#he’s also 100% the type to . kiss you in your sleep. a little weird but we ball 🙏🙏
gojo is the type of bf to kiss you alllllll the time when you least expect it . i know he is. super casually and whenever he feels like it, no matter what you’re doing….. every time you so much as pucker your lips in thought he’s There and ready to smooch you :((((((( you’re sitting on the couch and reading? smooch. you’re cooking? smooch. you’re in the shower? smooch. how did he get in there? smooch. he’s insane and addicted and he loves you sosomuch……..
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hyunsvngs · 2 months
Juno can I get your thoughts about how skz are behaving at the club?? Who's just having a great time drinking and dancing w you, who is getting rabidly jealous, who is fckin u in the bathroom, who is drunkenly confessing, etc
Can be in context of a relationship or just friends/ flirtationship, your call!
HAHAH I LOVE THIS!! also the term 'flirtationship' i have never heard of JESUS i love that. that's me and all of my friends.
bringing the receipts in btw:
chan: i know it's a bit cliche but he's definitely the dad. he'd have a great time having a boogie with u but he has to keep an eye on everyone!! i'm p sure chan said before he doesn't rly drink much and then there's that one pic of skz where they all look BLASTED that chan took so like. i'm p sure he's keeping an eye on everyone but still having a good time!
minho: he seems like the type to get such a lovey drunk. i'm thinking about that one show where he's doing shots of soju and then he's telling hanhae that he loves him (5:24) LMAO like he's definitely an affectionate drunk. probs tries to kiss you and then vehemently denies it the next morning
changbin: god imagining changbin drunk is so cute.. like his cheeks all flushed PLEASE!! i think he'd be even louder than normal lmao and definitely loves a dance and perhaps also karaoke. he's a bit feral tbh. bounces off the walls but cuddles u when he crashes.
hyunjin: oh i know he's feral. dances like this and gets absolutely white girl wasted every single time. there's no 'tipsy' with hyunjin it's only sober and then black out drunk. definitely has drunk messy make outs with u and thinks he's the shit (he is). he'd cringe at himself the next day with crippling hangxiety but as soon as u reassure him he's fine <3
jisung: makes weird cocktail concoctions (refer to my hbs series HAHAH) and talks incoherently. massive lightweight too. passes out fully clothed. definitely the drunk make out kinda guy and 100% the type to jerk off before he goes to sleep but passes out halfway through with his hand on his dick (i'm sorry but it's true). definitely the type to try and fuck you in the bathroom
felix: definitely tries to hide how fucked he is. like he tries to claim he's not a lightweight but he just FUCKING IS!! i can imagine him getting dragged into a lot of jisung's schemes and the two just end up in a corner wasted lol. he's definitely the drunken confession type of guy too!! "i'm not drunk, i mean it, i really do love you!" and then the next day he's all "ok so.. i was drunk. but i do love you."
seungmin: he's definitely the jealous type. sees u dancing with someone else and he's like WHAT... and just sulks in the corner until one of the boys cheers him up. has to have u on his lap for the rest of the night!! tbh i can't imagine seungmin as a heavy drinker but i think he definitely gets a little tipsy and ends up a bit more cuddly with u <3 the boys will tease him for it afterwards
jeongin: speaking from someone who's two years younger than innie i think he's still young and will frequently take it too far. you might end up looking after him when he gets a little too drunk lol but he's cute so it's soooo ok <3
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
so Hob wants to go to build a bear for this new plush he thought was cute, but it feels weird going alone as an adult. So he posts an add offering lunch afterwords to anyone who will pretend to be his romantic partner so they can go on a "date" to build a bear and make their own bears so the cashier thinks Hob is being a cute boyfriend instead of a very sad single man. Dream, a broke college student whos always looking for a free meal, so he takes the offer and they have a fun time together making bears and having lunch. So Hob, satisfied with his little plan working, is about to turn in for the night when he gets a text from Dream saying "would live to see how that bear looks in your room sometime, maybe next time on our fake date you can take me home? ;)"
This is so cute ajsjdhfh as an adult who loves plushies I love this so so much <333
Hob has a bunch of plushies already, he sleeps with like... 7 of them in his bed because he finds them super comforting. When he has people stay overnight the plushies get gently hidden under the bed because he's shy. And he really really wants to get this new plush but he doesn't want to come across as weird. He has an aesthetic as quite a manly man and he doesn't want to scare people off or even be made fun of.
Enter Dream to save the day! He wants a free lunch and tbh he's never been to build a bear. He's happy to help out and when he sees Hob for the first time he knows that he absolutely made the right decision. Hob doesn't look like the kind of guy who'd enjoy plushies but he is absolutely 100% Dream’s type. (And it also makes Dream think that he should be a little less judgemental. Why does someone's appearance have to dictate what they like?)
They have so much fun together making the plush, giving it a heart and picking out an outfit. Pretending to be on a date seems very very easy and fun and Hob feels his heart fluttering a bit. Dream is quiet, but full of little jokes and interesting ideas, and most of all Hob feels comfortable with him. He even kisses Hob on the cheek as they part ways for the evening. Hob goes home and hugs his new plushie tightly and tries not to get his hopes up too much. But there's no need to be anxious!
When Dream comes over the next weekend, Hob doesn't hide his plushies under the bed. He wants Dream to know him as he really is. And Dream responds by admiring all of them and then carefully turning them around the fact the wall - he wouldn't want to traumatise any of Hob’s babies when they finally gets their hands on each other properly. Making out turns into heavy petting pretty quickly, and then Dream gets to fall asleep in Hob’s arms. Now he's got his own fluffy, manly plushie to cuddle <333
And this is the plush Hob gets btw <3
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blessedwithabadomen · 3 months
~I apologize in advance for the word vomit that is this~
it’s just that type of day for me where I’m thinking about being sandwiched in between Noah and Oli and taking a fat nap.
and it’s not even about just needing the rest or trying to sleep off the headache or whatever other reason it might be, it’s the comfort of it. of hearing the two of them conversing lowly and their voices lulling you to sleep. your eyes are closed, but you’re still awake for the moment, so they don’t know you can hear their playful bantering— probably arguing about something like who’s the better pillow. maybe there’s a show playing in the background. you’re in a pile on the couch or in the comfort of your shared bed. it just screams domestic comfort, and it is making me feel 🥺💗🦋🥺💗🦋
being tangled up with Noah’s gangly ass legs. we’re portraying him being clingy as fuck with this one because I’m feeling self-indulgent. like at one point his cheek is just smushed against yours, not for very long, before he’s nuzzling into the curve of your neck !!!!!! (it’s his second home idc) and his hair falling across your skin and tickling you!!!!! hrnghhh when I say it is so soft (Noah’s hair too but that’s not what I mean), they are such golden retriever boyfriends I cannot. you say you want to take a nap— subtext that you want them to join you— and they are there!! when he has the time~ Noah to me also gives off vibes like he’s preparing a nest!!! pillows!!! blankets!!!! comfort is key!!!! do you want some white noise? some thunder sounds? music? (WHY IS NOAH OFFERING TO PLAY RAIN AND THUNDER SOUNDS MAKING ME SOFT) idkidk I can’t explain it but ya know he just seems like he knows how to curate his environment/is more detail oriented when it comes to things like that
(these are just my musings, by no means true, 100% fictional)
Oli can’t keep his mouth off you. he seems like the type that has a lot of nervous energy— can’t sit still, must always be occupied (and then couple that with him already being super touchy feely affectionate)— so he’s kissing every inch of skin available to him!!!!! will play with your hair. it’s only fair given how often you play with his!!
RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅 (I was gonna take a nap. I did not. I did this instead 😂😂😂😂)
oh my god NEVER apologise for word vomit, I love it so much!!!
this is genuinely my dream scenario lmao, there's very little I love more than napping and cuddling and being sandwiched between those two?? absolute 10/10
and the idea of both of their voices, Oli's accent and Noah's low tone, just lulling me in, oh myy. they would definitely banter, being with them would be a constant play fight about everything and anything and they'd keep trying to get you to pick sides but you'd only do it if you particularly wanted to tease one of them, because you all know there's no ranking in your love!!
yes, I love clingy!Noah, I'm all for it, I crave it lol, he'd just constantly make sure to be touching as much of you as he possibly could, like, he's in a weird position and getting uncomfortable? who cares as long as you're cuddled into him, that's enough for him! he needs everything to be just right for you, noise, temperature, snacks on the ready, hell, he'll light your favourite scented candle if that's your vibe!
and 100% on Oli's nervous energy, man has adhd and he'll live it out with you, Noah's your calm anchor, Oli's the one to keep you on your toes. he only really gets to rest when he's in your arms and even then he doesn't settle down or drift off until he's satisfied he's kissed you enough, stroked your skin enough, played with your hair enough, all of it
ahhhh it's yearning hours, anon!!
