#hazbin valentino smut
flangore · 4 months
❥ scarlet plumes
feat.: Valentino/f!reader
warnings: nsfw content, noncon, physical + psychological abuse, unhealthy relationships, violence, drugging, rough sex, choking, punishments, manipulation, Valentino is his own warning
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You were not the type to get into trouble.
Being confrontational, at least attempting to have things go your way through protests and complaints, had never seemed worth it; not when the one you were up against was Valentino, who always got what he wanted in the end, one way or another.
All too often, you had seen the way he punished disobedient whores; all too often, you had watched the way they were still limping days after, bruises blooming on skin if they had been lucky, bullet wounds trying to heal, oozing blood, if they had been less so.
There was no reason to willingly go through the struggle of disobeying when simply giving in, caving to Val's wishes and orders, was so much easier.
When Valentino told you to bend over, you did so readily, spreading your thighs apart in offering; when Valentino ordered you down onto your knees, you went obediently, lips dropping open, praying he wasn't in a bad mood, unpredictable as his sudden bursts of anger often made him.
You were not the type to get into trouble, and yet you currently found yourself on the floor, crumpled in front of Valentino's boots, cheek warm and stinging.
“Now, why don't you tell me what happened, baby?” His tone was a low coo, almost gentle enough to soothe your sobs. “You've never acted out like this before. What happened to my well-behaved girl, hm?”
In your defense, it really hadn't been your fault — you hadn't meant to do it.
Your night shift had been supposed to be a simple session for a well-known client, consisting of some lap dancing and a blow job; that was what he had paid for, at least. Your surprise when he had begun ripping your skimpy panties off you, forcing your legs apart, hands greedy, mouth drooling, high on some drug, was therefore understandable in your eyes; as was the way you, in your shock, had lashed out, claws scratching at his chest in order to push him off you. A split second later, the side of your face had ached with pain, his flat palm having met your cheek before he had stormed out of the room, screaming and spitting.
Valentino had been with you after barely any time at all.
“I didn't—”, you choked out, voice trembling, “I didn't mean to do it, sir, I swear, he just startled me, and, I mean, he didn't pay for more, he wanted to —, he wanted to—”
One hand of his cupped your cheek, golden claw gently tracing over your jaw. Even with him crouched down in front of you, he seemed ridiculously tall. “Hey—, relax, sweetheart.” At an exhale, red smoke coiled around you, assaulting your senses. Instinctively, your raised shoulders fell as tension bled from your muscles. “I get it. I understand.”
With how utterly merciless Valentino was known to be, it took a few moments for you to actually understand the meaning of his words. Even then, you barely dared to let go of the dreadful fear curled in your stomach. “You do?”
“Of course I do”, he said, eyes half-lidded behind heart-shaped glasses. His voice was soft enough to cause more tears, now of relief, to drip down your cheeks. “You know, I was really surprised when that patron came up to me, demanding to have you fired, if not killed for your disobedience. You're usually such an obedient girl — I was wondering what actually happened. Good job for being honest with me.”
Hope bloomed in your chest, your eyes widening. Streaks of mascara and eyeshadow, black and colourful, ran down your wet cheeks. “So you're not upset with me?”
“Upset with you? Of course not, amorcito. You were scared, that's alright. It happens, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Your breath hitched in a stifled sob, lips, the gloss now smudged, curling up into a pitiful mockery of a smile. “Yeah. Thank you, Val.”
This could have gone much worse. Your hands were still shaking, anxiety thrumming underneath your skin, and yet Valentino didn't even seem particularly upset. Some higher being — whether that was Lucifer or God, you didn't really care — must have blessed you, somehow.
“Of course, baby.” The moment Valentino stood once more, he towered over you, his shadow swallowing you up. “Now, follow me, yeah?”
Your legs struggled to support your weight, knees feeling weak as you trailed behind him through corridors you didn't recognise. Your steps were unsure, the heels, ridiculously high, only adding to your troubles. You have half a mind to stop yourself from asking where you're going.
It's entirely unnecessary, either way.
You arrive but a moment later, the noise of a heavy door falling shut causing you to flinch; where Valentino was in front of you just a second ago, he was now behind you, a looming presence at your back.
It was a studio; not the fancy kind actual stars like Angel Dust filmed in, but a smaller one, the light bulb flickering, the sheets on the bed stained. Voxtech cameras were pointed at the mattress.
“Bend over, baby.”
“You said you're not angry with me.” The words tumbled out of your mouth without your permission, a panicked high-pitched tone. “You said you're not—”
“And I'm not, as long as you hurry the fuck up and do what I tell you to.” His voice was sharp. Instinctively, you obeyed, bending over the edge of the bed, nausea churning in your stomach. “See, that guy you were a bitch to was a regular. Good money. I gotta show him you're sorry, sweetheart. You understand that, right?”
For a moment, you didn't get a word out, throat tight as tears spilled past your lashes. Eventually, you managed a shaky; “Yes, Valentino.”
“There we go. Knew you'd get why I have to do this.”
Large hands settled on your thighs, the touch making you flinch; his claws, all too sharp, teased at your skin, leaving faint scratch marks, before they prodded at your folds.
This, by now, should have been routine. It was; and yet, the idea of this being a punishment had you tensing, muscles locking up while Valentino thrust one claw into you, only to grunt, irritated.
“Ungrateful bitch”, he spat, one hand settling on your lower back, pinning you to the bed while another fumbled with his belt, metal clinking. “That's what I get for tryin' to be nice and preparing you — tightest cunt I've ever seen. Loosen the fuck up or deal with it.”
“I'm sorry.” Your voice shook, though the threat of violence, of pain, didn't help with relaxing in the slightest. Instead, you instinctively clenched around the digit, only to whimper when he yanked it back out.
“Sure doesn't seem like it.”
The fat head of his cock, pierced, the metal cold, pressed against you, then pushed inside; you were unable to stop yourself from letting out a pitiful noise, sounding more like a wounded animal than a practiced porn star.
Valentino didn't seem to mind it one bit.
Your vision blackened out for a moment when he bottomed out inside of you, the pain agonising. For a moment, you were certain he was tearing you from the inside out. His hips slapped against your plush ones, building up a steady rhythm; one set of his hands grabbed onto your hips, claws digging into your skin, using his grip for leverage to pull you back against him
“Some wetness would help us out here, y'know”, Valentino mumbled, complaining, bitching, like this was your fault. It probably was.
The only response you were able to come up with was a choked out sob, a dull ache steadily present in your abdomen, only interrupted by sharp stabbing pain whenever Valentino's tip hit an impossibly deep spot inside of you.
This couldn't have possibly gotten worse — or so you thought, tears dripping down your face, your claws ripping the sheets as you scrambled for purchase, only for it to get so much more agonising when, all of a sudden, his hand closed around your throat, squeezing.
You weren't able to breathe.
Instinctively, you clenched around him, thighs shaking. If he wasn't still holding you up, you would have collapsed.
“Fuck, you're so damn tight.” Valentino groaned, low and raspy. His tongue lapped at your neck, leaving trails of pink saliva to drip down your shoulders, your chest. “We could've had such a pleasant time together, baby, if only you hadn't been such a disobedient slut. Hate that you're making me do this.”
His pace was unforgiving, the metal of his belt buckle hitting your hip with every other thrust, surely leaving bruises. Not that it mattered — Valentino did provide you with full coverage makeup, after all.
Out of the corner of your eye, you focused on the red dots of the many cameras, blinking, recording. By now, numbness spread through you, a small blessing. You weren't certain just how long it went on; only that, eventually, Valentino came with a groan, filling you up, making you whimper.
When his grip on your throat loosened for a split second, allowing you to suck a burning breath into your lungs, it felt like Heaven.
“Use your words, baby. Talk to me.”
“Val, 'm sorry—”
“I'm sorry”, you repeated, the words barely audible through sobs, “I'm sorry, Val, I'm sorry—”
Suddenly, his hand, still on your throat, yanked your head up, his lips clashing against yours; the very moment you opened your mouth, pliant with submission, with exhaustion, smoke flooded it, you choking on it.
Your mind felt muddled, mouth dry even as saliva trickled out of your lips, jaw slack.
Faintly, you were able to feel his cum drip out of your cunt and down your thighs, sticky.
“Now”, Valentino said, voice a sultry purr, “Why don't you wait here, I'll send you your client and you apologise properly to him?”
Mind filled with scarlet plumes, you barely knew what you were agreeing to, nodding mindlessly. “Yes, Valentino.”
“That's what I like to hear. Good girl.”
When multiple pairs of footsteps echoed through the room, you, even in your hazy state, had the bad feeling that you were going to be having a long night.
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i won't lie i didn't proofread this yet.. tomorrow... ALSO FIRST POST YIPPEEE
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
valentino/shy bunny based demon f!reader
warnings: 18+ nsfw content duh
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Valentino takes a long drag of his cigarette as he sits next to Vox in his booming night club, “Club Hell 666”, speaking about the recent activities and work related stuff that’s been going on between the two of them.
So involved in the conversation the moth man didn’t realize the tiny figure that walked up to him.
“U-ummm…excuse me Mr. Valentino sir…” Your soft voice could barley be heard over the obnoxiously loud music that was playing that you could practically feel the bass thumping along with the rhythm of your heartbeat.
You rub your arm awkwardly standing there for a moment before Vox nudges Val in the side nodding over to you.
