#he's living on borrowed time
frownyalfred · 1 month
Imagining Alfred's horror the first time he has to send out the batmobile to Crime Alley
1. Because him having to send it out means His Boy is hurt enough he can't make it back on his own
And 2. Because it's Crime Alley, and the petrified thought of losing Bruce where he lost Thomas and Martha
I've always thought that Bruce bleeding out in Crime Alley decades later would be very poetic for Gotham. Maybe when the city thinks he's given enough, fought long enough, he has to go where he was always meant to be -- into death, with his parents.
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black-and-yellow · 2 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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i love your hua cheng design so dearly
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Thinking about Caleb and how so much of his story ends with him finding meaning in the temporary.
He spent so long chasing a way to bring his parents back, but in the end he had to accept that they were gone. They were temporary. He has his memories of them now, but that’s all. And he has to find peace with that and find a way to remember them fondly, even though they’re gone now, truly and completely.
He and Essek love each other dearly, but there will come a day when he will have lived his life and grown old and Essek will still be Essek. But even so, every moment they spend together is still meaningful. Even if it ends, it means something.
Just. Caleb and loving things even when they won’t last. Maybe because they won’t last.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Immortal Danny meets his Families Reincarnations after years
So, Immortal Danny had to suffer through the deaths of his friends and family. For some reason, they never became Ghosts in the Zone, but he has kept looking for them in the Zone for centuries.
Then, one day, Clockwork come to him and explains that his Friends have all been Reincarnated. Due to them having died peaceful deaths, there weren't enough emotions to be turned into Ghosts, instead their souls were Reincarnated due to the amount of Ectoplasm in their bodies.
Danny goes to the Universe where they were Reincarnated, and finds that they all ended up reincarnating in a similar time-frame and location, and all ended up meeting eachother again.
His family and friends Reincarnated as the Bat Family
Bruce is actually the reincarnation of Jack Fenton, and while he is still a much better driver than before, Alfred prefers life thank you very much. He uses his Tech Know-How to build all his Bat-Gear. Hall also freakishly strong, and he isn't a Meta, so he has always been a little confused about that. His lingering guilt at being a bad dad in his past life leads him to be as great a dad as he can in this one.
Maddie Fenton is now Selena Kyle, using her natural athletic expertise and genius level technical know-how to steal artifacts from museums better than her canon counterpart ever could. She has always felt a connection to Batman for some reason, and flirted constantly.
Jazz became Barbra Gordan, and she is just as much a psychologist in this life as the last, but she uses it for Crime solving instead. I'm just going to say that she was officially adopted without Comissioner Gordans knowledge. He is not happy when he finds out that his daughter is legally shared by him and bruce.
Sam became Cassandra Cain, who for some reason has new Plant Powers reminiscent of Poison Ivy. Her soul is still technically that of the "Daughter of Undergrowth", so she gets her plant powers even in death. She now considers Poison Ivy her new sister for some reason. She is also still a Vegan.
Tucker is now Duke Thomas, who is confused as to why he seemingly has Egyptian Magic alongside his own Meta Abilities all of a sudden. He also has a talent for Coding and Hacking that could rival every other member of their family.
Tim used to be Wes, who befriended Danny after a while in his old life. He uses his smarts to figure out Batman is Bruce Wayne, and becomes the second Robin.
Dick was Dash, who mellowed out and became a good friend to Danny a while after the end of the series. In his new life, he is much kinder to everybody around him, as a remnant of his guilt for being so mean in his past life. It's alsowwhy he became a Cop.
Jason is undecided. Maybe he is still a friend to Danny, but he met him when he died and Danny found him while wandering. He considered him a little brother before he was resurrected and lost his memories. Or maybe he was another of Danny's friends, idk.
Alfred used to be Mr Lancer, and he has always had a weird talent for dealing with chaotic and freakishly strong teenagers. He also has a Love for helping children down on their luck.
Steph could have been Star, who rekindled her friendship with Danny after a few years as well. I honestly just like the idea of Danny's bullies becoming his friends after getting their life together.
