown out the sound of his own brain. Josie was gone now, being left behind at the refuge.
JoJo, however, was also a kid. A kid who's learning slowly how to block out the noise of his brain in better ways. A kid who's learning to let his emotions out instead of bottling it up.
A kid who finally has the family he always wanted. Always needed.
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deardiary1899 · 2 months
I haven't posted in a while but do any of yall think any of the newsies are just, local heartthrobs for many new york men, women, etc? Or, in simpler words, who's popular with the people?
It doesn't HAVE to be romantic, but, I believe that humans are naturally curious beings, and so there's no way no upper class kids have ever thought of trying to hang around the newsies, or any lower classed people
Jack is the first to come to mind (other than Race because, of course I think of him first, but, we'll push him aside for now). He's definitely a charmer-- might have gotten a bit too close with a few people, but never close enough to have something serious. Oh, and he's definitely some kind of role model for a lot of kids-- He probably sees them on the street a few times, and they always try to mimic the way he talks, acts and all-- It's just fun to be Jack Kelly!!
Davey is a respectable and kind of awkward guy, but, man, it's an awkward that's pretty cute, y'know? He's like,,, a someone that people would find hard to start a convo with, but if you know the right things to coax him, you'd be hitting it off w him intellectually and whatever else. He's fairly popular? He knows a nice grandma who owns a sweet shop near the school that Les goes to, and a few other nice people from around Manhattan from buying an apple, a book, or whatnot!
Albert, Albert, Albert! I don't think he'd actively be looking out for people to form a connection with (outside the newsies)? He looks like the kind of newsie that everyone sees walking by, and finds handsome or something-- nice face, and all. Though, Albert wouldn't mind if anyone approached him, really, he just prioritizes the connections he already has!! Probably, he's like, some guy that people have small talk with but drops some mind blowing philosophical realization before he runs off to wherever in Manhattan.
Elmer and Crutchie! I think they'd be popular with a lot of people, namely girls? because they're just soo cute! They're sweethearts, and gentlemen in their one way, Although, I'd say Elmer is a bit more rowdy? A bit loud, but he means well! This may probably be a disadvantage as much as it is an advantage for them? They look like the type of people that would eeaaaasily be shimmered down to a few or one trait (COUGHCOUGHCRUTCHIECOUGHCOUGH) so, they're probably more like "entertainment"? Or "Pleasing to the eye" as of the moment, until the people are just ready to move on.
And, ohhhhh, Race!!! Debate me on this, but, he's definitely THE heartthrob here. I'm probably just down bad (I am), but, have you SEEN HIM? He's got wit, a cute smile, tons of energy and lots of hard work built in that body! I'm suuuper biased because he's my fav, but, hear me out-- he's THE guy everyone would be obsessed with in a modern highschool au setting because he's just RACE! He's got a natural charm and confidence, and people often mistake him as flirting when he's reaaally just trying to be nice, most of the time! He goes the extra mile for people he likes, that's for sure, but, I guess? Race is Manhattan's sweetheart, in short? Am I stretching it if I said even folks in the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, etc. are interested in him?
Anyhow, those are my thoughts and headcanons about it-- might be off the chart, who knows, but hey, if anyone else has their own interpretation, I'd be stoked to hear it too! Thanks to anyone who has read this far!
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chaosfairy18 · 3 months
Ok so since a few of my friends have been very passionate about Katherine lately I thought I'd also talk about her (and Denton) a bit, not specifically judging or calling out but just some thoughts I had on them personally. So who knows me knows I love 92sies and yeah I was mad at first for Disney shoving a Disney Plot twist (oh no the reporter is related to the villain, we can't trust her now) as well as a love plot for an independent working woman in and then even cut my man Denton when my ideal world would have both of them. (Additional info since seeing UKsies I am much more in favour of Jatherine but before that they had no chemistry for me almost which only made me more annoyed at the love interest thing)
Hear me out. So Denton is interested in the strike but at first definitely only a bit until Kony (or more rather the fight before where police is not stepping in but instead keeping children locked in so they can get hit and beat). In the world we have both of them working for the Sun I am imagining him seeing her drive and want to work, her aspiration and her feeling for a good story and telling her about it, saying she should maybe go to where the newsies hang out and ask about the strike as he knows she wants to get out of the social pages and probably doesn't yet know how big the strike would get. The very latest they'd both be there for the Brooklyn showing up fight (or just taking the picture before Kony, but I do like my world more with Brooklyn here early) and then both for different reasons get really involved in the strike, personally.
So not to talk more about the timeline but more about how different Denton and Katherine get into the strike and connected to the newsies. Denton has seen some things as an ace war reporter, I'm sure, especially terrible things and has most likely seen young boys fight, even if not in a strike. He's feeling for them as an older man who knows he isn't in their shoes, far from it, but he has empathy for them and sees how dependent on child labour the city is after a short while and also how unfair they are treated, admires their fight, but he doesn't get it all, which is where Katherine comes in. Katherine also has to fight, so so much, just to get acknowledged, just to work at all, and even then the newsies first and foremost react to her with misogyny, but she still knows their fight in ways Denton doesn't, knows how it is to earn almost nothing (because even if her father is rich her own money she makes is abysmally small, probably around what a newsie makes that doesn't sell 100papes per edition as as far as I read that is a Huge amount) and knows she will treat them as, in a way, people with an equal fight (at least after Kony).
Which is also fitting on the topic of "oh Denton paid their fees and food" Denton has most likely a lot of money as an older white man who was an 'ace war reporter' and is 'friends' with the governour (Denty *cough*) Katherine has almost no money she makes herself, it is unlikely that at this time she just has money from her father she can use, and she sees the newsies as people that she is sure wouldn't want charity and people just paying for their things (like food) and is therefore not only not able to pay their fees or for food but also at least wouldn't do much for food as they are both rude to her at first and she wants to treat them without thinking of them as "poor orphans where a rich socialite has to pay their food"
One last thing I do think she could see him as a father figure who actually supports her as Pulitzer doesn't seem to be fond of her working until he is bragging in front of Jack and Denton could be so supporting in the Sun, helping her with everything and even trying to get her stories. Just let them co-exist in peace
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athousandboxjumps · 1 year
the newsies after the fight
AKA: me planning out headcanons because I want to make this into a fic. Also this is pure angst, you have been warned.
