#house md oc
cherrishnoodles · 16 days
I don't have a full ref yet, but i really want to talk about my House MD oc!!
His name is Eddie Sting, pediatrician at the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. He doesn't truly interact with the Diagnostics team usually, although he's heard of them seeing how im pretty sure everyone in that hospital knows who they are😭
He interacts with them in an episode (the episode where he would be introduced for the first time :3) where a kid gets sick and accidentally gets like 3-4 kids also sick, but the doctors can't figure out what theyre suffering from. Cuddy gets House to take the case, and Eddie and him end up bickering over... pretty much everything ! Especially the fact that Eddie is a pediatrician 😭
Eddie would meet Wilson by accident while looking for House somewhere at the beginning of the episode, where they have a weird "have i seen you before?" moment (who knows whyyyy (me. i do 👁️👁️)). They get talking and actually like each other a lot, so much so that they have dinner together during the episode :D Wilson refuses to tell House about it because its the "annoying kiddie lover" that he cant stop bickering with, and I imagine his finding out scene to be like "Eddie???? THE PEDIATRICIAN?????" to Wilson lolol
Diagnosis is found for the kids, all is well, but Wilson and Eddie keep seeing each other obviously teehee!! House is super jealous (as he is quite often when Wilson has other friends)
This is the jist of his story, I obviously have more on his backstory and everything but this was just an intro post really! I imagine Eddie joins the cast sometimes between s01 and s02, I like the idea of him being a recurring character a little like Stacy or Amber after she leaves the fellowship. Not a main cast character but still some importance :3
If you have any thoughts or questions about him i would be more than delighted to answer and talk about him!! I have a lot of thoughts on his relationship and dynamics with the main cast 🙏🙏 I'm also drawing his ref rn, I'm working on it hehe
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silly-centipede · 18 days
Here's a better picture of my silly little house OC
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Goober 🥰
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vicey · 7 days
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madebyteenagefury · 6 months
have you made the house md ocs yet?
so, about that!
short answer: yes! yea i have :D
longer answer: yeaaa i did but.. making oc is always tough for me because i never seem to get attached enough to them to keep pushing through and developing them. being the only fan in a fandom where YOU have to create the source material is not really my jam haha. i have much more fun engaging with other peoples oc’s and characters from existing media.
but for you, i’ll commit to making a proper sheet for him. for now, here’s a little (very bare bones) overview of my guy!
introducing Max! he’s 33 (at the time of season one, based on my hopefully correct math of everyone else’s ages.) and an elementary teacher! he exists in the same universe as @privatehousesanatomy ‘s oc kadee. he lives in the same apartment building as her and house, which is how they become friends at first! he does graphic design on the side and while his family helped put him through school for his bachelors in elementary education he’s hoping putting himself through for a masters in graphic design. he comes from an asian background (his family is from the middle east, they immigrated in the late 70’s) and he is bilingual (i love any excuse to use my family’s language in my fandoms, an oc you can project on is the perfect way lol) he loves listening to classical music while he draws, his favorite things to draw are still life and portraits. he is an only child. a little physical description of him; he’s got chase ish length thick black wavy hair (difference between their haircuts is that max’s bangs are longer so they go down to his chin) which he usually pins back, dark brown eyes, an oval face, he’s about 5’10
here are some VERY early, on the fly sketches of him (both when i was in artblock AND i lost my sketchbook for a hot minute hence the lined paper😭double whammy)
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the one on the left, those marks around max’s eye are where i erased glasses many times. originally he was going to have glasses but it’s not been set in stone, idk if i’ll keep them (yes that is wilson, i heavily referenced a @/noahdea.art drawing and ran with it, second one was just me messing around fully pulled out my ass that’s why it looks a lil jank but wtvr)
so yeah that’s kinda all i have of him! thanks for sending in that ask @former-lurker it pushed me to flesh him out just a little more. y’all pls feel free to ask me more about him and just lmk what you think!! this was actually super fun and helps/encourages me to delve into him and his world a bit more each time and who knows maybe this one will finally stick.
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cabinetlass · 1 month
odd but happy post!!
oh joyous day! im locked back into making new ocs/finish old ones. unfortunately, this is happening when all my finals are due, but joyous none the less! thank you to my wonderful friends for being very fun to dish out lore with :3
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sherlock-on-opium · 2 months
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daughter-of-melpomene · 2 months
So we are exactly three episodes into my first watch of House, and guess what my ridiculous brain came up with? Take a guess.
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Everybody meet Lily Kang, a clinic doctor who’s been having an on-again-off-again sleeping arrangement with House for years that is incredibly messy because neither of them ever know how to properly talk or admit their feelings for each other. She’s kind of House’s polar opposite, compassionate and sweet and never afraid to be a little bit silly, but for some reason she genuinely cares about him and he can’t seem to let her go. Might be an endgame poly House/Wilson ship if I wind up doing anything more with her, but I’m not sure yet.