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Pete x GN reader headcanons
Reader is nonbinary
My own personal hcs will come in and I will make my own pete hcs later on explaining everything
BTW Pete and Reader will be 13/14
♡ So we know how Pete is like sympathetic and obviously the most caring one of the goths? Yea multiply that by 100.
♤ Pete is very attentive to you and your needs, alot of the time putting your needs and wants over him. Usually Michael and Henrietta have to remind him to take care of himself as well
♡ Pete loves to doodle on your wrist. Like little hearts and stars just making patterns. He could honestly do that all day
♤ Hope you like sleepovers cause your gonna get it
♡ Either with just Pete or Pete plus the other goths and you just play video games and eat snacks late at night
♤ Pete is physically clingy, having a gentle grip on your hand or wrist or a hand in your hair all the time
♡ Super cuddly, idk why but he strikes me as a cuddly person, only around his friends and you tho
♤ He loves it when you lean onto him, makes him feel happy and honestly kind of emotional. The fact you are comfortable and feel safe enough to sleep on him
♡ He likes to keep a spare notebook on hand so you both could doodle and write little notes to each other
♤ He loves going by your place. Sure, his home is comfortable, but your room has a certain feel that makes him feel safe
♡ He is so sensitive and gets super flustered easily. Like kiss his cheek? Cheeks are pink. Call him love? He's stammering. Literally exist? He's nervous.
♤ He doesn't really like wearing other people's clothes because he has texture issues but if you give your hoodie or sweater or shirt to him, that texture thing is thrown out the window
♡ Super nervous like all the time. Hes mentally walking on eggshells cause he doesn't want you to hate him
♤ Huge nerd. Yup, you got a goth who's a geek. He absolutely loves video games and is always comfortable when he's playing something
♡ He loves playing music related games, so like Osu, Project Diva, and Friday night funkin. He also loves open world games like Minecraft or Genshin
♤ He has a habit of mindlessly fidgeting with things. If your with him, expect him to play with your sleeve or to trace patterns on your hand
♡ He absolutely does the thing where he shares earbuds with you. He hates outside noise and he wants to share his music with you, so he simply gives an earbud to you
♤ Expect him to be ramble a lot, especially over text
♡ Speaking of texts, he is the type to give those Morning and Goodnight texts. He also is weird where he is completely comfortable with saying "I love you" and petnames over messaging but irl he stammers and he gets nervous
♤ As we might know, he LOVES dogs. And now your unofficially officially the parent of his lil golden lab puppy
♡ He likes to splurge on you every now and then, usually buying you a specific hoodie or a certain pair of headphones you mentioned you wanted
♤ Overall, 10/10 boyfriend, would recommend
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
Alright, Zay, first! How are you? Hope you're doing good!! ✨️
Second, for the ship ask, how about SeroRoki?
heyo kiya! i am surprisngly alive (i stayed up until 5 am rereading fanfics and then my mom woke me up at 8 am to help with breakfast lol). hope that you're doing well <33 /p
and now:
Who’s the cuddler?
Todoroki, 100%. Once he is first exposed to physical affection (platonic in the beginning with friends and whatnot) he begins to crave it constantly. He's actually insatiable. When him and Sero get together and Sero is like "oh yeah i dont mind physical affection" Todoroki basically fuses with him at that point, clinging onto Sero like a koala almost 24/7.
Who makes the bed?
Todoroki. I like to think he's a very tidy person who can very easily fall into certain routines. Sero on the other hand has the take of "im gonna mess it up again anyways, why bother".
Who wakes up first?
I'd say Sero. I feel like he'd be the type to have a sleep schedule so fucked up that he'd find himself waking up pretty early. He also likes to wake up before Todoroki when they're sleeping in the same room together to shamelessly stare at Todoroki (his gaze is still a bit too intense for Sero to stare into for long periods of times, so he enjoys these quiet moments of tender fondness).
Who has the weird taste in music?
Todoroki. His playlist is literally any and every song anyone from class 1a has mentioned ever, which leads to going from a sad heartbreak song to screaming for three solid minutes.
Who is more protective?
They're equally protective of each other, though Sero is more protective in the emotional "protecting your feelings/heart from the cruelty of others" aspect, while Todoroki is more protective in the physical "protecting you from bodily harm" aspect.
Who sings in the shower?
Sero. I'd like to think he's a pretty decent singer, but doesn't like to show it off at all. Except with Todoroki, of course. During some of their cuddling sessions, Sero will hum random songs that always have a very soothing effect on Todoroki.
Who cries during movies?
Sero. Todoroki would be the type to go "they aren't real people, so these experiences aren't either. there's no need to get upset" while Sero sobs over Bambi's mom.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
Todoroki. He's filthy rich AND the youngest. Man has little to no sense of what is considered too expensive; he simply finds the highest possible quality product and buys it.
Who kisses more roughly?
Sero. I think in terms of kissing and any more "heated" aspects of physical affection, Sero is much more intense with it, while Todoroki's just trying his best to not accidentally set off his quirk.
Who is more dominant?
Sero. What about him *gestures at Todoroki* tells you that he'd top/dominate ever?
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
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Even though they don't have that many moments in canon, their dynamic in canon-compliant things is so
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mashihope · 2 years
❥ Bangchan as your boyfriend
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I'm back! (For how long will it be? *insert Kevin's voice here* Nobody knows~) Today we are having as a guest (??) our favorite parental figure(?), Mr. Bangchan. The thing is, I have this friend who absolutely loves him (hi, sweetie, ily) and we end up talking a lot about this man, it doesn't matter what was the actual topic of the conversation, there will always be at least five (because he's fOive) times we say his name at random sentences that have nothing to do with the rest of the things we were talking about. (Wow, that was a hell of a sentence, watch me not being able to talk/write properly.) I don't think that gave too much context (probably zero), but what I tried to say back there is that we have this habit of putting him in random scenes. The most used by both of us is the boyfriend one, so I had the need to make this. This won't be good enough but, let's begin!
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Ok, so, this man has a lot of archives and documents of unfinished projects on his laptop ("Like, mate, stop procrastinating." doesn't apply to him, apparently)... Being mostly songs about his feelings towards you.
It doesn't matter whether they are from before or after your relationship, or if they are good or bad feelings.
It's like a secret journal for him, his free therapy whenever he needs to sort out his tangled thoughts. He doesn't let the members know about their existence, and if they irrupt in the studio while he's recording, editing or playing any of them he would panic a lot.
Like the thing a lot of kids/teens do when their parents appear while they are doing/watching something they shouldn't on the computer and switch the tab or whatever.
Yeah, the other "tab" would most likely be something Felix-related (from fancams to edits made by Stay), "nice gifts to a x year old sister" ; "how to deal with noisy kids" ; "will i die from drinking too much coffee?" ; "how many sleep hours does an adult need?" ; "why are teens so weird these days?" google searchs or (for some reason) a JYP song.
If you are sitting on his lap, I can imagine him randomly playing with your hair, your ears/earrings or the strings of your jacket/hoodie.
He loves when you stay at the studio while he's working, even if you are quiet, you give him a lot of energy from the moment you open the door. He loves even more to have you sitting on his lap, this way he can give you quick glances and make sure you are okay.
What if you fall asleep? He would stop everything for a moment just to appreciate you for a while, with a sweet smile and heart-eyes. I can see him patting your hair gently enough to not wake you up and giving you a tiny little kiss on the forehead right after. His heart cannot take it anymore, you're too precious for (t)his world.
I don't see him being very into pda, maybe holding hands or giving each other kisses on the cheek/forehead, sometimes actual kisses on the lips.