I don't know about many of the others
This could then go 2 ways
Option 1:
When Danny discovers that his Family has all Reincarnated, he decides to Reincarnate as well to be with them again. With the help of Clockwork, he becomes Damian Al Ghul, born only a little time after his other family and friends.
He makes it so that he will slowly regain his memories and powers over his lifetime until he hits the age of 14, the age he was when he died.
The other Batfamily Members are confused, because Damian all of a sudden called a Family Meeting, and began telling them a story about how they were all the reincarnations of the mortal friends and family of the Ghost King. And that he is the Ghost King as well.
And it makes sense for some reason, they have all had vivid dreams of past lives, or skills and abilities that they don't remember picking up.
They slowly accept his story and the story continues from there.
Option 2:
Danny just goes directly to them after figuring it out, and the Batclan is suddenly visited by the God King of the Afterlife shouting about how he finally found his family.
Danny is just happy to be there, while the others are looking at bruce like "Oh my god, his Adoption Addiction has gotten so strong that the souls of the dead are being adopted by him"
And Danny is meeting his new brother Damian.
Or, Bonus Option
Danny goes to meet with them, then Damian walks in and pulls him aside. Tells him to ask for Clockwork to Reincarnate him, and pushes him through a portal.
A combination where Danny meets them, and then after he meets them goes back in time and Reincarnates himself as Damian.
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quicklings · 8 months
don't get me wrong, i need happy endings when they fit, but gOD does the tragedy of the ravening war scratch that particular itch that i need when i want carthasis instead of comfort. i'm so grateful that matt mercer chose a setting that literally couldn't have ended in wholesome conclusion, because that's what d20 veers towards by default any other time.
i love the ravening war so much, i just wanna gobble it up and keep it in my soul forever.
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astrarche-x · 28 days
thinking about how we never have an actual flashback from the Ouyang clan execution and how that adds to the unreliability of Ouyang's narrative about his life and death. [sorry, long rant incoming bc i have feels]
Especially in regards to the scene when Ouyang is tasked with execution of Zhang Jr.: he thinks that he willingly chose to avenge his father and to bear the suffering of his fate when he was 10. But did he?
''He was giving him a chance for his death to have meaning. He should be grateful", he thinks in regard to Zhang Jr. So did he himself just stay alive for his death to have meaning? Or - what I suspect - did he just invent all this a posteriori to justify his will to live?
Apart from the fact that the scene with Ouyang killing Zhang Jr. is one of the most memorable in HWDTW for me for the layers that it has, it highlights one of the most fascinating facets of Ouyang: his will to live vs. his deathwish.
Obviously as his whole arc is about falling downhill, we as readers don't see much of the former, while the latter is in abundance especially in HWDTW. But nevertheless this tension is very much there.
As I said, we don't see - even through Ouyang's eyes - what went down that fateful day of the massacre; did he really beg for his life to avenge his family or just for the sake of it. But personally - I'm betting for the latter. Like, come on, he was 10 AND - more importantly - he DIDN'T know that Chaghan would have him castrated as he begged for mercy. He had no idea what the consequences would be. He might have thought about revenge; it's evident that even at 10 yo, the masculine ideals were already drilled into him. But he DIDN'T choose that with full awareness; it's something he told himself over the years to justify his will to live.
And I think this is the deepest root of his shame: that he so desperately wanted to live he could do anything. Him being an eunuch was shameful too, but not so much as the fact that he PREFERS it to being dead. This is what Chaghan calls him out on and this is why the scolding is such a turning point (something I didn't catch at first): Ouyang realizes that if he wants to live free of shame and justify his existence, he must have his revenge. But to do that - ironically - he must destroy himself.
The excuse he came up with over the years to make up for his will to live is that he is a tool of revenge; he is allowed to exist as long as he is this tool. Where the tragedy lies is that he never allowed himself to imagine that he could exist after his revenge is complete. Which is, I think, part of the reason why it took him so long to start plotting it: he wanted to live. He wanted to be with Esen. (The passage "He felt a surge of hatred towards the monk. [...] Without him, how much longer might Ouyang have had with Esen?" is one of the most heartbreaking in SWBTS imo). And I think that deep down he didn't even think his revenge was actually doable.