He blows out his red smoke letting it swirl around you causing you to cough a little and scrunch your nose.
“My…my~” He tilts his head with an amused smirk as he eyes you up and down letting his heart-shaped sunglasses slide down for you to get a better view of his piercing eyes.
“What brings you to me, cariño?~”
You hug yourself closely trying to not let your eyes wander to the dancers or workers dressed in skimpy clothing walking past, you were quite nervous as it is to talk to the Overlord of Lust for a job…
“I-i’m here for work…”
“Work hmmm? Well you came to the right person, sweetheart. A pretty thing like you~…” He dramatically pauses for a second taking in your figure once more before continuing, “oh~ I definitely have a few positions open…”
You shift uneasily as you weren’t use to all this attention making your cheeks automatically burn which didn’t go unnoticed by him.
Snickering, he leans over to mumble something to Vox who sent you over a wink before Val turned his attention back to you.
“Come, let’s have a little interview shall we~”
Valentino stands up towering over you as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and another around your waist as he takes you towards his office in the night club.
Shutting the door behind you he gestures you to take a seat infront of him as leans back in his chair lighting back up his cigarette from earlier and taking a nice drag before sitting forward, looking down at this little….bunny.
“Now that I got you here doll I gotta ask you some questions to see if your worthy of my establishment..”
He smiles wickedly as you nod gingerly understanding of his terms.
“Are ya loyal? And i mean realllllllly loyal…”
“Y-yes i’m very loyal…” You spoke again softly knowing at this point you were so desperate for a job you were willing to just please him with the right answers.
“Good to know~”
He pauses for a moment, considering his next question.
“Now….you don’t mind getting a little filthy, do ya?”
“Oh no….i mean i can um be filthy…” You mumble the last part coughing a little as the smoke lingered your way once more as you feel your cheeks burn at the idea of the question.
Valentino lets out a pleased purr at your answer and seeing your shyness just turned him on.
“Mmmm….I think i’m gonna love you, bunny.” His voice husky as he rested his elbows on his desk with his cigarette between his fingers and his cheeks in his hands looking at you with a lustfully taunting gaze that makes you squirm in your seat.
“How do you feel about people touching you?~”
“I surely enjoy it…”
Valentino snickers at this as he glances over at the calendar admist pictures of all his successful movies. “Oh do you now?…” His expression still amused, but his voice had an underlying hint of danger growing to it as he went on to ask you more questions practically pulling any indecent thought out of you and putting it to fruition.
“This interview is definitely going great….now let me see the goods baby~”
You look at him innocently now as if playing dumb as you ask, “t-the goods sir?~”.
“The goods…” He gives you a nod insinuating for you to stand up. In which you quickly did practically shooting up out of the chair.
He chuckles at this and then he glances down and sees the way your outfit accentuated your body so perfectly that he just had to see the back. Not hiding his anticipation as he makes a swift gesture for you to turn around. You nibble your bottom lip hugging your fluffy chest as you turn around showing a little cotton tail poking out from your leggings catching Valentino by surprise as it was wiggling vigorously.
He slowly rises from his desk shrugging of his coat and putting out the cigarette, never once taking his eyes off your behind. He takes a deep breath in appreciation as he then gives a small whistle.
“Damn…you’ve got quite the looks from this angle baby~” He then pauses once more to savor the view before he walks closer to you.
“So far i’m liking everything i’m seeing…” He stands right behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, slowly giving them a playful squeeze before he leans down, so close that his breath grazes the back of your neck.
“l think you’re gonna be the perfect little bunny toy~” His voice low and teasing. Your breath hitching as your behind gently rubs against his hard-on the heat radiating between your thighs started to get to your little rabbit mind.
Valentino smirks, now feeling how hot your body has gotten. Your body temperature steadily rising.
“But… first we’ve got to take a look at one last thing..”
One of his hands goes to your lower back forcefully bending you over infront of him on his desk, your heart jumps as you realize what’s happening but you obediently stay bent forward and arching your ass out of instinct so that it was on full display seeing the outline of your thong through your leggings.
Valentino’s breath is heavy as he stares at you bent over and so vulnerable infront of him. He strokes your rabbit tail with the tips of his fingers, caressing it making you whimper out to how sensitive it was to his touch. Making you embarrassingly wet within seconds.
Almost like he sensed this he swiftly tugged both your thong and your leggings off wasting no time as the cool air hitting your now exposed pussy made you whine.
“Shit your perfect for this industry baby~” He hums as his body weight seems to shift behind you as it sounded like he was grabbing for something..
Valentino held a cam recorder in one hand, as the others clung to your hips rather tightly as he roughly started pounding into you. Cock bullying your pussy with its big size as he barely gave you time to adjust making you cry out pitifully.
“Fuckkkk….you’re so tight.” He groans aiming the camera down at your entrance showing how much he was stretching you out as he used another hand to grab a handful of your plush behind to help guide himself in.
“Look it how well you’re taking it baby bunnni~ like a true fucking slut….mhmph fuck i’m gonna make you a star!~” Val growls behind you as his pace starts to pick up and becomes more aggressive.
Suddenly you feel him yank your head back by your bunny ears, causing a squeak to pass by your lips because of the sensation it admitted making you arch your back more into him, hitting a certain spot you didn’t know he could that made you immediately see stars.
Pointing the camera down toward your face, Val shows your already fucked out expression with your eyes all hazy with tears spilling down your cheeks and a filthy pout playing at your lips. You felt like your fragile body could barley take anymore of this torment and as if to make matters worse a hand went to play with your sensitive tail again making you clamp down on him with your thighs trembling.
“Ngh!! Valentino!”
The camera practically is shoved in your face as if to get the winning glamour shot as you come undone all over his cock. Though he doesn’t stop there as he tries to reach his own release, thrusting deeper and faster into you until he eventually cums too with an exasperated sigh.
The mixture of your juices practically pours out of you as Val pulls out and is more focused on the film that he just made, taking the hard drive out of the camera and shoving it in his coat pocket.
“You’re a natural…expect to be here by tomorrow morning and don’t be late..”
Valentino leaves you to clean your own mess without another word and didn’t even bother to mention what he’d do with that tape now that he had it. You just watched as your now boss put his coat back on and went into the atmosphere of the club once more.
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stargirlstabber · 3 months
imagine valentino fucking you in front of a mirror, grabbing you by the hair or face to make sure you see yourself getting railed.
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silasours · 3 months
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#pairing : lucifer, alastor, vox, valentino, x gn reader. #cw : 18+ content, mdni. unprotected sex. edging. office sex. public sex. sub/power sub reader. no mentions of specific anatomy. vox is in an online meeting for work. touch starved lucifer. val blowing his smoke on you for fun. non proofread because it's six in the fuckin morning and I have not slept a wink. #summary : in which they keep themselves buried deep inside of you while being busied by other stuff. #note : save me, I've been writing nothing but hazbin smut lately. i should really start working on other shows.. alastor's a bit shorter than the others, can't really think of a solid idea for him and I wanted to get this out as soon as possible
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lucifer whines when you force him to focus on his unfinished work once again. he has been going back and forth from attempting to thrust into you, but you always found a way to press him down in his place firmly. he had some unfinished work that he left sitting in his office for almost a week now, and it irritated you. that's when you offered to cockwarm him while he worked, get him to finally get his hands on those unfinished works.
being absolutely touch starved, lucifer agreed without hesitation unaware of how miserable and impatient this will make him. his hand remain on his working desk, occasionally scribbling some words and a signature on the paper filled with printed words. he does his best to resist the urge to finally thrust into you, worried that you'd leave him unsatisfied if he doesn't do as he's told.
but there's a limit to how much he can contain himself, especially when he has you sitting on his lap with his cock stuffing you to the brim, when you'd tease him so often by clenching around him or moving your hips ever so slightly. lucifer whines every time, the hand that's placed on your hip squeezing on your flesh desperately.
"can i please.. just finish this up later?" his voice muffled from nuzzling his face into your shoulder, eyes closed shut to focus on the warmth engulfing his throbbing member. you let out a small chuckle, baring your teeth into his neck to draw out those pretty moans of his; his cock leaks pathetically inside of you.
"no can do, luci. you're not going to get whatever you want until you finish up." you pull away and tilt your head slightly, pressing a soft kiss onto his jaw while giving a quick glance at the papers sprawled across his desk. he's only halfway done with them. "you're doing pretty well, no? you're halfway done."
lucifer groans, annoyed as he picks up the pen from the desk again while reading through the papers. this time, you decide to tease him a little more instead of staying still. you connect your lips with his exposed neck, sucking on the sensitive skin as your hips slowly grind against his. you hear his breath hitch, his knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping you.
your name spills out from his lips breathlessly, following with a whimper that you love so much. you carry on with your actions, dark marks gradually bloom all over his skin like breathtaking flowers. lucifer shifts to lay his forehead on your shoulder, shuddering from pleasure; you tug on his soft hair, firm enough to lift his head up from your shoulder.
"stay focused, luci. remember what's waiting for you to finish your work."
"oh, what a twist!" alastor exclaims with his eyes glued to the book he's reading, chuckling like you're not clenching down on his cock out of desperation. your eyes are teary as you turn to peek at the page he's on, frustration brewing in your chest. upon noticing your reaction, alastor laughs while moving his hand to cup your face, leaning in with a grin. "don't you agree, my dear?"
you groan, parting your lips further enough to drop his thumb into your mouth, biting down on it. alastor mutters a small "fiesty" before buckling up his hips, watching your eyes widen from the sudden pleasure that shoots up your veins. his arm tightens around your waist to stop you from squirming around excessively.
