#holly x kakyoin
hexprb · 4 months
I have a vision
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But I'm not sure if Jotaro would agree with me
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regularcitrus · 1 year
Part 3: Stardust Cru-hay-ders (1/2)
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some notes:
- this would take place around s1-3 of friendship is magic
- Stardust can’t really actively use Hamon, Lucky tries to teach him but it doesn’t really work out. It’s just kinda powering him up until the end of the Dio fight, after which he starts to slowly learn a bit over time. he’s still not great at it though
- Dio has had much time to think/mind-train under the sea… however he was too weak to actually carry out any of the magic he thought about until 100 years later, where he broke free from the coffin and out of the ocean (no fishermen involved). He does his best to stay under the princesses’ radar this time until he’s sure he’s powerful enough to take the throne by force
- His grudge towards Starry’s bloodline becomes so intense that it manifests as a magical curse (think Starlight in that one episode but 100x stronger and reaches all the way across Equestria) Lucky and Stardust feel its effects, but it ends up hitting Holly the hardest, which starts them on their journey to find and kill Dio
- Dio learns of the centaurs abilities to absorb the magic of others, and spends his 4 years sucking not just blood but the very magical essence from his victims. this ends up making him about as powerful as an ACTUAL alicorn
- joestar blood => the bloodlines strong magical essence and their innate knack for hamon mastery, which is similar to celestias magic
- Emerald could’ve easily been turned into an “alicorn” vampony had he stayed on Dio’s side. just something to think about
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Phantom Blood / Battle Tendency / Stardust Crusaders / Diamond is Unbreakable / Golden Wind / Stone Ocean
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inkpot909 · 7 months
Fluff Alphabet: Jotaro Kujo
↳ Reader is written as gender neutral and was previously a part of the trip to Egypt.
A/n: I’ve always wanted to write an alphabet list! And who better to write one for than my favorite marine biologist? I hope y’all enjoy and remember to take care of yourselves. <3
Warning(s): A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it innuendo. Mentions of blood and canon-typical swearing. Very light angst.
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(A)ffection - How affectionate is he? How does he show affection?
Let’s face it, the phrases “Jotaro Kujo” and “lovey-dovey” don’t mix.
He didn’t rank high on the affectionate scale, at least, not at the beginning of your relationship.
Instead of being openly affectionate, his main method of expressing his feelings during the beginning was to spend lots of quality time with you. Attached at the hip, he followed you around everywhere.
Another way he expressed his affection was by… introducing or referring to you as his boyfriend/girlfriend?
You still remember the first time you’d met his mother. He brought you home one day, standing a good foot or two to your left. His arms were firmly planted in his pockets, while you awkwardly had to listen to him bluntly say “This is who I’m dating.”
That was his idea of romance.
Jotaro’s come a long way since; it’s a matter of time for him. Quality time is still a large part of his love language, no question, but after settling into the relationship he’ll get the hang of it.
Specifically, he’s more knowledgeable on what you like best and that will certainly shine through in his actions.
This is especially true in private, where he’ll show a side of himself that’s genuinely sweet and more inclined to be physically affectionate.
(B)eauty - What does he admire about you? What does he think is beautiful about you?
Your personal drive and motivations are two things he deeply admires about you!
Specifically, your passions make you incredibly special in his eyes. And this is true regardless of where those motivations lie. If you are passionate in your career, or even about your hobbies, he’ll be sure to take notice.
Whether it’s the way your face lights up when the topic is even slightly mentioned, or the expression of complete focus when knee-deep in whatever it is that compels you to move forward, it can honestly leave him speechless.
He’s a great support as well. Vocally and bluntly expressing a unwavering belief in you. He does this more often if you harbor any insecurities towards your passions as well.
Physically speaking, he adores your eyes the most.
The amount of times he’s drowned himself in the vast ocean contained within your irises is uncountable. It’s grounding, comforting, and will likely never fail to make his heart flutter.
His staring is a constant in your relationship. During the platonic stage, the beginning of you dating, and all throughout your years of marriage.
(C)omfort - How would he help you when feeling down/having a panic attack/etc.?
Much like with displaying affection, Jotaro’s going to be rather shit at this in the beginning.
Where it differs, however, is that his attempts at making you feel better were likely the first signs of his deeper feelings towards you.
As the journey to Egypt developed, so did both of your understanding of one another. Namely, he was rather curt and dismissive towards you initially. This behavior probably led you to try and avoid him, whether it was done shyly or with a more vocal pushback against his actions.
Regardless, stand attacks were the catalyst of you realizing he actually cares for you. More specifically, during the fight against Steely Dan. It didn’t matter to him that Joseph’s life was on the line, if the bastard so much as got to close, you were having to hold Jotaro back from becoming violent.
Comforting you while dealing with mental or emotional hurtles is something he approaches far more awkwardly.
When you first began going out, he would grow silent and sit next to you as you let out your emotions. He’s always been a good listener, certainly, but that was pretty much it.
As he matures, he’ll find the- although limited -right words to say. Not only that, but if you want to cling to him, feel free to do so.
If you’re going through a panic attack, his response depends on the situation. If it’s during/because of a battle, he leaves comforting you to someone else while he dives head-first into the fight.
If it’s not during such a dire situation, he will pull you close (unless it’s already been made clear that will only heighten your distress).
Jotaro will encourage you to meet his gaze, and follow his deep breaths as best you can. He will always be calm, and prioritizes you relaxing before discussing the source of your panic attack after the fact.
(D)ance - Does he like to dance with you? How good of a dancer is he?
No way in hell.
It won’t matter how many times you, whine, beg, or bargain. The most you’ll ever get from him is the tapping of his foot or gentle nod of his head in the car.
Try not to take it personally!
In general, Jotaro just doesn’t dance. It’s not for him. He doesn’t even know if he’s got naturally good rhythm (he doesn’t) because he just… never does it.
The first time you ever danced with him is on your wedding day.
Marrying the love of your life in of itself is enough to make your heart swell. But the fact that he danced with you, in front of friends and family no less, made the ceremony magical. And his steady movements, as well as how tenderly he held you to him, took your breath away.
The fact that he asked his mother to show him how to slow dance, practicing for weeks beforehand, is something he’s taking to the grave.
(E)xcitement - How does he act when he’s excited? What excites him?
The world must’ve stopped turning; the sun is falling down from the sky. Pigs are outside flying through the air as if they’ve been doing so for centuries.
Jotaro Kujo’s smiling unprompted.
No, seriously, you can tell he’s anticipating something when the tiniest of smiles plays on his lips for no immediate reason. Generally, he also seems less annoyed at the world when he’s feeling excited.
Those are good enough indicators on their own, but there’s also the fact that he talked your ear off about whatever it is he’s looking forward to the night prior.
“Talked your ear off,” by the way, translates to mumbling out no more than four sentences on the matter.
If you were anyone else, they likely wouldn’t notice a difference. But you do, knowing Jotaro better than he knows himself at times.
Achievements and advancements within his career is what often excites him as an adult. A rare visit from an old-friend such as Polnareff is also bound to put him in a good mood. And finally returning home from a long trip away is bound to make his eyes shine.
When he was still a young delinquent, these reactions were policed to the point where he hardly expressed such things in front of you. But after mellowing out, it’s heartwarming to see more genuine displays of his emotions.
(F)uture - What are his plans for the future? Does he see himself getting married, having kids?
Before you, even getting into a romantic relationship wasn’t on his mind at all.
So it’s more likely that you’re the first to bring things up like marriage or children, then he’ll begin to seriously consider it. If he realizes his wants and needs for the future on his own, you’re still what’s going to be on his mind front and center.
For him, his mind is focused on one thing at a time.
After marrying, he’ll one day think to himself, Huh, usually the next step is having kids. Then he’ll contemplate it, wondering if that’s what he wants.
Jotaro’s the type of individual that never saw such a thing for himself out of youthful disinterest.
But as he grew up and found his relationship with you to be the most important thing in his life, he discovered he truly does wish to have a nuclear family.
It scares him a little, even with your ability as a stand user.
He knows all too well that there are plenty of people that want his head for the conflict in Egypt. It’s something you both have invested a lot of time in investigating side-by-side.
But at the end of the day, his trust in you and knowledge that you’re more powerful as a unit that eventually pushes those worries out of the picture.
And ultimately, what’s important to you becomes important to him. So, although he certainly comes to envision settling down and having a family with you, how you feel on the matter is the final word in his eyes.
(G)ifts - What does he give you as presents? How often does he give gifts?
Birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and anniversaries is pretty much the only time he gives gifts.
Despite not doing it often, he’s attentive enough and knows you to the point where he’s become quite good at it. He’s not afraid to spend a generous amount of money on you either.
And what his gifts lack in frequency, he certainly makes up for in memory.
Jotaro Kujo never forgets a date. The thought of reminding him doesn’t ever pass through your brain because he’s so consistent with it.
He smartly plans ahead on top of that. Meaning, even if he orders you a gift to be delivered to the house, it will always arrive on time. And if it doesn’t, it’s never on him that it didn’t.
(H)old - How does he hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Holding hands has long been his preferred (and only) form of PDA.
Especially when you were younger and still dating, it was a statement to everyone around you. That yes, you’re both taken and happy to be together.
By the time you both mature into the relationship, it’s already an established habit. Now, he simply does it because he loves you and is happily aquatinted with your fingers intertwined with his.
Yes, part of him still wants everyone to know. But he cares a lot less about his reputation at this point in his life.
When cuddling, he mainly likes holding you close to him rather than it being the other way around. Having your head rest on his chest provides him a sense of comfort that’s irreplaceable.
That said, there are times when he’d like to lean on you or plant his head in your lap. It’s usually after a long, stressful day that he’ll seek out such a thing.
After dinner is usually time for you both to curl up, snuggled together in front of the TV. During the weekend, when neither of you are busy, you’ll find yourselves clinging to each other during the afternoon as well.
He doesn’t much care for cuddling you in bed, though. Jotaro likes to stretch out in his sleep and not be locked into on position the whole night.
“I cuddled with you all day, why would you need me to do it now when I’m trying to sleep?”
Although, if you’ve had a particularly rough day or if you haven’t seen one another for a while, he’ll bring you into his arms at night. Bending his legs forward, he’ll tangle them with yours as he spoons you.
(I)deal - What’s his ideal date like?
Heh, any date with you is ideal, babyboy/babygirl.
Jokes aside, he really doesn’t give a shit.
Planning dates with him may make you want to pull your hair out. He doesn’t care- whatever you want to do works for him.
You want to go out to eat? Fine with him, he’s getting hungry anyways. Want to go watch a movie? No problem; he’ll even pay for your ticket. Or would you rather stay in, curl up together in bed reading beside one another? Perfect, as long as he’s sitting close.
Jotaro doesn’t really understand why you may grow sick of always having to pick, and you’ll likely have to explain it to him.
Whenever he does make plans, it’s almost always something you’ve done together before and therefore is confident you’ll enjoy yourself.
His one no-go for a date is going to an amusement park.
Everything is way overpriced, the lines are too long, and the obnoxious kids littered around the place will set back his desire to have children for years.
(J)ealousy - Does he get jealous easily? How does he handle it?
When you were dating- absolutely.
Not only was he a little more insecure about the future of your relationship, but he also felt the need to keep up his tough-guy persona.
It has always been extremely rare for him to get violent due to jealousy, though.
Instead, he grew dangerously quiet and wrapped an arm around your shoulders protectively.
That said, he wasn’t ever opposed to getting violent. If it ever got to the point where someone was explicitly hitting on you in front of him, one glance at the uncomfortable look on your face, and he’s not afraid to start throwing around vague threats.
In adulthood, and once married, he feels less inclined to posture.
If someone’s hitting on you, he’s more likely to approach the situation calmly and make a point to introduce himself as your husband.
Having a naturally intimidating face doesn’t often lead to others pushing it.
And when he gets jealous in later years, he’s simply going to wait patiently until you get home. Not exactly grow silent like he used to, but shoot you knowing glances instead.
He waits until your both home before doing anything outright. That’s when he’ll grab your hand and lead you to the bedroom. Of course, he knows by now that you love him, but a night of reminding you how much you mean to him certainly doesn’t hurt…
(K)isses - How does he like to kiss you? How often does he kiss you?
For the first month into the relationship, he’d settle for merely kissing you on the cheek.
He’d plant one there, quickly moving away in order to tug the brim of his hat down and cover his face.
You’re likely the one to have instigated the first kiss with him. He didn’t know how to approach; didn’t know how to ask.
After that threshold was broken, he easily prefers on-the-mouth kisses.
Jotaro will still give you kisses on the cheek from time to time, especially in front of family or friends as to not push it PDA wise.
But he’ll likely give you a kiss on the mouth, even if brief, at least once a day. It’s usually after he or you arrive home from work, greeting you with the affectionate action.
Or he’ll give you a quick kiss goodnight before the both of you settle into bed.
Plus, he’s naturally always been a pretty good kisser. Talented bastard.
(L)ove - How does he show you he loves you?
By being a constant presence in your life.
“I’m here, aren’t I? Of course I love you,” he tells you, as if it’s a no-brainer.
He won’t say it out loud, but it’s not just the fact that he’s there, it’s how. Jotaro is very much a show rather than tell type of man.
Acts of service is the primary love language he expresses.
He does your laundry for you unprompted, and in fact, takes care of a lot of the household duties without you needing to ask. He knows you very well, and thus takes care of tasks you know you’ll appreciate not having to do.
He doesn’t make a point of it either. Jotaro rarely boasts about doing such things, and often you’re left to find out on your own.
His deep trust in you is also a way you know he loves you.
With knowing one another for as long as you have, the bond is impossibly strong. Jotaro doesn’t think twice before informing you about his struggles, big or small. Not because he expects you to solve all his problems, but because he values transparency.
(M)elt - What do you do that absolutely makes him melt?
When you respond to his emotions without him needing to say a word, Jotaro’s heart warms.
This once again ties in with how well you know each other.
You’re so good at reading him that he sometimes tricks himself into thinking you may be able to read his mind.
He mentioned it once offhandedly, not even meaning to say it out loud. You’re lighthearted reaction was a little embarrassing for him, but it’s a cherished memory for you.
Not only that, but the fact that you get along seamlessly with his mother honestly brings him a sense of joy he cannot describe.
The only thing he can to think to say on the matter is that family’s important to him. The implication of the statement is implied: You being able to get along with his mother and extended family as well has him melting on the spot.
Bonus points if you’re good with kids too. Namely because Jotaro… is not.
(N)icknames - What does he call you, and what does he like being called?
Not really one for giving pet names, he simply calls you by your name or a preferred nickname.
On rare occasions, when he’s feeling particularly teasing or playful, he’ll call you ‘honey.’ Those moments are few and far between, though.
Other than that, it’s usually just your name he sticks with.
After growing up, and especially after receiving his degree, not many people still refer to him as JoJo. He doesn’t think much of the transition, but he does like it if you still call him JoJo from time to time.
It reminds him of your longtime bond; the nostalgic foundation of friendship you share.
If you like using pet names for him, he’ll roll his eyes and pretend as if he doesn’t like it. That said, he greatly appreciates it if you refer to him by name in front of others or in a serious situation.
(O)bvious - How obvious does he make it that he likes you?
When he was simply harboring a crush on you, it was not at all obvious.
Back during the trip to Egypt, Jotaro’s developing crush went unnoticed. Not even his own grandfather could tell. Hell, Jotaro himself couldn’t even really recognize it at first. It went unnoticed by everyone.
Well, everyone except Kakyoin.
It puts a strain on Jotaro’s heart, remembering it was Kakyoin that first noticed his feelings for you.
The redhead was very respectful about it, but still felt the need to stick his nose in Jotaro’s business in private. Despite him denying the crush up and down, Kakyoin’s encouragement still got to him a bit in the end.
During rough nights, where the past is painfully kept in the front of his mind, Jotaro wonders if him becoming just a little more obvious with his affection for you is done in part as some sort of way to prove himself to his departed friend.
(P)ets - Does he have pets? Does he want them?
Jotaro is so the definition of someone who swears up and down he doesn’t want a pet, yet ultimately ends up loving one unconditionally.
If you want one, he’ll dig his heels into the dirt for months. He’s too busy, you’re too busy… all prepackaged excuses for why it wouldn’t be a good idea.
But you eventually convince him to get one, the stoic man finally relenting with a long sigh.
He prefers dogs over any other kind of pet, so if that’s what you want, it’ll be slightly easier to convince him.
Without ever even trying to do so, it’s him who becomes the pet’s favorite.
The closeness is what leads him to giving in and only admitting to himself that he likes the pet. He’ll never admit it to you (as if you can’t tell); far too stubborn for his own good.
Jotaro has a one-pet-at-a-time policy, though. That’s nonnegotiable.
(Q)uiet - How are the calm, quiet moments with him?
To be honest, it’s a staple of your relationship.
Jotaro finally considered it love once fully wrapping his head around the fact that neither of you felt the need to always be making conversation with one another.
Comfortable silence is cherished by him. Whether you’ve always been the same, or come to have understood that with time, the fact that you’ve come to embrace that aspect of his personality led him to opening himself up to you more during conversations.
Quieter moments occur a lot during the weekend, when there’s no work and only relaxing. You also just enjoy each other’s company without much talking when getting ready for bed.
Sometimes, he doesn’t even say goodnight to you.
Instead, he gently tugs a few strands of hair from your face and cups your jaw momentarily. A gentle glimmer within his pupils reveal much more than any words could express.
The quietness and tranquility present in a lot of the time you spend together is part of his assessment in realizing you were the one.
(R)omance - How romantic is he? What is his go-to ways of being romantic?
…Romantic? Jotaro…?
He’s really responsive to your preferences in romance. Well, depending on how you present them.
He’s no mind-reader and not exactly the best at observing others. Remember the Yellow Temperance arc? Yeah… he’s not exactly a detective. If you want him to take a different approach in how romantic he is, subtly nudging him in the right direction isn’t going to work.
Instead, telling him directly what it is you like is much easier for him to wrap his head around. Jotaro never takes such comments personally, seeing as being upfront is preferable for him.