Anyways, that’s what’s going on in my mind right now! Feel free to ask about her if anyone’s interested in a House OC, but keep in mind I might not have the best answer since she’s in the beginning stages still. And I hope you guys like her if I do do anything further!
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privatehousesanatomy · 2 months
one of the most common questions i get about my house oc is whether or not her relationship with house is a slow burn or not because a basic summary kind of makes it sound like that, but it's a little more complicated than that. like, okay, their relationship starts out as a situationship without the intention of being anything more. kadee ( my oc ) is fresh out of an abusive marriage and really uninterested in anything commital because of what she went through. house also does not want anything he has to commit to because of what happened with stacy. so what they think is the perfect situation for them ( hooking up with no strings attached ) ends up being the complete opposite because as fate would have it, they both end up developing feelings for each other. it's also important to note that kadee is 13 years younger than house, which for some reason to them convinces them that they'll never be anything serious because she should find someone her own age at some point, but i digress at the moment. their relationship becomes something more serious, but in the sense of "we hate each other so much" but they're saying it as they're holding hands. actively in a relationship but denying it to anyone that asks because they've not even really discussed whether or not they're exclusive, it just kind of happened. like they're not confirmed as a couple but they're also refusing to see other people, if that makes sense. which is why it gets complicated when stacy does come back into the picture because the unconfirmed relationship because gives house an out, which he obviously takes in order to chase stacy's tail. eventually after like 6 months kadee ends up being completely open about her feelings for him and he decides to give up on trying to win stacy back because he too has feelings for kadee, but that's really the only way it could be considered a slow burn to me. because it was never a slow burn in the beginning, just a lot of denial while actively being in a relationship. idk i have a lot of lore about these two that i could post about.
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nzmpo · 11 months
all of my self inserts who have refs so far 🤙
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comfyrhyme20574 · 1 year
If the characters of Hous MD had to put on a show of Matilda
Mrs Wormwood - OC
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Mr Wormwood - House
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The Doctor - Foreman
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Nurse - Cameron
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A/N: Couldn't resist this 🤣🤣 was watching Matilda the other day and thought 'omg what if that was Foreman'
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cherrishnoodles · 18 days
working on a house md oc.. i am insane... If anyone else has house md oc dm me so we can infodump about them :DDDD
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local-ragamuffin · 2 years
Are you going to be a volunteer at Princeton Plainsboro Hospital? We need people…
-R. Chase
Not 100% sure how to answer this, since the ask is in character and I don’t usually roleplay on my main blog (with the recent exception of interacting with the House rp blogs) but I am currently working on an oc I can use for better interaction with said blogs. I’ll post the character file as soon as I finish it.
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rags-roleplay-blog · 1 year
Character File for: “Piper Reed”
Name: Piper Reed
Gender: F
Age: 16
Occupation: high school student, volunteer at Princeton Plainsborough Teaching Hospital
Place of residence: her family’s home in the city (I don’t know much about New Jersey so I don’t know where she would live specifically, sorry)
Family: Mom, Dad, two older brothers (both med school students)
Pets: Spud (short for Spudnik), her emotional support dog
Diagnoses: autism spectrum disorder, AD/HD, anxiety, sensory processing disorder
Piper grew up surrounded by doctors of all kinds. Her mom’s a nutrition specialist, her dad’s a brain surgeon, and her two older brothers are in med school. Because of her diagnoses, her parents underestimate Piper and provide her with more assistance than she’s comfortable with. She’s constantly having to prove herself to everyone, but her parents don’t always recognize her accomplishments. They insisted on getting her an emotional support animal despite her insisting that she doesn’t need one, and they got her one anyway. It’s all very frustrating for her.
Piper wants to be an oncologist one day. She’s wanted to treat people with cancer ever since one of her classmates in kindergarten had to leave school after being diagnosed with leukemia. When she told her parents about her dream, they suggested she start small and volunteer at the local hospital to get a better sense of what cancer patients have to go through. As soon as she started high school, Piper did exactly that. She joined a volunteer organization that allowed her to spend her weekends cheering up cancer patients in the pediatric ward. She plays video games with them and tells them stories where they’re the heroes. She does anything she can to bring a smile to their faces.
[Image will be added soon!]
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nanipant · 27 days
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Its the only thing she has left
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egonkula · 5 months
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surprise surprise i am a stacy/cuddy truther
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ultipoter · 2 months
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Pokemon Legends Arceus fan comic, where Jirou has disappeared and Volo has complicated feelings about it. (And maybe figures out that there's a bit of a God in that little phone of Jirou's)
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