#hero captured
chaotic-orphan · 18 days
hello, could you please continue the heroic betrayal story? i really want to see supervillain and what theyre all about and if hero joins their side or flynn lets them go!!!!
Heroic betrayal (7)
Part one here
Continued from here
“You must let me show you where you’ll be staying, Hero,” said Supervillain, releasing the chains on Hero’s cuffs and stepping back away from them. Hero narrowed their eyes into a glare, keeping their hands close to their chest as they blinked at Supervillain.
“What do you mean, where I’ll be staying?” They snapped. Supervillain tilted his head as he regarded Hero, a small smile on his lips.
He shrugged. A gesture that should have conveyed a casual thing, but Hero saw right through it. “You can stay in the cellar if you like, though I’d say a bed would be far more comfortable.”
“I’d rather you let me go, or keep our contact to a minimum,” Hero told him. What the hell was he talking about, keeping Hero here? Forcing them to stay? They couldn’t… their brain wouldn’t let them comprehend exactly what this meant. The words just kept repeating in their mind drowning out all sense and reason:
Where you’ll be staying…
Supervillain had planned this, every detail, and Hero didn’t notice. They didn’t know, they didn’t see. Supervillain didn’t let a hint slip about this! Taking Hero captive and not letting them go, and it – though Hero would never admit it – it terrified them.
What if they weren’t as good as a detective as they thought they were? What if… Hero’s eyes studied Supervillain’s face. What if they had only seen what Supervillain wanted them to see?
Supervillain hummed thoughtfully, hands going behind his back. “I’ll show you the room anyways. Give you the tour while we’re at it. We’ll see if you have a change of heart.”
Hero’s nostrils flared as Supervillain turned his back and opened the door Hero initially came through. Supervillain’s knowing smirk remained on his face as he glanced back at Hero. “Come along now, I’m not a patient man.”
“I’d rather stay right here,” Hero told him, voice low. A pathetic attempt at stubbornness. Supervillain inclined his head.
“You can walk out the door, Hero, or be dragged out. Either way, you won’t be staying here. Would you like to keep your dignity intact?” He asked, his tone light and charismatic, his words anything but. Hero hated the way he spoke as if everything was certain. As if he could control everything and it would all work out his way.
Though what Hero hated more was the fact that they knew it was better to comply than to rile him up, so they stood and walked through the door Supervillain held open. They turned their head, looking down the long hallway to their right, where Flynn and Villain were. The door at the end of the hall must be where the kitchen is, but beyond that Hero didn’t know.
Maybe it would be better to know the layout of the house, Hero mused, they could plan their escape more effectively if Supervillain was stupid enough to offer a tour.  Supervillain, instead of turning towards the kitchen, went left, back the way Hero and Flynn came, back towards the cellar.
Hero followed Supervillain cautiously, one eye tracking his figure, the other careful to take note of the layout and the route back to the kitchen if they needed to flee on short notice.
Flee to who? To Flynn? A nasty voice mocked in their head.
At least I know what to expect with Flynn, Hero argued back.
Oh yeah… like how you knew he was a lying, backstabbing villain all this time right?
Hero bit the inside of their cheek instead of fighting with their smug, know-it-all side of their brain. At least when they tasted blood in their mouth, they could justify the pain. They could take their mind off of Flynn and the ache in their chest that they fought so hard to ignore.
Hero’s eyes zeroed in on the door to the basement as they stepped into another hallway. They were half expecting Supervillain to open it and shove them down the stairs before laughing like a cartoon villain and slamming the cellar door closed.
Instead, Supervillain walked past it, and Hero followed mutely, swallowing as they passed the cellar door. Now that it was so close, Hero really didn’t feel like going back there. Back to the cold and defenceless cot in a cell where any of them could come down and gloat.
Where Villain could come back and hurt them again and nobody would stop them.
Maybe a room would be better. At least Hero could barricade the door and break the window or something. They could have a better defensive position. Not be subject to their hosts moods when it takes them. Their nose throbbed at the thought of Villain coming down to their cell again and they shuddered.
Supervillain continued down the hall to another heavy door that looked solid and stiff. There was something strange about it, something Hero only noticed after Supervillain stopped in front of it and raised his hand to a keypad on the wall.
Hero stopped in their tracks. They didn’t want to swap one cell for another, and this one didn’t look as escapable as the cell in the basement. At least there Hero could see out all around them, except for the back wall, but a heavy metal door with an electronic lock would prove far more difficult.
There was a small beep ahead and Supervillain glanced back at Hero over his shoulder. A sly smirk graced his face when he noticed that Hero had stopped following altogether, probably standing six feet back.
“Oh Hero, that’s adorable. Are you frightened?”
“No,” Hero said a little too quickly. A denial. They both knew it. While Supervillain chuckled lightly, Hero wanted to punch themselves. “Where are we going?”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly and carnivorous all at once. “I told you; I’m giving you the tour of the house. Here,” Supervillain said, holding the door open for Hero and gesturing for Hero to walk in first. Hero’s throat went impossibly dry, as if Hero inhaled a pound of sawdust. They swallowed to try and restore some moisture in their mouth because what else could they do?
If they refused to comply, Supervillain would just drag them along anyway and there was no way they could fight back with their powers dampened and their hands cuffed in front of them. The weight of their blades on their back felt heavy in a way they never were before. They were right there… if only they could reach them.
Hero jutted their chin up, steeling their expression as they stormed forward and passed Supervillain, vowing that the moment they got free they would commission thigh braces for their daggers instead. That way they could never be in a humiliating situation like this again.
The room coming into focus drowned out Hero’s plans for new sheaths. Once inside the keypad locked room they stopped short and just stared. It was like the meeting room in the Hero headquarters, except, well… bigger. It was shaped like a hexagon with a domed ceiling that came to a point to let in some light through three skylight windows. The wall in front of Hero had two screens imbedded into it. One played the news on mute that was reporting some local event.
The two walls beside the back one had doors that led off to God knows where, but Hero’s gaze skimmed over them, and went instead to the corkboard on the wall to the left. Pictures of all the top ranked Heroes faces were pinned to the board; Superhero’s, Other Hero’s, and Hero’s were pinned to it. Tears pricked the back of Hero’s eyes when they saw Sidekick’s photo pinned to the wall too, a big red X painted over their face. Hero’s hands shook slightly at the sight… they should have never left Sidekick’s side. They should be at the hospital right now.
Instead, they were knee deep in enemy territory, on a tour of Supervillain’s house. Hero had to pull their gaze away from Sidekick’s face, to study the rest of the room, screwing their lips up tight to try and stop them from trembling.
Hero’s gaze dropped to a desk below the corkboard, where a hero scanner and comms sat, both of them were switched off for now. One Flynn must have stolen… been given. Hero’s hands tightened into fists at the sight. All this time… all this time Flynn was betraying them, betraying the Heroes and he had the nerve to be upset that Hero hated him?
Hero’s gaze flicked back up to Sidekick’s face again and they quickly turned away, looking instead to the giant circular table that dominated the middle of the room. A map of the city was printed on top of it. Hero recognised some of the marks that divided some of the city up. Territories that were occupied or controlled by different groups. Some good, some bad.
Hero stepped closer to the map table, noticing the chess pieces that were spread across it. There was a cluster of white on Hero HQ; the King, two knights, a bishop, a rook, but some other white pieces were dotted throughout the map. There were no black pieces, something Supervillain removed no doubt before Hero walked in. They couldn’t give away all their secrets.
Hero searched the table, making note of the pieces, trying to figure out who they were. A pawn was placed on top of central hospital which made Hero feel sick. They felt Supervillain step up beside them, but Hero didn’t bother to look at him.
“Should I take your silence as a good thing?”
“You can take my silence however you want,” Hero replied. Supervillain hummed beside them. He reached forward and plucked the pawn from the hospital and ran it between his fingers.