But in private, omg, this man loves to kiss you at very random times, going from "cute and soft kisses" to "breathtaking and passionate kisses".
He would touch your lips because "They are soft." in the most innocent way, but after a few minutes this would lead somehow to a whole make out session.
Keeping this duality in mind, i see him being the type to bite your lips after a kiss, but also the type to kiss your forehead sweetly whenever he can.
I can imagine him pinning you against the wall, bitting his lip in a seductive way, just to get all shy a few seconds after doing that, letting you go while he covers his - now blushing - face.
He's 100% the type of person that takes care of you whenever you stay up past your usual bedtime and scolds you for messing up your sleep schedule even if he usually does it too.
Has this habit of putting his hands on your bare skin whenever they are cold. "See? It's cold outside. Let's cuddle instead."
One of his favorite things about being able to create music is asking the members for their opinion on something he's been making. He loves their various tastes and ways of thinking about it, from the melody to the meaning of the lyrics. All the parts of the song, actually.
His confidence and ego boost everytime they say good things about it, but when you do it...
Omg, he will be like a tiny and excited puppy, anxiously waiting to go outside for a while. He would be so happy, shaking his fists in excitement while giving you the biggest and brightest smiles. He would be so proud of himself.
"Going outside" would be finishing the actual song and release it. Well, maybe the thought of going outside the studio after too many hours in it too.
I feel like he's the most patient person you'll ever meet. He would be mesmerized by your voice whenever you're talking (he thinks it's very pretty!) and this would help a lot when you're telling him something. He would rest his chin on his hand while giving you little smiles (if he feels the need to) and nodding, waiting for you to end.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying again?" kind of moments would happen very often. Or "Hey, I got lost in those pretty eyes. Do you mind repeating that?"
Ah, but, what if he's in a clingy mood? His patience would fade away as soon as he sees or thinks about you. "Are you finished yet?", "Babe, please come cuddle with me" or "When are you coming back from work? I have a day off, let's spend it together."
His clingy mood consists of being giggly around you, wanting to cuddle all the time (even in summer, he doesn't care about that "hot weather and sweating" stuff, "Bullshit!"), being touchy (lots of skinship!), repeating your name again and again if you are doing something else ("Y/n, focus on me, please!" while pouting), being more shy and cute than usual, and lots of cheesy little talks.
Lots of conversations that go like: "Babe, did you have lunch/dinner?" "No, I kind of skipped it?" "HEY! STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW AND GO HAVE LUNCH/DINNER!" "...Honey, did you have it?" "...I-" "I knew it."
The type to say random pickup lines to you while he's trying to fight against the cringe... Spoiler, the cringe wins (always).
"Oh my god, why did I say that?!", "I can't believe I told you that with such a straight face...", "Ugh, what is wrong with me?!"
Going back to the clingy mood, I have mixed feelings now. I can see him getting playful at first, like, it's all laughs and random kisses on your face and/or neck and suddenly, boom, you got a hickey out of nowhere.
The next day you would see it on the mirror and be like "Where did that come from?" and he would get all shy and giggly again, "I don't know, there's a lot of mosquitoes out there, be careful."
Aaaand, I think that's it for now?? I'm pretty sure I'll make a second part of this at some point because I feel that I left behind some ideas. I know I'm forgetting something again. I'm always forgetting everything xd Am I going to apologize again for my lack of "sense making-structure"(?) skills? You know I will *sunglasses emoji* Sorry!
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meirimerens · 2 years
I’d love to hear your thoughts on your favourite patho characters + how they feel about displays of affection? kisses, hugs, lingering hand touches etc. all the sweet things :)
going to be 100% frank with you my favorite patho characters are yulia and peter but I'm going to make the list for Other Characters too bc like. I'm out there. mixing up a lil How They Give affection and How They Receive It… kinda. i'll make sense.
peter: oh he bites. ngl he bites. / chews. it's mostly something he did as a child for obvious reasons but as an adult he's kept the habit only now he only does that with romantic courtships and he stopped chewing on his family members. he also likes to Linger in general, his version of "hanging out" is standing in a corner of a room watching his loved person sleep or do whatever. really into mirroring as a love language. like cats do. he gives really weird hugs and in general likes to Slump against people & he likes to climb/climb atop romantic partners to just hang out (ONLY if the vibes are right and they're secluded/alone). he gives really weird kisses (cf. peterstakh fic honestly) and very weird looks. also used to give very weird mildly morbid romantic love letters to the art school classmate he was in love with, thankful classmate was also a bit weird and didn't take it poorly. lingering touch WITH nails he likes to scratch.
rubin: this guy has many problems and issues and is not Very Good at expressing love (no one here is bless em) but his mind Mode of affection regardless of if familial/platonic/romantic love is gestures of like. protection? like he will give his coat to lara (his best friend and To Me he sees her as a little sister), he will put himself between his friends/lover and danger because he thinks bc he's So Big he can take a shanking, things like that. also a fan of mirroring (peterstakh lore really) or just Standing There. also love language of Cooking for people. he's reticent at the touch like a dog at the shelter but that just means he needs patience and care and eventually he'll accept a hug without flinching (cf. the peterstakh fic again).
andrey: he also used to chew on people but he's stopped that mostly. big into chivalrous protection, like the type of guy to wrap arms around a waist and be like "fear not m'lady/m'lord". love language regardless of the type of love to Pick Fights In Their Behalf even if they go "can you staaahppp". also into stuff like baisemain, holding doors, touch on the shoulders and waist. also has a Cooking love language regardless of the type of love but doesn't lean into it consciously.
burakh: also a guy who recoils at the touch like a shelter dog… also a guy who has cooking as a love language. he's subconsciously very much into Giving Touch as a love language, handing [someone their] gloves back, keeping watch of stuff, offering his arm to walk home, etc. generally into Keeping Watch as a love language, making sure someone gets a good night of rest by keeping an eye on the door… he IS starved for touch will not lie. he is starved for touch. he does not actively seek it but will give it recklessly if asked/offered, and will receive it like a starving man if given.
dankovsky: ANOTHER one who recoils at the touch like a shelter dog! to me that comes from the fact that he is Deeply Reserved + closeted so a man's touch makes him feel like Oh Fuck. and yet. he needs touch like he needs water. most of the ways he gives affection is by kind words; bc for a guy who's so deeply full of himself, telling another that he sees them as an equal (or even better!) is like. a spectacle. if he feels comfortable, and he does not feel comfortable often, he will give touches, on the shoulders, backs, kinda pat them trying to appear detached and cool with it. Touch stays as a display of affection when he enters actual relationships. also likes to help with tying ties, helping someone put their coat on, etc. into offering tea.
yulia: she a Lil Shy. her main modes of display are also Hanging Out. hanging out and looking Very Intently at the other woman. she also appreciates Hanging Out, she's a huge fan of just Being In A Room with people. also into chivalrousness, helping women put their coats back on, open doors, walk em home… etc… she's also tense to touch but loosens up way faster than the guys up there because she doesn't have as many problems and issues.
eva: oh she loooves to touch. she has way less restraints than the others up there so she loves Leaning Towards People, being in their spaces, touches and playful kissies. can be a lil destabilizing. she's a huge fan of playing coy for fun. she also really likes to.. Listen To Peopl Talk. pull up a chair, sit there, lean towards, nod, stare with a playful, delighted smile… you see it
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acuar-io · 3 months
56,46,22,18, 12 and 4 for Avery, alphie and juno!
12.What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific! omg omg im going to link videos to what they find funny
avery, alphie, juno specifically finds this scene in scott pilgrim really funny
18.Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
avery and alphie love each other obviouslyyyyy and juno loves NO ONE (winky face)
22.What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
avery: speak in public in front of many strangers
alphie: get out of bed right away when just waking up
juno: comfort people
i hope those count as activities??? idk i kinda was struggling with this question FSFKFKSK
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Avery is a listener most of the time! when someones talking about one of his special interests he will start yappin tho
Alphie is a talker, shes social asf so shes always talking. To get them to listen isnt that difficult, they love hearing people talk and having conversations so sharing the floor is simple for them.