"[...] the monk had triggered the start of his journey towards his purpose. He couldn’t find it in himself to be grateful. It felt like a violation. A theft of something he hadn’t been ready to give up. Not innocence, exactly, but the limbo in which he could still fool himself that other futures were possible."
I think that these ''other futures'' were futures in which the opportunity for revenge never came; not so much as in ''his enemies were dead by other means'', but as in "Ouyang kept waiting but he just didn't get to meet the Khan" etc. And I think that in his mind, it would have been the best possible option - he could keep on living, waiting for the opportunity that somehow never came, but hey, his excuse of being a tool for revenge was still valid, right?? nobody could tell him that he didn't want it or forgot! he just didn't have the opportunity! oh, such bad luck, sorry not sorry. (And one day he would have died on the battlefield, possibly in Esen's arms, and it would be the best life he could have imagined).
But Zhu gives him the opportunity and he feels he must act on it, which means that his excuse for existing will soon be no longer valid, and it makes him so angry. I still don't get why he couldn't imagine a life after revenge; possibly because despite everything he LIKED this life - or, at least, liked it more than the alternative. Revenge meant destroying everything he enjoyed: his life as a general of the Yuan, and - more importantly - Esen. He probably didn't imagine a life for himself after revenge not only because he thought himself a tool to be discarded, but also because he didn't see in there anything worth living for. And this is when his deathwish comes in. It practically appears as soon as Esen is dead; and the rest is history, with Ouyang's ''I have to live because I must have my revenge and I sacrificed too much for it to walk away now!". But still, it strikes me how at the beginning of SWBTS he's clinging to life as he knows it despite it not being ideal, and how in HWDTW he is awaiting death eagerly.
And - circling back to Zhang Jr. - this is why Ouyang kills the boy: for Zhu it might have been tying up loose ends, but Ouyang at this point sees that staying alive wasn't worth it. He does what is better for the boy in his opinion; he even lets him die with honour, something he himself wants. He wishes he had chosen death all these years ago.
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fluffle-writes · 4 days
I wanna. Pick them up in my mouth and shake 'em around like a dog obliterating a squeaky toy
#you can tag anyone you feel this way about but I was thinking about Rook hunt in particular#tbh I feel like he'd picture the same - just with Vil and Neige#he wanta his oshis to be besties (he is just lime me fr) (just a liiiittle furyher frim reality)#(I view neigexVil as nore of a crackship until we get more Neige development/lore)#(our queen Vil doesn't deserve to be genuinely shipped with someone who's kinda 2D rn.#But I respect people who flesh out neige with headcanons - they write the dynamics realy well tbh)#(hopefully we get more RSA development at some point I think that'd be cool)#(plus I'd cry if TWST just. stopped. after the last NRC OB)#(I mean it'd make sense aince that's where the story is based and it'll probably end once Yuu finds a way home#- which feels close now thanks to Ortho)#(But at the same time I. have been following this since it first came out when I was about 16 - same age as the first year squad lol)#(and I feel like it'd feel weird if we stopped getting main story updates)#(Im rambling a LOT lol - probably because I'm tipsy haha)#(hope someone can relate to my lamenting of future woes though)#(Oh well - I should atop borrowing sorrow from the future and live joyfully with the now)#(I do miss my friends who've stopped being in the fandom though - and my friends who deactivated and idk how to contact now)#(sugarandmelody... zacrazyvalentine... I miss them. but we had fun#writing and stuff. and I suppose that's what matters in the end. that we had fun.)#at least - I hope they had fun too. and I kinda hope they think about me how I think of them sometimes.#have a nice day if you're reading this. I rambled in the tags a while and I understand that it's kinda long lol.#and probably riddled with typos#I'm tearing up for some reason haha. well it is what it is#I hope each and every one of my followers know how amazing they are - I hope y'all have a wonderful day - evening - or night#I wish I could hug people across the internet lol#I should stop posting on tumblr while drinky haha#tw drunk#tw drinking#i'll tag it just in case#don't wanna cause discomfort and stuff
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thefarminggoblin · 2 years
Can’t sleep, daydreaming about a first kiss with Ukitake.
