#house of the dragon crossover
witchthewriter · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬
a/n: crossover that I really wanted to do. I've used dragons from every timeline.
gif cred: @gameofthronesdaily.
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
I wanted to make this as simple as possible, so I'm not going into backgrounds or Houses or the wheres, whos and whys. But if you'd like me to make backstories for them, let me know in my inbox!
(but p.s. I can already see Kyle being a Velaryon Prince and Simon a Targaryen because of their natural features.)
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𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝑴𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒚𝒔
There's something very regal about John - he holds himself with dignity and grace. He walks with pride and knows his rank/his place. Because he's earnt it.
Meleys, who was once known as the quickest dragon in Westeros, also holds herself the exact same way John does.
She is the Red Queen, vicious, fierce and unyielding. She is royalty - looks it too.
I'm not quite sure she'd like a male rider - there would have to be a lot of winning her over. All her other riders have been female, and very bold. Yet, when Meleys saw the bravery of John, she allowed him to mount her.
But the two of them together would be an absolute force to be reckoned with. Intelligence mixed with tactics, and planning - they would soon become one of the most feared rider and mount in history.
𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 | 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈
Known by a lot of positive traits, the first one being: understanding her responsibilities. Silverwing is the perfect dragon.
Great with people, friendly, and elegant. She knows when eyes are on her.
In the same way that Kyle can make a friend wherever he is. People find him very charming.
Both are great at socialising. This reflects how a dragonrider usually has similar traits to their mount.
Know their duties, but also know when enough is enough. They don't let others walk all over them.
𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 | 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓
Ooh boy, okay so these two bonded over being grumpy and moody.
While Vermithor used to be the mount of one of Westerosi's greatest Kings, I think he would like Simon a whole lot more.
Simon, who would never make him do anything Simon wouldn't do himself.
Both of them hate too much company.
And the only way to truly get away from people is in the air.
Vermithor might be considered an old man, but he's still got that passion within him, and damn anyone who says what he can and cannot do
The pair could be gone for weeks. Only relying on one another for company, aiding each other in getting food and Vermithor being wonderful at finding bodies of water.
Although they do usually go to the same places now.
Sometimes Simon forgets how formidable Vermithor is - and that in the past anyone who approached him would burn to death by his flame.
But really Simon only sees a big lizard with wings who snores when he sleeps and grunts when he's angry. Oh, and watch out for his tail because he will try to knock you over when he's irritated.
𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐓𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐡 | 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒙𝒆𝒔
Let's gather what we know about Soap: intelligent (obviously, no one in the army reaches that level by being a complete tosser), he's active and ready to be in the field i.e, now the air.
Meraxes is known for being an avid flyer. Her first and only rider, Rhaenys the First, flew her mount so much - some say it was the collective amount of both her brother and sister riding their own beasts.
Johnny is the dragonrider who is constantly scowering for dragon eggs. If he finds them, he cares for them like they're his own children.
Johnny would literally be the Father of Dragons. Would 100% do a Dany and walk into fire to see if the eggs will hatch (don't worry the other boys look out for him and Meraxes would never let him be so stupid as to willingly hurt himself.)
If you have a different opinion I'm more than happy to hear it!
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Robert Baratheon: I could kill you if I wanted to.
Rhaenyra Targaryen: Yeah? So could another human being. Or a dog... *smirks* or a wild boar.
Rhaenyra: Or a dedicated duck. You're not special, Bobby.
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misguidedasgardian · 5 months
The Lovely Hallows (III.I)
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III. Teacher's pet
Summary: getting to know your professors is tricky, specially when someone else is better at it than you 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic), Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, magic! might miss some warnings 
Wordcount: 1,5 k
Notes: I’m very slow with this fic, but I really enjoy writing it. I have big plans for it, but for waaay into the future… when the kids are older, but I don’t want to back down now, so… I decided to write small chapters for the first years, a 1.000 words or so, of little snippets of the times reader and Aemond had crossed paths, until we can get to the really fun stuff… anyways, it’s me rambling, I always try to write 2.500 to 3.000 words for each chapters, so I don’t want you to worry when you see they are short… the longer chapters are coming later… ANYWAYS… ONE LAST THING! Reader has a secret father that we will discover later in the story, you might love it or hate it
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You looked like… well… a child
You looked at every place, every detail of the castle with wonder, as your prefect led you to your first class… potions
“They say professor Snape is the meanest of all teachers”, you heard someone whisper, and you believed it to be true, even when you met him in the Malfoy Manor, he looked severe and mean
You took seat between Draco and Goyle, and soon, Snape burst into the room walking rapidly, using his wand to close all windows and the door behind him, his eyes found you in a second 
“There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few…”, he looked at both of you, with a less severe look, “who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death…”, he kept looking on to find Potter writing without paying attention to him, “then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not...pay...attention”, he stopped in front of him, only after his friend nudge him is that he looked up
“Mr. Potter. Our...new...celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”, he mumbled, but didn’t answer, “You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?”
“I don't know, Sir”, he answered shyly, and you were thankful that you weren't him because you couldn’t have answered either
“And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?”
“I don't know, Sir”, Draco looked at you smugly, you smiled back
“Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?”, he then turned to the other Slytherin in the classroom, “mayhaps you, Targaryen, could answer?”, your eyes found the white haired boy, just like Draco’s, and he smiled softly
“With powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood you get a very powerful sleeping potion, you can find a bezoar in a goat’s belly, you should know that, because it will cure you for almost all poisons, and also… those are the same plant, also known as aconite”, You almost saw Snape smile
“Why are you not copying this?”, he asked everyone, you shared concerned looks with Draco and then started writing frantically in your  parchment
“5 points for Slytherin!”, Snape said, and even though Draco frowned, angry for he didn’t know the answers either, you smiled, relieved that he got it right instead of a Gryffindor
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“And did you see him answering everything Snape asked? he had the professor practically drooling by the end”, apparently, Draco didn’t find it as endearing, now he was mocking your house mate, “anyone could have answered that, did you see that girl Granger raising her hand desperately?”, he continued his rambles as you walked to your next class, “pathetic really”
Then you went to McGonagall's class, Transfiguration, where she was going to teach you how to turn things from one thing to another, very impressive really. You were excited about all classes that require your wand and enchantments 
That Taragryen boy, again, sat in front of you, first line to the class, and was as cooperative as in Potions. You wondered why he didn’t end up in Ravenclaw if he was that smart, but you paid more attention to Gryffindor's head teacher.
But then… came the really exciting class
Flying lessons
With Professor Hooch that had the most extraordinary eyes 
You had this class with the Gryffindors, which you didn’t particularly liked, Harry was standing right in front of you, and even though he had said nothing to you, you were a bit angry for him rejecting Draco’s invitation, as grass as it was.
You looked down at the broom, the training broom that had been provided by the school for the first years, you couldn’t wait to get the nimbus 200 as soon as this school year ended 
“Good afternoon, class”, Professor Hooch greeted
“Good afternoon, Madam Hooch”, you all answered in a chorus
“Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, Up!”,s trite to business, you liked that, you raised your hand over the broom and commanded it, and immediately, she flew to your hand, the very first try. You cheered excitedly as the chorus of voices repeated the word 
“Up!”, Draco demanded and his broomstick also obliged, your friend smiled smugly 
“With feeling!”, demand the teacher, as many haven’t been able to succeed on the first lesson, you looked up to the exact moment the broom went up and hit Aemond Targaryen in the face, you hissed, sympathizing with his pain but Draco deadass laughed 
“Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end”, you did as she told you to, this was a very exciting moment for you, you had never been able to do this before 
“When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2…”, you shared excited looks with Draco before doing exactly what Professor Hooch instructed, which you did perfectly 
But your classmate, Longbottom took off from the ground
“Mr. Longbottom”, called the teacher, clearly scared
“Neville!, what are you doing?”, called one of his classmates
“Neville...Neville… we're not supposed to take off, yet”, But he was raising to the skies in a incredible speed, he screamed bloody murder, scared for his life
“Mr. Longbottom! Down! Down!”, demanded Hooch
“Ahhhh!”, he only managed to scream. Even Potter screamed for his friend but he couldn’t command his broom, flying randomly over your heads 
“Help!”, he cried and you felt scared for him
“Come back down this instant!”, but to no avail, he soars through the sky and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. All the while, he is screaming
He flied until he crashed into a statue in the top of the building adjacent to the field, luckily his cloak got trapped in the sword, which prevented him from flying, but then he fell to the ground in a grunt of pain
You all ran to him to make sure he was alright, of course the professor got to him first. He was whining and whimpering, that was a tall fall 
“Is he alright?”