A year or two into the relationship, and he’s much better acquainted with what you like best.
Confident he understands you well, it naturally brings out a more romantic side of him. He’s only deeply observant with those closest to him (think Holly), so once you both reach that point, it brings out a surprisingly sweeter side of him.
(S)afe - What makes him feel safe and comfortable around you?
Once again, it’s got a lot to do with your history together.
Jotaro knows he can rely on you. He’s been keenly aware of your reliability since the late 80s.
Safety for Jotaro means tranquility, and a deep sense of comfort- along with a familiar environment. You provide him these warm feelings; seemingly just by your very presence.
When the two of you are at home together, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, he’s perfectly content. Simply glancing in your direction grounds him, and can calm buried anxieties.
That’s all he really needs to feel safe: You.
Visiting Morioh turns out to be a far more long and arduous task than either of you originally expected. But with you at his side, Jotaro rarely felt himself getting too worked up.
Spending late nights together at the hotel was all he needed to reset his brain, able to start the next day without much complaint over spending his time with unruly teenagers.
(T)end - How does he act when you’re hurt/sick, and vise versa?
If anyone hurts you, they may as well count their days. It doesn’t necessarily matter if you’re assertive all on your own; Jotaro’s going to have something (at the very least) to say.
Hell, knowing him, if someone’s troubling you all he usually has to do is look in their general direction. His entire demeanor gives off the impression of “Don’t fuck with me” and he’s all for standing up for you.
Even during the trip to Egypt, he seemed much looser with his grip on his temper when you were put into the line of fire.
If you’re sick, Jotaro’s surprisingly doting.
He’s extremely adamant that you stay home and rest up. Any reason you may have to get out of bed he’ll take care of himself without question.
If he can’t be there to take care of you (likely due to work), he’ll call once or twice while he’s gone just to check in on how you’re doing.
It’s quite ironic, considering how he acts when hurt or sick.
“I’m not sick,” he’ll insist in a scratchy voice, despite a reddened face and clearly runny nose.
“I’m fine.” Yeah, sure, Jotaro. Never mind the deep gash actively gushing blood all over his left arm.
Attempts to take care of him in anyway will be met with pushback, no matter how old he gets.
One reminder of how much he babies you when you’re feeling unwell is all it usually takes for him to begrudgingly accept your offer to help.
He’ll be silent throughout, but his refusal to look you in the eye is a dead giveaway that he secretly likes being taken care of every now and then.
(U)nique - What’s an unusual thing about him that’s oddly charming?
“JoJo… do you need something?”
“Then why’re you staring at me?”
“I’m not.”
“You’ve been looking at me for the past ten minutes!”
(V)ariety - Does he prefer to keep the same routine, or spice things up?
Jotaro is a creature of habit.
He certainly likes to keep a usual routine. Having a familiar structure makes him feel comfortable and as though his life is maintaining stability.
Too many surprises or shocking events happening at once is at best annoying for him, and downright unnerving at worst.
He is a little conscious of this aspect of himself; part of him worries you may grow board of him.
That worry is unfounded, though. Especially considering something new or a shake up to the usual routine is accepted by him if you’re the one to do so. He’s so naturally considerate that he doesn’t even think of that being a factor.
Luckily for the both of you, it’s not difficult for you to ease his worries.
(W)ild Card - A random fluff headcanon
Jotaro’s a big fan of manga and usually invests his free time in catching up on his favorite series’s anime incarnations.
He’s been reading Shonen since he was young, and that interest carries over into his adult years.
Jotaro will certainly sit you down and make ask you to watch his some of his favorite anime with him. Saturday afternoons is his favorite time to curl up next to you on the couch and watch for a few hours.
Definitely the type to always sneak peaks at your reactions out of the corner of his eye. He hardly is the type to speak during a show or movie, but is glad to discuss with you after the fact. Please, discuss with him after the fact.
If you’re also into manga and anime before meeting him, he’s internally overjoyed. However, he is a bit critical.
Not to the point of being rude, but certainly dismissive of it at first if your tastes don’t exactly align with his. Jotaro has taste, and is quite proud of his selections. It may come off as a bit elitist… because it is.
He loosens up with time, and may even give some of your favorites a chance. He will never admit out loud to actually liking them, even after you catch him intently watching an anime of your suggestion on his own.
(X)OXO - Is he affectionate in public? How much PDA does he show?
Despite not being too outwardly affectionate or into PDA, everyone close to him can easily tell you’re together once a relationship is formed.
Joseph cheekily goes on and on about how he “totally saw this coming” (no he didn’t). Polnareff is patting the both of you on the back with a big, goofy grin (his world is crashing around him).
When the Duwang gang first met you, the teens of the group were going mental upon the realization that… holy shit… he’s married… !?
The group’s bewilderment was mostly kept to internal struggles due to both Jotaro’s harsh expression at any question relating to how on earth he managed to marry such a lovely individual.
Josuke specifically thought he was going to have a stroke. Unlike the others, he’s much more prone to speaking his mind even after the implicit warning.
After getting over his initial shock, he’ll berate his nephew for not previously telling him about his partner.
(Y)earning - How does he cope when he’s missing you?
It takes everything in him not to call you.
He holds out the first day of you being gone. It’s no trouble that he’s cooking without your presence, not at all. Ignoring the fact that he’s eating dinner without you cheerily filling him in on your day is no problem. Getting ready for bed alone is no big deal.
Yeah… definitely.
Jotaro will lay himself down in bed, facing your usually taken up side. He’ll find his hand reaching out m at the empty space, fingers curling around the sheets. A frown finds its way onto his tired face.
He’s calling you the next day. And after finally caving, he’s sure to give you a call each day or every other day after that.
Past events has made him wary of being separated from you for too long. And even though he logically knows he’s fussing over nothing, he still cannot help but cave to the small worry growing in the back of his mind.
That said, it isn’t too difficult for him to distract himself from missing you.
But being alone during moments that he’d usually share with you is enough to remind him of your absence.
(Z)eal - Is he willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes, he will undoubtedly go to great lengths for you.
One could argue that, having been a part of the Crusaders yourself, an aspect of his actions against DIO were also influenced by a desire to avenge you as well as the others.
Jotaro isn’t above getting violent in your behalf, and would certainly jump through several hoops as long as your safe.
Part of this is because there’s an unspoken mutual understanding that you’d do the same for him (and you certainly have).
But more than that, Jotaro has a small circle of individuals that he would likely do just about anything for. And after everything the both of you have been through together, you’re at the top of that list.
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princelylove · 6 months
Thank you a lot for the ranking yandere of the Jofoe, I agree with you on that although I quite suprised that Kars end up being the most dangerous (I thought Dio would be more much dangerous, the way he charm everyone he meet and manipulate them to serve him)
Btw are you still write nsfw request? I hope you don't mind I request it, I would love to know how the first time of Jotaro, Noriaki, Dio with their darling (you can write about your fav character too :>). Like how they prepare for it, how they feel to be their darling's first time, aftercare ?
~ 🏵️ anon ~
What DIO views as “They’ll come around, they always do,” Kars views as “You are my possession from the beginning and you must submit.” Kars is the ultimate lifeform- without his invention of the mask, there is no DIO. When I think of DIO, no matter his age, I always think of the little boy who wanted nothing but love. When I think of Kars, I think of how he left Santana behind. Kars has no issue treating you as something like a prized possession, but to DIO, you’re his everything. Kars doesn’t want worship or something as silly as love, he wants to be amused. 
You happened to choose three characters that I tend to view as dominant/enjoy topping, so I threw in some submissive ones, for variety. 
Jotaro has no idea what he’s doing. He has no idea what lube is, no idea what aftercare is, no idea what foreplay is- he got all of his sex education from a half assed (Sorry, Holly.) ‘talk’ from his mother, watered down into childish language. He knows he’s supposed to put himself inside you, or something, but he’s… not really sure how it’s going to do that. Jotaro avoids sex for as long as possible- he’s not about to embarrass himself in front of the only person he wants an opinion from. Eventually, when he thinks the time is right (After he watches enough porn to “study”), he’ll work up the nerve to tell you that he expects sex from you. He has a bit of a fetish for you being a virgin. He views it as “pure,” and it plays into his delusion that his darling is the most innocent thing ever and will decay if he stops watching them for a single second. You’re precious, and he’s defiling you… The very thought is enough to rile him up. He treats his darling delicately afterwards, but that's sort of a given considering how fragile he treats you normally.
Noriaki has eased his darling into being ‘comfortable’ with at least foreplay, why not just go all the way? He normally gets his sadistic fantasies out of his system with little sessions- Hierophant Green ties you up and hangs you from the ceiling, and Noriaki tries absolutely everything he’s ever wanted to do, besides from penetration. He hasn’t really thought about it, but one day while toying with you, it occurs to him that he could’ve been doing that this entire time. You’re already bound so nicely for him, it’s such a waste to not at least try it. He supposes he would say he’s only curious- he’s fooled around with people before (If you count flirting and getting disgusted because they don’t meet his standards), but real, ‘proper’ sex has never been something he was very interested in. There’s a first time for everything. Noriaki doesn’t mind your lack of experience, he finds it cute. If you do have experience… it’s generally the smart move to not tell a possessive type that you let someone else see you in that way. 
DIO is surprisingly patient with his darling. Sex isn’t everything in a relationship, and he doesn’t want you to just see him as a sexual partner- having it too early can lead to expectations that, although he’d happily fulfil in the right mood, leave a bad taste in DIO’s mouth. He isn’t just a body or cold hands to keep you happy at night. He waits for you to make the suggestion, and focuses on your pleasure, for the time being. DIO’s fairly happy to service you- he thinks that if he pleases you enough, you’ll start to care about pleasing him. It’s only fair, isn’t it? He normally takes a dominant role in sex, touching him is only to boost his ego or to hold on for dear life. He thinks it’s the natural order of things, and will outright refuse you if you suggest that you want to only focus on getting him off. Don’t be silly, pet. Let him take care of you. His pleasure is brought on by your pleasure, he tells you. But, should you take the lead in kissing, or get as handsy with him as he’s been craving… well. DIO loves special treatment, just don’t make him beg for it, since he is actually opposed to pleading for his own darling’s touch, and he’ll roll onto his back nicely for you. As long as you’re not seeking sexual attention from someone else, DIO is willing to put aside how he feels about you having another in your past. First or not, he’s your eternity. You’re very well taken care of. Any aches or bruises are kissed better, and possibly massaged. If your hips ache too much, he’ll have a devotee carry you where you need to be, should his hands be busy elsewhere. 
Holly considers sex to be part of her marital duties. She’s supposed to let you have her, right? You can do whatever you want, she won’t complain, as long as you keep telling her you love her. Holly wants your first time to be after you’re officially married- which, to Holly, you already are. What’s in the past doesn't matter, she’ll guide you through how to touch her if you need it, and is a little bit too eager to make you forget about anyone that isn’t your wife. Asking for “aftercare” is not at all necessary, did you think she’d leave you all alone after working so hard? Take out your stress on her, get a little rough or go as slowly as you want, as long as you’re happy, Holly will take it. If you’re not in the mood, that’s fine… but she’ll think she did something wrong, and go sulk in another room for a few hours. It’s better to just get a little cardio done for the day and tire her out, maybe you’ll have some privacy if she falls asleep right after. 
Trish will beg you to fuck her. She does absolutely everything she can think of to get you to make a move on her. She’ll put her legs up on your lap when you’re sitting next to her- looook, she just shaved, feel. She said feel. She’ll only wear miniskirts and keep bending forward in front of you because she's “looking for something.” If none of her hints work, she’ll get on top of you, and tell you to do it. She may have matured a lot, but she’s still bossy. Just not during sex. It’s embarrassing- she seriously has to tell you? You should just automatically know when she wants it and how she wants it and to call her pretty and gorgeous and give her soooo many compliments and kiss her everywhere and you get my point. Trish will do absolutely no work, she fully expects her darling to do absolutely everything, and often forgets that you need love after too.
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agsbf · 2 months
Nada Melhor que Jogar Uno Antes da Trama Começar
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Stardust Crusaders X Isekai! Leitora
Aviso: Diferente do habitual, essa escrita se trata do 4° capitulo da versão antiga da minha fanfic incompleta "No more death" do Wattpad. Como estou reescrevendo-a, agora com um roteiro, fui ver quais coisas davam para reaproveitar das cenas originais e acabei gostando muito desse capitulo. Fora isso, menções a violência e uso de palavrões.
Sinopse: Após ser inserida no universo de JoJo pelo seu remorso por ter vivido uma vida medíocre, você com seu Stand Copycat, capaz de copiar habilidades, decidem ter como objetivo evitar as mortes dos personagens. Todavia, antes de toda a trama começar, que tal uma partida de uno?
A caminhada junto a Jotaro e o ruivo desmaiado prosseguiu normal, dentro do possível, é claro. Você aproveitou o momento para admirar a arquitetura japonesa enquanto andava. Em sua vida passada não teve a oportunidade de conhecer o exterior, então novos ares nessa são sempre bem vindos. Também havia o fato de estar animada para conhecer Holly e o resto do grupo, algo que contribuiu para uma expressão alegre durante todo o percurso. A garota estava animada para ver os stands frente-a-frente, por um breve instante desejando ser um prisioneiro para ter visto de camarote a batalha entre o Mago Vermelho e o Star Platinum, porém lembrar-se que a temperatura da cela esquentou muito, diminuiu a vontade imediatamente.
Enquanto a jovem se perdia em pensamentos aleatórios, o neto de Joseph estava estressado com o fato de perceber que sua vida estaria em constante perigo por causa de um vampiro que nem conhece, além de ter que aceitar que o velho maluco estava certo o tempo todo. Quando se encontrasse com esse tal de Dio o faria pagar por cada ferimento, entretanto por hora havia outras coisas para se preocupar, como o misterioso garoto que o atacou e a estranha colega com poderes de cura. Aparentemente você não apresentava um atentado a vida dele, porém preferia não ter alguém se envolvendo em seus negócios, ainda mais uma desconhecida que a personalidade não batia. Por causa disso, o japonês fez um comentário ácido:
-Você não tem nada melhor para fazer? -Questionou em voz áspera, demonstrando todo seu descontentamento por sua presença.
-Não. -A garota respondeu indiferente, claramente gostando de testar a paciência do protagonista -Sabe... suco de maracujá e chá diminuem o mau humor, deveria tentar algum dia, Kujo. -Adicionou com um sorriso de merda.
Ele optou por ignorá-la o resto do percurso.
Continuando o caminho por mais alguns minutos, finalmente chegou a entrada da casa de Holly. Você estava boquiaberta com o local mesmo só tendo uma breve visão da parte externa, tanto pela sua beleza (a natureza aliada com a arquitetura e o minimalismo lhe gerando uma sensação de conforto parecida com a de um sítio.), quanto por estar tendo uma sensação de imersão exclusiva.
O universitário viu sua expressão em choque, lhe perguntando se havia empacado no meio do caminho. A jovem se desculpou e continuou o seguindo a procura da mãe dele, encontrando-a após poucos minutos de busca.
A mulher de olhos azuis turquesa estava vestindo sua típica camisa rosa e branca de manga longa, seu cabelo loiro amarrado em um coque baixo. Ainda não consciente da presença dos estudantes, continuou com a atividade de dobrar roupas, falando consigo mesma com expressão solene sobre o quanto amava seu filho e teorizando o fato dele estar pensando nela, já que sentiu uma conexão em sua marca de nascença em formato de estrela.
Enquanto você continuou do lado de fora, o rapaz de cabelos pretos decidiu entrar no cômodo com o ruivo ensanguentado em seus ombros, exclamando o equívoco da mãe em relação a teoria. Desnecessário dizer que a presença súbita do filho aliada ao estudante desacordado gerou pânico e preocupação em Holly, que o perguntou o que aconteceu na escola, acompanhada do medo de imaginar que JoJo se tornou tão violento ao ponto de quase matar alguém. O fato do protagonista ignorar completamente as perguntas dela aumentaram sua angústia. Não querendo causar estresse na loira que já estava lidando com a maldição do Dio, considerou um bom momento para intervir, entrando no local com um rosto calmo enquanto repreendia levemente Jotaro pelo tratamento indiferente aos medos válidos da mãe.
Holly ficou duplamente em choque, não só por descobrir que Jotaro trouxe mais alguém para casa, mas por ser do gênero feminino, mais dúvidas se formando na cabeça.
Você aproveitou o momento estupefata dela para explicar calmamente toda a situação, deixando claro que Jojo agiu em legítima defesa, já que o ruivo era um usuário de stand inimigo que o atacou. Já prevendo as preocupações em relação a ferimentos tranquilizou a mulher, alegando que ele não possuía nem um pequeno arranhão, pois usou seus poderes para curá-lo.
-Você não sabe manter a boca fechada.- Comentou o rapaz antes de ir a procura de seu vô, com um Kakyoin nos ombros. A garota já sabia que o conteúdo da conversa entre Abdul, Jotaro e Joseph se resumiria a explicação de como funcionava a manipulação mental de uma vítima do esporo de carne através do carisma, inocentando Noriaki. Também haveria o fato do egípcio contar que havia conhecido Dio, tendo escapado por pouco.
Haver uma estranha nesse momento só deixaria a situação desconfortável para todos, talvez até impedindo alguns eventos de acontecerem, então optou por deixar Jojo continuar seu caminho sozinho, preferindo passar algum tempo com Holly.
A mulher estava animada com sua presença, comentando sobre como não sabia que seu filho estava fazendo amigos, te tratando como uma filha adotiva mesmo te conhecendo a menos de 5 minutos, fazendo todo tipo de pergunta envolvendo seu hobbies e te enchendo de elogios. A mesma te pedindo para esperar na sala enquanto preparava um lanche, escusado dizer que aceitou a comida, porém insistiu para cozinhar junto a ela e ajudar a lavar a louça. A loira parecia desacreditada com a horrível possibilidade de fazer uma visita ajudá-la com as tarefas domésticas, mas cedeu aos seus caprichos quando percebeu o quão inflexível você era em relação a isso, até admirando como um gesto gentil.