"put.. the fuckin' book down, a-alastor.." your nails dig into his shoulder through the fabric of his shirt, the back of your other hand hovering over your mouth with a frown on your face. alastor smiles in response, holding the book between the both of you now that there's a gap.
"why, it has only gotten interesting! patience is key, darling."
"it has been almost a whole fucking hour, alast-" your words get cut off by yet another harsh thrust of his hips, an uncontrollable moan slipping off your tongue. a low, barely audible grunt could be heard coming from alastor because of how you're squeezing around him like your life depends on it.
slowly, he places the book down, pushing two digits into your mouth as his sharp nails graze past your gums. your tongue swirls around them, gaze fixated on his that seems to be mocking your desperation. you grind your hips, wanting to feel more of that sensitive spot in you being stimulated by his tip brushing against it. alastor grunts every time you tighten around him, the feeling making his skin jump and his eyes close shut from the pleasure he receives.
you reach for the book to toss it aside, not allowing him any chance to get it back and return to what he was previously putting you through. he laughs at the action before getting cut off by yet another groan, a frown slowly finds its way to spread across his face despite the grin that remains on his lips.
"the book shall wait after all."
ʚ VOX .
the sound of vox's workers and colleagues echoes through his workplace, the source of it coming from the laptop that sits in front of him. he's holding an urgent meeting with them to discuss some things about work, yet you're here obediently sitting on him, cockwarming him. your arms hug his neck tightly, hands grabbing tightly onto his shirt while listening to him speak to the people in call.
you bite down every moan that builds in your throat, not allowing any sound to be heard by anyone but your partner. times when vox isn't discussing important matters, he leans into your ear to whisper praises, thrusting into you, and stops so suddenly when you're close to release.
he grins as you whine at the sudden loss of friction, skin flushed while feeling him draw lazy circles on your hips with his thumbs. he starts speaking again just when you're about to voice your frustration, drawing out a grumble from you. you stay there unattended, glancing at the part where the two of you connect; you're craving release, and you're done waiting.
with a steady pace, you move your own hips while holding onto his shoulders for support. vox's head snaps toward your direction, teeth gritting as he bites back the groans that threaten to leave his lips. he tries to hold you down, but his body betrays him and allows you to carry on with your movements. his head tilts back to lean against the headrest of his chair, the words that his workers speak gradually shifting to a blur in his mind.
"fuck, w-wait," his breath grows heavy, barely managing to keep his eyes open as you fuck yourself on his cock. you're supposed to be cockwarming him, not riding him. he has allowed you to the point of no return, how is he going to carry on with the meeting now? you grab him and connect your lips with his, drinking in his groans like how he does to your moans.
ignoring the calls of his name from the meeting, he pulls you closer by the waist as you grind yourself on him. it wasn't until he started getting annoyed by the meeting that he broke away from the kiss, strings of saliva still connecting your lips while his hand reached out to shut the laptop down. the room falls to a sudden silence, the only sounds that remain are your heavy breathing.
"you're gonna fuck up my company if this carries on," vox snickers before crashing his lips with yours again, hands holding onto your hips to thrust into you without anything holding him back this time.
you still can't process the fact that you're in valentino's studio with his cock buried deep inside of you while people walked around to work on set. valentino takes puffs from the cigarette he holds between his fingers, often ordering and even yelling at people as they rush to obey his commands.
nobody pays any mind to the both of you; in fact, they see it as something normal. after all, they're working for a porn producer, what is there not to be normal? you keep your face stuffed in the fluff of his coat, hands gripping tightly onto his outfit while still trying to adjust to how good he stretches you apart. everyone has just started working, and the set is still being prepared for a new film.
"you're tighter than usual my love, are you that excited to be around everyone?" he teases with a mocking tone, puffing out a wisp of pink smoke onto your flushed face. you lightly shake your head with a whine, the smoke that you inhale causing your vision to spin immediately. humming, valentino lifts your body up with the help of his lower pair of arms before roughly slamming you back down onto his cock. "I doubt that. you've always loved being fucking in public, no? look at you,"
you gasp, body tensing as a moan escapes your throat. you immediately bite down on your lower lip, eyes screwing shut while simultaneously having your body trembling under his hold. you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself, yet the idea alone excites you in an odd way that you never knew it would. noting your reaction, valentino continues repeating the action before stopping promptly, feeding himself with your choked back moans.
"keep looking pretty like that while i work, i'll have a reward waiting for you." you mewl at his words, giving him a weak nod while tugging onto his shirt. he takes another long drag from his cigarette before letting his gaze fall onto the prepared set displayed in front of him, eyes scanning for the stars of the show in the room.
he would moan softly into your ear whenever you clenched around him, teasing you with his mere voice and carrying on with his work. you don't complain, though, considering how you'll be fucked into a moaning mess once he's done with work.
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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genderlessdude92 · 3 months
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this is probably what Vox would do if shining a bright flash of light at Val doesn’t work 💀
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popamolly · 3 months
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HAZBIN HOTEL CHARACTERS and perverted/kinky acts they love to do.
characters. Charlie, Lute, Husk, Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, Valentino, Adam
warnings. fem!reader, vouyerism, vibrator, dildo, Valentino exists, dacryphilia, kinky stuff, smut, 18+ minors dni, degradation, praise if you squint
author’s note. should i have written for sir pentious? are people even attracted to him? lmk. as well as for anymore characters you would like to see with this prompt, i could always make a part two. don’t forget that my ask box is still OPEN! make sure you read the rules before you submit anything. enjoy sinners <3
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CHARLIE loves your voice. If she had missed your call, which she usually never does unless she is extremely busy, you would always leave her a sweet voicemail. Voicemails that she keeps to masturbate to later. Charlie didn’t know exactly when it started but she did know that she couldn’t stop. The way her fingertips would glide across her sensitive folds and rub against her clit, she couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as she clutches her phone against her ear desperate to her your voicemail as if you were right there. She could imagine your face, your breath against her neck, and how your hands would move to please her. This was silly, Charlie knew that but whenever you two were separated she found that this was a way to feel closer to you. “I know you’re busy ruling Hell and whatnot Charlie, but I just wanted to check in on you! I’ve been running some errands but I should be home around—!” Your voice from the voicemail recording sounded as if you were right there, talking Charlie through it. Her fingers were working on herself faster because she was just so so close, “—anyways what do you want for dinner? I’ll call you back!” And if the voicemail ended before her sweet release, all she had to do was press replay.
HUSK likes to grope you whenever he gets the chance. You helping him clean glasses? Just a causal breast grab. You standing up on your tip toes to put away some alcohol on the top shelf? He’d squeeze your plump round ass. And Satan forbid you from bending down in front of him to pick something up. He just loved everything about you and he couldn’t keep his hands off. “Husk baby, can you hand me that whiskey bottle?” You asked sweetly, as you stood on a ladder. “Of course.” He grabbed your ass after handing you the alcohol. Could you blame him? It was practically on full display. Husk squeezed and kneaded the plump flesh with a stoic look in his face, as if what he was doing was simply a natural instinct, “Husk!”
ALASTOR would be the type to spy on you from the shadows of your hotel room while you play with yourself. Whether you knew he was there or not, Alastor enjoyed the sight of you fucking yourself with the toy he had gifted to you as a silly joke, but watching your greedy pussy suck in the dildo while moaning his name, maybe it wasn’t a joke after all. He felt his pants growing tight at the sight of you and he wanted nothing more than to pounce on you and fuck you senseless until your throat was raw from screaming the Radio Demon’s name but for now he would watch, “Go ahead, my little doe. Cum for me,” He’d whisper.
VOX would watch the videos he made of him fucking you on his big computer screens whenever he was bored. He didn’t need to jerk off to the sex tape when all he had to do was find wherever you were and fuck you where you stood, oh no, he just liked to watch the videos for fun. He liked seeing your tear stained face on the big screen, whimpering and begging for him to continue to fuck you harder— deeper. The close up of your pussy from the shaky camera video had him groaning. Your ass bounced back on him as he fucked you doggystyle, the lewd sounds of sex filling the room in such a way that it was nothing but a sweet melody in Vox’s ear. You were made for video and he wished he could share that with the world. “Vox! Come here! I have to show you something!” You called from the other room. Vox clicked out of the video with a satisfied smile, “Coming!”
VALENTINO likes to pleasure you in public with a vibrator. This kinky bastard gets off on you trying to hide and cover your moans whenever you are socializing with your coworkers. With the remote in hand that controls the intensity Valentino loves to toy with the buttons, turning it up and down teasingly just to see your legs shake and practically turn to jelly. He would edge you, denying your orgasm until you were both in his room alone but for now? Oh it was just fun watching you squirm. “Ah!” You would whimper, practically grinding yourself into Valentino’s lap while hiding your face in the crook of his neck just as Vox raises an eyebrow in question, stopping his explanation. To that Valentino waves his hand dismissively, “(Y/N), just isn’t feeling too well. Please continue.”