“Oh, oh, oh, oh dear. It's a broken wrist! Tch, tch, tch. Good boy, come on now, up you get”, Meanwhile, Draco by your side leaned in and grabbed Neville’s Remembrall front he grass 
“Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch”, demanded Professor Hooch as she lead Neville out of the field
“Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass”, he said loudly for everyone to hear
“Give it here, Malfoy”, demanded Harry when he realized what he was holding 
“No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find”, he got on his broom, like he had many times before in his house, “How 'bout up on the roof?”, he flied higher with incredible mastery, showing all of you the glass ball on his hand, you felt proud, the first tie you got in his father’s old brooms had been tricky 
“What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach?”, he mocked. Harry grabs his broom and runs to get on it. But his friend Hermione stops him
“Harry, no! You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly”, but he doesn’t hear her, instead he flies as high as Draco
“Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!”
“Is that so?”, he teased back, making tricks in the air, “Have it your way, then!”, he throws the ball far, and Harry swoops in quickly to grab it, almost crashing against a building 
Draco comes back to the floor next to you, and you giggled excitedly, the positions in Quidditch were as much as yours for next year 
But Harry’s catch… that was impressive too, all your classmates cheer him on and run to meet him when he comes down from the skies, and you only turn to see Aemond roll his eyes 
Then Professor McGonagall appeared, making all of you takes steps back away from Potter 
“Harry Potter? Follow me”, he was in trouble, Draco, Goyle and Crabbe laughed loudly, he was going to get spelled!
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Again, I repeat, I'll be tapping out of th movie's transcripts for help continuesly on the next few chapters, but on more Slytherin's side of things... and I want to go fast to get to the really good part, and let me just say that I have big plans
I will indulge... reader will be THAT GIRL like that reader that is super cool and is everywhere, this will be one of my guilty fics, she will be so badass, and I know how it will end
like I said, she has a secret father that I wasn't sure to write BUT, now its the heart of the story, you might love it or hate it but... I hope i CAN MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!
MUAHAHA anyways... sorry I got more notes than chapter on this one, but again, they are babies
taglist! @dreamingofyourmoons @aelora-a @fan-goddess @alitaar @winter-soldier-101
took the liberty of adding some who showed interest on this story!
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004thebrave · 2 years
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We gather here, we line up  Weepin' in a sunlit room, and  If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too  – my tears ricochet by Taylor Swift
Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen
Jenna Coleman as lady Clara Oswald
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sandcrafter · 1 year
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Targaryen Emp & Valdragon
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
House of the Dragon and Skyrim crossover Headcanons
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Approximately twenty years before The House of Dragon begins, The Last Dragonborn was born. It is believed that her mother died attempting to protect her from mercenaries sent by her father to abduct her.
As the events of The house of the dragon starts, she is primarily speaking the language of dragons. (Thu'um just to make it clear.)
There are at least one dragon near her most of the time. Most of the time it's usually Odahviing.
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(Image above is what the dragon named Odahviing looks like.)
4. Odahviing is the last dragonborn's right hand, the younger and smaller dragon named Saphira. Unlike Odahviing she didn't have scales, she had sleek, glossy looking black feathers. She is only seen whenever there aren't either many people around or any people near the last dragonborn.
5. Saphira is often confused for Leviathan. The much younger dragon that only just hatched three years after she was born. Leviathan being much like Saphira as he doesn't have scales either. But instead of having black feathers, he has a darker grey.
6. The last dragonborn's name is Freyja. Her hair is a dark burgundy and her eyes are a light grey colour. Her skin so pale as if she could blend into the snow and no one would notice. She's quite tall, standing at six foot five. Often dressed in armor and rarely ever seen without wearing it.
7. Freyja doesn't have an opinion on the family of dragon riders, which to her dismay has caused more trouble than she would have hoped.
"You asked whether or not if I had an opinion and turn around saying that I must have one? How am I supposed to know what to think if I don't know enough about them to form an opinion?" Freyja to Otto, several times.
8. Her opinion of certain individuals are more biased over time. As she gets used to those certain individuals were persistent enough to stick around her. Despite the fact that she had put out the most intimidating aura around her.
"I don't think you'll be able to get rid of me that quickly." Aemond to Freyja.
9. Freyja works normally as a blacksmith, if you can't find her and you know she hadn't left town. She's most likely working as a blacksmith during that time. Mostly as a blacksmith's assistant or working inside the shop.
"This is where you work?" Rhaenyra asked her.
"Where else would I work?" Freyja replied rather confused.
10. She is recognized as dragonborn by the greybeards after she reached the age of 25.
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11. Freyja is fine with her mundane job and her life being pretty boring even after being recognized as dragonborn. Unfortunately it also means she's last one too.
12. Freyja owns her own home, among the smallfolk just to make sure no one could find her.
13. Freyja had been trained by different swordsmen growing up, as she could never really afford more than one lesson from one trainer at one point or another. Therefore a lot of her scars on her body are from her trying to learn by herself between each paid lesson. Her stubborn behavior would not allow her to accept them not taking her money, saying it was her right to spend it how she wanted.
14. Freyja plays dumb among the ones who like to talk as if she was dumber because she's not male or had the same formal education.
"Due to my experience and your lack of experience. I can comfortably say that doesn't work the way that you think it does." Freyja talking to someone trying to belittle her in some form.
"I also don't think I need your help as much as you think I do."
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15. Freyja's goal in life at the moment is to open up a store somewhere, a place where she can make it her own. Which has proven to be more difficult than she had hoped.
"They're acting as if I want to murder them, I have no plans to make a name for myself in the way they're imagining and yet they treat me as if I had murdered their entire family at the same time."
16. Her main weapon that she is seen wielding most of the time is a two-handed greatsword named Sossedov meaning Dragonblood/ Blood of the Dragon. But in reality it's Chrysamere a greatsword artifact she found after exiting a ruin.
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(The image above is the sword that is referenced in the headcanon above.)
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17. Freyja has made at least four greatsword. One is named Oath-breaker, another is named after one her own gods Akatosh the god of time and the third one named Unslaad Vulon meaning Eternal Night. These three were made for her friends she fought in battle with between the age of 20 and 25.
"We will meet again in the great halls of valor." Freyja to her deceased friends.
18. After the deaths of her friends and the blades telling her to kill her mentor, Paarthurnax, Freyja is on a war path to find the thing capable of killing her. Even that turns out to be failure after failure. So she frequents a tavern drinking cheap ale and hoping a slow death would be better than none at all.
"Have you come to mock, gloat or poke the nearest bear you could find?" Freyja said to either Alicent or Rhaenyra. Depending on when this takes place.
19. Freyja towers over most people growing up, it was something she hold over the other person instigating a fight or trying to start a fight with someone else. Which most of the time had gone her way most of the time.
"You'll regret this one day! I'll make sure of it Freyja."
"I certainly doubt that." A younger Freyja yelled back at the shorter child.
20. Freyja is the champion for Hermaeus Mora. She had decided that after she had taken the Oghma Infinium after Septimus Signus was disintegrated to ashes in front of her. While Freyja's thirst for knowledge is unquenchable, most of what drives it is her dragon-like need to dominate. Just like any other dragon around her, it's the main reason she has become a reliable aid to those who can't afford to pay for a healer or a place to replace or repair their equipment.
"Don't bother, I don't need the money I have more than enough and I'd rather see you alive." Freyja says to most of them. "If you want to repay me, you can help me by making sure you stay healthy and safe."
(Image Below is Hermaeus Mora and how he makes himself look like to Mortal men and mer.)
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"I'll explain it to you once you're a bit older." Freya says to Aemond. "Besides I'd rather not face the executioner's axe for the second time." She added before leaving to return to her home.
"I certainly doubt she'd kill you over that." He says to her.
"I can't take the chance either way," Freyja yelled back. As the day came to a close and the two departed, one to her home. A small cottage among the smallfolk outside the castle walls. It might not have been much, but to her it was everything. Her hair had blood in it, her heart was beating hard against her ribcage. It felt like it was only beginning and most of the trouble was only just picking up.
Freyja had bathed a few hours later, she didn't know what to tell or hide as the fact that his mother had a terrifying death glare that sent the fear of the gods straight to her. Despite not being generally afraid of most things.
