#i love the fact that he straight up forgets to use powers and stuff like that's likely not a thing he could practise
aro-aizawa · 1 year
dp headcanon that one of danny's powers that he has (whether yet to be unlocked or just undiscovered) is the ability to open portals to and from the ghost zone bc he died when one opened right on top of him. its arguably his most op power bc no ghost has that kinda power, they rely on other objects to do that for them and even those objects are highly sought after and coveted.
my biggest draw to this outside the allure of convenience is just how fkn funny it'd be bc my boy danny is ALWAYS looking for shortcuts. the gz will be filled w danny's miscellaneous crap he put there so he'd have quick access to it, to the point where he can and will lose things either because he forgot where in the gz he put it or a ghost'll be like 'oooo neat! free things!' and nab it bc its unguarded lol
not to even mention when danny just gets tired of fighting he could just open a portal and launch the ghost through and close it. best case scenario the ghost'll give up the fight, worst case danny gets a 20 minutes break while the ghost has to fly all way to his parents' portal then back to where he is. repeat this until danny wears them out or he catches them off guard by them expecting another portal but surprise!! soup time!!! :D
also it helps w aus where danny isn't perma stationed in amity bc oh nice my son can go live w new family elsewhere,,,
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
i saw an interview this morning where valentinos voice actor is asked about his characters relationship to the other vees and he briefly explains that vox and val in this weird gay relationship where they make out and do stuff but then straight up says "uhhhh i dont know what valentinos relationship is with velvet lol!"
the bar is in hell for women characters (pun intended) because a velvet USED to have a relationship with vox and val during the instagram days. i like that she was more like a daughter to him and that they bonded over violence! shit like that was what actually made valentino feel like a complex character who can be good and bad. because i literally cannot think of a single relationship hes on good terms with. voxvals whole appeal is that theyre toxic gay bitches! so having just ONE good relationship in his life, even if its just with his weird 30 year old coworker daughter, could actually make him feel like a person with layers like valentino fans desperately insist he is in the show.
since rn velvet just kind of. exists! she barely speaks to the other vees, doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with them unless she can film them dancing and making out, shes mostly frowning in the finale whenever vox opens his mouth, and never directly even speaks to val. why would val not speak to someone he lives (i think) and considers his equal?
like she very much has the ability to become a compelling fun character/villian when shes separated from the other vees. which sucks! because it just makes me wonder "would valentino or vox tangibly lose anything if velvet didnt work with them? and would anything change about their dynamic if she wasnt there?" and i know the answer is "probably not!"
the fact that no ones mentioned her despite s2 having a "heavier focus on the vees" is so fucking telling. she really doesnt feel like the backbone of the vees! she feels like the third wheel vox and val hired and she just stays with them for power despite her not speaking/having a relationship with them at all. its not even like the idea of "30 year old woman stops caring so much about her gay dads she created and slowly begins to resent them, working with them anyway for power" is a terrible idea, but i absolutely know thats not what viv intended. vel is absolutely an afterthought in the writing when shes with the other vees and its apart of what makes me dislike them now more then ever. if s1 couldnt even have velvet speak to the other vees about ANYTHING other then important business stuff (like, idk, fashion, technology, love potions, the few fucking things these characters have in common) then i doubt s2 is gonna be much better.
anyway velvet should leave the vees and get some granny gyatt from carmilla thank u 4 reading <3
Calling it now, season 2's going to contain as little Velvette as Viv can get away with. Because you said it best yourself -- she's not so much a character as a third wheel Vox and Val hired. If they're not around then she's sometimes allowed to shine, but if they are, forget it. It's all about them.
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oneatlatime · 6 months
The Journey to Ba Sing Se Part 2: The Drill
Could I have Appa back please?
The Previously On segment actually didn't spoil anything for once. Nice.
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I do like these tank things. In fact I like all Fire Nation technology. Not what it's used for. But the designs are neat. And more interesting than most actual military tech. You ever look at something techy, and think to yourself 'there was an artist involved here,' because that's the impression FN tech gives me. It's not beautiful, but there's a pleasing toothiness to it.
Excellent sound design on the metal screechy moving bits. And is that tank escort really necessary?
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I know this is a kids' cartoon, with characters that are designed to be the audience's age. I know! And usually I can suspend my disbelief and forget that I'm watching children do very adult jobs! But this caught me so off guard I laughed. The Fire Nation's big secret project to break through the wall once and for all, that would be an absolute career making achievement for whoever is in charge, and they've given it to a bunch of teenage girls. This is where my suspension of disbelief stops.
Can you imagine the meeting where this was proposed? The Fire Lord being like "Who can lead the attack on Ba Sing Se? We lost Zhao at the North Pole, does whoever it is who occupies his equivalent rank in the Army want the job? Or even Zhao's second in command perhaps? Or how about: three middle school girls, two of which aren't even members of the military? Doesn't that sound like a good plan?" And of course all his advisors have to agree and be like "that sounds like an excellent plan your lordship; did you have any particular girls in mind or should we go scout out the local Claire's?" because the last guy who disagreed with him got his face blown off. I don't care how viciously talented Azula and friends are; a country that puts eighth graders in charge of invasion plans should have lost the war in year one, not still be winning it in year 99.
Did that random commander guy just smack Ty Lee in the face?
Problem the first of this plan: unless the Fire Nation has invented pocket dimensions or bags of holding, there is no way that that drill, even stuffed full of soldiers, would hold enough people to take a city that seemingly contains every single refugee in the entire Earth Kingdom.
Do you think those refugees got preferential treatment for arriving on an Avatar powered elevator?
"I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever's in charge." OWN IT BABY!!!
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That's one hell of an irrigation system they must have.
"He was quickly expunged." Was he? I got the impression he quit. Of his own accord.
Something tells me like forty guys throwing rocks won't stop that thing.
So... what was Mai doing that whole fight? Hanging decoratively off a rope?
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I'd forgotten how stupid Earth Kingdom generals were. Luckily Sokka is there to vicariously express my opinion of them. A reverse beat up Sokka quota fulfillment!
Toph is such a little shit and I love her.
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Aang sure does put up with a lot sometimes. Part of being the Avatar. It's a good thing he has such patience. Can we talk about how lucky the world is that Aang is the one tasked with putting up with nonsense like this? Imagine if Sokka or Toph were the Avatar. There would be casualties.
I like complaining too buddy. Nice to see Sokka's worth being recognised. Now can we do that outside of a life or death situation too please?
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I joke about Zuko's dumbass behaviour, but let's be honest, it's inherited.
Jet. Fuckboy. You do not make it easy to even slightly like you. Guy is missing the point as much as Zuko usually does. Going straight MEANS leaving the freedom fighters behind. It doesn't mean reforming them somewhere else. And what Fire Nation threat are you going to find in Ba Sing Se for your Freedom Fighters to fight? You know, if this idiot was actually serious about fighting for Freedom rather than blowing stuff up for fun, he'd fudge his age and enlist in the Earth Kingdom Army.
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Four points: How does Katara know Ty Lee's name? Is this confirmation that waterbending healing cannot remove a Chi block? I love that the trait that gives away Ty Lee's identity is the fact that she cartwheeled away. I love Sokka. Just in general.
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There is no way this girl is not tripping.
Can you imagine how loud standing right next to that drill must be?
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Normally I'd say that one earthbender trying to slow the drill down with spikes will work even worse than the Terra Team who tried and failed with like 40, but this is Toph we're talking about. It could work.
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These children are so polite when they're committing industrial sabotage. Truly, they were raised well.
Do you ever get the feeling that whoever is in charge of designing Fire Nation armour is into a few things that he's trying to repress so hard that they're coming out in all the wrong places?
Jet seems to have lost all the manipulative abilities he had in his episode. Suddenly he's very bad at reading body language and keeps saying the exact opposite of what he should.
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New achievement unlocked! 1000% agreeing with something Zuko said! That was a pretty stupid move.
Cups made out of leaves are neat.
Katara, you can't have it both ways. You can't look to Sokka to make the plan, then get snippy when the plan correctly plays to all of your strengths. He physically CAN'T bend. Either you come up with a better plan yourself, or you do as the guy you appointed planner suggests.
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Points in favour of allowing Katara to murder people, exhibit 1.
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Confirmed: Sokka is catnip for girls.
Even in comparison to the others, Ty Lee has a bad case of cartoon physics.
Did Katara just disarm herself? That'll come back to bite her in 3, 2, 1...
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Mai gets a second personality trait! Yay!
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There is no way this is actually practical armour. This is someone in procurement with a thing for sweaty bulging muscles and puppy masks.
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And thus, the log ride was born. Later versions would go on to perfect the concept by introducing a log.
I felt Sokka's mud freakout in my bones. Looks like Katara giving away her water isn't going to be a problem.
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Petition to let Katara say bitch. The voice actress said Circus Freak but I know what I heard in my heart.
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Remember that time Sokka smacked his forehead so many times that his face was permanently red? My turn now.
Aang. I know you love your friends. But maybe a battle on top of a moving machine of destruction in the midst of an aerial assault from your idiotic allies while facing off with the single most powerful and amoral firebender in existence, isn't a place to bring your pet lemur?
Beat up Sokka quota fulfilled by little sister. It's surprising that isn't the case more often. I know Sokka took it too far, but if you don't want him telling you what to do, maybe you shouldn't have looked to him for a plan?
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Toph is here! Day saved.
Finally some sense re: Momo safety.
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Time for the Western showdown. There's even something that could stand in for a water tower in the background.
If Azula had just struck at Aang the second he got knocked unconscious, rather than waiting until he woke up for dramatic purposes, she would have won this. I give Zuko Hell for being a theatre kid, but he's not the only one in the family.
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I would love to know what they make Fire Nation boot soles out of. They have supernatural traction.