Juno is also a listener, he just doesnt like talking much sometimes. Just sitting in silence is nice. If you want to get him to talk, talking about a very interesting or weird topic (would you rather questions are usually his go to's and they start conversations and debates lol). Also complaining and talking abt his past will get him talking a lot LMAO
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
lets get one thing straight, juno doesnt have any fears or he does but we would never know bc hes A MANNNNNNN *white southern very proud masculine american man voice*
avery and alphie would ofc go to each other when theyre scared they do live next door to each other after all <3 if alphie sees a r---ch in their house theyre going to run to avery's place hyperventilate a little bit and then tell him theres a r---ch in her apartment. After avery kills the bug, hed hug her and give her a kiss on the forehead and say its ok its gone.
Avery suffers from sleep paralysis so when he wakes up from a really bad "episode" hed ask alphie to come sleep w him so they can cuddle :3
weirdly specific oc asks
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katsu28 · 2 years
study or sleep
pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x reader
summary: Peter finds Y/N studying in the middle of the night 
warnings: none really just cute fluffy Peter Parker content 
a/n: a really short one shot that i came up with during my finals week 
i’m also officially done with school for a few months so i’m trying to get back into the swing of writing as much as i can!
masterlist + taglist
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(gif found on google, creds to owner)
Peter woke to an empty bed, reaching for you sleepily only to find that the sheets were cold, blankets cast aside, and you nowhere to be found. Glancing bleary eyed at the clock on the bedside table, he saw that it was 4:20AM, so why weren’t you asleep? 
He crawled out of bed sleepily, grabbing a random shirt off the floor and making his way out to the living room, where he found you huddled in a blanket and hunched over your laptop, typing away furiously. A small smile made its way across Peter’s face at the sight of your concentrated pout as he leaned against the doorway and watched you work. 
God, you were so beautiful. 
Peter wasn’t sure how he was so lucky to be with someone as perfect and beautiful as you were. He was completely. 100%, without a doubt, in love with you. 
In his admiration of you, he hadn’t noticed that you’d become aware of him lurking in the hallway, and was now peering out at him with wide eyes. 
“Oh my god, did I wake you?” You gasped, covering your mouth with a hand. “I’m so sorry, Pete, I—” 
“No! No, no, you didn’t wake me. I had to go to the bathroom and saw you weren’t in bed.” He replied quickly, padding over to the sofa you were curled up on and sitting cross-legged next to you. “What are you doing up so late?” 
“Got a bunch of stuff due at the end of the week, I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d try to get some work done,” You sighed, shoulders slumping. Peter could tell that even though you said you couldn’t sleep, you were exhausted. 
He’d noticed that you’d been working nonstop for the past few weeks, often staying glued to your laptop until you passed out at the kitchen counter, or the couch, or wherever you’d settled to get stuff done. This, along with going to your classes, your job at the campus gym, and your internship at Oscorp Industries, Peter worried that you might be spreading yourself too thin. 
“Sweetheart, when was the last time you got a good night’s sleep?” He murmured, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair that had fallen out of your messy bun behind your ear. “And by good sleep, I mean more than four hours.” He added before you could open your mouth to respond, causing you to let out a tired chuckle. 
“I don’t need sleep, I need answers,” You joked, drawing a roll of eyes from Peter. “But for real though, I don’t really remember.” 
“If you don’t remember, then it’s been too long.” chided Peter. He eased your laptop shut, ignoring your protests and climbing to his feet. “Come on, Y/N. Back to bed.” 
“Pete, I can’t—” You whined, but your whines quickly died off when Peter slid his arms under your knees and around your back, hefting you into his arms bridal style. Nestling your head against his chest, you sighed. “‘Mkay, fine, maybe just a few hours.” 
The reverberation of his laugh rumbled through his chest, ticking your cheek as he made his way back to the bedroom, easing you down on the bed and stifling another laugh when you refused to let go of him. “Stay.” 
“I was planning to, my love,” He murmured, trying and failing again to wiggle out of your grasp. Peter ended up doing a weird little half roll, half climb maneuver over you, tucking himself close to your body. 
“Love you, Pete.” You yawned sleepily, snuggling even closer into the warmth that he radiated and nuzzling your head under his chin. 
“Love you too, sweetheart. Goodnight.” He pressed a soft kiss to your hair, trailing his fingers up and down your spine soothingly as the two of you laid there together. 
If he was waiting for a response, he didn’t get one, because you were already fast asleep. 
“Couldn’t sleep, my ass.” 
@doublecrazyyymofo @milkiane @scenesofobx @raajali3 @conans-folk @eichenhouseproperty @dpaccione @laneybobeczko-g @nardaddyromanoff
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fluffytriceratops · 2 years
Dating Headcannons - Michelangelo
Note: Fhfhfhf
I don't know why it took me so long to post this, but here we are. XD I think I mentioned this in one of the other headcannons, but Mikey's are my favorite. Idk why- they just are. He's just so cute and sweet and he's best boy. :3 He deserves the entire world and more. They all do. Again- not a specific version, I kinda just smushed them altogether. Imagine this as whichever iteration you want. Also- I do not own the photo, just got it off google. And I still may or may not make a Casey one of these. So far I'm leaning towards no just because that's more work and I'm lazy. XP But if anyone wants to see the bonehead's version of this, then I will write one just cuz they asked lol. Most likely. Maybe not. We'll see. Oh and again-- not edited just kinda threw this together. So enjoy my trash thots! <3
Warnings: mature/sexual themes, nsfw mentions, mature language,
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- Will find the most random things and give it you as gifts. Random doll head? Buttons of every shape, color, and size? Other weird/cute knickknacks? You bet your bottom fucking dollar. He loves to give you gifts but he's broke as hell, and this is one of the ways he shows his affection.
-  Showers you with kisses every chance he gets. Also hugs and cuddles, so many fucking cuddles. And he's the best cuddler out there, you can't change my mind.
- Mikey would love pulling little pranks with/on you. You'd probably have a little prank war with each other. And water gun fights, lots of them. Video game bets/wars as well.
- Wake up at 3am and have a dance party type of guy.
- Video call sleep overs!!!
- Loves your tummy. Big, smol, flat, large, doesn't matter. He loves them all. He loves to nuzzle his face into it and just lay there with you. Would also love to shove his face between your thighs and bewbies. ^^
- Slightly obsessed with the way you smell. He'd just sniff you all the time, and depending on how long you've been dating wouldn't even bother hiding it. Would have a bottle of your perfume/body spray so he could spray it on his pillow/in his room. Also the soaps you use would be in his shower and he'd use them sometimes, especially when he's missing you. Because you smell nice he'd make sure to smell good for you too and he'd get either you or April to help him buy cologne and stuff for him.
- Loves to wear your scrunchies/hair ties on his wrists.
- LOVES to take baths/showers with you. Also adores using bath bombs and other things to make it better. Would 100% brings toys in the bath if you let him. Both sexual and non-sexual.
- He'd be into food play, and he'd definitely have a praise kink. He'd be a switch with a preference for bottom because he'd love it when you dominated him. Also he's a definite BRAT, especially in bed.
- He wouldn't do anything degrading or violent (like whipping or choking), because he's not into that and he wouldn't want to hurt you.
- Prefers (video) calling over texting, and will call at the most random times. Even if he just wants to say hi and hang up, or tell you he loves you, or tell you a quick/random story.
- Most comforting and open boyfriend ever. Will listen to you for hours and check up on you often.
- Would love to teach you how to skateboard if you were open to it. And if you knew how to skate already, he'd love to skate with you. You guys would learn new tricks together, go on skating dates, sneak out to find abandoned skateparks, etc. Even if you didn't know how to skateboard but preferred using roller skates/blades, he'd totally be into that as well. He couldn't wear them himself, but he'd still get to skate with you.
- Cooking for each other, even if it's absolutely horrible.  Probably ends up in a food fight. He'd definitely give you lots of smooches throughout.  x3
- Art dates. He'd love to draw you and he'd also love for you to draw him. Even if you weren't good at it. Nude posing? Hell yes. If you were also artistic (I headcannon that Mikey loves art and is really good at it) you'd have blast learning different mediums with each other. Painting, digital, traditional, you name it. You'd also learn new/weird hacks and try them out together. Probably go travelling around the city just to paint/sketch stuff. Paint fight is a big possibility. Having sex covered in paint on a blank canvas? Another large possibility.