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justarandomart · 6 months
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I have never watched dragon ball z, this just appeared in my abandoned sketch folder one day
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catdoesarts · 1 year
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Clone Wars x House of the Dragon slay
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minijenn · 5 months
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Something something comfort characters something something sassy brown haired blorbos something something give me five more of these blonde bitches something something
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heohl-art · 3 months
ok, nobody asked for it (but I did it)🔥❤️
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• The Song of Ice and Fire: A Valyrian Wedding •
Yes, the Good Omens x House of the Dragon crossover that I HAD TO draw. Please, don't be mad. I had to.
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thedovesaredying · 3 months
Flames of Green | CoD x GoT/HotD | Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader x John "Soap" MacTavish | Part 1.
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Artwork by Elizabeth
You're the heir to the Iron Throne, the eldest child of the current king with the blood of the Targaryens flowing through your veins. Unfortunately, you're due to be married off to a mysterious Northern lord by the name of John MacTavish. At least your closest friend and member of your guard, Simon Riley, will be by your side throughout it all.
A/N: I'm back in my House of the Dragon era, so I'm mixing hyperfixations. The Cannibal doesn't get enough love, he's a nasty bastard and he deserves to cause some chaos. It will eventually be a Ghost x Reader x Soap relationship and likely a bit of a slowburn. Literally just for my own entertainment, but I hope y'all enjoy.
Warnings: None
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
It’s times like this that you mourn the loss of your youth. Forced to sit in silence while discussions are held by old men around a table, weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of your future marriage to every potential high lord in Westeros. Your opinion is never considered, let alone asked for by any of your father’s advisors, your compliance expected regardless.  
If you had been born a man you could have your pick of any woman in the kingdom to take as a wife, but instead, you’re forced to simply accept whatever man is placed in front of you. Such is the burden of being the princess and heir to House Targaryen. You will be made to give up the right to rule the kingdom to the high lord assigned to you, never to touch the ever-elusive Iron Throne that should have been yours by right.  
You had never really taken the prospect of marriage too seriously in your youth, always considering it a problem for the you of the future to deal with. You didn’t care to forge lasting alliances with other ladies and lords, too busy dragging your poor best friend, Simon, through the gardens and dirtying your extravagant dresses. 
But those days were over. 
Talk of wedding a powerful lord and bringing forth the next line of Targaryen children is all that fills your ears now. You’re forced to entertain every man, young and old, that wishes to gain your favour with a polite smile and feigned interest. You don’t even have your dear Simon to offer you his companionship and a break from the cruel realities of the world. No doubt he would have entertained you with his dry remarks about each man set before you.  
It has been years since you last saw Simon. He was taken from the Red Keep by his father and sent to squire for another lord in the hopes of teaching him the art of warfare. Lord Riley was a foul man, constantly berating his son for spending his time with the Princess rather than roughhousing with his fellow boys. He considered the boy too soft and squeamish at the sight of blood to make a good future lord of their keep.  
You disagreed, of course, Simon was perfect just the way he was; gentle and kind to all those around him. Your friend couldn’t hurt a fly, but he was still one of the bravest people you knew.  
You dread to think just how much he would have hated being drawn into battles, forced to kill other men with his own hands. The letters he occasionally wrote to you always steered clear of depicting the violence you were certain he must have been subjected to, but you’re far from naive enough to hope he has yet to participate in any bloodshed. As the years dragged on, word from him has grown scarce, however, to the point where you can hardly remember when you heard from him last.  
What you do know, is that he had been sent to offer assistance in maintaining peace throughout the Stepstones, killing raiders and pirates that would endanger trade routes to King’s Landing.  
But that was almost six months ago, and there has been little else to soothe your vexed nerves over his safety. He had made a promise to you the day he left, that once his training was done he would return to your side, this time as a knight who would offer himself to your Queen’s Guard once the time was right. Never again would he leave you, more than happy to forfeit the ruling of his own homeland if it meant he could keep you safe.  
You had clung to that promise every day for years after his departure, but with each passing moment it become harder to hold out hope of seeing him again. After all, what is one promise between children in the grand scheme of things?  
It’s a blessing when you’re finally relieved from the meeting, escaping from the suffocating air within the council chambers and fleeing to the safety of your room. You don’t even pause to ensure one of your guards is following you, getting straight to stripping from your dress and replacing it with your riding gear.  
As the carriage carries you away from the city and toward the Dragon Pit your nerves begin to settle. The constant odour of sweat and excrement quickly gives way to fresh air the further away you get. It’s a beautiful day, with hardly a cloud in the sky and wildflowers blooming all along the road. It’s a genuine shame that your day has started so poorly, otherwise you’d have loved to wander the palace gardens and enjoy the midday sun.  
The ground is rocky outside of the dragon pit, and you’re jostled around a bit until the carriage comes to a stop. Although this is your destination, the dragon you seek is not here. Your dragon is far too large to be housed within the Pit.  
Unlike your younger sister, you were not blessed by the Gods to have your dragon egg hatch while you were in the cradle. All throughout your childhood you sat next to it and prayed for the hatchling to come forth, promising you would care for the creature and love it more than anything. But the baby dragon never arrived.  
Many said that it was a sign from the Gods, that you were unfit to be the heir if even your own dragon refused to hatch for you. It was a heavy sentence hanging around your neck, weighing you down and making you feel as though you are worthless, despite the fact you have more power than most of the people laughing at your situation.  
None of them are laughing now.  
You see your dragon stretched out atop one of the nearby ridges. He’s so large that his wings and tail drape over the edge of the rocks, entirely unconcerned by the humans fearfully gathered beneath him as he snoozes away in the warmth of the sun. His scales are like coal, absorbing every ray of sunshine that he can.  
The Cannibal may not be as large as Vhagar, but he’s far older and, as many would argue, far meaner than the old girl. Where most dragons have vibrant, golden eyes, you’re greeted by a pair of sinister green the moment you draw near. His go-to reaction to most things is aggression, and you’ve seen many people meet their end in a blast of emerald flame for merely disturbing him.  
It’s for that precise reason you’re stunned to see someone standing beside the grumpy old beast. There’s only one person other than yourself who could get anywhere near the Cannibal without immediately being swallowed whole. The man pauses his rubbing of your dragon’s scales the moment he sees you, only to earn a displeased whack from the Cannibal’s snout. You bite your lip to force down the grin that’s threatening to spread across your face when the man drops down to one knee, his head bowed respectfully.  
“Lord Riley,” you nod, “I do believe that’s my dragon you’re touching.” That earns a groan from the Cannibal, his massive head twisting away from you both, as though already bored of the conversation.  
“A thousand apologies, princess,” Simon grins, his eyes sparkling with mirth, “your dragon was growing impatient.” The dragon in question huffs, his tail twitching like an agitated cat.  
Simon looks so different from the last time you saw him. He’s both taller and broader, completely filled out with muscles. When he stands again, you’re face to face with the rather intimidating bone mask adorning his face. You’re not certain if it’s real bone, but at that moment you could have cared less, throwing yourself at the large man.  
He catches you easily, holding you tightly against his larger body. It’s entirely improper and if anyone other than your guards witnessed such an interaction there would no doubt be whispers abound. Perhaps it’s a good thing Simon decided to meet you somewhere so private.  
“When did you get back?” you ask, leaning back just long enough to look him in the eye.  
“We docked late last night,” he answers, and you can feel the way his chest rumbles with each word. His deep voice soothes something within you, your stress dissipating like mist at dawn. “We received word that the King’s Guard now has an open position,” he continues, and then much to your shock adds, “I’m here to fill that position.”  
You pull away from him almost completely, only your hands still gently curled around his gauntlets, “but I heard that your father was recently taken ill, don’t you need to return home?”  
While the mask hides the majority of Simon’s face, you can still see the way the skin around his eyes crinkles slightly, “I made a promise to serve my future Queen,” he takes your hand from his arm and presses the back of your palm to where his lips are beneath his mask, “if you’ll have me, princess.”  
You can feel your face burning with the intensity with which Simon stares at you. “I’m certain my father will be delighted to have such a well-regarded warrior in his service,” you smile, gently pulling your hands away from the knight, despite the urge to keep holding onto him.  