LUCIFER loves to steal your panties. He uses them whenever you aren’t home or out working at the Hotel with Charlie. The way he had gotten fixated on this was purely by accident and obviously your fault. He saw your panties next to his bed— tossed to the side and forgotten by a passionate night of love making no doubt and he couldn’t help but take a sniff or two. Then a deep inhale that had his eyes rolling into the back of his head and he hungrily licked the spot where your pussy would’ve been snug against the fabric. Before he knew it he had your panties wrapped around his aching cock to help him jerk off, and when he came, it was a lot. He was left whimpering, shaking, and bewildered on what he had just done but it was already too late. It became an addiction and now he steals your panties to jerk off. “Lulu, have you seen my underwear? the yellow lacey ones? I can’t seem to find them anywhere.” You ask. “Hmm? Maybe you misplaced them dear, did you check the wash?” Lucifer simply shrugs, looking away from you to continue reading his book. Little did you know that those exact panties were in his pocket right now.
ADAM would be the same as Alastor, only difference is he would sit in front of you while you play with yourself. He would have a front row seat to your shaking legs and dripping wet pussy, all the while making you beg for him. He loved to tease you, to see how far you were willing to go to prove to him that you needed him, “What was that baby? You said you need my massive cock inside you?” Adam would taunt, “I can’t hear you. Open your legs for me.” His fingertips parted your legs as you were getting too lost in the pleasure to keep them fully open. “Mm—! A-Adam! Please! I want you..!” You moaned, head thrown back against the plush pillows. “Oh yeah? Beg for me some more then, hm?”
LUTE loves to watch you choke on her strap on. There is just something about the way your glossy eyes looked up at her. Between that and the sound of you choking due to the tip hitting the back of your throat, it was enough for the Angel to want to do nothing but sinful acts to you all night. Lute would hold on to the back of your head and face fuck you, forcing your jaw to go slack and take everything she was giving you as your saliva escaped the corners of your mouth and dripped onto your breast and the floor. She would talk dirty to you in such a way that your pussy would begin to ache for her touch. “You like this plastic dick don’t you? That’s a good fucking whore, take it.”
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© POPAMOLLY 2024 all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, or repost in any other social media.
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angelsheartts · 2 months
୭ JEALOUSY ˚. ᵎᵎ ~
#pairing : lucifer, adam, alastor, angel dust, husk, valentino, vox, x gn reader.
#cw: jealousy?, +18 in valentino's/vox's part, suggestive content ig, cuss words lmao.
#notes: u guys don’t know how much i wanna know why lilith made a deal with adam, and how could she even fumbled lucifer.
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⋆.ೃ- LUCIFER .
i don't think lucifer gets jealous easily, at least, but if he is jealous, he will surely become reallyyyy clingy and will try to show off. i mean, he's the sin of pride, after all.
being the partner of the king of hell really meant that there would always be people staring at you, even ones who had no shame at all and would flirt with you, sometimes even in front of lucifer.
"would you mind if I bought you a drink, sweetheart?" a powerful overlord asked you, making lucifer raise an eyebrow and look at the overlord with one of his annoyed characteristics expressions, and before you could even reply anything, lucifer had already bought you both the whole menu of drinks while clinging onto you. "do you think this is enough for you, (name)?" he asked, making the overlord stop bothering you both and making you gasp a soft sigh, knowing he did all of this with such an innocent face, as if he wasn’t getting annoyed just a second ago.
⋆.ೃ- ADAM .
his ego is too big for him to even consider the idea of being jealous, but boy, does he want to get rid of the fucking asshole who is talking to you.
even though you were adam's third wife/adam's first husband, you were nice to being around. not like your husband, who always made snarky comments about everything and everyone.
sometimes, though, people would flirt with you without you noticing, making your husband really irritated and dragging you away while flipping off the angel who initially flirted with you and making some snarky remarks about them. "(name), that bitch was literally fucking you with his eyes! you should have called me before, next time make sure to be around me, got it?" adam called out, making you giggle since his insults were sometimes so unexpected.
⋆.ೃ- ALASTOR .
alastor is the kind of guy who wouldn’t get jealous; maybe once an extermination you would see him acting a little possessive over you, but really, this guy knows your soul belongs to him, so why would there be a need to feel jealous?
actually, only your friends at the hazbin hotel where the only ones who knew about your relationship with alastor; it made sense, since he knew you could get in danger if someone else found out.
that didn’t meant that angel dust wouldn’t take the opportunity to flirt with you as a joke while trying to get a reaction from you. "(name), i think you would get pretty popular if you started to appear on my films" he said jokingly to you, while alastor just looked at him with his usual smile "i don’t think that (name) would want to get involved in that kind of stuff, angel dust, isn’t that right, dear?" alastor answered, kissing your cheek, and leaving you speechless since he mostly kept his affection for when the both of you where alone.
for me, he may get jealous depending on who's hitting on you; if it’s some random imp, it won’t really bother him; he will just tell them to fuck off themselves and leave you alone, but if it’s someone like valentino, oh boy, he acts VERY different.
angel dust didn’t really like you being in the porn studios were he works, because he knows that valentino is waiting to say anything to you, and because he simply thinks you don’t belong in a place like that. he thinks you’re much better working at the hazbin hotel or wandering around the pride ring.
"(name), aren’t you a supportive one? you know that if you want, i could make you a star lik-" "val, we're on set soon" angel dust spoke, looking angrily at valentino. "well, looks like your little boyfriend doesn’t want me to talk to you; i’m sure we’ll have plenty of time the next time," valentino whispered, making you stand there awkwardly.
as you both were finally at the hazbin hotel, anthony asked you not to come next time, since he really didn’t want valentino talking to you ever again. "(name), you know i really don’t want to get you in trouble, and you know that outside of the studio we can do whatever the fuck we want, but still, thanks for the snack you brought." he said, smirking, and letting you cuddle into his arms like you always do after an exhausting day.
⋆.ೃ- HUSK .
husk would only get jealous or, well, mostly, frustrated if someone interrupted you both, like if you both are just having a wholesome moment and someone just steals your attention from him, he’s a cat after all AND will be grumpy afterward.
you were having a nice chat with husk while having a drink at his bar, but as he was explaining you something, alastor came along and asked you something between the lines of 'if you had seen charlie or vaggie' since he had to talk to them about some business about the hazbin hotel.
after alastor left, you turned to look at your partner, noticing how he had been growling this entire time. it wasn’t really loud, though. "tsk, that radio demon really needed to ruin the atmosphere," he said, making you give him a look "what? you know, i dislike the idea of him thinking that he can just do whatever he pleases with my stuff." hearing your partner's words, you knew you had to reassure him that even though alastor had interrupted you both, your attention was still set on him and no one else.
he’s valentino, he surely and kind of obviously gets jealous whenever you’re talking to someone that isn’t him.
the workers in the studio know that since you worked there, you've only filmed with valentino; nobody questions why, and nobody really cares whatever reason their boss has to not let you fuck with others.
today, though, a worker intended to jokingly flirt with you. "(name), i think that if we make a video together, even the most pure souls would want to watch it" oh, well, that wasn’t even a little funny to valentino.
"such a slut for me, mmh? you really thought my sweet (name) would even think about fucking with you?" valentino smirked, while thrusting into you. he had his eyes set on the demon who flirted with you, not even caring about the fact that he was on set.
⋆.ೃ- VOX .
this man has the same jealousy problems, or even worse, than valentino. he's actually such an attention whore, so he obviously would despise everyone who tries to flirt with you.
actually everyone who works for the vees knows how jealous vox is, and that’s because this is a situation that often happens: if someone is even looking at you a little longer than usual, he will become insecure and try ANYTHING he can so he can have your attention on him. like i mentioned, he’s an attention whore.
today, the outfit that velvette chose for you might have made some people stare back at you. i mean he can’t judge them; you looked so fucking good in it, but hell does he want to have you all by himself, so what does he does? take you to his office so he can have you all by himself.
"(name)," he mutters while keeping his hands all over your body. "you knew what you were doing, huh? making everyone stare at your body, but i’m such a good partner for not making a fuss about it, right?" he asked, waiting for you to atleast praise him, 'cause like a already mentioned he’s an attention wh- lmao.
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inkykeiji · 3 months
⋆₊˚⊹♡ 𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧 + 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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characters: vox, val, alastor, lucifer warnings: implied smut in some; 18+ minors do not interact, daddy kink (+ papi for val), toxic relationships, pet/master dynamic (for alastor), reader is a bit of a brat with vox, implied drugging the night before (val), praise + pet names, fem!reader, reader is carried in val’s words: 2.7k
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₊˚⊹ 𝐯𝐨𝐱 ⊹˚₊
You love mornings with your Daddy—truly, you do; love waking up next to him, slow and soft as his fingertips outline your features; love eating breakfast with him, feet kicking back and forth on one of the barstools as he prepares something simple for the two of you, know that he had to pull teeth to get the mornings off of work so he could spend them with you, getting you ready for the day and seeing you off—but there is one part, right at the very end, that you absolutely despise. 
Like everything with Vox, dental hygiene is a meticulous procedure, a rigorous routine with a set of immutable steps to be followed in the exact order Vox has laid them out in—carved into concrete, set in stone.
And, like everything else with Vox, no one knows how to perform them correctly except for him.
Still, it isn’t like you ever make it easy for him.
What else could he expect from his little troublemaker, really?
“Open up.” 
A thumb and a forefinger clamp down on the hinges of your jaw, palm wreathed around your chin, and squeeze, popping your mouth open with practiced efficiency.
“Daddy,” the word comes out as a stringy whine, slightly garbled, face crumpling in petulance. “Dun wanna.” 