Race gets back to the lodging house first. Of course he does; the combination of long legs and adrenaline means he can run really fast when he needs to. There’s nothing he wants more than to smoke his cigar, but he lost it in the fray and even if he hadn’t, he isn’t sure he’d be able to light it with his shaking hands.
Albert doesn’t speak for a long while. There are a million thoughts buzzing in his head as always but for the first time he can’t form them into words. He just sits on his bed, holding onto Race’s hand for dear life. (Race is secretly grateful for this; he craves the touch just as much as Al.)
Henry can’t stop moving. Even though his ribs ache and it hurts to breathe, he fears the breakdown that will come once he stands still. Instead he floats between the newsies, checking in to make sure everyone is doing okay — or as okay as they can be. He needs to be useful right now or else he’ll completely shut down.
Finch is inconsolable. He can still hear Crutchie screaming his name. He could have turned back. He should have turned back. But like a cowardly little bird, he flew away. The others try to tell him that it’s not his fault, that there was nothing he could’ve done. He doesn’t believe them.
In spite of everything, Specs is thanking the world for small miracles. His glasses didn’t crack; his bruises are only minor; and as Romeo lies sleeping in his lap, he makes a vow to get up as soon as possible the next day and check in on Crutchie. He charts his course through back alleys and fire escapes to make it to the Refuge window without being seen. Right now though, he rests, carding his fingers through Romeo’s hair. Things are going to be okay, Specs would make sure of it.
Tommy Boy won’t let anyone touch Splasher. He finally got the poor boy to stop wailing in agony, and he wasn’t about to let some pair of untrained hands slip up and cause Splasher to end up in more pain than he already was. Instead, Tommy Boy gently wipes the blood from his friend’s brow and whispers soothing words. He places his rosary around Splasher’s neck; Tommy Boy has no idea if Splasher is Catholic or even believes in God at all, but he says a prayer of the two of them all the same.
No one hears from Elmer for a frighteningly long while. An unspoken trepidation that he had been arrested passes through the boys until Jojo silently appears at the doorway with Elmer in tow. He holds a prayer book, his face puffy and red from crying. What he’d said to the sister was right, it had been bound to rain sooner or later. He just hadn’t expected the torrential downpour of his own tears to finally bring him back to church.
Davey and Les come home to a terrified mother and a proud father. Sarah bandages them up, listening to Les’s every word about how things had been going so great until they hadn’t. Mayer jokes that now he and Davey have matching wounds. Davey doesn’t say anything. He can’t stop thinking about Jack.
Jack is nowhere to be found.
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youaintnothinbuta · 8 months
Fuck it out - racetrack higgins x reader
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Summary: you and Race cannot get along. You fight and fight and fight— finally you get on Jacks last nerve and he shoves the pair of you into a room and won’t let you leave until your issues are solved. You and Race end up fucking the frustration out.
Pairing: fem!reader x Racetrack Higgins
Word count: 2000 (it’s worth the read though ladies, I promise)
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, coarse language, angst, arguing
Race loathed you more than anyone in the world, and the feeling was entirely mutual. It was a deep-seated animosity that festered between you two.
He hated the way he could hear your laugh over anyone else’s. He hated the way you walk into a room and suddenly everyone’s eyes are glued to you. He hated how your arguments left him feeling exposed and vulnerable. Most of all, he hated the way you teased him.
From the moment the pair of you laid eyes on each other, you just utterly despised each other. All the Newsies knew it. At first, they tried to mediate the situation, to convince you both that the other wasn't as unbearable as you thought. It didn’t help though. Now, plan A was keep you two separated, and if that plan failed, plan B was to not leave you alone together, and plans C through Z were to simply ignore your arguments and let you two yell at each other.
You did feel guilty, of course, for putting your friends through that. The arguments- that is. You just couldn’t help it— you couldn’t see how no one else was this bothered by him.
This day, you and the newsies -including Race- were hanging outside the lodge. It was a nice day, late afternoon, sunny but not too hot, everyone was laughing and messing around like they always did. Everyone was enjoying themselves, except you and Race, who were predictably at each other's throats, bickering, it was a constant competition to see who could say the most hurtful thing to the other. Jack, who was sitting next to you, sighed heavily.
“I’m getting desperate. Please, just stop fighting for once.” Jack’s hand reached for your wrist.
“Tell him that to him then, not me!” You pointed accusingly at Race, who found it quite amusing that Jack’s telling-off seemed directed more towards you.
“Hah! See! Told you you’re the problem!” Race snickered.
“Enough!” Jack shouted, standing up. His one hand gripped onto your wrist again, the other found a handle on the back of Race’s shirt collar. He pulled you both off of your asses and dragged you up the steps and into the housing lodge, yelling at everyone to get out of one of the rooms as he shoved the pair of you in there.
“I am sick and TIRED of this. I’m done! Grow up and figure your shit out, there is no reason why you need to be fightin’ all the time. I don’t care what you need to do, yell it out, fuck it out, fuckin’ beat it out of each other- Just make it stop!” He slammed the door behind him as he exited, leaving you and Race to stare at each other like embarrassed little kids that had just been told off in front of their classmates.
You immediately went for the door knob, but to no avail. Jack must have taken one of the door stops and kicked it underneath, locking you in. Didn’t matter. You knew Jack, if you got out he’d just drag you back in again until everything was resolved. And what was that he said?
You just stood, back leant against the door, watching Race peek out the window to see Jack back down with the Newsies. It did sort of hurt him to see how much happier everyone looked the second you two weren’t around. You stood for a while, without moving, so did he, neither of you knowing what to say or do.
“I ha— I hate that we bother them so much.” He muttered, breaking the silence, still looking out.
You paused, momentarily taken aback. Race had just said something you actually agreed with? Unheard of.
“Me too,” You spoke quietly, peeling your back off the door, making your way over to Race. As you joined him at the window, your intent was to see what the boys were doing outside. He occupied most of the space in front of the window, leaving you at his side, your shoulders lightly brushing against each other. Your focus shifted from the view through the glass to the view beside you. You found yourself watching Race’s face with a newfound intensity, your gaze tracing the lines of his features as if you were seeing them for the first time.
You took note of the subtle curve of his lips, the way they naturally sat in a slight smile. Your eyes moved lower, and you couldn't help but appreciate the defined edge of his jawline.
