#horror short story
yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Let Me In
Yandere Francis Mosses (Doppelgänger) x GN Reader
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Swish. Swish.
You leaned back as your foot steadily rocked the cushioned seat of your desk chair from side to side. It was yet another boring day of being the doorman for this apartment complex. Yet you couldn’t help the shudder run down your spine from time to time since you constantly felt under surveillance. Then again, perhaps you were going slightly insane from working such long hours in such a narrow space? There was no way someone would stalk you of all people… right?
You let out a low chuckle at your thoughts. You recently felt as if your days melt together. It was the same routine every single day. Stop the doppelgängers from entering the apartment complex. Check their IDs and entry requests. Call their room. You were tired of this consistent repetitive pattern! You wanted some excitement for once-
“Hello.” You jumped to attention when a handsome man stood before you. Your eyes nearly shot out of your head at the blood that stained his face. Was it macabre of you to find that attractive. “I just got off work and I’d like to call it a day in my apartment.”
“Y-you have a little.” Your breath hitched when he wiped the blood off with his thumb and gave you the faintest of smiles.
“Ah. I hadn’t realized I made a mess earlier. Thank you.” The man then handed you his ID and entry request. Francis Mosses was it? He was indeed a looker and his ID checked out… but he wasn’t on today’s list.
“I’m sorry, Francis. You’re not on the list today-“ you scream when he slammed his hands on the window. His half-lidded eyes now wide open and bloodshot. This man no longer looked like an angel, but rather a demon. A demon that would no doubt rip you apart and swallow you whole.
“I’m not on the list? I’m sure you could let me in.” You quickly push the emergency button but his large hands grab the metal doors before you can shut them completely. You gulp when you spot the veins bulging from his gray hands. “Haven’t you been bored lately? You always look so lonely at your desk… I’m sure I could show you a good time.”
Well, Francis wasn’t wrong- no! You can’t endanger the residents! You dialed the D.D.D’s number with haste which made the doppelgänger sigh.
“Fine! Have it your way.” Francis casted you one last look. “But I will be back. And you will let me in. Remember, I’m always watching.”
You deflated like a ballon and sunk back into your chair. Your body felt as if your bones had completely melted from how scared you were… you’ve never encountered such an aggressive doppelgänger before…
“You have contacted the D.D.D. A group of agents has been sent to your building.” The garbled voice on the other end of the line brought you back down to reality.
You sighed and leaned forward to put your face in your palms. What on earth did Francis mean that he would always be watching?
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at-the-depths · 8 months
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We are in her garden. She watches us.
She hides beneath the leaves.
Her eyes glazed over. She watches us.
She hides behind the trees.
She stares right past us. She watches us.
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yaniasogames · 9 months
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the first chapter of my horror story is here! it’s called emma and hannah’s best party ever. it is pretty heavy so trigger warnings are in the works tags.
please let me know what you think and make sure to leave kudos ^_^
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redsheeppublishing · 4 months
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This is a monthly magazine for collections of literature, art, comics and more that is focused on horror, strange beauty and all things odd or off
Follow for updates on first publication, theme polls and content teasers
Currently accepting submissions of all kinds and a post containing submission guidelines will be coming soon
Excited to see from you
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Yandere? Monster x G/N Reader
A/N; Hello! This is my first published writing, I hope it is okay. If you would perhaps like a part two, more information about the character, or even just to chat in private, ask/dm me! This is just the tip of the iceberg... Btw, it isn't really romantic at all, it may turn into that but it is mainly platonic as of right now.
TW/CW; Scary (?) monster, not really any yandere yet, mentions of missing people, implied kidnapping, I did read over this over and over but there may be a spelling mistake...? I believe that is all. Perhaps teratophilia yet it is not really romantic as of this time.
Word Count; 815... I apologize, it is a bit short.
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It was not the smartest idea for you to be walking alone at night.
Despite the fact that it was common sense, you and a few others did not get that. With the rise of missing person reports flooding your area, you thought it would have been an amazing idea to try such a thing. You had your reasons, walking and exercise in general has been shown to help calm people down, which was what you needed. You had a nightmare, yet you did not want to linger on it for too long, for it was well… Bad enough to make you want to go on a walk, in the dark, despite the nature of it. The concept of it was simple, you were alone in a simple, generic scary woods setting, being chased by… Something. You actually had no idea as to what it was, yet your instincts kicked in and caused you to run, unable to look behind you and check. To shake off the thoughts, you looked at the houses within your neighborhood, all of them looking the same. Two floors, gray inside, and perhaps a grayer inside. A little white porch with white fencing in the back, giving off the illusion of having privacy despite every house being built on top of each other… You did not mean it as an insult, your house looked exactly the same, and was. It was a rather nice place however, the best you could get for the price you could pay. 