Devido há ter bastante gente, vocês se propuseram a fazer uma torta de espinafre com ricota para o almoço, sabendo que preparar comidas típicas japonesas fariam o Joseph ter um piti e reclamar de como não se comparava a culinária estadunidense por puro despeito.
Ambas aproveitaram o momento a sós para conversarem enquanto cozinhavam, a estudante cortando os alimentos e refogando o recheio, enquanto a mulher de olhos azuis turquesa preparava a massa. Grande parte da conversa foi focada em choques culturais ao se mudarem para o Japão e algumas dicas importantes do tipo "nunca faça isso" citadas pela mãe de Jotaro.
Após algumas horas cozinhando, o cheiro de comida recém assada pairava o ar, a torta estava finalmente pronta.
A loira lhe pediu para esperar uns minutos enquanto iria a procura dos rapazes, como você sabia que poderia estar acontecendo a extração do esporo de carne, decidiu acompanhar a mulher em direção a sala de chá, continuando a conversa da cozinha enquanto caminhavam.
Quase como uma deixa, quando chegaram próximo ao cômodo, Kakyoin estava sentado, razoavelmente consciente enquanto perguntava ao Kujo do porque o salvou arriscando a própria vida. O rapaz de cabelos pretos soltando um indiferente "Eu sei lá, nem eu me conheço direito." Que gerou diversas expressões no rosto das pessoas: no caso do ruivo, reflexão, já em S/n? nostalgia e em Holly, felicidade por saber que estava certa em esperar coisas boas do filho, apesar da personalidade fria.
A presença das mulheres finalmente foi notada, o universitário escondendo seu rosto com o chapéu enquanto pedia para a garota aproveitar que veio para cá e fazer algo útil, como usar seu stand para curar Noriaki. Também te apresentando para o grupo como "uma ser irritante que o curou durante a batalha e decidiu virar sua amiga.".
Você abstivera de fazer algum comentário a altura, decidindo que havia coisas mais importantes para se preocupar. A jovem se ajoelhou ao lado do estudante machucado, invocando Crazy Diamond para curá-lo enquanto perguntava ao JoJo o que tinha acontecido, recebendo um breve resumo que mostrava que não havia nenhuma mudança de roteiro.
Quando o trabalho na cabeça de Kakyoin estava resolvido, o Joestar e Abdul lhe fizeram várias perguntas de como funcionava seu stand. Você optou por usar a narrativa de Josuke, alegando que não conseguia se curar nem reviver pessoas mortas, além de ter um alcance curto. O egípcio foi facilmente o mais afetado, tanto por considerar seu poder extremamente útil, quanto pela estranha sensação de que não haveria nenhuma carta de tarô que se aplicasse complemente ao seu Stand.
Quando as coisas se acalmaram, o grupo se reuniu na sala de jantar para comer a torta, aproveitando a oportunidade para bater um papo informal, com algumas discussões triviais entre os membros da família, que gerou um sorriso no seu rosto e no do ruivo, que assistia divertido toda a cena. Após a refeição, como prometeu, ajudou a loira com a louça, o que não esperava era que Noriaki se juntasse a vocês, também lhe agradecendo por ter curado seus ferimentos referentes ao broto de carne e a batalha com Jotaro, você dispensou os agradecimentos com um sorriso gentil, dizendo que qualquer um faria isso.
O resto da tarde se resumiu a tentar fazer amizade com os personagens, algo que conseguiu facilmente pois a maioria era bastante social. Em sua humilde opinião, o ápice foi quando conseguiu reunir todos para algumas partidas de Uno, o ruivo explicando as regras para todos os jogadores que nunca participaram (vulgo Jotaro e Abdul), enquanto você embaralhava e distribuía as cartas (Com um certo usuário do Star Platinum a olhando profundamente para ter certeza que não estava trapaceando.).
Headcannons dessa jogatina:
• Mesmo nunca tendo jogado antes é extremamente bom nisso devido as suas habilidades no tarô.
• Pede desculpas sempre que joga uma carta +2 ou +4, ou até mesmo um "block" em qualquer membro.
• Expressão levemente enrijecida durante as primeiras rodadas, ainda meio incerto das regras do jogo, mas conforme o tempo vai passando se solta, periodicamente até fazendo piadas.
• Assiste com um pequeno sorriso no rosto as discussões durante o jogo, secretamente se divertindo muito.
• Se percebesse que Joseph não tem uma carta para jogar na cor ou número atual, "acidentalmente" jogaria um reverse, rindo de seu amigo surtando (Bônus se tiver que assisti-lo comprar várias cartas para ter uma jogável.)
• Venceria bastante partidas ou chegaria próximo, conseguindo converter quase qualquer baralho ruim em um no mínimo aceitável.
• Dupla mais provável? Joseph, mas não se oporia a jogar com nenhum dos participantes.
• Jogador decente, porém seu baralho é sempre extremamente ruim ou apelão. Não existe meio termo.
• Daria dicas de jogadas para Holly.
• Objetivo principal? Fazer o neto perder.
-Sabe... eu acho que todos contra o Jotaro seria um negócio justo.
• Tentou ver as cartas do Kujo, mas parou quando viu o Star Platinum se materializando ao perceber a trapaça.
• Se une a você para fazer Jotaro comprar várias cartas.
• Sentiria ofendido sempre que recebesse qualquer carta especial de um adversário, alegando que iria ter volta.
• Jogou uma carta +2 para o neto, porém o rapaz conseguiu revidar e a quantia de cartas para comprar acumuladas voltou para o mais velho, ganhando baralho suficiente para três pessoas jogarem.
• Jurava vingança para qualquer um que prejudicasse Holly.
-Não se preocupe, papai. É só um jogo. -A loira diria, tentando acalmá-lo.
-Não é só um jogo! É UM ATENTANDO CONTRA SUA HONRA! Como pôde jogar cartas contra minha menininha? -Ele apontava grosseiramente para a pessoa, fazendo um longo sermão de como iria fazê-la se arrepender disso.
• Se ganhasse alegaria que ninguém mais consegue fazer uma estratégia tão boa quanto a dele, mas se perdesse comentaria que o(a) ganhador(a) só teve sorte.
• Preferência de dupla? Sua filha. Próximas escolhas? Abdul ou você respectivamente.
• Se jogasse com Jotaro e o rapaz fizesse alguma jogada estúpida gritaria algo do tipo -COMO PÔDE FAZER ALGO TÃO BURRO?! -Mas se o contrário acontecesse e seu neto mostrasse algum descontentamento, faria um comentário dramático, dizendo o quanto a sociedade é cruel com os menores erros dos idosos.
• Esquece várias vezes de gritar uno.
• O melhor jogador de todos, tendo várias estratégias para a rodada e memorizando cada movimento dos outros para conseguir supor as cartas.
• Rosto sério na maioria do tempo, mas ocasionalmente vê uma cena engraçada e acaba rindo, antes de se desculpar e voltar com a expressão estóica, percebendo que saiu do personagem.
• Auxiliaria Holly a fazer boas jogadas.
• Blefes com frequência, também sugeriria cores que o beneficiava durante o momento do +4.
• Riria sempre que alguém ficasse bravo ao perder uma boa jogada ou ganhasse muitas cartas.
• Consegue virar um jogo facilmente, independente do quão ruins sejam as cartas.
• Se visse qualquer um com alguma dúvida, prestaria ajuda.
• Definitivamente é aquele que sugere mais regras, do tipo -Que tal no 9 quem colocar a mão por último no monte compra duas cartas? -Ou -O que acham da regra de no número 7 todos ficam calados?-
• Caso ele ganhe alegará sorte de principiante, caso perca falaria parabéns para o(a) ganhador(a) e surgiria outra partida.
• A dupla mais provável é você, tanto por já te considerar uma amiga, quanto pelo caos que traz, deixando tudo mais divertido. O ruivo nem se importaria se perdesse, achando o entretenimento gratuito recompensa o suficiente.
• NUNCA usaria qualquer especial contra o filho.
• Sorrindo mesmo comprando várias cartas.
• Alguém que definitivamente se desculparia se prejudicasse alguém, deixando claro que aquele bloqueio azul era a única carta que tinha.
• Sempre esquece de falar uno, mas ninguém a faz pagar a pena.
• Tenta fazer jogadas (com um sorriso nada discreto) que ajudem o Jotaro a vencer, fazendo um sinal de joinha ao mesmo olhar interrogativamente para ela.
• É uma péssima jogadora, então todo o grupo decide deixá-la vencer de vez em quando, até elogiando-a sobre como suas jogadas foram incríveis.
• Dupla com Jotaro (também conhecida como a única situação em que você e Joseph não tentariam prejudica-lo.), mas seu pai e a amiga do filho seriam os outros favoritos.
• Se as duas mulheres estivessem juntas e vencessem, Holly chamaria de poder feminino, convidando a garota para fazer dupla novamente na próxima rodada.
• Péssimo jogador no início, mas sua expressão indiferente durante todo o jogo dificultou que qualquer um soubesse de imediato se havia ou não pego um bom baralho.
• Tentaria ajudar a mãe com jogadas que a favoreciam, mas negaria até a morte se alguém o questionasse.
• Não usa a memória fotográfica do Star Platinum para memorizar as cartas dos adversários, preferindo um jogo limpo.
• Planejaria deixar os especiais para o final, escolhendo comprar do que gastá-los atoa.
• Quando está próximo do sabor da vitória, Joseph e S/n o fazem comprar cartas, onde solta seu típico -Mas que saco. -Acompanhado de -quantas cartas devo pegar?-.
• Após jogar poucas partidas obtém bastante experiência de jogo, até usando algumas estratégias de Kakyoin.
• As preferências de dupla seriam: sua recém amiga ou Noriaki, mas fazer dupla com sua mãe ou Abdul não seria o maior castigo.
• Raramente sorri, mas pode acontecer quando você está prestes a ganhar e coringa ao receber muitas cartas.
• Facilmente a mais animada em jogar, não pelo sentimento de vitória ou derrota, mas por ter a oportunidade de vivenciar esse momento com os personagens favoritos.
• Primeira a apoiar a ideia todos contra Jotaro.
• Age dramaticamente quando o mesmo a faz comprar qualquer quantia de carta.
-MAIS DOIS?!?! pensei que fôssemos amigos, Jojo. -A jovem exclamou, falsamente ofendida.
-Você se uniu ao meu avô para tentar me fazer comprar mais de 20 cartas. -Argumentou o estudante, claramente irritado pelo comentário.
• Pergunta brincando para Avdol qual a chance do próximo jogador ter uma carta completamente específica, além de blefar com o próprio baralho constantemente, falas do tipo:
-Qual a chance de eu ter uma carta completamente foda que me faça ganhar em três rodadas? -Ela perguntou com um sorriso no rosto.
-Nula. -O cartomante respondeu.
-Você está terrivelmente certo. Me vê uma carta porque eu não tenho nenhum 8, nem verde.
• Frequentemente pergunta para o pai de Holly se possui cartas +2 ou +4 para fazer o estudante de cabelo preto comprar.
• Tenta manipular Kakyoin para fazer uma jogada que te favoreça.
-Nossa! Que vontade de comer bolo de morango com calda de framboesa e cerejas no topo. -Você exclama em um tom descontraído.
-Está usando aquele truque barato de tentar me fazer pensar em coisas vermelhas e jogar uma carta dessa cor? -Ele ergueu uma sobrancelha, divertido com a tentativa.
-Se hipoteticamente minha resposta fosse sim, faria esse favor?
O Noriaki cedeu seu pedido por te considerar engraçada.
• Usa cartas especiais somente para ver as reações dos outros (com exceção Holly que jamais sonharia em prejudicar.) e coloca lenha na fogueira para qualquer conflito com frases como "eu não deixava." ou "ah! se fosse comigo..."
• Mais focada em se divertir sabendo que momentos como esse serão raros, porém vencer algumas rodadas seria um adicional bem vindo.
• Gostaria de fazer dupla com todos os personagens, no caso de:
Jotaro: estranhamente você não faria nenhuma provocação sobre a capacidade mequetrefe das jogadas dele, sabendo que o rapaz nunca teve contato com jogos no geral e é extremamente ruim até pegar o jeito. A jovem tentaria até ajudá-lo sugerindo uma jogada aqui e ali que beneficiasse. Caso os dois vencessem, comemoraria e ergueria a mão em um pedido de "toca aqui!", no qual ele te ignorou completamente, mas está secretamente feliz. Já se perdessem, falaria que foi um bom jogo (independente do quanto foram massacrados) e pediria outra rodada.
Abdul: o egípcio sugere uma estratégia baseada na probabilidade e é um companheiro de equipe bem atencioso, sempre pedindo sua opinião antes de jogar alguma carta querendo ter a certeza que não vai te prejudicar. Pode-se dizer que jogar com o rapaz de Bantu Knots é equivalente a nunca ter problemas de comunicação com o parceiro durante uma rodada.
Joseph: O plano é garantir que Holly vença, vocês dois ajeitando uns negócios aqui e ali para que isso aconteça. Se a loira não estivesse, o objetivo seria vencer e fazer o Jotaro comprar várias cartas. O modo que tentariam fazer isso seria bem espontâneo, sem grandes planos por trás.
Holly: A um pedido da loira, decidiu tentar vencer sem prejudicar JoJo. Assim como Avdol, a mulher sempre pedia sua opinião antes de fazer qualquer jogada, querendo ter a certeza que não te prejudicaria. Em caso de vitória ou derrota você faria questão de elogia-la por suas jogadas (independente da qualidade.).
Kakyoin: o ruivo estranhamente decidiu jogar da forma mais dinâmica possível com você, assim como no caso de Joseph, não possuiria nenhum plano extremamente elaborado, muito mais focado em aproveitar o momento. Ter passado grande parte da vida sem ninguém o compreendendo completamente, para então se sentir acolhido por um grupo, o faria abrir mão de vencer em troca da diversão (mas ganhar seria bom.).
Quando vocês finalmente se cansaram de jogar, já estava perto de anoitecer, Holly comentando sobre como era melhor você e o Kakyoin dormirem na casa dela por causa do horário. Ambos aceitaram a hospitalidade, algo que gerou palminhas alegres na loira, que pediu para seu pai pegar dois futons, iniciando uma discussão infantil entre a filha do porquê camas são infinitamente melhores. Em uma tentativa de fazer o Joestar se acostumar com as tradições japonesas, a Kujo também exigiu que fosse chamada de Seiko agora em diante, que gerou mais insatisfação. Você, o Noriaki e Abdul assistiram divertidos a interação.
Mais tarde, no jantar, decidiu que ainda não tinha constrangido seu maravilhoso amigo Jotaro o suficiente, aproveitando um momento de silêncio constrangedor para pedir que Joseph e Seiko contassem histórias de infância acerca do menino de cabelos pretos. Escusado dizer que escolheram as mais constrangedoras, fazendo o estudante esconder seu rosto com o chapéu durante todo o diálogo enquanto a garota e o ruivo riam abertamente, Abdul ergueu seus lábios em um micro sorriso.
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amateurduhhh · 2 years
Okay! | Jotaro Kujo
Summary: Jotaro learns to respect his mother
Reader is gender-neutral
Content warning: violence and blood
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"Shut the hell up, bitch." Jotaro casually scolded. His mother had appeared through the doorway, checking on Jotaro with her voice sweetly ringing. Mrs. Kujo was a wonderful spirit and as soon as her son's voice assaulted her entry, she tried to muster an unfaltering agreement before leaving.
"Okay!" She said in a sing-song tune. If you hadn't known any better, it would've sounded like a regular response but given the context and the hidden anguish under her voice, you could tell this wasn't a first-time thing.
You and Kakyoin exchanged the same awestruck glances at one another. His jaw was unhinged and gaping at the sudden disrespect he encountered. Even if the disrespect wasn't directed at either one of you, witnessing it wrenched your stomach.
You turned your back, whispering in Kakyoin's ear. "Is this guy, for real?"
"Jotaro that's your mother," you said indignantly. You froze after turning back to see his reaction. Challenging Jotaro was always a risky move, but you would at least think someone had the decency to respect their own mother. Especially a soul as sweet as Holly.
Jotaro turned and shot daggers from his eyes. His lip curled in disdain at you and Kakyoin. "So? What are you gonna do about it?"
Kakyoin looked over at you, he seemed to have his defense up.
"I mean that's pretty fucked up," you crossed your arms. "That nice lady clothed you, fed you, loved you, and for what? Just show some respect, man."
"She's an annoying bitch, just like you." He asserted. He was growing more and more angered with you questioning him. Frankly, it was a new experience. Usually people let the big scary hot guy get away with anything, but not this time.
Kakyoin stayed put, wondering when he should jump in or if he even wanted to interfere. Honestly, he always despised how Jotaro treated his mother, but always assumed there was a reason. But now that he deliberated, you were right, it was fucked up. He supposed he was just too afraid to confront him on this.
Meanwhile, you stared Jotaro dead in the eyes and spat on his shoes. "Get a fucking grip, Kujo, that's your fucking mother. I bet if you didn't carry around that pretty face of yours you wouldn't act so tough all the time."
He took that as a threat. Jotaro's brow furrowed deeper as he dug his fists into his pocket. "Oh really? Why don't you come closer and say that?" Star Platinum emerged from behind him and projected his fist at your mandible.
You withdrew your stand and caught his fist in your stand's palm. Jotaro's angered expression then shifted into a bewildered one. You crushed his knuckles in your grasp and landed two hits in his center. The second blow sent him crashing through his door, laying in the hall that was hardly wide enough for his shoulder span.
On the other side of the door, Holly screeched and rushed over to Jotaro's side. "Oh my goodness! J–Jotaro, are you alright?"
"Please back up, Mrs. Kujo. I'm not finished." You said kindly. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
"(Y/N) wait!" Kakyoin put his hand on your shoulder. He looked anxious, his lips frowned and then melted into a satisfied smile. "I want to try."