- Mikey finds random stray animals and tries to keep them. His family would probably say no most of the time, so he'd try to convince you to take it in. He'd even offer to help you with the research so you'd know how to properly take care of it. He'd love for you to take it in, but if you couldn't he'd completely understand. You'd probably make posts about the animal online to try and find it a good home. Either that or give it to a humane society. If you chose to keep the pet, it would be like you and Mikey's child. He'd definitely call himself the daddy and you mommy, and insist that you do the same.
- Big baby with horror movies. Would love it if you slept over afterwards so he has someone to cuddle and console him. XD
- Mikey would totally be into building pillow forts and sleeping with you in the living room or even if it was in his room. Sometimes he's a bit too big for it and his legs might stick out, but it'd still be super cute and fun. He wouldn't mind.
- Lots of pillow fights. :3 He'd probably accidentally hit you too hard and then get super guilty afterwards. Even if you told him it was okay, he'd feel really bad. He could have hurt you, you're his precious turtle-duck. <3 (He'd probably accidentally hurt you lol- I can totally see him going to hit one of his brother's, and they dodge and he ends up whacking you so hard you're launched onto your ass-)
- Bit clingy but you love it. Mikey loves to be near you, especially if he gets the chance to cuddle. Doesn't matter what you're doing- that includes studying. He'll lay in your lap and let you do your thing. He'll just listen to music or take a nap, as long as he's with you, he's content.
- Would probably sneak you on patrol sometimes. Leo would get very pissy- but you both kinda find it amusing. Especially if you like to risk your life and all that jazz. I think the idea of Mikey sneaking his s/o on patrol/missions to be extremely hilarious. He just doesn't want to be without her. They're in the middle of an important mission and all of a sudden she just kinda pops up out of nowhere and they're all like "wtf". XDD They're fighting some asshats and she comes up behinds one of em and whacks them over the head with a bat or some shit-
- "Thanks babe!"
- "You're welcome, love!"
- "When the fuck did you get here?"
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mehidktbh · 2 years
(Old) Ash Williams sleeping headcanons
Pairing: (Old) Ash Williams x Fem!Reader
Warning: Established relationship and fluff
A/N: I couldn't stop thinking about sleeping in the same bed with Ash so... Also Not proof read
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- He is the one that will 100% still the blankets off you and then blame you instead, no matter if it's freezing cold or scorching hot he will steal them. Sorry, not sorry.
- But then again Ash can also be the most perfect snuggler, he latches onto you the whole night and is not the type of guy to roll over and turn his back to you. His arms are around you the whole night and it's just the right amount of pressure on you, so he's not squeezing you too tightly.
- Ash doesn't have a preference for being the little spoon or the big spoon, he can do both and he wouldn't care. If you're into him being the big spoon he's totally on board with that, but still every now and again he would love to have you cuddle him instead.
- And you can't tell me that now that he's older and still getting older he doesn't snore, maybe he tries his best not to but he can't help it. And not to mention how annoying it is, you'd tell him to shut up for a second and he'd apologise but the second he plants his head on the pillow he's back to snoring. (You may need to suffocate him tbh/j)
- I can only imagine he likes to sleep naked sometimes, (With underwear not not?) he'd come home all tired and sweaty and either sleeps in his day clothes or just takes it all off and falls asleep.
- But not to worry he's all sweet in the morning and affectionate as he mostly cooks you breakfast in the morning so you know it's all worth it in the end. Breakfast in bed as you guys just relax together being all mushy and cute, I MEAN WHO DOESN'T WANT MORNING KISSES FROM HIM!
- This is only between you and me but we all know Ash would die to just fall asleep in your arms, even better if you're massaging his scalp. He's knocked out in seconds and doesn't wake up when your nagging for him to get off you, you've killed him.
- But when you guys both can't sleep and all you can do is just stare at the ceiling he's the one to have late-night conversations with, he's there for you and ready to hear anything you have to say. Even if it's so weird and not to mention he'll gladly lighten the mood with one of his stories, I bet he has thousands.
- Overall Ash is your guy to sleep with and sometimes he'll find himself with you not next to him and instead your sleeping on the other side of the room. I guess he does need to work on that snoring of his.
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thenastyotherblog · 2 years
Hizashi Yamada as a Dad 
Hizashi looks like the type of man that would be good with children and also want to have one of his own.
So when you two decide to give it a go, he is pretty excited.
Also the type to shout down when you give him the good news, he needs a couple of minutes to assimilate the fact that you are expecting his child.
Then he goes from 0 to a 100, hugging you tighly, peppering your face with kisses while he is laughing and crying.
The first thing he is doing the next day is to announce your pregnancy to everyone.
Goes to all your doctor appoiments, he doesnt want to miss anything! Not matter what it is, he wants to be there with you.
Gets very emotional when the doctor show you the first sonogram of your baby.
Hizashi couldnt care less of the gender of the baby or if they are born with or without a quirk,  he would love them no matter what.
Nevertheless he gets a bit salty when you say you dont want to know the gender and prefer to be a surprise.
"Nope, you will have to wait"
Not saying that there are bets to guess the gender of Mic's baby but there are totally bets on it.
Hizashi being pretty excited to decorate the baby's room.
It has gender neutral colors and a bit of music themed.
Struggles to both put the crib together and the baby seat on his car.
You totally laughing at how ridiculous the baby seat looks on his fancy car.
Failing to stop your man to buy a baby leather-like jacket.
"You are banned from buying baby clothes"
When you start to get bigger, Hizashi is all over you.
Gets very grabby outside and inside the bedroom, everything is bigger after all!
Makes you all kind of healthy meals and indulge your weird ass cravings, he cannot say no to you.  
It doesnt matter to him that sometimes you wake him up in the middle of the night to get whatever you are craving now, he will go and get it.
Very patient when you get emotional, endures it when you lash out and comforts you when you get depressive.
"Zashi, do you still love me when im this gross?"
"Of course baby! Love you with all my heart!"
Doesnt let you do anything when your due is near
You are not allow to crouch, carry stuff.
Its a bit overbearing but you know he is doing it out of love.
Your water breaking in the middle of the night.
Hizashi is still a bit drowsy and jokingly ask you if the baby is coming.
When you nod rapidly and sees the urgency on your face, color drains from his face.
No matter how prepared he thought he was, he still panics when the moment comes.
Stays with you all the way, holding your hand, telling you how good you doing.
His hearts almost stops when he hears his newborn's cry.
Hizashi being suddenly so nervous when the nurse gives him his child, all cleand and wrapped on a cozy blanket.
Only when he is holding them, watching them sleep so soundly, does the weight of reality hits him.
He is a dad now.
They are so small between his arms, chubby little cheeks, a scruff of golden hair on his little head.
He doesnt even knew he been crying the whole time.
"Hi there, little listener" Hizashi can barely talk, his voice is cracking, his whole body shaking with joy.
"Zashi you are crying on our baby"
"I cant help it! They are perfect Songbird!"
Aizawa and Nemuri visiting you at the hospital.
Nemuri going about how the baby is a carbon copy of Hizashi.
With Aizawa sulking about how there is "two of Yamada now".
Man is trying so goddamn hard to act like he doesnt care about his best friend's baby but the moment he is given baby Yamada he fails.
There is now a picture on everyone's phone of Aizawa holding back his tears while also holding, baby Y.
Is the first one to wake up when the baby starts crying.
There's something so sweet about looking at Hizashi holding the baby while lulling them back to sleep.
Hizashi's phone is full of pictures and videos of his baby.
There's no moment of Baby Yamada that hasnt been documented.
He is the type of dad to show off all those pictures to his coworkers and friends.
Loves to makes his baby laugh, hearing them makes him so happy.
Does his announcer voice while feeding Baby Yamada.
"Young Yamada is very excited for this apple mush! Would they be able to take this spoonful? The suspence is high y'all!" baby takes a bite "AMAZING! TRULY AN INCREDIBLE PERFOMANCE! THAT APPLE MUSH DIDNT STAND A CHANCE!"
Honestly does this voice everytime Baby does anything.
Baby crying everytime they see Hizashi on his Present Mic getup, because they are so accostumed to see him with his normal hair and clothes.