Jerking a little in his grasp, you try to pull away from the advancing toothbrush slathered with translucent teal gel, and Vox clicks his tongue. 
“And I don’t care,” he says simply, fingers flexing in warning. “Good little girls need to brush their teeth—especially if they’ve eaten two bowls of sugary cereal for breakfast.” 
Vox pulls back, face flattened into something serious. “Do you want cavities eating holes in your teeth?” 
“Didn’t think so. Now hold still and let Daddy do this for you, yeah?” 
A groan vibrates on the back of your tongue, but your body goes pliant in his grasp, chin leaning into his pillowy palm.
“Atta girl,” he murmurs to himself, a small smug smile on his face.
Warmth blossoms in your chest, swells your lungs and stretches your ribs as you droop a little more beneath his praise and he chuckles, a fond little melody playing on his tongue, grip tightening infinitesimally. 
And he’s so precise with it all, maneuvers painstakingly perfect as he tilts your head one way, then the other, sure to scrub each tooth thoroughly, bristles scouring in little circular motions as he cleanses.
“Aaaah,” he hums, mimicking the action as he pries his mouth open wider, another praise falling from his lips as you instantly obey, allowing him to reach the molars at the very back of your mouth—brushing on top, on either side, behind, then on top again. 
“Tongue out.” 
Another whine sticks in your throat, brows pushing together and crinkling your forehead, open mouth downturned in a frown with a slight shake of your head, struggling against his hold.
“Come, now,” Vox chastises, but his voice is hard, fortified with a subtle threat. “You were doing so well for me—don’t start acting up, Daddy’s almost done.” 
His gaze holds yours steadily, a single eyebrow raising in question—are you really going to test me?—and you cave, again.
Reluctantly, your tongue unfurls from your mouth, face still scrunched in irritation as he scrapes the bristles across the muscle, working up a healthy lather, refusing to cease until that telltale disgruntled whine claws at your throat, evoking another one of those patronizing little chuckles.
“Alright, alright,” he’s pacifying as he tips a glass to your lips, a palm cupped protectively beneath your chin. “Rinse.” 
And, Christ, he loves how fucking obedient you are, even as the urge to misbehave bubbles behind your ribs, lips set in a deep pout as you follow his instructions, swishing a mouthful of water between your cheeks, waiting perfect and patient for his next order. 
Oh, so compliant, so disciplined you are as you instantly spew blue liquid down the drain, a fierce sense of pride, of ownership, igniting deep within his soul, blazing bright and hot and strong, reflected in the amplified glowing of his eyes.
Your features are still scrunched up in a cute little pout, glaring at him through your lashes, arms crossed tightly over your chest.
“See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” A thumb runs along your forehead, attempting to iron out the crease between your brows in a gentle caress.
“It was awful.” 
“Fucking brat.” 
And he just can’t help but laugh out the word, the sting the insult should bring instantly negated by the tender affection it’s smothered in, turned soft and melty on his tongue.
No, you never make such endeavours painless for him, but you do always make them interesting, and for that, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
₊˚⊹ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨 ⊹˚₊
It’s late in the afternoon when Val decides it’s time to get up, deep crimson light spilling through the narrow gaps in his thick curtains and painting thin, long strokes across the shag carpet.
He doesn’t bother formally waking you as two of his hands scoop you from the nest of silk and cradle you to his body, chuckling out a coo as you automatically snuggle into his chest, legs latching around his waist. 
The haze of sleep still hangs heavy in your skull, a soft protest grumbled into his skin as he carries you somewhere, lids staying firmly glued shut, body beginning to melt into his again as the bliss of unconsciousness entices you with promises of whimsical dreams and relief from your aching muscles. 
Cold marble stings your bare thighs suddenly, forcing a small jolt through your form, a soft hiss exhaled from between your teeth.
“I know, I know, it’s cold,” Val pacifies, his voice a pleasant fog curling around your cheeks as he leans around you, tinkering with something.  
“Papi,” you whimper, reaching blindly for him, lethargic head falling forward, forehead pressed tightly to his sternum.
“Mmm, I’m here,” he murmurs distractedly, two of his hands still wrapped firmly around your hips as the other set busy themselves with uncapping a tube of toothpaste.
“Wanna go back to bed,” you slur out in a whine, nose nuzzling into his chest, fruitlessly looking for a place to rest your head, dense drowsiness curling the edges of your mind.
“But it’s time to get up, princesa,” he chides gently, a finger tracing the curve of your cheek. “You’ve been asleep for fourteen hours.” 
“M’still tired.” 
A hum of contemplation vibrates at the back of his tongue as a hand twines around your jaw, examining your face this way, then that, before tilting your chin up.
“Maybe I gave you a little too much last night,” he muses to himself through a dark snicker. “It’s kinda cute that you’re still this fucked up, though. Can’t even open your eyes for me, can you?” 
And you try, really, you do, attempting to heft your leaden lids, features screwing up cutely with the immense effort, and Val coos again, as if your intoxication is so pathetically precious—poor little girl can barely handle her Daddy’s drugs! How sweet.
“Well, that’s okay,” he purrs, first pair of hands slipping further beneath his dress shirt—a makeshift nightgown, his favourite nightgown on you—and tugging you closer to the counter’s edge. “You don’t have to worry your pretty little head about anything; Papi will do it for you.” 
A sound of indignation sticks in your throat as you finally pry your eyes open, squinting against the harsh light of the bathroom, bleary gaze fixed on the sparkly pink toothbrush in one of his hands, face rumpling into a pout. 
Your lips press into a tight, firm line, sealing your mouth against the rapidly advancing utensil as your eyes slip shut again, weighted with narcotic-laced exhaustion, head shaking in messy little motions.
“C’mon, be co-operative,” the points of his nails dig into your skin, hard enough to leave superficial indents—a warning. “Don’t upset Daddy this early in the day, baby.” 
Wrenching your eyes open again, your nose twitches with a sniffle, chin beginning to quiver.
“But—But—Do I have to?”
“Yes, you have to,” he says, but his voice trembles with the effort to stay calm, to stay pleasant. “Your mouth is very dirty from last night, and it needs to be cleaned.”
A thick torrent of tears rush to cloud your vision, sudden and stinging, a hiccup stuttering your chest. The hand curved around your jaw tightens, yanking your face toward his own, foreheads knocking together.
“Now, open, before I make you open.”
Your jaw falls slack, a slave to his orders, unable to disobey a direct demand from its owner, and Val purrs, something wicked unravelling on his face, smile stretched sharp and sleazy from edge to edge, the glow in his eyes flaring with your instant compliance.
“Good girl.”
₊˚⊹ 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 ⊹˚₊
Alastor, you’ve come to learn, has a plethora of odd regimes; stringently scheduled customs that are non-negotiable, that extend to you, including brushing your teeth. 
It’s become routine, now—habitual, as most things with Alastor are—and your days no longer feel right without it; weird, off, incomplete. 
Because it’s become something of a comfort; something so simple, yet so intimate, something calming and rewarding, something to look forward to—a moment shared between the two of you, twice a day, once at the beginning, and once at the end. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” you try tell him, the first time he insists on doing it, trying desperately to look over your shoulder as he ushers you into his ensuite.
“Nonsense!” he waves a hand in dismissal. “It isn’t a problem at all. Now, sit.” 
With a tiny frown, you perch gingerly on the edge of the bathtub, fingers curling around the rim.
“I’m serious,” you murmur, teeth nibbling superficially at the skin of your lip, wary eyes watching as he flits with practiced ease around the bathroom, a twinge of confusion settling in your chest, something akin to shame sitting thick and bitter on the back of your tongue. “I can do it myself…” 
“I know you can,” he replies simply, focused on depositing a strip of white toothpaste on your toothbrush. 
“Then…” you blink up at him, watching him advance with wide eyes, shoulders shrinking as he blankets you in his shadow. “Why are you doing it for me?” 
Irritation twitches at the edges of his grin, Alastor exhaling a controlled sigh.
“Because,” he begins, keeping his voice light, taking your chin between his index finger and thumb. “A good Master takes proper care of his pet.” 
His grip strengthens, tilting your face up further, his form looming over your own as you sit, vulnerable and exposed, beneath his touch. Crimson eyes glow as they scour your face, his back bent at an uncomfortable angle as he practically curls around you, the scent of earth and cedar tinged with copper wafting across your face with his calm, even breaths. 
“Besides,” he continues, voice dropped an octave lower, his nose nearly nudging yours. “I couldn’t possibly trust you to do it adequately.” 
A cruel little chuckle plays on his tongue, as if the mere thought itself is preposterous, the sound stinging as it seeps into your cheeks, hot and full of spikes. 
“Now, open.” 
Instantly, your mouth falls agape, and Alastor’s smile stretches infinitesimally wider, a sharp glint flaring in his eyes.
“A good owner maintains their pet’s hygiene,” he explains as he works, gaze fixed intently on his actions, cleansing with a meticulous sort of vigilance. “Bathes them, grooms them, dresses them—performs all of the basic necessities a pet needs to appear presentable.”
His hand shifts slightly, angling your head to the side, and you follow easily, malleable in his grasp, his smile shimmering. 
“And I pride myself on taking very good care the things that belong to me.”