I take back everything I said about pet safety. That was a really cool Momo assist.
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Aang invents the pneumatic hammer.
I LOVE that the cut braces had an effect after all. Sokka's contribution counts!
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I bet this guy's wishing he'd been eaten by a giant fishman like Zhao right about now. Have fun explaining that one to the Firelord!
HOW is Ty Lee still alive?
HOW does Azula still have knees after that drop?
HOW does Mai have such perfect timing?
They really ought to put wheels on all but the back car to reduce friction and save energy. Then again, if the Earth Kingdom is one thing, it's stupid.
So... Jet's change of heart lasted a bit less than one episode. Good job fuckboy!
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So precious.
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So Pretty.
Final Thoughts
This was like 90% action, with the other 10% being split between Zuko & Iroh plot stuff and Sokka playing comic relief. So there's not that much to talk about here really (she says, having found a whole post's worth of stuff to talk about).
Sokka had his bossy pants on, admittedly because he was asked to don them. Aang got to do some proper Avataring. Katara and Toph got to exercise their bending muscles. I'm not surprised that Toph was absent for much of the middle of the episode, because - let's be honest - given the right tools, Toph would have finished the Drill in one move. And then they'd be out of episode.
Actually, Mai got to have a personality beyond Too Bored To Live this episode. This is probably the most personality I've seen out of her so far. She's much more expressive when she's with just Ty Lee, rather than Ty Lee and Azula.
And Zuko! Had! Common! Sense! Iroh had to be a dumbass for Zuko to shine, but Zuko was, once again, the most reasonable character in his little B plot. For future reference: If you want to make Zuko reasonable, all you have to do is nerf his uncle and juxtapose him with a terrorist.
I loathe Jet. Always have, probably always will. But I'm still disappointed in him. His 'turning over a new leaf' - if it was sincere at all - lasted like 10 on-screen minutes. I feel sorry for Smellerbee and Longshot. I don't think their faith in their glorious leader is going to be repaid. He seems to brush off Smellerbee's opinions.
The strangest thing this episode was how few lines Azula had. I guess maybe they were using silence to try to show how calculating and collected she is compared to others, but honestly my first thought was that the voice actress had something going on. A cold? A previous engagement? It felt really weird to hear her speak so little, since previous episodes have shown she's not averse to gloating and dramatic monologues. She didn't even have much in the way of facial expressions.
I think the winners this episode were Mai, who got to have a personality; Zuko, who got a turn with the brain cell; and Aang, who got to work out pretty much all the bending he knows so far and successfully Avatar.
I did notice with some of the shots of Aang moving the big boulders the idiots were chucking down, that there was a kind of fuzziness to the air between Aang and what he was moving. Was I seeing the actual bending energy (Chi I guess) moving?
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What I like about the Knights: Bedwyr/Bedivere
I have had brainworms about this man since I first read the scene in good old Morte when I was 14 years old where he lied about throwing Excalibur into the lake. TWICE. And he only tosses it in after Arthur straight up threatens to kill him if he tries that shit again. Iconic. As such most of my love for him stems from Malory's interpretation specifically, which is funny because this motherfucker is only in the last few chapters.
To expand a bit on him lying at the end. We don't really know WHY he didn't chuck it. We know he thinks it'd cause problems, but no specifics. Did he want to use it himself? Did he think it'd help the kingdom to keep around? Was it ultimately sentimental? Selfish or selfless? Who knows!
In the older works he pops up in, he notably doesn't have any outstandingly special powers unless you count him being really good with thrusting weapons, which I don't because A) it can be read as him just being really quick and precise (which I personally find a more interesting interpretation, hard work and skill honed over a long time is way cooler than magic), and B) he gets power-creeped hard - and even then most writers either don't know or forget he's really good with swords and spears. My mans had his thunder stolen BAD.
In fact, he was the OG Prettiest Guy Who Isn't Arthur(tm), but then more Prettiest Guys Who Aren't Arthur(tm) kept getting added. So he's, unfortunately, usually shoved into the background unless someone else (usually Kay) drags a spotlight over to him.
Sidenote, I fully believe that Bedwyr and Kay are married. But really I'm just happy any time they appear together. A lot of the time the knights don't really feel like they're even friends in the 'normal human' way instead of the 'operating under 10 layers of chivalry and posturing' way, and at the very least Kay and Bedwyr actually enjoy being around each other.
Also, this motherfucker was there FROM THE BEGINNING (both in-universe and as like... a concept (he predates Jesus by a few hundred years)) and is usually the last guy left alive. But he's never a major player in anything except chucking the sword in a lake at the end. At most he's helping Kay with something or doing his job. A job he did presumably well because he held his position as Marshall for several decades and only lost it because everybody mcfucking bit it all at once.
If you want to look through a metanarrative lens, he's cursed to witness events and never influence them, but he gets one act of agency at the very end, which he gives up out of either fear or loyalty. And his reward is that he's left alone with a flippant order from his king to do whatever he wants. A lifetime of service rendered completely null and void by the complete loss of everything and everybody that he's ever known.. A lifetime of service to a system that was ultimately the root cause of the tragedy. And goddammit that's some spicy stuff to work with.
Anyway, my grand thesis statement is this: He exists in a sweet spot where he'd be an excellent POV and can be built on without in any way upsetting preestablished characterization. He's a relatively normal guy among complete and total freaks of nature (affectionate) who manages to outlive all of them. And the few things that are relatively set-in-stone about him (Close to Kay, only has one hand, there from the beginning, chucks sword into lake) are enough of a foundation to make him really interesting. To summarize:
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madnessofthespirits · 1 month
2, 9 and 17 about Diar and Alter for the character ask game 👀👀👀
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
cu alter: ummmm i'd die for anything. for example:
he's not lancer but he is very much cu chulainn
in EPU (and to a certain extent post-EPU too) he's basically just a guy trying to give himself agency in a situation where he's been robbed of his agency. this makes him act really weird
nothing about him has anything to do with warp spasm cu, even on a meta level
he's got that dissociative ptsd
whenever he's kind or caring i find it moving because he's quite literally been altered to suppress those parts of himself, which goes to show that they're actually too strong to be suppressed completely at all, and that he's fighting extra hard to be that way
(i may be interpreting this question as an opportunity to just share random opinions but hopefully that's okay)
diarmuid: the worst things that ever happened to him were ultimately the fault of awful old men with too much power and if fate would actually notice that and try to do something with what that might mean about him i think that would be a much more interesting thing to explore in regard to his character in fgo (or any other post-f/z media he could potentially be in) than well, most of the other things they've done with him post-f/z instead
also *straight guy voice* he's way stronger than either canon or fans usually treat him as being. urobuchi (or someone else on the f/z staff, i forget who) said he might have won the grail war if it weren't for kayneth being a fuckwad. all of the stuff he's done in his legends is at least as impressive as anything cu has ever done.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
cu alter: honestly i think it was during the scene where he fights nero and she's trying to understand his motives and nothing he's saying really makes much sense and she points out that he's not even enjoying what he's doing, which he implicitly agrees with, and then tells her that his only goal is to just keep fighting until he's dead. i remember thinking to myself stuff along the lines of "wow bro that sounds Bad what's your problem" and "oh he's like Fucked Up fucked up i can't not care about him" and really it just made me want to understand him so bad
and then there's the finale scene where he finally admits that he's being forced to do what he's doing because medb used the grail to place him under a geis and it's like sad as fuck because he's been forced to sacrifice the parts of himself that feel joy and love just so he can maintain his honor, and therefore it's also heroic at the same time (this is what i'm talking about when i say that though he may not be lancer he is very much cu chulainn). also the part where's he kind to medb while she's dying in spite of having little reason to be and actually holding clear dislike for her is very touching
diarmuid: i definitely liked him from the start - like he so clearly just wants to do the right thing and have fun at the same time in spite of the fact that he has this horrific past and got saddled with this shitty master - like how could i not care about him? but it's definitely the last couple of scenes he appears in that sealed the deal for me. just seeing him walk away from that shitty encounter with kayneth and turn around and decide he's not gonna let that stop him from enjoying an epic fight with his best friend - and then he experiences one of the most awful fictional deaths i can think of and we learn that this whole time while he's been smiling and taking the high road at every turn he's actually been building up this whole volcano of grief and resentment. the whole thing is just as brief as it is powerful. it's a moment of honesty, it's touching, it's relatable, it's the closest thing to justice he's allowed. it contrasts so starkly with the side of him the audience sees up until then that it comes off as genuinely shocking, and it shows that he is just as glaringly human as he is a perfect knight, and therefore what makes him such an interesting and lovable character. can't imagine how hard your heart has to be to see all that and not care for him at least a little
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
cu alter: i think you will either get it or not, but out of all the songs i associate with him, of which there are many, i think of this one as being the most "his" of them all
diarmuid: i know i've already brought this one up before but:
"when i choose to see the good side of things, i'm not being naive. it is strategic and necessary. it's how i've learned to survive through everything." -- waymond wang in everything everywhere all at once (excellent film btw if you haven't seen it)
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cathchicken · 8 months
Ok yay another round of first impressions!!! Again, spoilers for Fionna and cake below the cut! (Episodes 5 and 6)
Episode one:
- I became more invested in this episode the further it went, I ended up liking it a lot!
- farmworld society is real neat. I like how ice Finn became some demonic figure to everyone
- I liked the character if the main Finn kid (forget his name already damnnn)
- the forbidden romance was funny, but they left that universe so quickly, I want to know what happens!!
- Simon curses
- what thr hell is up with the pink goop
- Farm Finn mentions his wife is dead (CMONNN). Not sure exactly who she could be, but I’m guessing farm huntress wizard, based off of a few of the kids designs. Specifically the one with ginger hair and green eyes. The soup thing is interesting too
- and I love that Cake actually likes him like aughhhhh
- (this is hurting my soul)
Overall solid episode!