"Oh no. No,no,no,no. My little bird! Dont cry! Dont cry! Its me! See? Is daddy!"
Takes a little bit of time to get Baby Yamada used to "Present Mic"
Hizashi bringing his baby to UA when there is no babysitter available.
Uses one of those baby carries that goes in the front.
He stills the loud and excited Mic everybody knows, there is just a baby with him now.
A baby that is equally loud and excited as their dad.
"These are gonna be on your test so put attention! Ignore my adorable sleeping baby! Ignore baby! Focus on english!"
Getting one of those noise-cancelling headphones for babys -yes, they exist, i checked- for when Hizashi has to be more loud.
Im not saying this man cries everytime his baby does something for the first time but he totally does.
Is very proud when Baby Yamada starts walking.
He gains "Dad reflexes" now that his child is moving faster.
Hizashi and Baby Y having "conversations" for when they get more talkative.
Both of you trying really hard to make Baby's first words be either "mama" or "papa".
Is neither.
Whatever word you might be hoping for them to say is not even close to the one they actually say.
"Are you excited to see uncle Sho, little bird? Are you? Aw yeah! you are very excited! Yeah!"
Baby inmediatly going: "YEAH"
"Look what you done Hizashi"
His speaker being covered on little crayon scribbles.
And so are his class notes. 
Hizashi totally singing lullabies to his baby when they cannot sleep.
Bed time stories too, he does the voices.
Trying to not freak out when Toddler Yamada comes home dirty and holding a variety of bugs.
The type to being called to school because his child get into a fight and the first thing to ask them be: "did you win?"
Also the one that encourage them to kick ass.
Protective Dad™️
The one that spoils his kid.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
road trip headcanons [ genshin guys ]
prompt: road trip hcs for the genshin guys characters: albedo, childe, dainsleif, diluc, kaeya, scaramouche, xiao, zhongli w/ gn!reader word count: 2.3k words warnings: none? fluff, modern!au
a/n: for all the guys,,, besides the unreleased ones/ones we haven't met in quests HAHA
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when asked to create a road trip playlist, albedo is the type to queue up scientific podcasts. he says they're relaxing and that being idle in the car is a great time to learn.
if he's not the one driving, he 100% has a blanket and is cozy in the passenger's seat. if there's no conversation, he might as well use the time to sleep, right?
but, if you ask albedo about his current research or begin to tell him about your day, he'll be wide awake and either listening or blabbing away. unlike how he reacts to most people, conversations with you never bore him.
if you do nag him into playing music instead, he'll play classical music. it's mentally stimulating, okay?
he'll have fun telling you species of trees that the two of you pass.
is an excellent driver. he's smart and driving is a piece of cake for him. probably the best driver of all of the guys listed here and he's very quiet with his frustrations as well.
if you let albedo fall asleep, he'll fill the car with soft snores before abruptly shaking his head as he sits up, awake.
if conversation lulls and he's not driving yet can't sleep, he'll pull out his sketchbook and (not-so-secretively) draw pictures of you.
... will likely ask to stop for ice cream. he has a sweet tooth... use it as a chance to steal a kiss with the excuse that he has ice cream on the corner of his mouth!
will plan what hotels you stop at ahead of time because albedo knows you'll get tired and he wants to ensure that you're well-rested, as compared to having to sleep in the car for part of the time.
is a pretty decent driver but takes aggressive drivers as competition, so don't let this man drive in the city.
childe will stop for fast food if you'd like, but also enjoys preparing snacks for the two of you to take. look, he cut you a little bag of strawberries in the shape of hearts! he's kind of a dork about this so hype him up, he'll get flustered but in a good way.
has a playlist of 00's bops that he knows every single word to. WILL make you duet promiscuous with him.
he's pretty noisy, but burns out quickly in energy. after an hour or two of singing, he'll likely suddenly get kind of mellow and go quiet for a few minutes hehe.
will find anything and everything to talk about. he doesn't want you to get bored!
tries to drive the car more than you because he doesn't want you to feel obligated to drive ;;; he just wants you to relax!
will point out weird license plates or bumper stickers he sees on other cars.
whenever you two stop to use the bathroom, he probably ends up kissing you for several minutes in the parking lot lol
inadvertently messes up his sleep schedule by napping too much
definitely dreams of you in his sleep and sleep talks through it. the two of you can have a conversation while he naps in the car, but he won't remember any of it nor will his contributions even be coherent.
naturally, he's just kind of a... quiet presence. you'll have to handle the aux cord or start conversation, otherwise dain will sit there brooding in his own thoughts.
probably hasn't been on a road trip with anyone before, but finds himself really appreciating your company as he drives!
is a good driver but absolutely gets confused by toll roads. forgets his wallet in his luggage, which is packed securely in the trunk, so he's fumbling for spare change whenever the two of you pass one.
probably doesn't like fast food but will begrudgingly eat french fries from mcdonalds if you stop. (get him a happy meal... you can watch him fumble with the toy for a few minutes)
doesn't like to sleep if you're driving. he knows you're capable, he just has a natural tendency to worry that something will happen if you're not awake.
dainsleif will tell you stories of his past if you ask him, but only if you've been on the road for a few hours. there's something about the soft intimacy of being in the car with you for that long that makes him want to share parts of himself with you, but only if you wish to hear them.
if you two pass a truly scenic area, he'll stop to take your picture. he's sentimental, okay? it'll take a bit of coaxing to get him to take a selfie with you, though.
refuses to go above the speed limit. dain says they're there for a reason. however, if you call him a bootlicker for this, he refuses to go no less than 5 over the speed limit from then on.
doesn't recline his chair whatsoever. his legs and torso are perpendicular.
... will want to hold your hand as he's driving. sure, two hands is safer, but he likes the feel of your hand in his!
offers to just buy the two of you first class plane tickets to wherever you wish to go, even if it's only an hour or two drive away.
doesn't really get the appeal of a road trip at first, yet agrees to go anyways... he can't resist when you look at him with such pleading eyes.
after you explain the appeal to him, diluc nods as if he understands, then offers to pay for a driver so the two of you can sit in the backseat together. he clearly does not understand.
making diluc eat mcdonalds for the first time on a road trip. is baffled by the concept of a bts meal. eats it anyways. is slightly mad you got a happy meal and he didn't because he's jealous of the toy.
probably packs a whole charcuterie board as a snack or whatever lmfao but FRESH GRAPES,,, fresh grapes galore,,,
whips out a clear cup full of grape juice and starts chugging it while driving until you lecture him that a cop will probably think its wine and pull the two of you over.
if you're driving, diluc unabashedly just stares at you when he thinks you're not paying attention. he finds you pretty, okay?
doesn't really know the songs you play on the aux too well, yet hums along to them under his breath if he can pick up on the melody.
doesn't like small talk, but it's not small talk if it's you! diluc... might not be the best conversationalist for the hours you're in the car together, but he'll try, just for you!
will book a really nice hotel for the two of you then immediately just tugs you into bed with him. just because the two of you spent the whole day in the car together doesn't mean he's had enough of you yet -- it's not like he could just reach over and give you a hug in the middle of driving!
the best music of all of the guys. easily the most trustworthy with the aux. probably has a pretty decent singing voice, yet won't sing louder than a soft melody.
likes to stop for fast food on the road, but also really tries to find local restaurants in the area for the two of you to eat at. he figures giggling with you in a booth is a nice break from the eyesore of the same repetitive scenes while driving.
whines if you don't hold his hand, whether it be you driving or him driving. you can't sit there looking that cute and not hold his hand.
will snore if he falls asleep so you're probably gonna have to wake him up whenever he dozes off if you want to stay sane.
definitely speeds but then nearly breaks whenever he sees a possible cop car. if you weren't awake before, you certainly are now whenever he abruptly changes the speed.
is really experienced with city driving, so if it makes you anxious, he's your best bet.
will randomly comment on how cute you look while driving and will also curse out anyone on the road who makes you angry while you drive. he's supportive! plus he finds it fun
likes to drive into the night. its especially nice for him if you're in an area with low light pollution. he finds the night sky fascinating and, much to your surprise, knows little constellations and will point them out to you.