Before you can continue the conversation, the Cannibal turns his head back to your again, nudging at you with an irritated huff. His breath is scalding against your skin, yet it doesn’t burn you, thankfully. You place your hand against the beast’s snout, feeling the thick scales shift under your leather gloves. “Gīda,” you coo to the dragon, waiting until he lowers his wing to the floor to provide you with a way to climb onto his back. He’s far too large for you to mount the same way you would a younger dragon.  
Once settling into the Cannibal’s saddle, you grin down at your friend, “I look forward to seeing you in the keep, my lord.” You only have the time to see Simon’s quick nod, before your dragon is leaping from the edge of the ridge, forcing an end to your conversation. You can feel his clear exasperation through your bond and ensure to give the old dragon a scratch to the neck.  
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,021
Gifs NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If any gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2022
*Here have this little crossover snippet, I think I'll try writing more about it later. And I'm leaning towards making it a Daemon x Reader piece, but I haven't watched the show yet.
Note : This link will take you to a post depicting the size comparison between King Ghidorah (From Godzilla 2019), Caraxes (Daemon Targaryens dragon), & Dragon (Daenerys Targaryens dragon).
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gameoflulz · 2 years
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King Viserys I Targaryen, everyone.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Lovely Hallows (II.I)
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2. Slytherin
Chapter Summary: 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic), Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader (future)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, magic!, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.4 k
Notes: Alright, here we go! The description of the Slytherin common room was given after I watched a very lengthy youtube video of a player walking through it in hogwarts legacy the game. Sorry if Aemond doesn't appear much, they are children and they are drawing their own paths, but soon, this is some sort of enemies to lovers trope haha
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“Remember love, once you are in your dorms, you have to…”, you tuned out the sound of your godmother’s voice, too excited to hear, for the tenth time, all the things you had to remember. She, as your parents, all had been sorted to Slytherin, so all the tricks and passageways had been taught to you since you were born. 
You ran towards Draco as you saw him in the platform 9 ¾ as soon as you ran by the portal, your godmother would have chided you, but when she saw Lucius she kept her mouth quiet 
Your poor owl rattled in her cage, anxious to get out as you ran with her in the cart.
“There you are!”, he said, “I thought you were going to be late”
“Never, have you met my godmother?”, you mocked
You said goodbye to your parents, amongst hugs and kisses, and you entered the train after giving your luggage, you wasted no time and walked to the back of the train, where the most spacious wagons were. 
You could tell who were the seniors, and who were the first years, you really looked like tourists, looking at everything wide eyed, and in marvel, you found a cart just for the two of you, but then you were joined by Goyle and Crabb.
You did not like to hang out with them, but Draco did, and besides they were like a package deal, and with Draco too. The train started its journey, and after you waved your godmother goodbye from the platform, you sat with an excited sigh, as you looked outside the window, leaving central London, you could see muggles from here, and you always found them fascinating
“I heard that Harry Potter is on this train!”, said Draco
“What of it?”, you asked, diverting your eyes front he outside towards your friend
“It will be annoying, that’s all”, he said, “The boy who lived and all that, like a celebrity of some sorts”, he frowned, squinting his gray eyes 
“Can you imagine if he is sorted into Slytherin?”, you asked with a smile, he chuckled
“We should befriend him”, he said, with well known mischief in his eyes, “if he is as good as they say, of course he will be”
“What if I’m not sorted into Slytherin?”, you asked, doubt in your voice. Goyle and Crabb looked at you, but didn’t say anything 
“Of course you will”, Draco said, frowning, you were a second of believing he was going to call you a name for even thinking such a thing but he didn’t, “they have to”, he said, and this time, he seemed more scared than something else
“They will”, you said surely, regaining your confidence, a Slytherin wouldn’t doubt it, and that seems to cheer him back up again 
The journey continued without a hitch, you entertained yourself by looking outside the window to the beautiful scenery, and then eating fudge brownies Narcissa had sent you in Draco’s special box filled with treats. Draco loathed them but she knew they were your favorites. 
The four of you looked at the door, where a boy came in the cart, gasping, he had clearly been running, he had dark hair but clear eyes
“Have you seen my toad?”, he asked, “I’m neville by the way”, you were going to answer him with a smile and present yourself
“How dare you speak to us?”, asked Draco with a disgusted face, the boy curled his lips and looked down, and then he closed the door 
“That was Neville Longbottom”, mocked Draco
“I don’t know who he is”
“a Half blood”, and the issue was settled. Soon you had to change into your robes 
When you got out of the train, to a platform in the middle of a wood, you were met by a huge man, he was a giant!
“My name is Rubeus Hagrid”, he presented, he seemed nice, “first years follow me!”, you followed gingerly, grabbing Draco’s arm leading him too. Hagrid took you to a small dock, where boats were ready for you all. You climbed on one with Draco, Grabb, Goyle and another girl, and the small boats rowed themselves 
The sun was hiding on the horizon, giving a beautiful sunset over the lake, it must been the Black Lake, your godmother beseech you to be careful when you are near it, because it said to have creatures on the bottom, like, mythical creature such as monsters and mermaids
But that was kind of silly wasn’t it?
Soon the night had fallen over the lake, and you looked all around the dark woods, and then...
You all gasped in surprise when you saw the view of the lake and the castle over a dark hill, at night, with all it’s lights lighted up, it was breathtaking, you had never seen anything like it. IT WAS HUGE! bigger than the Malfoy Manor, bigger than your family home, maybe ten times as both houses put together 
It was so beautiful
All the boats made port on a small dock, where you were received by another teacher in the Boathouse, without a word she led you up the stairs, and you all followed closely. There were a lot of stairs, and when you got to the top, you were all visibly gasping, but there was no time for that, you kept waking until you reached the huge gates of the main part of Hogwarts.
You entered a huge hall, big stairs, you went up those stairs to find your luggage arranged on one side, but you kept going, until another professor stopped you. 
“Welcome to Hogwarts!”, she greeted, she seemed severe, “Now in a few moments you will got rough this doors and join your classmates”, she said, pointing behind her, “but before you can take your seats you will be sorted into your houses, they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin”, she said the last name with severity, looking right at malfoy, “now while you are here, your house will be like your daily”, you shared smiles with Draco, your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking you will lose points, at the end of the year, the house with the most points will win the house cup”
“TREVOR!”, the boy who was looking for his toad on the train jumped in front of the professor to grab his animal,  and she didn’t appreciate the interruption, but she continued nonetheless
“The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily”, she said and she left you. You wasted no time in turn to Draco and began giggling and whispering about how excited you are 
But his eyes went to a boy with dark hair and glasses
“That is Potter”, he whispered and you looked at the boy in wonder, that was the boy that “lived”? Draco wasted no time in approaching Harry Potter
“So it's true then, what they said in the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts”, all eyes where on him now, and everyone began whispering in amazement 
“These are Basilik”, he introduced, you nodded, “Crabbe and Goyle, and I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy”, will harry become your friend? he seemed kind of nice 
But then the Weasley boy snickered
You knew who the Weasleys were, everyone did, they weren’t hard to spot, you had met your father when he visited the manor a couple of times searching for dark items in the name of the ministry in which he worked for. Uncle Lucius loathed him, because he had taken things from the manor,  but he always smiled at you and gave you sweets from his hat. 
But Draco didn’t take lightly when you make fun of his name
“Do you think my name is funny don’t you?”, he asked, and you panicked, Harry Potter was not going to be your friend you gathered, “I don’t need to ask for yours, red hair, and a hand me down robe? you must be a Weasley”, he said, “Soon you will find that some wizarding families are better than other”, he said to Potter, “you don’t want to make friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there”, and he offered his hand
“I think I can sort the wrong sort, thanks”, he said dismissively, and you gasped, he had rejected your friend.
For better of worse, Mcgonagall came back, slapping Draco on the shoulders with a parchment, and your friend returned to your side looking defeated
“Such a tosser”, he whispered, and you only nodded 
“We are ready for you now”, said McGonaggall
He seemed mad, but he looked at you softly 
“Remember Basilik, only Slytherin is acceptable, is where the Wizarding royalty is anyways”, he said simply, but loudly, even Harry turned around to look at you, you nodded, feeling an irrational fear of disappointing your friend even though you had no say in the matter
“He is right you know?”, said the girl whose name was Perkins, she was one of the pure-blooded families of the Wizarding world, one of the 30
“I’ll do my best”, you mocked, and she scrunched her nose at you. You will only take shit from Malfoy, but no one else. 