This was intended to be just a short little set of headcanons but once again turned into a whole scenario.
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Picture this: spending the evening drinking tea and snacking with both Ukitake and Kyoraku (who would be drinking sake…), after an a major event like Byakuya or Kaien’s wedding by having your own little intimate celebration/after party together.
Fireflies are dancing around, the full moon is out and the gentle chirping of crickets and other insects accompany everyone’s laughter as Ukitake wins yet another round of Shogi - making Kyoraku pout. It’s been a good day for Ukitake, not a single cough or feeling of unease, so he intends to make the most out of every second.
Kyoraku stands and stretches, yawning loudly, “Well, that’s probably enough for me tonight. I’ve got work to do in the world of the living tomorrow, so I can’t really risk a hangover.”
You smirk, “You’re not leaving because you’re sore about losing are you?”
He chuckles, “Naaaah. Lisa will have my head if I stay too much longer. I don’t want to risk being scolded.” He smirks, a twinkle of mischief in his eye, “Plus the eyes you two have been making at each other all night is starting to make me feel a little intrusive.”
Ukitake chokes on his tea, spluttering and coughing as you feel your face heat up, even as you quickly move to his side to rub his back, hoping this hasn’t triggered a coughing fit, “What do you mean “eyes your two are making?!” What eyes?!”
He laughs loudly, “I’ll leave you two alone to figure it out. Goodnight!” And then he’s gone, disappearing right in front of you as he uses his shunpo to leave.
Once Ukitake has recovered, he straightens himself up and takes a sip of tea to clear his throat, a wry expression on his face, “Cheeky bastard.”
You laugh, “Has he always been so shameless?”
He sets the cup down and huffs a laugh, “In our academy days, yes. But he’s never really teased me so brazenly over…” he shakes his head, taking another sip of his tea.
Your heart quickens, and suddenly you are keenly aware of how closely to two of you are sitting.
“Over…?” You have a feeling that the two of you would eventually have this conversation - you’d been flirting with each other over the past few months, mostly just lingering gazes during meetings, lingering touches when you pass things to each other, and more compliments than usual on each other’s appearances that could be interpreted as mere friendship. Today was no exception: you’d sat next to him the entire evening at the wedding celebration, and over the course of the night the two of you had gravitated towards each other, your sides eventually touching. And neither of you had made to move away or mention it. And as he helped you stand up - ever the gentleman - he did not let go of your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles, and looked as though he was about to say something. Then Kyoraku had appeared suddenly from out of nowhere and suggested you continue the celebration together. You didn’t miss his shoulders slumping over in obvious disappointment as he let go of your hand and lead the way to his quarters.
Now, the soft light from the fireflies and the moon illuminates his handsome face. You notice that his cheeks have darkened noticeably as he turns to face you. His gaze seems a little conflicted as his lips are drawn in a thin line. That same expression from earlier, but more determined.
With a soft sigh, he takes your hand in his and gives you a small smile, “Is it not obvious?”
You move a little closer to him, your eyes searching his face, “Maybe, maybe not.”
His face moves even closer to yours, his eyes half lidded and glancing rapidly between your eyes and lips. His lips are mere inches away from your own he whispers, “Allow me to make things a little clearer for you, then…”
He closes the short distance between you and delicately brushes his lips across yours, enough for it to barely be considered a kiss - it’s like he’s gauging your reaction, preparing to pull away if he senses the slightest amount of discomfort. When you don’t pull away, he pushes his lips against yours ever so gently and brings a hand up to brush his knuckles against your cheek, so soft it feels like a butterfly has landed on your face.
It would be such a slow, tender, intimate kiss. With him gently and rhythmically guiding your movements. It wouldn’t get too heated. It would be one of those kisses that makes your heart ache with longing, but neither of you would want to ruin the sweet and tender moment by giving in to your baser instincts. It would be more about intimacy and being close to each other.