Episode two:
- yeah I know what’s gonna happen. Tumblr prepare yourself
- wait I forgot about the yaoi subplot haha
- anyways time to see photos of half naked Marshall everywhere for a week now too
- ok real meat: winter king. He’s a lot more cunty than I thought. The song and animation was gorgeous!!
- why did they draw his crotch like that. WHAT cmon I can’t be the only one. It’s so… well defined. Anyways
- the whimsical gunters were perfect. Especially the fairy
- the ice Marcy??? What??
- FUCKING. CAKE. SAYING WINTER KING AND SIMON SHOULD MAKE OUT AT THR END KF THE SONG. like damnnnn she is freaky. That would have been quite something though
- oh god. Wait, is this gonna be the oncest thingy now..? Fandom wise… cake you’ve doomed us all!!
- ahem
- oh yeah bubbaline! (Garylee..?) it was a very cute montage!! And I like Gary’s candy kingdom esque idea for his bakery.
- MORE LEMONFEMS (Lemoncarb?? I don’t know how to spell it)
- idk about you guys but I like them. Well, I don’t like how they did Gary. But still. Very good
- ok back to fionna
- yes!! Candy… queen! (The name to no one’s surprise haha) she pretty much was exactly what I expected. I love her
- her song was also great!!
- unfortunately I guess her existence is short lived lol
- won’t stop me… with the power of fanart!
- I like the scene where she rolls off the bed
- yeah at this point I was sort of suspicious of winter guy
- lobotomy… thr best remedy…
- the way winter king just lets Fionna embrace him right in front of actual Simon is fucking crazy haha. I’m sure cake was loving it
- well, the team handles trauma together….
- interesting, this universes pb is like, exactly the same haha.
- oh yeah, Fionna ain’t straight at all. You saw how she reacted when pb caressed her
- oh yeah final winter king impressions: I hate him
- also the fact he acknowledged Betty died and couldn’t give a shit. Fuck him forever
- csnt lie I’m a little sad it’s not a direct swap universe like my little theory. But ofc that’s not a problem at all, just me predicting stuff wrong
- not letting that go tho. Passionpeachy I won’t fail you. Doomed yuri is always the answer
Ok that’s pretty much it!!! Overall I really enjoyed these episodes, and I’m gonna have a good time seeing everyone else react to them :3 but now I get some sleep. I got school tomorrow
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revlischarm · 1 year
Howdy! I've been dying to know I'd anybody has recognized Morro's cursed eye marks in your LMK au, and what their reactions are!
This is genuinely such a cool concept, and I love the art you made for it!
Honestly I keep legitimately forgetting which stuff I’ve posted about the au and which stuff I still have stuffed away in my notes. Because I feel like I have everything out here but I can’t remember? Uhhhh
Okay so while the marks would definitely give him away to certain people, it’s moreso that Morro has a kinda vibe around him that powerful beings can pick up on. The really enlightened or well-versed ones can pinpoint specifically what his deal is (and by that I very, very specifically mean the fact that he’s died before), while the vast majority of them would only be able to pick up on Morro giving off weird vibes.
Morro is similar to Macaque in that he gives off slight dead vibes, except Morro’s is increased, due to him having such heavy involvement with the afterlife and being a ghost and departed and stuff.
The markings give him away as a Cursed spirit specifically, however it’s not a major blaring red flag like Morro thinks it is here; in Ninjago, it’s different and much more widely recognized, but in the LMK universe only a select portion of people can recognize those markings right off the bat like that.
Not super powerful beings will just get a faint weird vibe from Morro but can’t really pinpoint what it is, and honestly, would rarely be able to realize that they’re noticing anything different at all. More powerful beings can detect that he’s got something going on, and that he reeks of death and the afterlife, but won’t always make the connection that Morro has actually died in the past and was resurrected. Last tier is that some beings would be able to pinpoint specifically that Morro used to be a spirit, departed from the realm of the living, etc, etc. That he died before. And add onto that that he used to be a malicious spirit, aka his soul was kinda condemned.
It has levels to it and I know I’m rambling sorry lol.
Low-level demons like Jin and Yin, or the spider demons, would just get weird vibes from him. Nothing super noticeable. Spider Queen, PIF, DBK—they would definitely be able to tell that Morro reeks of death. Red Son can tell too, they just. Don’t make that connection lmao. He doesn’t care enough to and I love them for it.
Now Wukong can absolutely tell that Morro used to be dead, he just has the decency not to say shit until the amnesia episode at least, heh heh. LBD and the Mayor can 100% tell that Morro used to be dead and even a Cursed soul. Macaque can tell that Morro used to be dead, but can’t sense the Cursed bit super well. Nezha can also totally tell that Morro was a former damned spirit.
MK…MK is a unique situation in that I’m sure he’d be able to tell that Morro used to be dead and all that, however he also can’t? Only because he doesn’t really know what to look for to begin with. So he can’t exactly sense some weird vibe he isn’t even familiar with.
And we all already know MK isn’t always the best when it comes to noticing things, haha.
Tang actually gets a bit suspicious when Morro’s markings are revealed in season 3! But not because of recognizing them, moreso of the fact that Morro hid them on purpose and that they kinda look…sinister in appearance. That’s it.
Pigsy and Sandy deadass just think it’s some kind of birthmark at first I kid you not
Mei doesn’t ask because she wouldn’t care what the markings meant, it wouldn’t change her friendship with Morro. They’re just some cool looking marks to her, she doesn’t press Morro for details and would not care either way. I love her dearly.
MK straight up just doesn’t notice for a while, they just think that it’s some new makeup or something
Uhhhh idk if I’m forgetting anyone in my list but yeah
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s0urw00lf · 2 years
Buried deep in
An: it has also come to my attention that i need another part but enjoy this part while I work on hopefully the third and final part
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When I got back home I went straight to my room ignoring Scott’s calls. I closed and locked my door, sat my helmet on my dresser and sat on the end of my bed. I looked towards my dresser and saw a little lacrosse figure I meant to give to stiles when he won the game some time ago.
I looked at it and it began to lift with the orange aura surrounding it. A smile plastered itself on my face as I started lifting more stuff around my room.
Books, jewelry, the action figures stiles had gotten me for my birthday 3 years ago. I felt amazing, and I finally felt the power that Derek talked so much about with being a supernatural. I looked around amazed at the orange aura lighting up my dark room, this all stopped when I heard a soft knock on my door.
Everything dropped making some type of loud noise. I shot up off of my bed looking at the door. I walked to the door thinking Scott came to apologize but no, it was stiles.
“Hey I uh- I came to see if you were okay. You kinda rushed up to your room.” He said rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh yeah I’m fine! Really good actually” I said smiling back to him.
“Uh you can come in if you want” I said stepping aside, and opening the door more so he could.
He took my offer and walked into my room inspecting it as if it was his first time seeing it. I sat back on the edge of my bed staring at the boy.
“Did you need something else?” I asked tilting my head to the side.
He turned towards me “uh no- well actually yes.” He said coming to sit next to me. “ I’m um- I’m sorry. On behalf of myself and the pack”
“You stiles, have nothing to be sorry for. In fact Scott should be the one up here but he’s so focused on saving everyone all the time it’s like he forgets I’m still human and I have feelings. I lost my best friend for gods sake! I don’t really blame him, he has a lot on his plate but I just wish he would let me help. I’m so much stronger than he thinks I am.” I said looking at my fidgeting hands.
He just stares at me not saying anything so I spoke up again
“you know since Erica passed you are the only one person to ever look out for me?” I asked lifting my head to now look him in his eyes.
his eyes soften while he breaks eye contact. "yeah well, I know if i lost Scott you would be the first person on my side. Because that's the type of person you are, you put everyone above yourself even when your struggling yourself and that's what i love about you-" he said making my eyes widen.
I don't think he realized what he said because he kept talking.
“-like the time Scott and I dared you to jump from the 6th stair and you fell on top of us while doing it and you sprained your wrist, but you still checked Scott and I before telling your mom and you didn't even tell on us, you tole her that you tripped." he ranted laughing towards the end.
I guess he realized I haven't said anything because he lifted his head now looking at me and seeing my shocked expression making him sit up straight
"what did i say some-" he started but I cut him off
"you said you love me" he looked at me like I was insane before a look if realization crossed his face.
"I didn- I was- oh god" he stuttered now putting his head in his hands.
I smiled knowing the meant it. "stiles, look at me" I said.
he hesitantly lifted his head, now looking me in the eyes. i opened my mouth to say something but Scott bursts in the room making stiles and I whip our heads toward the sound.
“Uhh sorry, but the recitals in about an hour and Lydia wants us all there.” Scott rushed out now standing right in front of stiles and I.
��Why’s she want me there? If she hasn’t noticed by now, we don’t really get along.” I said folding my arms.
“Well Allison wants you there, she plans on making you two sort out your differences so you all can hang out with no problems.” He sighed shaking his head.
Stiles stood up next to Scott but turned to face me “ I think it’s a great idea” he said shrugging his shoulders.
I roll my eyes. “Yeah whatever, let’s go” I said about to grab my helmet but I was stopped by stiles.
“Woah what are you doing?” He said, hands reaching out to keep me from grabbing my helmet
“Um grabbing my helmet” I said in a duh tone.
“Why not just ride with Scott and I in my jeep?” he asked
“Not to be rude but I’m not in the mood to even be in the same room as Scott, let alone a car. I’ll just take my bike” I said grabbing my helmet and rushing out of my room and downstairs. Picking up my keys before opening the door and down to my bike.
3rd person POV
Y/n kept on her way to the high school the moon dimly lighting the dark road. It was empty which was weird because it’s around 8:30 which means people should be getting off of work. But y/n didn’t mind it.