likes to play a game when the two of you are on the road. he describes a person that the both of you know in abstract terms and your job is to guess them. whenever kaeya starts off with a negative description, you know he's talking about diluc.
he's often busy with work and kaeya finds that love is stored in the little things, so being able to spend this time with you, even if it's the mundane task of driving, means the world to him.
surprisingly doesn't get road rage. instead, he gets passenger road rage, in which he gets really angry if people seem like they're trying to fuck with you while you're driving.
very knowledgeable about little hole-in-the-wall places to stop on your drive... no, he didn't make an itinerary, stop looking at his phone!
doesn't really like to stop for fast food either. would prefer to stop at a sit-down restaurant, mainly so you can relax.
it's hard for you to irritate him, but you realize you can push his buttons by asking 'are we there yet?'. scaramouche will passive aggressively gesture to the gps and estimated arrival time.
if you ask him again immediately after he does that, he'll start muttering prayers in snezhnayan that you can't understand. if you didn't know him better, you'd be petrified.
this is your ONE CHANCE to smother him in compliments. he has nowhere to run away. instead, he has to sit there while you tell him how lovely and cute he is, all while slowly turning into a tomato in the process.
probably only wears pajamas during the road trip. why look fancy when you could feel comfy?
subtly offering snacks and drinks all the time to you. he just wants to make sure you're well taken care of, even if he can't necessarily communicate it in the nicest way.
you can tell he's about to fall asleep when he starts getting all sappy to you. you're his soft spot and scaramouche just... really wants you to know how much he appreciates you. no, he's not crying. harbingers don't cry. look away. your eyes are deceiving you, just like the stars.
bounces his legs constantly in the car. he doesn't ride them very often and is unused to the mechanical movements, so bouncing his leg soothes him.
also gets a bit antsy after a while, so he's nearly clawing at the walls by the time the two of you stop to take a break and walk around.
clenches the steering wheel a bit too hard... but you don't comment on it. he looks tense enough while driving.
surprisingly has pretty decent music. it's likely just a generic lo-fi playlist he found on spotify, but its a far cry from what you expected him to actually play.
like diluc, xiao will stare at you while he's driving. he's an admirer, and he finds the way your brow subtly furrows as you see something in the distance to be utterly mesmerizing.
call him out for it and he gets all embarrassed, but will also grumble about how he loves you under his breath.
he's kind of clumsy with a kamera whenever the two of you stop, but he likes to take pictures of everything!
sometimes, when the two of you are sightseeing wherever you decide to stop, you'll suddenly notice that xiao is no longer by your side. look behind you and you'll find xiao stopping to pet and talk to any dog that the two of you pass.
likes to buy you little trinkets from gift shops if they remind him of you. oh, the little sculpture is the same color of your eyes? oh, it's an object that has your birthstone in it? oh, it's a cute stuffed plush of your favorite animal? xiao's secretly buying it while your distracted and giving it to you in the car.
music isn't very necessary when you have thousands of years of information stored in one being right next to you!
likes to use the road trip as driving practice... he's still acclimating to living with humanity.
uses a gps just in case roads have changed, but is very familiar with the terrain and tells you stories about different areas you pass through.
isn't too familiar with the human side of things, so it's up to you to figure out where the two of you will stop for lunch and dinner. just... no seafood for him, please.
likes to hold your hand while he's driving and rub his thumb back and forth of your knuckles. he finds it comforting.
you had to explain to him what a road trip consisted of before the two of you set out (as, y'know, he used to be a god and is used to teleporting places) and zhongli is utterly enthralled by the concept.
part of humanity that zhongli is still trying to grasp is how it's okay if results aren't immediate. sometimes the fun is found in the journey, not the destination, and zhongli truly understands that during his road trip with you.
while he has eons of information of his own life to share, zhongli also enjoys sitting back and discussing your own life stories. sure, they might not be as grand as tales of the archon war, but they're you, so zhongli adores them nonetheless.
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
JJK when they want attention
warning(s): none !
a/n: just smth sweet rq by my mf baby 🥳!! Hope you guys like hehehehe
characters: yuuji, megumi, gojo, nanami, inumaki, nobara, & maki
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Has literally no problem being bold faced about it I PROMISE. If he’s feeling cuddly and clingy and you guys are alone he’s whining and clinging onto you, doing any and everything in his power to convince you to come nap with him or cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. If you’re in public he has a ~method (which he definitely thinks is a total secret and he’s a genius mastermind but you’re 100% onto him and just thinks he’s so cute so you give in most of the time).
He’ll come up behind you, even if you’re taller than him, and hug you super tight around your midsection, mumbling about how tired he is and, oh gosh, how warm it would probably be under the covers if the two of you were cuddling right now. And, man, I don’t know, napping? When you giggle and give in he gets so giddy and holds your hand super tight all the way home.
Sometimes though he just wants your attention and praise so he’ll talk about things he did that day that he thinks you might be proud of him for 😭 and every time you say anything along the lines of “good job” or show your interest he gets so happy and lights up :)
Megumi is a starer sorry not sorry LOL. You’ll even be alone, in your own shared home, and you’ll feel a pair of eyes staring at you from the other end of the couch and when you turn your head to ask what’s up he’s looking away super fast hoping you didn’t notice, as if him not so secretly turning his head away from you doesn’t give it away. He just feels so weird asking for your attention - and not just cause he’s shy but he gets all in his head about it.
He doesn’t want to seem weird asking you for attention, maybe you’re not in the mood. What if it makes you uncomfortable? What if you feel like you have to say yes? Or what if you say no and it’s awkward? How would he even ask for attention? He’s just generally an over thinker and slightly embarrassed over how much he just wants you to pay attention to him.
Over the course of your relationship though you’ve picked up on his little signs and have learned how to coerce him into letting you know what he wants, as well as giving him attention when he needs it.
Ask him a few questions about anything and through the course of the conversation you’ve somehow brought his head to your lap and are now playing with his hair until he passes out, and he’s in heaven <3
He’s very lucky to have such an attentive s/o :)!
A WHINER. A LOUD BABY WHINER. He’ll often opt for making inappropriate comments too - even if you’re in public - to make it seem like ~that’s the reason he wants you in bed, but then he’s suddenly “super tired” and thinks cuddling is a better idea instead. Why he just can’t tell you he’s in the mood for cuddling you never know
He will blow your notifs up and not give af 😭 texting you endlessly like
I miss you :(
[1 photo attachment]
it’s my penis 😜
14 missed FaceTime calls from “gojo.”
I’m sorry I’m joking it’s not my penis don’t be mad :(
It’s actually not his penis
If you do answer one of his spontaneous calls though it’s just him smiling at the phone like “whatcha doingggg?” Cause he misses you and your face
He also is constantly sending you things while he’s away with work, postcards, gifts, treats, you name it. You cant blame him for missing you sm :(
And when he does get home from a trip he’s actually a bit quieter, looking forward to just wrapping you up in his arms and cuddling with you until you fall asleep. But he makes sure to stay awake so he can look at your face and think about how cute you look sleeping and probably drooling a little <3
No words, just sighs and hands. This was particularly common when he still had his boring office job - although now with gojo he just has to give you a look when he gets home that says, “this man is gonna kill me, please just hold me.”
He’s most clingy and cuddly when he’s tired/fatigued. It’s so easy for you to coerce him to bed or to relax when he’s visibly drained cause all it takes is some quick work of your hands on his sore muscles or running through his hair, or better yet undoing his tie for him, and he’s putty in your hands. He always watches so intently too when you take the time to take off his suit jacket and tie for him, even going so far as to unbutton his shirt. You know it’s been a long day when he lets you do this and after he’s decided he’s stared at you and basked in you long enough, he grabs your cheeks and leaves you a sweet sensual kiss. He always sighs deeply and then pulls you into a hug, every once in a while you even hear him mumble about how lucky he is.
If he ever just wants your attention though he kind of makes a fussy show about it 🤭 I’m talking sighing periodically and staring at you and once you look at him like ,, yes? He starts asking you random questions about your day or just in general. He just wants you to look at him and talk to him ok?