Jotaro was already recovering quickly, on his way up and ready to get back in the fight. He landed a hefty hit from below onto your jawbone, making you stumbled back and onto the floor.
"Emerald Splash!" Kakyoin hollered. His emeralds pummeled Jotaro to the ground. They came down harder than the last time he had experienced them. He bled from the various strikes of the sharp mineral, deep gashes covering his body and tearing his clothes.
Holly shielded herself and hid in the kitchen, her knees bent as she hugged them. Dry sobs were bubbling from her lips. Now the door was broken and there was violence that was likely avoidable if she had just stuck up for herself. She didn't like watching her poor son get brutally ambushed by his friends, but she couldn't help but think he deserved it. Only a little bit.
"Jotaro Kujo, you fucker!" You yelled, your stand slamming several times into the delinquent's face. "Your bitch ass always got your hands in your pockets, you think you're so fucking cool, right? You're wrong, motherfucker! Now you got sweaty, pruny hands. Hell, I'm surprised those Mister Krabs meaty claws fit in your fucking pockets."
Kakyoin watched and listened as you continued to absolutely destroy that boy. Your stand stamina seemed unlimited as it pulverized Jotaro's face.
"Oh you're hot shit, huh? With your goofy ass chain on your uniform. This bitch think he's Ebenezer Scrooge now, huh? Get the fuck out looking like Jacob Marley's ghost bitch!"
Kakyoin stepped in, pulling you off him, and subsequently falling backward, as you punched the air. "I'm not finished with that half brit– Buckingham Palace bitch!"
"He's learned, I think he's learned!" Kakyoin argued. You took a deep breath and got to your feet. His face was battered pretty well. It would take weeks for his usual striking features to heal. Holly came out and gasped, scrambling to the first aid kit before tending to his injuries.
While she was gone, you landed one more harsh kick to his face. You bent down and spat. His eyes were beginning to swell and his vision was spinning and fading, but he saw your fists shook and you spoke with bared teeth. "Respect you mother, or I'll give her a child who will."
Goosebumps ran down Kakyoin's arms and he looked away. What the fuck just happened? Holly returned with a red box and bent down at her son's side. With shaky hands, she rubbed alcohol on his injuries.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Kujo, but you deserve to be treated with more respect." Kakyoin told her.
"Was that what this was about?" She ducked her head.
"Yes," you replied. "And let me know if I need to do it again."
She looked up mischievously without moving her ducked head. A smile broke out across her face. "Okay!" she chimed.
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marimarionette · 9 months
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Shining Star
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Capítulo 11: Memórias Perdidas
Renan caminha pelas ruas de Tóquio indo em direção à floricultura de Shui Kimi. Havia acabado de entregar a carta de Marionette para sua família biológica, estando um tanto surpreso que a garota ainda mantivesse contato com eles. Renan olhava para baixo, observando os seus pés enquanto andava pela calçada. A rua aparentava estar um pouco agitada, carros passavam por ela e pessoas a atravessavam
Renan: Agora eu preciso ir pra floricultura sem que minha vó perceba que eu não estava na escola... Eu vou me esconder atrás de uma das árvores do pátio da escola, e... Fingir que estou saindo de lá. Se ela me perguntar qualquer coisa é só eu inventar uma desculpa na hora. -Sussurrava enquanto avistava sua escola de longe. O mesmo suspirava, e logo começava a correr para até lá com velocidade, descendo a mesma escadaria que havia descido de manhã e indo para uma das árvores da escola, estando com a respiração ofegante por um tempo. Havia poucos alunos na escola, o que era um tanto peculiar. A quantidade reduzida de alunos deixou o loiro intrigado.
Renan: Tem poucas pessoas na escola... Provavelmente é por causa do horário... -Sussurrou consigo mesmo enquanto espiava a quadra da escola e a floricultura de Kimi ao mesmo tempo. Enquanto observava, Renan escutava passos se aproximando da árvore, e uma voz familiar o chamando.
??????: Olha só... Se não é o Shui Renan... -Renan olhava para trás, vendo quem estava o chamando. Era Hannah. O mesmo voltava a olhar para a floricultura, ignorando a presença da garota.
Hannah: O que faz aqui? Não o vi o dia inteiro. Nem você, nem o JoJo, e nem... Aquela garota... Achei estranho. Vocês três foram para a enfermaria... E aconteceu um incidente lá tempo depois. O JoJo se meteu em mais uma briga, não foi? Mas uma briga... Na enfermaria... Seria meio controverso, não?
Renan: Sabe Hannah, eu que pergunto. O que você está fazendo aqui enquanto você devia cuidar da sua própria vida e voltar para casa?
Hannah: Eu volto para casa de carro, tenho que esperar me buscarem... Eu sou obrigada a esperar até tarde por aqui. Agora... Responda a minha pergunta Shui, o que aconteceu com o Jotaro?
Renan: Por que quer tanto saber se o Jotaro se meteu em uma briga ou não? Isso vai mudar alguma coisa na sua vida?
Hannah: Eu só estou preocupada com ele! Você sabe... Shui... Você sabe que eu go-
Renan: Tá, tá, tá, eu já sei, todo mundo já sabe Hannah! A forma que você demonstra seus "sentimentos" pelo Jotaro é humilhante, e todos sabem disso. Eu me pergunto quando você irá perceber que tudo que você faz pelo Jotaro é inútil e que ele nunca vai gostar de você. Não vou responder a sua pergunta de merda, Bōryoku, não interessa se você quer saber sobre o Jotaro ou não, eu não vou ser um peão no seu jogo de xadrez. Apenas me deixe em paz. -Respondeu impacientemente, deixando Hannah sem palavras e de olhos arregalados. O garoto lentamente se afastava de Hannah, indo até a floricultura de sua avó um tanto irritado. Não aguentava mais as garotas fanáticas pelo Jotaro, principalmente a Hannah.
Renan: Ah... Só mais uma coisinha... -Disse o garoto se virando de costas.
Hannah: O que? -Perguntou ainda surpresa com as palavras de Renan.
Renan: Bōryoku... Vai tomar no cu. -Repentinamente, um sorriso surgia em seus lábios ao dizer o sobrenome da garota, voltando a caminhar até a floricultura de Kimi. Repentinamente, é interrompido por Hannah, que estava o chamando.
Hannah: Ei, ow Shui. -Renan se virava para trás, irritado.
Renan: O que que você quer?!
Hannah: Eu se fosse você, não me sentiria o maioral falando essas coisas. Não é como se o Jotaro fosse gostar de você também... Até porque... Você é um garoto. -Agora, Renan sente um peso em seu coração, como se tivesse acabado de levar uma facada.
Renan: Como assim? Do que está falando?...
Hannah: Não se faça de sonso Shui... Dá pra ver que você gosta dele também, ainda mais agora, que parece que você está tentando me afastar dele. -O loiro não queria se deixar levar pelas palavras de Hannah, mas sua insegurança em relação aos seus sentimentos acabaram permitindo que isso acontecesse. E então, sem dizer nada, Renan se afastava, deixando a cabeça baixa até a floricultura. Ao chegar na floricultura, o mesmo entrava lá, e a mesma aparentava estar um tanto vazia.
Renan: Vó... Cheguei... -Disse se aproximando da mais velha. Senhora Kimi parecia estar um pouco ocupada, colocando uma margarida dentro de um vaso com terra. A mesma estava usando luvas de plástico e segurando uma pá com a mão direita.
Senhora Kimi: Oh, olá querido, como foi seu dia? Você demorou um pouco mais para vim hoje... -Disse vagamente, mas com seu jeito simpático de sempre.
Renan: É... Foi normal. Eu demorei porque... Precisei limpar a minha sala de aula, e eu tô meio cansado. Só isso. -Mentiu o garoto.
Senhora Kimi: Ah sim, eu sei bem como é. É uma tarefa normal entre alunos japoneses. Eu lembro que quando eu tinha sua idade eu odiava limpar a sala depois da aula, mas eu sempre tinha a ajuda da minha antiga melhor amiga, que fazia essa tarefa não ser tão ruim assim.
Renan: É... Pois é... Ô vó, eu posso dormir na casa da Eduarda hoje?
Senhora Kimi: Oh, é claro que pode, só espera eu terminar aqui para eu poder ir para casa também. Aliás... Onde a sua amiga está? Estranho ela não ter vindo com você. E... Onde está sua maleta? -Disse olhando para a mão de Renan, percebendo que a mesma estava vazia.
Renan: É... A Eduarda foi embora mais cedo hoje. Machucou o pé na escadaria. O Jotaro foi junto com ela, eu decidi dormir na casa dela pra ver se estava bem. -Respondeu tentando fazer Kimi esquecer sobre a pergunta dos materiais. Senhora Kimi parecia estar surpresa agora, terminando de colocar a flor dentro do vaso.
Senhora Kimi: Ela caiu da escada? Como foi que ela caiu? Céus, será que ela torceu o tornozelo?! -Disse ainda surpresa, olhando com os olhos arregalados para Renan.
Renan: Não, não, vó, não se preocupe. Ela conseguia andar, então ela não quebrou o pé...
Senhora Kimi: Oh, mas que ótimo... Bom... A floricultura está vazia, então acho que já posso voltar para casa. Eu vou arrumar alguns lanchinhos para sua amiga e a sua mochila para ir dormir lá.
Renan: Lanches? O que você vai fazer vovó? Não precisa preparar nada. Daqui a pouco já vai anoitecer, vai ficar ruim de eu ir pra lá... -Disse pensativo. Senhora Kimi retirava as luvas de suas mãos, colocando as em cima da bancada da floricultura.
Senhora Kimi: Deixa disso Renan. Me espere ali fora, querido. -Disse amigavelmente, enquanto colocava o vaso de margarida junto com algumas outras flores. Renan saía da floricultura, olhando para o céu. Não iria demorar muito para a noite chegar. As luzes da floricultura são apagadas, e Senhora Kimi saía de lá com a chave da floricultura nas mãos, fechando a mesma.
Passou-se quase 2 horas desde que Kimi e Renan voltaram para casa. No momento, o loiro estava no banheiro, com uma toalha enrolada em seu corpo após terminar de tomar banho. Com a mão na maçaneta, ele gentilmente abria a porta, aos poucos saindo do banheiro. Ao abrir a porta, um doce aroma subia por suas narinas, um aroma doce e encantador de chocolate vindo da cozinha. O cheiro fazia a barriga de Renan começar a roncar, tendo vontade de provar o que quer que fosse que Kimi provavelmente estava preparando em sua cozinha. O garoto parava por uns segundos, sentindo o aroma e tentando identificar o que Kimi estava cozinhando.
Renan: Eu lembro dela ter mencionado que iria preparar um lanche pra eu levar, mas ela não me disse o que iria preparar... Hm... Quem sabe... Biscoitos? Um bolo? Cupcakes? De qualquer forma, eu... Tenho que ir pro quarto pra me vestir logo... Isso vai ser difícil, a minha vó tá ali na cozinha... -Pensava consigo mesmo, olhando para a cozinha. Segurando a toalha com sua mão direita, o garoto suspira, e rapidamente começa a correr, passando pela cozinha. Então, o garoto chega em seu quarto, deixando a porta entreaberta após entrar. A mudança que teve no quarto de Renan desde que chegou no Japão foi surpreendente, havia um grande painel de fotos na parede. Mas, no lugar de fotos, havia múltiplos desenhos grudados com fita adesiva. Havia também uma pequena mesa com uma cadeira, logo a frente de onde está o seu futon estendido. Havia também um pequeno tapete e um pequeno puff no canto do quarto.
Renan vestia uma roupa íntima na parte de baixo de seu corpo, em seguida vestindo uma calça por cima, vestindo meias em seus pés. Agora, Renan abre o armário, pegando um grande lenço de cor preta, tendo quase um metro e meio de comprimento. O garoto colocava uma parte do lenço sob seus peitos, aos poucos o enrolando com certa dificuldade. Após um tempo, quando o lenço estava chegando no fim, chegava a parte mais difícil do processo... Amarrar o lenço.
Com as mãos nas costas, o garoto segurava a ponta do lenço que restava, tentando amarrar em uma parte aleatória do lenço. Renan normalmente escolhe amarrar nas costas pelo lenço ficar mais firme. E então, uma ideia surge na mente do loiro.
Renan: E se eu usar o meu stand pra amarrar o lenço pra mim? -Pensou consigo mesmo, abrindo um sorriso. Renan fechava os olhos, com uma certa dificuldade invocando seu stand. Poucos segundos depois, o loiro abre seus olhos verdes, notando a presença de seu stand ao seu lado.
Renan: Oh, olha você aí! E aí, tudo jóia? -O stand não demonstrava emoção alguma, e Renan o observava por alguns segundos, notando melhor alguns detalhes de sua aparência. Não era só os cabelos do stand que eram estrelados, seus olhos também era repleto de estrelas. Renan estava surpreso, ele olhava os olhos do stand como se estivesse olhando para o céu em uma noite de verão.
Renan: Caramba, você tem estrelas até nos olhos, que loucura. Durante esse primeiro mês vivendo no Japão, eu acabei me interessando bastante em astronomia por causa de alguns livros que li na biblioteca... E as vezes eu fiquei acordado até tarde olhando as estrelas. Será que essas estrelas representam esse meu interesse? Eu... Tenho que pensar em um nome pra você, né? Que tal... "Jorge"? -Disse levemente tocando na bochecha do stand com seu dedo indicador direito, enquanto segurava a ponta do lenço com a mão esquerda.
Renan: Bem... Cê não tem cara de "Jorge", na verdade... Não é uma boa. Pode ser... Um nome inglês também. Um nome envolvendo estrelas, já que você... Bem... É cheio de estrelas. Acho que por enquanto eu vou te chamar só de "Star", depois eu penso em um nome melhor. Enfim... Pode me ajudar com isso aqui? -O stand ia para trás de Renan, em seguida segurando a ponta do lenço e a amarrando com delicadeza. Segundos depois, o lenço já estava amarrado, e Renan desativa o seu stand. Nisso, Renan percebe que a porta estava lentamente abrimdo. O garoto observa a porta assustado. Mas então, o garoto começava a rir, deixando o susto de lado. Na verdade, quem estava abrindo a porta era Haruno. O gato entrava no quarto, se aproximando de Renan.
Renan: E aí gato. -O garoto se agachava, fazendo carinho na cabeça do felino, pegando ele no colo e o colocando em cima do puff. Haruno se aconchegada na superfície macia do móvel, e, em seguida, Renan ia até seu armário, abrindo o, procurando por uma camiseta confortável. Durante no meio das roupas, por alguma razão, havia um pequeno Walkie Talkie de brinquedo preto. Estava um tanto empoeirado. Renan sorria, deixando seu queixo cair de surpresa.
Renan: Nossa, eu tinha esquecido disso! Eu comprei isso aqui na minha primeira semana que estava no Japão! Um pra mim e outro pra Eduarda! -O garoto pegava o Walkie Talkie nas mãos, abrindo um grande sorriso em seus lábios.
Renan: Esse Walkie Talkie me faz lembrar de umas coisas, mas principalmente que lá no Brasil a gente tinha um Walkie Talkie também. Era o meu sonho de infância ter um, e a Eduarda me deu de presente de aniversário!
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Era sábado, dia 25 de Junho. Aniversário de Renan. Uma pequena comemoração na casa de seu vizinho. Os familiares de Renan decidiram comemorar o aniversário do garoto no fim de semana ao invés do dia do aniversário de fato. A casa de Renan era pequena, não teria muito espaço para fazer uma comemoração com amigos e família por ali. Se lembrava de estar sentado em uma cadeira, um pouco mais afastado dos outros convidados que eram seus familiares, estando um tanto impaciente e irritado, principalmente pelo fato de que ele não queria ter uma festa de aniversário, seus pais o obrigaram a ter, praticamente. E então, o garoto virava a cabeça para o lado, percebendo uma garota de cabelos extremamente compridos no portão do local. Era Marionette.
Renan: Que? Meus pais convidaram ela? Ai, que maravilha, ao menos alguém que eu goste... -Na época, ela não havia suas mechas loiras no cabelo, e tinha uma leve insegurança em cortá-lo. A garota estava usando um vestido florido e um casaco jeans. A mãe de Renan ia até o portão com uma chave, abrindo, permitindo que a garota entrasse. A mesma estava segurando um pacote embrulhado. Renan via Marionette cumprimentando a sua mãe, e a garota aos poucos se aproximava de Renan. O loiro aparentava estar um pouco mais alegre agora, se levantando da cadeira, recebendo um abraço apertado de Marionette.
Marionette: Feliz aniversário Renan! -A garota de separava do abraço, entregando o presente para Renan. O mesmo dava uma leve risada, sorrindo para a amiga.
Renan: O que que será que é? Será que é uma granada? Uma arma? Uma faca? Ou... -O garoto se aproximava do ouvido de Marionette, segurando a risada. O mesmo começava a cochichar algo.
Renan: Ou será que é um vibrador?
Marionette: Ai Renan! -A garota empurrava o ombro de Renan, dando um leve tapa nele. Renan arregalava os olhos assustado, encarando a garota. E então, a garota se assusta, percebendo o que havia feito.
Marionette: Quero dizer... Ai Julia, para com isso! -Disse estando um tanto nervosa, mas ao mesmo tempo suspirando de alívio por ninguém ter escutado ela chamando seu amigo de "Renan", apesar de que a mãe de Renan observava a garota, estando confusa. O loiro suspirava desacreditado, pegando a garota pelo braço e a puxando para dentro da casa do vizinho, longe de qualquer outro familiar de Renan.
Renan: Meu deus Eduarda, pelo amor de Deus...
Marionette: Foi mal. Enfim... Abre o presente aí. -O garoto suspirava, abrindo o presente, retirando o que havia dentro do embrulho. Para a surpresa de Renan, era dois Walkie Talkies da Hello Kitty. O garoto suspirava de surpresa, abrindo um pequeno sorriso e olhando para Marionette com seus olhos brilhando.