As she made her way into the school property something hit her a feeling, a vision. Something that made her stomach twist.
she was in a room. a dimly lit classroom because of the moonlight peaking through the windows over the tall trees of beacon hills reserve. she had a pounding headache, like her brain was trying to explode. y/n say up groaning looking around not being able to see much btu she could clearly see the strawberry blonde sitting in the chair across from her withe her head down "lydia?". the girl didnt move, she stayed motionles "lydia! lydia wake up!" yn yelled. y/n felt anothe presentce coming into the room and looked to the door seeing ms. blake enter. i stood up "ms. blake, lydia theres something wrong with her" she walked right past her up to lydia bending down and pulling out a pocket knife and a rope. Thats when it hit y/n that they couldnt hear her, she was in her vision.
Y/n was broken out of her vision by a scream, But not just any scream. The scream of a banshee…
@daphnen21 @natsukohoshi22
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Amy Rose movie Theory time
Ok let's start the theory with why would Amy end up in earth in the first place and how? Well in this theory of mine it will be for similar reasons as Tails and knuckles, few points to remember:
1. The chaos emeralds were conveniently spread out in space by Sonic himself and he and shadow conveniently will need it.
2. Lately the most recent version of Amy in both modern and Classic (that is the perfect version), Amy is someone ready to be a hero and take action and I inspired this theory thanks to this panel over here👇👇👇
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You will my girl, you will absolutely prove your are a worthy warrior ( words probably said by Knuckles)
3. Unlike Tails who used his gadgets to know about sonic and about knuckles and how trace him to find him and unlike knuckles who always knew about him and hired people to find him... How would Amy know about sonic in the first place and how will she know how to find him? Are we forgetting something canon that Amy is skilled at besides swinging a hammer?👇👇👇
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The fortune cards should be used in the movie your honor, literally Amy knows how to use magic with them cause she always nails it!
Know let's mix all the ingredients, i chose to write this as a prologue back story through Amy's pov:
Hi, nice to meet you my name is Amy Rose😊 and I'm on an important mission to help save a different planet! Isn't it exciting?🤩 Oh yeah you're probably wondering how I ended carrying this mission and how i know where I'm going jeje 🤭cof cof well it's all thanks to this girls over here:- Amy's hands starts shining surrounded by some kind of pink electric light and a deck of cards shows up out of nowhere- impressed? 😏Jiji this are fortune cards and I have mastered the ability to read them and they always tell me things i need to know, oh and these aren't the only thing I can summon, take a look at this: -Amy extended her arm straight with her palm open and again her hand is surrounded by pink electric light, this time the light grows bigger forming a shape and in a blink she is holding a giant hammer- cool isn't it? Your head won't get away uncracked if you fight me fellas😤 😏 I can crack mountains
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oh you also wonder where did I get all this stuff? Ok I'll tell you, bring the flashback:
Some years ago i was a little girl who ended up all on her own, i used to help in a food place but I wanted to do more than that and I craved to prove my independence and strength! Cause I was seen as a weak lonely nobody little girl so... I started to do boxing 🥊🥊 and trained to be more athletic but it wasn't enough, i love boxing but I don't actually like to fight using my fists... and one day finishing my training next to a nice valley i found something... There were some kind of ruins hidden and I felt something calling me under some rocks and there were them... I found a bag with a full thick deck of cards surrounded with a shiny aura and I was so hypnotized with them, i remembered some tales and legends about some mysterious powers that came from the energy of chaos and I wondered if there were items with chaos powers too... As I was checking one by one the cards i stopped when I saw one with a big beautiful hammer image on it and I realized that what I was lacking for was a personal weapon and then... How do I describe this... Well the card started to shine and there was some pink electricity and there was an explotion boom ���🤯 and them poof the hammer of the picture fell on my hands!!! 😶 And I felt connected to it like with the cards and few years of training latter here I am! See? I was a bit more Little back them i guess it grew up with me or maybe Is because I'm stronger 💪💪 Anyway I'm on this mission because... It happened again! I found a chaos item! A lot more powerful than my cards! It was an chaos emerald! I learnt about them thank to the cards knowledge because like I said they always tell me what I need to know and in fact when I tripped with the emerald while training the cards reacted to it and gave me my mission:
"A foreign whole planet is in grave danger, a future legendary hedgehog hero needs the emerald to save that world so you must give it to him"
And that's what I'm doing! Traveling between worlds until I find that hedgehog hero! And I hope he lets me help save that world! I'm so exited to finally have a chance to prove myself!!!😖😤
Next post will be my theory about with who will be living Amy Rose at the end of the movie
He is a hedgehog like me... I wonder how he looks... He must be handsome! 🤔😍I hope I can recognize who he is... I don't want to give the emerald to the wrong person and make a fool of myself... Enough Amy! Be more confident 😣😣 ok ok I'm fine, let's do this! 💪😤 Is going to be fine! Uff I can already feel the upcoming danger... How curious... I feel like someone is following me? (🦇) I have to protect the emerald! Let's go! I'll see you later! Hope you liked my story! 😘😘
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
hello. i have come here to inform you that. redcrackle
~ guess
...rys? Or rxc...
@rys-redcrackle ...
Or @redxcrackle ...(calender...)
Sorry if I got it wrong...
....yes. thank you them ☆.☆
Been rotating them on the brain...like the whole Himalayas scene is like basically one minute?? And it did all that?? Uhhh grays face drenched in red lighting and 🥺 while she says goodbye to his face and then him glaring at her back?? When she cant see ?? And she's like 🥺 as she's flying away like?? >:( he said enemies i can do this i-...glad you failed buddy
But also forever the way she just was like here to say sorry I couldn't attend my date with gray 🥰 and dgjdkdkd he's like slow your roll graham asked you out... and then she just goes :3 gonna go to the heart of this VILE building and just pick him up 😊 and dbndjdkdkd Iloveyou but youre skipping steps im in crackle mode
There's something so interesting how they're both on cloud 9 and the others grounding force. Do good and see truth.
And uuuuggggh like never gonna agree that the downward spiral to her learning to lose her trust just as he'd become trustworthy is a button for that AT ALL . I'm glad gray will be happy as long as she's ok but leaving it like that is ...no.
But I always LOVE! how happy! She is that he existed in her life! And when it gets dangled in her face that maybe again! Even if in a slightly different way! Shes like yes.
And he's such a little dude . He's so neat. Like he's very straightforward. He just. Uhhh today I think it is about how wholeheartedly he reaches for VILE and power and then just slips up and does this 🥺 at carmen. He owns all his bad choices . Gladly. Pragmatically. but OBVIOUSLY can't hide that loving carmen means something to him. Like actually him. * I was there * to 🎬 action
[And also lowkey how that relates to dark! Carmen b/c- stopping here thats a different thoughtprocess]
[its still...interesting to say the least to see gray casually use the fact that he's an orphan to shut chase's theory down]
And she's so ! Good. Like she loves the world a lot its nice to follow her for it.
And like operacaper is just so...soft to the possibility of him being more flirty and specifically that he would make sure he wouldn't forget her 😉 and she just // carmen vs what she wants and ONLY giving it up if she can conceptually see it as the noble choice rather than what she should do (player bff king looking out) and I think ? One of the few times she seems bummed that the noble/right choice IS the answer at this point in time. She goes [not seeking my mom rn is ok because I chose to do the right thing and she supplements it with she loves being with team red . Duh. They're great.and eventually she does get to do this :D] But she like flat out sighs when she's like . "It's the right thing to do...I guess. But because I'm protecting him ok don't twist it. I want it to be because protecting. "
And I think gray in his protectiveness is literally so funny. But also just in his straightforward. Means for my goal. Mindset.
1) he literally got told dont tell any one which he went well no one would believe me so thats easy. And then he's like ACME ☆.☆ might know where she is and SPILLS (dude like graham is gray is crackle he still has soooo much of his tendencies he just actually does the. Oh wait yeah we're not doing bad stuff right as graham. But only like after everything is done so dbfndjdkdk) because chance for carmen info? Say less. *opens his mouth*🤣
Chief: less
Never crossed his mind that they didn't think she was the greatest thing ever
2) AND WHEN I SAY CARMEN WAS RIGHT THAT HE IS LIKE HER I MEAN IN THE HE GIVES IT AAAAALL UP. ALL HIS CARDS. anything he can when he knows that freeing carmen is it. The right thing. And ugggh the line. Very baby steps but like when?? The rod?? How long?? But he's got a goal. Straight to it.
Sndjsk like he needs to solidify his moral compass by a lot but when he does he's just as active for it
Please come back...*flips a table*
😞dark! RC kinda pretty co captains couple tho...
Look at this ballet au pick rose gave me for them...
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And this isn't it either but I wondered if Anastasia had a ballet and It DOES but not n..ntotheversionofthestoryiwant. I was wondering if it even lends itself to that format but eh. Like even musical version had some trouble getting accepted? I hear?
Problems by mm for them but only if I can balance it with something sappy and happy af so hot tea by half alive for them being together (finally!) Has been it(tm)..but also someone who loves you by Betty who.
🥰think they should kiss and stay together forever /
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beevean · 10 months
hecula for the ship ask?
Well well well :)
• when or if I started shipping it.
I can tell you that it was around March judging by some stuff I wrote. I honestly can't tell you why 😂 best I can tell I joked with my friends about Dracula favoring Hector a little too much.
• my thoughts:
They're awful 💖 absolutely horrible 💖 Drac is a giant bastard and he deserves to drown in holy water 💖
I like to think that Dracula sees Hector as his prized creation, born from his magic in the same way an Innocent Devil is born from the Devil Forgemaster's magic. He makes him proud and carries his will efficiently, and he has grown very possessive of his boy :) dunno, something about him believing that their bond his special, something that trascends the bond between Lord and knight, is very 💕 to me.