Race could feel your stare. His gaze shifted to meet yours. His eyes locked onto your face as he too began to study your features. It was a silent exchange, a dance of mutual observation that sent a shiver down your spine.
You watched his eyes move down your face, tracing the contours of your neck, before returning to meet your gaze. The intensity in his stare was palpable, yet still so gentle, and you couldn't deny the way it made your heart rate increase.
The two of you lingered in front of each other, locked in an unspoken exchange, carefully observing each other's features as the space between your bodies continued to dwindle.
His eyes drifted shut, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation. Was Racetrack Higgins about to kiss you? And more importantly, why weren't you doing anything to stop it? Your heart raced as your own eyes fluttered closed, surrendering to the magnetic pull that seemed to draw you closer, until your lips met his, bridging the gap between you. His hand instinctively sought out the small of your back, pulling you even closer to him. Your fingers wove into his hair as the kiss deepened, and Race couldn't help but release a soft, involuntary moan. The sound made you laugh against his lips.
He gripped your hips in response, pressing them into his, letting you feel his growing bulge, dragging you over him. You let out a needy cry, it was his turn to laugh at your desperation.
With a sense of urgency, your fingers began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Race responded to the rising passion between you by swiftly pushing you against the wall, his desire growing more intense. Sensing your hesitation with the buttons, he decided to take matters into his own hands, pulling his shirt over his head. His undershirt came along with it, dropping to the floor beside his feet.
Your gaze lingered on the enticing sight before you—the defined contours of his chest, the sculpted muscles inviting exploration. He watched you with a smile as you studied him, thinking it adorable the way you unconsciously bit your bottom lip. You couldn't resist the temptation to trace your fingers along the lines of his torso, feeling the warmth and strength that lay beneath his skin.
As his fingers traced a fiery trail up your legs, your hands reciprocated his movements, gliding over his back and savoring the warmth of his skin. The intimacy of the moment deepened as you kissed and gently sucked on the tender skin of his shoulders, his fingers tugged at the seam of your panties, wanting a feel of the fabric that had been rubbing against you.
“All because of me?” He looked up at you, grinning as the pad of his fingers glided across the slick that had coated your underwear.
“You’re not one to talk.” Your hand reached between his thighs, cupping the bulge in his pants, his mouth fell agape at the feeling of your hand against him.
He scoffed, laughing, before attacking your neck softly with his lips, his tongue dragging over the curve of your jaw. He nipped lightly at the skin of your neck, moving a little each time, searching for the spot that would—
“Oh.” You sighed.
Found it.
You dropped your face to reconnect your lips to his, the pad of his thumb pressed into where your clit was located below your underwear. He felt you nip at his lip at the action, tugging at it as another moan slipped from your mouth.
“You here to fuck me or tease me?” You mumbled between kissing him.
“I dunno, teasing you is kinda fun.” He smiled.
“Don’t think I’ll beg for you. I won’t.” You snarked as you nipped at his ear, kissing his jaw. He let you continue to place hot kisses all over his neck and jaw, taking the opportunity to get his pants off from around his waist, dropping his underwear with them. You felt the warm, soft skin of his cock against your thigh, a small gasp escaping your lips as you looked down at what your body was about to take in. He dipped a finger inside of you, then another, preparing you for him.
“Race.” You sighed his name, asking him to hurry up. Race’s fingers were soaked as he pulled them from your core. The tip of his cock slid between your folds, being coated by your juices as he pushed inside of you. Race didn’t care to hold back the volume of his groan as he felt your body stretch around him. Your eyes squeezed shut as you breathed out, god, any more of him and you’d be torn in half.
Race took a thumb to his mouth and collected a string of saliva on the tip of it before bringing it to your clit, drawing small circles, trying to replace your discomfort with pleasure.
He struggled to pull out of you, your walls so tight they practically sucked him back in, slowly he pushed back inside of you, picking up the pace slightly with every thrust. Both of your eyes were fixed on the sight of his body pushing into yours, until he looked up at your face, making your cheeks burn red as the realisation of what you were doing set in.
“Does it make you nervous when I stare, hm?” He cupped your face. Your mind was racing, never in a million years would you have considered Race to be gentle. The tip of his cock slammed against your cervix, releasing a series of angelic moans from you. His fingertips curled around either side of your hips, gripping you as he continued thrusting into you to hit that exact spot again and again, and he felt your legs begin to shake against his own.
What the hell? How was someone like him bringing you to orgasm this quickly? It took you longer on your own.
Race had barely even begun to feel his orgasm build, and already he had you on the verge of release. He seemed just as perplexed as he felt your walls begin to contract and spasm around him. The cry of his name and the way your body became limp as he held you against the wall, he knew just as you did- it took only minutes to get you off. The way your pussy gripped his cock during your release made it almost impossible for him to move, not that he wanted to, it felt far too good. He watched your face as pleasure rolled through your body, jolting you forward periodically.
His lips brushed over your flushed chest, your pussy loosened its grip on him, and he left you no time to breathe before going back to thrusting himself in and out of you. You caught him off guard when grinding against him, pushing his cock deeper inside of you for him. You took in every detail of his face. The swear that started to bead around his hairline, the way his jaw hung slightly open with focus, the blush that was creeping up his ears, the way his eyes seemed an even brighter blue when they were so full of lust. Even through all your hatred for him, you couldn’t deny how he beautiful he looked while railing you.
He couldn’t hold on much longer but he’d be damned to give you the satisfaction of knowing how quick you could make him cum if he wasn’t trying to keep his composure. Your legs were threatening to give out on you. If it wasn’t for his grip on your waist holding you flush against the wall you might have collapsed into a heap of convulsing pleasure at his feet. Your now not-so-swallowed moans increased, there wasn’t any hope for trying to choke them back. Race had ruined every moral you had that day. His moans began to mix with yours.
“Look at me.” He mumbled, you didn’t even realise your eyes had closed. His hazed filled eyes bore into yours, the pleasured smirk that painted his face was only ruined by his own groans. It was too much. Too much pleasure. Too much hatred. Too much desire. Race shoved a few more erratic thrusts into you before pinning the skirt of your dress around your waist and spurting his cum out onto your thighs, a string of satisfied moans coming with it. He watched as his hot come dribbled down your thighs, taking a thumb to rub some of it against you, feeling his seed coat your soft skin.
The room that was just engrossed by moans and whines and sex was now left with the quiet sound of heavy breathing.