Lost within your thoughts, you didn't notice how the sidewalk you were walking along became uneven until you ended up tripping over it, panic filling your head as you grabbed the nearest item, which was a street lamp. You planned to use it to stop your fall, to steady yourself, yet it became unsteady as soon as you put any pressure on it. A gasp escaped your lips as it started to fall to the ground with you, yet something seemed to catch you. Before you could turn your head to see what, or who, saved you, you were distracted by the sound of the glass breaking, the light slowly flickering out. You stared with wide eyes, feeling whatever had a hold of you let go, you stepped away to mentally prepare yourself to turn around. Despite the fact that you knew whoever, or again, whatever, did not want to hurt you, you couldn't help but feel fear… The recent missing person reports flashed in your mind, as well as the possibility they were nice enough to help you was only to gain your trust… Yet you turned, your eyes not getting a break from its widened state. 
You would not even call the thing in front of you a human per se. 
With long, lanky legs and arms that got wider the closer it got to the tips, to the oddly short torso the thing had, to its actual… Regular sized humans like the neck, as well as the head, yet its face was not human… Or lack thereof. There were indents along its facial structure as to where eyes and a mouth would be, yet it did not have any of those features. It had to be at least ten feet tall, at least, yet it was hard to tell because of their hunched over posture. It had no clothes on, yet you did know if it really needed any clothes… Or if any really would fit its body at all. It did not say a word as it moved rather… Fluidly, body twisting and turning in order to look you over. You probably should have screamed, yet you were frozen in fear. You did not even realize that your jaw had nearly dropped to the floor, but you did when it gently placed what could be its pointer finger under your chin, slowly pushing it up to close your mouth. 
“Hi! You do not scream from joy like the others, yet I can tell that you can barely contain yourself!” 
You were surprised by its chipper tone, their voice sounding mature, yet their childish tone making you do a double take. It pulled its finger away from you, clapping in delight, despite how… It’s words really were when you thought about them for even a moment. You went to open your mouth, your lips shaking like the rest of your body, yet its pointer finger came back down to you and pressed against your lips, head cocking around here and there as it leaned down to be face to face with you. A gentle laugh left their lips, or, what you believed would leave their lips if they had any, the glee from before still evident within them as they spoke once more, it being the last thing you'd hear for a while. 
“Oh, no no no, I like the silence.” 
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dyrewrites · 1 month
Forget the poll -- they're on itch now
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You can get ebooks of all my horror shorts for roughly $2 a piece now, if you want.
I'll put the novella up when it falls off kdp later this month.
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star-studded-whales · 3 months
M. Connor- Writeblr Intro
Hello everyone, I'm M. Connor (he/they) and I am a romance and fantasy author. I have an interest in both clean and erotic romance novels and short stories. I have been known to dabble in horror short stories and in poetry. I write a variety of queer centered stories with a multitude of different identities and pairings.
My purpose for being on Writeblr is to share my work in a low pressure environment, and to read and support the work of others. I always respond to friendly DMs and I try to reply to asks in a timely manner. I am not currently posting my WIPs online except for excerpts and teasers.
My other interests include art (specifically printmaking and paper making, though I'm getting into digital art), Stardew Valley, Skyrim, MXTX's works, and writing and playing music (I play a lot of instruments and sing). Sometimes these intersect with my writing, and I will post about them from time to time.
Some boundaries: I will block minors on sight. My work is not for those under eighteen, please don't interact unless you are of age. I also do not take unsolicited constructive criticism, especially on matters of taste.
Here are a couple of my WIPs and completed projects:
Lunar Lagoon: An erotic romance set in the modern Mediterranean. Lyria, a mermaid, and Amelia, the transfem captain of an antique sailing vessel, must navigate a budding relationship formed from mutual pleasure as it blossoms into something meaningful and deep, while avoiding the ire of Lyria’s overprotective father. Love should be smooth sailing… right?
Crossroads: An erotic romance set in the US. Hazel Abernathy is a struggling witch fighting a losing battle against her local HOA and the crumbling infrastructure of the house her mother left to her when she passed. She’s ready to get back out there and on Valentines Day, meets the sweet and charming Aleksander, and the bombastic and enigmatic Lillian. The two of them, powerful demons in their own right, have their own struggles with mysterious spiritual attacks on the nightclub they own.