Hector, well... at first, I would have said that he didn't care about Dracula at all, that their relationship was purely transactional. I've changed my mind lol. Hector has plenty of reasons to grow attached to Dracula, after what he went through. Remember, "I respectfully obeyed, to cling to". Hector needed a home, he needed acceptance for his existence, he wanted power, and Dracula gave him everything he asked for. At a small price :) And imagine him going from "I wish you were never born!" to being an esteemed General! Dracula is Hector's whole life and he'd be proud to serve him. The outside world is dangerous and wants him dead, but at least he has Dracula. No one will care about him like Dracula does. Obeying him is only fair, after everything he has done for him. Remember what I often say, about Hector becoming very devoted to the people he falls for? Yeah.
... until stuff happens. And turns out that Hector may care about Dracula, but he cares about himself more. He's a very proud individual, one with solid principles, and he can't accept bending for a Lord that is losing more and more his grip on sanity. And the psychological warfare starts, because Dracula now regrets fueling his boy's ego, and he's forced to remind him that he has sworn loyalty to him of his own volition :)
And that's where we finally end up in canon territory, with Hector placing his own dignity above the comfort of his old life, and finally fleeing to regain total control of his own existence.
and if you're seeing creepy grooming pseudo-incest stuff here: it's deliberate. their whole relationship is unhealthy. no abuse apologism on my part :)
• What makes me happy about them:
the size difference
The little hints in canon that fuel my brainrot. Going from Drac very clearly seeing Hector as more valuable than Isaac, to straight up calling him "precious/dear" and looking saddened by his betrayal, to Hector calling him anata in Japanese even in a context when he's furious at him, to Isaac's underlings directly coming out and saying that Dracula cherished Hector in Japanese... and whatever's going on during the sip attack. drac. drac stop kissing hec. there are innocent devils watching
• What makes me sad about them:
the fact that people are cowards and i have barely found any fic about them, and forget about fanart
• things done in art/fic that annoys me:
What art/fic? 😂 I mean, I did find one (1) fic that was NFCV levels of awful. I guess, once again, reducing Hector to a blushing virginal uke. You're missing the point.
• things I look for in art/fic:
Their existence.
I guess that, hypothetically, I'd like a focus on their mentor/protégé relationship, and uhhh all that I said above. And please remember that Hec has a very solid backbone :(
• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Hector with Rosaly, ofc. After Dracula, he deserves her kindness even more. Poor girl is going to find a mess. She'll have to teach him what pure love is :(
Dracula... well, I would say "a therapist", but you know, @the-crow-binary wrote some nice and kinky af fanfiction where Drac starts a relationship with Isaac in a Bad End AU where Hector is used as the vessel. And yeah, sure, let's make Isaac happy for once :P and show Dracula what actual devotion looks like :P
• My happily ever after for them:
Hector divorcing Drac's creepy ass and then slamming the divorce papers in his face so hard that he won't wake up for another century ✌
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
lol. lmao. uhhh I'm sure Dracula loves to send Hector to fight for him and then have him telling him all the atrocities he committed in his name 😂
Since the most material I could find is NFCV related (oh don't get me wrong, it's still one hell of a rarepair even in the NFCV fandom, but I'm really thirsty and I feast on crumbs D:), I wondered if they'd have moments just spent together, the equivalent of N!Drac asking N!Isaac if he's his friend. I doubt Dracula would confide in his Generals, because he's extremely proud and closed off, but something about his mask cracking only when Hector is around... Hector shouldering the burden of his Lord's grief...
Eh, maybe not plausible since I imagine that Hector and Isaac would be both overworked to death by this point. But you know. I like quiet bonding scenes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sketching-shark · 2 years
I honestly wish for s3 that the episodes were longer than 11 minutes, so we could get some good development.
Anyway. I kinda like how they handled Macaque's START at redemption (whether he continues on it remains to be seen). I don't consider it full redemption because of the crap he pulled (regardless of circumstances), but it's a start. And Wukong apologizing to MK was great, not as emotional as I thought it'd be, but I was content. And, in regards to MK, the kid appears very understanding and forgiving, and I personally think a lot smarter emotionally than people give him credit for. (Also the fact he put Macaque in time out made me laugh so hard)
I will say it does feel like something in Macaque did change, maybe after getting his ass kicked by possessed Wukong, he realized "well shit, if I wanna live guess revenge isn't gonna help me, I'm just gonna die again". I need more backstory into what happened between them because I feel like A LOT would be explained (not excused, obviously) knowing that info. I want to analyze this monkey's psyche.
Also apologies for this being all over the place 😅 I tend to ramble
Hey no worries @ladyzerodark ! I get where you're coming from & definitely agree that the season 3 special would work best as the START to Macaque's redemption arc rather than its totality. Kind of like I agree that Sun Wukong apologizing to Xiaotian works well as a BEGINNING to an arc of the Monkey King working hard to be the best shifu he can be rather than his apology being a one-and-done kind of deal. Like it's more and more clear that Xiaotian is quite forgiving & wants to give people the chance to change for the best rather than freezing them out of his life or always going straight for the ultra-violence (even though he is very clearly willing to use said ultra-violence to end a bad situation if needed), but tbh in that regard I often feel like the most satisfying stories about redemption/improvement are those that give more weight to the choices & behaviors of the person working to become better rather than treating it as an afterthought to acts of forgiveness. Changing your behavior is hard and arduous process--especially if there's trauma underlying it--but it's still possible & can give you and the people you love a level of peace of peace that didn't seem possible. And seeing the road to get there, making choice after choice to be better even when it's really difficult, can make for really powerful tales.
But that's precisely where I feel a lot of "redemption" stories fall completely flat or become downright insulting and damaging. Like so many seem to be set up in such a way where character A is just dishing out one act of forgiveness/second chance after another even though character B refuses each and every one of them, getting worse and worse & hurting more and more people to the point where you're left like "wow! You could have literally saved a lot of lives if you just murked this a-hole instead of giving them YET ANOTHER chance to be slightly less horrible than they currently are!" And I'm not saying that that kind of story is inherently bad; I think you could do a lot of interesting stuff in terms of exploring how love for one person can blind you to their actions, explore what might happen when explanations for bad behavior becomes excuses for said behavior, and explore the positives and detriments of the concepts of forgiveness and redemption as a whole. What we often get, however, is stories where even after a character is in the deep pit of their moral event horizon and has consistently taken every single opportunity they could to hurt/kill/maim for their own goals, suddenly all of a sudden in the 25th hour they'll be like "okay no longer evil now I want to be loved" & we're just supposed to forget everything they've done. Like what.
BUT ANYWAY, coming back from my own rant about this story type & with apologies for my own act of being all over the place, I feel like even though it was kind of jarring to see how quick Xiaotian was to leave a door open for Macaque given everything this shadow basturd has put him & his loved ones through it definitely was a good move in my book that Macaque isn't a part of team Monkie & that he still clearly has a lot of hostility with SWK. They were allies in an extreme situation, but they still have a LOT of stuff to work out before they could be considered friends, if ever. It will be interesting to see where Monkie Kid will go from here in terms of what they might do with SWK and Macaque's development, but yeah fingers crossed that as you said they treat the s3 special more as the BEGINNING to acts of conscious self-improvement rather than the end point for these two monkeys.
That said, I have to have a laff both at your completely possible idea that Macaque's going to lighten up his attempts at bloody revenge because he's starting to like Xiaotian as a person but mainly because he's now fully aware of just how much SWK has been holding back, and as per usual at the way all of their backstory is treated as such a mystery even though you can turn to JTTW right now & read all about the Six-Eared Macaque's attempt to murder-replace the Monkey King asdfewadf. Yes yes I'm sure they'll add a lot more complexity to the situation in Monkie Kid but honestly it's been a source of constant amusement for me to see people going to JTTW to get a sense of other Monkie Kid characters' backgrounds & motivations but when it comes to Mr. Macaca the popular fandom reaction seems to be "suddenly I could not read <3". IDK why this is. Maybe because it makes Macaque seem a lot less forgivable & SWK's disdain a lot more understandable if the shadow monkey's backstory is still the og classic of "beat up the Tang monk & held SWK's monkey family captive & tried to murder-replace the Monkey King & maybe also cannibalized at least one monkey." Maybe it's because shipping him with SWK is made much more creepy given that basically his entire appearance in JTTW was running around in a SWK fursuit and insisting he was the one and only Monkey King lmao. But at least for me it's starting to get kind of baffling to see the extent to which people just WILL NOT even acknowledge that Macaque's role in JTTW was as SWK's evil twin, or all the reasons that SWK would be enraged at Macaque as a result. We'll see I guess, but personally I'm hoping that they keep in the og background because I think it would make for a really interesting and unique struggle between SWK & Macaque if Macaque's story was "my hatred & admiration of you reached the point where I decided to be you except better & I've now spent centuries living with the fallout of my entire identity revolving around someone I've grown to loathe but I have no idea how to live otherwise," while SWK, after rotting in self-imposed exile for 500 years, seems to have made some hesitant steps to live and grow beyond his past by taking on Xiaotian as his tudi only for that to get almost immediately effed up by both his own errors & a whole host of yaoguai turning against Xiaotian for being SWK 2.0, so that now the Monkey King is left in a state of "why the @#$#!* would you want to be me?!" and/or perhaps worst of all for both of them "yeah man go for it you couldn't possibly be worse at being me than I was."
But yeah in conclusion keeping in at least elements of the og classic could make the background of these two monkeys quite the interesting conundrum far beyond ye olde trope of "you were my friend but then you weren't so I made that everyone's problem until they forgave me for my violent bullshite at the last possible second."