Marionette: Você tinha dito que era seu sonho de infância ter um desses, não é? Então, está aí. Só que... É de brinquedo. Espero que não se importe com isso, um de verdade estava um tanto caro. Quase 200 ou 500 cruzados. Minha mãe não deixou eu pegar, então eu peguei um de brinquedo mesmo.
Renan: Não, tá tudo bem! Da Hello Kitty ainda, olha só! Tá ótimo! Meu deus, olha isso aqui! -O garoto começava a abrir a embalagem, retirando os dois Walkie Talkies de brinquedo de dentro. O mesmo saltava de felicidade, entregando um Walkie Talkie para Marionette.
Renan: Tó! Esse aqui é seu! A gente vai poder falar pelos Walkie Talkies! Vamo testar agora!
Marionette: Vamo, vamo! Imagina! Mas... Problema é que precisa de pilha pra funcionar.
Renan: Nah, não tem problema, a gente procura umas lá na minha casa! Imagina a gente no intervalo da escola com isso aqui! O que você acha?!
Marionette: Ah, tudo bem. Vai ser legal! -Disse se sentindo mais a vontade, abrindo um sorriso em seu rosto. Por outro lado, Renan observava sua amiga, e seu sorriso levemente se desmanchava. O loiro reparava na aparência dela, havia olheiras profundas embaixo de seus olhos, enquanto que em uma de suas bochechas havia uma estranha marca vermelha. Marionette estava confusa, colocando ambas as mãos em seu peito.
Marionette: Que foi? -Perguntou confusa. Agora, a manga no casaco de Marionette se abaixava levemente, revelando uma pequena parte de seu braço. Os olhos de Renan se arregalaram. Como estava na época de inverno, o garoto normalmente vai sua amiga com um ou mais casacos na escola, então não havia notado o quão magra ela estranhamente estava ficando, dando até pra ver o osso do seu pulso. O garoto também notava que as mangas do casaco jeans de Marionette estavam forradas com lã, o que impedia da garota passar frio.
Renan: Eduarda... Você anda comendo direito esses dias? Não tem pulado nenhuma refeição não? Você parece estar mais magra que o normal... -Marionette respirava fundo agora.
Marionette: Bem... Mais ou menos. Vez eu outra eu não almoço ou não tomo café da manhã, mas eu estou bem. De certa forma, emagrecer é algo bom, não é?
Renan: É, quando você não pula refeições. -Disse com firmeza em sua voz.
Marionette: Ah, relaxa Renan... No final, vai ser tudo por uma boa causa. Pelo menos pra mim. Sabe como é, não é? -Nesse momento, um certo arrepio subia na espinha de Renan, fazendo o mesmo sentir seu estômago embrulhar. Havia algo de errado com sua amiga, e, de certa forma, ele sabia qual era o motivo. Marionette observava o Walkie Talkie, com um sorriso dócil.
Marionette: Depois que a gente testar o Walkie Talkie, você... Pode me dizer onde fica o telefone da sua casa? Você sabe... Pra eu fazer uma ligação... Para... Bem... Você sabe quem.
Flashback OFF
Renan: Hm... Eu... Acho que esse último detalhe eu não devia ter lembrado... Bom... Aqui no Japão o Walkie Talkie normal é um pouco mais caro. Uns 7800 ienes, e os de brinquedo estavam uns 200 ienes. Então, é, peguei um de brinquedo de novo. Se não me engano, tem o alcance de 100 ou 200 metros. Acho que... Eu já sei o que vou pedir pra minha vó de Natal. -O garoto colocava o Walkie Talkie em seu bolso, em seguida pegando uma camiseta roxa de dentro do armário, rapidamente a colocando. Após se vestir, Renan começava a procurar sua mochila, mas não a encontrava. Confuso, o garoto corria para a cozinha para conversar com Kimi.
Renan: Ô vó, onde que tá a minha mochila? -O garoto olhava para a mesa, e ficava surpreso. A mochila do garoto estava em cima da mesa. Kimi começava a rir, segurando um pequeno pote de plástico em mãos.
Senhora Kimi: Eu já tinha arrumado sua mochila enquanto você tomava banho, meu querido. Só falta colocar os lanchinhos da sua amiga.
Renan: Caraca, valeu vó! -O garoto ia até sua mochila, colocando o Walkie Talkie no bolso da mochila. Em seguida, Kimi ia até a mochila, a abrindo e colocando o pote dentro. A senhora sorria para Renan.
Senhora Kimi: Biscoitos! -Sussurrou alegre. A mesma fechava a mochila, a entregando para Renan. Por mais estranho que pareça... A mochila estava pesada.
Renan: Ai vó! O que que tu colocou aqui?! 3 quilos de tijolos?! 599 chumbinhos? Cristo amado. -A senhora Kimi ria simpaticamente, acariciando o ombro do garoto.
Senhora Kimi: É melhor se apressar, não vai querer chegar lá muito tarde.
Renan: É, tem razão, é melhor eu ir. -Renan colocava sua mochila nas costas, indo até a entrada da casa. O mesmo pegava seus tênis o colocando em seus pés, rapidamente amarrando o cadarço. Renan começava a correr para longe, e Kimi ia até a porta enquanto o loiro corria.
Renan: TCHAU VÓ!
Senhora Kimi: Tchau Renan! Não dorme muito tarde!
Renan's POV, minutos depois
Renan permanece correndo por um longo tempo, mas ao ver que estava se aproximando da casa dos Kujo, o garoto foi diminuindo sua velocidade, voltando a caminhar normalmente. O mesmo estava ofegante, quase caindo ajoelhado no chão.
Renan: Tenho sorte das ruas de Tóquio serem seguras também... -O loiro caminhava por mais um tempo, e então, chegava na residência dos Kujo. Renan timidamente retirava seus tênis, entrando dentro da casa após se aproximar, indo pro quarto de Marionette. A garota estava sentada em uma cadeira, junto com uma mesa em seu quarto, usando uma camisola branca com bolinhas rosas estampadas. Marionette aparentava estar escrevendo ou desenhando algo.
Renan: Ô Eduarda. -Chamou impaciente. Marionette a cabeça para o lado surpresa, se levantando.
Marionette: Ai, Renan! Desculpa, eu não te esperei lá fora!
Renan: BOA EDUARDA! -Disse aumentando seu tom de voz.
Marionette: Mas... Você demorou hein, achei até que tivesse desistido de dormir aqui.
Renan: Eu hein, tá doida Eduarda? Se eu tivesse desistido, eu iria ter te avisado por telefone.
Marionette: É... Verdade.
Renan: Aliás, por que você não me disse antes que aquela carta que você pediu pra eu entregar era pra sua família lá no Brasil? Quero dizer... Bem... Estava o endereço da sua casa na carta, deduzi que talvez fosse pra algum de seus cunhados. -Marionette fica em silêncio por um tempo.
Marionette: O Jotaro estava por perto antes.
Renan: Tá... Mas o que tem a ver o Jotaro estar por perto?
Marionette: Talvez seja paranóia minha, mas acho que não seria muito legal falar da minha família biológica perto de um membro da minha host family, ainda mais agora que eu e o Jotaro estamos ficando mais próximos. -Renan dá de ombros.
Renan: É... Foi meio paranóico da sua parte mesmo, mas dá pra entender.
Marionette: Vem, entre. A minha mãe, o Senhor Joestar e o Senhor Avdol estão na cozinha, está quase na hora do jantar. Sendo sincera, eu só não estou lá com eles porque eu comecei a sentir aqueles calafrios estranhos de novo. Mas relaxa, eu tô bem, já estão passando. Daqui a pouco eu vou ir pra cozinha também.
Renan: Ah, beleza. -Renan entrava dentro do quarto de Marionette, que, não tão surpreendentemente, estava organizado. Havia dois futons enrolados no canto do quarto, rapidamente deduzindo que um seria e outro seria de Marionette. O loiro se ajoelhava no chão, abrindo a sua mochila.
Renan: Aliás, sabe onde é que tá a minha maleta com os meus materiais da escola?
Marionette: Acho que sei, está lá naquele lugar onde tem umas fotos do Jotaro. Sabe onde é?
Renan: Ah, sei, tô ligado. Verdade, eu tinha deixado lá. Depois eu vou ir lá pegar, é que a minha vó colocou os materiais que vou precisar pra amanhã aqui.
Marionette: Ah bom, tá explicado.
Renan: Falando no Jotaro... Cê sabe onde ele está? -Marionette dá de ombros.
Marionette: Deve estar lá fora. Conhecendo ele, tem chances dele estar fumando. -Renan franze as sobrancelhas.
Renan: Na verdade... O Jotaro não tá lá fora não. Pelo menos, eu não vi ele lá.
Marionette: Sério?
Renan: É ué. -Marion dá de ombros.
Marionette: Ele deve estar no quarto dele então. De qualquer forma, se ele estivesse lá fora, ele provavelmente estaria fumando.
Renan: É, o Jotaro gosta de fumar. Até entendo o porquê, ainda mais hoje que eu fumei com ele hoje mais cedo.
Marionette: Pois é. Semanas atrás eu até cheguei a falar para ele tentar parar um pouquinho, pois o hábito de fumar pode comprometer os pulmões dele e matar ele aos poucos. Ele olhou no fundo dos meus olhos e disse: "Eu não tenho pressa pra morrer", claramente tirando sarro da minha cara. -Renan ri, estranhamente escutando passos do lado de fora do quarto.
Renan: É por isso que eu amo o seu irmão, Eduarda, ele é tão incrível que não tem medo do câncer de pulmão! Ninguém liga pro câncer de pulmão, nem mesmo eu! -Marionette ri.
Marionette: Hah, é claro que ama ele. De certa forma, vocês dois tem uma estranha similaridade, a diferença é que o Jotaro não é tão extrovertido.
Renan: Ô mulher, e de onde você tirou que eu sou extrovertido? -Perguntou com deboche em sua voz.
Marionette: Ah, sei lá. Mas ó, de uma coisa eu tenho certeza: Você conversa bem mais com as pessoas do que o Jotaro. Logo, isso faz você ser um pouco mais extrovertido.
Renan: Eduarda, você tá me chamando de tagarela?
Marionette: Que? Não Renan! Para com isso! -A garota ria sem jeito, passando a mão direita em sua cabeça, sentindo os fios de cabelo na palma de sua mão. Renan olhava para a porta, e via um estranho vulto preto passando por ela. O coração do mesmo acelerava assustado.
Renan: Eita, que que foi aquilo?
Marionette: O que?
Renan: Acho que eu vi um vulto preto passando aí na porta.
Marionette: Que?! Vulto preto?! Ai meu Deus... -Disse começando a se assustar.
Renan: Eu sei lá, eu vi algo passando por aqui.
Marionette: Pode ser só o Jotaro, sei lá. Você sabe, ele normalmente usa roupa preta, ou se duvidar ele ainda está de uniforme. -Brincou a garota, revirando os olhos.
Renan: Ai cara, se for o Jotaro eu tô fudido. E se ouviu a nossa conversa? Ai meu Deus, que vergonha! E se ele ouviu a parte que eu tava dizendo que eu amava ele?! Ele nunca mais olha na minha cara!
Marionette: Ai, relaxa, que exagero. Ele não deve ter escutado bulhufas, se escutou ele vai esquecer uma hora ou outra. Não fica paranóico com isso não.
Renan: É difícil não ficar paranóico com isso. Sério, ele provavelmente vai me odiar que nem as outras garotas da nossa escola.
Marionette: Ai, Renan, deixa isso de lado. -Renan suspirava, e logo voltava a mostrar umas coisas da sua mochila para a amiga.
Renan: Então tá... Eu vou acreditar em ti... Enfim... Mudando de assunto... Adivinha o que eu achei mas minhas coisas!
Marionette: O que? -Renan pegava seu Walkie Talkie do bolso de sua mochila. Marionette suspirava surpresa.
Marionette: Meu deus! É verdade, a gente tinha esses Walkie Talkie!
Marionette: Tenho! -A garota abria uma pequena gaveta que tinha em sua mesa, procurando o Walkie Talkie lá dentro. Pouco tempo depois, a garota encontra. Ao contrário do Walkie Talkie de Renan, o de Marionette era rosa claro. Ambos começavam a dar gritinhos de alegria.
Marionette: Renan, câmbio, está me ouvindo? Câmbio. -Disse apertando em um pequeno botão do Walkie Talkie. O áudio saía no Walkie Talkie de Renan, e ambos começavam a rir e gritar de felicidade.
Renan: Eduarda, câmbio, estou te escutando, câmbio. Tudo certo, câmbio. -Respondeu apertando em um botão do Walkie Talkie. Marionette dava uma risada, apertando em um botão do Walkie Talkie novamente.
Marionette: Câmbio Renan, vamo usar isso aqui na escola, câmbio. -Marionette e Renan riam novamente, e logo Renan voltava a revirar sua mochila.
Renan: Por algum motivo... A minha vó colocou até aquele colar que ela me deu há um mês atrás aqui. -Disse retirando o colar de coração de dentro da mochila.
Marionette: Ah, vai ver ela quer ver você usando ou sei lá. Eu nunca vi você usando esse colar. -Renan dá de ombros.
Renan: Depois do machucado que ele fez na minha mão, eu não uso nem se me pagassem... Aliás, falei pra minha vó que você se machucou mais cedo, e ela preparou alguns biscoitos pra ti. Por isso eu demorei. Aqui ó. -O garoto retirava o pote de biscoitos de dentro da mochila, o entregando para Marionette. A mesma parecia contente pelos biscoitos.
Marionette: Aiai, será que tem problema eu comer alguns antes do jantar?
Renan: Acho que não hein... -A garota abria o pote animada, e logo franzia as sobrancelhas surpresa. Renan ficava confuso.
Renan: Que que foi?
Marionette: Tem... Um bilhete.
Renan: Hein? Eu não vi ela colocando esse bilhete aí não. O que está escrito?
Marionette: Está escrito...
("Não se esqueça de prestar atenção nas oito estrelas mais brilhantes da noite. Ou melhor... Para as dez estrelas mais brilhantes.
-Senhora Kimi.")
Renan: Hein? Dez estrelas mais brilhantes? Essa minha vó e esses bilhetes estranhos...
Marionette: Que estranho... Bem... Talvez seja melhor só ignorar. Vamo comer esses biscoitos logo. -A garota deixava o papel de lado, começando a comer os biscoitos e os dividindo com Renan. Em seguida, Renan pega o papel e o coloca em seu bolso, e logo pegava o pote com a mão esquerda, se levantando do chão.
Renan: Tem problema eu dar alguns biscoitos para o Jotaro?
Marionette: Não, não tem problema, pode ir lá dar pro Jotaro. -Brincou a garota, fazendo Renan rir.
Renan: Bem que eu queria dar mesmo. -Brincou, dando risada. Renan saía do quarto. Marionette seguia logo atrás. Ambos estavam levando seus Walkie Talkies, Marionette levava em mãos enquanto Renan o colocava em seu bolso. Os dois encontravam Jotaro no gramado do quintal. Ao contrário do que Marionette havia pensado, o homem não estava fumando, mas apenas olhando as estrelas no céu com as mãos em seu bolso. O mesmo aparentava estar com uma roupa mais confortável, com uma calça preta e uma camiseta comum.
Marionette: É, pelo visto foi ele mesmo que passou aquela hora. Relaxa, talvez ele não tenha ouvido a parte de tu gostar dele. Eu vou ficar aqui pra você conversar sozinho lá com ele. Vai lá, e fica ligado no Walkie Talkie. -Incentivou a amiga.
Renan: Valeu Eduarda, você é um anjo.
-Sussurrou para a amiga, sorrindo e logo indo até Jotaro timidamente, parando em seu lado.
Renan: E ai, Jotaro, tá fazendo o que? -Jotaro olhava para baixo, observando Renan.
Jotaro: Nada. -Respondeu secamente, olhando o garoto pelo canto do olho.
Renan: Ah... -Renan olha para cima, havia várias estrelas no céu. Aquele sentimento de estar olhando as estrelas ao lado de Jotaro fazia seu coração acelerar.
Renan: A lua está bem bonita, não acha? Já fazia um tempo que eu não parava pra ver as estrelas, normalmente eu só fico trancado no meu quarto quando tô em casa. De certa forma, eu tenho um certo interesse em astronomia... É estranho, né? -Disse o garoto tentando puxar assunto.
Jotaro: Hm...
Renan: Olha só... É até irônico, não é? Tem várias estrelas lá no céu, e tem uma aqui do meu lado. -Jotaro observava o loiro, um tanto confuso.
Jotaro: Do que você tá falando? -Renan levemente puxa a camiseta de Jotaro, deixando sua marca de nascença a mostra.
Jotaro: Tá falando da minha marca de nascença?
Renan: Que que cê acha Jotaro? -Respondeu brincando, olhando para o moreno com uma expressão neutra. Jotaro revirava os olhos impaciente.
Jotaro: Que coisa idiota.
Renan: Ah, qual é, não foi tão ruim assim.
Jotaro: Foi bem ruim. -Renan ria, colocando a mão no braço de Jotaro, levemente passando a mão pelo mesmo, o acariciando.
Renan: Acho que eu tô forçando demais... Será que eu tô forçando demais? Eu não sei... -Pensava consigo mesmo. Renan olhava para o lado pelo canto do olho, mas notava que Marionette não estava mais lá. Renan ficou confuso, mas decidiu continuar conversando.
Renan: Ah, falando em estrelas... A minha vó colocou isso junto com uns biscoitos que ela fez pra Eduarda. Ela soube que ela se machucou e fez alguns. Você sabe como ela é, né? -Disse retirando o bilhete de seu bolso, o entregando para Jotaro. O mesmo lia o bilhete rapidamente.
Jotaro: Estrelas brilhantes... Dez estrelas brilhantes...
Renan: O que você acha? -Jotaro entregava o papel para Renan novamente.
Jotaro: Estanho. Mas por que tá me mostrando isso? Não é como se isso estivesse me envolvendo.
Renan: Queria saber a sua opinião. Eu mostrei pra Eduarda e ela ficou bem confusa. Eu também fiquei, na verdade, mas não é como se essas metáforas da minha vó não fossem habituais... -Dizia observando a mão de Jotaro.