Your body trembled with residual pleasure as you tried to comprehend what the hell just happened. You hated Race; yet he was the one who left you so full of pleasure and indulgence you couldn’t even think straight. He took a step away from you, giving you some space as he caught his breath. You breathed out, your legs unsteady as tried to take a step forward.
Race chuckled, re-approaching you, wrapping an arm around your head, pulling you into his chest and placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You, too, let out a shy laugh, he tried to hide a grin as he pulled his pants back up.
He raised an eyebrow at you, “You look like you live in a bawdy house.” He quipped, tossing a shirt off the floor to you to wipe yourself clean.
“Should I remind you who just came all over me?” You argued.
“Should I remind you how quickly you came?” He retorted, laying on his bed, an arm extended inviting you to lay with him. What the hell was happening? Race Higgins had just fucked the daylight out of you, went immediately back to arguing with you, and now was holding you as you laid on his chest.
You didn’t say anything as you laid together. You felt gross. Not internally. Physically. Like your underwear felt soaked against you- and not in a sexy way.
“You alright?” Race asked, feeling your sigh sink into his chest.
Why did he care?
“My own bodily fluids are squelching against me. What do you think?”
He chuckled, “Someone’s grumpy. Was one orgasm not enough?” He teased, reaching his hands down to push your underwear off of you. You sat up in shock, thinking for a moment he was going for round two.
“Relax, just getting these off so you’re a bit more comfortable.” He pulled them off your ankles and dropped them on the floor, his hands finding your back, guiding you back down to lay on him again.
He reached for his comforter, pulling it up to cover your back. “You just relax, sweetheart. I know you’re probably tired.”
Why was he caring for you? Why was he looking after you? God, you hated him. You hated how this was the safest you’d ever felt. Your expression on your face loosened as your mind drifted further and further from consciousness, your eyes slowly closing as the rhythm of his breathing underneath you lulled you into a nap. He too, with the comfort of your weight on his body, was able to drift off into a nap, forgetting entirely about the fact that Jack and the rest of the newsies were just downstairs.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 9 days
Musical Theatre (+Disney) Songs That Apply to Entrapdak
I've discussed this topic on my blog before, but that was in a reblog. I thought I'd share some musical theatre songs that speak to Entrapta and Hordak, combining two things that give me brain rot.
Take Me as I Am - Jekyll & Hyde
-Just some lab partners loving each other as they are.
One Normal Night - The Addams Family
-One of the kids begging their parents to be "normal" for one night (WH is Fester btw).
I Won't Say (I'm In Love) - Hercules
- It could be read as either of them denying their feeling early on circa season two.
All I Ask of You - Phantom of the Opera
-Lab Partners loving each other part two.
Out There - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
-The first half is just Prime mentally and emotionally abusing/ manipulating Hordak, while the second half is Hordak desiring a normal life without the limitations his condition and life put on him.
Heaven's Light - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
-Hordak experiences love for the first time.
Made of Stone - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
-Hordak has just found out Entrapta is potentially dead and gives up on life.
I Need to Know - Jekyll & Hyde
-Hordak reveling in his science experiments all in the name of Prime and getting home.
Alive - Jekyll & Hyde
-This could be read as either Hordak experiencing life as a free man or going insane and indulging in insanity after Entrapta's "betrayal".
Confrontation - Jekyll & Hyde
-Hordak’s internal battle with the person Prime expects him to be and the person he desires to be.
Another Terrible Day - The Lightning Thief The Percy Jackson Musical
-Hordak dealing with the daily complications of running an empire.
Maria - West Side Story
-Hordak is a simp.
Agony - Into The Woods
-Hordak and (insert character) complaining about girl troubles.
Stupid With Love - Mean Girls
-Entrapta is expiring true love for the first time and is determined to get ‘romance’ right.
Watch What Happens - Newsies
-Entrapta is having trouble with an experiment people are depending on her for (either the Black Garnet or fixing Darla).
All You Wanna Do - SIX
-Entrapta’s continual struggle with friendship.
When He Sees Me - Waitress
-Since love is a completely new territory, Entrapta is nervous she will fail.
This is all I have for now, but if I have anymore, I’ll make a part two.
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
spralbert thoughts for a chronically bored person?
Okay so Spralbert is one of my #1 ships. I love them with all my heart.
Albert and Race have so much chemistry together in Livesies, and Spot and Race have infinite chemistry in 92sies.
Ummmm I'm not sure what all you're asking for, so here are my thoughts on Spralbert things
Albert almost always sleeps in the middle. He's always cold, and he's the most insecure in the relationship. He felt very disconnected for a long time. Race and Spot just seemed to click, and he felt like an afterthought for so, so long. Which is kinda ridiculous because Albert and Race got together first.
Race and Albert got together when Race was sick, post-strike. Albert had been taking care of him, and was very very worried. Race wasn't talking much, Al thought this boy was dying. He couldn't do much more than sleep. About a week into it, he was pressing a cool cloth to Race's head, and Race's eyes cracked open and he just murmured "heya handsome". Albert promptly smacked him for scaring him. He then kissed him in his relief, and got his dumbass sick too. He didn't mind being able to cuddle with Race for a few days.
Race and Albert added Spot into the mix a few weeks later. They were talking to Spot in Brooklyn. They'd been flirting back and forth for a while. Cracking jokes and teasing. Albert and Spot were play fighting on this particular day. Albert (even though he's shorter than Spot) said something along the lines of "You're so short I bet you're a bottom and haven't made a move on anybody" and Spot, obviously said he had (whether that's true or not remains a mystery) and the argument got more and more heated and Spot eventually took Albert by the suspenders and kissed him. Albert almost soaked him because my feller is right there you absolute jackass and Race had to physically pull him away so they could talk about things. It took them three days to make a decision. They returned with an offer that Spot couldn't (and didn't want to) refuse
On the topic of height. Race is obviously the tallest: 5'7 (170.18 cm) Spot is the middle: 5'3 (160.02 cm) Albert is the shortest: 4'10 (147.32 cm)
They go on dates in Brooklyn mostly, because even non-newsies know not to mess with Spot Conlon.
They still don't kiss or hold hands in public, but they will go have lunch between editions or they'll sit on the bridge and talk for hours on end.
Spot is the only one allowed in the kitchen. Race and Albert once tried to make him dinner as a surprised and almost burned the kitchen down boiling water.