You all stopped in front of the sorting hat, it looked old and strange, but nervousness started to take a grip on you. You looked around at the great hall, it was breathtaking, the ceiling looked like a night sky, candles floating illuminating the dining room, it was amazing 
“When I call your name, you shall come forth, I will place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses”, she said, and as she raised the parchments with your names on it, you felt incredibly nervous 
“Hermione Granger”, she called first, and a girl went up those stairs and sat on the stoll, whispering to herself to be calm.
As the hat was placed in her head, it came alive, a face being drawn on the old looking leather
She was sorted in Gryffindor
Then it was the time for your friend Draco
“Of course Malfoy was placed in Slytherin”, you heard boys speak behind you, you only smiled excitedly when Mcgonaggal didn’t even need to place the hat on Draco’s head to shout… “Slytherin!”
Many new students followed, many you didn’t even recognize and the opportunity you had vanished when they were placed in other houses, and then, Minerva called your name. Everything seemed to quiet down and stand still as you started walking wobbly the three steps, the professor smiled at you, and you smiled back, and then you took a sit on the stool, you finally got to see all the students seating in the great hall, all eyes on you, and you felt nervous, but a need to prove yourself seated deep inside you. The hat was strangely light when she put it in your head
“Mmmmm strange”, he purred, “I see bravery, yes, it will serve you right at Gryffindor, but also… a need to prove yourself, yes, I see that is more to you…”, the only thing you knew for sure is that you didn’t want to be at Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, you weren’t that nice or that smart anyways, “And I also see this resourcefulness, yes…. I know what to do with you!”, you closed your eyes in expectation and, “SLYTHERIN!”, when you opened your eyes again you were smiling, and your new house was cheering for you. Your smile was wide as you jumped to stand on your two, now secure, feet. You almost ran towards Draco, and took a seat by his side, as they kept cheering on! you were so happy, relieved, but also, deep down you always knew where you belonged. 
“I knew it, all pure bloods are in Slytherin”, he said, more happy 
“Aemond Targaryen!”, all the dining hall went quiet in expectation, and you looked back as the white haired boy went up those three short steps and sat down. Mcgonagall had this weird look on her face when she placed the sorting hat on Aemond’s head.
The sorting hat didn’t take as long as deciding as he did with you, he made his decision fairly quickly
“Slytherin!”, and the table lit up again. Most pure blooded families were placed in Slytherin, except of course, for the Weasleys, who were always placed in Gryffindor. And strangely, the Targaryens, Aemond had two sibling and they both were put on Hufflepuff 
As you looked at the table and saw your new family a warm feeling was placed in your chest, especially when Draco hugged you against his side. You knew how much he wanted this, and you knew how much he wanted you to be in Slytherin too, just like his family. You have succeeded. Aemond Targaryen sat in front of you, he had a smug look on his face. You exchanged looks shortly, and you felt relieved again.
The headmaster greeted you all, presenting the professors and the new ones for this year, and then, a huge feast appeared in front of you, amazingly, it had all your favorites! how did they know?
Crabbe and Goyle also joined you, even Pansy, and others you didn’t quite know.  
You enjoyed the feast, as you talked with Draco, Goyle, and others seated with you, the other older students barely even looked at you, but you paid them no mind. You didn’t know if it was because you were so excited and happy, but the feast ended as soon as it began, everything happened so quickly. 
Soon an older boy stood up from the table, and stopped right beside you were the first years were seated 
“I’m Felix Brunt, I’m the Slytherin prefect”, he introduced himself rather quickly, and he seemed truly bored, “follow me, I will take you to our dormitories” 
The entire first year group followed the prefect religiously, he kept coming down stairs from the main hall in the main building, until you reached something you will guess it was the basements and the dungeons, but it was greater than the rest of the construction, the style in the floor looked like golden scales, it you made so many turns and twists, you didn’t see anybody there but you. 
You stopped in front of a empty wall, a blank space in the stones between two beautiful carved pillars
“Pure Blood”, Felix said loud and clear. a scaly line on the floor came to life, a metal snake slithered over the wall, and on its wake, a door appeared
You all gasped, looking into what was the coolest of magicks
The door opened to you, and it revealed a small hall, beautifully decorated, and a set of spiral stairs coming down. He was almost running down, and you followed, the stairs were stone on the right side, but on the left side, it had pillars that let you see a beautiful waterfall falling down, it took you three floors to reach the end.
The small waterfall fell into a small pond, and your eyes feasted with lilies, and other water plants, carved in the stone there was a figure like a dragon, and as you looked on you saw all kinds of wonders, statues, paintings, decorations. 
You walked beyond the hall, and it led to even a greater one. It led into a huge hall, to the right, there was a huge living room with huge windows, through them, you saw what it looked like to be water, but it couldn’t be, could it? Where are you underground?
“What you can see over there are the depths of the Black lake!”, said Felix, “no matter what the mermaids say, just, don’t listen to them”, you could see all kinds of creatures swimming through the beautiful glass panels 
The living room had a huge vault like ceiling, with a glass dome that lighten up the entire room
it was breathtaking
The room was very comfortable, with tables, chairs and sofas to relax or study in, a globe was placed in one corner, and a couple of chess games, there were also many statues and skeletons of diverse animals, and bookcases filled with books
“This is the Slytherin common room!”, showed Felix, the prefect, “here you can chat, study, hang around, you are going to live here for the next seven years, this is your new home”, he showed, and while you all looked around in wonder, he seemed rather bored. 
You almost trotted back to the main hall, which also had many armchairs, and more study material
He led you to the other part of the hall, where you saw huge stairs, with a statue of who you guessed was Salazar Slytherin right in the middle, the stairs separated into, one set to the left, and the other one to the right.
“Up there are the rooms of the last years!”, he said, “you are forbidden to go up there, unless invited!”, he said, bored, “but here”, he pointed to two door on each side, “left for the boys, and right for the girls”, he said quickly, “your things must be already inside, good luck”
You shared looks with Draco as you separated, and you led the group of the girls through the huge door. It opened to reveal a huge tunnel-like construction, with a metal railing leading to what you guessed were the different rooms, all in a same circular hallway connected to all of them. The pillars amongst the huge corridor were beautifully carved, and as you looked up you saw domes of colorful glass. One door was open, you took it as a sign and you walked inside, you saw Umbra in her cage in a corner, so here was where you were going to sleep.
It had five beds, placed in a circular manner. And you were five girls, so you all were going to be sleeping here. 
The entire room was a circle, it had a huge fireplace on the other side facing the door.
“I’m here as well”, said Daphne Greengrass
“Me too”, you weren’t that excited about having to share with Pansy, but it could be worse, you believed. you all three looked at the girl who introduced herself as MIllicent Bulltrode, and another girl followed, Tracy Davies
“Don’t touch my things”, you said bluntly, “If you want something, ask for it and i will share”, you laid up for them, you all shared looks, as you crossed your arms, as Pansy did
“Agreed”, she said, you all looked at each other, and nodded, like coming to an silent agreement
“Us witches must remain united, as Slytherins, and as girls”, said Daphne, she was pretty, blonde hair, light blue, piercing eyes and a small nose. 
“Agree”, you said with a smile, Pansy smiled too, as did MIllicent and Tracy
“Just, keep everything tidy and clean”, said Tracy, looking around, you looked around as well
You went straight for your bed, it was a big bed, with a green canopy and carved wood. Each bed was placed under a beautifully decorated arch, each with a night stand on each side, and behind it on the wall, a beautiful painting. At the foot of the bed, was your trunk, with your cape and other parts of your uniform placed on top of it. 
You will never see the other common rooms, but you believed this was definitely the coolest and greatest of them all. You looked up to find a round skylight, through which you also could see the beautiful shapes of water drawn on the floor and all over the room.
All the girls were putting her things in place, on their night stands, Pansy was even placing a mirror on the wall
You were going to be happy here, you decided. 
Umbra hooted in her cage, looking at you with those fiery eyes, and you knew you were right. 
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Taglist! @dreamingofyourmoons
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literaryuppsala · 1 year
I’m not sure if your requests are open! If not just ignore me !! Can you do a Hvitserk x reader where she’s a Targaryen that has been exploring other lands on dragonback and comes across Kattegat which has never seen a dragon? I just love when the OC is the center of attention 💕💕
Alright this took me a while to make and I had so much fun while doing It, as an asoiaf fan, to write for a Targaryen character was always something I wanted to do, but just never had the opportunity so thank you for your ask, i really loved it.