Jotaro: Talvez ela esteja tentando dizer algo sem deixar explícito o real significado.
Renan: Faz sentido... Mas o que será que ela estava tentando dizer então? Com... "Estrelas brilhantes"?
Jotaro: E eu sei lá, eu não sou sua vó pra saber. Eu sempre achei aquela velha bem esquisita, mesmo antes de eu te conhecer, por isso eu quase não entrava na casa dela quando vocês iam pra lá. -Renan ria.
Renan: No início eu também achava ela meio estranha, mas com o tempo eu fui me acostumando e tendo um pouco mais de confiança. Sabe como é... No início de tudo, as pessoas pode não parecer tão confiáveis.
Jotaro: Sei. -Renan pegava o pote de biscoitos, abrindo o mesmo.
Renan: Deixei alguns pra você. Quer? -Jotaro observava o pote, e logo pegava dois biscoitos dele, comendo os mesmos.
Renan: Sabe... Talvez o bilhete seja só ela dizendo para eu observar um pouco as estrelas e sentir a brisa da noite por um tempo. Sei lá também. -Jotaro dava de ombros ao ouvir o que Renan disse.
Jotaro: Não dê tanta importância para para esse pedaço de papel, não deve significar merda nenhuma.
Renan: É... Melhor deixar quieto mesmo. -Um silêncio surgia entre os dois. A única coisa que era possível ouvir era os grilos nos matos do gramado. Renan abria o pote de biscoitos, comendo mais um.
Renan: Os biscoitos da minha vó são ótimos, um dos melhores que já comi.
Jotaro: São bons. -Renan fica em silêncio por um tempo.
Renan: Esses últimos dias têm sido bastante agitados, não acha? Toda essa história de stands e, ainda tem esse tal de Dio... -Jotaro concorda com a cabeça.
Renan: Eh... É um pouco estranho pensar muito nisso, na verdade... E pensar que esse pode ser apenas o começo, já que seu avô disse que vocês precisariam enfrentar ele, né? -Jotaro terminava de comer seu biscoito, em seguida respirando fundo.
Jotaro: É...
Renan: Bom, Jotaro... Se você for enfrentar esse cara, saiba que eu irei junto com você para te ajudar. Quero dizer, eu não faço ideia de quando isso vai ser, mas já tô avisando agora que eu... Quero te ajudar. -O garoto ria timidamente após dizer isso. Jotaro virava seu pescoço para o loiro, o observando por segundos. O moreno, após pensar um pouco no que o garoto disse, concordava com a cabeça, arqueando levemente o canto da boca. Ambos fazem contato visual por um tempo, retornando a visualizar as estrelas logo em seguida. E então, o Walkie Talkie de Renan começava a tocar. Era Marionette.
Marionette: Renan, câmbio. Está na hora do jantar, venha para a cozinha imediatamente, câmbio. -Renan pega o Walkie Talkie do bolso, quase começando a rir.
Renan: Então ela tinha ido pra cozinha. -Pensou consigo mesmo, antes de apertar no botão do Walkie Talkie.
Renan: Eduarda, câmbio. Já estou indo, câmbio. -E então, estranhamente Renan começava a escutar a voz de Holly, mãe de Jotaro, do outro lado da linha do Walkie Talkie.
Holly: Isso vale pra você também Jotaro! A mamãe preparou uma comida deliciosa pra todos comerem, você vai adorar!
Marionette: Mãe, você tem que dizer "câmbio" no final da frase. -Disse do outro lado da linha.
Holly: Ah! Tudo bem então! "Câmbio"! -Foi a última coisa que escutaram do Walkie Talkie. Jotaro suspirava desacreditado, ficando com seu rosto sério novamente.
Jotaro: Yare Yare Daze... -E então, os dois adolescentes vão até a cozinha, prontos para jantar.
To be continued...
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silent-sanctum · 2 months
hiii mijin! hope you are doing well 💕 can i req a beach day with jotaro and the crusaders, y/n getting hit on, joot getting jealous, pol and kak clowning him, those shoujo anime cliche we all know and love 😂 thanks !
Hello anon! Your beach day request has been heard! Initially, I had this planned to only be at most 600+ words, but then I went ahead and found the plot to be... a lot more 😬 Also this takes place in an au where everyone survives post-DIO's World. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! ♡
Volleyball - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2.2k
It’s been 3 months since DIO’s defeat and no one else deserves a break more than the Crusaders.
Everyone had time to recover from their injuries and although some had worse wounds than others, they still managed to make it out of the otherwise deadly voyage alive.
It was Joseph’s idea for the team to meet-up once more in a popular beach near New York-to hang out as friends for once rather than just allies or colleagues. He promised that any expenses in relation to this one-time hangout would be covered using the “good old Joestar funds” as the old man put it.
And since the new school year wouldn’t start until a month after, and that being around familiar faces was a nice experience, Jotaro wasn’t opposed into joining, more so after knowing you were going too.
Speaking off, a part of him held onto this ounce of pride when you and Jotaro decided to be something more than being “just close friends” and who would’ve guessed that this decision would be made in the middle of a mission to save his mother.
Now, not only is Holly alive and well but he also gained a new lover for her to dote on and gush with.
And whether it was conscious or not, you both stuck around for each other, often finding ways to meet one way or another. It felt nice to have you here with him no matter the place.
So having to hop on board a plane yet again and fly off to the States for a day or two wouldn’t be too excruciating when he knew you’d be there to make the sudden meeting a bit more tolerable.
Day after arrival, here he was- sitting underneath a beach umbrella in his dark shorts, drinking juice while watching his grandfather and Polnareff compete at a game of volleyball. You were there beside him in the shade, dressed in a loose blouse and shorts, applying sun screen as you attempted to convince him to play a game with the crew.
I’d rather be at home. Despite your many tries, Jotaro stayed stubborn and said he’d be fine watching you play with the guys. You didn’t push the offer again and after a sip of your citrus drink and a quick peck on his cheek, off you went to lead a waiting Kakyoin to the playing field.
And for the next few hours, it mostly stayed like this- Jotaro and Avdol resting underneath the shade, him watching the volleyball match with his Walkman in hand listening to music, the Egyptian reading a worn-out book that’s most probably from his archives, and the rest of the group out in the sun playing their 3rd round.
Throughout his time there, Jotaro kept his eye on the game and on you specifically, mirroring your excited smile and laughter with his more subtle lip curl and huffs. In an addition to having himself be yours, the relationship helped him negate all the passing girls who took interest in him and tried to approach him.
Not that he had a hard time ignoring them to begin with it.
What Jotaro hadn’t considered was the onlooking men taking interest of you, and the thought struck him square in head when as a volleyball match ended, one of the nearby boys- an American with a blonde mop of hair and tan skin- walked over to you all smiling and shit.
Normally, you conversing with someone with the opposing sex wouldn’t bother him this much, but the second he watched the guy offering you an ice cream cone bought from the nearby vendor, he could hear himself scoff and scowl. “Why’d you accept that?” He muttered, continuing to glare at the man consistently keeping up a lively conversation with you. “What are they even talking about this long?”
“Such an irritating sight that is, right?” Jotaro glanced at Polnareff coming over to be annoying and take part in this dilemma. Behind him, Kakyoin followed. Both of them crouched by the delinquent and joined him in watching you talk with a stranger. “Can’t be helped when she’s just as attractive as you are.”
“You didn’t seem to mind it when boys from our school approached her though,” Kakyoin said.
“It’s because I know they won’t risk meeting me when they think of trying,” Jotaro replied. “But I got a feeling that guys from here are more gutsy than in Japan.”
To hammer down on that point, the blond began to point to his biceps and not-so-subtly flexed them for you to see, and you responded with a calm, wide-eyed “woah”. Jotaro rolled his eyes, rubbing a hand over his thick bicep once. “Why not head over there then? If you’re this jealous?” Polnareff said.
“I’m not jealous.” Both the cherry-haired and Frenchman stayed silent, giving him a mere deadpan. “… Fine. Just a bit.”
“So go there and introduce yourself as her boyfriend in your-” Kakyoin gestured over Jotaro’s frame. “-punk delinquent-esque ways.”
“And you can’t judge us for poor advice anymore when Nori here upgraded from telling you how to do things to instead doing things your way!” Kakyoin nodded, bumping fists with Polnareff.
Jotaro judged them regardless with one vertical look-over at the both of them. “I still don’t trust any of your advises. Besides,” he sighed. “After knowing her more, I don’t think she’d like me suddenly walking there and getting possessive.”
“But it’s not being possessive when you’re establishing boundaries monsieur Kujo,” Pol said.
“Don’t call me that,” Jotaro scowled. “Also I don’t get why you two are always in my business. It’s annoying. Leave me alone.”
Not that his “threats” were effective against this duo, who simply shared a look with each other before replying. “What are you talking about? We’re buddies!” Polnareff chuckled, wrapping an arm around the raven-haired teenager. “Who am I to leave a pal behind to wallow in their own self-pity?”
“Also to be honest, it’s entertaining to see you struggle over stuff like this,” Kakyoin said with a smirk. That and paired with those shades he bought from Egypt just made him all the more smug. “Gets all the ladies but can’t handle one-”
“You shut-”
“Hey!” All three paused to look at you waving from a distance with that damn American and his friends still standing near you. “These guys want to play a round but Grandpa Joseph’s tapping out for the day. I’m afraid his bones have become too brittle-”
“No it’s not!” Said the groaning old man plopping down on the sand the moment he reached his and Avdol’s shared blanket. “I didn’t want to overpower those kids that’s all!”
“We’re tougher than we look gramps!” The blond called out in return just as Jotaro was about to say something to you. And that didn’t help alleviate any increasing irritation boiling in him. “How about you guys?”
“Us?” Pol asked.
“Yeah! A friendly competition between us youngsters sound good?” He said, ball already in hand. “Just one set of 2v2!”
“I’m down-”
Whatever Kakyoin had to say about accepting the invite got cut off as Jotaro stood from his spot and walked over to your side with his hands in his short pockets. By the time you were beside him, the blond and his posse faltered for a second when they saw how much taller, built, and intimidating this supposed teenager from Japan was compared to them.
“I’m joining.”
You gazed up at him with widened eyes and a dash of pink to your cheeks. “Jotaro-ssi…”
“O-Oh for sure man,” the American cleared his throat, nervous as he looked over his shoulder to his friends. “How about you guys-”
“You chickening out?” Jotaro said in his characteristic blunt mannerisms. “You wanted to play volleyball, looked for a player, and now that he’s here, you’re passing the torch to your buddies?” From the corner of his vision, you crossed your arms facing them, more amused than pissed at his intervention.
He could spot the single bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and his Adam’s apple bobbing as he tried to play off his cold feet with false bravado. “Nothing wrong than wanting to let my pals have a shot at a game, but since you’re asking for it,” he made show as he tossed and caught the ball. “It’s game on. Though I got to warn you, I have a nasty spike.”
“It’s true!” Polnareff yelled out from the sidelines. “I saw how he moves on the other net.”
Jotaro rolled his eyes and walked off to your side of the field. “Hey, do you even know how to play volleyball?” You said with a whisper. “You haven’t played once during our time here.”
“I’ve watched you and the others play this entire afternoon enough times for me to figure out how to do it,” he said with casual ease, glancing down at you with a shrug. “If a novice can beat an expert Darby at his favorite baseball game, then this will be nothing.”
“Well yeah but you know playing a video game is drastically different than playing an actual game, right?”
He huffed, unbothered. “Makes this better for me.”
With everyone in their respective spots, one of the blond’s friends served as the referee and starting from the other guy’s side, the whistle blew and the ball flew.
True to his word and his ability to study and adapt on the spot, Jotaro managed to keep up with you and his opponents on the playing field, exchanging the ball countless times without break. All the while, the Crusaders watched this one game like die-hard fans at the Superbowl.
It shouldn’t be that much of a shocker when he knew that both of you had physical advantages: Your lithe self allowing you to be more agile and nimble to traverse the court and catch the ball before it fell, while he had the strength and height to send the ball back to the other side, often times targeted to the edges.
And just as the timer was about to hit the 29 minute mark, Jotaro noticed the American get into a stance with a smirk plastered over his tan face. He cocked his head and rose a brow. The nasty spike I assume.
You sent the ball flying to their side and just as he predicted, the blond took over center field and leapt, arm reared and hand poised to deliver his so-called “nasty spike”.
His palm got into contact with the ball’s surface and with a clear smack, the ball was sent flying over to your side. But as he was about to receive, a glint of rose gold zipped past his vision and next thing he knew, the ball was up in the air as if it was caught mid flight to the ground.
One second glimpse at your knowing look, Jotaro didn’t hesitate to follow your footsteps. He leapt off the sand and rose his hand. In that split second, Star Platinum’s purple gloved hand enveloped his and upon contact with its surface, the ball practically launched itself at the American at a raging speed akin to an incoming missile.
The sand erupted in a loud boom, causing a shallow crater with plumes of sand flying off in many directions as the ball hit the ground. It rolled off the now-incapacitated blond stranger’s body.
His friends couldn’t even move nor make the effort to blow the whistle from the shock of it all.
Jotaro tongued the inside of his cheek, casually pocketing his hands back in his shorts as he glared at the American. “Nasty spike ,” he scoffed. “What a joke.”
You whistled, impressed as you looked down the crater. “You did a number on him.”
He reached over to grab your wrist. “Let’s get out of here.” With a gentle tug, you complied to his wish and followed him out the sandy court. He didn’t even bother meeting up with the Crusaders, who were equally stunned at what had happened.
“You’re not at all questioning why I’m not at all offended at you knocking the man out?”
“I’m questioning why you decided to cheat and use Sanctuary midway.”
“The game was ending in a minute anyways,” you said. “And I wanted to finish it off with a bang.”
“By letting me launch a ball at his face?” You smiled and nodded. “And you’re okay with that?”
“He’s a weirdo,” you grimaced. “His fetishes were showing when he said something about how exotic and pretty I was, and it pissed me off.”
Hearing that made Jotaro want to turn around to the guy for one more solid punch to the face. “But I saw you talking to him for that long.”
“Made you jealous, didn’t it?” You said, smug. “I lowkey wanted to bait you into playing a game with me by riling you up a bit, and for you to finish off that creep with what he deserved.”
“I wasn’t-” He bit his tongue, not finishing his train of thought. “I was a bit jealous and I’m glad I got to wreck that shit-eating face of his in the process, but can you not make me feel like this on purpose? It doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Duly noted and I’m sorry,” you said, eyes cast downward as you bowed your head a bit in sincere apology. “I’ll just tell you outright who and when to punch someone next time, promise!”
Jotaro paused in his tracks and with one good look at your determined sparkling eyes, couldn’t help but sigh and smile at you with uncharacteristic fondness.
“Yeah... I’d prefer that.”
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1ovede1uxe · 9 months
How good are the Stardust Crusaders at cooking?
irrelavant author's note: hi everyone! I've been super duper swamped recently with university just starting (and my 18th birthday), so please forgive me for inactivity! I'm having second thoughts about posting the Jotaro x Reader fic, I'm just a wee bit insecure about my romantic writing, hence the extreme lack of romantic anything that's original. I'm working on making some headings and visuals for my headcanons in the meantime. Also, I'm a decent way through SBR, so hopefully, I can start adding SBR characters into my writing. Enjoy :)
all characters are written in the time of SDC, so these do not apply to young Joseph and 4taro on
Jotaro Kujo
Okay hear me out, he's actually a pretty decent chef!
Holly helped him learn the basics when he was younger
Since he learned the basics, he cooks once a week for his mom and always will as much as he can
He's no five-star chef, but his food tastes pretty good!
He knows a lot about spice combinations for some reason
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Gyudon
Noriaki Kakyoin
He does not know a lot about cooking from scratch
Poor boy needs a recipe for things like spaghetti and instructions for mashed potatoes
He just wants to make sure he has it right!!
He cooked for the Crusaders one night with what little supplies they had and it was definitely food
He was not allowed to cook again
I feel like he likes cold/lukewarm foods rather than hot foods
he's very good at making simple foods taste great though
Oh, that instant ramen you packed? It looks and tastes like it's fresh from a restaurant once Kakyoin prepares it
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Soba (served cold)
He also definitely has a major sweet tooth
Muhammed Avdol
Now this is a five star chef
Could open a restaurant if he wanted to
He can cook any kind of cuisine, and if he's unfamiliar and it turns out wrong it still tastes delicious
He can make food out of literally anything around him
It’s everyone’s favorite when it’s his night to cook
Gets into debates/competitions with Polnareff about who the better cook is
His cooking is too spicy for Joseph sometimes (he used red pepper and garlic in a simple dish one time)
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Kofta and Kebab, or sushi
Jean Pierre Polnareff
We got another five star chef up in this bitch!!
Could also open a restaurant if he wanted to
He has a sweet tooth 100% for cakes/macarons
He’s a great chef, but has a taste and talent for French cuisine, so its rare to find him cooking during the 50 day trip
He’s not a picky eater but super critical of everything he eats (he’s whiny)
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Terrine
Joseph Joestar
He’s got it down, but like not as incredible as Polnareff or Avdol
When it’s his night to cook, he can work with what he has around him pretty well
It’s not melt-in-your-mouth delicious, but its still pretty good
He does have a few specific meals down really well though, specifically some Italian dishes because it reminds him of the past, and the heavy influence of Italian food in New York
He makes a mean sandwich, his sub sandwiches are unlike any other, and if you ask him to make a pastrami on rye or a patty melt it’ll taste like it was made at home
He also makes a god tier American Country breakfast, it’s the best eggs, bacon, and flapjacks you’ll ever have
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Squid Ink Spaghetti
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heats-lover-girl · 1 year
Star Boy Blues
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Jotaro x reader
This was another ask from @kazenomegaminowanpisu! You should go look at her writing and art as well, shes very talented!