Albert has a little weighted stuffed elephant that they gave him that he cuddles every night.
Racer is the one to make most of the big financial decisions. He's better with numbers than the other two.
If they were able to get married and change names, Race and Spot would fight over whose last name gets used. Albert's home life was strained (at best), especially when he came out to his dad and brothers, and he kind of wants to disconnect from his family.
I am hungy and need to go venture to find food so this is all I've got for now ily <3
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mostlybroadway · 1 year
racetrack higgins’s first love was robin hood.
a child of ten couldn’t help but be enamored by the hooded vigilante, stealing from the rich to give to the less fortunate. race himself was one of the less fortunate: his mother had died while having him and his father wanted little to do with him. like robin hood, race decided to make a life for himself with his friends. he just needed friends.
and then came racetrack higgins’s second love: spot conlon
she and race did everything together. when race happened upon the brooklyn newsies on a regular trip to the sheepshead, he was instantly enamored. finally, newsboys—news girls—who were just like him. or how he used to be.
spot and race were partners in crime. they sold together, ate together, and lived together in the small brooklyn boarding house. as they reached eleven, twelve, thirteen, they started to do more. they saw others kissing and wanted to try for themselves. their hugs lingered a little longer, their hands brushing against each other suddenly meant a little more. race had found his maid marian. and spot thought she had found hers, too.
racetrack higgins’s third love was jack kelly.
race had seen jack around. he made his way through lower manhattan now and again, seeing how the boys sold compared to the brooklyn girls. they needed some pointers, surely, but they were good company. they always wanted to play games with race if he asked them to. race wanted to spend the most time with jack, though. the newly appointed leader, the cowboy. race was happy with spot, and kissing spot, and loving spot, but his love of jack kelly was something entirely new.
race caught himself looking at jack’s chest and wishing his own vest and shirt sat flat against his breasts. race looked at how jack carried himself—so tall, so manly—and race wanted it too. race needed it.
when race told spot he was leaving to join the lower manhattan boys, she was not happy. she swore at him, she threw a few good shoves at him, but he remained strong. he still loved her. he figured he probably would always love her. but she loved someone that no longer existed.
racetrack higgins’s fourth love, albert dasilva, took him entirely by surprise.
albert welcomed race in immediately, just as spot had all those years before. but something about albert was different. while spot was loud and domineering, albert let race take charge. albert listened. albert was soft, and caring, and had that red hair that could make anyone fall at his feet.
albert dasilva helped racetrack higgins accept who he was. he helped him bind correctly. he made sure the other boys respected race’s privacy while changing. and he loved race no matter who he was.
and that made all the difference.
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 5 months
come with me- Crutchie
(Note: I know, I’ve already written like three oneshots that are just letters from Crutchie, but I absolutely adore his character and letters are one of the best forms of expression in my opinion- it’s just something about someone’s heart poured out onto a page that inspires me. This is in a world where Jack moved to Santa Fe after the strike, leaving Crutchie and the others behind. Enjoy!)
    Dear Jack,
    It’s been a while hasn’t it? Almost ten years now, if I remember right… damn, it’s almost surreal to think of all the time that’s passed since I last saw your face. We miss you, all of us do, Racer and Dave and hell, even Spot Conlon. Santa Fe’s a long way away.
    I guess you really had to go away, though. It was a long time coming, I’m sure- you’ve been dreaming of the plains and desert of New Mexico since we were ten. Right now, I’d guess that you’re settled somewhere outside, sketching the landscape with a broken charcoal pencil and a scrap of stolen paper as the world flies by you, your heart full of happiness and relief. 
    No more talking about that, though. I need to ask you something, something that’s been eating at me since the moment we said our goodbyes. I’m sitting in Miss Medda’s theater, where you used to paint sets for her, because I can’t keep wondering any longer. 
    Do you miss us?
    Do you miss the days when you were free, when all the responsibility you had was to survive until your next meal? Do you miss the fights, the jokes, the laughter and the tears, all experienced under the roof that nurtured the man you are today? Do you miss us newsies and everything we went through together? 
    What about Katherine?  Do you think of her often, that girl with the fiery red hair and a way with words that would make Shakespeare tear up with awe? Do you miss the days you spent reminiscing about that first kiss up on the rooftop, the fit of passion and anger that made you fall in love for the very first time?
    Davey- that beautiful boy, shaking like a leaf when you first met him, growing into the bravest and most dedicated leader Manhattan had ever seen- do you still love him? He never moved on after you, Jack. He’s got a job with the Journal, editing articles and making enough to support his family now. He’s got enough money to have a nice house in the suburbs, a wife, and a litter of youngins, but I think he’s holding onto the hope that you’ll come back.
    We all are, if I’m honest. It’s been different around here without you.
    You’d be proud, if only you were here to see how well we’ve done. Race made it big betting at the races and now he and Spot have got this little business opened together, living off of the winnings plus the profits. Specs has got himself a job working on a steamboat and now he’s seeing the world, and JoJo’s a pastor now, preaching every Sunday. You wouldn’t hardly recognize us, I don’t think- we’ve all grown so much, so far past the scared little kids we used to be.
    Sometimes I wonder if you ever changed that much.
    I have to go now. If you ever get this letter, please respond. I’d love to know that you’re okay, that Santa Fe was just as beautiful as you thought it would be, that you’ve got a lass and a good sum of cash in your pocket. If you haven’t already forgotten us, please write back. I miss you.
    Your brother,
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
hi! i love your stories, can you write a race x fem!reader where race and a couple of other newsies run from angry customers, hiding in a theater, and the performer completely entrances racetrack, dudes lovestruck?
i delayed posting this until today because IT’S BEN COOK’S BIRTHDAY YAY!!!
i love that boy with all my heart. he’ll forever be my racetrack. enjoy this race story in honor of ben’s 25th bday :))
female reader x race
warnings: none
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Natural Talent
it was just an average day of paper selling for the group of newsies. the temperature was right, the sun was shining, and the air smelled like money. jack, race, albert, jojo, and finch could all feel it that day.
oddly enough, they all kind of liked days where the headline was boring. they could make up their own exciting headline to sell to the masses, and they could create their own storylines. race liked to contribute to the creativity of making a storyline, not necessarily coming up with his own dramatic headline. as a desperate newsie, that was a skill that he should have been born with.
as the day was coming to a close, it was time to amp up the selling tactics even more in order to get through every paper.