“Mmmm, does it have something to do with this?” Hero looked away from the map, lifting their head to stare at the news instead. Supervillain continued undeterred. “It is unfortunate what happened to Sidekick.”
“Don’t talk about them,” Hero snapped.
“What had to happen to them. They were interfering. Hot on Flynn’s scent, we had to dispose of—”
“Shut up,” Hero snarled, whipping their head to Supervillain, and stepping back away from him. “Stop fucking explaining everything you’re doing, or have done, to me like I want to hear your excuses!”
Supervillain cocked a brow at Hero’s outburst. He put the pawn back on top of the hospital, not taking his eyes off of Hero as he did. Hero searched Supervillain’s face, reading it for what he was thinking, and they didn’t like what they found. Realising their mistake too late they took a step back, trying to put some more space between them. Once they could put their weight on their back foot they could kick at Supervillain if he came at them.
Instead, Supervillain clasped his hands behind his back, chewing on words, looking for the best ones before he spoke. Everything was so measured. So controlled. It put Hero off, as if Supervillain was more machine than human.
His gaze wandered to the map, eyes running over everything with a critical eye. “Did you notice anything about the map?”
Hero frowned at the question, their attention turning back to the map as Supervillain walked around the table, stopping directly opposite Hero. They did a quick scan of it, their eyebrows knitting together. Did they miss something? No, they didn’t. The heroes know about the different territories. Maybe Supervillain giving away what heroes they thought were important with the chess pieces but other than that…
Hero’s eyes were drawn to the chess pieces, to the Hero HQ. King, two knights, a bishop, a rook. They saw the other rook and bishop somewhere else, but when they scanned the map again Hero realised what Supervillain was alluding to.
Hero hardened their gaze. “There’s no queen.”
“Very good,” Supervillain praised, and it felt like cockroaches crawled down the back of Hero’s neck. “The queen was far too meddlesome for my liking. Your perfect Sidekick you’ll note is still on the board, that was intentional.”
Hero raised their eyebrows at Supervillain in silent question and froze at his expression. There was no hint of anything human left in him, it was as Hero had imagined Supervillain to look like. Devoid of emotion and yet alive with a vibrant authority that made Hero want to hide away, to cower from — as if Hero was looking directly into the sun, eyes burning but they couldn’t look away.
“An incentive for you, Hero,” he said, his lips twitching up into a cold mockery of a smile. “A gift while you’re here, to make sure you follow the rules.”
Hero recoiled back a step, horror painting their features, as if Supervillain had killed a puppy in front of them and punched them at the same time instead of spoke.
“As long as you behave, well,” Supervillain continued, sea-green eyes drifting down to the pawn over central hospital. Hero’s heart thrummed in their chest and seemed to stop at Supervillain’s next words. “Let’s just say, Sidekick can remain on the board.”
Hero let out a shaky breath that was trapped in their chest, shaking their head. The chain between their cuffs rattled as their hands shook, tears pricking the back of their eyes as their gaze turned accusing and filled with a helpless-fuelled hatred.
“You— you’re threatening Sidekick’s life if I don’t do as you say?!” Hero demanded, voice teetering on the edge of hysterical.
Supervillain tilted his head, as if trying to understand Hero’s emotional response.
“I told you, Hero,” Supervillain began, walking around the table back towards Hero who was too focused on the pawn over the hospital. “We can be civil, this can be a beneficial relationship for us both. I can have you far away from the city, where I know you can’t interfere in the next stage of my plans, and you can rest easy knowing you’re saving Sidekick’s life.”
It was as if the world crumbled underneath Hero’s feet. They wanted nothing more than to collapse there and then, their body flooding with adrenaline as the weight of Supervillain’s words hit them.
It was all too much.
It all felt like too much.
Hero wanted to scream and cry, and punch something— no they wanted to punch Supervillain and Flynn because…
Hero flinched as a comforting hand came down on their shoulder, eyes widening slightly because when did Supervillain get that close.
“It’s a win-win, Hero.” Hero shrugged his hand off their shoulder and stepped back. Wet eyes filled with unshed tears met Supervillain’s sea-green eyes with a helpless kind of hatred. He smiled politely. “You’ll see,” he promised, “in time.”
Hero half expected Supervillain to gloat further, or press Hero on why they were nearly crying, maybe even be cruel and make fun of them. Supervillain walked passed Hero to the door that opened with a beep. Hero followed him with their eyes, biting the inside of their cheek and re-opening the wound.
“Let’s continue the tour, now that we have the unpleasantries out of the way.”
Hero stared at Supervillain, blinked and took a breath and started walking out the door without being prompted this time. They could feel Supervillain’s hungry gaze following them as they submitted compliantly, but what else was there to do? Now that he had threatened Sidekick, who was already in critical condition.
They wanted to be sick. After everything, Sidekick was only in hospital because Supervillain wanted to get to them. They wanted Flynn and Villain to capture Hero and bring them back here, where they— Hero swallowed the sob that threatened to climb their throat — where they would be… staying. Until Supervillain says otherwise.
It all felt so final, so formal, so decided when Hero didn’t make a decision. Supervillain was in control, that’s why he wanted to give Hero the “tour.” Not to show Hero around and let them see all the exits and escape routes, no. He wanted Hero to know that even if Hero knew the way out, even if they knew what doors would be locked and where the keys were, even if escape was within their reach — it didn’t matter.
They couldn’t leave.
If they left, Sidekick would be killed and it would be all their fault.
“Ah, Flynn,” Supervillain said behind Hero. Hero pulled themselves from their thoughts, raising their eyes to see Flynn standing at the corner between the cellar hall and hall that led to the dining room. He looked worried, his eyes not leaving Hero, who couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Perhaps you’d like to show Hero to their room?”
Hero felt Flynn’s eyes on them, searching their face, imploring them to look at Flynn but they couldn’t. Their stomach was flopping like a fish out of water, threatening to throw their dinner up any moment.
“Uh, yes. I will, thanks.”
“No problem,” Supervillain replied, mirthful as he strode past Hero and down the hall towards Flynn. He clapped a hand on Flynn’s shoulder as he passed and shot one last look over his shoulder at Hero. Hero met his gaze once, fleetingly, then turned their head away again.
Flynn was the first to move, walking closer to Hero who stood like a kicked puppy in the middle of the hall. When Supervillain turned the corner he smiled a satisfied smile to himself.
It was so easy to get Hero’s defence to crumble, and now that Hero wasn’t a threat to his plans, well… the city was about to change.
Whether it wanted to or not.
Orphanage roll-call: (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @xenlust @books-are-everything @micechomper @shywhumpauthor @aarika-merrill @xxgalgurlxx @0eggdealer @watermelonrandom @tippytappytyping @silentpotat0 @swift-perseides @gloriousqueen101 @ladygwennn @books-are-everything @isnortkoolaidpowderteehee @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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patchworkorphan · 5 months
Heroic Betrayal: part three
Read part one
Continued from this part here
They stopped at a car parked right on the edge of the park, pulled in on the other side of the road. Secluded, and remote. Villain was already on the other side of the road, and when they saw Hero and Flynn they walked around the car and opened the boot, then turned to smile at Hero.
Hero stepped back unconsciously, shaking their head. “No. No. No.”
Flynn grabbed the crook of Hero’s elbow and pulled them forward but Hero made themselves grow heavy, dead weight. Flynn’s hand slipped off Hero when they landed on their arse on the frozen muck. They pushed themselves back on their feet, trying to escape.
“No! No! Flynn don’t, please! Please don’t do this!” Hero cried. They kicked out a leg at Flynn when they came closer. “Please, please don’t put me in the trunk please.”
Flynn put a placating hand out to Villain as they crouched down in front of Hero. “I’ll make you forget,” Flynn said softly. Hero’s heart slammed against their chest as tears pooled in their water line.