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yjwhatif · 2 years
YJ EPISODE 23 SPOILER NOTES… only three episodes left 😣
First off I would like to start proceedings with the following statement… ED IS NOT IN THIS EPISODE AND THAT IS A CRIME!… okay move on to what was actually in the episode…
Its that lizard kid from Cuba
Oh no Wilhelms leading the mob
Brion returns with a new suit and team... including Papa Smurf - thats Now two Metas who were at Taos last season (and yet there's no Ed in this episode)
So Wilhelm's a Meta? Or is it Everyman has been pretending to be Wilhelm?
New look for violet - looking lovely in pink
Violet can now levitate other things - Could they be one of the most powerful character in the series?
That is exactly how one should go up the stairs when in the presence of a friend who can levitate stuff
I very much prefer this Harper - it just shows how capable a person is to change when given the love and support they deserve from a stable home environment. She genuinely seems happy.
Wait, Harper was actually dating someone? I figured she was just lying about that... Y 'know what, the less we discuss that event the better
Yay for Harper actually communicating her feelings whilst also not pushing for Violet to immediately reciprocate (It kinda reminds me of Imogen in Heartstopper)
The confess feelings and run away move
Ooh that eyebrow raise at the mention of M’gann - I really think she's the only one capable of bringing Conner back from this
That is serious commitment to your cause - sticking your hard straight into boiling lava!
“I've pledged my loyalty to Zod” - Oh no - that's not good.
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“you mean, you'll do them like you did your uncle" - Brions reaction to this is so interesting - he doesn't show anger or disrespect - he's taken aback in a way that almost shows hurt or regret at now being known for such a thing
Love seeing Fury noticing something isn't right with Baazovi
TAOS mention! (yet no Ed in the episode!)
This episode's really gonna go and convince me that I was wrong for hating on Brion, isn't it? Baazovi is really swaying peoples opinions - Brion is showing genuinely reasonable thinking and clearly wants the best for his people and Metas -but he's never going to achieve those desire while he remains under the thumb of Baazovi and the light.
WE RETURN TO TAOS! (And yet we still have No Ed in this episode!)
Group therapy session with Dinah - bring it on. I've said this before but I do like how much we’re actually seeing of the mental health check in sessions and now in more forms than just one on one. The fact that everyone is so open with each other here emphasises how these sessions must have been going on for a while in the background for everyone to be so comfortable with each other.
So we have 3 outsiders, 2 Team-ers, 1 Leaguer, and Gar - I like that there's a range of people at the session
Vic & Violet’s friendship is great - I kinda always forget that its a thing and then they have moments that remind me - and then I'm like - oh ye, Violet literally saved his life so many times and that meant a lot to him.
I just had to look this up - but I did not realise Lia was supposed to be Scottish!
"Gee, I wonder who that could be?” I love this more chilled out Tara - She's fun.
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"Who we talking about?"" You don't have to give us a name" - Dinah trying to reign in the teens
Dinah truly is awesome!
Stop brainwashing the kid! And get him away from Jace!
"I do not like the look of this" - there may be hope for Brion - If we can just get him away from Baazovi - hopefully Fury can help with that
"Please, say nothing!"… *Conner immediately snitches* — Well, I guess now we know why Dick never told Conner any of the secret plans
Markovia really is a mess - that poor minister guy
Callback to the start of Z's arc
Poor Dick - he's losing everything
Wingman is freaking adorable!
Dinah's face at the idea of Gar doing his business outside as a dog
Oh Leslie seriously has the feels for Andi - are we gonna final get some confirmation on these two?
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Gars making some serious improvements and we love him for it! He's doing the time and committing to the work
“I know I'm not ready for the outsiders right now” - It'll be interesting to see how the Bart and Conner situations may/may not effect that decision.
"She can get us out!?" - They just got very intense very quickly
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"She won’t take you…She hates you - called you a tyrant" - The betrayal on Phantom Girls face! Conner stop talking!
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First time seeing how the Zods respond to someone who opposes them
"You will kneel before Zod"
Phantom Girl crying as she leaves Conner behind - and when you consider the commitment she made to save him from the explosion in the first place - putting her hand in literal lava - you can really feel for her now
That scream of pain
That shot of Brion alone in his throne in complete silence really highlights how isolated he's become by following this path
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The genuine look of happiness Brion has at seeing Violet - I'm really feeling for Brion in a way I did not expect!
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Halo's got a costume redesign and I love the new style - the only thing I don't really like is the purple that's still on the hood - it just doesn't go with the red, Yellow and blue that's now on the body. I don't think it would bother me as much if there was some other purple bits else where - like on the hand and feet bits that are now red, or even a slight purple outline at either side of the rainbow. Other than that I really like it - it really shows that they are taking control of all aspects of their life - which is great!
“I missed you!”
I like this conversation that they having
You tell him Vi!
"I have continued my journey but you are still stuck where I left you a year ago!" → Which highlights an interesting parallel between the scenes at Taos and those in Markovia - Dinah stressed the fact that everyone there was in complete control of the experience they had there - no one was being told what to do or how to do it - they guide each other but ultimately make their own choice on how to progress. As we see from both gar and violet, this makes for a really positive experience which helps a person change for a better. Where as with Brion, he's surrounded by those who are manipulating him, making his choices and tricking him into believing they are his own - he's stuck in the same state he was in a year ago because he has no control in his own kingdom or in being his own person - he's basically a puppet tied in place with no way to brake free. The can't progress because he isn't allowed to - and so he'll remain stuck until he finds a way to gain some control back in his life... though I doubt that's gonna happen any time soon.
You tell him Brion!
Fury + Brion confiding in each other... though I just had a horrible feeling of what if one of them isn't who they appear to be?!
Violets finally moving on
"TA-DAH!" hey that's Bart’s thing!
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Why is the image of a gremlin hugging a packet of Chicken Whizees so adorable?
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"Hope you enjoy them!" Grumpy Grayson
"I hate keeping secrets" No you don't! I appreciate that Kaldur gives him the side eye at that - there is absolutely no one who believes you Dick
I do get why they're not involving M’gann - though I do think she's the only one who will be able to actually save Conners mind
"Feeding you my power" - again calling back to Zs arc
"Next Stop, the Phantom Zone"
The Hall of Justice is finally getting rebuilt?!… I wonder how long it’s gonna take for that to get blown again… maybe keep the youngsters away from it this time?
I love all the little cheers of Celebration - "Neptunes Beard!"
So while there was no Ed content ☹️ or anymore Bart development - which I had a feeling might happen - this was still a seriously enjoyable episode and it really had a season 1 vibe about it - at least to me it did anyway. I did not expect what we got with Brion but I did actually like seeing it and realising he’s maybe not the evil villain I was expecting him to be. It’s actually kinda sad how controlled he is. In contrast, it makes me really happy to see how much Violet has grown whilst on their journey of self discovery and seeing how much control and confidence they now have is a really uplifting sight to see. Bring on the next episode!
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galaxies-can-collide · 11 months
You are the new girl
Pt. 5 (Final part)
Summary: Y/N is new in town and comes across two beautiful boys that both spark and interest in her. Which boy will she choose....
Warnings: Just some cute stuff, romance, 18+ a lil (I tried)
Word Count: 3.5k words 
Author Note: I am new to this whole thing, and this is my first post, so be gentle. But also let me know your thoughts and if you want more? I have written so much of this but am always willing to make changes. Part 4 will have a bit more JJ, and then I think the ending will have two outcome, one with Rafe and one with JJ. There are two endings depending on who you chose
“Y/N, are you fucking serious right now. After what we spoke about yesterday you went straight to him and fucked him? Is this a fucking joke?” Rafe questioned you. You didn’t know what to say and you just stood there between the two boys you have become so accustomed to, in more ways than one, completely at a loss for words. “Rafe, I can explain” you tried to say to him but he was just coldly staring at JJ. You turned fully to him and tried to grab his face to make him look at you. “Rafe, look at me, please” he pulled your hands away and stared at you with can only be described as absolutely heartbroken. “Don’t” he said coldly. “I poured my heart out to you yesterday, and you said this was not the end for us and now you are sleeping with him?” he said to you and this is when JJ spoke up and you really wish he didn’t “Whoa wait, Y/N you said to him you weren’t finished with him? But then came straight to me knowing how I felt and slept with me when you still have eyes on him? Wtf is wrong with you” JJ said angrily to you. And now you had no idea what to do or what to say. 
 “Y/N, you need to make a decision because you cannot have both of us and I will not keep chasing you when your loyalties lie with another” Rafe said to you. “If you choose him, I will back off for good. But I will not sit around and wait while you fumble in the sheets with him” he said again. “I hate to say it, but I am on Rafe’s side Y/N. This is not right, you cannot have both of us and I for sure will not share you with him or anyone for that matter” JJ added. “Don’t forget to take that pill” he said once more before walking away leaving you with a very angry and heartbroken Rafe. “Y/N, I love you but I will not wait for you forever. What you have just done has fucking destroyed me but I will not sit here and say I don’t deserve this. My heart had not changed and I still want to fix us, fix this and this will be hard to overcome but we can do it. I will leave you with that and let me know when you have made a decision” he said and then looked at me one last time before leaving me there, alone, absolutely broken.
I had to walk home considering the person that me brought me here left me, when I got home my head was a mess, I had two amazing guys that wanted nothing than to be with me and I had no idea what to do. Rafe fucked up, big time but I can’t sit here and say that I do not love him with my whole heart and soul. JJ has always been there for me and is such an incredible person and I know he would give me nothing but love and never hurt me. The love I felt for each boy was so different. The love for JJ was innocent and pure but the love I have for Rafe was fierce and powerful. I do not know what to do. 