“papers, get ya papes here!” race yelled to the roaming citizens of new york city. not a single new yorker batted an eye or looked in his direction. race’s shoulders fell, his eyes turning into a sad puppy dog look. why couldn’t he make up a good headline?
jack rolled his eyes and scoffed, snatching the paper from race’s hand. “sing ‘em to sleep why don’t ya. this is how you do it, racer.”
jack stepped forward, and coughed to clear his throat. “homeless shelter set ablaze by angry city goers, biggest story of the year! you heard it here first, folks, get ‘em while they’re hot!” he yelled. a small line formed in front of him, and he took the coins graciously and handed them to race.
“how’re you so good at doing that, jack?” race asked, dumbfounded by jack’s natural ability to sell.
“he’s jack kelly, that’s how,” jojo said next to race.
“well i know that, i can see him.”
“it takes years of practice,” jack started after getting through the line of paper customers. “you’ll get better sooner or later. but for your sake, you better hope its sooner.”
albert stood next to the boys. “i’ve sold all my papes for today, i’m gonna head back to the lodging house. see you all soon,” he said, beginning to walk away.
“hey, this newspaper says nothin’ about a fire! what are you boys on about?” an old man yelled, waving his paper in the air furiously.
“he’s right! is this how you steal money from innocent women like me?” a lady said, coming up behind the man. they had rallied together a small crowd of angry newspaper customer, and the newsboys froze.
jack turned to albert, who had began walking away. the rest of the boys carefully shifted their glances towards jack for guidance.
the angry mob began approaching them, and the newsies slowly backed away.
“newsies… make a run for it!” jack screamed, taking off in the other direction. the boys all followed, and the angry mob took off in their direction.
jack took hold of albert’s arm as he was running, taking him along with the boys.
“man, i’se just wanted to get back to the lodgin’ house! why do i have to be apart of this?” albert whined to jack as his legs continued to run.
they ran far, hoping to lose the crowd of men behind them. jack led the boys through the alleys and back streets of new york, but it was no use.
jack turned to race, who was closest to him. “we need to split up. racer, take the boys to medda’s theater. the crowd wants me, so i’ll lead them away and meet you there. okay?” he whispered, barely out of breath and not breaking a sweat. race looked at him in awe.
“yeah… no problem,” race heaved, picking up his pace to lead the boys as jack swerved around another corner.
why’d he have to leave this up to me? race thought. do i look like leader material?
he whipped around to see the boys behind him, and that was it. the crowd had followed jack, and all race could hope for was that they didn’t catch up to jack.
the group approached the back door of medda’s theater, and they quickly ran inside and shut the door behind them. they had found themselves in the wings of the bright stage.
“where’d jack go?” finch asked in between breaths. the group leaned against the door, looking out into the theater ahead of them. it looked like a show was just about to start.
race lowered his voice. “jack was going to lead the crowd away. he wanted me to take you all here.”
jojo frowned. “jack put you in charge? for what reason?”
race shrugged, unsure of the answer himself. “beats me.”
“you boys gettin’ into trouble again?” a lady’s voice called out, causing the boys to snap their heads around. it was medda with a knowing smile on her face.
“hi miss medda,” albert said, still regaining his breath.
“where’s jack?” she asked, suddenly getting worried.
“he’ll be back here soon, he was leadin’ away the angry mob followin’ us,” race said maybe a bit too nonchalantly.
medda rolled her eyes. “i don’t even want to know what mob was following you kids this time. while you’re here, you better stick around for the show. i think it outta be something you boys would like,” she said with a grin. she winked before heading onstage as the curtain rolled up, revealing the audience.
the boys took a seat backstage mere inches away from being visible to the audience. race’s eye caught a girl on the other side of the wings, who glanced shyly away when she noticed he was staring. he wondered who it was.
“now, folks, prepare to be wowed by this next act. at only sixteen years of age, her talent is beyond what anyone would expect out of her tiny frame. she’s new to my theater, but i hope you all will give her a warm welcome. introducing the fabulous Y/N L/N!”
the crowd cheered, and the lights went down as medda ran off stage and the girl in the wings slowly walked out to the microphone. she had a certain poise and way of carrying herself that kept race entranced.
the lights lit the room up again, and race carefully watched the girl onstage. he came to the conclusion that this was the girl he had made eye contact with just moments before.
the music began, and it was a song he didn’t recognize. he watched as the girl gently swung side to side, her long velvet dress and her long, straight hair swaying with her. Y/N settled herself back to the center of the microphone, and she began to sing.
race noticed that her voice wasn’t very operatic, which he enjoyed. it was warmer, and had different nuances and layers that was new and refreshing to his ears. Y/N carried herself elegantly, and race could tell that she trusted her instincts while singing. she was very beautiful to look at, and even more beautiful to listen to.
to race, it looked like she wasn’t even nervous, and she didn’t have to think too hard about what she was doing. she was a natural.
race was so focused on this mysterious girl that he didn’t even notice jack had arrived and was sitting behind him. he placed a hand on race’s shoulder, and he turned his head around.
“i think i lost ‘em,” jack started. “who’s that?” he asked, pointing to the stage.
“her name is Y/N. she’s a new performer at medda’s, and she’s absolutely stunning.”
jack laughed at race’s comment, but he was cut off by medda.
“will you boys just relax and watch the show?”
“sorry miss medda,” jack whispered, scooting away from race.
race’s eyes fixated on the girl singing once again. if he were in a cartoon, he’d have hearts in his eyes. the world around him seemed to fade, and it felt like the only ones in the room were him and Y/N. is this what love at first sight feels like?
race made sure to soak in every word she sang, for he didn’t know the next time he’d be able to see her perform.
when her last note rang out, the noise happily lingered in race’s ear. the room went silent before an eruption of applause began. he slowly clapped, still coming down from his high.
Y/N walked off stage towards the boys, and race’s heart rate quickened. she immediately went to medda’s side without giving the boys a glance.
“she was somethin’, wasn’t she?” jojo asked rhetorically.
“her voice was beautiful,” albert started. he looked over at race, who was still lost in his own world. a smirk appeared on his face. “how ‘bout you, race? what’d you think of the show?”
race didn’t reply.
“racer!” jack yelled as loud as he could without being disruptive. race blinked and sat up before turning around.