Ok he’s a very different person depending on whether you’re in public or in private:
In public it’s a lot more subtle cues. Like fidgeting with your hands a lot, tugging on your clothes even or sometimes staring at you really trying to work up the puppy dog act like :( cuddles please?? Or if you’re sitting down somewhere maybe he’ll rest his head on his shoulder to really signal to you he’s feeling cuddly. There was only one time where he had to take drastic measures and text you cause you just were NOT taking the hint.
You were busy listening to Yuuji and rambling back and forth with him when your phone suddenly went off and it was a text from Toge that just said “🤨 give me 10 reasons why I don’t have you in bed right now cuddling with me.😐 since when did yuuji talking about dogs suddenly become so interesting 🧐?” LIKE ABSJAJSJAA
In private it’s a very similar attitude at times he’s just physically more bold. Like he’s not above picking you up and carrying you somewhere he can hold you and kiss all over your cheeks <3 he’s a little less bratty about it when it comes to you two cause he knows you want affection just as much as he does at those times :) although he thinks making a show of things is very funny to him
Her favorite form of affection and attention from you is lowkey head pats or when you ruffle her hair. It all started when she did some trivial thing and as a joke you reached your hand over to ruffle her hair and tell her how good of a job she did, and sure it was funny but man what she wouldn’t give to have you do that again.
So now she often finds herself babbling on to you about all the things she’s done recently that she’s proud of when she wants your attention, hoping you’ll praise her again in any way. She especially loves when it’s unexpected though, when she’s not fishing for praise and she just gets it. Or rather any kind of compliment really. Something about it makes her heart soar <3
She also really likes when you do her makeup so she’ll often ask you to try things on her or to even do your makeup <3 even if you’re just playing around, it feels so soothing and she loves getting to stare at you so close I love her I gtg
She likes to pester when she’s feeling clingy. Checks in with you and any responsibilities you may have so she can immerse herself in them with you and just work on things with you :) like no matter what it is she’ll find a way to get herself involved 😭 she really just wants extra quality time with you and will find any way to do it without seeming too ~mushy, mushy just isn’t really her thing
When she wants to cuddle though she’ll try to trick you into thinking you need rest HSKJJAJA
“You seem tired, why don’t you rest. I’ll help you fall asleep.”
“Hmm you look pretty sore. I’ll go run you a bath, sit and wait here.”
Acts of service anyone?
Also, praise is actually kind of important from you, she never really received it much growing up having dealt with her family, and doesn’t feel like she needs it to feel proud of herself. But something about hearing you praise her over even the tiniest things has her feeling some type of way every single time.
Y’all just love and cherish each other what can I say <3
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Pls leave comments, flood my inbox, Rb, whatever u prefer I just love hearing your kind words :D love and miss these fools 😪 and as always I really hope you guys enjoyed my first jjk piece :)!
taglist: @plutowrites @aracynthos
if you wanna be added to any taglist just ask!
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blobbyclouds · 3 years
Hawks, Shinso, and Mirio affection headcanons <3
Basically, me rambling about how these three lovelies show affection
Warnings: sliiight angst/conflict type stuff for Hawks
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Under different circumstances, Hawks would express affection mainly by spending time with you. He’d plan so many cute dates with you! And he’d also do chill things you’re interested in, like watching your favorite shows with you, playing videogames with you, and doing silly projects with cooking or make-up
But given his job… spending a bunch of time with you isn’t exactly going to work, no matter how much time he’d like to spend with you. He still does his best — setting up dates when a random opening comes, fighting tooth and nail to wiggle open an hour or two for you, or FaceTiming you during his patrols when nothing much is going on
Sometimes he’ll pop by your work building when he catches a few spare minutes, just to check in on you
I suppose that makes the time he spends with you mean more in a way, since he can’t just throw his time around but…Hawk’s time commitment is a matter of contention in your relationship, so let’s move on, shall we?
Hawks spoils you with so many gifts. He really does not care at all about the price tag, and would low-key just hand you a credit card and tell you to go wild because if he can’t give most of his time, he can at least give you most his money
He likes to surprise you with gifts :) it could be anything from an outfit you pointed out when he took you flying, a video game you stare at with every advertisement, or a food you off handedly mentioned craving
He does other surprises that aren’t necessarily gifts too, like leaving you notes around the house when he goes out for an early patrol. Sometimes there are bad amazing puns, compliments, or just a simple “good morning, angel, have a good day!” With a little smiley face :)
Sometimes this accompanies breakfast neatly arranged with a gift. It’s sweet, but you don’t want to know how much of his already limited sleep he gave up to arrange it
I think the fandom has accepted the fact that Hawks gives you one of his feathers as a necklace. He did this so, no matter what, there’s at least some part of him with you
Kisses on the top of your head, then pulling you into a hug with his wings wrapped around you and his head resting on yours
Pet names like cutie, gorgeous/handsome, dove, trouble, and angel
Letting you borrow anything and everything from his wardrobe
Letting you fidget with his wings, or sending his feathers to tease you and play with your hair
Pda isn’t a big thing for him because it draws waaaay too much attention, but he’s very affectionate in private, giving you plenty of kisses and nuzzles on the head
-Shinso Hitoshi-
One of his main ways of showing affection is constantly offering to help you or just… be there for you, you know? Chilling with you so that you know you aren’t alone. Shinso has had to do a lot of things alone/isolated in his life, and he never, ever wants you to feel like that. So even if he’s not actively talking, helping you, or being affectionate, he just wants you to know he’s there
In general, he shows affection by doing things for you. Making you meals, helping with chores, reviewing notes with you, etc. He doesn’t over-do it, of course. He lets you do things alone if he thinks you’d prefer it or if you directly ask. His goal in helping is as simple as that — to help. And if his assistance is more frustrating than helpful, he’ll understand and back off
Also, I feel like respecting the hell out of you is one of his big ways of showing affection? He doesn’t ever baby you, underestimate you, etc. He never even jokingly talks about pushing past your boundaries, because once you set them, he views them as law
A lot of his affection is low-key things like that. Sweet and not super obvious until you take a closer look
Cuddling. Most of his physical affection is kept in private, and cuddling happens to be one of his favorite ways of showing how much he loves you
Helping you achieve your goals, because he wants the two of you to succeed together
Taking your mind off things that you don’t like. For example, if you’re going for a morning run that you absolutely despise, he’ll strike up a conversation about a movie you really like. Or if there’s a test you can’t stop freaking out over, he’ll start playing one of your favorite songs to make you chill
If you ever have a problem, he thinks really hard on it because he wants to give you 100% honest and helpful advice
… he’d make a playlist for you. Or something super personalized like that for you, where he’d keep it secret for ages and pay attention to every little detail
-Mirio Togata-
Compliments are a big thing for him :) there are just so many great things about you, and he can’t resist pointing them out! He doesn’t want you to ever be insecure or doubt his love! Plus, he’s very observant, so he can notice things like hair cuts, new clothes, a good grade, etc quite quickly
And they’re not just quick “cute outfit!” compliments, they’re more like “wow, that looks amazing on you! It was such a good idea to pair that together, and the new necklace brings out your eyes so well!”
Insecurities have been punted out of the chat
Pda. LOTS of pda. It is literally impossible to not know you two are dating smh
Hand holding, random hugs, scooping you up whenever, finding random excuses to have you sit on his lap, cuddling with you, fiddling with your hair and clothes, etc.
Paying really close attention to things you like/things about you and being 100% prepared for them. Birthday? He’s memorized it since before you two were even dating. Holidays? Already has plans. Release date of a movie you’re looking forward to? Calendar cleared, popcorn bought
Throws “love you!” into every good-bye, just to make sure you know and maybe embaress you too
Making you laugh
Pet names, some sweet ones like honey and dear, and more goofy ones based on inside jokes between the two of you
He randomly pops in on you to see what’s up :) like you’re studying, minding your own business, and then Mirio’s popping in through the floor and asking if you want some help with laundry. You woke up literally two seconds ago, and there’s Mirio’s head poking out of the bed and asking if you want coffee. This one could get a bit annoying, and if it is, he’ll try to chill out and at least knock before barging in
He just loves spending time with you so, so much. Most things you do are pretty casual, but they never fail to make his day
Mirio also shows affection through photos. He has,,, SO many photos of you (not in a weird way, as most were taken with you well aware of them). And then he’ll do cute stuff like hang them up in his room and make them his phone background
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