It would turn into an opened mouth kiss and there would be tongues involved - because intimacy and being as close as possible to you is a huge thing for him and he wouldn’t be able to help himself - but only very fleetingly. The second your lips shift to openly glide over each other’s, he’d shakily sigh into your mouth, maybe even whisper your name.
He would only really swipe his tongue over your lips as he moves. Not venturing too deeply, nothing too tame, but somewhere right in the middle. He’d alternate between caressing and cupping your face with one hand to gently cupping the back your neck and slowly stroking your hairline. The other hand would be splayed across the small of your back. He wouldn’t be forceful at all. His hands wouldn’t be pulling you in; it would be more like he’s wanting to enjoy and appreciate the feel of your skin/body against his. Just relishing the intimacy of the moment.
It wouldn’t be a short affair. He wants to take his time with you, and his sweet yet sensual kisses are addicting. Ukitake would slowly glide his lips over yours, letting out little sighs, gasps, tiny moans and even some breathy chuckles if you decide to playfully tease him by giving him soft pecks, retaliating by kissing the corner of your mouth occasionally.
He’d eventually pull away with a shuddering breath before pressing gentle kisses to your cheek, overcome with emotion. He’d kiss the tip of your nose and forehead before resting his forehead on yours, nuzzling your noses together.
If you cup his face, he’d nuzzle into it and kiss your palm, then take your hand in his and kiss down to your wrist before intertwining your fingers with his.
There’s be no words after. There would be no need. Just gentle gazes, smiles and touches. It’s pretty clear that you both feel the same. He’d eventually move you around to sit in front of him with your back against his chest and him holding you from behind, alternating between slowly running his hands up and down your arms, wrapping his own around your waist and taking your hands and intertwining them as you watch the fireflies together, enjoying each other’s presence. He’d occasionally press kisses to the top of your head, and if you lean back and rest your head on his shoulder, he’d kiss your temple too.
He’d walk you back to your room, and kiss you goodbye in the same way. Slowly. Tenderly. Longingly.
He’d kiss you on the back of the hand and give you a soft look (much like the accompanying screen cap for this post), his soft brown eyes shining with happiness, before saying a simple “goodnight” and using his shunpo to leave.
Your lips tingle for hours afterwards, your heart still racing, wondering if he, too, is laying awake, overcome with emotion.
And you’d be right.
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whumpy-wyrms · 1 month
thinking about an au where Dew is a borrower and he got his name from the little dew drops on the leaves…
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 months
You know something I am really sad about is how the TARDIS interior changed for tenteen. It would have been a whole different story if the clothes had been normal but like this? Everthing the Doctor was just vanished and got replaced. The screwdriver coming out of nothing? The outfit? A new fancy TARDIS?
10 kept the TARDIS from 9 and 12 from 11. 13 had to fight to get her TARDIS back and built herself a new screwdriver in the meantime. 11 had to let her recalibrate until she was usable again and gave him a new screwdriver (? I think ? Don't quite remember where he got the sonic) All of them CHOSE their new outfit and had a whole thing where they searched for it.
And tenteen just gets all those things like this, appearing in his lap. Which is convenient, sure, but I feel like he really lost the identification process on the way. Maybe not as important for him as he knows the body and mind and companion already (in theory) but like, I am not surprised he is going through it like this. He just wanted to hang on to Yaz, wasn't allowed that, lost her, decided she was gonna be excited for change, didn't really get change either and then everything they could hold onto as part of their last identity, everything that was theirs to let go off, just got ripped out of his hands replaced with a weird mixture of 'look how new and nice and shiny' and 'isn't that lovely reminiscent of 4 bodies ago'. No wonder they are running on their gingiva*, I would be so lost and disoriented in his place.