“what? what did you say?” race asked quickly.
finch laughed. “did you like the show? seems like you grew a little attached to that girl.”
race looked over to the girl who was still speaking with medda.
“yeah, i liked it. i liked it a lot,” he replied back sheepishly, still staring at Y/N.
the boys looked between themselves, all thinking the same thing.
“race, i can’t keep watchin’ you admire this girl from a distance. go on and talk to her,” jack said, standing up and reaching his hand down for race to take.
race looked up, wide eyed. he took it and reluctantly stood up. “i don’t know if i can.”
jack smiled. “sure you can!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arm around race’s shoulder and guiding him to medda and Y/N. race was mortified.
the pair stood by the girls, and Y/N turned her head to look at them. she gave them a small smile, before medda began to introduce the boys to her.
“Y/N, this is jack and racetrack,” medda said, pointing to them. jack waved, and race kept his eyes focused on the girl.
“i’ll leave you kids be, i need to greet the audience. my work never stops,” medda said while laughing, walking out of the wings to go walk around the theater.
jack and race looked back at Y/N, who was beginning to look a little awkward.
“you sounded great out there, kid. i’ll leave you and racer by yourselves, he’s the one that wanted to talk to you. see ya later!” jack exclaimed before patting race’s back and walking away.
race stood in front of the girl of his dreams appalled at jack for leaving him alone. he’s never had experience with girls, how was he supposed to handle a conversation with one as gorgeous and as talented as her?
her waiting and compelling eyes stayed locked on race, and he turned his head to meet her gaze.
“i-i’m race,” he asked nervously.
she playfully smiled. race took note of the way her nose crinkled a bit when she grinned.
“i’ve heard,” she started. “i’m Y/N. i’ve never heard a name quite like racetrack.”
he sighed. “it’s just a nickname.”
there was an awkward silence.
“you were amazing out there. i’ve never heard a voice so beautiful in my life,” he said, filling the void.
she turned red. “gosh, you’re too kind,” she said shyly, looking down. “before i went on, i believe you were the one i saw from across the stage, right?”
race was shocked that she even remembered a small detail like that. “yes, that was me. i didn’t think you’d ever take notice of me.”
she shrugged and stepped a bit closer. “why not?”
race’s heart rate picked up, and he looked down at the girl. “you quickly looked away when i saw you. but not only that, i’m a newsboy, you’re a talented singer, i didn’t think it’d ever work.”
“i’m sorry about that, i was just nervous,” Y/N began. “maybe you need to rethink us working, race,” she whispered. the backstage lights caught her eyes just right, and they sparkled with a newfound feeling of intrigue.
race stared down at her, unsure of what to do next. “you’re really pretty,” he said, breathless.
she blushed again. “you’re cute.”
now it was race’s turn to get all red. his moment of bliss was interrupted by the guys coming up behind him.
“excuse us, miss,” albert said behind race. “we need to take our boy away for a few minutes. it’s newsboy stuff.”
the boys dragged him away, and he looked behind him to see Y/N confused. race closed his eyes, feeling defeated.
“what was that for? i was getting somewhere with Y/N!” race exclaimed.
“we just wanted to ask you how things were goin’ over there,” jack asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“it’s none of your business. i’m gonna go back over there, and you guys aren’t going to interrupt me ‘till i’m done. you hear?”
“…so it is goin’ good?” jojo said. race rolled his eyes and left the group of boys.
“sorry about that, they’re a little distractin’ sometimes,” race said, coming back to the girl.
“it’s quite alright. where were we?”
race thought about it for a few moments. “i’m not sure.”
Y/N laughed. “that’s okay, i forgot too.”
“how’d you get into singin’? you could be makin’ it big with a voice like that,” race said, sparking up conversation. he liked flattering Y/N, because every time he did she would smile like she didn’t already know she was amazing.
“as a little girl, i would sing whenever i felt any kind of emotion. my mother loved it. then, when my parents died, i was living on the streets. i used singing as an escape.”
Y/N looked down. race’s expression softened at the sight of her.
“i sang to make money. then, miss medda discovered me and took me in. she gave me lessons, and a place to earn money. and thats how this all started.”
race raised his eyebrows. “i’m sorry to hear about your parents. i lost mine a while ago too.”
Y/N sighed. “it’s alright, i-”
she was interrupted by medda telling her there were important people in the audience that wanted to meet her.
race felt his stomach drop. “i don’t want this to be the last time i see you,” race said sadly.
Y/N bit her lip. “it won’t be. stop by tomorrow night for another show. we can talk some more then.”
race nodded. “i will. i sell papes a few blocks down, you can stop by there durin’ the day if you want.”
she nodded. “i just might have to.” she stepped closer and stood on her toes to place a gentle kiss on race’s cheek. “goodbye race.”
race felt like melting right then and there. his heart felt like it grew. “goodbye Y/N.”
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this delancey brothers thing is so interesting to me because like,,, we get very little about their whole family life and backstory and the fandom has yet to come up with anything incredibly solid,,, anyways just thinking thoughts and i want to hear what you have to say
right?? i feel like for a while the fandom kinda shunned them bc of their role as villains… but a bad guy can be a compelling character too!!
i already gave a rundown of my backstory for them in the last ask i answered, so here’s my completely baseless thoughts regarding their personalities and relationship w each other!! @jack-kellys here’s the rest of my delancey nonsense 😙
- oscar is a deeply angry person. he doesn’t know how to feel anything else, when the world has been so cruel to him. he’s been trying to parent his little brother for years, in the shittiest of situations: from an abusive home, to jail, to their tiny bedroom at the newspaper office. wiesel is harsh with them, their job consists of long days of tedious work, and he often feels he has nothing to look forward to. he takes it out on everybody except morris, because he’s learned over the years that everyone is out to get him, so he may as well hurt them first. (hostile attribution bias anyone?? shoutout to all my fellow bitches who studied developmental psych 🤘)
- morris, on the other hand, strikes me as a little less angry and a little more scared. an odd hc of mine for him is that he’s on the fetal alcohol spectrum - he deals with numerous learning disabilities and developmental delays because of it, and it’s made all the trauma he’s experienced very hard to process. he finds his and oscar’s job frustratingly difficult: counting papes and keeping the numbers straight is hard for him, he hates how loud the newsies are (and how loud uncle wiesel is when he’s yelling), and he can’t focus for very long without getting the urge to jump and run and move around, which he knows he’s not allowed to do. he also knows he doesn’t speak very clearly— unless he’s very intentional with every syllable, which almost sounds worse because it’s so awkward, or using phrases he’s already practiced— so he’s given up on talking to anyone other than his big brother, for the most part. he lets oscar do most of the talking and is happy to back him up with his fists.