“No, Flynn. You can’t. I’ll know! You can’t please, please—”
“Hero,” Flynn said, tone a little more firm. “If you drive with us in the car, I can’t trust you not to crash the car or do something stupid.”
“I—” Hero said but the words were whisked away with the hitch in their breath. They couldn’t go into the trunk. Hero reached pathetically for their power as Flynn advanced but it was silenced by the power dampeners and Hero cursed.
They didn’t notice Flynn getting closer until it was too late. Flynn wrapped a hand around Hero’s ankle and yanked them forward. Hero yelped, then screamed for “someone! Someone help! So—”
“Flynn shut them up!” Villain yelled, as Flynn grabbed each side of Hero’s head and locked their gaze on Hero’s panicked ones. Hero felt their body go numb with Flynn’s gaze alone.
“Ssh, there we go. Hero you’re going to forget the journey to Supervillain’s house. You won’t remember you were trapped in the boot the whole ride there. Tell me.”
“I won’t remember the journey to Supervillain’s house. I won’t remember being trapped in the boot.”
“Good,” Flynn said with a smile. Then he took the opportunity to get the dazed Hero to their feet and walk them over to Villain.
“It’s so creepy when you do that,” said Villain. Flynn flashed a grin in reply. Villain grabbed Hero's arm and said, “start the car. I’ll put them in the boot. Knowing you, you’d let them ride in the passenger seat in a heartbeat.”
“You’re not wrong,” Flynn laughed. He left the pair of them and walked around the car to the driver’s seat before sliding in and shutting the door. He let out a sigh as he turned the key in the ignition. He forgot Hero was claustrophobic. How could he forget that? He remembered Hero telling them that fact in confidence, during one of their late night stake outs. How scared they sounded.
He should have made them forget before they saw the car, but it was too late now anyhow. Villain climbed into the backseat where the windows were blacked out, and closed the door. Flynn put the car into drive and pulled out onto the road, as nonchalant as ever.
Continued here
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
The Joker was apprehended, sitting on the ground as Batman guarded him, but the kid--"Bruce Wayne's newest ward, how tragic! Hehehe!"--was nowhere to be found. Nightwing and Red Hood desperate searched the warehouse until a shuffling noise grabbed their attention.
A kid, black haired just like the kid in the Joker's broadcast, crawling out of a pile of boxes. "Is it over?" the boy asked quietly.
Nightwing guided him to the only exit, unfortunately walking past the boy's own kidnapper. "Yeah, kid. It's over. Come on-"
Like a shot, the boy rushed the Joker and kicked him right in the balls.
The Joker wheezed like a dying squeaky toy. Red Hood froze. Nightwing immediately snatched the boy up by the armpits, but all that did was give the boy the height to attack again, punting Joker in the jaw. The clown went down and cracked his head on the floor. He did not get back up.
There was a moment of silence before Red Hood roared with laughter, his helmet distorting the sound.
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somnimagus · 7 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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liesmultixxx · 3 months
percy jackson summarized:
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demigod-riot · 3 months
So, since the campers at Camp Half-Blood are getting older (and surviving it) and therefore more powerful and experienced I imagine Chiron would eventually have to come up with two levels of Capture the Flag. One is for everyone and the other is for 16+ demigods who've survived and succesfully completed at least three quests.
Some newbie comes
Chiron: Time for capture the flag.
Someone: Which one?
Chiron: Normal one.
*several people groan including Clarisse and Annabeth*
(Another time)
Someone: Which one?
Chiron: *defeated sigh* Advanced.
*cheers all around*
Newbie: What does it mean?
Chiron: You will see, child. You can watch with the others.
Newbie: I'm not playing?
Chiron: Not this one.
Kid quickly understands why, because advanced Capture the Flag has the same rules - no killing or maiming - and yet is somehow a slaughter. If you can’t on a regular basis dodge or at least survive six arrows, a spear, a chariot and a small tsunami/hurricane at once while fighting someone with a sword, you have no business playing.
Bonus: "Advanced for the bold ones"
It was developed after Clarisse and Percy got in a fight about how powerful and strong the Seven really are.
The rules for that are:
No killing or maiming
A group of max seven demigods against the rest
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oliversrarebooks · 10 months
listen to my Voice, hero
TW: mind control, hypnotic induction, intimate whumper, restraints, corruption
Are your bonds comfortable, Hero? I wouldn't want to cause any damage to your precious muscles and nerves. You are the city's shining hope, after all. Or at least, you have been until now.
Good, now we can have a proper chat. You can just listen carefully to everything I have to say. 
Oh, don't glare at me like that. How many times have we clashed now? And every time you manage to resist my lovely compelling Voice just enough to stop my plans, just enough so that I must escape by the skin of my teeth. You must have known it might come to this eventually, a time when my compulsions are too strong for you to fight, a time when my Voice finally brings you to your knees.
I've been training, dear hero, training especially for you. Training for you, because you're really the only one in this city worth controlling. You're better than all of them. We both know that. And I know how you feel about me, because I've seen the look in your eyes when my compulsions take hold of your pretty little mind.
No, no, be quiet. Be quiet.That's it, there you are. Oh, the delicious expression on your face when I use my Voice on you. I'll never get enough of it.
Most heroes look terrified, you know, to have their thoughts pulled out from under them, to find their body out of their control. Terrified, angry, defiant -- that's how the other heroes look. But you're different. In that moment when I weave my spell on you, when you feel your mind go hazy and your body stop obeying your commands, I see something else in your eyes. I see relief. Deep, unmistakable relief.
No, don't try to deny it. I've tangled with you too many times to be wrong about this. You're relieved when I compel you. You'd never admit it, not even to yourself, but you long for the way it feels. You long to have your choices taken away. You long to not have to make decisions. You long to not have to fight any more.
But every time, you fight. Every time, you break free of my Voice. And I can see the toll it takes on you. That's why I've been training so hard, Hero. So that you couldn't resist my Voice, wouldn't be able to break free. So that I could give you what you want more than anything. 
I've seen you, Hero. I've seen you at your best and at your lowest, haven't I? I understand you better than anyone else in the city. You know it's true. And I can see how exhausted you are. How you've been worked to the bone. How you never get to rest, never get a vacation. I even tried cutting back on my evil schemes in the hopes that you'd take a break, but all you did was pursue other villains twice as hard. 
There are deep bags under your eyes, Hero, marring your beautiful face. There's resignation in your tone that was never there before. I can't stand it, can't stand the way the city treats you. You're destroying yourself to save this ungrateful, useless population and all they do is criticize you. It makes me sick.
And I know what you do once you've defeated me and I escape back to my lair. I know you return to your cold, empty apartment, and curl up on the couch with some convenience food, trying to relax. I know how you toss and turn at night, wondering if you're doing the right thing. I know how lonely you are, Hero. I'm lonely too, you know.
I wish you could see how glassy and dazed your eyes are right now. It's beautiful. Listening to my Voice is so nice, isn't it? Yes, that's it, just relax.
Oh, your hair is so soft. I bet you haven't had a tender touch like this in a while. I saw you lean into it before you caught yourself. Let me run my hand through your hair, there's a good, relaxed hero. Is that a sleepy little smile I see? You like that, don't you?
In fact, you like all of this, don't you? You like having no choice but to relax and listen as my compelling Voice weaves a spell around you. You like the feeling as I slowly hypnotize your vulnerable mind, how your resistance slips away little by little. You've thought about this on those lonely nights, haven't you? What it would feel like if I won. What it would feel like to succumb to my hypnotic compulsions. What it would feel like if you stopped fighting and let me take charge of your mind completely.
Oh, don't struggle. Don't struggle. Relax.There it is again, that relief. My Voice feels good, doesn't it? It feels so good to have the fight taken out of you. Don't deny it, it's written all over your face.
You don't need to pretend you haven't thought about it. You somehow manage to always be the first hero on the scene whenever I try anything. Almost as if you're willing to drop anything to see me, isn't it?