And, really, he does. Because Alastor doesn’t just brush your teeth with rigorous care, conscientiously certain to cleanse every dip and gap; he flosses them, too, with gentle hands and painstaking precision, then ensures you’ve rinsed with germ-killing, enamel-strengthening mouthwash for exactly forty-five seconds, counting uniformly and observing with large, unblinking eyes as you adhere to his every instruction, cheeks bulging with burning liquid, eyes squinting from the intensity, but never daring to blink, to glance away, to stop at all. 
“Look at you,” he purrs after you’ve spit down the drain, gazing back up at him with a sort of desperate devotion—demented, devious, damned to his hell—syrupy condescension dripping from his teeth. “So well behaved for me, aren’t you?”  
A palm cups your jaw, his thumb running across your cheek in rhythmic strokes, the tip of his claw caressing your skin with just enough pressure to leave behind shallow scratches. 
“What, hoping Master will give you a treat for being so obedient?” 
“No, Sir,” you whimper out, voice gone dreamy as you nuzzle into his hand. “You taking such good care of me is more than enough.” 
Something sinister oozes into his face, something that contorts his smile and corrodes his eyes, leaving behind nothing but raw hunger, like he’s about to devour you whole, pops of static fizzing thickly in his voice. 
“That’s my good girl.” 
₊˚⊹ 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 ⊹˚₊
Everything hurts, muscles stiff and aching and full of sand, your motions clumsy and cumbersome as you attempt to brush your teeth, joints creaking with every slight shift.
Fatigue blurs the edges of your eyes, your vision fading out of focus again, mind gone fuzzy as you try your best to concentrate on your movements—up, down, all around, repeat—features screwing up in a wince as you catch the harsh bristles on your gums, again. 
“You’re making a bit of a mess, sleepyhead,” Lucifer’s tender chuckle pulls you from your foggy stupor, a quiet hum vibrating in your throat as you look over at him in question, the gesture lethargic and delayed. 
“You’ve got some—Here,” he says softly, hands curling around your shoulders and turning you to face him, then tilting your chin up. “May I?”
Another affirmative sounds on the back of your tongue and Lucifer uses his thumb to carefully clean the foaming paste collecting at the corners of your mouth, then catching a slow dribble streaming down your chin with a deft knuckle. 
A frown mars his face, his forehead creasing beneath the strain, his other hand stroking your shoulder as worried eyes search your face, slow and careful.
“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” he asks. “You’re really struggling to brush your teeth.”
“Jus—really tired,” you mumble through the bubbles in your mouth, Lucifer skillfully catching another trickle of watery paste, concern tugging at the corners of his lips, frown deepening.
“Do you want me to do it for you?” 
Sleepy eyes blink up at him, slow and sluggish, your hazy mind taking a moment to process the question.
“Mhmm,” you finally nod, hand loosening the instant his fingers skim yours, allowing him to gently uncurl your grip from around the base of your toothbrush, his own effortlessly taking its place. 
“Alright, alright, Daddy will help you,” he’s pacifying in a murmur, but his gaze has turned melty, glow dimmed and pupils gaping, lids heavy with love. “Poor thing…Last night was a long night for you, huh?” 
“S’a lot,” you confirm in a messy mumble, lids drooping heavily with the weight of exhaustion.
“Yeah?” his thumb rubs loving little circles into your jaw as he works, gaze trained on his task. “Was Daddy a little too rough with you?” 
The question is uttered out tenderly, full of sympathy and care, his brow furrowing as his eyes flit back to yours, searching for veracity in your pupils.
“Maybe I should be a bit gentler next—”
“No!” you cough around the refusal, puffy lids snapping open suddenly, the unexpected vehemency causing Lucifer to flinch.
“No?” he laughs, and it’s warm with affection, his features, hard with worry, mollifying beneath fondness, amorous amusement twinkling daintily in his eyes. 
“No,” you whine out with a tiny pout, head shaking a little in his grasp. “Please.”
“Okay,” the pad of his thumb runs along your cheek, his stare trailing after it. “If nothing else, at least Daddy will always be there to take care of you the morning after.”
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confessioncassette · 3 months
𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫, 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐕𝐨𝐱 & 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨
𝟏𝟖+. 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤/𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞/𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞
𝐭𝐰 : 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬, 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰
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Lucifer :
𐕣 Has a pretty milky skin color with a rose gold tip. When he’s throbbing it turns darker
𐕣 Perfect length at 8 inches that curves slightly upward when hard. Normal girth with a pretty vein that runs underneath along his shaft.
𐕣 Golden pubes for sure. I believe his pubes would be trimmed down and neatly groomed - clean and ready for you whenever.
𐕣 When aroused, pretty little beads of precum decorate his tip. He would have a normal amount of wetness, enough to slick his cock easily when jerking off/getting ready to enter you.
𐕣 Loves to tease you with his cock head. Signature move would be rubbing his tip over your clit a few times before entering you.
𐕣 Pleasure dom. Would touch you all over, whisper and lick your ear… make you feel loved and caressed all over. But will have control of everything you do. Definitely into treating you like a baby
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Alastor :
𐕣 He’d have a girthy fucking cock. 8.5 inches with a little more girth at the bottom of his shaft.
𐕣 Reddish tip. His cock head perfectly portioned to the girth of his cock
𐕣 His dick wouldn’t curve much, stands pretty straight when hard.
𐕣 Would be a powerhouse when drilling into you, opening you up. He loves to watch his fat cock enter your body then look up at your face when he stretches you open.
𐕣 Wet. So wet. Precum oozes off of him and he uses this to an advantage. Would smear his slick over your cheek, your lips, would lube himself up if he feels nice enough. Otherwise he likes to force his way inside with no foreplay.
𐕣 Pretty neat pubes. He takes care of himself. They would be longer than Lucifer’s but trimmed.
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Vox :
𐕣 he would be a tad smaller but still at a lovely 7 inches.
𐕣 His cock beautifully curves upwards - and hits that spot inside you every time.
𐕣 No pubes. Literally clean shaven and shaved every morning in the shower. No, he doesn’t get razor burn.
𐕣 pretty blue tip with big balls. Absolutely loves when you play with him. His body twitches when you do.
𐕣 His dick gets real wet, especially when you suck on his shaft and take his balls in your mouth. Man would be dripping in precum.
𐕣 Loves when you suck his tip to clean him off and prefers when you place kisses along his shaft.
𐕣 Don’t let this fool you because he is very into power play.
𐕣 Very much into edging. Will watch you cry and cry until your body can’t handle it. You’ll end up having an orgasm before he says so- he’ll use this to punish you.
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Valentino :
𐕣 Looooong ass cock but skinnier. 9 inches with a purple cockhead and pinkish around the slit
𐕣 Slightly curved upward for your pleasure.
𐕣 Pubes are straight bush. He doesn’t shave but he’s clean. He could care less if you gag on it, it won’t suck itself, you know?
𐕣 will lay back and smoke a cigarette while you try to force his cock down your throat. And once you do, he’ll surprise you by shoving your head down to watch you gag.
𐕣 he doesn’t get very wet, but he will use your own slick to coat his cock before he enters you.
𐕣 Not much for foreplay or pleasuring you, he’ll lay back as you ride him. Hell spread his legs for you as you do all the work. He’ll blow smoke at your face and watch you through his glasses as you be a good girl and pleasure him.
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
the gamble
warnings: 18+ nsfw content, clit play, fingering, thigh riding, daddy kink, degradation, a bit of agoraphilia, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness
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Sitting on Valentino’s lap you watched carefully as he played an intense game of cards.
Never understanding why Val brought you to these things when he had plentiful of desperate whores waiting for him at the studio, groveling for any bit of his attention, but yet here you are for gambling night.
One of his hands sneaked down underneath the table to squeeze at your thigh as his face became super concentrated and then he started squeezing it repeatedly like a stress ball as he thought carefully of his next move, making you let out little squeaks every now and then if he squeezed too hard.
His opponent sitting across from him was a typical loan shark (a literal shark demon too) and a few of his goons he brought a long who never stopped eyeing you the whole night on.
Making you shift in Val’s lap in hopes to somehow get out of their line of sight which was damn near impossible since you were front and center.
Valentino growls softly pinching your thigh causing you to yelp unexpectedly in front of all the men making you blush sheepishly. “Stop fucking moving..” He grumbles in your ear as he finally finishes up his move.
The loan shark looks over his cards as it was his turn next.
Holding your breath as you feel Valentino’s hand that was on your thigh now moving your skirt up to feel over your panties that were starting to get soaked by the second.
“You damn filthy whore…wanting daddy to play with you under the table durning his game huh~”
Shaking your head thoughtlessly as you weren’t wanting to do this here, especially not in front of these men knowing they’d probably enjoy ever bit of it, though Val had other plans…
Moving your panties aside he let one of his digits make contact with your entrance as he gathered up some of your slick messaging it into your clit in slow tantalizing circles.
You gasp softly then quickly biting your lip in attempts to quiet yourself. Valentino smacks your pussy at this sending a loud thwack to be heard throughout the room as the other men look at the two of you suspiciously.
“Just putting a slut into her place boys…you know how it is~” Val says all too charmingly as the men snicker as if saying they knew exactly what he was going on about.
It came to be his turn once more as he leans over to whisper, “Make another sound again and daddy’s gonna punish the fuck out of you when we leave…you understand me?”.
Nodding gingerly, Val throws a card down without thinking to let his turn go by faster as his only thought was how much he was enjoying this without showing it.
