craftinginsanity · 7 months
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and what if i cried
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elven-kisses · 1 year
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foxxology · 2 years
thinking about the moment in sausaged new episode where he says he actually recognises ren from somewhere
and how ren came out of a long dead king’s grave across from one marked with mythicalsausage
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flezhcore · 2 years
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swamp-chicken · 1 year
smooching in sanctuary ft. mythical sausage and jimmy solidarity, by oli theorionsound
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I love this week's hermitcraft recap!
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The news style video with then going to people and asking them questions! Oh it's just so great!
I already thought it was so funny with doc calling pix the news on twitter since he said
"It will be on the news now."
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Just great fun! I'm so excited to see IJevin see his new child, impulse work on his shop, and Joel somehow making more kids!
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acidhermit · 2 years
Cub is camera shy ☺️ 🙈
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lost-in-the-lore · 4 months
I like to think that the lore reason why Joel is on hermitcraft is because the hermpires rift reopened for a second to let One Very Special Little Guy in and that’s how Skizz got through
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salemoleander · 2 years
Cleo + Jevin, AKA: who needs enemies when you have friends!
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djts-arts · 2 years
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deityoftherain · 6 months
isn't that jimmy's hat? - Ranchers during Hermpires Rift Fanfic
Rating: Teen
Relationship: M/M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Status: Completed Oneshot
Word Count: 2,751
Summary: Tango accidentally grabs Jimmy's hat when trying to grab the hat Shubble gave him and puts it on... oops?
Click here to read on Tumblr
@gumzau MADE ME A ABSOLUTELY STUNNING COMIC FOR THIS GO CHECK IT OUT https://www.tumblr.com/gumzau/748128729759399936/isnt-that-jimmys-hat-deityoftherain-empires
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mcytthings · 2 years
//spoilers for Cub's latest ep
POV: You are getting Cured™
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foxxology · 2 years
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a doodle page i did of the first week of the hc x empires crossover
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kasylikeskiwi · 2 years
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Just follow my yellow light, and ignore all those big warning signs
- Yellow Light by Of Monsters And Men
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kelp-my-beloved · 2 years
What the hell is going on with False
[EDIT: This is no longer up to date, and has insted been suplanted by this post]
As the title says, I'm trying to get to the bottom of False's lore. I divided all my questions into ten points that I think sumarises the mistery in a satisfactory way.
This is also 90% so I can have some sort of structure when making any theory. If you notice something missing or want to add literally anything, feel free to let me know or make your own adition
So, first of all. In my opinion, for a theory to be strong, it has to answer at least most of the ten main questions:
Dead Guy's Clothes: This one is about that corpse e!False found in episode three and stole their clothes. Besides them, in the pile there was also bones and raw beef. Where did they come from? Why are they dead?
Those Weird Signs: Here's a post with all the signs. Who put them there? What do they mean?
Pumpkin Jack: Our favourite suspicious pumpkin. He was seen outside of Goblan, too, and appeared to False for the first time in episode 4. On episode 9 False put him in jail for Scary Crimes, and on episode 10 he was found being murdered. He was put in a field, where he stayed, and on episode 12 he got Buff after eating his vegetables. Sausage also claims to have seen many like them before, and one appeared outside Gobland. Plus, at the beggining of JoeHills hermitcraft s9e40, we see him wake up in the Tumble Town Water Thing in the bridge, no memories of how he got there, a sign saying beware of the pumpkin, three pumpkins stew, various pumpkin seeds, and saw a giant carved pumpkin at the end of the bridge. Wether or not it's connected is up to your interpretation.
e!False Murders: What the hell False. She killed Pixlriffs with an amnesia potion, and is heavily implied she did the same to Jevin (she threw an amnesia potion at him while he stayed in her room, after which he woke up on a different place and no memory of the fact. On False's video, we also see the same room filled with redstone/blood. This clip is shown before the one where she invites Jevin to stay, and the next morning False can't find Jevin, and tells herself he must have left on his own. Wheter this is an unreliable narrator stuff or the blood is somebody else's is unclear. Also, it's important to note that Jevin is literally a blue piece of slime. Wether this implies that it can't be Jevin's blood or that it's hard to recreate a murder scene in minecraft is unclear). False is also shown placing a sign on the hermit area to invite them to stay at her tavern, and it's implied that that's why Jevin went to stay there
h!False and e!False: Funky Lore Stuff. h!False knew of e!False, but e!False seems to not know about h!False. h!False called the other one dangerous, and is spying on her to make sure she isn't doing anything bad. e!False had a flashback at some point, where a False is shown looking at the camera, talking about wheter or not something worked, and that she had never wiped someone's memory before. There's also the fact that while e!False is having "brain glitches", a high static/electricity noise can be heard, and after them the sound of a clock ticking.
Gathered Resources: Now and then, resources that e!False's need appear out of nowhere. In one ocassion, they were placed in chests with a sign that said "you're welcome". They were the resources needed to build the ship she had dreamnt about.
Glitch/Flashback/Vision: There was a post that tumblr will not let me find that disected the clip beautifully. Point is, we see a False looking at the camera, claiming that she has never wiped anybody's memory before so she's not sure if it worked. See 5 for more details. Ep 14 had a whole cake of vision's lore, in which we see a False captured in a cage, working behind a desk somewhere, and observing someone in a cage. For more details see the wiki
Rift and Tower shock: Whenever a False is near something she shouldnt be, she gets shocked, even if the material can't carry electricity (eg wood). This happened to e!False when she tried to check on h!False's spy tower, and to h!False when she tried to get near the rift over at hermitcraft before the travel happened.
Where did e!False come from?: This one is probably very related to (5). At the begining of the season, we see what she described as "home" being a small room with a bed and nightstand, with windows we can'tsee through, and an iron door that she uses at the end of the clip to get out, though it's barely shown. Whether or not this is a holding cell depends on how much you want to stretch it. This also has to do with how she appeared in empires. Once again, ep 14 has a whole cake of lore. For vague details see 7, for extended ones visit the wiki
Memory potions: Who made them? How long did False had them? Did she only use them on Jevin and Pix? What are they for? See: JoeHills ep40, detailed in point 3. Also, both of them had recently been on an ancient city, and is shown on Pix's video that he is missing his Lore Compass, though the reason why Jevin went to stay at Cogsmead was a sign inviting any hermit in their area. On ep 14, e!False comments that maybe she should make some sleeping potions for her bad dreams, instead of the 'kind she's been making'.
Also, credits to @maple-cloak and @moth-ed-man for pointing out a few details I missed! I added them after posting
New note: Im updating this post as new information comes, but there's a limit of what i can reasonable put in it. If I dont cover something completely, I'll put where one can get the full picture besides watching False's whole season.
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cr0wnedraven · 1 year
The deputy of tumble town, Scar
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