But you were scared. I'm a villain, after all. I don't deny it. You must think I might hurt or humiliate you. Well, you can put all of your fears to rest, because I have no intention of that. I respect you far too much. I'm going to take good care of you, Hero. I'm going to give you the treatment you deserve. I'm going to help you relax. I'm going to take all your worries away.  It's going to feel amazing, Hero, I promise.
I'm sorry, were you trying to say something just now? Still trying to fight it? You'll have to speak up, it's too hard to hear you when you're so out of it.
"It's wrong"? Is that what you said, Hero?
No, what's wrong is how little reward you get for everything you do. That's why I had to do this, had to train my Voice to be strong enough to be irresistible even to you. Now I can reward you. I can give you everything you want, everything you need, beginning with the beautiful, relaxing oblivion of total and complete obedience.
You'll get other rewards, too, of course you will. Together we'll share in the riches of the city, bend everyone in power to our wills. It's what we both deserve. But this is your first and most important reward -- obedience. Nothing is more calm, relaxing, and peaceful than knowing you have no choice, than having every decision made for you.
And all you have to do is listen. 
I'm too strong for you now, Hero, my Voice too compelling. You're almost entirely under my spell, aren't you? I can see how drowsy you are, how my compulsions are putting your conscious mind to sleep.
Yes, that's it. You're too exhausted, Hero. Too tired. Too many nights with too little sleep. You need to rest. You need to stop fighting. You need to surrender.
No one will think any less of you. They'll see how powerful I've become, how easily I can command even the strongest and smartest. They'll realize you had no choice, that it was out of your hands. You won't need to feel guilt or shame. Everyone will know this wasn't your fault, that there was nothing you could do to prevent yourself falling under my villainous control. 
And the fact that you actually enjoy this, the fact that you long to give in so badly and fall under my hypnotic trance? That can be our little secret, Hero.
There we go. That's it, just a little more. Look into my eyes. Look nice and deep into my eyes while I stroke your hair and talk you down softly. Just like you've always dreamed of. No more fear, no more pain. Only sweet restful sleep and deep hypnotic trance. 
That's it, Hero. It's too late. You're too tired, too drowsy, too captured in my Voice to fight it. There's nothing to do. Nothing you have to do. Just feel yourself growing oh so dazed and sleepy as I weave my Voice around you. So comforting. So right. Exactly what you wanted. Exactly what you needed. Exactly where you belong. 
Tell me, Hero, tell me you want this.
That's it, that's it! Oh, how I've longed to hear those words from you. Tell me how my Voice makes you feel. Be honest.
Oh. Oh, my. That's... that's even better than I expected. Far, far better. You love my Voice that much? Oh, Hero, dear Hero, why didn't you say so before? You could have had this any time. I would have been more than happy to bring you to my lair and give you the hypnosis you deserve. You could have been listening to my Voice all day.
Well, it doesn't matter now, because now you can have my Voice all you want, stronger than it's ever been. Isn't that nice? Oh, look at you bob your drowsy head. I don't even need to compel agreement out of you. You're so deeply hypnotized, aren't you? Good, good. Good hero. 
My hero.
Now, why don't you go all the way under? Just keep listening and let your eyelids grow oh so heavy. Let those heavy eyes close. Don't open them again. That's a good hero. So obedient and docile. You're so, so beautiful to me, my drowsy, docile hero. 
Yes, docile. That's what you are, deep down inside. All your strength, all your determination to do the right thing, all of that is a mask that conceals who you really are. A docile and obedient little lamb. And no one needs to know that but me. I'll fulfill your deep craving to be hypnotized and controlled, and you can still be every bit as strong and determined when you're working under my orders. Doesn't that sound just perfect for you? 
All the way under, now, deep into hypnotic trance. Let your resistance fade, my hero. Let your mind fog. Let your mental defenses fall.
Surrender. Surrender and submit. Submit to me, just like you've always wanted.
You can finally feel that relief. You can finally take that rest. Because I have you now. You're mine. I'm in complete control now, my docile little hero. 
And I order you to feel nothing but bliss.
If you like this, you may like "the defiant princess" for more gentle, slow induction on a resisting subject.
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whump-queen · 6 months
a hero coming to a villains compound, surrendering themselves, their friends dead and gone, they’re giving up, falling to their knees, head bowed, wrists held aloft in surrender.
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honehonn3honey · 6 days
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Shouto inspired by the art of the tattoo of zilde_kitagama
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swan2swan · 5 days
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This line is one of my Absolute Favorites from this show, because it really digs right into the new world that the kids are in:
They're not kids anymore.
There's a furious man threatening harm to Bumpy and her friends, and Sammy puts herself square in the middle of the argument, turns on the charm and promises that she'll make it up to him...and when he doesn't acquiesce, she immediately turns Stern. She bluntly tells him to go home. As an adult talking to another adult.
She has her own property. Her own life. Her own world. She has authority now. The days where they're kids hiding from robots or businessmen or sneaking away from big game hunters and mercenaries are over. Sammy has land, she has responsibilities, and she's not backing down from them. Sammy Gutierrez is an adult woman, and she's going to act like one.
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ryssbelle · 7 months
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doing the missing Linktober Inktober prompts the crazy bonkers way with a SKY LINE UP
I picked and chose a few prompts not really caring to make it the right prompts for the days, and for the rest of the month I'm just gonna mix and match them (more like taking the day 29 prompts and using them tomorrow kind of mix and match)
But YEAH this was a lot of fun!! the aus i used going from left to right-top to bottom are: @bonus-links @linked-maze @linkeduniverse @limited-hero @heroesspirit and finally my own (which remains unpublished atm)
I'll leave close ups to all the guys under the cut!
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Skyward Sword stained glass
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Loft Bonus Links
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Sky Linked Maze
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Sky Linked Universe
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Sky Limited Hero
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Sky Heroes Spirit
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Sky Fractured Timelines
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Vendetta (VII)
Part one
Continued from here
I have been in Prague all week and it is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY EVER!!!! God I am so jealous of the people who live here— the food, the drinks, the people, the river, the castle, the history!!!!! Get ready for the fantasy story that has been brewing in my head since I got here… anyways!!!
Supervillain released Hero and Hero instantly retreated back away from him, backing up until their back hit the wall of Superhero’s office. Supervillain smiled at them, tilting his head as he regarded Hero like they were something interesting. A puzzle to solve.
“You… you have powers,” Hero said with a breath, barely above a whisper. Supervillain’s smile grew, his eyes darkening.
“As do you, little Hero. I guess we’re both good at keeping our hands close to our chest.”
“But you— you have never—”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly, but his eyes had this horrible intelligence. A cunning, dark knowing that made the words die on Hero’s tongue. Supervillain turned breaking eye contact and it felt like Hero could finally breathe.
Supervillain walked to Hero’s scabbard that Villain had left balanced on the wall beside the door. Hero stepped forward, not wanting Supervillain to touch their swords. They didn’t want Supervillain anywhere near them, but… but…
Hero was in Supervillain’s territory — Hero’s home, their safe haven — surrounded by villains whose orders were to bring Hero to Supervillain. How far would they get if they tried to fight Supervillain now? How would they even know if Villain was waiting behind the door with Vigilante?
The familiar shink of Hero’s sword being drawn from it’s scabbard drew their attention back to Supervillain. He was gazing down on the metal with his icy eyes, appraising it.
“How do you keep it so clean?”
The question stumped Hero, their eyebrows knitting together as they answered almost automatically. “Umm… well, I have a cloth that I wipe the blood and grime off with— and then the scabbard is lined with wool which re-oils them so they don’t rust.”
Supervillain hummed and picked up Hero’s scabbard and peered inside as if to fact check Hero as they spoke. Then he turned and smiled at Hero.
“So efficient.”