“Use your words princess~” He tries to butter you up with the pet name and whisper more softer but you could still hear the danger underlining his voice. Then you feel him going back to your clit massaging it with more pressure this time.
“i-i mphm understand…d-daddy~”
Breath shaky as you tried with everything in your power not to moan or make any noise of that matter.
As if Val was fucking with you now he then glided two digits up and down your slick folds and then slowly guided them both into your tight little hole.
Eyes widening suddenly as you grab a hold of his wrist out of shock as he starts to move his fingers.
“So…Val?” The loan shark speaks up making Valentino snap out of it for a moment looking over at the blubbery bloke but never once stopping his movements.
“What’s up my friend?” Instant gratification lacing his voice once he picked up speed under the table making your back arch into him and your legs thrash.
The loan shark raises a brow but still acts oblivious to the situation, “So where do you get pretty little things like this?” his nasty yellow eyes now hungrily on you.
As you roll your head back onto Valentino’s shoulder you couldn’t help but notice his mouth twitch at this man’s question. “Oh her? She works for me~” Nonchalantly he says this and attempts at changing the subject as he goes his turn once more.
A goon then curses under his breath as Val makes a good play.
“Works huh? Well how much do I pay?” He snickers elbowing a few of his goons as he waits for Valentino’s response.
“How about we talk about this later, yeah?”
Trying to keep his composure and not loose his shit as he seemed to be more possessive over you then usual. The loan shark backs off with his hands raised in defeat though a smirk still played on his lips.
Valentino focuses his attention back on you seeing you getting close as he felt your walls clenching around his digits.
“You gonna cum baby?~” purring in your ear as your thighs were shaking.
“Y-yes yes daddy, i’m gonna cum~” You whine softly, voice all worn out along with your body with the amount of restraint that you thought you still had. (you didn’t have any lol).
As if for some ungodly reason the world was crashing down he pulled his digits out of you, sucking your juices off letting the taste linger in his mouth and then putting his full attention back on the game.
You looked up at him pitifully knowing that he just denied your release making tears prickle at your eyes. He was always so heartless like this, but before you could go into a deep turmoil about it his thigh starts bouncing with you on it.
“Get yourself off for me.” He sounded serious as he was going to do everything in his power to win this game now that dickhead had pissed him off.
Cheeks burning as you know if you didn’t do he’d take whatever anger he had of this night and take it out on you and do god knows what. So you start rolling your hips against his bouncing knee causing the right amount of friction to get you close to your much needed high once more.
At this point your dignity didn’t matter anymore as you started whimpering. Feeling that familiar knot forming in your tummy as Val started to bounce his leg a bit more profusely with your thighs squeezing his much bigger one causing you to cum all over it and he finally throws down his cards showing a winning hand making all the goons groan with disappointment.
“Not bad…” The loan shark says somewhat impressed.
“That’s my naughty girl~” Val coos as he surprisingly kisses the top of your head, probably just because he was happy he finally won the game.
Grabbing all of his winnings from the middle of the table and shoving them in a duffel bag before throwing both you and it over his shoulder.
“Alrighty boys shows over…was fun playing with you guys but i gotta take this kitten home~”
Smacking your ass that was facing the men over his shoulder causing a small squeak from you and leaving without hearing anymore of what the loan shark had to say for Val.
Taking home both his money and a gambling addiction too. Oh and you of course to clean his now soaked pant leg.
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stargirlstabber · 3 months
imagine being valentinos favorite toy, but unlike how he treats the others, he treats you like a queen, always making sure you're alright during the shoots, changing the script of you feel uncomfortable.
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silasours · 3 months
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#pairing : lucifer, alastor, vox, valentino, x fem reader. #cw : 18+ content, mdni. face sitting. edging. overstimulation. oral sex. toys usage. sub/power sub reader. praise kink. fingering. squirting. vox pleasuring himself while desperately eating you out. calling vox a 'good boy'. pretend that val has a nose here. #summary : just them enjoying their time with their face stuck up in between your legs. #note : feels like i have nobody else to write for but, oh well.
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your fingers grip lucifer's blonde locks tightly, legs shaking on either side of his head. his forked tongue moves skillfully thrusting into you, hungrily gathering every drop of your juice onto his tastebuds. he groans at the taste, the vibration sending straight to your core which earns another moan that spills from your lips. the eyes of his glow in the weakly dim room, peering at your face from between your legs.
"my, aren't you a delicious one." he coos against your puffy lips before pressing his lips against them. he exaggeratedly sucked on them before releasing, his ears blessed by your high-pitched moans while his hands hold your legs apart by your thighs. lucifer draws his tongue out and licks a long stripe down your clit, teasing for a short moment before thrusting his tongue into your entrance once again.
your hold on his hair only grew stronger, face growing more flushed as you threw your head back in pleasure. your vision starts blurring up from the tears that gather around your eyes, feeling your body burn from how close you are.
of course lucifer knows you're close; he knew the moment your inner walls clenched around his slithery tongue tighter than they did before. your hips involuntarily rock against his tongue, pushing yourself further onto his face with trembling muscles. watching this made him chuckle as he allowed you to push yourself closer to him.
"pretty girl, gonna cum for me?" you nod the moment he says those words, triggering the coil to break faster than before. he groans lowly at how soaked you're getting, doing his best to not let a single drop escape from his hungry tongue. with a loud breath sucked into your throat, orgasm hits you like a strong wave that flows throughout your body.
you moan to the point where your voice cracks ever so slightly. lucifers lap your juices clean, patiently helping you to calm down from your intense high with lazy draw of lines of his tongue. once you're done, he presses a light kiss onto your clit before climbing up from your legs. his mouth and chin glisten from your release as a grin sits on his face, the sight alone making your face burn further.
how many times have you been denied release now? you've lost count. your head is clouded with desperation to finally break, yet this demon here is stopping you from doing so over and over again. with a frustrated cry, you open your eyes to gaze at alastor all teary, only to find him taking his sweet time with his lips pressed against your clit. "please, alastor.. w-wanna cum.." you barely managed to hold back a hiccup, a soft mewl rolling off your tongue.
you can feel his grin growing against you, his face pulling away which made you whine. his tongue draws out to lick around his lips, finger sneakily moving to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves of yours. "is that so?" you nod desperately, moaning at his touch in hopes of being able to convince him. he doesn't reply with any words but a smile, slowly lowering his face back to where it was.
"be careful what you wish for, my dear." he whispered before ramming two digits into your hole, your warm, gummy walls instantly tightening around them. your back arches off the bed as your eyes roll, a hand instinctively moving to his hair to tug on it. the burn on his scalp made him groan against your clit as well as his cock throbbing in the confinements of his pants.
alastor's tongue moves sloppily against your soaked clit; it was more than enough to make your body tremble especially with his fingers carelessly abusing your pretty hole. his fingers always work like magic, never once missing that sweet spot buried deep inside of you once they figure out where exactly it is.
you came without getting the chance to tell him, the back of your head pressing hard onto the bed sheets. you choke on your moans while struggling to breathe properly; alastor isn't giving you a break just yet. his maintains the speed of his tongue and fingers as you try to push his head away weakly. "too much- mnh-!"
"too much?" alastor chuckles, almost mocking your words. he withdraws his face but not his fingers, slowly sinking his teeth into the skin of your thigh while sucking on it. "we're not done just yet, darling."
ʚ VOX .
"yeah? you enjoy me sitting on your face?" you grip the headboard tightly, doing your best to maintain upwards as vox works his tongue on your clit. he moans against you at your words, his hand moving to stroke his leaking cock with a slight squeeze. despite your attitude, you can't deny how good his tongue is at targeting exactly where your weak spots are.
moans slip from your lips, your noises only causing vox's hips to thrust up into his hand. you chuckle weakly which soon gets cut off by another moan, your grip on the headboard gradually growing weak. you keep your gaze on his face, occasionally turning your head to glance over your shoulder, to see him pleasure himself and those pathetic whines of his. you breathe out a small 'good boy' at the sight.
vox groans loudly at the praise, his tongue now matching the pace of the hand on his member. his breath is hot against your soaked crotch, the increased speed only causing your legs to stumble. "fuck, vox," you whine with a sweet tone, resting your head against the headboard; the sole item that supports your body to stay upright.
he hums in return, the heavy breath signaling that he's close to his own release. you're no different, feeling the coil in your stomach crumbling with every thrust of his tongue. you huff as you gaze down at him, meeting his silent desperate plea for release. you keep your eyes fixated on his while grinding against his face, dangling the sweet release right in front of him.
you only grant him permission once you're close enough, feeling your whole body shudder as release consumes you. you screw your eyes shut, listening to vox's low groans. he lifts his hips up from the bed sheet, white strings of hot seed decorating his stomach. while you're trying to catch your breath, you notice vox's gaze on you as he slowly speaks with a shaky, muffled voice.
"please.. can i put it in you now?"
valentino's workplace is practically filled with nothing but the smell of your sweat, your sweet noises, and the buzzing sound of a vibrator. the lower half of your body is raised high from the couch, high enough to reach his face as he stands by the edge, a leg of his folded up on the plush couch. his pairs of arms hold your body firmly.
the vibrator is pressed against your sensitive bud, his long tongue twisting and turning inside of you. you squirm under his hold, hands still struggling to find a suitable place for you to hold onto because of the position you're put in. your mind is clouded, drool slowly rolling down from your lips while struggling to keep yourself from turning into more of a mess than you already are.