Slight angst with a fun ending 😌
Tw: reader thinks that Jotaro's birthday is the next day, an upst Jotaro, a few cuss words, this is before stardust crusaders there is no Kakyoin, Avdol, or Iggy
Jotaro, in (Y/n)'s opinion, was acting a bit strange today. He would usually be ok with her walking next to him halfway to school with intertwined pinkies before spreading apart so it didnt cause any drama withing the Jojo fanbase, but a little bit after they started walking he let go and sped up. It didnt end there either, there would usually be fleeting glances, sometimes she would feel a hand on the small of her back that wasnt really there, but there wasnt today, there was none at all, and (Y/n) didnt know why. She would talk with him later, she promised to herself, when the other girls would be gone. But for right now, she'll give him some space, maybe he needed it.
Jotaro was hurt, not once today did (Y/n) wish him a happy birthday. Not when he met with her this morning, not in the halls, she didnt even try to sneak up to the rooftop to eat lunch with him. Did she forget? Is she doing it on purpose? She must have been, his stupid fanclub have been squealing him 'happy birthdays' all damn day. And she should have heard is mom tell him happy birthday at the door before he walked up to you this morning, and this hurt the large teen. His ghost came out to look for the female before looking at Jotaro, "Ora?" it muttered just as hurt as his user. Jotaro flinched, "Get outta here you damn spirit!" he growled. 'Maybe she didnt want to draw attention, she'll probably say it on our way back home...' Jotaro thought.
After school the two teens met back up and walked for a while before (Y/n) spoke up; "Jotaro?" she asked "Hm." "Are you feeling ok? You've been kind of off since this morning, are you having a bad day? Yould you like to talk about it?" (Y/n) watched as the males eyes widened a bit before slowing down and then steeling his gaze forward and booking it the last few feet to his house in one split moment. "Oh... I didnt get a chance to hint about his present for tomorrow..."
"Jotaro? Is that you? I made your favorite- Jotaro?" Holly looked at her son as he sped by with an angry look, his sock covered feet thumping against the ground before ending at his room with a slam of the door. "Oh dear!" Holly walked over and knocked on the door "Jotaro, are you alright?" she asks, "GO AWAY YOU BITCH." Jotaro thundered behind the door, Holly startled before smiling "Okay!~".
"(Y/n) honey is that you? How was your day at school?" your mom asked. "It was ok, Jotaro was acting a bit strange today though..." you said as you untied your shoes and put on your house slippers. "Oh? Did he not like his present?" You looked at your mom in confusion, "His present? Mom his birthday is tomorrow." you said. (M/n) looked at you in suprize before she furrows her eyebrows, "No, no honey, its today... (Y/n), you didn't..." you stood frozen, "You did. You get that poor boy's present and haul your ass over there and apologize! Right now!" She yelled. You ran frantically to grab his present before speeding out the door, your house slippers pounding against the sidewalk. A couple blocks later you make it to the Kujo house and sped past Mrs. Holly, "Oh my! " she gasps, "Hi Mrs. Mom Imma go see Jojo!" you pant out before banging on his door. "Jojo!"
Jotaro was sulking on his bed reading his shounen manga when *BANG BANG BANG* "Jojo!" his girlfriends voice hollered through the door, Jotaro's ghost came out in alarm before looking at its owner and smiling, "Ora!" it pointed a purple finger at the door. Jotaro frowned before waving it away, he then looked at the door, "What do you want?" he glowered. He hears shuffling outside, "Open up, I have a suprize for you.". Jotaro huffs before getting up and heading to his door, when he opened it you held a present toward his chest "Happy birthday Jotaro!~" you hum.
The larger teens eyes widen a little bit before frowning, "You forgot, dont play innocent." he grumbles. You flinch, "I thought it was tomorrow, I'm sorry Jojo. But I got your present weeks ago, do you still want it?" you ask pulling away halfway before his hand grabs it, "No," he grumbles with pink on his cheeks, "I want it." you smile and nod your head a little at his words. Jotaro looked at the paper covered in ocean print and his lips have a ghost of a smile on them, he tears the edges and pulls the hardback book out of its confinement and his blue eyes widen. The Hidden World of Sea Stars, a 287 page book all about his favorite sea creature, you could practically see the cogs turning in his head. "You were talking about wanting to be a marine biologist and writing an essay for your entrance exam, so I hoped to get you started, I hope you like it!" You explain. Jotaro's heart felt like it was jack hammering against his chest, his face felt like it was on fire, and all he could think to do was grunt and bring it to his chest like a schoolgirl. There was a shudder of a camera and the two teens whirl they're heads to the side and see Mrs. Holly with a camera, "I'm saving this one for the wedding!! Oh (Y/n) dear stay for dinner, its Jotaro's favorite, curry!" she hums. Now both teens faces were flushed, Jotaro reacting faster than you, "GET OUTTA HERE YOU -" "Sure I would love to stay for dinner Mrs. Mom!" you interrupt smiling. "Ok!~"
Omg I'm sorry this took so long, I lost track of time! Thank you for reading and have an amazing day/ evening/ night!
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lumibuns-blog · 2 years
Jotaro fluff-fic <3
This is a modern AU where Jotaro and Kakyoin go to the same school as you, while living with holly and the rest of the sdc
Jotaro x fem!reader
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Jotaro couldn't deny it any longer, he had a crush on you. You were kind and sweet to everyone around you, even him. You had a hard life, living alone after your father ran away and your mother tragically passed, yet even still you were always willing to help others.
You had met through having to sit next to each other in class and kakyoin of course broke the ice. At first he found your excitable and bubbly personality annoying. He soon realized the only reason he was annoyed is that he was falling for you.
That uncharacteristic kindness he extended to you is how he got in this situation in the first place: you had fallen asleep on the couch in the commons of your school, jotaro and kakyoin had stayed later because they needed to help with moving some things. They found you there, finals and tests had been hitting everyone hard, but with your need to not disappoint others you had been over working yourself. You probably just wanted to close your eyes for a second but now here you were, fast asleep, you had missed the only train back to your house, and you would get in trouble if you stayed here. Neither of them knew what to do.
Yes, they tried to wake you up, yelling, shaking, loud noises, nothing worked. You were a deep sleeper.
"We should take her with us" Jotaro said flatly
"What? That's basically kidnapping, jotaro" kakyoin replied (a little worried his friend would think of something like that)
"She can't get back to her house, she won't wake up, and we can't leave her here. It's dangerous for her to be on her own, I don't want anything to happen" jotaro muttered the last part under his breath
Kakyoin smirked "why don't you call mr. Joestar and see what he has to say, he is the one picking us up after all"
"Fine I'll call the old man" Jotaro huffed
A few moments later he returned with the knowledge that his grandpa didn't care as long as they got back in time for dinner.
"Good grief" jotaro scoffed about to leave you, he didn't want to make his feelings towards you any more obvious, so he opted to ignore them. That was, until he felt something tug on his coat, he turned around to see you had grabbed onto him in your sleep. Jotaro felt his heart flutter, he couldn't leave you now could he?
He scooped you up bridal style his arm and when you gabbed into his shirt, still asleep, he felt his knees go weak. He caught up with kakyoin who was beginning to walk outside to Mr. Joestar's car.
"Well-l" kakyoin started
"Shut it" jotaro grumbled
Yeah there was no hiding it, jotaro was head over heals for you.
Part 2???😳
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Jotaro and Kakyoin LOVE to go all out with Christmas festivities, especially after Jolyne is born.
Kakyoin knits Jotaro a new ugly Christmas sweater every year, thanks to the very educational knitting lessons that Holly gives him. Holly still gifts them both (and Jolyne) sweaters, but Kakyoin likes to tease Jotaro with the cheesiest, stupidest, and ugliest Christmas sweaters he can come up with. Lots of polaroids are produced once the sweater is on Jotaro, much to Jotaro’s dismay. And no matter how much he tries to destroy every last copy, Kakyoin somehow has so many more hidden away, sent over to Holly’s house, and sometimes hung up on the Christmas tree. Speaking of…
Jotaro’s favourite part about getting ready for Christmas is finding the perfect tree and decorating it. So much so that he will wake Kakyoin up very early in the morning, and if he has to, will drag him out of bed to go Christmas tree shopping. Unfortunately for Kak, Christmas tree shopping with Jotaro is never simple. He’s incredibly picky about finding THE perfect tree, Jotaro will travel all the way across town to another tree store if he has to, dammit! Once they finally arrive back home, Jotaro will get straight to work on decorating the tree with all sorts of stuff, he won’t even bother to wait for Kakyoin lmao. A lot of times, Kakyoin will just sit back on the couch and watch his husband go nuts while sipping on a delicious cup of homemade hot chocolate, or wine if the tree shopping process was extra complicated that day. But Kakyoin always gets the honours to top off the tree with a star.
Other than the tree, Kakyoin is in charge of all of the decorations for their house. See, Kakyoin is a bit of a show off, so he LOVES to go nuts with decorating every room with Christmas junk, not that Jotaro minds too much. From covering the walls and door frames with tinsel, to decorating the surface of every table and countertop with silly little knick knacks. Once the interior is done, Kak will make Jotaro go up onto the roof and hang the lights up all over the house with directions from Kak on where to hang what.
When going Christmas gift shopping for one another, they both will ring Holly to try to get an exact idea of what the other wants for Christmas. And when Jolyne is old enough, they will bring her along as a gift guide. x)
Jotaro has such a sweet tooth, that he will bake a fresh batch of Christmas cookies every week. And every batch is just as scrumptious as the last. His baking skills are of course inherited from the one and only Holly. Jolyne is delighted to be blessed with such sweets so often, meanwhile Kakyoin, the healthy boy that he is, scolds Jotaro every time, but immediately quiets down once Jotaro shoves a cookie in his mouth.
There’s never a dull moment when going ice skating. Jotaro is super clumsy on ice while Kakyoin is as graceful as a swan. Jotaro will just cling onto the wall, Kakyoin, or Jolyne the entire time. Jolyne is just as clumsy at first, but easily gets the hang of it thanks to Kakyoin. Jotaro isn’t at all jealous of Jolyne. x)
Neither of them go caroling nor do they participate in family caroling. xD
Last but not least, it’s a nightly tradition for the Kujo family to curl up on the couch by the fireplace and just enjoy each other’s company and warmth. Jolyne sitting in between Kak and Jotaro, or on Kak’s lap, and Kakyoin cuddled up in Jotaro’s warm embrace while reading a book out loud to Jotaro and Jolyne, or just taking a snooze with Jolyne. And Jotaro is stuck with a smile on his face while holding his family close to him, silently gushing over how wonderful his family is and how lucky he is.
Whew, that was the longest ramble yet. But Christmas and Jotakak are my two favourite things, so it’s hard not to go crazy with headcanons!
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iggysolosgoku · 5 months
Get to know me
Name: Johnny
Age: 18
Requests are open!
TikTok: Hxhandjjbafan
Favorite animes: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, jujutsu kaisen,demon slayer and sailor moon
Favorite movies: Scott pilgrim vs the world, repo the genetic opera, scream, the whole Chucky franchise, five nights at Freddy's, the whole trolls franchise, nightmare before Christmas, and Edward scissorhands
Stuff I will write: Fluff, found family, platonic stuff, nsfw, sfw, LGBTQ, yandere, autistic reader, chubby reader,any character reader (ex: mitsuri reader), and poly
Stuff I won't write: incest, angst, age gap,any trolls character x reader cause that's just weird, and animal x reader
Animes and movies I write for: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, and Scott pilgrim vs the world
Characters from hunter x hunter I write for: Gon freeces (platonic ONLY), Killua Zoldyck (platonic ONLY), kurapika, leorio, Bisky, wing, illumi Zoldyck, the whole phantom troupe (minus bonolenov, kortopi, and Franklin I like them but not like that), Kite, and Knuckle bine
Characters from Scott pilgrim vs the world I write for: Scott pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Knives Chau (platonic ONLY), Julie Powers, Stacey Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Roxie Richter, Gideon Graves, Katayangi Twins, Matthew Patel, Envy Adams, Todd Ingram, and Wallace wells (platonic for girls)
Characters from Jjba part 1 I write for: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E.O Speedwagon, Erina Pendolton, and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 2 I write for: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Kars, Wammu, Esidisi, And Santanna
Characters from Jjba part 3 I write for: Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar (platonic ONLY), Holly Kujo and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 4 I write for: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu nijimura, koichi hirose, Rohan kishibe, yukako yamagishi, toshikazu hazamada (I don't support his actions), Tonio trussaradi, Yoshikage Kira, Reimi Sugimoto, and Mikitaka hazekura
Characters from Jjba part 5 I write for: Giorno Giovanna, bruno bucciarati, Leone abbachio, Trish una, narancia ghirga, mista Guido, panncotta fugo, risotto Nero, melone, formaggio, illuso, prosciutto, pesci (platonic ONLY), diavolo, doppio vinegar, squala, tiziano, cioccolata, sorbet, gelato, and ghiaccio
Characters from Jjba part 6 I write for: Jolyne Kujo, ermes Costello, narsico anasui, weather report, foo fighters, and Enrico pucci
Characters from Jjba part 7 I write for: Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, hot pants, Diego Brando, and Lucy steel (platonic ONLY)
Characters for jjba part 8 I write for: I have not read part 8 yet
Characters from demon slayer I write for: Tanjiro Kamado, zenitsu agastuma, inosuke hashibira, nezuko Kamado (platonic ONLY), genya, and all the hashira
Characters from jujutsu kaisen I write for: Yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, satoru gojo, nanami kento, kamo choso, and geto suguru
I will NOT write for: Hisoka Morrow
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shesalewa · 1 year
Alright imma place in some HC here.
Of every part I've watched so far.
Part 1
Poco and his sister, are living happily, with a farm and still visits the Joestars from time to time
Jonathan watches over Erina even after death
Erina named her son George because Jonathan probably wanted to name their son after his father
Speedwagon was a great uncle figure to George ll
Part 2.
Joseph x Ceasar isn't canon nor do I ship it(not as much but its a cute ship), I think that Joseph and Ceasar had feelings for eachother
Susie Q wasn't able to send the letter to Joseph's family because Joseph was having mental problems and Susie prioritized him first
Joseph gave Ceasar a proper Burial with Ceasars siblings finally knowing what had happened
Joseph taught Ceasar's younger siblings a little bit of hamon
Lisa Lisa was strict on Joseph because she didn't want to grow attached to him, so that he won't feel that much pain or sorrow when she dies.
Smokey is a Descendant of Poco
Part 3 (get ready cause there's a lot.)
Jotaro shows affection by aggressive words if not he'll do it through actions. Such as. Buying Joseph a very expensive watch.
Jotaro learned his cigarette tricks through Lisa Lisa
How Jotaro found his mom was because I wanted his goodbye kiss from her lol
Kakyoin got his pajamas from Joseph.
Avdol is a father figure to both teens
Polnareff treats Kakyoin as a YOUNGER brother
Avdol was the one who told Kakyoin not to tell Polnareff he was alive because Avdol knew Polnareff was a blabber mouth
Holly was connecting dots when she saw Jotaro saving Kakyoin's life like "could it possibly be that my son is more into men?"
Holly while taking care of Kakyoin while Jotaro was out (Jotaro probably went back to school or wandered around tokyo) Holly told Kakyoin that Jotaro isn't something's who is good with words
Holly also taught/gave Kakyoin some cooking recipes.
Kakyoin wanted to tell Avdol that Dio could be in Egypt but Avdol runs very Quickly and Kakyoin had a hard time catching up
Kakyoin always greets Hierophant green good morning
Jotaro has to fix his pants every few hours because it's loose (he literally has 2 belts to keep them up)
Kakyoin notices that Jotaro has a hard time with his pants so Kakyoin helps adjust them alittle
Both Kakyoin and Jotaro were bullied growing up (because in Japan a single or small thing that makes you different the whole place will start treating you like an outcast like being half Japanese or having red hair because if you act differently from everyone they will think you are crazy)
Jotaro started becoming delinquent at 13-14 because somebody thought his mother was a cheating woman, basically she was harassed because of rumors (So in order to protect his mother, he became delinquent in order to stop Harasser from approaching his mom. So if they approach her they have to go through his first.)
Kakyoin has a very different eye color from both his parents because it's a mix of Gene's that made his eyes very different
Kakyoin unconditionally adapted Holly's personality (for my proof, when Kakyoin got his Eyes damaged he told a story from back in middle school about baseball, but then the next time we see him asking the doctor if he can leave soon the nurse asks him if he's okay and he answers with "yes, the painkillers you gave me are working") basically he doesn't like it when people worry about him
Kakyoin hates his red hair growing up
Kakyoin met sherry once (his parents probably like traveling that's why he was in Egypt so I think he's been to France before) he met sherry once and helped her on her way back home even though he made himself get losted.
Kakyoin's stand ability "doll possession" wasn't the first time he's used it, he used it before to try and befriend someone but he felt bad so he stopped.
Jotaro started liking the ocean when they were being under attack by a stand when they were under the water swimming to the surface to get to Egypt, the reason why he started liking it was because he saw Kakyoin's hair and saw how beautiful it looked flowing in the ocean with the sun reflecting it making it look magical for Jotaro
Avdol and Kakyoin had a talk about stands
Kakyoin asked Avdol how he adjusted to his stand and Avdol told him how and Kakyoin starts admiring Avdol like he always has but this time with envy
Jotaro fell in love with Kakyoin when he saw Kakyoin walk down the stairs but he didn't know it yet
Same goes for Kakyoin but after the fleshbud
Kakyoin doesn't know how friendships work
Joseph See's Kakyoin as another Grandson
At death 13 Jotaro wanted to tell Kakyoin that he believed him but Kakyoin fainted already
Both Jotaro and Kakyoin are demi romantic
Kakyoin when he's sad doesn't sleep, he watches the stars instead
Polnareff and Kakyoin whenever they share a room the two of them from time to time would have a pillow fight
Jotaro and Polnareff were once able to get Kakyoin drunk and smoke cigarettes
While Kakyoin was drunk Polnareff spiked Jotaro's drink and got Jotaro drunk as well hence forth Noriaki and Jotaro kissed once but Noriaki doesn't remember
Kakyoin only paints beautiful things. (He painted Jotaro at least a second time)
Avdol was the first to notice who had feelings between everyone
After Avdol and iggy's death Kakyoin probably wanted to destroy the mansion and let all the sun get in just so they can find DIO quickly.