- oscar doesn’t really understand morris’s disability, but he tries not to think too hard about it. he doesn’t know why his brother needs help with certain things that seem easy— like knowing which shoe goes on which foot, or spelling the letters of his own name— but he’ll help him nonetheless, because that’s just what he needs to do. he thinks he might need to take care of morris forever, because it often seems like there’s some things the kid will just never get the hang of, but oscar doesn’t mind that, because at least it gives him some purpose. if he has to sit there every night and remind morris of the steps to getting cleaned up before bed (wash your face and hands, run a comb through your hair, fold up your clothes…) then at least he’s doing something helpful each day, and that makes him feel alright.
- a random anecdote that sorta sums them up (under the cut bc this is long already):
for morris’s 13th birthday, oscar steals a little stuffed dog from a shop, which morris names puppy and instantly clings to with all his might. at the time, oscar knows morris is too old for toys, but the way the kid lights up when the silly thing is handed to him makes everything worth it. he simply decides to accept that all the bullshit they’ve been through has made it hard for morris to grow up at the same rate as other people, so if babying him a little makes him this happy, that must be fine, right?
several years later, the first thing that ever compels oscar to lay a hand on wiesel is finding puppy in the trash on the front step on his way home from running errands, with its ears ripped off— he’s instantly sure that wiesel found it and took it from morris while he was gone. he charges inside and punches wiesel square across the jaw; he then spends the rest of the night barricaded in their bedroom, trying to messily sew puppy back together and simultaneously calm down his inconsolable little brother.
“you’re too big to cry, mo. you know that. you gotta cut it out before uncle hears you, alright?”
“but he took it. he took puppy away and wrecked it and said i can’t have it no more,” morris wails. “it ain’t fair, osc.”
“i know. i got it back and i’m trying to fix it, okay? i’ll get puppy good as new for you, i swear. you just gotta stop— you’re a big fella and you’re crying over a toy. you can’t be doing that.”
morris sniffles, obviously holding back a sob.
“you busted his head. why’d you do that?”
oscar shrugs. he finally manages to tie off a decent knot on one of the ears, which almost looks right again, despite his terrible stitches.
“i was mad. don’t no one mess with my brother without going through me, right?”
morris manages a smile, despite the way he’s still intently watching his beloved puppy be put back together, with tears in his eyes.
“right. and i’ll soak anyone who talks bad at you, i swear.”
wiesel beats oscar black and blue with his cane the next day, but oscar would take it a million times over for morris’s sake. when the newsies start wisecracking about oscar’s fresh cuts and bruises at distribution, morris starts beating on whichever of those loudmouths he can get his hands on until the whole lot of them have nothing more to laugh at.
the delancey brothers have each other’s backs at all fucking costs.
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
ok so i was talking to @to-be-a-dreamer @tarantulas4davey and @carpe-diem-since-1899 about racetrack things the other day and i just thought i would dump some of those thoughts here bc i am So invested in this weird little guy
anyway i just ,, i have a lot of feelings abt jack passing the newsies onto racer once he ages out.
i feel like. charlie is the next choice, but charlie in my eyes is the same age as- if not older than- jack; if jack hadn’t been the leader of the newsboys, it definitely would have been charlie, but jack is the one who took the reins. (this age hc is mostly because of west endsies ngl.) anyway! moving on
jack and charlie have always been a team. charlie is definitely jack’s second in terms of always being there, but race is his second in terms of business- it only makes sense for race to take over when jack is gone, and i just,, i love the concept of race either not really wanting that or not really knowing how to handle that. i think, at his core, race is trying to hold onto whatever youth he has left. its why he’s always cracking jokes, despite how jaded and angry he is under the surface. he pretends not to care or else he’ll crack under the pressure, and when he cracks, it’s angry. it’s mean. his bark is as bad as his bite. so he puts on this front- this childish, snarky, comedic relief front- and he’s terrified of the implications of Being The Leader because he feels like he’ll no longer have that front to hold onto or hide behind. and it takes him a long time, i think, to realize that he doesn’t have to be exactly who Jack was- he can lead the newsboys how he sees fit, he doesn’t need to be a carbon copy of jack, because they’re fundamentally so different. and i think that is just very fun
but more on the anger, because i think it’s an interesting take that is very much represented in West Endsies- as @roideny and @jack-kellys have pointed out before:
i’m interested in the other newsies- especially albert, finch, and maybe spot- seeing that sadness and strain and anger that seems to be taking it’s place as his dominant trait. yeah. bc i think,, i think race is angry at his core, like i said. angry at his position in all of this. angry that jack left, that charlie followed, that davey was never staying in the first place, that spot still thinks of him as a kid instead of a new leader, that other burrough leaders don’t take him seriously because they know him as the jokester. angry that these kids are his kids now, and angry that his kids are still starving, still walking holes in their shoes, still shivering at night and still dying of sickness when the cold weather hits too hard. i want this race to be fucking pissed and i want everyone else to be caught off guard by it.
because, let’s be real, jack wasn’t the roughest leader. he was strong, and dependable, and not afraid to put kids in their place, but he’s still nurturing and parental. after years of being used to that, i think the newsies would struggle with Race for a while, especially as race tries to figure out his leadership style, and i think a lot of that would manifest in this anger that has been bubbling up under the surface for ages- the anger he never lets anyone see because he doesn’t want that.
race has spent anywhere from 5 to 10 years- depending on when you headcanon him to join the newsies- being the funny guy, the clown, the joker; if he’s going to earn respect, he’s going to have to take it from a few kids. lashing out and being brash- all for the sake of keeping everyone safe, of course- but he’s such a different leader than jack, and i think it would be SO fun to explore that more in post-canon works.
i feel like this post is a little disjointed and i may not be explaining things correctly, plus i haven’t actually seen west endsies yet! a lot of this is based on convos with the besties and i am just having brainrot. besties, feel free to jump in with any additions, and anyone reading this: feel free to send asks or talk in the tags <33
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