"looking so pretty like this, amorcito." his nose is pressed up against your clit, the liquid coating his skin as he moans at the feeling. your body shivers, feeling heat crawl up onto your face partially from how embarrassing this position is. you're fully exposed in the air as he enjoys your taste right there, not paying any mind the both of you are in his workplace with the potential of being seen and heard.
"val.. put me- down.." your voice is nearly quiet from the continuous pleasure you're receiving. valentino scoffs, ignoring your pleas without stopping his tongue. his teeth graze against your skin, the small worry of him biting into you causes you to whimper while digging your nails into one of the arms that's holding your body.
perhaps it's because you're overly clouded by pleasure, you didn't notice him reaching for the small controller that's attached to the vibrator and swiping it all the way up. the sudden strong vibration made you cry out loud, the heel of your foot digging into his shoulder, toes curled. you shake your head, eyes squeezing shut at the feeling. "no, w-wait, hngh! i'm gonna-"
you didn't even manage to finish your sentence before being fully consumed by a strong orgasm. you squirt as your legs shake violently against his hold, vision turning white while valentino watches with a grin. he slightly removes the vibrator from your now extra-sensitive bud, allowing you to calm down from your high. with a sense of pride and satisfaction sitting in his chest, he licks around your spasming pussy for a taste.
"didn't know my baby could put up such a show. do it once more for me, will ya?"
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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genderlessdude92 · 3 months
“Man, i love Hazbin Hotel !!”
Hazbin Hotel:
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i’m sorry
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Y’know, sometimes you just want to fuck a TV. And you know who doesn’t ask questions? Tumblr. Tumblr fucks that TV with you.
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
Okay, I read something about moths going kinda crazy during mating season. It's especially crazy for the males. Can I request Valentino smut with his favorite female porn star reader?
𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟
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Words: 872
Warnings: GN!Reader | Smut [Eating out, rimming, fucking, degrading]
Valentino knew what was approaching, every year he tried to ignore it as no one was good enough to spend it with him. His mating season was a sensitive time, meaning a lot of things could go wrong.
But this year someone had caught his attention. It was you, one of his newer contracts on the scene, quickly becoming a fan favourite, and he sees why. So he makes the decision to have you help him.
Unluckily though you were pretty dense to his advancements, unsurprisingly due to the fact he was a moth and you weren’t. But still, at least you could acknowledge him.
Mating season had officially started, and it was hitting him hard.
“EVERYONE OUT!” His screaming shocked everyone, also sending them all rushing out. You were at the back of the group, wich let him grab your collar to pull you towards him.
“Not you babe,” As he spoke smoke swirled around you both, a lot more seeping out this time. “You get the honour of helping me tonight~”
Holding you as he started walking, turning into stumbling. The first time he hit a wall you were pulled to his chest. Soon enough he opened the doors to the nearest room, revealing it to be one of the bigger studios.
Passing the chairs and equipment to drop you on the bed, following by dropping onto his knees. Hands kneading your thighs, sliding up to your waist. His breathing became harsher during this, red smoke circling the area.
Sitting up before pulling you closer, fingers finding their way under the waistband of your pants and underwear. Staying still for a few seconds before pulling away, ripping both.. Quickly pulling them off, throwing them onto the floor somewhere.
“I’ll buy you better ones, just let me…” His words faded as he became less focused. More smoke was puffed out and into the room as his mouth opened, letting his tongue out.
Leaning closer to let it move along your thigh, quickly moving up. Although it couldn’t go much further due to your position. Arms wormed their way under your legs, using one pair of arms to hold you up.
Strong enough to not let you drop any lower than needed, which was up near his face. Allowing his tongue to get where it needed, leaving the area with a tingly feeling.
Not moving in immediately, instead running along the outside. Letting your muscles relax before he moved in, your tensing didn’t have any visual effect on him. Everything for him felt doubled, so even the slightest movement had him jolting.
So when your legs wrapped around over his shoulders, hands grasping at his hat. That seemed to flip a switch in his mind. One pair of arms reached up to remove your legs, while another hand pulled yours off.
Controlled yet dropping you onto the bed again, this time making you lay down. His hand on yours didn’t leave, instead intertwining them. With your legs, his hands had moved down to your ankles. Moving them onto his shoulders.
He had started huffing, even though more smoke left his mouth it stopped affecting you. Instead filling the room and leaving you unable to see him unless he was in your face, which you wouldn’t mind either way.
His fourth and open hand held his cock, making sure he has a smooth entrance. Which he did, once he was in he let you adjust. When you were good he picked up the pace instantly.
From just quick to slamming into you. His hands left your ankles to hold your waist, with how hard they were grabbing you would surely have bruises later. Only able to accept him.
He kept pounding until his glasses fell off, rushingly placing them onto your head. Even with his hand holding yours it didn’t stop you from moving at each thrust, never stopping him. Only going harder.
“That's what you like huh? Course it is you slut!” At these words he leaned forwards, taking a sniff at your collarbone. You smelled like him now, no one could ever confuse you for one of his other sluts, you’re his now.
Letting his teeth sink into your flesh after, not that you minded. He tasted your blood, which was almost sickeningly sweet for someone stuck in hell, especially stuck with him.
During this his pace never slowed or even stuttered. Causing both of you to get closer to your orgasms. At this point Valentino had lost almost all his focus.
The light above was soon shut out, due to his wings making an appearance. Which also revealed the button up underneath, giving you something to grab onto.
Hands reaching to grab bunches, in turn pulling him closer. Your nails, ones Valentino has you care for, threatened to rip the shirt. Although neither of you cared in the moment, he might later. But you didn’t care.
“There we go, cum for me Luz~” At his words you did, the air was filled with both of you huffing. You were trying to get air back into your lungs, while he looked down at you. Taking in this image.
Maybe he’ll start caring for mating seasons if you’ll stay with him.
Luz - Light
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cyberm4n · 3 months
Soo I'm here to request the vees (mainly vox but idc) x hypersexual Fem reader pleasee 😭🙏
if not that's okay and I hope you have a nice day/night!! feel free to delete this lol
-xoxo, Ari
THANK YOU <3333 i love the vees and ive been looking for an excuse to write them so this is perfect
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vees with hypersexul reader
going with the same scenario as last time- you've just finished a round and (char) is spent but you're already ready to go again
《— vox —》
■ he seems like a 2 rounds kinda guy so after that second round and yall are just laying there he is SPENT
■ so when you roll over to lay on his chest like "one more time?" with a little smile on your face, as if yall did not just violently fuck it takes him a moment
■ he's spent, so spent. but he really wants to please you
■ he'd get used to it tbh. like he's mentally prepared everytime now but maybe sometimes he can do a round 3
■ he'd resort to toys i think, only the best for his girl <3
■ there's also something he loves about getting to hold you and watch you writhe in pleasure and he just gets to watch
■ he'd always take your preferences into mind with toys too. like if you want smth specific he's got it for you
■ i feel like he might prefer if yall are spent at the same time so the foreplay goes CRAZY
■ like it's not just foreplay it's actual rounds of getting you to cum before the main event yk
■ or sometimes he'll just ask if it'd be okay to be done for the night when he is
■ he doesn't mind either way but he'd definitely want to communicate about it
■ so yeah it might take him a little bit to adjust bit he'd be just fine!
《— valentino —》
■ okay let's be real this man fucks A LOT so he can probably do like. 3 or 4 lengthy rounds before he's tapped out
■ it's making me giggle about it but like okay val is a kinky guy, and like especially if the first time yall do anything it's a little bit rougher he is SHOCKED when you're down for more
■ he's prly into something like overstim where normally you kinda gotta reel from it after so when he's done and it takes you like. a minute or two to be like "do you wanna do it again?" he judt looks down at you so confused
■ he takes a moment, blinking. he'd definitely ask if you're kidding or smth and then finding out you're not he has to take a moment
■ like, he finds it fucking awesome but jesus christ he's finally met hsi match
■ he might use toys on you or go down on you, depends how he's feeling tbh
■ i think he'd lean towards going down on you, idk he just seems like he'd be a bit of a munch.
■ and if you're okay with it when yall fuck in the future he's constantly just seeing how far you can go before you're spent
■ long story short he's totally chill abt it when he gets used to it and thinks it's fucking great
《— velvette —》
■ okay im literally giggling and kicking my feet while typing this
■ she seems like a 2 or 3 round kind of gal
■ idk femxfem sex doesn't really go in rounds ime but like. yk.
■ so after she's spent, she's like so ready to cuddle up and sleep. but then you're caressing her cheek, nuzzling into her neck. "again?" you murmur and she has to take a moment
■ cause like, she's just super surprised you're still ready for another.
■ she'd ask the most questions abt it. like she'd want to just know more so she can support you better
■ she'd go down on you tho! anytime! she definitely has toys but she seems like the type to be more inclined to eat you out
■ if she gets tired of that she'd use a toy on you. but she stays engaged the whole time, super attentive.
■ she's a service switch so like getting to keep you pleased like this makes her feel good and she doesn't mind at all
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■ once again, all of them would embrace it and they do not mind at all!
■ if you guys with the poly hc for the vees i think it just makes it so much better for them to know it's really hard to burn you out
■ i loved this request ty <3
taglist: @reaper-of-light-12 @mxxny-lupin @wisteria-songs @t3llas @concentratedconcrete @pansexual-opera-house @dionysusismypatrongod
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