 -Rafe’s ending-
I weighed out the options for a while, a few days actually and I know that is not how a decision like this should be made, but I know when I chose one, I will lose the other and that broke me more than the fact that I had to pick between either of them. I wanted them both in my life, if not for love but for friendship but I know that will never happen because this decision will ultimately destroy one of them, it truly comes down to who I could not live without, who I can love unconditionally and who will love and fight for me unconditionally. The thought of losing either of them weighed heavy on my heart, how are you supposed to do this, I can’t live with either of them but I know that they could not bear to be friends with me if I didn’t choose either. I spent the weekend trying to figure my head out, I received no communication from either of the boys and you understood why, you were inevitably going to break one of their hearts. 
 This was not an easy choice to make but no matter what scenario I played out in my head, one boys always came out on top, he held my heart for now and forever. I figured it would be best to let the other boy down first as that would be harder for me to do. I got dressed the Sunday afternoon and sent him a text asking if we could meet for a talk, he replied back with an okay and that he would meet you down at the dock in half an hour. Time seemed to go by so slowly but when you looked at your phone 20 minutes had past, you had no idea what to say or how he would take it, you arrived at the dock and saw him sitting by the edge of the water, that beautiful blonde hair that you were going to miss, you were going to lose him and that was something you never wanted to happen. You knew above all else you would always have JJ, but that all might change. You walked up to him and sat down next to him, “Hi” you said softly, “Hey Y/n” he said not looking at you.
 “How are you?” you questioned. “Y/N, can you please tell me why you told me to come here” he said harshly, he looked at you and you looked hurt and his face softened. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that”. “No, it’s okay, I understand, you have every right to be mad, I have been a horrible person, to both of you and it’s not fair” I said, I could not help the tears that were streaming, staring into his blue yes, I think he knew what you were going to say but he did not want to accept it just yet, not until the words left your mouth. “I have been thinking a lot these past days” you said, looking away from him and at the water. ”Hurting either of you was never my intention and I am sorry that I have done that” you continued, still not daring to look at him. “Being with you will never be something I regret and I can’t thank you enough for loving me the way you did, but I can’t shake the love I have for Rafe, this has not been easy but it will always be Rafe, and I am so sorry it happened like this, I am so sorry JJ. I never wanted to lose you, but I would understand if you want to walk out of my life, I can’t stop you from leaving” you said, now fully sobbing. You looked at him finally and he was crying. He placed his hand over yours. “Firstly, please stop apologizing. Secondly, I don’t think I will ever understand why you would go back to him after what he did but a piece of me does understand you love him, in. way that you will never love me and as much as that cuts into me, I only ever wanted you to be happy and if that is not with me then all I can do is be there for you, maybe not right now and not so soon. But I hope that one day we can get back to a good place, as friends. I will always love you Y/N, in more ways than you will ever know.” He said and you wished it was him, but your heart lies with Rafe and a part of you knows that it always will. “JJ, you will understand how much I love you, but the love for him is magnetic and I can’t fight it. What he did to me is something I need to deal with, but I will deal with it, with him. Thank you for being my rock all this time. I know we have not been friends for the longest time but you truly are one of the most important people in my life and I love you JJ” you said squeezing his hands. “I hope one day we can get back to our goofy selves” you said giggling. “One day” he said back softly and you two just sat there for a while in silence until he spoke up. “Well, you probably should not keep him waiting, because this weekend drove me insane and I can’t imagine how he is doing”. “I have one more question, if you don’t mind” he asked, and you nodded in response, “You can ask me anything JJ”.
“What are you going to do when you have to leave? Like when your dad’s contract is up. I mean, now that I have you in my life, I don’t think I would be able to have you leave. Not now when I know what life is like with you in it” he said, sadly. “About that, my dad has actually found a place, he wants to stay. I will probably take a year off after school, before I start college, so hate to break it you but you are stuck with me JJ, forever” You said hugging him to which he reciprocated. “I would gladly be stuck with you forever, now go” he said laughing and practically pushing you away, as you were leaving you turned around, “Hey JJ, thank you for being the best friend I could have asked for, I love you” and with that you left as he smiled and mouthed and ‘I love you’ back. 
 You were dreading the walk to Rafe, even though your house was so close to his you weren’t going home you were going to him, so it was nerves and fear that consumed you. What if after what has happened he no longer wants you, what if I left it for too long. You finally arrived at the front door and were hesitant to knock but finally built up the courage, you waited for someone to answer for what felt like forever, Wheezie answered the door and you were silently thankful that she did, “Hey Wheez, is uhm, Rafe home?” you asked softly. “Hey Y/N, yea he is in his room, hasn’t left it” she said back and moved to the side so that you could come in, “Thanks” you said walking up the stairs and you could barely get yourself up the stairs with how much your legs were shaking. You finally arrived at his door and waited a few minutes before you knocked trying to push down your nerves, you heard ruffling on the other side of the door. “I told you to leave me alone” he practically yelled and he opened the door, his eyes instantly softened when he saw you and the your tear stricken face. “Y/N, hi, uhm come in” he said moving aside and you walked in slowly and sat on the edge of his bed. After seeing your face, he immediately thought the worst, he had lost you, it was not him you wanted.
 He sat down next to you, not wanting to be the first one to speak. “I, uhm, just saw JJ” you said, barely above a whisper. His heart sank, you chose him and you were coming to break the news to him. You looked at him and saw the worry across his face. “I told him that I could not be with him, when I am still madly in love with you Rafe” you said and he looked up at you and it was like a whole new look in his eyes. They were glowing. “This hasn’t been easy for me Rafe, you broke my heart and JJ was there to help me. I don’t regret what happened between us, but I know I can never pursue something with him when my heart still and probably always will lie with you” you said again, after he didn’t say anything. It was like he was struggling to get words out. “This won’t be easy Rafe, it will take a lot of work for us to get back to how we were, but I am willingly to work on us, only if you are?” you questioned. He could not get words out, so he cupped your face in your hands and brought a soft kiss upon your lips. “All I ever want is you, no matter how long it takes, I just want you” he said against my lips. “Even though I have a short amount of time left with you, I will spend every day making it up to you, I love you Y/N, you are my whole life” he said smiling. “About that, I am not moving anytime soon, my dad wants to stay. So for you Rafe Cameron, you are stuck with me” you said smiling, waiting for his reaction. He stood up taking you with him, he picked you up and spun you around, “This is the best news, apart from you wanting to be with me, this is a close second. I love you Y/N Y/L/N. I am never ever letting you go again” he said kissing you, and you couldn’t help but smile. You truly and deeply loved this boy. “I never want to be without you, Rafe.” You said. “From here on out, you will never be without me, you are my precious girl.” He said kissing you once more. 
-JJ’s ending-
I weighed out the options for a while, a few days actually and I know that is not how a decision like this should be made, but I know when I chose one, I will lose the other and that broke me more than the fact that I had to pick between either of them. I wanted them both in my life, if not for love but for friendship but I know that will never happen because this decision will ultimately destroy one of them, it truly comes down to who I could not live without, who I can love unconditionally and who will love and fight for me unconditionally. The thought of losing either of them weighed heavy on my heart, how are you supposed to do this, I can’t live with either of them but I know that they could not bear to be friends with me if I didn’t choose either. I spent the weekend trying to figure my head out, I received no communication from either of the boys and you understood why, you were inevitably going to break one of their hearts. 
 This was not an easy choice to make but no matter what scenario I played out in my head, one boys always came out on top, he held my heart for now and forever. I figured it would be best to let the other boy down first as that would be harder for me to do. I got dressed the Sunday afternoon and sent him a text asking if we could meet for a talk, he replied back with an okay and that he would meet you down at the dock in half an hour. Time seemed to go by so slowly but when you looked at your phone 20 minutes had past, you had no idea what to say or how he would take it, you arrived at the dock and saw him sitting by the edge of the water, that beautiful blue eyed boy you have become so familiar with and so accustomed to was no longer going to be a part of your life. You knew there was no chance he could stay in my life if it meant not being with me, I had to face the reality that I was going to lose him, but I had to do what was best for me. 
You walked up to him and sat down next to him, “Hi” you said softly, “Hey Y/n” he said not looking at you. “How are you?” I asked, softly. “I have had better days, not going to lie. And yourself?” he questioned, still not able to look at you. “I have been better” was all you could say. “Is there a specific reason, you told me to meet you here?” he asked, he sounded wounded and you knew that you were about to break his heart further. “Yes, Rafe. Uhm, this weekend has not been an easy decision for me and has been weighing heavy on my heart, but it ultimately came down to what it good for me and what I deserve. And Rafe, I don’t deserve what you did to me. You will never understand how much you hurt me and what you put me through, and JJ was there, through all of it, he never left. I love you Rafe, that much is true, but I am no longer in love with you. You will always be my first love, but you won’t be my last and that is something we need to accept. For a long time I thought it would be me and you forever, but my forever changed and now belongs to someone else. I will never love JJ the way I love you, but it’s different, its innocent. We had our time and it ended and I can’t look past what you did even if I tried, I am so sorry Rafe. This is the decision my heart has made, I love you always but it will fade as will your love for me. I hope you can understand” you finally said, and you could not stop the tears that streamed down your face at seeing the man you loved cry and break down. He looked at you with tear stricken cheeks. “Don’t do this” he whispered. “We can make this work, we can fix this, you don’t belong with him and you know it. You are my whole world, and my love for you will never fade. Please, don’t leave me” he said, voice cracking from his crying. “I have to try Rafe, I am so sorry” you said standing up to leave. 
 He stood up quickly and grabbed your wrist pulling you towards him, he tried kissing you but you pulled away, “No Rafe, nothing will change my mind, this is it for us, please respect that” you said, pulling your arm from his grip and walking away, he did not chase, which you were thankful for. This was already hard enough. “I will always love you, Y/N. You are my happiness” he said under his breath, but you heard him and you heart broke as you walked away from the boy that you use to call yours, knowing it will all become a distant memory one day. 