Wear a Coat: A horror short story set in the Appalachian mountains, where I come from. What happens when you don’t follow your mama’s advice and go looking for berries without a coat? Maybe you’ll just get cold or maybe you’ll attract unwanted attention from something dwelling deep within the forest…
Alder: This story follows Finlay, a dryad who has been set adrift after a series of questionable choices. This WIP is pretty nebulous at the moment, but has my whole heart. It’s rife with gender shenanigans and magic
Ochre: What happens if a crow is suddenly given a human form by the Morrigan? Let’s find out! Again, another baby WIP in early stages.
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shannonpurdyjones · 1 month
My short story, "The Honeysuckle Weave" has been published!
My horror/fantasy short story "The Honeysuckle Weave" has run in issue 20 of Grim and Gilded, an online magazine of fantasy, horror, and dark fiction.
Set in an isolated historic Appalachia, "The Honeysuckle Weave" is a story of what happens when a girl is pushed to her limit and has no choice but to save herself. Features a good bit of weaving history and lore (because that's where my mind is lately). I'm beyond excited to finally share this story with the world!
Follow the link below and scroll down to short stories to read!
Grim & Gilded issue 20, The Honeysuckle Weave by Shannon Purdy Jones
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justa-rat · 19 days
Pretty as Porcelain
May 13th,
Word Count:  571
I always hated my grandma's antique porcelain dolls. She had them poised up on the shelves of her guest bedroom, the same bedroom I was stuck in whenever I visited. The room itself was actually kinda comforting looking back on it. The twin bed was tucked snuggly in the far corner of the room, on the opposite side of the door. There was a large window on the far wall, centered in the middle and streaming in bounds of natural light. The bed had the most comfortable quilted blanket I had ever snuggled up into, and the pillows were always so soft. There were old looking bookshelves stuffed with tons of my favorites growing up. Next to the door sat the dresser, and to your right upon entering would be the closet. I had fond memories of playing with my cousins in that room, and some less pleasant ones from whenever we'd bicker and fight over who got what toy. It would have been perfect, if it wasn't for that shelf of stupid dolls. 
They'd be directly on your left as you walked in, on the same wall as the door. They perfectly lined up with the bed. One was a little maid, equipped with a feather duster stuck to her hand. She had curly brown hair and brown eyes, and wore the traditional dress and hair cap usually associated with the word 'maid'.  She sat on the far left. The second was a nurse, she in contrast, had short painted blonde hair, presumably tucked over the nurse hat she wore. It had one of those big red crosses on it. She had a tidy little nurse dress on, and the brightest color of blue eyes. She sat in the middle. The last and final doll had straight black hair. Her eyes were green, and she was dressed as a teacher. She wore a skirt and blouse, and had little wire glasses fashioned on. She held a book under her left arm, and she sat on the far right. They were old, old dolls. The hair - or what was left of it - had mostly fallen out. They had the eyelids too, the ones that shut when you laid them flat. I remember, because whenever I'd get too creeped out - I'd always reach up and lay them down so they couldn't stare at me so intently. 
Whenever my cousins were also staying over, it wasn't so bad. I could just pull the comforter over my head, and take comfort in my cousin snoozing in the sleeping bag on the floor. Other times it would be the other way around, we were told to take turns - especially if it was a long visit. My grandparents had a small house, so we didn't have enough beds for everyone. My parents would usually take the couch and the loveseat, and they'd give us the guest bedroom. 
It got weird whenever it was just me visiting, though. 
It started really small, Like sometimes I would wake up to find them all sitting upright - even though I was certain I had laid them down the night before. I'd tell my parents about it at breakfast, but they just told me I must have forgotten. I think they thought it was funny, how scared I was over a few dolls. These ones were different though, when you looked at them it felt like they were looking back. 
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artisticursuper · 22 days
Shrugging it off was the in thing to do, a meme, something to mock. I don't believe the giant animals that just ate half a city would believe that they were thought as nonsense fairy tales just yesterday along with their companions, but this is almost senseless violence wait til the more humaney aspects show up in following birth cycles and are able to demand retribution or impose themselves on us again.
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lamplightstories · 2 months
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Page 6 of Canaries in a Coal Mine
Page 5 << >> Page 7
(First Page Here)
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yandere-writer-momo · 14 days
Yandere Short Stories: Not the Same
Yandere Surgeon x Ex-Fiancée Fem Reader
TW: medical malpractice, horror, obsession, yanderre themes, unhealthy behaviors, blood, gore, murder, etc.
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A loud, frustrated scream ripped through Darius’s throat before various surgical instruments clattered to the floor. This experiment had been yet another failure…
“You’re supposed to sweetly ask me how my day is!” Darius screamed at his patient who held their arms over their head in a fetal position.