Thank you died in Hero’s throat when the realisation of who they were casually conversing with dawned on them again.
Supervillain tucked the scabbard under his arm, as he ran his fingers along the glinting metal. “We both have our weapons, Hero. You are so skilled with these beautiful things that everyone assumed you were just an adept, or powerless, or had some kind of melee enhanced ability, but you don’t. You’re just skilled as well as powered.”
Hero swallowed but remained silent, eyes fixed on Supervillain’s as his icy gaze tore from the blade and met Hero’s.
“My weapon isn’t as flashy as yours, but perhaps it requires the same amount of work to keep it sharp.” Supervillain tapped his temple with his index finger. He grabbed the scabbard with his free hand and sheathed Hero’s sword before laying it back against the wall furthest from Hero.
“What, your mind? Are you a telepath or something?”
There was a smile in Supervillain’s voice as he said, “look at you, fishing for information.” Supervillain turned back to Hero, a winning smile on his face. “My power will remain a mystery for the time being, Hero. After all that was the plan, no hints or clues until the big reveal.”
“I won’t tell.”
Supervillain barked out a laugh. “Oh Hero. You are just adorable. No,” the humour melted from Supervillain’s face, his expression fading to something more neutral, faraway. “No, I waited too long and planned every detail to ensure this all goes perfectly.”
Supervillain’s eyes snapped to Hero’s as he closed the distance between them. Hero backed up on instinct but their back hit the wall and they cursed themselves for not moving before— but it didn’t matter because Supervillain stopped a foot away, leaving Hero some space.
“You were one of the final pieces I needed to set everything else into motion.”
Hero couldn’t help the helpless anger that bubbled out of their chest. “Why me? You didn’t even know I had an ability until what, ten minutes ago?!”
Supervillain’s smile was warm. It set Hero on edge how friendly Supervillain was, how likeable. He wasn’t parading Hero around in chains (yet) and he just seemed so… humble.
“Yes, but I had a vague hunch, and you confirmed that for me when I touched you.”
Hero clenched their jaw and looked away. It was a mistake. Supervillain was in front of them with one stride and Hero’s terrified eyes went back to him, slamming a hand out to keep some distance between them. Supervillain smiled and grabbed Hero’s arm again.
He let out a soft laugh. “You can control it too, can’t you? Whether or not you use your power. I must have gotten lucky with Vigilante being taken away, your emotions ran high. I doubt you were concentrating too much on your ability.”
“What do you care.”
“You intrigue me, Hero. Trust me, if I could change the world without having to do something this drastic I would.”
“You can stop.” Supervillain’s grip tightened on Hero’s arm in warning, but it didn’t deter Hero. “You don’t have to go through with whatever you’re trying to achieve. There’s still time to stop this. Superhero—”
Supervillain scoffed and dropped Hero’s arm. “Superhero,” he repeated with a hollow laugh. “They are the very essence of why the world must change.”
Hero wanted to inquire further. To know more. To understand why Supervillain was so set on killing heroes and dragging civilians into this all out war. They wanted to dissect his brain and see why he was doing all of this. Any of this!
But a knock came on the door and Supervillain half turned his back to Hero, as if Hero wasn’t a threat and said: “Enter.”
The door opened with Supervillain still half in front of Hero, blocking their quickest exit. If Supervillain was distracted then Hero could try and vault over the desk, make it for the doorway take whatever villain was waiting on the other side.
“Grieves!” The name ran like ice through Hero’s veins, freezing their limbs in place. “What can I do for you, my friend?”
“Supervillain, I just came to report that I haven’t seen your elusive Hero anywhere.”
Hero knew Supervillain was going to step aside before he did it, exposing them to Grieves. Grieves’ smile could chill lava, but his grin was the stuff of nightmares.
“Hero… well. I guess you have the situation in hand, Supervillain.”
“I do. We can gather everyone later, I want to keep this under wraps a little while longer.”
Hero’s rage rushed out of them. “Why?! You can stop the fighting now, stop other people from getting hurt!”
Grieves’ eyes flashed at Hero’s outburst, almost making Hero flinch backwards. Almost.
“Mmm, they still need a little training. I would be only too glad to help.” Hero’s skin crawled at the threat. They remembered Teleport recalling some of the hideous things that Grieves had done to her and wanted to keep the villain as far away as possible.
Supervillain laughed. A good natured laugh, as if this was all some joke! “No. Thank you, Grieves. Not yet.”
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Hero snapped.
The two villains turned their full attention to Hero, and Hero wished they hadn’t. The amusement clear in their faces made Hero sick.
“Perhaps we should, Grieves,” said Supervillain.
Grieves nodded along. “I agree. Actually, I would love to talk about people who aren’t here, if that’s okay with your little pet Hero.”
Hero crossed their arms over their chest and looked away. They felt like a petulant child, but they weren’t going anywhere with Grieves standing in front of the door and Supervillain keeping his eyes on them.
“I didn’t find Hero, I wanted to report but I did find that little thorn in my side. You remember her, right?”
“Teleport?” Supervillain asked and Hero paled. Teleport… no, there was no way. Maybe the name was just common? But then Teleport was anything but common. But maybe it was just a coincidence— a—
“That’s her, but I also found the thorn in your side too.”
Supervillain scoffed. “Please. You found Superhero?”
“No, not that menace.”
Hero’s heart lurched in their chest. There’s no way they’re talking about Medic and Teleport, right? Granted Hero doesn’t remember the pair of them ever being apart but— they couldn’t. Hero didn’t want to believe it.
Then there was a loud pop.
Hero’s breath was stolen from their lungs. Standing dead eyed on the other side of the room was Teleport and Medic, their eyes rimmed with an eerie, ghastly red.
“No…” Hero whispered, taking an unconscious step forward. “No… Medic?”
“You did very well, Grieves. Of course, if you want to—”
Hero didn’t let Supervillain finish. They placed their palm down flat on the table and used it to springboard over, twisting their body so their boot connected with Grieves’ chest.
Grieves’ eyes flashed, and Hero heard Teleport and Medic move beside them but Hero was faster. They reached up and latched their hands around Grieves’ throat, feeling the ice flood their system at locking Grieves’ power down.
Hero slammed Grieves back against the wall with their momentum and twisted, bringing Grieves down to the ground over Hero’s hip. They were on top of them in a second, hands never leaving their throat. Not even as they felt Supervillain grab them from behind.
“Hero?” Medic asked, voice cracking.
“Get out of here!” Hero screamed, voice shrill. “Go! I can’t hold him forever! Teleport go!”
“No, we—” Hero heard a pop a second later and they felt tears prickle the back of their eyes for the second time that day. Hero didn’t let go of Grieves, not until Supervillain forcibly ripped Hero off them and threw Hero into the opposite wall. Hero fell to the ground with a stunned oomph, winded.
Hero didn’t even get a chance to catch their breath before Grieves’ power was on them. It felt like Hero’s brain was set on fire and they screamed, hands reaching up and grabbing their head trying to calm it, cool it, but even their palms were too hot and Hero couldn’t breathe.
Hero didn’t know how long it lasted, but when the fire ebbed from their mind Hero was on their side, gasping, curled into a little ball, a mixture of tears, snot and spit pooling on the ground in front of them. Hero shuddered, nausea climbing up their throat.
“—not yet! Grieves listen to me—”
“I want to flay them alive, Supervillain! At least give me that! Let me warp their mind until they can’t speak anymore!”
“Grieves! Grieves, hey! Listen to me—”
The words were like gunshots through Hero’s head, deafening them and leaving them stupid. Hero coughed out some kind of fluid from their lungs, trying to push themselves up to all fours.
“The only way you will get any kind of revenge is if we stick to the plan, do you understand?”
“Your new unleashed pet is altering the plan! Are you letting your emotions get the better of you?”
Hero didn’t really process the conversation but they felt the tense silence that followed Grieves’ words.
