#i did this like 3 years ago thats how i met andie it was fun
dear-ao3 · 26 days
since aparently i can only have good relationships with people that i meet on tumblr im currently accepting proposals for courtship in the good old inbox.
-must be at least 18 -idk thats about it
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tidyamo-blog · 6 years
TIDY 2017
Next year will be my 28th year as a producer, my 36th as a DJ and Tidy will be 23. It all started as a bit of fun and it then took over my life, I have seen music formats, club nights, record labels and DJ's come and go and even witnessed the birth of dance and house music as we know it... however the one thing that always amazes me is the Tidy community.
This year more than any other, even when we stopped the Tidy machine so we could work on other projects, you still had the want and urge for us to keep the fire burning. If you had asked me 3 or 4 years ago that we would put on a couple of events in these quite times of clubbing, that 1250 people would come to our Christmas party and 1800 would buy tickets for The Opera House Reunion in record time, I would not have believed it.
Over the years Tidy and myself have witnessed a lot of love, laughter, naivety and even mild hatred within the scene, it’s same ingredients that is in most of the music scenes to be honest, you have to take the rough with the smooth and thats because ‘music is the shorthand of emotion’ and its driven by passion. One thing I’m very proud of is the passion of a fantastic Tidy community, 17 years of events has introduced me to (what I believe) is the most wonderful, committed collection of clubbers that any record label or events brand has ever had.
During Tidy’s 23 years clubbers have come and gone, spent a brief time with us, stayed with us for years, or come, gone and then come back again… they have met their future wives, partners and husbands and some have gone on to create their own families… they now even bring those children and families to our events. People have made new life-long friends, either at a weekender where people bond and unite or at our smaller special Tidy events across the UK.
Alongside our events we are very proud of the music we created and released… although the industry has changed and its no longer a realistic business model anymore - hard house music from the past and present continues to be at the heart of everything. Tidy was originally the brand that brought some of the biggest new artist, DJs and tracks to the scene… some may not agree or like this fact -  but without Tidy we certainly would not have had so many hard house memories or friends.
Without Tidy we certainly wouldn’t have the likes of key names that shaped the sound you know and love, some people forgot that the likes of Guyver, Lee Haslam, Anne Savage, Lisa Lashes, Paul Janes, Flash Harry, Stimulant DJs, Ingo, Colin Barratt, Sam Townend, Eddie Halliwell, Paul Glazby, Kutski, Ian M, Signum, Paul Maddox, Sam Townend and many many more all cut their teeth and had their first tracks and careers on Tidy. All the classics you hear today use to be new tracks once upon a time and ironically the Tidy Boys (when they were younger with more hair) broke all these tracks and played them first… how times have changed.
I didn’t want this little end of year message to be a big showing off exercise for Tidy, far from it, we have always tried to be humble and light hearted, however… sometimes I read some weird twisted views of Tidy on Facebook, which either make us laugh or cry… I even noticed one person recently calling Tidy’s actions controversial… that really did make us laugh. Tidy has never took itself seriously and neither have I, it’s one thing that may have kept us going longer than many others. The music has always had a hard edge and its fantastic it’s stayed underground away from the TV and radio, but Im so glad it’s remained fun and never ever been up its own arse, which is easily done in the music business.
I would like to thank Sam Townend who has been instrumental in the last 10 years in keeping the Tidy flame burning, his hard work and dedication (and the fact he has had to put up with my silly ideas over the years), is sometimes over looked. Over the last 23 years Andy Pickles and I have worked with some fantastic people, both during the Music Factory Years and over the recent independent days with a smaller dedicated team.
Here is a short list of people I would like to thank for the last 12 months : Angie Mozart, Sam Townend, Brad Holmes, Andy Pickles, Pete Goulding, Chris Lambert, Max Mozart, Darren Hicks, Michal Szlas, Matthew Halifax, Paul Smith (Bubble), Dave Jackson, Joe Longbottom, Darren Hurrell, Jayne Parkes, Lee Haslam, Roy & Roger Noise, Rich Haplin, Chris Griffiths, Bill Allard, plus all the Glamzoo Crew from Northampton & Leeds.
Finally I would once again like to say a massive thank you to the Tidy Faithful, not only for continuing to support our special one off events but also for keeping us going by buying clothing and merchandise from the Glamzoo Store, of which we hope to expand in 2018. In fact you may not realise it but by supporting Glamzoo with your purchases you keep Tidy going, a t-shirt, hoodie or novelty cushion purchase makes all the difference and funds your next Tidy adventure.
I Hope to see you all at some point in 2018, we have some very very special events planned, one of which maybe our biggest challenge to date. These parties maybe few and far between but we promise to deliver the best hard house events possible. “There’s no party like a tidy party”
KEEP IT TIDY Amadeus Celery Mozart
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