I'm gonna need your willing suspension of disbelief in two things here: asoiaf and vikings maps and languages spoken, with that being said, there's no warnings, no smut, just a kiss, a few of dragon rides and Ivar being the bad bitch he's always been.
The end is cut short because I totally gonna need more than just one chapter to develop this relationship, let me know if you want something like this.
Enjoy ♥
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Life was a willow (and It bent right to your wind)
You were the center of attention since you were born, being the only daughter to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, you inherited your mother’s title: the realm’s delight. You were Rhaenyra’s youngest child, not an heir, just a daughter and you loved that. Your brothers had to deal with lords and lands and battles, while you could do things as you will, and to be honest, what you loved the most was flying around on your dragon. 
You bonded with her very early and started flying at the age of seven, the same age your mother started flying Syrax. You named your dragon Seafyre, it was a she dragon, your favorite thing in the world, your best friend and your protector. She had a beautiful silver color with blue scales, her flames were blueish with a hint of silver and despite not being an adult dragon yet, she was growing very fast, you wondered If she would grow to be as big as Balerion was. 
Rhaenyra loved you dearly, at first she wanted to protect you from the matters of the Seven Kingdoms, but as you grew up, she saw so much of herself in you, she wanted you to do great things, wanted the people to know you not just as a beautiful young woman, but a strong princess. Seeing the love you had for your dragon and despite Daemon’s resistance, she decided to introduce you to the truth. 
Rhaenyra’s claim wasn’t as strong as Aegon’s simply because she wasn’t a man. Despite winning the Dance of the Dragons and killing her brother, not all of the lords accepted her power. They plotted against her and she knew she needed allies to call for when the time would come. You were smart and gentle, and the Queen decided to make you a messenger: you would fly to further lands and offer alliances with the Queen.
“You’re late.” Your mother scolded you as you entered the council room. 
“Lost track of time.” You answered a little embarrassed, taking off your gloves as you walked towards her. 
“Come, we need to talk.” She gently touched your shoulder as she guided you towards the table. 
Gathered around the table there was only the hand of the queen, your father Daemon and the Master of Whisperers, you knew what that meant. 
Every time the Master of Whisperers heard of new lands, he would come to Rhaenyra to tell her about the possibility of new allies, he was the one to tell her you were the perfect messenger for Dorne. After Prince Qoren’s death, his daughter Alliandra ascended to the throne. During the Dance, Rhaenyra asked for Dorne’s support but was denied, Prince Qoren decided he wouldn’t step into that fight. However, after killing Aegon and ascending, the Queen tried one more time, with you. Later, you and Alliandra ended up becoming friends and Rhaenyra finally had Dorne’s support.
This happened a lot of times. Rhaenyra would send you first, on your dragon, like a messenger of peace, you would study the place and the lord, would understand his needs and try to become a friend, then you’d come back home with information and most likely an invitation for a meeting with your mother and your father, this helped Rhaenyra to secure her time on the throne, but she knew she should use as much help as she could get. 
“We heard from a land of men across the Narrow Sea.” The Master of Whisperers started. 
“In Essos?” You asked with a frown.
“Beyond the Free Cities, beyond the Dothraki Sea. Where none of us had ever been.” He continued and you nodded. 
Rhaenyra held your hand before telling you: “We want you to go there.”
“That’s further than anywhere I’ve ever been…” You looked at her with widened eyes. “And I thought we’d had enough allies by now.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. 
“It will never be enough.” Your mother answered. “We need as much support as we can get, you know that.”
“I know, I know…” Your shoulders brushed and you looked down, she cradled your face between her hands. 
“What is It, sweet girl?” She asked gently, making you look at her. 
“It’s just… Will this ever end? I mean… You… Sending me far away from home to find people willing to help you, offering your help, preparing for a fight that never comes.”
“This fight is lurking between the curtains of your mother’s house.” Daemon intervened. “It will come… Sooner or later.” He walked to you, taking Rhaenyra’s place and holding your shoulders, he gently touched your chin making you look up at him. “I don’t like this as much as you do, but at this point you’ve done it too many times…” 
“Seafyre will protect you.” Rhaenyra stated.
“We trust you.” Daemon caught your attention. “It’ll be just like the others.” 
Everything was settled and the next day you were ready to go. Seafyre was waiting for you at the pit as you said your goodbyes to your parents. 
“We don’t know their costumes, be sure to protect yourself and your dragon no matter what.” Rhaenyra started. “Your well being is more important than any agreement, so take care.” She kissed your forehead, a tiny smile on her face. 
“Yes, your grace.” 
“Be strong.” Daemon warned you, a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You smiled at him before walking towards your dragon, you caressed her neck and mounted her, looking back over your shoulder before flying. 
You were used to traveling long distances on the back of your dragon, that was never a problem for you, but the thought of going to a foreign land so far from Kings Landing was still leaving you uneasy. Would they welcome you? Would they be aggressive? You had no idea. And after crossing the Narrow Sea, the thought became stronger, so did your fear. 
You crossed the Free Cities and the Dothraki Sea in one day, but what you didn’t know was that, after crossing those lands you would meet with another sea, a darker one. You caressed your dragon one more time imagining it would be a longer journey than you expected, she would be more tired as soon as you arrived, that would stop you from coming back right after.  
“Keep going, girl.” You whispered in hopes she would hear you. 
By morning you finally reached the sight of land and blinked incredulously: there really was a faraway land after the end of the world. You landed at the beach, Seafyre was so exhausted she laid down immediately. 
“This was great work, my girl. You did great, I’ll find you something to eat.” You murmured caressing her sides. 
You clearly caught the attention of the people there, the little houses around the beach had a few people gathering outside just to stare at you and your dragon. Women and children looked dumbfounded at both of you.
“Look, Lagertha!” A tiny voice sounded some place into the houses, you searched for the source, and it didn’t take long for you to find it, a little boy rushed towards you with a little girl running right behind him. 
“HALI! ASA!” This time a woman screamed, she ran towards the children. 
You quickly grabbed the two before they reached Seafyre and crouched before them with a smile. 
“Calm down, she’s tired.” You warned. 
“Is this… Is this…” The little boy stuttered.
“A dragon. Her name is Seafyre.” You helped him.
“Seafyre…” The little girl repeated, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the dragon.
“Is she yours?” He asked and you nodded. “You came from the sky with her, flying on her back!” 
“Not from the sky, from-”
Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed the children’s shoulders and pulled them away from you, the woman was defensive and you understood, so you stood up and smiled at her, trying your best to look harmless. 
“What are you?” She asked with a growl. 
“A woman, just like you.” You offered your hand for her, she looked at you with a frown and didn’t take it. You withdrew your hand and smiled embarrassed. “I come from another kingdom, one that is far away from here. I come in peace.” You tried again.
“What kingdom? Are you from England?”
“England? Is it another kingdom?” It was your turn to look at her and ask with a confused frown.
“What kingdom are you from?” She insisted.
“Westeros, I’m from Westeros.”
“Never heard of It”
“Never heard of yours either, yet here I am.” 
She was dumbfounded, suspicious to say the least. Looking at you and at your dragon with a deep frown on her face, It was clear to you that these people never once saw a dragon in their lives, you were shocked but no so much, you were separated from each other by two large oceans, a dragon is just one of the probable differences between you. 
“I believe your name is Lagertha, right?” You tried but she didn’t respond. “I know you’re scared but I come from a long journey, and I need to feed my dragon. I see you have a few animals around, I wonder If you could give me one.” 
“What if I don’t?”
“I can’t control her when she’s hungry.” 
Lagertha looked at the gigantic animal and gulped. 
“Come.” She talked to the children who whined and struggled a little to follow her, but did it anyway.
You waited patiently until she came back with two big pigs, showing them to you. You nodded before taking the leash from her hands and taking the pigs towards your dragon. That would give her enough strength for hunting for herself afterwards. You put the two pigs in front of her, she sniffed the air and opened her eyes. She quickly ate the two pigs with a loud growl, startling Lagertha who walked back two or three steps, away from you both. 
“She’s sweet most of the time.” You said loud, caressing her sides as she calmly laid back down. “But not when she’s hungry.” You joked before looking back at Lagertha. 
“I think we should go to see the king.” She mumbled under her breath, trying to look away from your dragon and focus on your face.
“Don’t you think he would like to see her first?” You tried.
“Come here?”