Hero finally got vertical pressing their head against the wall, their stomach turning over itself. They squeezed their eyes shut to try and not hurl in front of the Villains. Supervillain whispered something in Grieves’ ear. Hero groaned, and tried — and failed — to push themselves to their feet. Whatever Grieves did in Hero’s brain made their body feel sluggish and heavy.
Supervillain was in front of Hero then, clicking his fingers in front of Hero’s face. Hero opened their eyes, frowning at the noise. A hand was on Hero’s cheek, thumb under their eye and pulling down. Hero reached up and grabbed Supervillain’s wrist weakly.
“You still with us, Hero?”
“Get’way fro’me.”
“Yep,” said Supervillain with a smile. “You’re there.”
Supervillain let go of Hero, then reached down to grab Hero’s wrist. The familiar sound of power dampeners opening threw Hero on full alert, but the cool cuff closed around their wrist before they could stop Supervillain.
“No,” Hero ground out, but Supervillain didn’t listen. He pulled Hero forward, hooking his arm around their back and pushed them down to lay on their stomach while he fastened the cuffs behind their back. Hero tried to fight him, but he was too strong and Hero was too— Grieved to do anything. Instead they rested their forehead against the cool floor, sighing. That was the only respite Supervillain allowed them before pulling them back up and letting them go once Hero’s back was against the wall again, glaring at him.
“If you had been civil, Hero, I wouldn’t have to do this.”
“Civil!” Hero laughed, voice hollow and dry. “Tell that to your best pal over there who made my friends into his personal little zombies!”
“You are an insolent child,” Grieves said, his voice full of disgust. “If it wasn’t for Supervillain I’d have you choke on your own tongue.”
Hero’s eyes levelled with Grieves’s, a smug lopsided smirk slipping onto their face. “Don’t you have heroes to hunt down and catch?”
Grieves’s nostrils flared. For a few tense moments that seemed to stretch into minutes they just glared at each other while Supervillain got to his feet. He walked over to Grieves and whispered something in his ear that made a dangerous glint dance across Grieves’s eyes.
Grieves walked towards Hero with a swagger that would have been ridiculous had it not instilled Hero’s fight or flight response. All they managed to do before Grieves got close was press their feet to the ground, going to push themselves up again.
They didn’t get the chance.
Grieves grabbed Hero’s hair and yanked their head up, Hero gritting their teeth in response trying to not give him the satisfaction of a scream. Then a knee crunched into Hero’s nose and they cried out, their eyes watering instantly. They didn’t even blink the fresh set of tears from their eyes when Grieves’s knee came up again. Hero’s breath got caught in their throat as the stench of iron drowned out their senses and they felt blood gushing down their nose, over their lips and onto their shirt.
“That’s for messing with me, Hero,” said Grieves, his voice alight with a righteous glee. Grieves brought his knee back and slammed it down onto Hero’s sternum this time. Hero gasped, their body curling around Grieves’ leg as breath was stolen from their lungs— blood splattering across Grieves’s trousers. “And that’s just for fun.”
Grieves left Hero gasping and turned to face Supervillain before nodding at him. “Tell Villain to find me when the time comes, Supervillain.”
“I will, Grieves.”
Then Grieves was gone. Supervillain closed the door after and turned to look down at Hero. Hero spat blood onto the floor glaring up at Supervillain. He just sighed, running a hand down his face.
“You don’t understand what you’re fighting against Hero,” Supervillain said softly. “I know this may seem drastic, but I am trying to end the fighting. I am trying to stop this cycle of violence between Heroes and Villains. What do those words even mean? Who decides who’s a good guy and who’s a bad guy? There is no order in this world.”
“And you’re going to bring order to it, are you?”
Supervillain’s cool eyes cut into Hero. “I’m trying,” he said coldly. Then he shrugged off Hero’s glare and continued: “and I’m succeeding. Now we just need to wait for Superhero to make his last stand, and that is where you come in.”
Hero blinked, fighting the urge to widen their eyes at Supervillain’s revelation. Hero leaned forward, lips curled back into a snarl.
“They’ll see through this,” Hero told Supervillain, their voice betraying the desperation for them to be right. “I’m obvious bait.”
“If you’re gonna catch a big fish,” Supervillain said with a confident smirk, tilting his head at Hero. “Don’t worry though, we’ll make sure to make a big fuss about you so Superhero comes running to the rescue.”
Hero tried not to flinch backwards, but they still pressed their back into the wall when Supervillain crouched down in front of them, capturing Hero’s chin between his thumb and forefinger.
“We’ll make a big song and dance about it if it makes you feel better, absolves some of your guilt for being bait— ah, ah, ah,” Supervillain’s grip tightened as Hero tried to turn their head away, keeping Hero facing Supervillain, looking into his icy eyes. His voice softened as he continued. “It’s your biggest flaw, you heroes. Always trying to save something, someone.”
Dread pooled thick and heavy in Hero’s chest, compressing their ribs as if they were caught in a vice, as Supervillain smiled at Hero. “Your fatal flaw… and I’ll use it to eradicate you all.”
Orphanage roll-call: @micechomper @aarika-merrill @silentpotat0 @dutifullykrispyland
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patchworkorphan · 14 days
Heroic betrayal: part seven
“You must let me show you where you’ll be staying, Hero,” said Supervillain, releasing the chains on Hero’s cuffs and stepping back away from them. Hero narrowed their eyes into a glare, keeping their hands close to their chest as they blinked at Supervillain.
“What do you mean, where I’ll be staying?” They snapped. Supervillain tilted his head as he regarded Hero, a small smile on his lips.
He shrugged. A gesture that should have conveyed a casual thing, but Hero saw right through it. “You can stay in the cellar if you like, though I’d say a bed would be far more comfortable.”
“I’d rather you let me go, or keep our contact to a minimum,” Hero told him. What the hell was he talking about, keeping Hero here? Forcing them to stay? They couldn’t… their brain wouldn’t let them comprehend exactly what this meant. The words just kept repeating in their mind drowning out all sense and reason:
Where you’ll be staying…
Supervillain had planned this, every detail, and Hero didn’t notice. They didn’t know, they didn’t see. Supervillain didn’t let a hint slip about this! Taking Hero captive and not letting them go, and it – though Hero would never admit it – it terrified them.
What if they weren’t as good as a detective as they thought they were? What if… Hero’s eyes studied Supervillain’s face. What if they had only seen what Supervillain wanted them to see?
Supervillain hummed thoughtfully, hands going behind his back. “I’ll show you the room anyways. Give you the tour while we’re at it. We’ll see if you have a change of heart.”
Hero’s nostrils flared as Supervillain turned his back and opened the door Hero initially came through. Supervillain’s knowing smirk remained on his face as he glanced back at Hero. “Come along now, I’m not a patient man.”
“I’d rather stay right here,” Hero told him, voice low. A pathetic attempt at stubbornness. Supervillain inclined his head.
“You can walk out the door, Hero, or be dragged out. Either way, you won’t be staying here. Would you like to keep your dignity intact?” He asked, his tone light and charismatic, his words anything but. Hero hated the way he spoke as if everything was certain. As if he could control everything and it would all work out his way.
Though what Hero hated more was the fact that they knew it was better to comply than to rile him up, so they stood and walked through the door Supervillain held open. They turned their head, looking down the long hallway to their right, where Flynn and Villain were. The door at the end of the hall must be where the kitchen is, but beyond that Hero didn’t know.
Maybe it would be better to know the layout of the house, Hero mused, they could plan their escape more effectively if Supervillain was stupid enough to offer a tour.  Supervillain, instead of turning towards the kitchen, went left, back the way Hero and Flynn came, back towards the cellar.
Hero followed Supervillain cautiously, one eye tracking his figure, the other careful to take note of the layout and the route back to the kitchen if they needed to flee on short notice.
Flee to who? To Flynn? A nasty voice mocked in their head.