Hierophant can show Kakyoin the future and hierophant showed Kakyoin his death and Noriaki just accepted it
Kakyoin felt so scared against Dio but he wanted to give Jotaro an advantage
Spw did not let Jotaro go to Kakyoin's funeral or memorial so Jotaro has a make-shift grave for Kakyoin, Avdol and Iggy
When jotaro first met his wife her hair was dyed brunette (or manga wise her hair IS brunette and she dyed it Blonde)
Jotaro is sleep deprived
When Dio told Jotaro that he already dealt with Kakyoin, Jotaro was already getting pissed.
Jotaro did not believe that Dio already took care of Kakyoin, so when he found out that Dio wasn't lying he tried reviving Kakyoin the same way he did with Joseph but Kakyoin was already gone, they also tried turning him into the robot body like Strohiem but Kakyoin was already gone
The reason why Kakyoin didn't get the golden clouds scene is because Kakyoin rose with the sun
Part 4 (yes this will include Kakyoin because I'll never let go of him)
Josuke gets mixed feelings of Jotaro sometimes
Rohan became a mangaka to inspire people but also because he met Kakyoin once and was inspired
Koichi and everyone in Morioh remember who Kakyoin is because he was a high achiever and was always on top of his class
Koichi didn't get a stand from the arrow it was just unawakened
Josuke and Rohan have fights often but they enjoy it some times they don't know why
Jotaro has a picture of the SDC gang everywhere he goes he doesn't wanna lose it
Jotaro has ptsd
When Koichi got donut by Kira he met all the Jobros but doesn't remember
Noriaki was babysat by Reimi once w/ Rohan
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agsbf · 3 months
Stardust Cruzaders X Lucy Cyberpunk! Leitora:
Sinopse: De um universo em que tecnologias e batalhas constantes são a norma, você é migrada para um mundo onde um grupo de amigos se reúnem com o propósito de derrotar um vampiro abominável. Motivada pelas vivências em sua vida passada, decide se aliar a eles.
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Pedido solicitado pela clevercollectorthing, não conheço muito sobre Cyberpunk, mas espero ter feito um trabalho razoavelmente decente. Desculpas prévias por qualquer erro cometido :D
Avisos: Menção a assassinato, spoilers da parte 2 e palavrões.
Apesar de nunca verbalizar isso, quando o descendente de Holly te viu pela primeira vez, sua aparência foi uma das coisas que mais lhe impressionou, a estética futurista lhe surpreendia naturalmente e vê-la produzida tão perfeitamente na vida real definitivamente o impactou.
O fato de apresentar alguns vestígios de estilo Cyborg, outro que ele secretamente amava, teve um papel a desempenhar nisso.
Se antes Jotaro era o membro mais brutal do time no quesito combate corpo a corpo, quando te viu atacando um rival sua opinião mudou drasticamente, embora a aparência inocente você dilacerou o inimigo.
Nesse momento o rapaz com chapéu aprendeu a não julgar alguém pela aparência.
Devido ao fato de ser bastante poderosa e violenta quando necessário, o JoJo mais novo confiava muito na sua capacidade de lidar com inimigos sozinha, especialmente aqueles com stands de curto alcance.
Ele mesmo é bastante recluso, então respeita sua natureza mais quieta, não refletindo se há grandes razões por trás.
Caso você se sentisse confortável em compartilhar seu passado, o descendente de Holly ouviria atentamente, ainda que não falasse muito.
Embora tentasse ser discreto quanto a isso, achava toda sua aparência sensacional, poderia passar horas apreciando cada um dos detalhes de sua roupa, não por malícia, mas por se impressionar com a harmonia de todo o look.
A coisa favorita dele é o cabelo, algo sobre em como os tons pastéis complementam tão harmoniosamente com seu rosto.
Definitivamente te comparou mentalmente com alguns personagens de animes que assistiu.
Ao te ver em combate, ficou estupefato, sua boca ficando aberta em descrença por muito tempo, não esperando tanta violência vinda de alguém como você.
Não sabia qual poder que mais o impressionava: a telepatia, telecinesia, a ausência de dor ou a capacidade de adquirir conhecimento instantaneamente.
Sua personalidade fechada não é um problema para ele, embora periodicamente converse contigo por te considerar uma amiga e não querer que se sinta excluída em um mundo que não conhece, pois o mesmo sabe como é horrível se sentir solitário.
Se falasse sobre seu passado com o jovem, o japonês perceberia que o buraco é mais embaixo, te confortando e lentamente contribuindo para que você deixasse de lado qualquer trauma.
Genuinamente surpreso com seu estilo, não era algo que esperava ver fora da tela de algum filme. Não o entenda mal, ele curte a estética, o choque de vê-lo na vida real é o que o pega.
Tendo isso em mente, a curiosidade do egípcio é aguçada ao perceber a existência de cyberwares instalados em seu corpo, embora nunca te perguntaria sobre, exceto se você fosse quem tocasse no assunto.
Ficou impressionado com a quantia de poderes absurdas que a garota possuía. Em um mundo cujo o normal é um stand com um poder principal e um extra oriundo de alguma brecha, uma pessoa capaz de possuir várias habilidades e ainda característica sobre-humanas por causa de aparelhos tecnológicos, é no mínimo impressionante.
Todavia, nada se compara ao choque do egípcio ao te ver em combate, alguém com aparência tão doce poder ser tão brutal é a real bizarrice da aventura.
Naturalmente, ele já imaginava que sua natureza introvertida vinha de algum trauma, mas nunca tocou no assunto sabendo que tem certas coisas que pessoas preferem deixar para trás.
Caso se sentisse confortável e contasse, o homem tentaria te ajudar com isso, além de se sentir honrado por sua confiança para o escolher como ouvinte .
Se antes ele pensava que o corpo de Stroheim era o ápice do futuro, sua ilusão é quebrada ao te conhecer:
Mais simplista e minimalista em comparação ao do alemão, porém muito mais tecnológico.
Dizer que o JoJo mais velho estava apenas curioso é um eufemismo, o Joestar estava obcecado com o conceito cibernético.
Definitivamente fez uma piada alegando que "não era mais o único membro com partes robóticas no grupo", mas sua expressão séria com o comentário definitivamente o fez se desculpar.
Apesar disso, gostaria da sua opinião sobre adicionar alguns mecanismos de defesa na mão protética, já que te considerava a mais familiarizada com tecnologia como meio de proteção.
Não é muito difícil deixa-lo impressionado, então quando te viu com a aparência meiga e pouco tempo depois, cortando um inimigo no meio, a reação foi no mínimo estrondosa, colocando as mãos na bochecha enquanto gritava "CARAMBA!".
Ver seus poderes em práticas apenas alimentou mais a curiosidade.
Sua personalidade não é um problema para o Joestar, de certa forma, você o lembrava sua mãe, Lisa Lisa. Também não é surpresa que você possua alguns traumas como ela, a vivência dele com a mulher o fez aprender uma ou duas coisas sobre confortar alguém e natureza reclusa, então seria uma boa opção caso optasse por contar seu passado.
Se garotas normais são gostosas, aquelas que vem do futuro nem se fala.
Acha seu estilo maneiro e diferente dos outros membros não é tão sútil quanto a isso, constantemente fazendo flertes do tipo: "Gata, você é como um upgrade de software, sempre melhorando e me deixando sem palavras."
Constantemente te faz perguntas relacionadas aos cyberwares em seu corpo, suas dúvidas são sempre as mais sem noções.
Não é por maldade, ele apenas é desprovido de bom senso quando está curioso.
Quando você mostra suas habilidades em combate, a reação dele foi parecida com a de Joseph, embora muito mais barulhenta, exclamando um "CARALHO!" no lugar.
Ele ficou com medo de você durante alguns dias por causa disso.
Incrédulo com seus poderes, lhe fazendo diversas questões sobre curiosidades que tem.
No quesito sua personalidade, como o francês é alguém inimigo da timidez, acidentalmente te trata como se também fosse extrovertida, mesmo claramente não sendo o caso.
Assim como Abdul, ficaria honrado caso fosse aquele a quem você confia contar seu passado, ele também desabafaria sobre o que aconteceu com Sherry.
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amateurduhhh · 2 years
Just wondering if jotaro learned his lesson about respecting his mother if possible can you make part 2 please
Sure! I sort of wrote the first part just for laughs (and some self-satisfaction after seeing how Jotaro treats his mother) but I'd be happy to write a little epilogue.
Okay! Part 2 | Jotaro Kujo
Summary: Aftermath of your confrontation with Jotaro.
Read the first part here
Reader is gender neutral
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"No way, JoJo!" a girl cried out. "Is that you!"
"Look, he's back!" another cheered.
The flocks of teenage girls squealing in the most insufferable excitement meant that none other than Jotaro Kujo himself had arrived back to school. His absence for the past week was as noticeable as an elephant parading in a library. Somehow the same group of girls never picked up on his menacing aura. Oddly enough, despite that, they had noticed he was out of school and to your (and every other sane individual at that school's) chagrin, complained about it all last week.
Your eyes narrowed as he shamelessly strolled in.
The swelling on the bridge of his brow had gone down and looked decently normal. There was a scar on his left temple, likely from a shard of emerald. Other than that, the bruising was largely unnoticeable. They would only be able to detect it if they had known his ass was handed to him almost a week ago.
You locked eyes with Kakyoin and he exchanged similar worried expressions. Shared apprehension encased in your chest, spiraling into self-doubt. Several times last week, throughout the period of frustration between Jotaro's fan club, you wondered if, perhaps, you had gone a little too far. Kakyoin assured you that you hadn't. In fact, questioning if you were too harsh on Jotaro stood some merit on your own nobility in the action.
He explained the Joestars we're a bloodline of the extremes. Mr. Joestar was an over-the-top, flamboyant man, Holly was an extremely kind woman, and Jotaro, well, he was an extreme asshole. At least that's how he acted. It could be a phase but even a phase like that deserves some discipline. Besides, you, Kakyoin and Jotaro were all friends to some extent. Meaning, Jotaro interpretation of the fight may vary.
At school, though, you knew Jotaro would have no problem with picking a fight with anyone. He made that clear, putting other students in the hospital, intimidating teachers, and even his horribly misogynistic behavior at times. School wasn't the place for you, or Kakyoin for that matter, to go berserk and break someone's face in. Jotaro was aware of that and this is where he knew he had the upper hand. Especially knowing that Kakyoin had less to do with his ass-kicking, and knowing he would not have your back if something started, only added to your misgivings.
Even though you were on edge, you maintained a composed posture. With rolled back shoulders, you feigned a bit of amusement at his return. A little pull at the corner of your lips, but not daring to make contact. It was a little stunt to throw him off when he looked his scariest.
During lunch, you excused yourself to the bathroom before meeting up with Kakyoin. While you were gone, Jotaro wordlessly approached him. He noticed how his hands weren't buried in his pockets. Kakyoin wasn't scared, per se, but he was on the edge of his seat. He passively watched Jotaro take a seat across from him, unpacking his food as if nothing happened.
"Where's (Y/N)," he stoically asked.
"Bathroom," Kakyoin responded, stagnant except for the nibbling on his food.
Once you made your return, you were mildly amazed to find Jotaro and Kakyoin coexisting besides one another. What's more, Jotaro looked unusually calm. Slowly, you presented yourself and sat beside Kakyoin and by default across from Jotaro. He bore his typical furrowed brow that affirmed his perpetual frown. When you were seated, he didn't make eye contact.
You unwrapped your lunch. It was normal for lunch between you all to be somewhat quiet. You all were capable of comfortable silence that didn't require a topic to chat upon. However now, there was a topic floating in the air, but no chat to catch its fall. Thus, the atmosphere became awkward.
"You were right," he finally broke the silence. "I was an asshole. Probably shouldn't be treating my mom that way, I guess..."
"What?" you asked, a little surprised. Kakyoin was just as bewildered but knew showing it would further his resentment to change.
"You heard me, I'm not repeating myself." His tone was bitter, but you could tell this was hard for him. It was supposed to be, though. Nothing grows without tremendous effort. Typically, Jotaro admitting he was wrong meant that hell must have frozen over. Alas, hell was hot still.
"Glad to hear it, JoJo," Kakyoin said. There was a gentle smile on his lips.
"Yeah, apologizing and admitting you're wrong isn't easy," you said.
"It just took some communication on... uh, boundaries," he added. Jotaro crossed his arms and sheepishly glanced to the side. "Wasn't even that hard."
"You apologized, right?" you pressed a little.
He nodded. "Yep. And you had a point. Most of the shit I got away with was because nobody had enough guts to stop me. So props to you, (Y/N)."
"Thanks, JoJo." You gnawed on the last of your lunch. It is crazy to think it all happened to be a nasty combination of Jotaro's flaming teenage temperament and lack of communication.
The moment he decided to drop his punk-ass attitude was a blurry gradient of time. It could be noted that it wasn't fully dropped. A small part of him will always be a little stubborn unfriendly, emotionally Antarctic snowstorm of a man. But even so, that didn't mean he would continue to be a teenage scumbag who valued genuine human generosity and sincerity with the same respect as a grain of dirt. That Jotaro was over and the process of his metamorphosis began after your confrontation.
Jotaro recalled waking with a ringing headache. Beams of sunlight that exhibited through the window assaulted his eyes as they fluttered open. He heard the abrupt scooting of a chair across the floor and scurrying footsteps nearing his room.
"Jotaro!" His mother's voice ricocheted off the walls. It was like hitting his head with a mallet if it had turned into a bell.
"Keep it down!" He shouted angrily. For the first time, he felt his chest tighten when he wasn't met with a cheery "okay!" Instead, she was mousily tiptoeing through his room. "P–please," he added as gingerly as he could muster. "My head is killing me."
"Doctor said it just have a little concussion," Holly said, closing the blinds so he could open his eyes. "He said you gotta thick skull there, JoJo, so you should be okay in a few days."
Despite the injury, Jotaro could clearly recollect the moments leading up to getting knocked out. God, the feeling was indescribable and primarily a foreign sensation. Shame, perhaps?
Until now, he'd held up a shameless guilded act. He told himself he didn't give a damn what anyone thought of him, nobody would stop the sturdy, towering Jotaro Kujo from doing what he wanted. Not even his own grandfather. He was the impenetrable wall of Jericho.
In the end, Karma caught up to him. Jotaro was no fiddler on the roof, he would not resist the moral dilemma he was forced to face. To live is to evolve. Of course, nothing that evolves bears no resemblance to its previous stage. Regret simmered under his skin from the inside, like a tooting kettle over a stove. He was sure if Holly were to touch his cheeks, she would burn her fingers.
"JoJo, do you want some water, you have been asleep for a whole day," his mother reentered his dim room.
He propped himself up and took the glass of water. "Yeah, thanks."
A shockwave reverberated through Holly's bones. "Of course, baby!" She bent down to give her son a soft hug and planted a kiss down on his forehead. "Who were those people? Did they bully you at school?" She grew worried. "Should I call the police?"
"No, they're my friends." He sipped on the water, his blue eyes fixated on the fluid.
"Oh my," she gasped, covering her mouth. She didn't quite understand how it was a friendly gesture, but to Jotaro, it was the perfect display of camaraderie he could've asked for. A slap in the face in the midst of nonsense.
"Don't worry about it," he said plainly. "Look, its my own fault this happened. I deserved it. I shouldn't be such ass to you all the time."
Holly swallowed a lump in her throat as she averted her eyes away from her son. "Jotaro," she said. "I assumed you'd been bullied at school. Maybe it was the reason you'd be so angry all the time. Or maybe it was just a teen hormone thing..."
Jotaro blinked and sighed. Under his breath, he muttered, "good grief" before shaking his head. He supposed it was a factor. "Well, there's a group of girls who follow me around and harass me. And..." he grumbled, languishing vulnerability. "I don't like being touched very often."
Holly gaped. "JoJo, why didn't you tell me?"
He shrugged, his bottom lip sticking out a little, but retaining an aggressive expression etched on his face. "Didn't think you cared..." Out loud, he realized how childish he sounded. Underneath his faux macho disposition, was the authentic emotional maturity of an entitled teenage boy.
"Of course I care, baby," she pouted. "I'm sor–"
"Don't apologize!" His eyes widened. The nature of this woman never failed to astonish him. "This isn't about me, dammit. All of that stuff does not excuse how I treated you, mom." He was frustrated his mother lacked a backbone but even more frustrated at having to admit, facing it head on, that Jotaro was truly being an awful person. "I'm... sorry. Okay? You deserve an apology. Jesus Christ. Just... ground me or something."
She rested her hands on her lap and pursed her lips. "I accept your apology, JoJo. And as for punishment, I think watching you get the life beat from you was fulfilling enough."
"Are you serious?"
"No. I'll just threaten to bring them back if you try any of that again," she sweetly explained. He knew she was serious. If she wasn't the lovely little doormat she was, he would've suspected she enjoyed seeing him get what he deserved. "Can I hug you, JoJo?"
"Yeah, whatever."
Holly strung her arms around her son. His hurtful words would take a while to wear off, but she couldn't overcome the unconditional love she harbored for her beloved son. Jotaro was on the path to maturing past his bitter and angst-fueled teenage stage in life. How could she sense this? Jotaro returned the hug, his hand stroking her arm until she let go.
He knew he would carry the regret with him. Like all teenagers with decent parents, he frowned thinking of when he could've been nicer. This guilt bears heavier particularly for the Joestars, who didn't always have parents.
"Sorry, mom." What Jotaro was experiencing is the classic tragedy of being cruel to your mother. It's neverending guilt when you realize it. The woman who put their life and soul into cultivating a person who reflects what the world snuck into their brain. It's the guilt he will bear despite the forgiveness. The common abysmal shame, forgiveness is futile against.
"It's alright. I love you, baby."
It was alright she said. But not to Jotaro. That's the guilt that forgiveness cannot penetrate.
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