“Yes. This way he can see the nature of my offer with his own eyes.” 
She didn’t answer, just left without saying a word. You stayed there for a few hours feeling a little stupid but before giving up, you saw a group of people coming to the beach, one of them in a chariot while the others followed. They talked among themselves and looked at you with widened eyes. You prepared for their approach, standing beside your sleeping dragon trying to look as peaceful as possible. 
“So, is this the beast?” Said the man coming down from the chariot. 
“Her name is Seafyre.” You corrected him, noticing he needed the help of a pair of crutches to walk. 
“You wanted to see the king. Here I am.” He answered with a smirk. “I’m Ivar.” 
“It’s an honor, Lord Ivar.” You bowed. “As I said to Lady Lagertha, I come in peace, I come with an offer.” 
“What kind of offer?” He asked suspiciously. 
“An alliance.” You answered. “I come as Princess of Westeros to offer you an alliance from my kingdom to yours. My mother, the Queen, is willing to fight for you with all her powers when you ask for, as long as you fight for us when we do the same.” 
“Do you have more of these?” He asked, a sparkle in his eyes as he looked at your dragon and you nodded. “Can you bring them to the fight?” 
“I can.” You smiled and he did the same. 
“You can enjoy our hospitality for as long as you need, then you can teach me more about your kingdom and tell me more about this offer and your dragons.” 
You were all gathered in a place they called “the great hall”. It was very cold, and reminded you of Winterfell. You sat around a fireplace at the center and everyone was paying close attention to you. Later you learned they were all related, the king and his brothers: Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd, their wives sat by their sides and all of them looked at you with widened eyes and suspicious looks. You were very different from them with your violet eyes and platinum hair, and your Targaryen attire in bold red drew attention against their black tunics. 
“Where’s this West- Westeros?” Ivar talked first. 
“Across the sea…” You started to answer but were quickly interrupted. 
“We traveled across the sea, never heard of a kingdom called Westeros.” He insisted. 
“You haven’t traveled enough.” You smiled and shrugged. “It took me almost two days on my dragon, and dragons travel fast.” 
“Why is it that you’re looking for an alliance so far from your home?” Ivar’s brother, Ubbe, asked you. 
“Why would you ask for an alliance?” You asked like it was obvious. “Cause it’s good for both parts.” 
“You gotta tell me what’s the good thing for you in It.” Ivar continued. 
You sighed. “My mother is the Queen, but she had to fight for her throne, she earned It… However not every lord of Westeros is comfortable with her power.” 
“You need support.” Ivar mumbled. 
“Don’t you need it?” You asked, a frown on your face. “Don’t you have your own wars to fight?”
“I can very much use the support princess, I mean we’re talking about dragons here…” He smiled. “But I don’t need It, I’ve been fighting my wars with my bare hands way before you came here.”
“So, you’re saying my offer doesn’t interest you?” You asked with a frown.
“That’s not what I’m saying…” He corrected you. “See, as I said, you are welcome to enjoy our hospitality here as long as you need. And we can keep talking about your offer in a way that can be good for both of us.”
Someone filled your cup one more time and you smiled kindly at her, Ivar poked at one of his brothers, Hvitserk, and whispered something in his ear, he looked at you before both of them left the table, excusing themselves, they crossed the curtains and vanished on the back of the great hall as you followed them with your eyes until you lost their sight. You looked around feeling very conscious of your own loneliness in that place, there really was a feast going on, they were quick to prepare the food, but all of them looked at you with fear in their eyes, whispering to each other while staring at you, being the center of attention never bothered you like that before, you drank from your cup and sighed, feeling frustrated already. 
“Are you sure?” Hvitserk asked Ivar, his voice low under his breath while his brother put himself a cup of ale. 
“I am sure. I can sense she needs us more than we need her…” He sipped from his cup before huffing out a frustrated laugh. “At least, in a way she needs us more.” 
“You think she’ll accept It?” Hvitserk insisted. 
“Well, why not?” Ivar shrugged. 
“She’s already offering us her dragons, I mean, she might feel like she doesn’t need to give us anything else.”
“So, we’ll convince her.”
The first rays of sun crossed the cracks of the windows and woke you up, painfully reminding you you were not at your own chambers back in King’s Landing. You sat at the bed and stretched a little, seeing a few clean clothes laid down beside your bed alongside a bow with fresh water. After freshening yourself and changing your clothes, you left the room they prepared for you, walked towards the noise you heard coming from the great hall, but as soon as you crossed the curtains, they stopped talking. 
“Princess!” The same little girl from the other day ran towards you, offering her hand for you to hold, and you smiled accepting her offer. “Come sit by my side.” 
“Of course.” You sat by her side and were quickly followed by the same little boy. “What are your names?”
“I’m Asa.” She answered with a smile. “This is my brother Hali.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you both.” 
“Do you have other dragons??” The boy asked excitedly.
“I gotta tell you, every person in my family has a dragon.” You answered proudly. “My mother’s dragon is called Syrax and my father’s, Caraxes. All my brothers and sisters have dragons of their own.” 
“How many dragons do you have?” Ivar questioned. 
“A lot. Like I said, every person from my family has one.” 
“Where did you find them?” Little Asa asked. 
“Well, that’s a long story.” 
“We’d love to hear It.” Hvitserk was the one to speak this time, you looked at him and nodded. 
You spent the whole morning telling the stories about your family, how they managed to escape from Old Valyria with a few dragons, how the family remained on Dragon Stone for centuries before Aegon decided to finally fly to King's Landing. They paid attention to everything you said, especially the kids who seemed in awe with all the stories about battles and dragons. You learned that Hali and Asa were Torvi’s children and that she was Ubbe’s wife. Ivar was married to another woman called Freydis, and Sigurd and Hvitserk were still unmarried. 
“And he was as big as the sky?” Hali asked with big eyes.
“Balerion could strike a shadow over a whole city when he flew.” You answered with a smile. 
“Did you see him?” Hali’s eyes sparkled.
“He passed before I was born, but we still have a dragon from his time, she’s almost as big as he was, her name is Vhagar.” 
“Does she belong to anyone?” Torvi asked you as curious as her children.
“My sister, Baela, is her rider.” 
“Isn’t she too old?” Ubbe questioned.
“She’s very old, that’s why she’s so big, we suspect her time is already coming to an end like It came to Balerion, we’re just waiting.” 
By the end of the day you were all gathered at the beach, watching as Seafyre flew around. You felt when a tiny hand grabbed yours and looked down, little Asa stared at you with hopeful eyes. 
“Do you want to fly with me?” You asked crouching in front of her. 
“REALLY?” She asked excitedly. 
“Really! Go and ask your mother.” 
The little girl ran towards her parents, Ubbe caught her in his arms and they both walked towards you with suspicious looks. 
“Isn’t It dangerous?” Torvi asked you. 
“No, you can trust me.”
They looked at each other before putting the little girl back on the ground, they nodded, letting her come to you, you grabbed her hand and walked towards the sea shore, you called Seafyre’s name and she immediately came to you, landing right by your side. You rubbed her sides before helping Asa on her top, mounting behind her very quickly. 
“You can hold here.” You pointed to the handle of the saddle, whispering in her ear. “Or you can hold my arms…” 
Asa was very brave, laughing and screaming through the whole time you were flying, she held your arms firmly, but for a moment she dropped it and raised them up her head, making you hold her against your chest with a little more strength. When you landed back on the beach she was already begging you to fly again, but her brother, Hali, seemed to have his own plans. You gave both children a few rides on your dragon, carefully handing them back to their parents afterwards and promising to do the same the next morning. 
After a few hours you saw yourself alone on the beach, watching as Seafyre made a show of eating fishes from the ocean. You felt a presence beside you, looking around to find Hvitserk standing a few feets away from you, you smiled to yourself imagining he feared to be close to you because of your dragon. 
“You can come closer, you know.” You told him and he looked at you, his cheeks reddened a bit and he looked down before approaching. 
“Hali and Asa are way more brave than I am.” He smiled to himself before looking at you, as if he was taking a moment, his smile slowly died on his face and he looked forward before starting to speak again. “Princess, I have to talk to you.”
“Sure.” You answered quickly. 
“My brother has an offer he wants to make to your mother.” 
“This can be arranged, you can prepare your ships to follow me back to King's Landing to have a meeting with her.” You reassured him and he nodded. Both of you stayed in silence for a moment and you felt him uneasy. “But that’s not the only thing you want to ask me, is it?” 