At least I know what to expect with Flynn, Hero argued back.
Oh yeah… like how you knew he was a lying, backstabbing villain all this time right?
Hero bit the inside of their cheek instead of fighting with their smug, know-it-all side of their brain. At least when they tasted blood in their mouth, they could justify the pain. They could take their mind off of Flynn and the ache in their chest that they fought so hard to ignore.
Hero’s eyes zeroed in on the door to the basement as they stepped into another hallway. They were half expecting Supervillain to open it and shove them down the stairs before laughing like a cartoon villain and slamming the cellar door closed.
Instead, Supervillain walked past it, and Hero followed mutely, swallowing as they passed the cellar door. Now that it was so close, Hero really didn’t feel like going back there. Back to the cold and defenceless cot in a cell where any of them could come down and gloat.
Where Villain could come back and hurt them again and nobody would stop them.
Maybe a room would be better. At least Hero could barricade the door and break the window or something. They could have a better defensive position. Not be subject to their hosts moods when it takes them. Their nose throbbed at the thought of Villain coming down to their cell again and they shuddered.
Supervillain continued down the hall to another heavy door that looked solid and stiff. There was something strange about it, something Hero only noticed after Supervillain stopped in front of it and raised his hand to a keypad on the wall.
Hero stopped in their tracks. They didn’t want to swap one cell for another, and this one didn’t look as escapable as the cell in the basement. At least there Hero could see out all around them, except for the back wall, but a heavy metal door with an electronic lock would prove far more difficult.
There was a small beep ahead and Supervillain glanced back at Hero over his shoulder. A sly smirk graced his face when he noticed that Hero had stopped following altogether, probably standing six feet back.
“Oh Hero, that’s adorable. Are you frightened?”
“No,” Hero said a little too quickly. A denial. They both knew it. While Supervillain chuckled lightly, Hero wanted to punch themselves. “Where are we going?”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly and carnivorous all at once. “I told you; I’m giving you the tour of the house. Here,” Supervillain said, holding the door open for Hero and gesturing for Hero to walk in first. Hero’s throat went impossibly dry, as if Hero inhaled a pound of sawdust. They swallowed to try and restore some moisture in their mouth because what else could they do?
If they refused to comply, Supervillain would just drag them along anyway and there was no way they could fight back with their powers dampened and their hands cuffed in front of them. The weight of their blades on their back felt heavy in a way they never were before. They were right there… if only they could reach them.
Hero jutted their chin up, steeling their expression as they stormed forward and passed Supervillain, vowing that the moment they got free they would commission thigh braces for their daggers instead. That way they could never be in a humiliating situation like this again.
The room coming into focus drowned out Hero’s plans for new sheaths. Once inside the keypad locked room they stopped short and just stared. It was like the meeting room in the Hero headquarters, except, well… bigger. It was shaped like a hexagon with a domed ceiling that came to a point to let in some light through three skylight windows. The wall in front of Hero had two screens imbedded into it. One played the news on mute that was reporting some local event.
The two walls beside the back one had doors that led off to God knows where, but Hero’s gaze skimmed over them, and went instead to the corkboard on the wall to the left. Pictures of all the top ranked Heroes faces were pinned to the board; Superhero’s, Other Hero’s, and Hero’s were pinned to it. Tears pricked the back of Hero’s eyes when they saw Sidekick’s photo pinned to the wall too, a big red X painted over their face. Hero’s hands shook slightly at the sight… they should have never left Sidekick’s side. They should be at the hospital right now.
Instead, they were knee deep in enemy territory, on a tour of Supervillain’s house. Hero had to pull their gaze away from Sidekick’s face, to study the rest of the room, screwing their lips up tight to try and stop them from trembling.
Hero’s gaze dropped to a desk below the corkboard, where a hero scanner and comms sat, both of them were switched off for now. One Flynn must have stolen… been given. Hero’s hands tightened into fists at the sight. All this time… all this time Flynn was betraying them, betraying the Heroes and he had the nerve to be upset that Hero hated him?
Hero’s gaze flicked back up to Sidekick’s face again and they quickly turned away, looking instead to the giant circular table that dominated the middle of the room. A map of the city was printed on top of it. Hero recognised some of the marks that divided some of the city up. Territories that were occupied or controlled by different groups. Some good, some bad.
Hero stepped closer to the map table, noticing the chess pieces that were spread across it. There was a cluster of white on Hero HQ; the King, two knights, a bishop, a rook, but some other white pieces were dotted throughout the map. There were no black pieces, something Supervillain removed no doubt before Hero walked in. They couldn’t give away all their secrets.
Hero searched the table, making note of the pieces, trying to figure out who they were. A pawn was placed on top of central hospital which made Hero feel sick. They felt Supervillain step up beside them, but Hero didn’t bother to look at him.
“Should I take your silence as a good thing?”
“You can take my silence however you want,” Hero replied. Supervillain hummed beside them. He reached forward and plucked the pawn from the hospital and ran it between his fingers.
“Mmmm, does it have something to do with this?” Hero looked away from the map, lifting their head to stare at the news instead. Supervillain continued undeterred. “It is unfortunate what happened to Sidekick.”
“Don’t talk about them,” Hero snapped.
“What had to happen to them. They were interfering. Hot on Flynn’s scent, we had to dispose of—”
“Shut up,” Hero snarled, whipping their head to Supervillain, and stepping back away from him. “Stop fucking explaining everything you’re doing, or have done, to me like I want to hear your excuses!”
Supervillain cocked a brow at Hero’s outburst. He put the pawn back on top of the hospital, not taking his eyes off of Hero as he did. Hero searched Supervillain’s face, reading it for what he was thinking, and they didn’t like what they found. Realising their mistake too late they took a step back, trying to put some more space between them. Once they could put their weight on their back foot they could kick at Supervillain if he came at them.
Instead, Supervillain clasped his hands behind his back, chewing on words, looking for the best ones before he spoke. Everything was so measured. So controlled. It put Hero off, as if Supervillain was more machine than human.
His gaze wandered to the map, eyes running over everything with a critical eye. “Did you notice anything about the map?”
Hero frowned at the question, their attention turning back to the map as Supervillain walked around the table, stopping directly opposite Hero. They did a quick scan of it, their eyebrows knitting together. Did they miss something? No, they didn’t. The heroes know about the different territories. Maybe Supervillain giving away what heroes they thought were important with the chess pieces but other than that…
Hero’s eyes were drawn to the chess pieces, to the Hero HQ. King, two knights, a bishop, a rook. They saw the other rook and bishop somewhere else, but when they scanned the map again Hero realised what Supervillain was alluding to.
Hero hardened their gaze. “There’s no queen.”
“Very good,” Supervillain praised, and it felt like cockroaches crawled down the back of Hero’s neck. “The queen was far too meddlesome for my liking. Your perfect Sidekick you’ll note is still on the board, that was intentional.”
Hero raised their eyebrows at Supervillain in silent question and froze at his expression. There was no hint of anything human left in him, it was as Hero had imagined Supervillain to look like. Devoid of emotion and yet alive with a vibrant authority that made Hero want to hide away, to cower from — as if Hero was looking directly into the sun, eyes burning but they couldn’t look away.
“An incentive for you, Hero,” he said, his lips twitching up into a cold mockery of a smile. “A gift while you’re here, to make sure you follow the rules.”
Hero recoiled back a step, horror painting their features, as if Supervillain had killed a puppy in front of them and punched them at the same time instead of spoke.
“As long as you behave, well,” Supervillain continued, sea-green eyes drifting down to the pawn over central hospital. Hero’s heart thrummed in their chest and seemed to stop at Supervillain’s next words. “Let’s just say, Sidekick can remain on the board.”
Hero let out a shaky breath that was trapped in their chest, shaking their head. The chain between their cuffs rattled as their hands shook, tears pricking the back of their eyes as their gaze turned accusing and filled with a helpless-fuelled hatred.