“I-I didn’t know-“ The patient screamed when Darius stomped his foot into their back side over the fresh incisions. Loud, pained wails left the patient’s throat as they crumbled to the floor. Apologies bubbled through their throat.
“She would have never made such a mistake…” Darius sighed as he turned to his scalpel. That’s right, his darling fiancée would have gave him a big smile and rushed into his arms… she’d never be so uncouth.
Darius grasped a scalpel from off the floor, his gray eyes reflected off the shiny surface. There was only one way to fix such a grave mistake he’s made…
Darius swung his fist into the patient, the scalpel now deeply imbedded into their eye socket. One last, pathetic wail left their lips before they laid in a pool of their own blood on the once pristine floor in a grotesque halo.
Darius rubbed the small bit of blood that splattered on his face with disgust. This wasn’t the same… it wasn’t her. This failure of an experiment could never compare to his perfect fiancée… his (your name).
“I wonder when you’ll come back to me…” Darius softly whispered to himself, his eyes studied the pool of blood in disinterest. “How many more of your little dates do I have to mutilate and dispose of until you become mine again?”
Darius thought for a moment before he studied the corpse’s ears in interest. Maybe he should send his beloved a little present? That should get the ball rolling.
Darius yanked the scalpel out of the patient’s eye before he sucked in a breath. This was all for her own good… he’d make her see that he was the best choice. By force.
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shorthorrorstories · 2 months
He went to open his drawer shortly after waking up at 3 AM. When he opened it, however, there was a huge, menacing tarantula that jumped out at him. As he went to bed, terrified, he forgot that his closet was open, the skeleton of the 34 year old man he killed in 1999 was seemingly invisible in the cover of the dangling clothes. It seemed as if it were always looking at him, menacingly, he felt shivers go up his spine when he saw the fear in the man’s eyes flash before his as he was recounting that night in November 1999.
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yvesdot · 2 years
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Three sisters are playing hide and seek. None of them want to win.
A quick horror short story previously not posted here. This story, like Bride & Groom, World Got Smaller, and The Traveler Wife, was written for (and won!) the Reedsy short story contest; this was my second win and one of my earliest submissions. I look back on it very fondly as an early piece I'm still happy with; simple, clean horror. Please enjoy.
Support the author: all writing | book | ko-fi | Patreon
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redsheeppublishing · 4 months
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All submissions are encouraged to fit our current theme, which will be coming soon - however personal interpretation of our theme is also highly encouraged to curate variety of expression.
Submissions must include the name, title and whatever social media handles you wish for us to include as credit to you for your work.
Work that does not adhere to our general guidelines is still allowed to be submitted and non-adherence to guidelines does not mean it will be rejected. Our guidelines are there to give a general idea of what we are looking for, but exceptions can be made for certain mediums or works. Work may be rejected under any grounds by the editors but if your work does make the current monthly curation, we may reach out again to include it in future issues, so we would love to see anything you wish to submit!
Looking forward to seeing from you
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hylianengineer · 4 months
Happy Evil Author Day, here's a horror ficlet I wrote after visiting the World's Largest Starbucks in Chicago like two years ago.
A Starbucks haunted by the stolen souls of tormented customer service workers. Unsettling smiles, voices just on the scary side of cheerful that makes you suspect they'd really like to murder you in a horrific and bloody fashion. And yet nothing keeps happening. You want to leave but your friend is oblivious and begging to please stay just a bit longer while she finishes her coffee. The place is mostly empty, and the hostess keeps looking at you and smiling- not even evil smiling, a perfectly normal smile, but that only makes the whole experience more unnerving.
You go to leave. The doors are locked. You look around in panic but nothing has changed. Your friend is calmly trying to 'unstick' the door. The hostess assures you it's just like that sometimes and won't you sit down and have another pastry, on the house as an apology for the inconvenience.
Too scared to argue, you sit and eat. What were you doing again? There was something you needed to do... but the memory slips away like water through a sieve. Surely it wasn't important. You'll just sit here and have another coffee, and maybe it'll come to you. As you approach the counter to order, you see another customer sitting in the corner.
You keep moving, and as you get closer something ominous begins to build in your stomach. You step past a pillar and their face comes into view - skeletal, with only skin and bones left- literally! Your heart skips a beat, and you run to your friend, dragging her towards the door- she's stammering a protest, but you ignore her. You throw yourself against the door with all your might - it's glass but doesn't break.
You keep banging as bland pop music plays in the background and your friend offers to buy you a nice, soothing cup of tea. Your screams are drowning in the cacophony of normalcy, the quietly persistent monotony that rings in your ears like a bell's chime hangs in the air.
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