And then obviously from a meta pov I dislike that 15 is apparently copying tenteen's TARDIS now. We got a scene of tenteen exploring the new TARDIS and being excited but for 15 he has already had 1.5 adventures with her. And while we couldn't put tenteen into the old clothes it was okay to put 15 in underwear? Wouldn't it have made much more sense to have the weird clothes' thing happen with the mitosis regeneration? (like, I wouldn't have liked that either but it is a little weird how tenteen got a full suit and 15 got the bare minimum)
And I hate how it feels like every part that made the Doctor 13 got erased as quickly as possible. Luckily, there were a few references at least - if no one got me I know the psychic paper got me <3 - and I GET why the fam didn't show up in the puppet show but like, couldn't you have left tenteen the TARDIS interior at least? I am sure Donna would have liked the crystal columns <3
It feels very rtd to have tenteen showered with gifts he can't even want and that are way too much while others are erased or overshadowed by him and get the leftovers.
On a similar note, I was also direly missing post-regeneration haze for both of them. Who knows (well people who have watched the Christmas special, I guess), maybe that's yet to come for 15? But like how are they supposed to function without running about without a clue and passing out every 5s for a day or two?
*German expression, means to be on one's last legs
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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The One You've Been Waiting For
↳ Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger - Burai - DragonRanger
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terresdebrume · 1 month
Currently watching episode 75 of the Mighty Nein and I just really want to see Liam's piloting guide for Caleb really bad tbh
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ravencromwell · 2 months
"Somewhere I Have Never Traveled, Gladly Beyond" by E. E. Cummings
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which i cannot touch because they are too near your slightest look easily will unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers, you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens (touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose or if your wish be to close me, i and my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly, as when the heart of this flower imagines the snow carefully everywhere descending; nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals the power of your intense fragility: whose texture compels me with the colour of its countries, rendering death and forever with each breathing (i do not know what it is about you that closes and opens; only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses) nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
its important to watch a new movie or read a new book sometimes. largely because 1) its nice to experience all the art this world has to offer but also 2) you might be able to find new scenarios to imagine your OCs in
#it gets the cogs turning if ur imaginary scenarios get stale#wait did anyone else do this. when i was a kid i played with my toys in the very storytelling heavy style#like every toy was a character type thing. ten million large spanning melodramatic stories of epic proportions with my littlest pet shops#like that was the type of play i liked. and i would#sit in front of the TV with whatever playing half watching cartoons#or watching some kids movie on vhs borrowed from the library back when they still had tapes#and the whole time i would be playing with my toys. seeming more engrossed in the story among my toys than the movie i was watching#but i WAS watching the movie i was just using it largely as a. jumping off point. to make up stories about like#my lps cat who can see ghosts and her search for her long lost twin sister or something#Oh god and when i was a little older like 10 years old making ms paint animations age#whenever i was watching a movie with like famiy or in class or whatever and maybe it was a little boring at parts#i would like. start focusing on the score only and just imagine my own sparklewolf OCs to it instead of paying attention#my dad often fondly remembers watching avatar in theatres with the whole family and looking over to me and seeing me mentally GONE hfkjdfhs#mother and older brother were pretty engrossed with the effects and visuals and i was like. eyes glazed over staring into space#imagining blue wolves with anime hair like :) my dad thought it was very funny. he cant judge the reason he was looking around was because#often hes more interested in watching other people react to a movie than the movie itself LOL we are cut from similar cloths..#i still dont remember a thing about that movie. but the score wasnt bad HJKDBJFKLSHJFDs#but yeah i dunno. watch a horror movie. think about putting your ocs through the horrors. thats how ive lived my entire life
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skloomdumpster · 11 months
thinking about an Andreas who's living on borrowed time on season two.
An Andreas who accepted he'd kill Saul or be killed. An Andreas who was ready to give in when he felt the blade to his heart and had to rearrange his life and morals to open space for Beatrix.
An Andreas whose sixteen years were won solely on how useful he was to Beatrix.
He gets more out of it than he bargained for. He got his sixteen years and then he got to win, a victory that had long slipped between fingers, a mission that got derailed the minute Beatrix called him dad. He got to see Sky again. He got to see Sky and find out he did die sixteen years before.
An Andreas who is so ready to give it all up for Beatrix, because it's borrowed time. He got more than he ever expected.
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