“You— you’re threatening Sidekick’s life if I don’t do as you say?!” Hero demanded, voice teetering on the edge of hysterical.
Supervillain tilted his head, as if trying to understand Hero’s emotional response.
“I told you, Hero,” Supervillain began, walking around the table back towards Hero who was too focused on the pawn over the hospital. “We can be civil, this can be a beneficial relationship for us both. I can have you far away from the city, where I know you can’t interfere in the next stage of my plans, and you can rest easy knowing you’re saving Sidekick’s life.”
It was as if the world crumbled underneath Hero’s feet. They wanted nothing more than to collapse there and then, their body flooding with adrenaline as the weight of Supervillain’s words hit them.
It was all too much.
It all felt like too much.
Hero wanted to scream and cry, and punch something— no they wanted to punch Supervillain and Flynn because…
Hero flinched as a comforting hand came down on their shoulder, eyes widening slightly because when did Supervillain get that close.
“It’s a win-win, Hero.” Hero shrugged his hand off their shoulder and stepped back. Wet eyes filled with unshed tears met Supervillain’s sea-green eyes with a helpless kind of hatred. He smiled politely. “You’ll see,” he promised, “in time.”
Hero half expected Supervillain to gloat further, or press Hero on why they were nearly crying, maybe even be cruel and make fun of them. Supervillain walked passed Hero to the door that opened with a beep. Hero followed him with their eyes, biting the inside of their cheek and re-opening the wound.
“Let’s continue the tour, now that we have the unpleasantries out of the way.”
Hero stared at Supervillain, blinked and took a breath and started walking out the door without being prompted this time. They could feel Supervillain’s hungry gaze following them as they submitted compliantly, but what else was there to do? Now that he had threatened Sidekick, who was already in critical condition.
They wanted to be sick. After everything, Sidekick was only in hospital because Supervillain wanted to get to them. They wanted Flynn and Villain to capture Hero and bring them back here, where they— Hero swallowed the sob that threatened to climb their throat — where they would be… staying. Until Supervillain says otherwise.
It all felt so final, so formal, so decided when Hero didn’t make a decision. Supervillain was in control, that’s why he wanted to give Hero the “tour.” Not to show Hero around and let them see all the exits and escape routes, no. He wanted Hero to know that even if Hero knew the way out, even if they knew what doors would be locked and where the keys were, even if escape was within their reach — it didn’t matter.
They couldn’t leave.
If they left, Sidekick would be killed and it would be all their fault.
“Ah, Flynn,” Supervillain said behind Hero. Hero pulled themselves from their thoughts, raising their eyes to see Flynn standing at the corner between the cellar hall and hall that led to the dining room. He looked worried, his eyes not leaving Hero, who couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Perhaps you’d like to show Hero to their room?”
Hero felt Flynn’s eyes on them, searching their face, imploring them to look at Flynn but they couldn’t. Their stomach was flopping like a fish out of water, threatening to throw their dinner up any moment.
“Uh, yes. I will, thanks.”
“No problem,” Supervillain replied, mirthful as he strode past Hero and down the hall towards Flynn. He clapped a hand on Flynn’s shoulder as he passed and shot one last look over his shoulder at Hero. Hero met his gaze once, fleetingly, then turned their head away again.
Flynn was the first to move, walking closer to Hero who stood like a kicked puppy in the middle of the hall. When Supervillain turned the corner he smiled a satisfied smile to himself.
It was so easy to get Hero’s defence to crumble, and now that Hero wasn’t a threat to his plans, well… the city was about to change.
Whether it wanted to or not.
Orphanage roll-call: @princess-bubble-blossom @morning-star-whump @revrevrew-personal @altvaggie
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Hey there! Do you mind writing a snippet about a captured hero in a I-have-you-now-my-pretty situation by a dominating seductive villain? And can you make it very dark please? Thank you so much and I absolutely love your writing!
"There now, isn't this much better?" the villain murmured, stroking their fingers through the hero's damp hair. "You're so pretty beneath all the grime and the blood."
"I prefer the grime and the blood."
"I might also prefer you nice and quiet. Consider that."
"Oh," the hero's eyes darkened, "no doubt. What's more attractive than your prey being forced docile, unable to fight back?"
The villain raised a brow, in the reflection of the mirror. "You. Trying to fight me. Failing."
The hero felt bile claw up their throat at that. They resisted the urge to swallow, to tense; it wouldn't do them any good, and it would probably only serve to delight the creep.
The villain seemed to catch it anyway, because they smiled.
"I do like your spirit," the villain mused. They continued to stroke through the hero's hair, carefully and diligently untangling every knots and snarl. "You're beautiful when you're angry. Defiant. You get this fiery, helpless look in your eyes. The blush is also very becoming. So, you see...it wouldn't be half as fun if you didn't try to fight back."
The hero studied them, trying to decide if that was reverse psychology. They might have preferred it if it was reverse psychology.
The villain laughed, softly, at whatever expression they saw on the hero's face.
The hero jerked their head away. It felt good for all of three seconds before the villain reeled them back in with a much harder yank, making the hero's breath catch. They pulled the hero's head back against the chair, baring their throat.
Perhaps as punishment for moving, or perhaps simply because they could, the villain leaned down over their shoulder to press a kiss to the hero's throat. It looked positively vampiric in the glass. The hero half expected teeth. They hated that they shivered. They hated that they couldn't look away, in the spirit of car crashes, natural disasters and other terrible fascinating things.
The villain's smile edged a fraction sharper, a fraction smugger. They held the hero's eyes as they trailed more kisses along the hero's neck, across their racing pulse, until the hero was taut.
"Go on," the villain whispered. "Tell me not to touch you again. Dealer's choice on if you try a threat, command or plea."
"I think I might prefer me nice and quiet."
"Mm." The villain straightened. They turned their attention to the hero's appearance again, considering. "I knew you liked me too."
"That's not - I don't -"
The villain's smile turned positively wolfish.
The hero snarled; too frustrated for words, too...well. Too many things. Frustrated was the best pick. Better than fear, sinking and entirely too helpless.
The annoying thing was that it did feel better to be clean, with their wounds tended. It simply didn't feel better to have had the villain force them into a bath and out of their own clothes. It was like having their identity, their resistance, scrubbed away alongside the dirt. Dressed in the villain's clothes, with the villain's scent clinging to their skin, it was impossible to forget where they were for even a moment.
It was impossible to forget who the villain thought they belonged to.
There were times when the villain could be charming, seductive. When they first met the hero had even been flattered. The problem was that, after the seduction and shiny polish of it all had worn off, it was perfectly obvious that the villain didn't actually care if the hero was seduced or not. It was a preference - not a requirement. The villain would do as they pleased regardless.
Hopefully, the hero's friends would get there soon.
(They had to get there soon, right?)
"So pretty," the villain murmured once more. "And all mine. Let's go show you off, shall we?"
"I'm not yours." The hero had to say it. Even when they knew it was a trap, even when their voice came out hoarse, they had to say.
The villain laughed again, and swivelled the chair around so that they were facing each other. They smoothed their hands down the hero's trembling thighs. Then, their expression turned cold, as absolute as an old black-and-white fairytale, as unstoppable a death. They leaned in.
"Oh, darling. By the time I'm done with you tonight, you will be."
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go-for-it-kacchan · 1 month
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Idk how anyone would have heard him, given no one in the fight was mic'd but smth smth business students smth smth future tech I guess
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yendts · 2 months
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more of the pjo x atla au, this time a redraw of the sun warriors episode🔥
„Just make your own! Or go back and get some from the Sages!” Leo and Nico discover the original source of fire bending as a part of Nico’s avatar training, but it’s not without a few hiccups…
obviously the roles are reversed with who is the avatar in this but nico and zuko’s personalities line up too well for me to do it the other way around lol
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