You made your way to JJ, nervously stopping at his front door, you would never knock when you went to visit but this time you did not know where you two stood with one another, so you knocked. A red eyed JJ opened the door, but you could tell it was from tears. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” he said, he took in your tear stained cheeks and panicked. “Y/N, are you okay? What happened” he said worried, pulling you in for a hug. “JJ, we need to talk” you said pulling away and he looked worried, he did not want to lose you and he thought that after today, he might just have to let you go. “Yea, okay” was all he said as he made his way to his room and you followed. You sat down on his bed and tapped the side next to you for him to sit. “I just saw Rafe” you said and he looked at you, waiting for you to say something. “I told him I could not be with him. As I am in love with someone else” was all you said and he smiled a little but you could tell he still wanted to hear his name. “I told him, I wanted to be with you JJ, that our story still has a forever, if you want to explore that with me?” you questioned, staring into his blue eyes waiting for a response or some sort of reaction. “Y/N, that is all I have ever wanted. I am so in love with you it drives me crazy, but I am also sorry about Rafe. I know that must have been hard” he said grabbing your hand. “It was but the outcome is so much better” you said smiling, he grabbed your face and laid a perfect kiss on your lips. “To our forever, my beautiful girl” he said smiling. “To our forever, my JJ” you said back.
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gierosajie · 2 years
Okay! Some of them I thought of myself, others I made with a friend of mine.
I should let you know the basic premise first. Basically the Ninja are fighting a bunch of bad guys (I’m still working on this part) and an accident leads to the Ninja and Wu getting stuck in KnY. The villains are also there, and the team has to find them and stop them. But they also have to deal with the demons and Muzan. Eventually they team up with the Demon Slayers to stop both parties.
The element of creation is extremely effective against demons in KnY. After all, demons are creatures of destruction, and the best way to confront destruction is with creation. But the demons in KnY don’t have nearly as much resistance as the Oni do. Because of this, Wu and the Ninja’s powers are also extremely effective against demons. The Ninja control the four elements of creation, plus Lloyd since his element is basically a combination of all four. Wu is literally the Master of Creation. Nya’s powers is the only one that isn’t lethal to demons, but still really helpful when fighting them.
The Ninja become heavily feared among demons. Wu especially, cause the man is literally the Master of Creation. Not to mention the fact he’s part Oni and Dragon. And he’s just a force to be reckoned with in general. He’s basically the Grim Reaper to them. Muzan tries to find information on them but can’t find jack shit 'cause jokes on him, they’re from another realm lmao.
Sucks to be Muzan cause after they see the shit he does they got beef with him and they ain’t leaving 'til he goes down.
Literally everyone is confused by their existence. Wu and Lloyd especially because they seem human but they kinda aren’t? Like, the Hashira, the Trio, and demons can’t tell that they aren’t fully human. Wu ain’t even human, he’s actually part demon and dragon, apparently. Same goes for Lloyd except he’s also part human. Everyone is confused.
Jay and Tengen would be besties. Straight up. They’re both really flashy and flamboyant. Tengen would like Jay’s clever quips and creativeness. (People tend to forget this man is an inventor). They make the most dramatic entrances and Jay often uses his powers to make them even more epic. They make the craziest combo moves, including but not limited to "Human Stun Gun". The name speaks for itself.
Cole, Kyojuro, and Mitsuri are also besties. Brought together by their never ending love of food. Super strong and super foody.
Zane and Shinobu hit it off.
Wu is the crafty old man everyone knows not to fuck with.
Lloyd joins Tanjiro’s friend group because I say so. Teaches them Spinjitsu and Airjitsu.
Lloyd and Zane make their own Breathing Styles.
Wu and Kagaya are besties.
The Ninja have their Golden Weapons (which aren’t powerless in this AU), so they use the Tornado of Creation to make stuff they need but don’t have in the primitive timeline they’re in. Because of this, the Demon Slayer Corps becomes more technologically advanced than the rest of the world.
I’m still working on this AU and it’s not fully thought out yet, but I enjoy talking about it with my friend a lot. We'll come up with more stuff in the future.
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
This ended up a bit long, so under the cut it goes-
1. Interesting things to note is that the oni in Ninjago are closer to the western iteration of demons (from what I could tell, at least) while in KnY, they're pretty much a kind of youkai. With that said, the oni in KnY are weak to the power of the sun and since there isn't much about the ones in Ninjago being weak to the sun as far as I can remember, they get some degree of resistance. This could imply that there's something about the tornado of creation and the element itself that replicate whatever the sun has going on that the oni in KnY are weak to.
Also, with the whole thing in Seabound about the element of water, I feel like that would have something to do with it not being lethal since it didn't actually originate from the FSM and creation
Idk if it was intentional on your part, but there are interesting connections to be made there with the sun, creation, and light
2. Fear of the unknown is quite a powerful thing, especially when there's a whole bunch of people that very much Do Not Exist in that world or even operate the same
3. The thing about Muzan is that he is very punchable and manages to be the center of beef skxbdjvf
4. Shgdjghgs their vibes are Wack. I feel like Inosuke would be doubly confused when trying to sense them because it. doesn't exactly seem natural to him.
5. Oh yeah DEFINITELY! And Jay already has experience in flashiness and showmanship that would quickly grab Tengen's attention considering his stint as a show host that one time. Jay's got the charm too
6. Cole would probably come off as a bit serious at first, but as soon as they start talking, they'll definitely hit it off nicely! They just have those friendly vibes
7. With Zane and Shinobu, I feel like they'd probably take a look at each other, nod, and refuse to elaborate further
8. That man has mischief in his blood and was definitely not the responsible sibling everyone thinks he is. He's a gremlin with experience and a poker face backing him up
9. Lloyd needs more friends close to his age skdfbsihf Tanjiro is gonna end up with an extreme water wheel at this rate if he masters those techniques and knowing him, he will attempt to get Lloyd to teach him. Inosuke learns it just to one-up everyone and possibly turn into a helicopter
10. Lloyd already incorporates a bunch of stuff to his fighting style by virtue of having multiple teachers with their own combat preferences, so he likely eventually ends up throwing in techniques. With how many influences there are, an entirely new breathing technique is plausible. Zane on the other hand, probably tweaks one of the techniques to better suit him that it just branches off
11. As they should
Also, the dynamic tho– an old man with too much time, and a young man who's constantly running out of it, both carrying wisdom and the weight of other people's lives
12. I feel like they're gonna end up speedrunning the industrial revolution going on at this rate djdbsjvf
There seems to be a lot of thought put into this and I'm kinda curious to see where you'll take this, hehe
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
His Dark Material: The Enchanted Sleeper (3x01)
We're back, and it's the final season! This episode picked up right where we left off, without missing a beat. My thoughts and feelings are remarkably similar to how I think I was feeling a couple years ago when season two was on the air. Let's dive in.
The church stuff is such an important piece of the puzzle especially here in the third season/book, but I still find myself the most bored whenever we flip back to dealing with Fra Pavel, and that whole world. It's not that it's bad, necessarily, it's just sort of... dour, and slow, in a way that I don't feel gripped by.
I also thought Will and Iorek's interaction was a bit oddly paced? I get that there's a lot of book to get through very quickly and we only have eight episodes to do it, but Will finds Iorek, immediately challenges him to a duel and then uses the knife to cut through a bit of his armor, showing that he has a weapon too powerful to beat. This is straight from the book, and yet it felt very contrived and way too easy that Will would think of this idea right away and it would work so neatly. Maybe a small thing, but just thought I'd point it out.
An eternal complaint I have about this show is that the daemons are not front-and-center enough on the screen, which makes it easy to forget about them sometimes. Which is a problem, when so many key story elements are contingent on whether or not a person has a daemon with them or not. More visible daemons, please!
Asriel's stuff I mostly liked, but his whole army-gathering plan just gives him such a strange energy, like, he's the one guy who's got it all figured out and so he gets to be the one to say "fuck you, God"? I get that it's more complicated than that, it's just that Asriel's almost too much of a bad-ass here and I'm not sure I entirely like it.
I loved all the stuff with Lyra in the cave with Mrs. Coulter. The spooky dreams where she sees Roger in an unfamiliar place, all the moments when Pan is awake and trying to rouse Lyra before Mrs. Coulter can put her to sleep again... the little Deaf child who is bringing supplies to Mrs. Coulter, believing she's helping a woman to awaken her daughter from an enchanted sleep. I loved the atmosphere, the inherent creepiness, and the fact that Mrs. Coulter really is, in her own twisted way, trying to protect Lyra. That's been true from the start, no matter how evil she might be in other ways. She knows why the church is after Lyra, and if she has to imprison her daughter to keep her away from dangerous folk, she'll damn well do it.
I also liked our introduction to Baruch and Balthamos, Asriel's new angel allies. They're tasked with bringing Will (and the knife) to Asriel to join in his growing army against God himself, but Will is determined to find Lyra first. Knowing how this story is going to play out, it's so satisfying to see Will stick to his convictions and go after his friend first. I'm continually just so impressed by everyone's performances; there was such a depth of emotion to Will's determination to find Lyra. Also loving that they didn't chicken out on the gay angels thing. That's from the book too.
Mostly, the Asriel stuff was pretty cool. You gotta love this dude rolling up with his magic flying machine powered by his thoughts, his bad-ass white tiger at his side, rescuing political prisoners and recruiting cool and interesting allies to his bizarre cause. Dude wants to kill death itself, I'm sure that'll be fun to see. McAvoy is doing great things with this part, is all I'll say.
This is a brief review, because there's another episode that's also out and I want to get to that one as well. By and large, pretty happy with all the setup we're getting here. This book is absolutely bonkers with all the stuff that has to happen in it, so I'm anxious and excited to see how well they pull it off!
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