Hvitserk looked down at his own feet, his arms firmly crossed behind his back. “No… It isn’t.”
“Lord Hvitserk I can assure you that my family always respects our alliances, you have no reason to fear, we’ll keep our word.” 
“But you understand we need more than your word, right? We’re not very much of a threat to you, I mean we don’t have dragons, and we need to protect ourselves.” 
This time you looked away, but immediately felt his gaze on you. It made you warm all over for some reason. 
“Is that the nature of your offer, my lord?”
A gust of wind crossed your body and you hugged yourself, knowing exactly when Hvitserk stopped looking at you by the way your skin raised in goosebumps because of the cold breeze. 
“It’s a marriage offer.” Hvitserk continued. 
“My mother is already married.” You joked. 
“Are you?”
“I’m not looking for a husband, Lord Hvitserk.” 
“You’re looking for an alliance.”
“In the name of my family, yes. But I am not selling myself in order to get It.” You looked at him with a frown. “And I thought your brother was already married.”
“He is.”
“Than who…”
Both of you looked at each other at the same time. Hvitserk was a handsome man, beautiful green eyes staring intently at you, studying your face like he wanted to know what you were thinking, he caught your eye before, especially that morning when he seemed so invested in your stories, but at that moment you didn’t know if he was truly interested in you or It was just because of his brother’s marriage offer. Seafyre landed by your side startling him, who walked back a step or two, looking dumbfounded at her.
“Do you ever fear her?” Hvitserk asked you while still looking at your dragon. 
“Never. She would never hurt me.” You answered under your breath. 
“You said you can’t control her when she’s hungry.” He insisted. 
“She’s very protective of me, she might resent me for a bit, but never hurt me.” 
You looked at her, rubbing her skin while Hvitserk looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes, he was mesmerized.
“She’s a wonderful animal.” He breathed out.
“She is…” You responded, taking a step away when you noticed she was about to fly again. “You know…” You sighed, looking forward while she flew away. “My mother married another man before she married my father. It was someone chosen for her, someone they said would be good for her. She wasn’t fully happy with him, this I know of, because she always loved my father. Eventually her first husband died and she could finally marry him…” You looked at him. “She promised me she would never force me into marriage, she didn’t want a life of sadness for me, she won’t accept your brother’s offer.”
“Would you?” He insisted.
”I don’t see marriage as a political deal.” You told him. “I want to marry out of love, not out of duty.”
“Are you already saying no?” He asked under his breath. 
That night you struggled to sleep, tossing and turning on the bed, you couldn’t keep your mind off of that man and how you felt warmer under his gaze. You sighed, stared at the ceiling and mumbled to yourself: “I need some air”. You changed your clothes and left your bedroom, walking over to the beach to clear your head. As soon as you got there you noticed Hvitserk sitting on the sand, surprisingly close from Seafyre, a cup in hand while he seemed to be talking to himself. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked as you approached. 
“Too many thoughts in my head.” He answered after drinking from his cup. “You?”
“Mine too.” You answered, looking at him. 
“Yeah… A lot of things to think about, right?”
“Yeah…” You sat by his side, staying in silence for a moment, feeling the warm breeze of the ocean on your face. You looked at him as he drank another sip of his cup, Seafyre slept peacefully a few feets away from you both and you smiled to yourself before speaking again. “I see you’re not scared of her anymore.” You nudged his arm and he looked at the dragon. 
“I guess I’m too drunk to think of self preservation.” He answered and you smiled. Another moment of silence surrounded you both before he spoke again. “Would you take me for a ride?”
“You mean now?” You asked him with a frown and he nodded. “Yeah… Sure.” 
You approached Seafyre and caressed her sides, waking her up whispering something in valyrian, Hvitserk stood up behind you, nervously waiting. You mounted her and offered your hand for him, he walked hesitantly towards you, holding your hand before mounting the dragon right behind you, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist, sending goosebumps all over your body, you trembled. 
“Hold tight.” You warned him before flying and he heard you, squeezing you tight between his arms. 
 “I am…” He mumbled into your ear. 
Despite the cold wind cutting roughly through your body, you felt warm. Hvitserk’s hands held firmly on your stomach, you had your back against his chest while he rested his chin on your shoulders. To have him so close brought a different feeling to you, a sort of dizziness that would blur your sight, raise the beating of your heart and make your hands start sweating. You turned your head and looked at him, he had his eyes closed, face slightly red from the wind.
“Open your eyes.” You mumbled under your breath.
You watched as he obeyed you, opening his eyes a little hesitantly, blinking incredulously as he looked forward. You smiled to yourself while making your dragon go up faster and Hvitserk held you tighter. Your skin prickled, goosebumps spread all over your body as you felt his own pressed closely against yours. 
“This… This is-” He whispered in your ear and you trembled again.
He then looked at you, your faces so close you could feel his hot breath against your cheeks, you gulped, quickly looking forward. The ride was cut short, you feared for yours and Hvitserk’s safety considering how much he affected you and as you landed, he easily dismounted your dragon, offering his hand to help you do the same, as your feet touched the sand, your legs betrayed you, shaking from whatever feeling that man was causing you and you needed help to stand, his hands wrapped around your waist one more time and he used his own body to keep you still. Your hands went straight to his shoulders and you looked up at him. 
Hvitserk was even more beautiful from that close, his lips were a thin line as he stared intently at you, your stomach turned again and before you even thought about moving away, he kissed you. His lips softly touched yours for a second and you immediately closed your eyes, like reflex, he then kissed you properly, lips crashing against yours hungrily, tongue massaging yours into your mouth, when you ran out of breath and you separated, a thin line of saliva kept you connected for a moment before parting. His hands came to cup up your cheeks, your noses touching while you both looked into each other's eyes, gazing, lips swollen, still wet from your kiss. Seafyre growled right beside you, startling you both and making you move away from each other. 
“Someone is jealous I guess.” Hvitserk said, rubbing the back of his neck a little embarrassed. 
“I guess we should go back… And try to sleep.” You mumbled, still dizzy. “It’s late.” 
Hvitserk nodded and offered his hand for you to hold and you both walked back to your bedrooms. He walked you towards yours and kissed your cheek goodbye before going to his. As you laid down on your bed again, something was different. You smiled to yourself as you closed your eyes and touched your own lips, his face coming immediately to your mind as you thought about that kiss. That wasn’t your first kiss, of course, you had your little flings as you were growing up, but nothing ever left you so uneasy, Hvitserk made you feel different. 
The next morning you were back at the beach, wondering If you could just fly back to your home, trying to avoid Hvitserk’s thoughts but failing as the kiss found a way to crawl back to your mind. As a figment of your imagination, he showed up at the beach, walking towards you with a little smile on his face. 
“You were very silent this morning.” He told you as he approached. 
“Hali and Asa weren’t there to make me talk too much.” You joked, avoiding his gaze. 
“What are you thinking?”
“Coming back home, I guess It’s time.” 
He stayed silent for a moment and, again, you felt when his gaze abandoned your body, the ocean breeze engulfing you uncomfortably. 
“Seafyre is well rested.” You spoke again. 
“What about our alliance?”
“I told you, I’m not willing to sacrifice my entire life in an unhappy marriage just to make an alliance.”
“Would that be so bad?” His hand carefully touched your forearm and you finally looked at him. 
“Are you really interested in me, Lord Hvitserk?” You asked him back, staring intently at him. “You want me, or my dragons?”
He caressed your cheeks with the back of his hand and you unconsciously leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. 
“I already know you’re the most incredible woman I have ever met, I just want to get to know you more…” 
“What are you asking me?”
“To give me one chance, I want to be your lover, want to conquer your love.” 
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
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Ok i've been rewatching Dragon prince lately and I noticed how similar Rayllum and Lumity are-
Callum and Luz - spontaneous, creative, and happy-go-lucky humans in a fantasy world who wants to lean magic but is unable to, but learns magic in their own unique way, both love their little brother and are both artists
Rayla and Amity - cool, badass, initially hostile but warm people who are a mess around their love interest. They were put into positions they didn't want to be in with Amity being the top studant and Rayla being an assassin. Also,, elf ears and connection to the moon
ALSOALSOALSO i'm thinking of other roles for characters so i'm gonna list them off here -
Ezran - King Viren - Belos Aaravos - Collector Soren - Hunter
i'm probably gonna do more on this crossover sooooon
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